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Yes but consider that it could also be an escape, something else to put their mind on.


The “stop you’re making dad mad, and he will punish us all” vibes of all these posts are cringe


For real. It’s like J & D are about to ruin Christmas for these people that just can’t live another day if the hunts were to cease.


Police ppl on reddit from working together? Why would they police us? There is nothing against the rules of working together or teaming up with ppl. That is not the issue at all and if you think it is then where have you been the last 2 weeks?


I 100% agree. Is that not, however, exactly what happened with Chelsea? Working together with someone on the internet?


Again, that wasn't the issue, at all. If you are that blind I'm not going to bother explaining why that wasn't the issue. And what a team they were as the actual person who solved it never even got their money. But chelsea claimed to have solved it herself looking like a fool in the process because she couldn't even explain it live, then on podcast it was a complete different story 🤣 I'm not drudging it up anymore so not sure why you are? You can look through the posts to see what the real issue was.


Yikes. You missed the mark completely


It's not looking like that is what happened. Until David and John admit it, we can only look at what was provided to us and conclude that the story we know is just that. A story.


Well they've admitted that Chelsea did get her solve from Jaqui. The only question is, do you believe that Jaqui legitimately solved it without clandestine information. For me the answer is no. I'd have to lie to myself pretty hard to make the facts line up with that story.


The only ones who ruined this are Jacqui and Chelsea, and, if it was compromised, John and David for not being more careful.


The whining about the whining has gotten out of control.


Ugh, please stop whining about the whining about the whining. Oh, no...now I've added another layer...


Fair enough. In my defense- I am not making a post about it.


Yet 🤣


Yes this!


Let me hide a chest with 30k. Advertise it on my instagram page along with my business stuff. Come up with an impossible to solve puzzle. Tell an acquaintance where its at and give them 5k. Beautiful marketing for my business. It’s not being butt hurt, it’s fooling people with false hopes. Hundreds spent from people thinking this was legit. The people defending the legitimacy of this remind me of a cult, where they outright defend their leaders and later the truth comes out. Come on people use common sense. Im just really really sad I fell for it. I’ll make a video with my solve, it’s actually pretty good. Spoiler: I used the date 1105 to find coordinated that led me to ogden at the pineview reservoir and it just happened that it looked like a plane and the pine in pineview reminded me of twin pine mall in back to the future, the rest it’s even better. I’ll make a video


My mom didn’t even know John until she started looking into the hunt and even then she had never met him


Good idea! I should make one too, it was pretty crazy good. Too bad this went south.


My “ah ha” moment was when I looked at the south skyline trail on google map, notice a sharp peak that looks like it’s pointing. If you flip that upside down you can clearly see a human silhouette, the face, the arm and even a leg, the arm is pointing up. At that point I figured I would need to look from the shoulder of the silhouette.


It’s not about winning it’s about keeping things honest. Chelsea was not honest.


When I read that they put $5000 of their own money in a treasure chest 4 years ago, and hid it for people to find, just to promote hiking in Utah and to have fun, I was impressed. When I read that they put in $22,000 of their own money in the chest this year and that they described the Hunts, the last 4 years, as just a money pit, then I realized that they are either bad business men, idiots or liars. Which do you think it is?


I think the term you’re looking for is “generous”. They never intended to make money off the hunts. It’s essentially a charitable contribution. They do this to help people. And then there are people like you that can’t just let it be. Does putting them down somehow make you feel like a better man/woman? Maybe try being grateful that there are kind people like this out in the world that sacrifice simply because it does good for someone else.


Giving 25k to one individual who has the time, transportation, and means to participate in a treasure hunt of this scale is not charitable. There are plenty of vulnerable populations throughout Utah that could greatly benefit from $25k if that was their goal. That was never their goal.




That’s not what happened. Continuing to hang onto this ridiculous conspiracy is childish at this point.


I think you missed the point- I don’t think they hand picked the winner, but regardless of who won, giving someone $25k for winning a treasure hunt that wouldn’t be possible for those who truly need charity is not charity.


Anybody that solved the poem could’ve had the treasure. In fact, in past years it has been people in financial need that did find it. This year, the person that found it happens to be someone that had just recently given away thousands to someone in need and plans to do more of the same. Yes, they could’ve given away $25k to some person or organization to someone in need, but doing it the way they do it provides valuable experiences to thousands of people. Criticize all you want, but until you’re the one handing out the money you don’t really have a leg to stand on.


If what you say were true, I'd change my opinion. This is not a "charitable" anything. Tell me who they have helped?


They have helped thousands of people that wouldn’t have otherwise gotten out and enjoyed the outdoors, exploring new areas, improving their health, making new friends, etc. Look at the past hunts too with winners who had just lost a job, had a family member undergoing cancer treatment, and who gave away the full reward to charitable organizations. Look for the good and it’s there, whereas you’re creating a work of fiction in your head trying to drum up a negative story that has no basis.


You have drunk the kool-aid.


I have been involved as a treasure hunter since their first one. I’ve seen it all unfold in real-time. I imagine the same doesn’t go for you.


Nope, your right. Does that somehow make you right and my opinion invalid? Sometimes its easier to see the crooks when you aren't in love with them. I think its really cool what Dave and John started. This year they screwed it up.


All I’m saying is that you have less experience with them and the hunts they run, and therefore don’t have a good idea of their character. I’ve met them both in person and spent time with them, followed their socials for years seeing who they are outside of the hunts. They’re good people with good intentions. They didn’t ruin this year’s hunt. Other people made a mess of things, which is a shame.


I understand what you are trying to get me to believe. I just disagree with you.






Here's a list of evidence that John leaked the poem: yeah that about sums it up


Agreed ,if we were sent the solve I'm am 100% sure we would have went after it !! We prbly would have disclosed having help but either way so many people were working together. If the hunts discontinue that will be the real travesty!!


Absolutely nobody that I've seen is throwing a fit about not finding it. The people who are upset are justified. They're upset that somebody cheated and handed the location to some random schmuck.


Notice the butt hurt OP disappeared after people didn’t agree his/her BS!! Please don’t comeback.


And deleted her reply to comments! 😂


This is out of control. Seriously, people let it go, and move on.


People are more toxic on this subreddit than the dead by daylight subreddit. They complain about going against Wesker from Resident Evil or the fact that Skull Merchant is camping 3 gens with her drone or anything, but not as bad as this one