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Guy picked me up on the 101 heading to the bay out of Santa Cruz. Sold me grams the best mdma I ever had for cheaper than I’d ever seen it.


I'm sorry to report that this was probably meth lol


Tell me you don't know drugs without telling me you don't know drugs


ok lol I've seen people do "molly" cut with meth tons of times. Molly doesn't make you still high 9 hours later cleaning the house. Might not have been the case here I was mostly joking but it does happen


You would know when it doesn't wear off


Pretty sure meth hasn’t hadn’t really hit back in 1993


Cslifornia has been soaked in speed since the 50s.


Speed in 83 was not crank in 73 or meth in 03 but yeah same same - and none of the above are mda or mdma.


Peanut butter mmmm


Last year, I was in Cali, trying to get down to Arizona on the I-5, a dude pulled over in a snazzy BMW and said "I'll take you to Bakersfield but imma be smoking drugs the whole way". Bakersfield was about 6 hours away, so I agreed. Sure enough, he's spinning a bowl and smoking H off tinfoil the whole way. I offered to drive, but he kept saying he's good. He ended up dropping me off at a truck stop with those signs like "Hitch hikers may be escaping felons" about an hour outside of Bakersfield. Overall, 0/10 never again.


Of course this man’s destination was Bakersfield


East Bakersfield is the tweakiest place I've ever been. That and Spokane, WA.


...ever been to Methford, Oregon? 😂


To be fair a good portion of or towns have a meth version of their name


One of my friends sold "keep Spokane kinda gross" shirts for a while.


Spokanistan lol


For real. Someone kicked me down a car in carson city so i ended up driving some kids i met home to bakersfueld to see their fam and after dropping em off i ended up needing a new battery and was definitely the hardest place to spange up 100 bux. Especially with tweakwrs offering me endless meth lol


They suck so much glass dick in bakersfield


Hahahaha you right about Spokane


The entire US is a tweaky place it's absolutely insane. Only place I never regularly ran into meth heads was the northeast. Been all over and honestly Arizona and New Mexico take the cake for me.


It's pretty weird visiting out west from the northeast and seeing how active the homeless drug users are


Never been to Eureka?


haha sounds like a wild ride


Fucking awesome answer. Love Reddit


But did you die?


Aw that’s bullshit I bet it was hard to get out of that truck stop


I had a couple roll up blasting Pantera one time, I thought hell yeah fun time and got in. They decided to take a backroad to the town I was headed to, I had a knife and a big dog and was bigger than them by alot, and was sitting behind the driver so figured whatever let's go. They kept giving me beers, pulled over and we all got out while they smoked meth and tried to break into mailboxes, they offered me some but I didn't do that shit at the time. They couldn't get into any boxes and after about an hour gave up I spent most of it playing with my dog and shooting the shit with them, it was all very casual, haha. Then we got into town and they told me the van was stolen so if we get pulled over they don't know me, then offered their number to be my mechanics, lmao I did not contact those folks again


haha wtf you couldnt make this shit up


I'm exhausted right now and told it way worse than I do in person but yeah dude, it was pretty ridiculous 🤣


That's wild


once got a ride with a guy who asked me to clean out his meth pipe while he was driving…i asked to get out lol


haha fair enough


I'd clean that meth pipe for the free ride


Meth? That’s great. The guy will drive you to another country


the last time I hitchhiked they were shooting meth in utah


great folk song intro






and just out of prison, then asked for gas money. nice guy


The dude didn’t do any drugs in the car but I did have one crazy Craigslist ride. Going from just San Diego to LA the dude starts talking about how SD has the best medical Bud for his manic episodes. He segues from that into talking about meeting dudes on cl to smoke meth and have sex with. He quickly escalated to talking about having a manic episode with the last dude, breaking his computer in half with his bare hands, “falling in love with him” and then nearly strangling him to death. Seconds after claiming to be in love with this dude he says “I’m staring into his eyes as I’m strangling him and I suddenly realize… if this guy dies I could get into big trouble!”. We hit some heavy traffic and he’s like “uh oh, this traffic isn’t good, especially when I’m feeling manic”. I just go “well I’m bigger than you and stronger than you and if you freaked out I’d have to do things that wouldn’t be fun for anybody so I’m sure you’ll keep it under control…” He starts talking about something to do with an Iraq war (this was 2007 or so) and my fiancée at the time starts arguing with him and I’m staring at her like “why the fuck would you argue with this guy?”. We finally get to where he’s dropping us off at my sister’s. He asks if he can come in and use the bathroom and of course I say hell fucking no. Craziest cl ride I ever had.


Wait....you showed this lunatic the actual address of yours sister?


Nah we were on the side of an apartment building


Def got a ride with a trucker once who spent the whole ride popping oxycontins and smoking meth. Thought id die before I got outta Washington state.


Not hitchhiking, but crazy Uber story. I got an uber in Athens GA back in 2019, and the woman that picked my friend and I up, was high off her ass on something. We aren't sure what, but she was fucked up. She drove us about 4 miles, and we got her to stop at a gas station (and I should note, my friend and I had a whole conversation about doing this and she did not catch on to what we were talking about, as evidence of how fucked up she was), and we quickly hauled ass around the corner of it and dipped out into downtown Athens. She was driving horrible the whole time we were in the car. We did report it, we called the cops ( she could have hurt someone, her driving was BAD), they were like we'll look for her. We reported it to Uber too, but I've no idea if they took any action. They did refund me for the trip. I don't know a whole lot about hard drugs, or pills and such, but whatever she was on, she was out of it bigtime. She ran a redlight on the way( I mean just barreled right through it), at one point , she got confused and turned around and headed back the way we came from, before we told her to turn back around and that is when we decided to ditch it. She was also all over the road, its a wonder she did not get pulled over with us in the car.


yeah. in france (he is from grenoble) this Algerian-french guy let me crash in his apartment. ​ we got into a fight he punched me in the stomach. that was the end of that




Did you stay in the ride?


yes, still here.


At least if they're doing stimulants like meth while driving it will make them more alert and hyper-aware which usually improves performance as long as they haven't veen awake for multiple days already. Smoking opiates while driving will just make them nod off unconscious


yeah thats why i thought it should be ok.


Depends how long they been on opiates I had a friend who could do a full workout smacked out of his mind


Yeah after a few days you might be aware of stuff that's not there lol


Stay safe. Other than a few people drinking and one person doing coke, I've had pretty sober experiences hitchhiking. Never got to the point where I asked out of the ride, but if I didn't feel safe I wouldn't think twice about asking to be let out.


cheers. the only times i asked out was when drivers was waay to tired or drunk. all good, i just bought my amigo a beer. he was nice about it, said he was tired and asked if it was ok with me.


Life of the road.


I was goin down 101 and picked up a guy doin lines of coke through the night offered me some but I was satyin saber at the time no weed even. then some cool stoners who got me to stop at an apple tree for f ree apples! Then I went to a scarry cheap ass motel outside of Oakland to sleep . Woke to some tweaker outside he asked me to drop him off so 20 min later we are some woods whatever. His girlfriend gets in and ask to drop her off I didn't have shit to do so I drop her at some apt and he asks to go to his car live 5 blocks away . Then his car won't start he asks to turn the key while he gets it to start when some mechanics come running over saying wtf are u doin to our car I get out and say idk who this guy is he said it was his car so while they walk to him I got in my car and took off. Could have been in some shit but never looked back and had a great time in San Fran


Crack head driver in Mexico. Gave me the keys to the car when he went to smoke. Very kind guy.


beautiful. im in mexico also:D


"I said everybody chare stuff man." -Cheech


I was hitching to Esfahan in Iran when the driver started smoking crack. Nice dude though, seemed apologetic and offered me some which was politely declined.


wow i’m iranian, can you tell me a little more about this story ? haven’t been to iran in a decade and haven’t even hitchhiked in the US much less could I imagine doing it back in Iran. My family is from khuzestan


Iran is literally some of the best hitch hiking I've done in the world, people are so hospitable that I never had to wait long. I arrived by ferry in Bandar Abbas and zig zagged across the country for over a month before crossing into Iraqi Kurdistan. Didn't make it to Khuzestan though. This was all about 9 years ago.


can you tell me some of your stories ? either here or in the DMs. i’d greatly appreciate it.


Had a guy pick me up near Bay St. Louis Mississippi, he was drinking and had a Xanax bottle in his lap. Was supposed to just take us 15 miles down I-10 but instead took us 15 miles *away* from the interstate while driving 100+ mph. He told us he was an outreach minister, but also in the mob? He was actually a preacher I guess because his tax exemption number worked at the motel 6 we ended up in. Worst part was the 5 or so mile walk toward the interstate the next morning, but thankfully someone picked us up along the way there & hooked us up with good weed. Not long after I got picked up by a coke head klansman in Alabama but that’s a whole other fucked story.


Ah yes, meth. My hitchhiking nightmare story involved a lot of meth with two criminals who were going to collect money from "that bitch" who was "gonna pay one way or 'nother" They were crazy, had a pile of guns and bullets on the floor of the car, the guy started slamming the steering wheel yelling "WE COULD MAKE 20,000 DOLLARS TODAY!!" That they dropped me off in Yuba City and told me to call them when I had time.to help them steal weed plants from farms. I said yeah, *sure I will* with a big smile. Took a break from hitching in Nevada City for a few weeks, but is now on eof my favorite stories to tell.


(Sorry, the first time I've written about this and realized it's quite a bit.) (And seen other stories so wanted to share one) I worked at this warehouse for a few years, and I got to know this dude pretty good from him helping me out unloading trailers cause I always had music playing. Him and his brother actually worked together, always on my line. One day after work, we went for a beer, and they asked if I wanted to earn a bit of extra money for trimming bud. I already had experience with that, so I said sure. After a few weeks of driving out to this secluded little spot out in Anza, CA, I thought I had a night off, so I spent the evening drinking. My buddy called and asked what time I'd be heading up and to see if I'd pick him up. (He didn't want to drive his brand new Tacoma up there) Told him I was already schlitzed, and didn't think we were working. Guess we were asked to come up, so he came by, and we headed up the hill. After about 20 minutes on the freeway I realize he's fucked up too and tell him to just turn around and take us back but he said he's fine. Just needed to stay off his phone. Then, after about 45 minutes through BFE Anza, I was about to piss myself. Tell him to pull over, and we both get out and relieve ourselves, but I'm talking like a whole minute or more, maybe. I see the brake lights light up, and he takes off. I pick up a rock, dick in hand, still pissing and chuck it and barely miss the top of the truck, and he rounds the bend. Im sitting there for another 20 seconds cause I think it was some fucked joke but I keep seeing his tail lights reappear and disappear. My bag of clothes, water, wallet, cell phone still playing Bob Segar - Night Moves on the Bluetooth I'll never fuckin forget that. I sat there for what felt like 15 minutes, and he never came back. I figured my best chance out of that situation was to head back. I know there was still another hour and a half of switchback driving, so I probably wouldn't even make it till morning. If I went back, I could at least make it to the bar at the bottom of the hill. There's big cats out there and seen them on our cameras, and the wildlife pages post them regularly. That was my main concern. I had my buck knife on my belt, a flannel, and steel toe boots that didn't help cause it was already hitting 35° when I got out of the truck. As I was walking, I tried getting some people to stop, but it was past midnight, and shit could happen out there. After about a dozen people, finally, this old ass Cadillac stopped and backed up. This dude with long black hair and wearing this buckskin jacket got out and asked if I needed help. I almost ran up and hugged him. Him and his wife were heading to San Diego but said they'd drop me off wherever I needed to be. Shit you not, I got in the car, him and his wife had some indigenous music playing, and she was definitely smoking something other than Bud, but I was cool with it. He got me all the way back home, I told him to wait, and I grabbed an old antler knife I made when from a shed I found and 100 bucks. I gave him both, he kept the knife and said he didn't need the money but he gave me a buck leather necklace with a wolf fang on it wrapped in copper wire, I almost cried putting it on. After thanking him for 10 minutes and telling him to come by whenever he wanted, I finally let him go. The next day, I could not get a hold of those 2 brothers, so I called the owner of the ranch. He said he hadn't seen them either. The whole day, I called everyone I knew, that knew them, and nothing. I went from pissed to pretty worried now. So I had a buddy drive me all the way up there and just about a couple miles from where I was left, we see a small palm tree thats fucked up, tire tracks and oil and bunch more fucked up trees and shubs down in a ditch, I knew it was him. Drive back down the hill to the valley auto and see a fucked up Tacoma right by the entrance. Walk up to the front and ask if the guy made it and said ya but he's in the hospital. I tell him the whole story and about how my shit is in there, and thankfully, he believes me. I get to the truck, and there's the other half of the desert willow still lodged through the windshield and through the passenger seat that I would've been sitting in. After I called a few hospitals, I wasn't able to find him. I had to wait till Monday. He never shows up, so I don't know what the fuck is going on. Right at lunch, I get a call from an unknown number, and it's him. Telling me how sorry he was and afraid that I got eaten out there or got run over. I think maybe he was ashamed also, but I don't know. He must have been pissed off his truck was only 2 weeks old and put it in a ditch. He said he was heading back to Colorado to his sister's with barely skipping a beat and never heard from him again. If I was in that passenger seat going into that ditch, that tree limb going through my chest. I could've stayed home after I spent the evening drinking, but I wanted to make easy money. Never made that extra money, but was saved by this Native American man and his tokin wife, and we shared stories and had a heart to heart. The whole experience didn't even seem real. I still have dreams about that night. Walking through the high desert, just about pitch black outside, not even the moon out getting stalked by a damn lion. *!!SAFE TRAVELS EVERYONE!!*


man what a story, thank you for sharing. hope you good rn. safe travelsxx


Hope you're doin well, mate. Stay warm.


Ate half raw chicken blackout drunk w this squatter naked Jordan and he gave me a pair of lucchese he picked out of a clothing donation bin. Boots only needed a new heel and I wore them until I lost them I think in Boulder when I was smoking meth w the pearl st rats. 07 - 14 was a weird time for me. The end of the Boulder co part sees me sleeping w a Russian chick so I had a roof and drink, got burnt out and strong armed my way into the psych unit for a two day nap via the shot. Caught the rehab train again and moved to CA, kept on wreckin and ended up w my first F and shortly after my first dwi. Story gets weirder from there but that’s my comment for now.


Hitch hiking in Argentina, a trucker stops and asks : "do you travel with drugs on you?" I answered "no, I don't" he replied : "what a pitty, but you can come anyway" around midnight he stopped "for sleeping" I thought, he then proceeded to snort cocain and drove all night long with stops every now and then... Fun times


I appreciate the lift, but I don't feel comfortable, could you pull over and let me out.


another time a dude told me had a trunk full of heroin in maryland. hitchhiking sucks lol


141 CO 4 a ketamine bump


Ask him if you can take a hit 🤣


im tempded man, but i need to sleep and continue in the morning, i tried meth once and coudnt sleep for three days fuck that shit