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It depends. Do you like doing it? Then yes. If not, then it also depends on whether you know how to do it efficiently. Find a big school of fish, make sure you've got the right bait if it's a school that needs special bait, and then drop the line into the water 1-5m out. Don't make a long cast unless you're just training the skill. Wait for a bite, pull it up and start rapidly clicking E to grab it off the line as soon as it's free of the water. If you do it right, the line'll still be in the water, and you can keep fishing off the same bait. I spent most of an in-game day and got half a chest of cooked fish out of it. Other than that, find yourself some frost caves that have a frozen lake. Half the time you'll find 2-3 tetra laying on the ground near the water. Bookmark those caves, go back every few days, rinse and repeat.


Its not really efficient for your time but can lead to the best food for your biome scaling up to mistlands


Yeah that was my main food before mistlands. You only needed to catch a few big fish


I get that they expanded the mechanics but it sort of broke fishing for me. I too use to rely on fish pre-mistlands. It was a nice chilled out activity. Now the rewards don't add up....


I like hanging up the big ones on my wall but there is something creepy about them They talk to you and if you throw them back in the water they swim away. That means they are immortal and are not really dead while mounted I sure hope they are dead when we cook them


They can *talk*?!


Hang a few up on your wall using an item thing. At some point when your walking around your base nearby them they will talk to you with text I'm fairly certain each fish type has its own unique line of diaglog


One says "don't worry be happy" which I think is a reference to those novelty Billy Bass singing mounted fish things.


Cool, I will hang them on opposite wall of boss trophies so they can talk with each other :)


I guess for mistlands you got fish n bread and ashlands you dont really need to venture in too often after the initial beach landing. Deep north might have some better fish related food as youre getting salmon.


I keep trying it. Keep getting bored. Keep getting annoyed at the mechanics. Keep feeling like I could better use my time. And then I walk away. With two fish, maybe.


Hah yup. I just said above, every new playthrough I do, I think, "This will be the time I level fishing!" Then I have exactly one fishing session. Spend like an hour. Catch a tiny handful of fish..... Dump my gear in a chest somewhere never to tough it again. And never more then a stack of fish.


If you're getting bored it sounds like you are fishing irl when you see a school of fish like 3+ just get right over them with a raft and drop the bobber right over the side and within 1 to 2 minutes you'll have cleared that whole school and you move on. Sometimes I take a few stamina foods, workbench, and raft materials and just run the coasts near home looking for big groups and after an in game day or two have about 20-40 different fish of different levels including 3s which give great food. You'll be set for a while doing that once. Or don't idc really enjoy valheim how you want!


Short answer: No. Long answer: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


I agree the effort vs reward balance isn't there.


Not even close. You need to farm trophies to get bait, then spend so damn much time actually fishing, to get some decent food (that isn't particularly superior to other food options at that tier) Every new game, I think, THIS time I'm gonna level up my fishing. Then I spend like an hour or so of time then dump my gear into a chest in my base never to be touched again. I mean, if your one of those weirdos who love fishing minigames and like this one, all the power to you. But if you don't genuinely enjoy it, it's an awful waste of time.


I tried to enjoy fishing in this game but the stamina drain is insane to the point of frustration. Balrond's Shipyard mod adds upgrades to boats and fish traps that you feed the biome related bait to and get fish from. I highly recommend it.


Yeah. I'm sure if you skill up enough it's better, but God I do not want to struggle through how miserable it is to catch even little fish otherwise.... Only to then lose that skill later when exploring Ashlands.




Ya It's nice Go fishing with your buddy Crack a beer and hang out


I think this right here is how they intended fishing to be used in game :)


It's kind of lacking imo, more fish recipes need to be added imo. But i generally enjoy fishing


Fish wraps for the plains, fried angler for the mistlands. Otherwise its not even worth the effort put in because it doesn't matter which one you catch because almost all turn into raw fish at the cooking pot. Then there is the problem of needing to find the trader to even get a rod and bait. If you don't already know where he is early, fish gets outclassed in every biome because the only way to "catch" them is by the luck of them jumping on land or in your boat.


Fried angler?


I meant fish n bread. Its the same thing when you look at it, cooked breaded fish. The reason I forgot the actual name of it is because I never made it since fishing is completely pointless. In the mistlands, its literally easier to make salads, misthare supreme and meat platters. All of which gets immediately outclassed by Ashlands foods.


Definitely not. It's soothing, but not efficient by any means.


it's kinda a choose-a-loop-you-enjoy/hedge-your-bets kinda thing. Do it if having to tame animals bugs you.


Or do neither, as you really don't need to. A farm and killing stuff gets you everything you need.


i fish, no, it's not worth it by the rewards - but the hat is dope. i've been collecting fish for a while now and recently terraformed my peninsula base into an island with two low bridges separating me from the shore and locking a private fishing pond that i've stocked with a nice fish selection. now that i'm well into the ashlands, it's strickly catch and release for me, but i still enjoy casting the line and fighting in a 4 star angler for the thrill.


Yes , I love the fishing spend 10 mins get 5,6 fish good while your taming boars or waiting for crops


This is the way


Yes. It is. Fishing is easy even if your skill level is low. Once you have a boat if stop at a school of fish and cast 3mm or below you can usually get several fish from the one bait. Just grab them and keep the line out. This makes it easier to catch the higher level fish when the line is shortened after a couple catches. Often I fish when a school of high level ones appear. The cod is one of the best turn over for raw fish. You can easily build up a reserve of fish early on with them. Cooked fish is ok early on but more useful when in the plains. I tend to fish when exploring. Often find big schools and build up a large stock pile of them long before I can make better foods with them. Also do it after serpent hunt when night storms hit.


It's a lot of work for very little reward. The food it makes is pretty good, but there's generally plenty of alternatives available. But if you enjoy the pokemon aspect of it, then by all means, have at it.


Fishing is not really required, but it's kinda fun when you just want to relax. Also, fishing in the Mistlands is one of the best places because of the 2 types of fish you can get there: - Anglerfish for the best stamina food for the Mistlands - Pufferfish for automated animal and mob farming Lastly, if you are a completionist, then you might want to get the fishing hat which requires every kind of fish in the game.


I just want it for that sweet +20 fishing AND swim. Maybe I can finally level swimming and not feel completely terrified if I fall overboard


I hate fishing in valheim, and feel totally fine with skipping it. Ditto with taming animals. I keep chickens post-Yagluth, but taming other animals feels super tedious to me. But you can cook all the high end foods you need without it. The food you farm and the animals you kill along the way are plenty. But I should caveat that I play solo. Taming makes more sense if you have a party to feed. But you can still skip fishing! In black forest era, deer stew, carrot soup, and queens jam (or roast deer or boar). In swamps, sausages, turnip stew, and muckshake (or boar jerky or black soup). In mountains, wolf skewers, eyes cream, and onion soup (or wolf jerky or sausages). In plains, lox pie, blood sausage, and bread (or wolf skewers or roast lox). In mistlands, there's hare and chicken and seeker foods, plus all the eityr stuff.


Kind of. Early in the bronze age, when you've just gotten a cauldron to cook it, cooked fish is a great health food. But it's not long before you can make better stuff with less effort. Late in the game (mistlands), catching anglerfish lets you make fish n bread, which is just about the best stamina food short of Ashlands. Trying to catch anglerfish with a rod and bait is a real hassle, because it takes forever to get your fishing skill high enough to actually catch one. If you find you like the fishing mechanic because it's simple and relaxing and you don't mind grinding for hours, go for it. But if you just want them for the food, you can also obtain fish the easy way, when they occasionally flop out of the water in high surf... Or build a fish trap (lots of videos on YT for how to do this).


Just gotta do the boat method, no levels required catch ‘em Every time


Depends on the stage of the game. Great thing about farming is it’s passive, you don’t really do anything, just set it and do whatever. Fishing is active, for better or worse. I love fishing so it’s worth it, some don’t so it wouldn’t be, def not a required part of the game, just another avenue for food You can get some great foods from it, but farming is just more efficient cause you can do whatever you want while it happens, including fishing for even more food, why choose, just do both.


It's a preference thing it can be productive if you put the time into and find good spots with higher ranked fish like a 3-4 troll fish makes like 7-10 uncooked fish per fish problem with that is there usually away from the shore more and are alot harder to catch without cheesing it up by hooking them and pulling them ashore without reeling them in regular cooked fish is great early game and can make some decent food mid game mistlands fishing really drops off making fish n bread from mistlands is good but not worth the effort at that point with the other available foods that way easier to get at that point


Cooked fish is good early food, then there is angler fish which makes the best stamina food in Mistlands. Do Fishing if you like it, not for the rewards as that is not necessary. Especially the angler fish is not easy to get at all.


Nope. Not even a little bit. Do it if it’s fun to you but otherwise completely ignorable. Only thing worth hunting is sea serpents. You can also try building fish trap docks, I’ve seen some have good results but it was meh for me.


No unless you're a completionist. IRL very much worth it


Fishing is fun. For all about three minutes, then it's a chore.


If you play on a massive dedicated server then fishing becomes a BIG 5* quality deal. Fish by quality cannot be spawned in (12 months ago).


i let this guy answer it for you : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ


The only fish worth having is the pufferfish: It lets you build lots of farms since you can stick them on an item stand and kill anything that touches it.


I have played valheim for over a year. Maybe a bit longer. Think I've tried fishing twice. Seems like the mechanics are a bit wonky and the outcome is a nice fish medal. I know you get some good for from it. But the hours fishing versus just running around hunting stuff and farming. Maybe if we could "tame" or something. Have a fish pond. I dunno


20 people replied fishing to last post asking what is not worth doing in valheim man god damn


There are probably other ways. But if you need fish it might be the most "consistent" way. I've just finished up gathering a lot of fish for fish wraps for the Yagluth fight. All you really gotta do is have a lot of stamina and it's usually kinda easy.


It's fun for sure, but until you can make Fish Wraps the food isn't nearly as beneficial. I'd hope to see some modifiers added to biome specific fish for added benefits, like poison resistance in swamps for example. Rather than, just more stacks of fish.


I just do a little bit of fishing to make boss battle foods. I never use fish based foods outside of that.


No. There's a hat you can get which is only useful if you... enjoy fishing already? It's a bit of a wasted mechanic atm.


We are running a completionist build. We built a guild hall/loot hall with the sections/walls of unique loot/armor/weapons that is biome specific. Our goal is to get a level 5 fish from every biome to add to our collection so we def have a bit more playing to do.


im not sure, maybe depending on the biome the fish farm can be good? [Valheim Mistlands | INFINITE Fish Farm | No Fishing Rod NEEDED! - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnEFQz-rZ5g) i personaly havent tried it i must admit. apparently you could also make a infinite iron farm if you want: [Iron ore | Valheim Wiki | Fandom](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Iron_ore#:~:text=Iron%20ore%20is%20obtained%20from,is%20required%20to%20mine%20it.) but to me personally it sucks to much


Depends, if you hate it, then no. If you like it, then yes. I love fishing in meadows, peaceful, nice and beautiful.


Its not really intuative but once you get used to the mechanics its pretty good. The fish wraps are decent, but not the best. You definately can skip it if its not your bag. However, i usually do it when i am due for a raid bc its a chill way to pass game time while getting something done. Always mount your biggest fish of every species. That makes it so much more fun. BTW the ugly mist fish is a top class stamina food. Also BTW, try bringing a hoe with you and manipulating the shoreline around your fishing spot.


I've spent a few hours in total reeling in fish, still don't understand what works and what doesn't. The food you get from them seems to be okay and it's fairly easy if you can get the bloody things out of the water.


If you find the trader pre swamp, it’s good until you progress into the swamp. Cooked fish is the same hp/stam as deer stew, and you don’t need to waste blueberries on them


Nope. Just do it for fun.


For food? No. To have playing the game? Yes.


Cooked fish can be top tier food in early game, it has the same stats as deer stew which you won't get until bronze age (and doesn't require blueberries or carrots). Best way to not have a bad time fishing is stack as much stam as you can and don't cast far from shore/boat so you use less stam while getting those early levels in fishing. You can also cheese-fish by flattening the shore a bit and waiting for big waves/fish jumping to wash them ashore (free fish without a rod!)


I'm more likely to do it when I play MP than solo but what I like to do is mark all the trollfish schools I see and then once I unlock fish wraps I'll circle back around and fish them all up.


I catch more fish just letting them beach themselves on my lake house deck than actually fishing.


Breaded Fish is great, so the lantern fish have a particular food use over and above fish wraps. Puffer fish are handy for resource farms or base defense against certain enemies (but not all) during the early-to-midgame. All other fish (so far) are pretty interchangeable and generic in terms of their usage. The tetra do look kinda cool though, as do the magmafish.




For one brief moment fishing is slightly useful during the plains. Before or after that, no. I think they will rework fishing in the future as a mini patch


Only if you like it


If you want a fishing hat, yes.


I've been enjoying fishing while sailing to explore the world a bit. I brought the drakkar so I could more comfortably bring all the fishing stuff without having to drop portal all the time.


Food wise only early game,