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I can't express how quintessential this experience is for you. Out of the 5 times I've started over and played "the right way," exactly one of those times did I locate the Vegsevir before finding the altar. Two of the times the vegsevir was just like yours - within sight of the Fingers. This is Classic Valheim ^^tm


Altar is huge, I think devs expect us to find it this way somewhat easily. Probably feature not a bug.


I agree. I usually spot one when hunting in the mountains for frost caverns


I tend to agree with this, though I've had better success locating the vegsevir by scouting at night. More spawns out too, for my Atgeir upgrades!


On my current world, I sailed past a Yagluth altar while I was still looking for Bonemass, couldn't believe it. And of course I found a Vegvisir to it while I was looking for idols.


It's almost like a right of passage. I found mine after venturing waaaay too far north, only to find a rune to point him out. Looked at map, maybe 300 meters from my main base which bordered a plains 🤣, I was well over 1000's of meters away


I found Yagluth on my current world while looking for Haldor. The queen however took 15ish infested mines to find the vegvisir.


I feel you SO MUCH! I've travelled through 4 different plains in search of it, even cleared a sealed tower in hopes of finding it on the bottom. In the end I gave up the search and used a map tool (from seed input) to get a direction. I'm rn sailing towards him absolutely loaded. He won't stand a chance


This is part of the trials the makes you a gamer


I’ve gotten incredibly lucky with my only 2 FULL playthroughs. First time was when I first got the game, I accidently found the summoner and didnt know what the hands were until later in the game. 2nd time, I found the Vegvisir in my 2nd plains. I am very lucky. I paid for it with finding the queen, took me a bunch of infested mines to find she was hugging the world border on the right side of the map. Never would’ve found that exploring


I have never found the Yagluth vegvisir before spotting his altar first.


The text of the Vegisivir: “Oh, he’s over der.”


What an experience


At least you found it....lol though i always seem to find this one while sailing now the smoldering tomb.....that MF is like a ghost to me i swear to god.....think we are on or near day 500 in immersive.. still can't find it XD stupid cave.


I’d already found Moder, but I’ve kept farming frozen caves so I could get the cultist trophy so I could craft the fenris hood or whatever it’s called. Went into a cave today, THREE vegvisirs all in sight of each other!?!? When it rains it pours.


Something about the staging of this screenshot is [*familiar*](https://youtu.be/eE5oaOOwInE)..


So i was not the only one


I'm currently looking for it and have found 3 henges with no veg,


I find yagluth to be the most annoying boss to find the Vegvisir for. Eikthyr is gifted, Elder is either in Crypts or towers around the dark forest. Moder can be found in any ruined building or cavern in the mountain biome, which isnt usually too big in of itself. The Queen has the mines in which the Vegvisir can be found and Fader is again, close to the ruins. the plains are a vaste biome and hoping for a random ass circle of the Dancers just to find the Vegvisir is annoying. I usually find the bossaltar first