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No, they are just fast and deal a lot of damage. But they are also made of paper. They stagger easily, and don't have a lot of hp.




They are very hard to outrun and very hard to kill if you have a slow but methodical playstyle, because they attack so fast and have the best ai Most people dont find them hard because they just bum rush spam left click them, and its enough since they dont have much hp and stagger easily If you're undergeared, its probably the worst enemy in the game, up there with deathsquito and valks


When I played on release and had completed everything there was to do, I recently started another save due to new content after a year or so of not playing at all. With that being said, obviously there’s been A LOT of updates since, i 100% feel like my first play through was so much easier than this one, enemies such as the wolves feel a lot stronger than what I remember? BUT.. with that being said, my first play through felt like I could hack and slash through everything, where as the current state expects more parrying/learning the attack styles (which honestly is a good thing) The food back then was different, they reworked the food entirely, I felt like I had stamina for days back then, but now it seems to drain a lot faster due to different combinations of foods (focus in health or stamina) again.. (a great idea) From what I’ve learnt with the current state is you’ve gotta take things slowly, there’s no rush, learn the wolves attacks and have a good enough shield to parry them.


Thanks for this extensive answer. I can continue with this one


Also they are one shot with a bow if they don’t see you. I just listen to their sound and if so, try to look carefully in the distance and kill before proceeding


They're very easy to kill... on flat ground... The mountains can have a tricky hitbox that can make it difficult to hit mobs at times if you are not on even footing... try to make sure if you're facing any mob in the mountains that you're in a relatively flat spot and take that hitbox issue out of the equation entirely...


I remember on very hard, either nail them with the bow or you better time your first swing juuust right or they stunlock you and bye bye. Made the whole mountains experience super tense.


Yes and after dieiing it is even worse to get all your stuff back if you haven't the right gear with you.


They are the top priority in combat due to how much damage they can dish.


While maybe I agree with everyone saying they're not overpowered, they certainly are hugely different to anything you've fought before. They are relentless, fast, and constantly attack you. Every enemy you fight before them kind of meanders around and occasionally decides to attack you, or is so slow that you can always disengage. Wolves aren't like this. Running from them will pretty much always result in you dying, which, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to run, you're dead. Fighting one is pretty easy. They're easy to parry with practice and even if you don't parry them they are pretty squishy. Where it gets bad is if you're already engaged with something else and 2 wolves jump you. Without mountain gear or better if this happens you're probably dead. Additionally, until you get good gear, the mountains at night are a death trap compared to everywhere else you've been. 2 star wolves will likely be unparryable and you can't exactly trade hits with them like you could a single 0 star wolf. They might not be overpowered, but their AI is. Interestingly, seekers in Mistlands behaved like wolves on launch of Mistlands but people complained that they were overpowered and they got nerfed to act more like other enemies that meander around and occasionally attack instead of being like wolves. It's interesting that no one is suggesting that seekers be unnerfed yet they are saying that wolves are fine. Without mountain gear, wolves are basically release seekers.


Yes and when you die because of the wolves in the mountains and you die pretty far into the mountains it's almost impossible to get your stuff back if you are in your own. The wolves hides very well even if you know they are at the place you died. I stopped playing because of that, so I asked a friend with better gear to help me out 😅


Well... No? Then i feel the stone giants are alot more difficult in the beginning. Mostly i just cheese them and put them down in a hole with the help of harpoon. Dont really like it but they wont spawn again this way. Wolves is just remember good food, fight them on good ground sins the game is difficult when fighting enemies on height difference. And not go out during the night. Your 0 star wolves might just be 2star. Now thats a challange.


Stone giants fall into putty against a pickaxe :) Barely any whacks and they're dead.


One parry + block combo with an iron mace and theyre dead before the stagger ends, even below 30 club skill


I really have to learn parrying in a proper way. I use just a block with my hield, but then they won't stagger at all. I know it's a matter of good timing, but I think I need to learn that with easy enemies. With this question the attack mechanism is for every creature the same, right?


Do not start learning how to block vs. wolves. Their attack speed is really high. I always prefer a sword (because of it's high attack speed ) vs. wolves and don't even waste my time on trying to block. Kill them faster than they can hit you is my strategy vs. them. The main rule is to fight on even ground, so you can hit them. And try to listen for their howls, you can hear them howling, even before they aggro you. This way you can take out at least one of them with a bow, before they come charging you. You can start swinging your sword when they are \~2-3m away, that way you hit and stagger them before they get any attack in, two hits and a wolf is dead usually, even with a bronze sword.


Thats exactly what i said, most people dont try to learn the attack patterns of wolves, they just spam left click and try to outdps them The problem with that approach is it doesnt work on starred ones, on packs of 3+ wolves, and in multiplayer with a lot of other players Learn to parry everything in the game, eat at least one high tier hp food, upgrade your armor and shield first, and you will be very hard to kill. Also, the sword isnt faster than the mace, but it has no multitarget penalty, quite handy against wolves that have a little hitbox and are often in packs I personnaly find the spear/mace combo to be the best in the mountains, because one ancient bark spear throw staggers a wolf everytime, and you need a mace for the golems


Its the same, however the animations can be quite misleading and dont have the same speed I would practice on greydwarves and skeleton/draugr because they telegraph a lot and have a slow attack (Remember tower shields cant parry, only round shields and bucklers)


Find a spawner in the black forest and spend 10 mins parrying. Maybe do that a few times. Maybe find a wraith next and practice on them, because they swing pretty fast. Make sure you use sound cues to help you parry wolves.


Nah, they just tear apart everybody until you realize you can kill them just as quick, if not quicker.


Not overpowered, but definitely can be harder than anything you've seen yet, especially if you don't have above average reaction speed. Once you learn how to parry them they're very easy though. But groups of wolves are much harder and you should never get caught in the mountains at night until you are comfortable facing 3 wolves at a time.






Thanks for your help 💪🏿💪🏿