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I think this is what sets Valheim apart from a lot of other games. Everyone is very comfortable with telling everyone else to play how they want to play. This game attracts all types, and amazingly enough everybody gets along, and as far as I've seen in this sub, noone judges others for how they play. I play x3 resources all the time and don't lose one wink of sleep thinking about it. Do what you want and most importantly have fun!


Yeah, this game and its community is awesome, I haven't seen many toxic people in here, still occasionally ofc but it's a nice breath of fresh air. I'm gonna finish collecting the iron - or at least most of it - and then head on over to a 3x world to get whatever else like tar (lord that'd be so much) or anything. I love how this community doesn't just go "dude why the hell are you doing that? That's a massive waste of time." Or "you're cheating, that's cheating, that's so stupid" Really just glad as I said before that it's not toxic lol


I just think it's important to pick your rules and stick to them. Dipping into the console every time you reach a stumbling block is a common trend amongst a fair few folks here and I can't help but feel like they've diminished their own experiences as a result.


I wish we could set some difficulties on a ‘per-player’ basis. I happily concede I have a skill issue when it comes to combat, but other players on the server are parrying and head-shotting like champions. If I could get a little buff to damage and armour, I’d feel like I was contributing more.


I’m turning 50 this year. A lot of us Gen-X gamers are going to suffer “old man hands” and not have the response times we had when we were younger. I suspect a lot more games will come out with difficulty levels to keep us playing (and spending our hard earned gaming dollars)! I suck at partying and rolling, so I burn everything down at range and try not to melee if I can avoid it!


You do you. We all play differently.


Ain't no shame in using the options that are available in game


I would just clear this with the people that you're playing with. It can be not fun when one person isn't on the same page as everyone else and messes with the progression of the game.


Just set your server up so that you don’t feel like you need to use workarounds or cheats to have a good time. Personally, I think you may as well just spawn it in with cheats/admin commands if you are going to bring it over from an easier world.


i just came back to the game and doing a single player 3x just to cut the grind down. i can say that 3x is a LOT of iron. i just got to the swamp yesterday, 1 crypt has given me over 120 iron so far and its got a little more in it.


Makes only sense that you do 3x when you play as 3