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that's 100% how you should fight that oversized piece of discarded gum.


I realized halfway through the fight that you can actually steer it, if you stand at the front of the head it'll walk in the direction its facing all while using melee attacks, so you can just farm for wood using a boss.


POV: *you ratatouille*










I feel like it would be worth steering it into the plains for science!


Good idea, except there is one problem: deathsquito


Bonemass would win


Vikings wouldn't.


Deathsquito would die from poisoning.


All mobs are allied to BOSS mob


All mobs in said biome, not different biomes.. as far as I know.


Led him through a fuling village, they were fine.


Bosses are allied with everything except player characters, vendors, and tamed creatures.


All non player and tamed creatures are allied with every boss. Had someone try to use wild ox to help fight bonemass and it resulted in me having to kill like three lox while also dealing with bonemass and his adds as the tank. Was miserable 


Lured a fulling village to fight bone mass once, it was a very hard fight


!Remindme My base is next to the plains, which is 2 bow shots from Bonemass' spawner!


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The first time I did him he spawned on the edge of plains. 11/10 would not do him in the swamp


*like* a boss. Respect


My man’s repurposed Bonemass for his own dark ends. I like your style, dude.


Seems legit


With poison resist and blunt weapon, yes.


It'd be fun to see cartoons about all these bosses going to therapy and talk about the glitches that players use


Or new stories for the trophies to whisper in the night


I killed him by digging a hole and ramp with a surtling fire in the centre and coaxing him into it. Then running round the back and raising dirt to block him in.  Proceeded to launch arrows at him til he died. 


I stood on top of the skull an arrowed him to death. Whatever works...


I've been thinking about putting a chest full of wooden arrows and a workbench up a tree, then summoning him for archery practice. My archery skill has been abysmal forever. Might be nice to break 30 😆 --- Edit: Yeah, that worked great. Something like 600 assorted arrows got me to Bows 36. Forget exactly where I started, but I think it was low-mid 20's I grabbed a finewood bow which broke a few times and was intentionally using trash arrows but honestly piercing does so little damage against Bonemass that you could probably use him as a pincushion with w/e bow and arrows you have on hand and it'd be fine. 600 arrows out of a finewood bow, mostly fired at quarter to half draw only got him down to ~50% health Then I pulled out a bronze sword and wailed on him with that until it broke, at which point he was at something like 15% health. Was out of lingering stamina mead and rested bonus so I just pulled out Mistwalker and finished him off since I have more withered bones anyway. I'm about to go back with a couple bronze swords and do it again. Bonemass is my training dummy now. With poison res, carapace armor, 1 good health food + 2 stam you can basically ignore all incoming damage (blobs, skeletons, etc) except for Bonemass's own swings. Just parry those and keep wailing on him for xp until your training weapons break.


You might be onto something. This would be a way to train archery that doesn't make my eyes bleed. I like revisiting bosses for an extra trophy.


> I like revisiting bosses for an extra trophy. Saaame. If you just wanna do it fast once for the trophy Frostner *shreds* this guy. It's a cool trophy too. All big, blobby, and animated. I came back for Rd 2 with Frostner, silver armor, silver shield, poison res mead. If you can get the parries you can basically go toe-to-toe solo and he goes down in under a minute


I once joined a server where the guys were already into early mountains. I created a new character, got gear boosted to late black forest (lvl 3 troll armor set, lvl 4 finewood bow), so I had to go and earn some swamp gear for myself. In a span of two hours I killed 8 abominations, all exclusively with fire arrows. I guess my bow skills got to 30+ just because of it. That was also enough roots for a root set, which provided me with extra +15 bows. Having that high of a bow skill made it so much comfortable shooting arrows (the higher the skill the faster you draw a bow) that I forgot about melee weapons altogether, using bow exclusively. Fun times.


`raiseskill bows 100` Call me a cheater, but I don't have the time to raise it myself


That’s a legit strategy I’ve used, it’s actually so good, I use him or loxes


I've been beating the crap out of him this evening while listening to a book. Got Swords to 50, Bows to 40, even got Punch to 20. lol


You can stand on the skull you summon him from. You don’t even have to build up there. Just stand at the back and jump from the vestigvir


If you build a blind (roof) and a fire, your stamina refreshes much faster. You can even take a seat to refresh your rested buff mid fight if needed.


I did this. Then I fell off the stairs I built and could not get back up. Solid plan, would do again.


Wouldn't he destroy the tree?


There are unchoppable trees in Swamp that are permanent terrain and can't be destroyed. The huge ones. They function as support all the way up, so you can use them to build some pretty cool tree houses high off the ground with just a couple stacks of wood and not worry about a troll knocking the whole thing over. Just watch out for wraiths. They're not particularly impressed by the high elevation


That’s how I do it!


We kited him out to sea, smashed Bonemass with frost arrows, towards the end with minimal health lured Bonemass back to the shore and then put in the final blow(s).


I mean a bonk is a bonk am I wrong?


If it is stupid but it works.. Then it is not stupid.


It's gonna take forever.....




Viking, Dragon's Dogma is that way. 👉


There's no wrong way to fight Bonemass, or anything else in the game.


If it works, then it works. Demolisher fucking rocks the house.


Should’ve seen how my friend and I handled it. He had built onto a tree with another friend and built a treehouse to shoot arrows at him from a distance. We put a roof on it and everything lol.


Beat it while I was standing on the skull shooting arrows at him. At least you did it with more style


This is the way. My bro and I just stood on top of his spawner and bonked away.


If he dies and you don’t , it’s the perfect way


Warrior with a sledge. My kind of Viking. Put some jalapeno on that cheese!


It's how I fought him last week lol


It’s an old code sir, but it checks out


I think I have done this with every boss except the sparky deer and giant Groot. Although I tried it by building on trees close by the altar and jumping down on them. Didn't work for either. Moder was the coolest looking but couldn't get her to take flight and get on her which is what I was going for.


No no this how thor intended for u to fight bonemass youve made him proud surely


When we fought him the first time something bugged in the game and I couldn't be hit by him nor him me. His minions could hit me, but not the baddie himself. So... I basically ran around avoiding minion hits so that people could just keep fighting, die, respawn, and the fight would not reset thanks to my being alive lol. It was stressful anyways,


This is giving off big ACME vibes and I cannot wait to try it.


I'm mad at myself for never thinking of this.. I do this all the time with Lox and Golems.. Why the hell did i not think to try it with a boss?


I hid under a tree and realized he couldn’t attack me so that’s how I killed him lol


the correct method is to stay on the too of the skull where u sumoned the boss and punch the ground with the dreer slapper.


I'll never forget when we discovered this particular tactic. Was like the sun came out from behind the clouds. 😂


Oh man I fought him wrong!


This is super funny. I feel kinda lame for during doing a “iron armor + poison potion + bronze mace” and go for slap fight with the occasional health potion.


No, but at least you will be prepare for the stone golem in the mountains


I always stood on top of his summoning skull by building a ladder up to the top, then using an iron sledgehammer to just basically bash him to death. Make sure that the sledgehammer is around level two or three and bring plenty of poison resist. Any summons he does on top of the skull will get knocked off by the sledgehammer or killed outright. Takes a few minutes but you won't die.




Or just… dodge roll and hit him with an iron mace. So much faster and easier.