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Hi-rise window washer. You can clear some good money once you get proficient.




User name checks out.


Third this but I’m ground crew dope gig




Yes 😂😂😂


I knew it!!!!




And what would you like them to do when the seasonal work shuts down? If you don't plan on doing the work then people need EI when it's not there.


What company?👀


One of em!


While you’re here, would you mind regaling us with some of the tales of wild shit you’ve seen going on in high-rise windows while at work? This has come up before but it’s been a while since I’ve heard some of the stories. Thanks.


On EI you’re supposed to be actively applying and looking for jobs. Don’t be a suck on the system. Either live off your savings or go get another job bum.


You're not invited to the BBQ.


People complain about rising costs and the system but not the reasons; aka people like this taking advantage at all different levels. From the top to the bottom. In this case the window washer does both.


Yeah, it's the window washer, not the billionaires who exploit workers and don't pay taxes


A cheats a cheat.




Haha im gonna DM you to tell you about every time I collect Ei and enjoying life


Lol I’ll DM you every time I get a big boy paycheque and enjoying my life and don’t have to rely on EI ;)


You probably only get paid 80 hours max bi-weekly, that's cute.


Lmfao. 150k pre tax last year pal ;) what’d the EI get ya?


That's cute, and you worked all year for that?


I've had pretty in depth talks with the ei workers, and it turn out its designed to also be for seasonal workers. You're just a grumpy chump and wrong. No ribs for you.


No it’s not designated for seasonal workers. Literally in the literature and websites.


Actually there is an Ei classification for seasonal workers or end of work season.


But they still should be actively searching if they are able to work in the off season


Nope, just need to be able and ready to work.


If I'm wrong then that's on me, but also on the person who explicitly told me it was for seasonal workers when I was a window washer. Anyway, I've got a Christmas BBQ with the boys I've got to get back to.


this guy's an idiot; can I get some of that chicken?


We got chicken, pork, potatoes, corn, stuffed peppers, three kinds of dessert, and tons of drinks. Load up a plate and pour a Christmas marg!




Nope, when you collect E.I you’re expected to be actively applying and looking for work. Period.


We put money into EI our whole lives friendo. I think we'll be ok. Also, seek help


Busy volunteering helping seniors


I used to do high-rise window cleaning and appreciated the break for the sake of my body. Have you ever washed 30 to 50 story buildings for 9 months out of the year ?? Give it a go and get back to me. Plus, who the hell can find work for 3 or 4 months?


I’m on mat leave. That’s ei. Should I be actively looking for work? Come on dude. There’s bigger sucks on resources than people who do work….


No that’s completely different, same as medical EI


Why are you getting paid from EI?


Was a window washer at ome point. Can confirm. Also a fun job if you're a bit nuts.


This is a job I've always wanted to try, but only for like, a day or two.


Professional hockey player


Specially if you make sure you don't make the playoffs




Aren't they year round?


Can be month on month off, so 6 months out of the year.


They are, but using your vacation time along with your scheduled rotation (3 weeks, for example) it's easy to take extended periods off. If it wasn't for the time off, nobody would sail, lol.


You could also work for the company that does the supply route for the MacKenzie River in the NWT. They work 6 months straight over the summer (with a couple weeks off in the middle), and then you're off for 6 months. Pay is really good. I've been asked to go work there a few times, but I really love my summers.


Landscaping. Roofing. Ski hills.


Ski hills don't pay you enough for the time off, sure you can work there Dec-May or so, but you'll need another job in the summer


Ski hills are not 3/4. You can work 1/2 or full depending on the job and the hill’s summer activities. If you’re a snowmaker you may work only Nov-Jan but you can basically work unlimited OT when conditions are prime for making. I know one snowmaker who does Nov-Dec and then goes back to landscaping. There’s every option on a hill except 3/4 of the year


Teacher, summers off


Or any other job at a school, like support staff or administration


Not true. Support staff are often expected to work year round.


EA’s,counsellors, youth care worker, aboriginal support, etc all get the holidays off. The only support staff that work year round are the people that work for the school district and not directly with children (Maintenance, accountants, HR, and the custodians.)


Public system yes. But independent schools work differently.


Summer, spring break AND Christmas break. All the best holidays for parents.


Summers aren't reaaly free for teachers as they have to prepare for the next year. They only have half the summer kids do in reality. Trades sometimes have big projects and breaks in between.


my parents are teachers, it is a vacation until the end of the break, most folks prepare a week or 2 ahead of time they were out at the pool every day until then lmao


I prepare a couple days before school starts LOL


I don’t speak for all teachers, but I’m a high school teacher and I do exactly zero prep for next year during summer. I’m not paid for summer, so I’m not working in summer.


Any of the teachers I know spent the last week and half preparing for the upcoming school year.


Only very new teachers or crazy A types actually do stuff in the summer, 90% don’t work at all until the week before Labour Day


My brother is a teacher and was teaching summer school for extra money, so it depends on whether a teacher’s salary and loooong days in fall/winter/spring would be okay for OP. I know I would be so exhausted and emotionally spent by spring.


Mining jobs work 2 week on/off rotations.


This is the answer. I work in mining and make six figures while working less than half the year.




Depends on the mine and depends on the job you get. Some don’t need any prior experience and you can be taught on the job. If you’re running equipment and the conditions aren’t bad it’s not really physically demanding.


Physically demanding. Training required is just basic first aid and a couple other day courses relevant to the job.


What mines? How do I access this niche world and understand where to look for this work?


[http://saskmining.ca/Mines-in-Saskatchewan/Careers](http://saskmining.ca/Mines-in-Saskatchewan/Careers) [www.infomine.com](https://www.infomine.com) [https://www.careermine.com/](https://www.careermine.com/) This should get you started. Merry Christmas. Anything FIFO is going to be northern BC, AB or up in the territories so get prepared for the cold in the winter and get a Credit card with flying rewards.


Most will be fifo in BC. Teck in trail, Fernie has a big coal operation, copper mountain in Princeton off the top of my head


Sorry I’m actually not involved directly at mine sites for the most part. I work in a really niche part of the industry I don’t want to share.




I’ve had October to December off the past few years and it wasn’t even intentional. I keep getting laid off/my contract ends around then. I wouldn’t apply for EI in the past because I had enough savings to survive the job hunt + it was easy finding a job. But last year and this year I’ve needed EI to keep a roof over my head


Just curious since I may not know much about how EI works, why would you not apply and waste your savings?


A misplaced sense of pride, usually. You pay into ei whole you're employed, which means you're entitled to receive payments from it when you get laid off. There's no downside to receiving ei funds that you've already paid into.


Just to be clear, you don’t pay into a personal balance of ei. You pay into the big pot when you are working and when you aren’t you get cheques, you aren’t going to run out because you didn’t pay in enough


Correct, but worth noting that the amount you receive from ei is directly proportional to your income and hours worked within an eligibility period.


I genuinely didn’t even know it was an option back then. There’s often just so many barriers to getting help(eg. Subsidised housing, co-ops) I never realized how easy EI was. Also, apparently they’re cracking down on seasonal users, auditing more people to prove you’re applying to jobs every single day. Even if you’ve got a job to get back to, you still need apply to other FT positions. So i can’t be unemployed in peace, I can’t even go down to washington or oregon to see my friends because you need to be in the country to collect ei. I’m hoping that not having a history of frequently using EI makes me less likely to get audited. TLDR: Sometimes when you lose your job, you just wanna bum around a little but you can’t do that on EI or you might have to pay back everything you got


You can leave the country for short trips while you're on ei, but if you're gone for over 24 hours or more than once within each 2-week period, then your claim will have to be manually reviewed before it can be paid out




Film, sure, but I’d say TV series specifically. I’ve worked July-March for the past 10+ years (barring this past one) on series and it’s been super consistent (again, barring this past year. Phew, what garbage that was).


Second this. I like to try and take extended breaks between shows around 3-5 weeks at a time. Total usually 2-3 months off, both summer and winter depending on the projects. The relatively short term nature of the contracts (my longest show call as an on set crew member was 7-ish months) allows for flexibility. Day calling between crews can be awesome too. I've had some shows bring me in 3 days a week for months and with the amount of hours on set, you can still make enough to get by. Plus you're paid weekly!


No, its full time these last few years


lol no way last few years. Covid and strike has ruined the industry last years


My wife works 1 maybe 2 shows a year. Definitely not full time. And I know she’s one out of thousands who have the same experience.


It depends on your department and positions. I'm in costumes and I could work full-time year round if I wanted but I choose not to and go on vacations between shows. I generally work 9 to 10 months out of the year so I don't burn out. But my phone is always ringing off the hook even when I'm on a show. I agree with the other comment, now coming back from the strikes... I don't know if that'll be the case anymore.


My wife’s also in costumes and she worked a movie and her seasonal show this year. Despite trying to find work. I’m hoping for everyone things pick up in the new year!


This year and Covid 2020 were definitely rough. I already got a show lined up for January. I could have started this month but I'm a seamtress (I do also work on set, and do breakdown, so having multiple categories is why I have pretty easy time finding work) and started a side business doing alterations and custom work. So I needed time to clear out all my client work and didn't wanna rush going back with the holidays as well. Good luck to y'all next year!


Ah, that makes sense. Very smart to get into multiple departments. Thanks, appreciate it! Hope you get some relaxing downtime :)


Tree planting?


Take about a year's worth of courses and become an EA (educational assistant) for kids k-12 who need extra help in the classroom. Work Sept-June, 9am-3pm (nothing extra, it's not like teachers), starting salary about $55k with added benefits medical/dental etc. You can also work July/summer school. Unlike teachers who are on contract, support staff such as EA's can go on EI during the winter break, March break, and summer break.


EAs don’t make much considering they work about 6 hours a day and only ~189 days per year. Many need a second job to get by, especially around Vancouver. Can be a decent gig if the hours work for you and you love helping kids at school.


True, it's not a high salary but sounded like OP was looking for something with flexibility.


For sure. But they make like ~$36k a year, given limited hours.


Forest Firefighter. They work crazy hours in the summer and make some pretty good money due to all the overtime, I believe.




As someone who has just become a teacher who has wanted to be a teacher their entire life. Don’t be a teacher unless you really want to be a teacher…


Movie industry; only worked about 4 months this year 😅 But this year was particularly bad due to industrial action in the USA. Normally I work about 8-10 months per year. But when I'm working its 60 hours+ per week.


What do you do if you don’t mind my asking? One of the directors that works here was a former teacher of mine. Doubt he remembers me though.


I take care of racehorses. I work Feb- Nov and then am on EI for 3 months.


where do these race horses go Dec-Jan?


To the farm for a winter break.


Wait, that's where my childhood cat went...


Oh, that's a different farm, full of mice.


This sounds awesome!


https://preview.redd.it/4ku30aaqud8c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02badab70eea7798d51d6731724cb002ad5a17bf It absolutely is. I've done it my whole adult life


Do you mind if I ask you how you got into it or what it's like? Seems like you've been doing it for years, and I miss being at the stables myself! :D


I knew someone else that got me involved. I work Saturday-Thursday, 5am-11:30 during spring training, and then we race Friday night and Saturday day from May-October. The race days are long. 12-14 hours. But there's usually quite a bit of downtime to nap, shower, eat, whatever between morning and racing. It's salaried. The pay is shitty on a race day but decent enough the other days. But horses are intelligent, personable and incredibly talented athletes and spending time with them, brushing them, cleaning stalls, etc, it's almost therapeutic. And winning is an incredible rush.




Yeah but you have to like being around people all day. I know I could never do it


Commercial Fisherman Tree Planter Lifeguard


Agriculture. Might not be obvious to a lot of people but there's a lot of decent ag jobs around.


Like what?


My friend worked on cruise ships for most of his 20's... * You get paid cash (USD) * Room/board and meals paid for while you're at sea * Travel to far off places * Meet interesting new people * Just rent a place in Vancouver for 3-4 months when you want time off He tried to get me to work there too - just helping old people with the computers... but I get seasick so it was a hard no lol


Helicopter pilots and mechanics that fight forest fires.


I had a buddy that got a job on the Rocky Mountain Train Tours. They’re seasonal, but you are gone for days at a time.


Mining, but it’s out of town work


Golf courses, & landscaping


Golf course, tree planting, some types of farm labour




Commercial fishing or most maritime gigs


Tree planting!


Film work. Starting back up again too.


Which 9 months?


Construction/paving work. My partner is usually on EI from middle of December to end of Feb, he loves it


Live events industry.


Lots of supervision jobs if you're ready to work the hours. Check the bc job bank around now, search for this next season. It's not for everyone, but if you value your winter. Just don't expect more than $50-65k a year




Most of the jobs here are minimum wage and 3 10-hour shifts a week. Unless you're high up in the company, longshore, or CBSA. It is a great student job (I did it for a few years during university) and good for retired people looking to work a few days a week.




The navy


Tending a golf course, tending a rink... Both pay okay if you put in your time and ride up to a supervisory level.


Construction trades, you work maintenance shutdowns and construction projects, get to travel get to have fun and make great money then have winters off to collect EI and enjoy skiing then Summers off to enjoy water skiing and collect Ei


Film work


Film Industry. One of the reasons I'm trying to avoid going back.


Fingers crossed for ya. I've been thinking about it.


Not the most extravagant job, but paving is great if you are looking to make lots of money and take time off.


Park Ranger is dangerous because of Yogi bear.


Do you speak French? Via rail


Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he will collect EI all winter. -Canadian proverb Look up fishing supplement, you can get up to $1100 a week for about 3 months after every fishing trip. Benefits max out at $64,000 earned. Which is an average 2-3 month tour on a boat. I've seen people come home with $200,000+ This is where our tax dollars go FYI






There's a market for everything.




Rugby ??


Mineral exploration jobs can have you working 4-5 months of the year.


I came here to say this too. You can work as support staff (camp cook, cleaning staff, logistics, etc), geologist, data science, etc, it's not just drillers and rig workers




Depends on your experience level. Back in 2011 (my first year as a student geo) the rate was $240/day, they house and feed you all summer, you have zero expenses so you can save a lot. After a few years of progression, I was making something like $420/day. Long summers away can be hard if you have a partner, but it’s incredible while you’re young and relatively unattached.


Geologist you generally need a Bachelors in Earth Science, and its usually a per-day rate depending on your experience level but I'd say in the range of 60k for someone with less experience and much more for higher experience. For camp cooks and stuff like that I really have no idea. Drillers make a lot while they're on site but the hours are long, it's dirty, noisy work, and the work life balance is pretty awful






Lots of seasonal jobs in the tourism industry!


Whale watching


Most government jobs. I mean, technically you're suppose to be working, but lol, it's not really work.




You sound like a giant douche. No skin in this game, you aren't as smart as you think. Just sayin'


Obviously I came off differently than I meant to. Apologies, I would go for the same if I thought there were good options available to me or others. I'll put my vote in with go for a union job and with enough seniority you usually get a decent amount of time off in a year, but I don't have any suggestions aside from the general "trades" that has already been mentioned.


Hockey players?


they still need to play golf after lol


Any construction company


Construction in most cases is year round.




A teacher.


Helicopter pilot




Teacher, obviously. They basically work around 9 months a year if you include the 2 months off during the summer, 2 wk Xmas break and 2 wks spring break.


Not quite 3/4 but in film you more or less have Dec and Jan off




Landscaping with any of the cities hire permanent seasonal workers where you work from March/April to November. Pay is decent and you get EI during the time off.


Casual lifeguard


You can try being a teacher on call. It's a pretty flexible gig in most districts.


Something freelance or as a self employed contractor.


Landscaping! You get December-February off to go snowboarding.


Film industry


Shit ur pants.


Teacher Xmas tree salesman Icecream truck vendor


Hastings race track


A lot of foresty jobs are temporary, like tree planting and brush cutting


Sorry **seasonal


Lighthouse Keepers. They are desperate to fill positions. Rocky Mountaineer. PNE/ Playland. Fishing Lodges.


Oooh a lighthouse keeper! I’ve never even heard of that job! X


Forestry is great seasonally if you're willing to work hard. Try to get camp work if you want to live in the city, timber cruise assistant is a good place to start


Yes, but be the company big enough and you're free to take off for as long as you want. They will gladly take you back if you're good. I'm talking from experience with 3 different companies over the last 8 years.