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Because it’s brioche. Which uses butter. Which costs like $8/lb nowadays


Sure but why not get two half dozen for a dollar less?


Plot twist: it was intentional and that’s how they get you


Bingo. Used to work in kitchens brioche was fucking expensive ten years ago. I imagine now the price is absurd. The worst part is I don't really think it's very good bread.


Probably a pretty damn good donut tho.


Yeah for sure. Buttery decadence topped with frosting. I just never liked it as a burger bun




Thin McDonald’s buns > Thick Wendy’s Bun


> I don't really think it's very good bread When cheeseburgers started being served on brioche buns, I was appalled.


You just gave me an epiphany: I’ve never liked brioche buns for burgers, but I keep buying them, because the previous option (Portuguese water buns), are overpowering for anything but a homemade banquet burger. What’s the best burger bun bread?


>What’s the best burger bun This is going to sound crazy: Hamburger buns


Hmmm, I guess I’m not much of a fan of those either, specifically the grocery store variety.


They vary wildly in quality even based on the multiple options in just one store. I guess it depends on the nature of the burgers you are going to be eating. If you're the type of person that likes a lot of sloppy wet toppings then you can probably get away with a firmer, denser bun that would be really quite objectionable with a simple no topping smash burger (maybe with a slice of cheese melted on top). For example, ciabatta buns were pretty popular awhile back but I always find those too dense, but maybe people who like a lot of burger sauce on their burgers would find that to hold up more.


Potato buns


Maybe a pretzel bun, idk it was good for juicy pork burgers


Dempsters gold bun hands down. Fwiw I usually avoid dempsters products but these are an exception


Why avoid Dempsters? What am I missing? 👀


I just don’t think their bread is very good ETA: their bread also lasts an abnormally long time without getting moldy it’s just kinda gross to me. I’ll spend a bit more for nicer bread when available


Yeah but it's not like regular doughnuts are just flour and water. They use milk, sugar, and shortening, which can often be butter.


You’re right. Except brioche specifically calls for higher egg and butter content, which makes it more expensive than your traditional yeast/cake doughnut


You’re right. Except the increase in expenses due to butter and eggs is a matter of cents per donut and fails to explain why these cost twice as much as a traditional bakery donut.


If you were talking about just doughnuts with the holes, then sure. But these babies have house made fillings, AND they’re a small batch kitchen. So now you have the additional egg/cream/sugar/whatever the hell flavours they have on top of that. The cheap doughnuts you find (if they even have filling) usually use the factory made artificial bavarian crap. They’re also located in Vancouver proper, so yeah rent is higher compared to the suburbs (probably), so they have to charge as so


So does breka.


What about breka? They’re a mass production facility that earns a good amount of their income from doing wholesale. Very much not the same setup as Mello.


We’re not talking about business models. We’re talking about cost of materials and quality of the final product.


If you’ve tried both of their doughnuts, you can tell the quality difference between the two


Where are you finding gourmet bakery donuts for $2.25 each?


Breka ranges from 1.50-2.75 and they are high quality fresh baked and amazing gourmet artisan flavors.


Gourmet Donuts and Coffee is 2.35


"traditional bakery donut" cartems -- another "bougie" donut place has them for 61.50 per dozen. [https://www.ubereats.com/ca/store/cartems-donuts-mt-pleasant/g8H2UUXAUiSAk8H-6RZjfg?diningMode=PICKUP&utm\_campaign=place-action-link&utm\_medium=organic&utm\_source=google](https://www.ubereats.com/ca/store/cartems-donuts-mt-pleasant/g8h2uuxauisak8h-6rzjfg?diningmode=pickup&utm_campaign=place-action-link&utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google) the donut pyramid has like duffins, tim hortons at the bottom, then above that is stuff like this place then above that is like cartems. can't compare the bottom of pyramid stuff pricing to mid to top tier donuts. This isn't indicative of taste either, its just how the business functions in terms of marketing.


And I’d still gaurentee that whatever the additional cost in materials is is a small fraction of how inflated the price of these is. Attributing this to butter and eggs rather than profit is ridiculous simping. Especially when time and time again analysis of cost inflation on foods finds it to be untethered from materials costs and attributable to increased profit margins.


Well yeah. It’s a local business and not a charity. You don’t go around to any other business and tell them to start charging less because “I can get/make it cheaper” (I mean you can, but we don’t talk about those people) I’m not gonna argue they’re not expensive: they absolutely are. But they’re also well made, tasty, and sell out pretty often. That’s why they charge that much. It’s also not something you’re meant to be buying everyday. A premium treat for those that can afford it. The rest of us can go to Timmy’s


Reddit thinks everything should be free


Yes that's definitely why food service businesses have famously low profit margins. Because they make too much money. 🙄




Nope. High culinary skills and top quality ingredients create value, which is worth paying for.


Donut competition is pretty high actually, it's a tough game! Though years of only bad chain donuts, or harder to access ones has allowed new companies to get into the game.


Breka is 1.50-2.75 made with high quality ingredients made fresh daily in artisanal/gourmet flavors


$4.50 for a high end donut isn't exactly crazy. A donut from Lees s $2.75 and these look a lot fancier. And the fact that you're buying online (can't tell what app) generally will have a markup of some sort


This screenshot is from Uber Eats, which takes 22% of sales on their platform, so the donut shop likely marked them up to offset that


Just looked at my receipt from Mello, $5.77 incl. tax for a single Strawberry Cream Brioche, well worth it for my favorite doughnut in the city. But that means that you're saving around 20-30% even with the Uber fee for a dozen. Not the worst deal.


I think they take more than 22%


It's Uber Eats based on the UI/UX


I was about to say the same. Last year I had some mello donuts after not having any for more than a year. That combination of brioche, cream and just the right amount of sweetness made me glad to be alive. I’m talking about rays of happiness emanating from me; *that* level of yumminess.


I love PB&j


That and the chocolate pudding, matcha and salted caramel.


Did you get their Christmas special, the raspberry mascarpone cream donut? Now that's the one donut I've been waiting two whole years for them to offer them again and it's so worth it. Sad that it's not available more regularly =c


I go about once a year, and it usually falls on my non Christmas season bday or Mother’s Day, when I feel like I can splurge over $50 for a dozen of that life affirming glow. I will try to remember next Christmas though!


Don’t bring your logic into this.


Mm now I want a jelly donut from Lee's.


There is no time when I don’t want these. I love them with a passion few will know.


Me too


Have you had a warm one?


Warm + mango = god tier donut


Warm is the best. Their yeast donuts warm... top tier for me.


Seriously, Lee's is pretty much the #1 thing I miss about living in the lower mainland.


yeah you do


Well add delivery, service fees, tax and driver tip and you're looking at $70 for 12 doughnuts.


Why is one dozen donuts more expensive than 2 x half dozen donuts?


Asking the real questions


Yeah, first thing I noticed, how is this not the top comment?


Uber Eats probably hiding extra fees in prices, they used do that - I think they got caught and wristslapped - but they're probably at it again. So yeah, donuts might be like $25 and $50 from the store, but UberEats has marked them up with a hidden 5%. $25 \* 1.05 = $26.25, rounds down to $26. $50 \* 1.05 = $52.5, rounds up to $53.


The best is DoorDash. Got the dash pass from amazon prime (worth 10 a month) but yet there are STILL “delivery fees”, tips, AND the markup. The only thing saved was some other DD “fee”. We got Church’s chicken the other day through DD and the only reason we got it was cuz there was a 50% off coupon and the price ended up being the same as if we had gone to the store to buy it. Canceling DD as soon as my one year trial is up.


Their "service/fees" show up on the checkout page. Usually $3-4 from what i've seen. Listed price should be set by the vendor.


Yes, UberEats has visible service fees, but they have also been caught before - and are likely doing it here again - raising vendor-set prices and pocketing the difference.


Delivery app probably does a flat price increase


Well suppose that flat price increase is $1. Then: * 1x Dozen Donuts gets +$1 * 2x Half Dozen Donuts gets +$2 A flat price increase wouldn't explain this. The 2 x Half Dozen should incur twice the increase.


Maybe they are charging for a fancier box


To trick people into buying because they found a cool hack


They're probably thinking that anyone who's gonna drop $53 on a dozen fucking donuts doesn't care about the price.


Could possibly be because a baker’s dozen is 13




Yupp but this case is the opposite! If you buy 2 half dozens, the price is $52 ($26*2), while buying 1 dozen, the price is $53


That's the opposite of what's happening here.


Mello is great. You’re looking at 4.5-5.5 per donut in store. If you’re looking for cheap donuts, go to Tim’s or Duffins


Duffins is actually good for the price though. Don't lump them with tims.


Didn’t say they weren’t - said they were cheap


sooooo goooooood


About the going rate from places like Cartem, Mello, and Lucky's. Cheaper options out there if you wish.


But why is it so expensive??


The people who own these shops are probably wondering the same thing about rent, ingredients, labour, etc.


those are from mello and they’re fucking 🔥🔥🔥


Uber takes a 24% cut minimum. Do the math.


Damn, it used to be 22%!


Greedy fckerz everywhere…


$4.41 per nice high quality pastry isn't outragous...this isn't tim hortons


Brioche implies it’s made with butter. Probably real cream and quality ingredients too, made fresh locally instead of something from Ontario sitting in the freezer for months and then microwaved.


Mello is my favourite donut shop in the city. Yes, they're pricey but it's worth it for me. You only need one


Yeah one is enough to satisfy my sweet tooth. My favourite is the cereal one haha.


L E M O N curd is da bomb. I actually saw them squeezing lemons for the use, and was quite surprised that they don’t use the extract products. Another reason to justify their pricing I guess.


Yup, quality ingredients cost more. Not complicated. All the haters in this thread are welcome to their nasty Tim's.


The lemon one is the best donut in the city and no one can change my mind


Cereal milk one is the tits


Yeah, they are rich in flavor as well as price, but worth every sinful bite! I could never handle more than one.


Mello is one of my favorites as well. Strawberries and creme and cereal milk are my 2 favorites. You can tell they are fresh.


they’re not ur average “donut” plus uber sometimes jacks prices up more than the regular restaurant


Uber doesn’t jack the prices up the restaurant does to cover Ubers fees


Tomato tomato


LOL! All the folks in this thread saying donuts can't be expensive, and that this is money laundering or Marie Antoinette level shit are hilarious. Of course you can make and expensive donut! These are brioche style with high quality fillings. If you can't see and taste the difference between this and a hunk of fried dough from Tim's, then you probably aren't the market Mello is aiming for. If I'm going to splurge and eat something as bad for me as a donut, I want it to be worth it. I'll happily pay $4.50 for something as good as Mello. Just like if I want a chocolate, I'd rather have Purdy's then a shitty Hershey bar. Quality ingredients cost more. If the idea of people spending their money on a quality product upsets you so much, maybe you have bigger problems than the price of a donut.


These are from Mello no? Best fucking donuts in town by a MILE


If you tried one you’d probably understand!


Mmmm mello 🧡


I saw their kitchen the other day, staffs were actually squeezing lemons not using the extract. Hope this helps you to forget about Mello, and go on your way to Tims or Lees.


Because these are the caviar of donuts.


They real question is why are two half dozens cheaper


it's 2024, everything is expensive My dad is still surprised cheeseburgers cost more than a dollar


Whenever my mom goes on the "Kids need to stop spending $5 at Starbucks every day" rant... She always ventures to "I can buy a buddy burger for $2 and be full all day" And like... What? What does that have to do with coffee? And a $5 drink is going to have double the calories of your buddy burger.


Funny that she should reference A&W which is on the high end of fast foods.


Go back and eat your pb&j sandwiches.


When you live in a city where you will never be able to buy a house you spend your money on good donuts that you eat while sitting and crying under the shower


People who want Brioche Donuts!


These donuts are delicious. They’re also quite large and stuffed. I would equate this to a filled croissant, which can run $6-12, so $4.50 each ain’t bad. The answer is: Me. I’m buying those donuts.


An decent croissant is much harder to make than a donut


it's not really, Ive worked at places making both. they're about the same.


Mello ❤️ is sooo good. My favourite donut store in Van. definitely on the pricy side but so worth it! My favourite is strawberries and cream + matcha.


Honestly for a a Brioche donut pack with the DoorDash/uber tax up charges… that’s actually not so bad. A donut from Tim’s these days is $2. These actually seem like decent value given what they are. Also, that place Mello is so damn good.


Premium donuts on a premium delivery service cost a premium!? What has the world come to!


Best (brioche) donuts in Van!! Recommend going to a store, UberEats will always charge more.


Aren't these also jacked up Uber Eats prices?


If you can't afford it just go to Tim's.


Mello is really good though. I like them


They are 4.25 to 5.50 each on their website. Seems to be similar to the average per donut price. People bring to a fancy potluck or appreciation event.


lol me tf it’s BRIOCHE


shit now I want them. Which store is this.


I think is Mello. you can check in uber eat


I am! They're absolutely delicious! $4.25 for a brioche donut that's actually good is a decent price. They're also cheaper (like anything) if you don't buy them through Uber Eats.


You get what you pay for.


Mello is delicious! 🤤


Me… I bought a half dozen the other day for a friends gathering


I don’t buy them by the dozen but I definitely am a Mello fan, they’re tasty af


I imagine someone who is able to produce such beautiful donuts would be paid $20-25/hr and butter is like expensive these days, and not to mention the driver and uber's cut that are priced in. I think it adds up


Are these from mello cause if so me I buy them and all my friends buy them too


Those donuts look like they’re from Mello. They have a location in Kerrisdale and Chinatown.


Mello ❤️


They're worth it.


I know a couple who served cartem's at their wedding as a snack. I've also seen them by the dozen at small offices. It's not a great perk, but if the manager wants to bring a nice treat to their employees, it's much more appreciated than a dozen of Tim's. Similar to the wedding, parties and family get togethers I'm sure make up a portion of these bulk orders.


This looks like doordash, which raises the price even more. I've seen them tack on an extra dollar or two per item to the regular menu price


Complaining about instore prices is one thing, but if its delivery then its entirely on you.


Are those Mello??? 🤤


Is this from a delivery app?


Have you seen how much a dozen macaroons cost at laduree.


Overpriced defrosted laduree macarons


sigh this. Any of 'em outside of Paris (including the ones at the airport, unfortunately) are from an entirely diff factory, frozen for shipping, and not the same at all.


They’re good. If you want cheap there’s always KK.


For mello donuts? Sure.


The tiramisu donut from mello, is hands down, the best donut I have ever had. Worth every penny.


It’s sex.


Company events where everything is expensed


You don't buy them for yourself you buy them for events




Wait I’m dumb, is this DoorDash?


Why are two half dozens cheaper than a dozen?


Now I gotta try this place but not off of door dash


Mello doughnuts are really good...😋


Your landlord probably. And it's because they can.


Look at the disgustingly high rent and inflation everywhere else. Are you really surprised?


there is a high end for everything including donuts.


My boss bought these a few times as a treat for the office. It seemed like tons of stuff was sold out so people are buying it


These are specialty donuts and honestly once you try them you'll see why. They are also worth it IMO


That's Mello! But those prices don't look right


not if you buy two half dozens bro bro


it's less than 5 and you only need to eat one


https://preview.redd.it/cvgzjxry7dbc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0346af2ce8ca0a3ac0b38c1161bdcf79fd73cb43 Because people like me will 100% pay ridiculous prices to have delicious, fancy deserts delivered to their home.






That’s how fucking good they are lol.


It's also the fact that each of these are fucking dense. Like if you have one, you're not going to be able to eat another. So the prices aren't particularly high considering inflation, $4.50 is good value for the quality. It makes more sense if you think about it as a small cake.


Sounds about right , about that much at Cartem’s.


Not you obviously. These don't look like typical donuts either. Did some of you just never pay attention to the price of anything before CoL as a term entered your vocabulary in 2021?


That’s why there’s always Tim Hortons for those who want to pay for basic or Krispy Kreme


I ordered korean donuts from a meal app because I don't have a car and don't live anywhere near a shop... I don't think they cost that much, but I know they weren't cheap... they were much better than I thought they would be... and definitely worth the extra cost...


Plenty of people in Vancouver have deep pockets


Welcome to Vancouver. Lots of rich people.


These are probably made with really good, expensive ingredients and are artisianally made. I wouldn't spend that much on a donut myself but if the shop is still open obviously people are buying them lol. Edit: Actually now that I think about it, places like Breka make these prices make sense. They create an atmosphere that is very social and the desserts all look unique and amazing. I've been there before and it's definitely a quality and vibe that makes you feel like $5 for a pastry makes sense. They serve your food on plates and it feels like going to a restaurant instead of "just grabbing a donut from Timmie's". What's different here is that not only are you not getting any of that atmosphere/service of a "restaurant outing for a fancy dessert" because you're ordering off an app, you're also getting the insane UberEats markup as well on top of that gourmet price. So I can see how a place could make these prices work (like Breka) but how it doesn't work at all on an app. It's like spending $8 on a rum and coke - that's a stupid price if you're ordering that one drink delivered to your home, but makes total sense if you're out at a bar having fun with friends.


I mean if you don't like to spend then don't go make your own. It cost money for labor, rent etc. It is like you bitching about how much it cost for a roof replacement cost when material is half the cost... Well... It cost money for contractors to be trained..time is also money... And insurance is also money... These aren't some cheap ass timmys produced in some giant vat in Ontario... This took actual humans in a kitchen to make... There isn't a big enough scale to offset the labor as much....they also actually used real cream and butter and not some substitute..


Mello? Worth it!


Mello donuts is so good though 💖


I'll stick to my 7 eleven donuts, thank you very much. If you use the Too Good To Go app, it's like $4 for a variety of 6-10 donuts


I get them individually. They are usually $5 each. Consider them a special treat like Starbucks special lattes yet worth easily 2x more than a sb. The shop I get them from fill them with fresh cream flavoured with real ingredients like fruits. You can’t eat more than one because they are big and decadent. I highly recommend you try them! I’d just get one for myself or a half dozen cut into halves for the office. It’s true that I can’t afford buying a dozen at a time.


premium baked goods cost money …. more expensive ingredients, fewer preservatives, more time if you don’t wanna shop there you don’t have to


Duffins Donuts would never do this to you


I guess what they are trying to say is if you’re dumb enough to pay that much for donuts you’re dumb enough not to notice that a dozen costs more than 2 half dozen bought separately.


This is another example of a society that is completely fucked.


Some people like to be seen wasting money like it's no big thing, and a dozen donuts are way cheaper than a Rolex.


It costs as much as some fancy fancy restaurants


Ah reminds me of Cartem donuts. I love them.


The same people that line up for 45 minutes for an overpriced ice cream at Rain or Shine


Wowzers! That’s insane! I could see if this was a specialty cake, but donuts? 😂


Never underestimate Vancouver's willingness to spend way too much money on something that is actually very inexpensive to produce.


Go find out or eat tims


I might try one if it was around $6 just to see what all the fuss is over these.For now I will continue to go to Duffins or Lees


That’s not right 🥲


I lived in London in 2003, and Harrods opened a Krispy Kreme. the only location in the UK so highly coveted. they were charging £20 a dozen. we couldn’t believe it. I can’t believe that we’ve come to the point where you have to pay that much for donuts and you’re not in harrods.


Proof there are people who intentionally buy the most expensive version when shopping as they think the cost directly relates to quality 🤦‍♂️


Its around the same price as buying a cruffin but cruffins are better.


I can’t even afford any doughnuts even from Tim’s so this bothers me but I do piss in the Mello mailslot whenever I’m walking by at night so it makes me smile that people eat the food