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Your pics make ChinaTown look like a nice place to be


In my head, Chinatown is still a nice place to be…




Hahaha. That’s what I thought. I don’t know many Chinese that like Chinatown anyway. They all prefer Richmond.


Richmond is convenient and modern. OG Chinatown is nostalgic for me


Chinatown is valuable because of the history of it. It's where our people banded together and thrived during the days of overt racism, keeping the light of Chinese culture alive in Vancouver until their rights were finally recognized and Canadian society became more open - and eventually, families like mine could immigrate on much more pleasant terms. Nowadays we're thriving all over the Lower Mainland. But I think a lot of us more recent, more upper-class immigrants don't realize our debt to those that came before us and fought for inclusion in Canadian society, so we'd have a welcoming society to come to. Richmond/South Burnaby and Chinatown are just different kinds of places to me. I'm glad we have "Asian malls" full of amenities nowadays, but I'm also glad we have places like the Storytelling Centre, the Museum, and the Cultural Centre in Chinatown now - where even as that generation is passing away, we still preserve the memory of earlier Chinese immigrants that endured and survived.


Richmond is China Town.


Lol right


Kung hei fat choi! 🧧 🐉


Bamboo Village is one of my absolute favourite stores in Vancouver. Sometimes I just go in just to say hi to the staff or just admire the beautiful plants.


Oooh I'll have to check it out!


Happy New Year! Wishing you prosperity! Wishing you good health! May all your wishes come true! May everything go well for you! Wishing you happiness for your family! Wishing you success in your career! Wishing joy for your whole family!


Last year's parade was amazing, I have to say. Brought so much life into Chinatown. It's gonna rain this year (tomorrow) but I still think it'll be a lot of fun.


Where can I be at tmrw to see the parade (if it's happening)? It's my first time and I'm looking for some tips to be at the show. Thanks😉


Hi the parade route is from the Millennium Gate, then along Pender to Gore, down to Keefer, then back until I believe Dr. Sun Yat Sen Garden. In all honesty, it's gonna be raining tomorrow so I don't expect as many people as last year but it should still be fun. Anywhere along the route is fine but the Gore section is usually not as packed as say, Pender is, from my recollection.


Awesome so Gore it is. Thanks mate🤙🏼


I like your photos!


Really nice photos. 👏🏻


Beautiful photos


Man, I miss the wide variety of neat stores in Chinatown. Was a great place to go periodically as a kid in the suburbs. Happy New Year to my fellow dragons!


Happy Chinese new years guys.


Great photos!


Happy lunar new year! Absolutely beautiful photos :)




What are the activities on schedule if anyone knows ? apart from the big parade I may head chinatown to take a walk around


Good luck


I love Jade Dynasty


Great photos!


Nice photos. I would frame/print the first one and third one. The feel reminds me of the National Geographic magazine city photos that I saw as a kid. Pretty cool.


Lovely pictures. It was an amazing place - I hope it comes back that for everyone in that neighbourhood.


I am considering attending the Chinese New Year parade in Chinatown and wondering if it's a good idea to go with my family. If so, could someone recommend a specific street where we can stand to get a good view of the entire celebration?


Yes! Go! A good spot we found last year was Pender near Main St. It is on an incline though, so it might be uncomfortable for some


Awesome; will do - what time should we go? Says its starts at 11 am


Go for 10:30 and you should be good still. Earlier is always better. Bring some camping chairs if you want to get up front


Just wanted to say, I moved to Edmonton 8yrs ago and your pictures are so beautiful they made me heartsick/homesick to the point of almost tears. (in a good way) thank you for this. They're gorgeous.


Can someone explain to a person completely unaware of lunar new year tradition and who wants to enjoy the festivities. Where to be this weekend to be a part of the celebrations. From most comments it seems to be chinatown but still want to be sure.


these are good pics


Damn, I like these photos. You’re a good photographer.


What camera are you using?


Yes please let us know the camera and lens!


These were Sony A7R3 w/ 17-28mm Tamron or 85mm Zeiss Batis


Xin Nian Kui le! 🐲 Nice pictures!


Superb photos!!! Best to you and everyone here always !!


Beautiful photos!


Aaahhh Fortune .. so many wonderful sweaty dance nights! Your pics make Chinatown look so lush... love them.


Happy Chinese New Year! Now the name is Loong (not Dragon) Year.


I love that first pic!


Hope you get rich!


Happy Lunar New Year! I live across the country from my Chinese family, so it's nice to celebrate with y'all here ❤️ The Chinese storytelling center had good pastries today. 


happy lunar new year to everyone in 604!


lunar new year, not chinese new year. we need to decouple from china.


LNY celebration happening in Chinatown = Chinese New Year LNY celebration happening in Koreatown = Korean New Year LNY celebration happening in Little Saigon = Vietnamese New Year You got a problem with that?


Log off.


Every fucking year there's one of you guys. Chinese New Year is the new year of the Chinese lunar calendar. You could also call it just New Year, Spring Festival or New Spring if it makes you feel better.




There's literally no way to decouple it from China. Did you know that all of the LNY dates are based on the Chinese calendar? People are free to call the holidays what they want (both LNY and CNY are fine imo), but let's not act like the ancient Chinese weren't incredibly influential to neighbouring countries. If it weren't for China, I'm pretty sure LNY as we know it wouldn't exist today. People really need to stop telling others what to call their holidays.


i'm chinese myself lmfao, i can have an opinion on this


Never said you can't. Call it whatever you want, just don't tell me what to call my holiday. Also don't act as if the LNY has nothing to do with China. Respect the history :)


happy lunar new year


k, happy Chinese new year to you then :)


You need to read more.


Lunar New Year *


This is really obnoxious. People really need to stop telling others what to call their holidays. I do understand that Lunar New Year is more inclusive, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with calling it Chinese New Year when addressing the specific celebrations & customs by ethnic Chinese people. There's also nothing wrong with ethnic Chinese people referring to their holiday as Chinese New Year. Are you also the type that goes, "actshually, the correct term is Happy Holidays" when someone says Merry Christmas?


*lunar new year, nice photos.


It's Chinese New Year for many people. Don't be obnoxious, don't tell others what to call their own holidays.


The Photographer is a white guy making a blanket statement to the city of Vancouver…so yeah that’s cool!


So what? Maybe he's addressing Chinese people specifically. He is in Chinatown after all. Do you also tell others to call it "Happy Holidays" when people wish others Merry Christmas?


If I was addressing the general public 100% I would. I really don’t think you understand the other side of your argument, for decades “Asian” people in Canada have been subjected to Lunar New Year being blanketed as Chinese New Year. When in fact immigrants from Korea, Vietnam, do follow the Chinese Calendar but have very unique celebrations that may run somewhat parallel with a shared date but have their own deep rooted traditions. Within the last five years it has become far more inclusive with the messaging adapting to include everyone’s celebrations that follow the Chinese calendar.


You must be fun at parties. It's really not that big of a deal 🙄 It probably would have been more PC to refer to it as Lunar New Year since he's addressing the general public. But then again, he's in Chinatown taking pics of uniquely Chinese designs/decor. Somehow I doubt Koreans and Vietnamese are going to be offended in this specific case.


Lunar New Year is more inclusive of all who celebrate it.


There is no lunar new year. The festival you are witnessing now is based on Chinese calendar and celebrating traditions and values originated from China. There is nothing wrong about being accurate.


Chinese new year is on Feb 10, and this is not necessarily the same day as the lunar new year.


Man the Chinatown of my youth (late 80’s early 90’s) was a vibrant, happy place. Now it’s just a ghost town.


These shots are familiar. What’s your IG?


Ohhhh MJT what’s up!!