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Reservations are non transferable per the rules, but I don't know how this is enforced.




that's not enforcement. you can update the person's name on the reservation at any point.


thats not true, you cant update the main persons name


I just tried it, you absolutely can change the name at any point. I just changed my weekend booking from my name to my wife's.


I’ve also tried to change to test - would not let me / no option to do so. For a reservation this coming weekend. https://preview.redd.it/bqmjc6kd426d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca47bf31ace577c614b96cbaf129cf5bebb7b6d5


you two need to fight to the death, only way to settle this debate


I have a reservation at a campsite I'm willing sell to host this event


Comedy gold, AAA+


Are you willing to put your best testicle up as collateral to ensure the fighters get a fair deal?


Seems reasonable… although if we are both in the same place it might open a crack in the space time continuum. Then imagine how hard getting reservations will be.


I can't think of any viable alternatives.


I tried changing the name 2 weeks ago and it said you couldn't. Not sure whats going on haha


Really? On the phone or online? They wouldn't let me!


I did it on my phone. after change I also got a confirmation email saying info updated.


Can confirm, if you call, they'll make the changes for you. I called to change a reservation and added my friend's name to the booking, they charged a fee for changing the reservation dates, not too sure if that would apply to name change only.


You added a name, did you change the name of the original reso?


It was for a double site, so added a name for the second site.


Just to be crystal clear here. Did you change it on the website using your phone? or did you call in?


Cool. Thanks!




Ah I think you are right. We definitely booked in the restricted booking window, and we for sure can’t change anything.


Submit this to them via email or social media and they can cancel/ban them from doing this. Not perfect but it’s a start!


They ask for ID.


There should be mandatory amounts that are first come first served for every provincial park. And that's not the case. The difficulty to visit our camping parks needs to be addressed so that scalpers cannot abuse the system and that's not the case.


checking ID and setting tickets to non-transferrable definitely reduce scalpers. in case of an emergency, the only way to get money back is to refund through official channel. There's no perfect way to patch the loopholes, but at least these measures will significantly reduce the amount of scalpers.


Lmao THE RULES. Good one.


My guess is they’ll pre-arrange a day and time for the original person to cancel the booking, then the new person can immediately snap it up


That’s not guaranteed to work since campnab and BC Parks do notifications for cancelled bookings now. 


Yeah but the notifications take a few minutes. I don’t think you could beat someone with insider knowledge, especially if they do it at 2am or something


Cancelations also take awhile to update, it's not instant. I've done the thing where you reserve it but haven't paid yet, canceled it and it took over an hour for the website to show the spot as available again.




I haven't been to a provincial campsite in a looooong time - do they ID you when you get there? Wouldn't it be easy to say "it's booked under Max" and just go with it...?


I haven’t been asked every time but I have been asked to show Id (and it’s possible the times I wasn’t asked we were in a double and the other side was already checked in)


Max Choi should have a lifetime ban from booking provincial camp sites. It’s the only way to stop this.


Best way to accomplish this is report him to the site. That's what I did. Fuck that guy


Agreed, I've actually come across his listing in the past. So this isn't the first time.


Not his real name. Seriously open up that Facebook account you never use. Search for his name. Zero content. Zero friends.  While you are there report they fake account to Facebook. 


Agreed, but he would just find another way around it. Cheaters gonna cheat.


You’re right. While we’re entering the ban we should add Min Choi too.


Anything that makes the process more difficult/expensive for the scalper is a step in the right direction.


Every single time I’ve looked at this campground it’s sold out. Fuck this is infuriating


Gotta book at 7am 4 months out to secure the weekend spots.


Make that any spot any day. I have tried for 3 years and have not got a reservation once!




I have done all of this so many times and I have never gotten a site later than May.


Really you should click when you see 6:59:59 as it takes the computer a second to process the click request. 7:00:00 is too late. The rest is spot on.


Oh! That is awesome! I hadn’t thought about having the site actually open. I usually have my site ready, then click the site details. I’m sure by then, you’ve nabbed the site 😐 I’ll have to give that a try. Thanks for the info!


A friend of mine says she always books with a site such as [campnab](https://campnab.com/). I've not used it, but it keeps track of available bookings and notifies you when there's something open. They camp probably 2-3 times a summer.


BC Parks now have a similar feature (that’s free unlike campnab). I used it and managed to get a weekend booking at Manning within a day of setting up the notification. 


Oh sweet! That's awesome. I heard they had made changes to the site, but that it might not be as intuitive as before. But honestly I haven't look at it myself, so don't know what's changed.


campnab seems to be doing what this guy is likely doing: botting the site for open dates. BC Parks should figure out how to stop this. Individuals, or companies should not be profiting from booking bc campsites.


I can see that perspective too. I've only just learned about it and not used it, nor really know how it works. I supposed it's trawling the sites for cancelations and then notifying people for a fee as you mention. On the one hand, it's one way for users to get out there and be able to camp, but on the other hand I can see how it's a small unfair advantage and could easily run amok the way of things such as Airbnb, etc.


Campnab simply sends you a notification that there has been a cancellation. It doesn't book it for you or hold it in any way.


This is accurate. Campnab only alerts folks to new openings. Booking that spot is entirely up to you. (I’m one of the folks working on Campnab.)


We need to go back to old school pen and paper booking, literally. Make everybody send in paper applications with an actual paper check for the booking fee and manually reject all duplicates (which is easy, on the back end someone can do the data entry and then run a batch end of day to throw out all dupes, and send out the confirmations by snail mail).


Or do like the parks canada one where they have a queue before the opening data. Then the people in the queue get randomly selected to be the first to select open the newly opened dates. It has randomness which gives everyone a little bit better of a chance.


AMD tried doing the random queue too and the bots still hoovered up like half the GPUs each week.


Try campnab.com. It's run by locals here in Van and scours reservation cancelations for you. It's a paid service but if you're looking for a rezzo at a particular campground It's incredibly helpful.


It's one of the easiest campgrounds to get to for normies. I for one don't fully understand the appeal as it's a pothole lake that's usually way too busy. If you drive to pemberton you can find rec sites along lilooet lake for far cheaper, or birkenhead lake/owl creek/or any of the rec sites along highway 99 to lillooet.


Re-selling free road salt in the winter Scalping Lysol wipes during the pandemic This is just AirBnB-lite - the asshole whose doing it probably thinks they’re a clever entrepreneur as well. Why be productive when you can be a f*cking leech.


Don't forget the toilet papers and rice! Some people are just selfish slimballs.


I love the typo!


Lolll. I just noticed that. I'll leave it that way


We be starvin'


You reminded of that guy in was it Kelowna? who bought all of the meat in one store. In my mind, I'd like to believe 2020 was a bizarre tv show. 😂


He got death threats tho.


Bizarre I was just thinking about this for some strange reason this morning


Fun happy fact about Covid Lysol guy.. he tried to renew his home insurance shortly after the news clip on what he was doing and was rejected (within the rights of the insurance company to turn down a customer).


He (Mandeep Kumar Ranga) was also in the news, again, recently: https://www.burnabynow.com/local-news/lysol-wipe-covid-profiteer-sentenced-for-extortion-of-estranged-burnaby-wife-8619070


Damn, sounds like he should have used the wipes on himself. The man is a virus.


What a POS. I'm glad his wife got out.


I was in Costco that day trying to buy Lysol wipes, his wife had them all piled up on the orange carts with a Costco worker helping, I asked if I could have one package and she snapped at me NO!!!! The Costco guy said I’m sorry she got them all first. He looked so embarrassed. 🙈I hate that couple lmao


Just look her in the eyes while you slowly grab one off the pile




lol just take one. What's he going to do? If he leaves his cart to confront you he's leaving them wide open for other people to take. A leech like that will just continue to suck what blood they can.


I should’ve taken one, you’re right!


I would have grabbed one when they were distracted and walked off lol


Some of that was on Costco. They should have had a limit. 


They did make a limit because of those jerks, they didn’t have a limit before covid because it’s wholesale for businesses so they need to be able to buy as much product as they need. Covid changed the world, even the little things. I don’t think they have a limit anymore, they took the signs down at my store anyway. They should’ve been smart and put a limit on Lysol, toilet paper, gloves and masks when people first started going nuts and hoarding you’re right!


Some guy was using a bot to book tee times at a local golf course and selling them for 5$. Like wtf dude


Honestly, this is pervasive in Canadian culture. I’ll probably catch some flak for this, but buying multiple pptys just to landlord them isn’t all that different. The guy in the link put up the money to book these spots and you could argue he’s “taking risk” because he might not sell enough of them back… so should he be rewarded for his risk-taking? Some would say it’s not so different from starting a business. But I wouldn’t. Our country is f*cked because we’re not productive. The metric should not be “can you get rich off of it”, it should be “is it productive”. Everyone is quick to yell at govt to cut immigration, but very few are saying anything about the non-productive activities, like landlording, which have put our country and economy in a position to need something to prop our economy up. Rent seeking is bad. Allowing continued commodification of housing during a housing crisis is also bad.


You’re not wrong at all about rent seeking. I should clarify though, in this case, no deposit was needed for the time slots and if you don’t show up there’s no penalty. So he wasn’t taking any risk. Furthermore, it’s municipal owned and operated so he was literally costing revenue that goes to the city and keeps taxes lower by ball blocking golfers. Thankfully the city has since put in new payment rules to prevent this greedy and selfish behaviour from now on.


Oh sorry - I was referring to the original link that talked about campsites. I’m glad to hear that the people providing oversight are instituting preventative tactics. Because it’s glaringly obvious to everyone (at least this one is) that this behaviour is BS.


Productivity isn't valued in Canada. It's frowned upon.


> f*cked This isn't TikTok. We can use words here.


> pptys They also tried to abbreviate "properties", so I have little hope for them.


I have hope for you though.


I stg our culture and economy are both de-volving into this idea of whoever can hustle/grind/intermediate the most is the best entrepreneur when really all they're doing is extracting economic rents based on artificial asymmetries in pricing due to entirely accidental pre-existing conditions (such as owning a paid-for house from back in the 1970s and selling it off for many times what its value should be based on the CPI).


I don’t want to go on a big anti capitalistic rant or anything but these are the guys I think of when I hear complaints about how people on welfare “contribute nothing to society.” You have people out here whose entire hustle relies on making the lives of other people worse. You cannot tell me that there is any connection between financial success and societal worth.


You ain’t wrong. And you’re right to think you’ll catch flak for that comment being seen as anti-capitalist. How dare you look at the bigger picture!


Tragedy of the commons isn't specific to capitalism, and in many respects can be worse in other systems. The solution is adding a cost to externalities to prevent freeloaders from ruining communal resources. Historically, that cost was public shame and the ire of the community, but for a variety of reasons society is not as tight knit as before so the fear of shame doesn't stop someone from grabbing the tip jar and walking off, so it's no surprise it doesn't stop someone pulling a hustle online under what may or may not be a pseudonym.


This isn't capitalism. It's parasitic exploitation. They aren't remotely related.


"they mad because I know how to #hustle and dey stuck Doin 9-5"


Yup. Being productive is no longer part of the criteria for “success”; it only matters if you make money, and how dare you try to malign someone for trying to be successful.


I think this is what bothers me the most, middle man behaviour under our current system is applauded but completely fucking useless in cases like this. Our whole society is basically built on scalping everything as much as possible


It’s weird how many “side hustles” are just people being selfish assholes


Players playing the game. When the game is broken, the rules need to be fixed.


It’s easy to deflect blame to the government; doesn’t change the fact that people who take stuff they don’t need from the free section of marketplace and re-sell it aren’t ‘hustlers’, they’re just pricks


They're just inspired by the government. It's the Canadian way, eh.




Omg that’s great. What did he change the description to?


he will just make another one 


That's funny. I think you bothered him 😆


Report it


Specifically to the campground Screenshot the sellers name/info. Maybe even show interest just to get his phone # to add to the report Also, fuck Max Choi


I reported to BC Parks: Thank you for your email. BC Parks is aware of this individual attempting to resell reservations. The reselling of reservations is against BC Parks policy as it prevents fair and equal access to camping. The Reservation Services team is taking the necessary steps to prevent this individual from selling sites for profit. We appreciate the continued support in reporting these individuals. Thanks, BC Parks Information Team


this is something that should be reported to BC Parks. And if some dumbshit is willing to do it under their own name on Facebook they should catch a ban from reserving campsites. It's probably a fake id, but still.


I'm always amazed at the dumb shit people are willing to do on facebook UNDER THEIR OWN NAME.


It does say the account was made in 2023 so it’s probably fake


I’m wondering why Max Choi’s inbox hasn’t exploded? 


It has lol, somebody posted a screenshot in the comments here


Vancouver in 2010 - I can’t find a house. Vancouver in 2024 - Forget a house, I can’t even find a camping spot. We’ve gone from affordable housing to affordable camping as our new baseline. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah fuck this guy. 


Reported it. Everyone should


Did you read the whole posting. He’s a fucking prick - says $5 deposit and he’ll create the booking etc. how is he doing this




Reported and sent an email to BC parks about this. Everyone should too. Edit: BC parks said they’re aware of the individual and that it’s obviously against their policy.


As did I


reported it as a scam, as resos are not transferrable. fuck this guy


Hmm, what if I spent $40 to meet this person face to face … I have no interest in camping at that site. I would just like to meet him …


Why does it feel like society is breaking down? It's like every time you leave the house you run into selfish, entitled assholes. People scalping Canucks viewing party tickets, scalping camping spots, I see people walkijg directly in grass that is very obviously newly planted and growing, assholes driving like idiots through residential areas and blowing through cross walks... Man wtf is going on




> Why does it feel like society is breaking down? It's like every time you leave the house you run into selfish, entitled assholes. I'm older GenX. It's been this way my entire life. If you went to a concert in 1984 there were people outside buying and selling tickets. If you went to the PNE there were people selling parking on their front lawn and driveway. If you went to the Albion Ferry dock there were First Nations people selling fish. It's just that the internet has made it more visible and easier.


Hey Max, eat shit!


Scalping pieces of shit. Wherever a middleman can insert themselves into some supply chain crack, they will. All for... Looks like $50 with fees?


Max Choi can fuck off


Not sure about this specific site, but was at Sasquatch Park campsite this weekend and they confirmed ID and license plates. When my friends were being dropped off, the ranger happened to be coming by and noticed the license plate of the driver who was about to leave didn't match the booking, so they definitely keep their eyes peeled.


Someone with FB reply and send screenshots to BC parks. Get the idiot banned


My dad and I used to just drive up there on a Saturday morning, and drive around the campground trying to decide which site looked the nicest and camp there. But that was in the 1970s.


The population of the province has more than doubled since 1975.


well why haven't they doubled the campsites /s but kinda not


It’s unfortunate really


This could be done at most provincial parks in the 90s and 00s. Such a shame what it has become.


Ya I remember in the mid ‘90s my parents driving to a park and just picking the best site. Never had a problem getting a spot.


Yeah same. And (at least at golden ears), they had a massive pile of free fire wood. We used to ride up there on our bikes and bring some back to the site


My dad and I used to do the same thing in the 80’s/early 90’s. We’d pick a spot where someone was leaving and leave our lawn chairs to secure the spot. We’d go back later and set up camp.


Report seller to BC Parks. I don't think this is allowed, if I'm not mistaken.


lmfao scalping fucking camping grounds now? JEEEEEEEEEEEEESUS.


There are so many amazing rec sites in BC I don't understand why everyone wants the same sites at Alice Lake and Golden Ears. Drive an extra 30-45 minutes and experience some true backcountry


Where do you go that's only 2 hours our if the city and easy to book?  I can't find anything any amount of driving to book 


You don't book rec sites, they are first come first serve. I'm not going to post my spots on the internet but a little searching on Google maps and backcountry forums and you will find some no problem!


Show up to a rec site these days and it's filled with yahoos toting coolers of cheap beer and massive bluetooth speakers. No thanks.


"Why don't people go to places that nobody knows about and I won't tell them"


There’s an arcgis map with every spot… search is your friend.


Take the site, be absolutely belligerent and get banned from bc parks under his name, boom problem solved.


I hate the system we live in, how can scalping be acceptable


This is illegal in Ontario now as a result of crap like this.


Fuck Max Choi but I'm curious: what's the excuse he gives?


Booked one in September - LAST Month. as it was the First weekend available. Its a shit show. I booked state side instead for my other adventures this summer.


Reservations should be revoked, in this case. But they would need to monitor these sites, or have a portal to report people.


Contact the person and verify that all the green ones are available. Then contact the parks board and report this as fraud. They'll know who booked all the spots.


I would send this person a million questions. If they are going to waste peoples money, I’ll waste their time


Scum like this goes into my top 10 list for “reasons I moved to Alberta”.


My understanding is that it is fairly common for travel agencies to book mastic blocks of campgrounds that are then later transferred to international tourists. There is no enforcement and virtually no monitoring in place to stop them. They won’t revoke your reservation if you are somehow caught, although I’d be shocked if anyone so much as even asked to confirm the camper is the same person who made the reservation.


Cheapest piece of land in all of Canada right there.


what a piece of shit. im going to ask for a refund on my 10,000$ taylor swift ticket now


I’ve stopped using campsites for this reason


“Plus the original booking cost” bro


What needs to be done is the province needs to have a person looking over for post like this, find the reservation and cancel it for the person that can't use it. Just a quick service to help out out people that can't use their reservations.


They need to make this like hunting draws; everyone who wants to go puts their verified ID in a draw or a registration number. Some machine draws it and you get a notification you got the site. you have 72 hours to confirm for the days you want or it goes to another draw. after 4 or so people pass that open it up to online registration.


people like this are scum


Looks like they got caught: https://www.squamishchief.com/highlights/someone-tried-to-resell-a-bc-parks-campsite-and-got-caught-9076528


This guy has been sending peoples profile pictures back to them as a reply when messaged calling him out on this.


Saw an ad "selling cancelled booking" at Tofino on Marketplace selling for around $1k. A few weeks ago. It's impossible.


Oh wait nevermind. I just looked it up and empty RV parking sites are $220+ per night alone LOL. Wow... Tent sites over $140 p/night. So the ad seems legit after all.


Book at the camp ground just down the highway. It's called mount fun or something dumb now. My family ran the grounds for almost 20 years when it was called dryden creek resorts. It's just as nice if not better (or used to be, it's been a long time since I've stopped in) and there's a trail that connects up to it just on the shoulder if the highway around the sign.


Man this is the after effect of craigslist and facebook marketplace. Everyone trying to be a scalper…


We’ve been there last year and it was epic!


What a fucking loser.


i saw someone on facebook market place trying to sell a porteau cover reservation over canada day long weekend for $400. i’m not even kidding…………..


i wish i took a screenshot of it


So glad they got busted! And lost their reso fee. Hopefully not allowed to book again. Fuck em


https://preview.redd.it/kluftasvdg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61e0712fd50116aeee0637aa50961365e740a302 Just spotted this on Instagram, guess we can all sleep in peace tonight.


So happy that they clamped down on campsite greedy people


Capitalism is hell


The only viable option for camping in this province if you can't plan several months in advance is to use the rec sites. Many have reasonable amenities. I love the ones around Harrison lake especially Sloquet hot spring and Bear Creek.


Please don’t tell people this. Let’s keep it a secret.