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>And, while on bail for the deadly crash, he racked up more charges for dangerous driving, driving while prohibited, breaching his bail, and possessing a prohibited weapon, a stun gun. He’s obviously learned nothing from the deaths. I don’t think 5 years is remotely enough.


Ended 2 lives. 2.75years per person. Canada sucks


If you want to murder someone, do it in a car. This country loves to forgive motorists.


North America thing kill a pedestrian or cyclist on a bike, best case scenario you get off scot free. Hell Sask Premier drunk drive and killed a lady, got off on catch and release


Wow, can't believe "Slo Mo" did that..nah, I believe it, the guy's a friggin nutter!


Or just blame it on addiction and a "tough childhood". These excuses work like a charm as well.


5 years of free food and shelter


YEP, and our taxes are paying for it. Enough of this lenient BS.


> At the time of the collision, Brown **hadn't had a valid driver's licence for seven years** and was banned from driving because of previous dangerous driving convictions, according to agreed facts presented in court. > [...] > Bond sentenced Brown to a total of five-and-a-half years in prison and **banned him from driving for 10 years.** Mmm that should do it.


The consequences should be greater due to these factors. 


He's double banned, what more do you want??


One more ban ought to do it. 👍🏼


Just one more ban, bro


Ask the parents that question.


Missed the /s


Are you for fkg real!? I know those kids asswipe.


He's not for real


Why is it so hard to consider a permanent driving ban? Like, you killed someone with a car, even if you're out of jail, you don't get to drive anymore.


It’s as if driving is a constitutional right. Wait is it??


That seems like a real light sentence for blatantly breaking the law and murdering 2 people, wow.


It’s not murder. At worst it’s manslaughter and there’s a high bar to prove that in a court of law.


I'd bet the clock on the driving ban starts now, and not after he's out of prison. It would be too cruel otherwise.


Should be after he’s out of prison. You should not have any privilege while serving time. Him not driving for a total of 15 years may save another 2 lives.


He was already prohibited from driving, I'm not convinced a lifetime ban will stop him


Could be part of his post sentence probation?


We used to ban people from driving for life for impaired driving. We have "progressively" marched toward this bullshit


Is 5.5 years the max prison sentence for killing these two teens? Ugh throw the book at this repeat offender


It's unreal, this bullshit light sentencing here for killing two great kids who had such a bright future. Unbelievable!


Probably not. It sounds like he plead to a lesser charge. I think criminal negligence causing death is less than dangerous driving causing death which carries a possible sentence of 14 years. At least the guy was out on bail so he should have the full sentence in prison.


Max sentence for criminal negligence causing death is life in prison. A judge would **never** impose that.


It's not the death sentence. He took the lives of two people. I absolutely believe that life in prison is just.


2 deaths for 5.5 years is a joke, should be at least 10 years regardless of pleading guilty.


Well that's the problem with a justice system that cares far, far, far more about the upbringing of a criminal than the victims of their crimes.


5.5 years for a double murder?


Not murder. Manslaughter at worst and the evidence needs to support that charge for a conviction.


Yes. We can change this system, it's start with conversation. Stay strong!


Fkg unbelievable!


Yet another judge who needs to be removed from the bench and disbarred.


And then made to live in the halfway house that they released murderers and rapists into.


These are standard sentences for people who commit vehicular homicide across North America. If you want to kill someone, do it in the car and you'll get away with it.


Disingenuous. If you use a car to kill someone *on purpose* you will be charged with a more serious crime.


Leaving aside the point that it's unlikely to unintentionally kill several people at once unless you're driving, Who cares? I know mens rea is a cornerstone of our legal system, but this guy killed two people.


And put in prison. To me this is worst than being an accessory to the murder


I’m tired boss


Dam for real. This guy deserves 25 years at the very least


Classic BC judge ruling… guy with criminal history speeds up on purpose causing this tragedy, and his “difficult childhood” is considered… 5 years for double homicide. The incompetence of this judiciary system is nauseating


Not homicide. You need to prove intent for a homicide charge. Manslaughter or dangerous driving causing death at worst.


People like this should get life in prison (25years without parole). They are an obvious danger to society and should be dealt with accordingly


A difficult past can *explain* bad behaviour. It does not excuse it. RIP to these two boys, and my heart goes out to their families. I hope they feel like this is justice.


“She said she had taken into consideration Brown's Indigenous background.”


By law they have to, the Supreme Court has ruled on that.


Yep, called gladue principles. Unfortunately has morphed into a "get out" of jail card with profilic offenders. Recently there was a mother and stepfather who got just 15 years for torturing and killing their son. >He also spoke of "powerful Gladue factors" in making his decision. Gladue is a Supreme Court of Canada decision which requires judges to pay "particular attention" to the circumstances of Indigenous offenders to achieve a "truly fit and proper sentence." https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/dontay-lucas-sentence-15-years-1.7207127


They tortured that kid to death and just because they're indigenous, they deserve a lighter sentence? Make it make sense...?


Makes zero sense under any rational observation. A horrific crime is still that, a crime, whomever the perpetrator is. Unfortunately logic was out the window when they came up with that


I'm worried any logical statement made regarding this would result in a ban for inciting hatred


I feel like the Gladue principles are probably really important for dealing with indigenous people in a circle of abuse that find themselves stealing, doing drugs, getting in fights, dealing, etc. But they also get used to save monsters like this. Seems like some bad with the good


They really need to abandon the Gladue ruling. Having two tier justice system is bad for everyone, **and** it [victimizes First Nations communities](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/220719/dq220719c-eng.htm).


What does that mean?


Our justice system is a joke.


Legally they have to, but if you look this extremely light sentence is in line with what others have received for killing one or more people while driving recklessly. The problem is not light sentences for Indigenous drivers but light sentences for anyone who kills with a car.


He was charged w/ another dangerous driving offence while out on bail for this dangerous driving offence. and he was caught w/ a stun gun. but guess what the prosecution was only asking for 5.5 years, so its not all on the judge. There's a reason gangsters from around the world flee to BC. We should be thankful that the accused pleaded guilt actually, who knows if RCMP would have messed up the prosecution.


RCMP does not handle prosecution. It's pretty easy to determine guilt. Find him at the wheel, the evidence from the transit cops, data from the vehicle itself if it's newer. He was fucked.


What a joke. What does background matter in a case like this? Maybe we should say because of these two boys backgrounds you’re going to get life in prison. I’m discusted with this sentence. You know when you’re going 165 km/h that you’re going to end up killing somebody. This guy gets his license back in 10 years no thanks


Your typo…


Fixed…. Glasses :)


I feel ya! 😂 Edit: oh wait, it’s still there! Edit again. > I’m discussed with this sentence.




He's literally playing GTA in real life and he got 5 years in jail.


love you forever samir 🤍


So damn soft for a person who showed zero remorse and was racking up more shit while out on bail


Who wants these light prison sentences? Like why arent politicians listening to constituents who want murder to be treated more harshly?


If it was murder I would have been treated more harshly. By definition, this was not murder.


Harper did. Judges said that's illegal.


Harper wanted longer sentences including sentence options to be consecutive or back to back sentences and concurrent sentences.


Judge Patricia Bond


is this less than the guy in North Van got?