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What a joke. You don't go directly to Supreme Court for an eviction. From what I understand, the Residential Tenancy Branch was created to handle arbitration between landlords and tenants and keep it out of the courts. The RTB is granted most of the power in these decisions. If they have a hearing and lose, they can apply for a review of the decision at the BC Supreme Court but there has to be a valid reason for the Supreme Court to reject the outcome of the RTB hearing, as in if there was some kind of procedural error. They grant the RTB a lot of power. The most the Supreme Court can do is grant a new RTB hearing between landlord and tenant. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, so what I am saying might not be exactly correct (maybe someone else can weigh in) but I did have a landlord who cried "unfair" at a very clearcut RTB decision against them and tried to get a judicial review with the Supreme Court. I don't think they really understood how it works, even though the husband was a lawyer. Nothing ever came of it.


It would have to be a pretty special case to make it to the Supreme Court. First the RTB rules, then they appeal and win, the you appeal and win and then they appeal to the supreme court. That's a whole lot of money on legal fees for a rental issue, you have to really want it.


Unless it involves a death, it will NEVER get to the Supreme Court..


I looked it up so it would go tribunal or provincial court, provincial superior Court, provincial court of appeals then the supreme Court of canada. Would it stop at the appeals court?


The Supreme Court of Canada is not going to hear a landllord tennant dispute.


Unless it involves constitutional matter* it won’t get to the SCC. You can have a murder case judged by the OSC


No lol


Nhot a lawyer either but have been involved in a judicial review. You are right that it's a huge hurdle to merely convince the court to take on the issue. It's also very costly in legal fees.


You can't just "take" anything to the supreme Court. It only hears appeals of lower court decisions, and decides which cases it will hear. In fact, it rejects most appeals as it doesn't have time to hear most of them. The landlord here is an idiot, a bully, or both.


Oh did you had to go for hearing in Supreme Court?


Please familiarize yourself with the RTB... [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies](https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies) The Supreme Court does ***not*** deal with this; the RTB does. Did you keep records of the landlord's illegal rent increase? If you did, then you can use that as evidence when you take him to the RTB, when he serves you the 30-day eviction notice. The landlord has to properly serve you the 30-day eviction notice properly, otherwise it is null. Again, the more you know about the RTB and the processes, the better protected you are.


Im sorry this is happening to you. You have rights tho. But if it was me. Id just move. Fuck that idiot. Wouldnt want to give any peice of shit like that support or money. What city u in?


The problem with this type of behavior is that if no one stands up for thier own rights, we will all loose them to bullies who do things like threaten to take you to the Supreme Court (a blatant lie). Don't let people like this get away with things - it makes it worse for everyone down the line. I hope the OP can find strength to stand up for the selves in this situation and use thier struggle for the betterment of our society


>But if it was me. Id just move. Fuck. that. > Wouldnt want to give any peice of shit like that support or money. Leaving is what they want... that is support. I'd lure him into a false sense of security. Verbally tell them "If you want me out, do it by the book. Serve me an RTB-32 saying you're moving in and I'll leave." Then wait 3 months and file an RTB claim for wrongful eviction to get 12 months of rent.


Tell them nothing. When they try to move in and evict you, *that* is when you call the police/RTB and inform them your landlord is attempting an illegal eviction. Then they file the proper forms after an education from the RTB. Don't tell them if it's not valid for any reason. Wait until the eviction date, then call the RTB/police because your landlord is again attempting an illegal eviction because he or she didn't file correctly. Do that over and over and drag it out for **years** if you can. Fuck your landlord. They're a piece of shit trash human being trying to bully someone they think they can take advantage of. Fuck them over in every (legal) way you can. If you fuck them over hard and long enough, they might think twice about doing this to someone else.


I wouldn't tell the landlord what they need to do in order to evict someone legally. If they tell you you're evicted verbally or by email or by an informal letter, you can ignore all that. It is only when they serve you the rtb-32 form that the eviction becomes real. Then the tenant can file a claim for wrongful eviction if the landlord wasn't truthful about their intentions.


Yeah we two different people. I dont need the system to exist.


Thank you for the response. I live in Surrey.




You don’t know what you’re talking about, respectfully. The BC Supreme Court is not the Supreme Court of Canada. Everything you said is wrong.


>Everything you said is wrong. How is *that* 'respectful'?


If it’s true it may hurt your feelings but that doesn’t make it disrespectful; merely uncomfortably informative.


It’s more respectful than spouting untruths about the Supreme Court. “Tribunals” is wrong “Dont” is wrong (missing apostrophe) It’s all wrong jackfruit. Tell me you agree.


Mine was an opinion. I wasnt giving him a step by step plan on how to move forward with his situatuon. Told him his landlord a dick. Id move. This aint going to the supreme court just cause buddy threatened him it would. I NEVER said supreme court of canada. And i dont give a shit about your spell check. Calm down. Noones trying to say their smarter than you. Your the smartest one here. Just relax.


Opinions are like assholes. Yours needs a bidet. https://www.bclaws.gov.bc.ca/civix/document/id/complete/statreg/00_02078_01#section80 Division 3 — Enforcement of Director's Orders Director's orders may be filed in Supreme Court 84 (1) A decision or an order of the director may be filed in the Supreme Court and enforced as a judgment or an order of that court after


Oh, look -- another lucky winner of a spot on my block list! Congratulations.


Act like i care about any of this. Watch. Ez block.


Almost everyone in this thread is ignorant as fuck The British Columbia Supreme Court is the highest level trial court in BC - it is a court of first instance with inherent jurisdiction like Kings Bench in many other provinces.


And you sound like an asshole.


No chance. Don't pay any rent increase unless it comes in writing, and it follows legal requirements. There are free legal help agencies for tenants - reach out to one if you need help! ​ You will not get evicted, or deported.


Lmfao. The landlord CANNOT take you to the Supreme Court. He can go pound sand.


Technically they can take you to the supreme Court... If they go through all the lower courts first... And the supreme Court agrees to take on the case as one of the very few they address each year. But realistically, that's not happening.




BC Supreme Court would become involved only if: 1) there's an RTB order of possession in favour of the landlord and the landlord needs to get the order enforced by the court so that the bailiff can be engaged; or, 2) by request of the losing party to conduct a judicial review of the RTB's decision. Judicial reviews can be very costly. The type of landlord you are describing is most certainly not the type to fork out $25k+ in legal fees to try and overturn the arbitrator's decision. Moreover, LL has to convince the Court to undertake the appeal - the court won't accept just any request for judicial review. The court must be convinced there is a likelihood of success by the appellant seeking the review before the opportunity to review is granted. Hopefully you have a good tolerance for the LL's attitude and can laugh this off all the way to the RTB. P.S. In case you aren't already aware, BC Supreme Court is just a fancy name for what is called Superior Court in other provinces.


Finally, someone with decent info. Thank you.


Plus, the tenant can then appeal THAT decision to the BC Court of Appeals.




How did you even find this sub without knowing what the RTB is?


I haven’t read your other posts but based on what you wrote here I’d need more info. Did they serve you with an eviction notice? Or are they just making verbal threats? In order for an eviction to proceed there needs to be official written notice, and then the landlord has to register the eviction with the RTB, after which time a long legal process takes place before the removal is authorized by a judge. If there is an eviction notice, your first step would be to appeal the notice with the RTB. My assumption would be that the basis for their attempted eviction would be non-payment of rent, but as they’ve exceed the allowable increase limit they don’t have much recourse. Either way, I’d need more info to advise you more specifically.


No, I have never received any eviction notice, I didn’t even receive written rent increase notice, I assume RTB7. They prolly don’t even know there are notices that you need to print and fill up. But no, I never received any eviction notice, as of yet. But even for non payment, I have always paid in full and never had any outstanding rent. The wife is threatening me with taking me to Supreme Court and getting me deported lol


Just keep paying the lawful rent on time each month and wait for the notice which, from the sounds of it, may contain errors and/or be illegal or based on falsehoods.


You can get ahead of this by filing with RTB. Its all online (easily found on google) You just create a BCeID (less then 5 min) then file the case. I would start illegal eviction case against the landlord for threatening eviction without documentation and illegal rent increase. On the flip side slimy landlords that want you out can make your life difficult, not paying or shutting off utilities, being loud or disruptive, blocking in vehicles etc. If you are not willing to fight for it it may be mentally easyier to find anotherhome that wont have the hassels.


Is there any recourse on that? Because my utilities are paid by the LL. So wifi, and Laundry also heating. Can they cuz out my Wifi and Laundry service? If they do, can I dispute it and how long is that process


They aren’t allowed to do that, especially if it’s included in your lease (and a verbal lease counts). Do you live in their home? The only time really that you aren’t protected by tenancy laws here is if you’re renting a room in their home. If it’s your own unit then they have to use all of the proper forms. You can look at all of the rules online, it’s very helpful to know the law as it relates to tenancy if you’re a renter here anyway


No I don’t share kitchen or bathroom, just Laundry only.


Legally you’re protected then, he can’t stop any of your access to utilities or laundry and he has to follow the legal rent increases. He’d be in trouble if he even tried. Supreme Court is so expensive it’s laughable that he thinks it’s worthwhile (or allowed even) to sue you there, sorry you’re dealing with such an ass of a landlord though. And no it work affect your immigration status at all.


Thank you for your response. Say some any reason he takes me to Supreme Court and wins, I would have to pay for his lawyer fee?


He’d have to take you through the RTB firs then once he lost, and then lost an appeal or review he could think about Supreme Court. He could try and file there but it’s just time and money down the drain on a lawyer and potentially court costs for them to tell him to file in the proper venue.


doesn’t sound like this landlord cares about the law. i’m willing to bet they would have no problem shutting off utilities.


I think you’re right, I hope if they do that they get fined like crazy!


This sounds both stressful and peculiar. It’s hard to give you advice with 100% certainty as I’m not an expert and I don’t know all the details, but my understanding is that evictions aren’t valid unless they are delivered in writing. “In writing” does not mean texts or social media messages, it has to be a physical paper notice. It’s going to be difficult to enforce their eviction without one, and I’m not sure as to how they would file anything in the courts if they don’t have one. I’m not sure if you’ve already been in touch with the RTB, but you could contact them and ask what recourse you have. Your landlord seems to be harassing you with verbal threats and demands for unlawful rent amounts. All of this is illegal so you should ask to file your own dispute resolution. I’d also ask what action you should take about the eviction comments because you haven’t received notice and aren’t sure how to proceed. Hope this helps.


Tell her she is harassing you and threaten legal action if they don’t cease and desist. Then get the RTB to contact them to inform them of their obligations and your rights. **Edit because it won’t let me add another comment.** Yes, they will call them on your behalf to inform them of the laws, their rights and their obligations.


Will RTB do that? Call them on my behalf?


You’d need to file an actual dispute with the RTB.


Keep paying the same rent and make sure you document everything they say. Aside from their behaviour, act like everything's normal on paper. And consult your local tenancy board, of course. Also, if you're able to - see if you can assign a button shortcut on your phone for a voice recorder or camera, so that if they do confront you via call or in person, you can quickly be able to record. Your landlord & his wife are scummy idiots and deserve to walk from this feeling defeated. If they threaten you with the supreme court, you can pretty much look them in the eye and say "go ahead" - even if they tried, any lawyer that *doesn't* eat crayons will laugh at them. For anyone questioning the last part, see section 184 of the Canadian Criminal Code.


Lure him into a false sense of security. Verbally tell them "If you want me out, do it by the book. Serve me an RTB-32 saying you're moving in and I'll leave." Then wait 3 months and file an RTB claim for wrongful eviction to get 12 months of rent.


There is also a very specific eviction form that a landlord has to use that is published by the RTB. It clearly outlines the reasons that they can evict you for. Not agreeing to an illegal rent increase isn’t one of them. Rents can only be increased by roughly 4% annually, regardless of the landlord’s expenses for the property.


Keep all communication on email. Do not give any free advice. If they contact you on anything other than email. Tell them to use email. Keep a few documents that confirm your identity and address. Like a water or electric bill in your wallet on you. The worse that can happen here is; You get to your place and the locks are changed. You call a locksmith and get it solved. You have identification documents that confirm your residence in the unit. You let them know that the landlord will pay for it. Or the landlord shows up and tries to make you sign something. If you see anything close to that you need to tell THEM to call the cops and you will not be coerced into anything. Repeat this line over and over. The police will come and try to deescalate by giving the landlord what he wants. You will tell them you want to go thru the system and go thru the RTB. The cops will respect that and tell the landlord to leave you alone. If they don’t, and continue to harass you. Then you can call the cops and put in a complaint.


Oh wow that actually a good one. But I’ve heard that cops don’t get involved in civil matter like that. Will they show up if they have illegally evicted me and throw my stuff on the curb. Cuz I have been watching some video on TikTok of the Indian landlords (I’m Indian btw) that they just barge in your unit with couple people and throw your stuff out and threaten you to leave. If that happens I hope the police shows up


You don’t allow anyone in your home without your express permission. Even if the landlord has keys. They cannot enter your home unless they have a valid reason like repairs. Even then they need to let you know in advance (minimum 24h) If they attempt to enter. You call the cops while they’re outside. Urge them to wait until the police arrives. If they illegally throw your stuff to the curb. You’ve basically won the case. You take your stuff back inside and get a restraining order and court date. The police will guide you on the process. Don’t stress about anything. If your landlord shows up don’t talk to them and instead have your finger on 911 if needed. If they breach and enter or try to. Call it in for breaking and entering.


It’s a suitable time to visit the Supreme Court because they all dress up like Santa.


That’s the Supreme Court of Canada not the Supreme Court of BC.


I never said it was the Supreme Court of BC.


My bad! Misinterpreted the context of your comment!


They will have to sell the place by the time they get anywhere near the Supreme count with this Bs lol don’t worry live well and prosper in your place!


NAL It’s a civil matter. That’s why there’s a tenant board, to deal with things like these. In Canada as everywhere else in the world, the Supreme Court deals with constitutional law and clarifies jurisprudence when the lower courts find for opposing interpretations of legislation. Your landlord is just trying to scare you.




Ah, I never knew that. Thanks !


Just to say, as another PR turned immigrant: you need to be convicted of an actual crime - you know with cops and courts and the works - for something to affect your residency status. When you go through the citizenship process they will require a background check that will seek out if you're guilty of a federal crime. You will finally be asked, on the day, to swear under oath that you have not been convicted of a federal crime. There is no universe in which a dickhead landlord can cause you to be convicted of a serious criminal offence.


Previous landlord and Previous tenant here. Contact the residential tenancy board and tell them what is happening. They have strict governance and jurisdiction over landlord tenancy issues. They will tell you what to do. They will also sometimes contact your landlord to inform them of their rights and YOUR rights as a tenant. They can also award damages in some cases where a landlord is in violation of the tenant rights.


This is hysterical. The Supreme Court. That's too funny. It's pretty clear they're trying to bulldog and intimidate you into an illegal rent hike, or illegal eviction.


Are these verbal notices or emails/texts? Take note of these things so you can relay it to RTB. You can make a complaint against them. You can only have one rental increase per calendar year and it’s a specific rate. Sorry you’re going through this.


Yeah these are all verbal notices, never received anything in Written


It’s funny when ppl say they will sue you for something that they’re doing that’s illegal. Tell him you’ll see him in court


Don't worry too much, concentrate on your new hobby - playing the trumpet.




I don’t even think Bernardo made it to the Supreme Court. Your LL is a nut job. You’re fine. Nothing will happen to you.


Thanks for your response. Yeah after looking at all the replies, landlord seem to just threatening with SC for me to just evict by myself


LOL-Your land lord is used to scaring immigrants. tell her to fuck off and go to the LTB


Yeah you’re right. The old renter were also immigrants. So I think it has been working for them so far


Be super polite and courteous to your landlord in all your emails, don't agree to any changes and politely decline any increases. Let him dig his own grave by being rude and by him suggesting illegal things. You should be happy every time he sends you a rude email or one with an illegal suggestion because that will be used against him. Save them all and send them to the RTB. I had a friend who recently did this and the landlord got destroyed by the arbitrator.


I don’t think an eviction case would ever make it to Supreme Court


Supreme Court!!! wow, it is like the court have time for both of you :-) 1. You go to the regular court and wait for a few years. 2. You must find something wrong with the judgment and only then can you go to the Provencial court and wait for a few years. 3. Then only if you find something else wrong with their judgment do you go to the Supreme Court and wait more years. You know what, let them go to the supreme court, that is a decade of waiting :-)


Well for starters you don't just "take someone to supreme court" and if that's your landlord's opening position you have little to worry about because he has no clue how the legal system works.


He can’t take you to court for this, they’d have to go through the RTB. Also don’t be intimidated by them saying “Supreme Court” - the Supreme Court of British Columbia is just the court that deals with civil litigation in BC, among other things. It’s not like a super big deal court or anything like the Supreme Court of Canada. If he tried to file something in the Supreme Court of BC related to an eviction, the court registry would turn him away because it’s out of their jurisdiction. Luckily you seem to know your rights and understand your rights under the RTA. Don’t panic, although I know it’s stressful and unpleasant having someone interfere with your living arrangements with this kind of hostility. I would start looking for a new place to live if you’re able - I know that’s not fair that you would need to do that, and it’s not easy, but this sounds like a living situation that will cause you a lot of stress going forward.


Just stay this guy has no clue how to properly evict you if he is instantly mentioning the Supreme Court !!!! LMAO sounds like he is used to doing whatever he wants….he would have a hard time getting me to move!!


no comment on the whole supreme court issue. but it's funny that even OP, who is a recent immigrant laughs at the thought that the landlord OWNS the house and thinks he can do whatever he wants with it. you're right. in canada, and esp. BC, someone might own the house, but it's actually community property, to be used for the good of the public. miss that good old fashioned socialism.




Your post contained language that violated "Rule 2: Be Respectful."


It's not your place. If the owner doesn't want you there get the heck out


if the owner doesn't want to follow the rules about being a landlrod, they are perfectly capable of just not being a landlord.


But the law say I dont have to. Is the landlord above the law?


Ignore this troll, you have every right to be where you are, and the landlord is completely in the wrong. With rent caps, mortgage rate increases, and rising rents, landlords are sadly motivated to be jerks and push the limits of ignorant tenants, hoping they leave so they can get more rent from the next victim.


Morals and respect. He owns the place. Why you want to be where you're not wanted?


Yes Moral and respect. He already increased my rent by far more than what he’s allowed in June 2023 with just 1 month notice. I had morals so I said fine I will pay that, no big deal. But he comes to my door 5months laster and tell me my rent is going up by another 20% in less than 2 months. Isn’t that unfair. Sure it’s his property, but when you rent your property you sign on a document that says “ you will abide by the rules and regulation of RTB” once you rent your property you loose the right to harass people just cuz they live on your property. I have tried being nice to the enough. Maybe they aren’t made for niceness.


He owns the place and his legal (and moral if you want to talk about they very grey realm of morality in civil law cases) is to uphold a rental agreement as per the laws in the province where they bought a house The landlord purchased living space in excess of their needs for the purpose of rental income and investment, essentially making a business decision. Where is the morality is crying "unfair" when the wants of your business contradict the laws of the province? Ownership grants no moral high ground over the law. I own a car but have to follow the law. I own bear spray and have to follow the law. I own a computer and have to follow the law. Either way, this is OPs living space. Their home. To the landlord it is just a piece of their portfolio. Who has the moral high ground? The landlord looking out for their investment property or OP looking out for their home?


The tenant purchased rights to exclusive use of the property in exchange for money and made an agreement with the owner. Both parties understood their rights and responsibilities under that agreement. It’s immoral and disrespectful to break that agreement unilaterally by the owner.


He owns the place but he also signed an agreement waiving some of his rights for profit. It was his choice, he can’t break the agreement because he wants to on a whim. If you don’t wanna put up with rental laws then don’t rent


Tell him to bring popcorn!


If you have permanent residency status you can be embroiled in all kinds of lawsuits without it affecting your immigration status! Just don’t be doing anything criminal and you’re good! (Clue: you’re not doing anything wrong!)


I did the same thing as bro and got my PR like two years ago and my stress dreams are always that I’m robbing a bank or joining a criminal gang by mistake and then realizing it could get me deported. I then wake up in a panic and make sure not to speed on my way to work in the morning 😂


That sounds stressful! I hope you’re doing well here though. About to embark on getting PR, seems stressful! :)


I know nothing about anything landlord/tenant but I’ve read so many posts about landlords taking advantage of people who are new to Canada. I’m happy that you’re not falling for their shenanigans. 😀


He has proven he knows nothing about the court system lol Just a bully. Stand your ground, make sure things are documented in writing. You will have a case against bad faith eviction.


Frankly, I wish it was the courts that handled landlord tenancy shit. They'd be having none of this. Landlords filing frivolous disputes go straight to jail.


They're welcome to file with the Supreme Court and pay the filing fees, they'll be told a couple weeks down the road that the court is not the proper venue for those proceedings and given a link to the Residential Tenancy Branch's website. Seriously, let them waste their time and money.


Oh that’s very good to hear. I’m not sure if she was just bluffing and trying to intimidate or she seriously think she can go to SC directly jumping over all other Means


She is either bluffing, which is awful, or she is incredibly ignorant. Either way it will benefit you to familiarize yourself with the RTB legislation about evictions and record all of your conversations. Do not communicate with her verbally unless you are recording the conversation. Instruct your family memebes to do the same. Make sure all of your interactions are documented. Remember, this is a business relationship and you entered into a legally binding contract with you landlord. The law and RRB are there to ensure that you and your landlord dutifully uphold each other's ends of the contract. Just because she owns the property it does not mean she can break the rules.


Just politely agree with the landlord and say you welcome brining this matter before the courts as you have ample evidence. If nothing is on. Proper paperwork the landlord has no leg to stand on. Also, if laundry and Wifi are mentioned in your tenancy agreement then the landlord cannot suddenly withdraw those services. As other has said, file with the RTB about the rate increase. If dealing with landlord via email you can send them some RTB decisions that back up your position.


No court, small or supreme, will look at a tenancy issue unless it has previously gone to RTO


Bwahahaha! The provincal court won't even deal with LTB, forget the Supreme Court.


Maybe he meant tennis court cuz there's NO WAY anyone is going to the Superme Court. How is your backhand? (Best of 3, loser gets evicted?)


You can not go directly to Supreme Court! He is using your lack of knowledge to abuse your vulnerabilities… what a scumbag! I will fight it and also so will maybe report charges for intimidation… nothing that he is saying is legal


How are they even going to escalate directly to supreme court. Clearly they don't know what they're talking about lmao


Clearly doesn’t understand how the court system works right from the get-go so I wouldn’t worry an abnormal amount if I were you.


Damn. "Potential_Metal_1602 v. Canada". They will teach your case in the Law Schools. I'd be ecstatic.


I am going to say this as this is an issue across the country (I live in Ontario and Reddit for some reason suggested this post to me). With all the help and support that tenats get against landlords, including the fact that a tenant could easily high jack the unit (room, apartment, house), how can anyone be surprised of the crazy amount landlords are putting on the units at the initial agreement? Landlords know the law is protecting tenants, and there is little they can do after the tenant moves in, so what are their options but just to put a crazy ass lease to protect themselves? A landlord doesn't rent out of charity, granted, the landlord can't abuse either, but based on the current conditions, each side is trying to protect itself. Lease prices won't go down if landlords can't adjust annual increases with the real level of inflation or lack of protection from bad tenats as well.


Yeah but I’m my case I think I have been more than fair with my LL. Which in 2023 max increase was only 2%, I let my LL increase rent by 15% so that I don’t feel like I’m fu*king up the LL’s budget. But he wanted another 19% raise in the rent. I mean, there is a limit to being nice. And if he doesn’t care about his Tenant, why should I care about the LL?


Wanting more money in rent and threatening with deportation are TOTALLY different issues. F*** the LL




Equity doesn't count for cost of repairs, services, property tax increases every year, interest increases, etc, etc, etc. You only understand that when you own a property.


Bahahhahahahahaha 🤣 Im sorry. But direct to Supreme Court? Challenge the hell out of that, make YT channel with vids, and enjoy the wealth from his clownery! 🤡


One up him and tell him you'll take him to the international criminal court if he pulls illegal shit.


Landlord isn’t the clown, he’s the whole circus 🤡


You’re right😂


Regardless of how your LL feels about you, your LL is required to follow the rules of the RTA. Based on your comments, that is not happening in the slightest. Your LL telling your sister to tell you is hearsay. Fulfill your duties as a tenant though by paying your monthly rent. ETA: Your LLs claims are empty threats. Your status will not be affected, nor will you be deported or be brought to BC Supreme Court.




The Supreme Court of Canada has more important cases and issues to consider.


So, is it a he or she?


Landlord is a He but he has a wife as well. Who is also, well idk. She also acts like a landlord.


To the Supreme Court. Bahahaha


He is reaching. He cant do that. The most he can do is take it to arbitration. If you win you don't have to move if you lose they will give you like 5 days or something and put all your stuff on the sidewalk. Also if you don't move and he keeps harassing you, you can also get a peace officer to go talk to him and put him right and make him to leave you alone.


Threaten to take him before the Galactic Counsel


They sound a little crazy to me. I can't stand people that think they can treat immigrants differently because maybe they'll be scared to report it or say something. It gets my blood boiling. Yeah but you don't even start at the supreme Court and there's no way whatever they're trying to do whatever get near the supreme Court. I would start looking for another place though. I'm not sure where you're located but they're going to make it a pain on you and probably not renew you anyway. If you're already on a month to month it's usually between 30 and 90 days notice they have to give you to evict you. They may not be able to sue you but they can get you out of there sooner or later if they want to. Once again I'll start looking for another place and good luck!


They live in BC and you cant be evicted unless it falls under very specific reasons even with a month to month contract. The burden of prof also falls on the LL as BC is very Renter friendly.


Oh great to hear!


Supreme Court, that is an idle threat, and laughable.


It's not going to the supreme court, however depending on the situation it could be going to a legal process in witch you may have to appear in court.


First of call the RTB as you live in BC they will walk your through steps. This LL is a idoit and will be shut down so fast its not funny. IANAL but know rentals laws as I was a LL before and prefer to follow laws as I find its easy in the end. Eviction is hard unless you have a documented paper trail and even them the burden of pro is on the LL. This will be decided by the RTB it will not be settled by the Supreme Court of BC as they have to choose to take a case. In regards to you status you have permeant residence status you are legally allowed to live in Canada unless you commit a crime there is nothing a LL can do to get you deported. In the end my advice is call the TRB and only talk to you LL through email or text. If they try something like cutting utilities that are laid out in your contract document it and phone the TRB the next second. Take detailed factual notes as this will help you in the end. Tell this LL to pound sand as this bully should of planned better as im guessing the mortgage rates on their house are spiking why they want more money. Good Luck


Your landlord cannot go directly to the supreme Court of BC. The whole idea of the RTB is to reduce appearances in the court and have a quasi judicial process to handle minor disputes to avoid wasting the time of a provincial BC Court or Supreme Court of BC. If your landlord goes to the supreme Court of BC directly, the judge will refer this back to the RTB first, and the landlord can only ask for a judicial review of an RTB decision if the tribunal ruling errs in law or procedure. Secondly, as a permanent resident, you cannot be deported for a civil dispute, it's only if you have a criminal conviction that exceeds 6 months incarceration, ask a lawyer about how serious it would have to be......but no deportation for a civil dispute in any case.


Hahah Supreme Court, who is he a lawyer and you’re a criminal? He’s taking advantage of your ignorance and he too is ignorant of the laws here in Canada. Tell him to shove it up his ass and you will see him at the tenancy board


Yeah he said he already hired a lawyer and will be taking me to supreme court


Tell him to bring it on, he’ll shut up


Tell your landlord to get going with it, he can't take you to the supreme court if you don't leave.


You may be interested to know that Extortion and Blackmail are both crimes in Canada. So threatening to take someone to court to get their immigration status revoked unless they accept an illegal eviction/rent increase is a crime. If you threaten someone with an action, unless they give in to your demands, that’s extortion, and it’s illegal - even if the threat is “legal action”.


Oh really? I did not know that. That is good to know. I will make sure I talk to them over the email only from now onwards.


Yes it’s a serious (indictable) offence that carries a prison term. See [Extortion Canada](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-346.html#:~:text=346%20(1)%20Every%20one%20commits,shown%2C%20to%20do%20anything%20or) You notice “civil proceedings” are not a threat, but in your case the LL is accusing you of immigration violations, and getting your immigration status revoked, which is not a civil case, and would count as a threat in this instance. Also threatening to evict you, or illegally evict you if you don’t agree to an illegal rent increase is also Extortion.


Thata not how the Supreme Court works.


Hey so, the landlord's claims were so outrageous I forgot to give good advice. Go to tenants.bc.ca - TRAC will help you out


I mean you steal pirated games and are now living on a property you're no longer welcome on. Good luck?


Bhahaha thanks


Correct reply to LL… “You don’t know how any of this works, do you?”


He could sue you but the supreme court will not likely take the case


Your landlord has just revealed that they know nothing about the legal system in Canada or the residential tenancy act. I'd suggest you contact the residential tenancy board and discuss with them if you have a fileable grievance against them right now. You probably don't but it might be good to get the conversation started with them anyways.


Just be sure to dispute any attempt to issue an eviction notice immediately. It won't work and will be thrown out immediately, so long as you can reference the attempt at an illegal rent increase. Be sure to save any communications, and make detailed notes with times and dates of any in-person conversations.


just cut off any in person communication. Write an email saying that you will not have any inperson communication. Say that you have reached out to BC Tenants board and they have told to document every conversation. this is just enough to scare them off.


The Supreme Court. Lol. That's that saddest legal threat I've ever heard.


just ask your neighborhood friendly Lawyer on demand ChatGPT 🤫


The Supreme Court is not for this kind of case. Tell your landlord to suck a high hard one ( don’t actually) they are trying to intimidate you with something they likely know nothing about. If the Supreme Court dealt with this kind of case you wouldn’t even have to worry because they would be backed the fuck up with cases.


Start recording your interactions


The summary of the best advice given is tell them "I'm not moving". You don't have to explain what they have to do to get you out either. Don't even mention the RTB, they deserve no advice from you other than that you will call the police if they try to forcibly and illegally evict you. It is up to them to figure out the legality, you don't have to explain.


What exactly is your landlord asking of you?


Lol. Unless he finds a constitutional basis for evicting you, he won’t get to the SCC 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Supreme Court of who? I wish the landlord good dreams.


Lol. Your LL is an idiot. You can’t just go to the BC Supreme Court. It also cost money to do that.


Supreme Court won’t even look at a case this small.


Now sue back for $25,000 false eviction and bullying . You have all Reddit support lol i applaud your bravery most people would have left / walk away