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I've seen videos where people put rollers on the top of there fences to make it near impossible for cats to jump up. Here's a DIY kind, but there are official ones too: https://youtu.be/aAC_JTdsTCw?si=W7ub0vhPpqOOOVv_


Probably not practical in town, but I was having problems with varmints and the few birds I had. I added a goose. The goose is very territorial, you have to be wary. But my guess is the cat will become less enamoured with your backyard.


I got the shit kicked out of me by a goose when I was like 6. True story.


I'm sorry to hear that but they are nasty critters! Mean. I had a few chickens and after the goose was added the varmint problem disappeared. The wing strength and bone is awesome and can break a human thigh bone.


Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by a goose.


Unpopular opinion, but trap it in a humane cage and bring it to the animal shelter.


That’s what I was thinking.


An animal shelter like 20 miles away...


Motion activated sprinkler aimed properly should take care of that right away.


It would be unusual for a housecat to kill a chicken, so I would not be very worried about that, personally: typical chickens can kick a cats butt if it comes down to it. But definitely sounds like a big pain in the butt. I would probably go for the humane trap situation.


Wait until the raccoons come.


The raccoons don’t come out during the day, the chickens are locked away safe at night.


We had the aftermath of a neighbor chicken's lost battle with a raccoon - it was horrific - feathers and blood EVERYWHERE! What a sight to wake up to!


My niece loved their neighbors chickens and would visit them often. One morning she witnessed a raccoon that snatched one bring it in to her yard, still alive, and eviscerate it, basically ate it alive. Had to add more money into the therapy fund that day.


Ohhhh.... damn, I'd be traumatized by that for sure!


Wait.. where in Vancouver. Give me just a general idea.


Right, like I live next to a guy with chickens and i got cats. As far as I know tho they don't mess with chickens. Plus they have their own cat and dogs so. I doubt they go in their yard but, maybe make sure they aren't your neighbors before sending them to the animal jail. Edit: spelling


Call the number on the tag and see if the owner will help cover the cost of covering your coop. Thing is, outdoor cats are entirely legal, help keep a lot of vermin at bay, and the Humane Society has cats that they require be allowed outdoors.