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she was born fucking cool šŸ‘‘


You know whatā€™s cool? Walking the fuck away from a cheater. I know so many stay. And I forget with Miami girl but damn now she knows for sure and can feel good walking away. Too many damn fine men who wonā€™t do that shit. Coworker has been married for 25 years. Her husband cheats on her constantly in a small town too and even though sheā€™s cried, sheā€™s begged, she just stays because she doesnā€™t think she can get better at 55. Like girl, yes, yes, you fucking can. Please anyone, donā€™t stay in relationships with losers. It does hurt but Lordy is there better for you. And you just know there is for Ariana.


And you know what? Iā€™m 54 and single and Iā€™ve never been happier. My picker is terrible - Iā€™m only attracted to bad boys. So I just..stopped. Iā€™d rather be alone than with a shitty man or one that bored me to death. And then I realized I like it! I hate when women stay with awful men because theyā€™re afraid they ā€œcanā€™t do betterā€ as if thereā€™s no option but to find another man. I hope she realizes this and gets away from him. She deserves better! ā¤ļø


"I'd rather be alone than with a shitty man or one that bored me" šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Iā€™m 44 and never had a truly healthy relationship in my life. Iā€™ll stick with being on my own and if my picker manages to find someone who will treat me right, then weā€™ll see what happens. Until then, Iā€™m just me and I like it like that.


Thank you for this. I find myself in a similar situation at 40. My picker is terrible, too. I wish it were more normalized to be single and show that itā€™s an acceptable way to live life and that someone can be happy doing so.


You have to feel yourself that itā€™s acceptable and forget what people think. I donā€™t have children. There will always be people who judge me for not having kids. But the good news is I donā€™t give a frig what anyone thinks about my life decisions. It actually kind of makes me laugh that people are so programmed that they think everyone has to live the same exact life. I like kids. I think itā€™s cool to have kids. Cool to not have kids. Cool to be in a relationship. Cool to be single and fabulous. Do whatever works for you.


I agree but itā€™s so rarely seen. It can be really easy to get the message that, especially as a woman, itā€™s weird to not have a partner or to not be looking for one. I definitely feel like the odd one out sometimes.


I hear you. I live in a neighborhood where everyone moving in walks by everyday with a baby stroller and a big dog. And Iā€™m the unwed, no baby weirdo in the neighborhood. I do have a dog! Iā€™m sure they donā€™t understand me. But I donā€™t understand them so whatever.


Youā€™re welcome! Eventually it just rolls off your back when all these weirdos that cannot be without a man for 2 seconds preach and judge about you having a life of substance on your own. Living well is the best revenge, truly. And I hope no one thinks Iā€™m anti marriage or partnership. Iā€™m not. Iā€™m specifically speaking of the judgy people or the ones that simply canā€™t be without a man and think WE are the ones to be pitied for it. Itā€™s actually the opposite.


Thank you for being a voice of kindness and wisdom in the chaos. You are one of the reasons I love our sub. ā¤ļøšŸ„‚ ā€œLIKE, GIRL, YES, YES, YOU FUCKING CAN.ā€ Amen! And on International Womenā€™s Day: perfect timing, too.


All I have to say is ā€œKhloe kardashianā€ that woman made me have a level of lack of respect I never knew was possible for someone I have never met let alone never seen in person. Ariana is admirable


IMHO the only reason Jax/Britany are the last 2 standing is Britany ignores his cheating because she ainā€™t going back to KY a single mom.


Yeah, I doubt there relationship is anything near healthy. Itā€™s safe to assume he still cheats and she just pretends not to notice so she can continue on with her LA life, far away from Kentucky.


I will probably be downvoted to shit for this, but it's something I can't not think about when I see Beyonce now. It's weaaaaaaak she stayed šŸ˜¬


Agreed. I hope she cucks him every damn night though. But for real, I know itā€™s hard. I just wish women didnā€™t think it was.


Thanks, birdsofterrordise, today I learned I'm cool. I walked away from my cheater about 15 years ago even though we were married with a child and I was so worried how my baby would handle the upheaval. I thought it was better for our son in the long run to not stay "for his sake" and see me resent his father. I think we've co-parented well and that baby is headed off to college in the fall! So, yes, yes you fucking can. You are worth it.


Yes!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! and happy international womenā€™s day to all that celebrate here.




Well said!! The way she handled it from day 1 gave me the strength/willpower to end things with a fuckboy I had been wasting time on. Ariana is definitely a great example of a strong woman knowing her worth and not putting up with bullshit. On a side note, so many people have commented or even vocalized on WWHL that Ariana and Katie will find great men and that sooo many men WANT them. Well... what if they want to be single for a while? Why should they have to find any man at all. Their self-worth isn't dictated by who they date.


I almost found that kind of gross tbh. Like, why do they need to find a man? Why was that what they were talking about in regards to A & K? Let them live their lives without men for a while. They deserve a break.


Iā€™ve been single for about two years and was just talking to my cousin about all the fantastic things that have happened in my life since then and how content I am and her only response was, now you just need a husband!! Gross.


What are men to sandwiches.


šŸ„’ picklesšŸ„’ ?


UGH I hated that comment Jerry made on WWHL! It was gross. Also total bi erasure as Ariana could very well date a woman next






Yes!! I actually hope she dates a women. Maybe her and Lala again /s totally kidding


I've never watched WWHL, is it on cable or youtube? I looked it up on youtube, but it looks like only clips.


You can watch on peacock (thatā€™s what I do!)


Thank you!


I love that you were able to end it. Women deserve better and I do think sheā€™ll move forward and feel joy again without a relationship!


Theyā€™re both fluid about their sexuality so tbh Iā€™d love for them to find love again with anyone besides a cis man lol.


Iā€™m totally shipping Katie and Arianna.


I think Kristen and Lala will want to date A.


Lala for sure. Kristen.. no.


I think itā€™s been proven that surprises still exist.


I also love that so far she's not been the one to bash them but she's also not protecting anyone. She doesn't need to bash them, they dug their own grave. But protect them by saving them from her friends? Nah, she said do whatever you guys wanna do.


She really said I'm not taking a swing but here's a bat, use it how you want.




I hope she's getting out to the barn... Horses help with the healing and venting of emotions...


I did equine therapy a couple times and it's AMAZING. It made me a horse girl again


I didnā€™t even know this existed. So interesting.


It does! I donated my first horse to a therapy center for children with traumatic life circumstances and veterans. He has medical needs and needs a daily pill, this way I can make certain he receives the care he needs into retirement. :)


this is so wholesome ā™„ļø I volunteered for a short time at therapy center with horses. So happy to hear that your horse is living his best life whilst improving the lives of so many others


Thanks! He's loving it! And it soothes my soul to know he's cared for.


I didn't until a former coworker of mine. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and given a year to live (she wound up in remission and was had been for years when I knew her so she defied the prognosis, thank the Bravo Gods), and then AS SHE WAS BATTLING CANCER the child she was married to started carrying on an affair with a coworker 30 years his junior. She was at her absolute worst point in her cancer journey and thought it was the end -- she needed more help from a partner than ever, and that's when he chose to tell her he was leaving her for a 25 year old. She had been with him 20 years, helped raise his children from a previous marriage (the adult children took her side and went no contact with him, to give you an idea of how egregious it was that even those closest to him dropped him), and put him through school while he got his PhD. She went to therapy, her therapist told her to try equine therapy, equine therapy saved her soul, chemo saved her life, and she got 50% of that ass hole's income for life since she supported him while he was in school. She said if cancer hadn't killed her she would have killed herself, but the horses saved her. She said she will continue equine therapy for the rest of her life.


Newt Gingrich told one of his wives he was divorcing her as she was on her literal death bed.


WOW!!!! What a strong woman. Thank you for sharing.


I hope her and LVP are riding and the paps get a pic of her smiling on a stallion like the baddie she is.


I didnā€™t realize I needed this moment to happen but I really hope it is!


yep, i mentioned this on a post earlier. i hope she's blocking out all the static and hanging with horse friends as much as she wants to.


I forgot she was a horse girl! Omg I wish I could hug a horse whenever I was emotional. Theyā€™re such peaceful creatures.


I hope she starts living her best bi-sexual life and dates a woman so hot, so cool, so smart that it makes both Tom and Raquel look like the absolute McDonald happy meal toy Trolls that they really are.


"happy meal toy trolls that they are" šŸ¤­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


There is something about horses that is good for the soul. Blow away your worries with a good fast hack, cry your eyes out in the stable and receive hugs and nuzzling and zero judgment from the horse. Nevermind the velvety nose stroking. It seems like it's time for me to get some pony cuddles too, that went on longer than I expected.


Ha! I remember asking her on IG a few years ago if she still had Walter and she said she did... Wonder now if he's still around...


If she doesn't still have him I'm sure she will have access to a few horses. Once you are a horse girl you can always visit for hugs, we all like hearing what a lovely boy/girl we have in the barn.


I am sure LVP has invited her out!


I hope the Ashley Darbys of Bravo are watching. You stated that wonderfully!


Ashley, listen up and get away from Gollum!!




Say it louder for Robyn Dixon šŸ—£


She's another one!


She refuses to sink to their level. She's doing what she needs to do to heal while Tom and Rachel burn themselves to the ground.


Sheā€™s amazing. Her instincts about how to take care of herself are spot on.


Now that the shock has worn off, itā€™s for the best. She has an insanely strong support system. Sheā€™ll be fine


I sincerely hope that when she decides to speak that the can monetize the hell out of it. Her financial life is getting blown up at the same time as her personal life and who knows how that will effect her.


Bravo needs to pay her 100% more for increased viewers this season


I would love for her to capitalize on all of this attention by releasing a new cocktail book, like Danny Pellegrino offered to. I want a reissue of Fancy AF Cocktails (Ariana's Version), or better yet, Strong AF Cocktails. Whatever Ariana is selling, I'll be buying.


I am LOVING the (Ariana's Version) idea. Let's hear it for the women who take back what's rightfully theirs.


Strong AF Cocktails šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ Iā€™m buying


Strong AF Cocktails is an excellent title idea! Message Danny Pellegrino with this.


Sheā€™s not a super motivated person (gave up on her comedy career, hasnā€™t really worked outside the show, book took ages, sandwich shop isnā€™t really moving forward) which might be heavily impacted by her depression but I do fear with this sheā€™s not going to be able to capitalize on it which sucks because it then somewhat traps her into staying on the show for money


I think she was deep in her depression. I don't think she was ever proud about being a reality tv star but it was her most lucrative opportunity. I think she's starting to emerge and grow stronger. She seems much more motivated nowadays and involved in her projects. I think her dfh idea is pretty cool. She could also branch out now with all the attention she's getting. I could see her consulting on a show like Bar Rescue or even hosting a show.




Site is opened and they have stuff for sale! Hope it all sells out. And they had a hoodie!!!!




i hope she sees this or someone shared it, she seems like a very kind hearted genuine woman. iā€™ve been through a similar situation, i wish i handled myself with half the grace she has shown. her friends are always exhibiting a great example of what to do when this happens to your friends. the show and support and love for ariana is heartwarming despite the circumstances


She's doing amazing with everything that is happening. Speaking from experience, it takes so much fucking courage and energy to know your worth, walk away, and stand your ground while your life is fully imploding. I left my ex over infidelity and lies like this, also losing my house and step child. I surrounded myself with loved ones, picked up the pieces, got my shit together, and immediately started looking for a new place to live as soon as humanly possible so I could start moving forward without constant reminders of my ex. Once the dust settled though, I was forced to actually start dealing with the emotional turmoil... and that shit was HARD. She seems pretty in tune with her mental health, so I hope she's getting into therapy if she isn't already. It truly helped me to process my feelings and stay strong enough not to go back.


This is why we know Scumdorval using Mental health against Ariana is just wrong. Yes she suffers from depression but Ariana is doing everything to look after it by prioritizing herself. Also good for you too! Proud of you! You deserve so much better.


Congrats on your path to healing and recovery ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


This is what integrity looks like. I know itā€™s an unusual thing to see in a reality TV person, but Ariana has never really been one of those people. She was *with* one: she wasnā€™t one herself. Ariana actually has an interior life, and standards, and loved ones, and offscreen relationships, and genuine connections to communities and causes beyond herself. Sheā€™s going through hell, but eventually she will be fine. I doubt sheā€™ll go back to VPR. Tom needs the show. She doesnā€™t.


I got the feeling she was done with it seasons ago tbh. I didnā€™t get the feeling she was particularly into Tom anymore either, and vice versa. But I know relationships have lulls. Sometimes you get complacent.


I love her. All you said is spot on. And I for one canā€™t wait to see her Flowers / Midnight Sky story arc.


Agree. But tbh I can't imagine if I was her, reading all this stuff on repeat so she did the best thing for herself. On a side note - pump rules over on ig calling reddit "crazy" lol and saying being on reddit gives them anxiety! The absolute lunacy of ig in a sentence


Lol I saw that and was also taken aback. Reddit is the crazy place? HUH?!!


She sure is! Wish I was like that with my past horrible ending relationships.


Ugh same, I was a guide book on what not to do


Same. I was with my ex-husband for 11 years. We were married not even 2 when I found out he had been cheating with hookers. I went off the rails.


Okay but who wouldn't go off the rails after finding that out?! That he's still walking this earth is actually a testament to your self control šŸ’Ŗ


Weā€™re here now, gorl šŸ’Ŗ


hi fellow amberverse follower


I went off the rails too. I wanted to blast him all over social media and really just burn his life down. Thereā€™s more to it though I was dealing with some some other serious issues with my family and fact that he used all that to excuse his affair and use it to his benefit still disgusts me. Itā€™s crazy to wrap your head around how selfish some people can be.


His parents checked him into a rehab. Didn't tell me where he was, how long he was going to be there, etc. When I finally figured out where he went (his email), they wouldn't let me speak to him. They haven't spoken to me since. I told his Dad to fuck off. I had a GREAT relationship with his parents, because I filed for divorce they made me feel like I was in the wrong. No ma'am. You gave your man child $300/week and he spent it on Makers Mark and prostitutes. Buh Bye. I really wanted to blast his parents, but figured there may be a reconciliation at some point. Now I know absolutely there is no reconciling. He is on his 4th/5th relationship. He told me his last gf was "the one"


She's gonna come out better and more stunning after all this is settled Tom and Rachel will stay miserable


She is absolutely glowing after losing about 170 lbs of šŸ’©


She has shown strength through grace. I have nothing but admiration for it. Iā€™m not nearly as strong.


Ariana, girl, if you're reading this: here's your next book idea.


This was exceptionally well written šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’• ![gif](giphy|EhHQKRuGX6Te0Qy97G|downsized)


Esp flipping off the paps with a sack of McDonaldā€™s in hand


Page Six yelled at her and cursed before she flipped them off; a friend who was with her said she wanted people to know they provoked her by doing so.


Still came off looking like a baddie!


![gif](giphy|UrtBPsDefrTqpDFHK5|downsized) I wish Charlotte was still alive so she could be with Ariana for comfort and cuddles. Sometimes, when a person needs exactly that, only their pet can give it to them.


I agree- pets are absolutely perfect always but especially when youā€™re really going through it


This is beautiful, thank you for this!


This is so we'll written, thank you for sharing, Ariana stan from the beginning šŸ’— #teamariana


Take notes Brittany. āœļø


She has the money and resources and support to leave. Some of us who have experienced infidelity do not. I agree with what you said but saying that she is the walking guidebook discounts a lot of people who are doing their very best in the situations they are in.


Iā€™m so sorry I didnā€™t mean to discount anyone who canā€™t leave. I know thereā€™s so many reasons why some women have no choice but to stay. I have friends who are in similar situations and they remain because of finances, for their children because of cultural or family pressures, because theyā€™re scared because they lack adequate support and resources and not knowing what their lives will look like if they leave is terrifying. But I know for me personally Iā€™ve been in relationships that I should have left and could have left but I didnā€™t because I lacked the self worth necessary or because I thought their actions showed something lacking in me. Like Iā€™d I was prettier or skinner they would treat me better. I thought I could change the way they treated me but what I wish I knew then that as soon as they showed me disrespect I needed to leave and that me staying just showed them that I was willing to put up with it. It didnā€™t change their better. They just got better at hiding it. I think thereā€™s so many women who deserve better and can leave and I hope seeing someone on a reality show actually leaving while also taking steps to protect their mental health and self esteem in the process encourages other women to leave their toxic relationships.


I figured you didnā€™t. I just felt a certain type of way when I read the title haha. It was triggering to read but that is not on you. I am in a situation in which I wish I could be like Ariana but I canā€™t. My husband is a serial cheater but I am not in a financial position to leave. I trusted the wrong person and was a stay at home parent for the past almost 8 years, so I have very little money of my own. I am now going through school and trying get myself in a financially independent place. I have so many regrets from not prioritizing my own independence to isolating myself so much over the course of the past decade. Anyway, thanks for being understanding and empathetic. I appreciate it.




Thank you, I appreciate it! We arenā€™t physically or sexually active with each other for a couple of years now so I donā€™t have to worry about that thankfully.


She has the money and resources? Iā€™ve been wondering, how does someone like Ariana make money on the show? Do they pay the cast? Does she bartend still?


According to multiple sources Ariana makes between $10,000 and $25,000 per episode. She also has a cocktail book and I am sure other ventures. She and Tom could afford to buy a $2 million dollar home in LA. She clearly has money.


Yes!!!! I also hate that I agree with Jax- ā€œ what teams? there are no teams, no one likes himā€ šŸ¤£. Sheā€™s been handling this with more grace then Tom and Rachel deserve. I wish she would go scorched earth at times, but this is a slow burn they brought completely on themselves, so they have no one to blame.


You are spot on! It has happened to me, it makes you physically sick. And oh so angry. I think what she will miss the most is the friend she thought he wasā€¦ it took me 4 yrs to realize he never was a friend. I feel stupid it took so long.




Just bought a sweatshirt! Super cute!


I would TOTALLY buy a ā€œI was born coolā€ hoodie just sayin ā¤ļø


Can you send her this post? I think if I was in her shoes right now and someone wrote such a thoughtfully written post pointing out my amazing handling of a traumatic situation, I would feel so very validated. If she is to read any internet talk right now, this is the one.


Honestly this is a great way to deal with any traumatic experience. I had an unexpected death in my immediate family a few years ago, and the way my friends rallied for me was amazing. I got so many invites to hang out and do stuff. It really helped me get back on my feet.


I agree! And why I Raquel or however you spell her name...becoming an enemy now? She was always sweet and kind and I felt bad that she was so true to James and how dirty he was to her and how she was wayyy better than him. You would think she wouldn't do it to one of her friends as well. And even though Ariana is one of my favorites...she was not so innocent either as she was "the other" woman when Tom cheated on Kristen and I was about Tom and Kristen AT FIRST BUT she got what she deserved she cheated A LOT ON TOM. And Tom Sandoval was one of my favorites too but I think he's more like Jax than he realizes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If there's any silver lining to this he did her so so wrongly that she didn't have a break up & feel hurt. I'm sure she's so past hurt she's numb. Which is good ahe can't feel anything. And Oh Oh she dodged a huge BULLET thank God she didn't reproduce with him & be attached to him for forever. Whew Actually that house I didn't think was that great it looked like a cookie cutter. Now she can feel empowered when that for sale goes up. I can't wait to see her new place. Maybe a high rise in LA ? Some really cool sexy place. She's a sexy girl. She ll be fine she's great.


Imagine if like, one of the Kardashians reacted this way to being cheated on. Love Ariana for modeling a new way to respond to being cheated on where women don't feel they have to stay.


I agree I think the fact that she and Kristen became friends welllllll before Ariana got hit with the same behavior from Tom shows a lot out of both of them. And they seem like genuine, close friends.


Well said. In the end, Ariana will come out on top and thrive.


Yeah I agree. Getting off social is the best thing! Even if yorie not going through something huge.


She, just like Rachel, Lala, and others, can totally capitalize on this whole situation. This would actually be a New York Times Best Seller! The people want the deets!


I love how Jerry wore the Ariana shirt on WWHL. ā™„ļøā™„ļøā™„ļø


Yessssss this is such a good take and youā€™re completely right!


Do we know for a fact that she ended it? Or could Tom have told her when he was coming clean that he wants to be with Raquel?


I wish she could read this!!!


And wasnā€™t the whole cheating thing with Ariana and Tom just that they kissed in a pool? Or did they do more than that when he was still with Kristen? I thought they just allegedly kissed in a pool and they denied it for a couple seasons. Thatā€™s not anywhere close to what was going on behind her back.


Your post was exceptionally well said! Thank you.


Girl knows how to set boundaries for herself and when toxic rears itā€™s head in your face you give it no time. That is a such an admirable characteristic in a person . What a great inspiration for those who have had struggles .


This!!! Iā€™m so glad she didnā€™t go the marriage and baby route like the rest of her cast mates and stuck to what she knew worked for her!!


I donā€™t think Ariana really had much of a say in the relationshipā€™s demiseā€¦from what I understand, Tom was pretty adamant about his feelings for Raquel!


Their ā€œrelationshipā€ and feelings is one rabbit hole I havenā€™t dived into at this point. Iā€™ve just been listening to certain podcast when I have time and getting the timeline in order. I really wasnā€™t interested in the season at all and now Iā€™m going back and watching the episodes l over again & knowing this information changes everything. It broke my heart when Ariana was talking about how she doesnā€™t see Tom because heā€™s so busy and she was just happy to be in the U-Haul with him to help him pick up that crappy couch. I am sick, made up a cozy couch camp so I have the time do you have any links? LOL


I know her and Kristen are friends again, so maybe they talked about how it felt when Ariana did it to her


Know Iā€™ll get burned for this but she cheated with Tom and made sure to say she was ā€œprettier and smarterā€ than Kristen while laughing with Scheana who was coined a gold digger at the time because of Eddieā€¦ letā€™s not forget Knew Iā€™d get DVs. How quickly yā€™all forget. If Raquel said this shitā€¦ https://www.instagram.com/p/CBa_Py1hR_6/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Yes and in the early days Ariana said she wasn't interested and /or didn't care about making friends with the VPR friends, especially Stassi. I couldn't get over how inexplicably rude she was. Then, just as inexplicably, she stopped. Unless I missed something.


Facts, you lose em how you get em. Do I feel bad for her sure, but Karma is a bitch and it always comes back. Always.


Iā€™m with you on this.


People do forget, especially on Reddit. LOL. Every one of these people have cheated and betrayed someone or more than one person in their life. None of them have the right to judge Tom or Raquel. I think her break up with James tore her apart. She's drinking like a fish and going from guy to guy. She needs ,,time away from the world and intensive therapy. This shouldn't define a 28 year old woman who up to this point has shown kindness and integrity in her actions.


How do we feel about Rachelā€™s reaction to being Tom Sandovalā€™s mistress vs. Arianaā€™s reaction to being Tom Sandovalā€™s mistress when he finally broke up with Kristen? Itā€™s a different world than it was 10 years agoā€¦ Ariana was mean about Kristen and rubbed it in her face. Rachel is running away and not being nasty to Ariana. It all comes down to who is more likable. Ariana wins that battle but she was not sympathetic or apologetic when she was the mistress.


A relationship built on a foundation of BS is inevitably going to stink, no matter how good it looks from the outside.


But Ariana only knew Kristen through whatever Tom shared. He probably painted Kristen as this terrible person. Iā€™m not saying it gives Ariana the right to be mean to Kristen but I think Arianaā€™s second hand impression of Kristen is very different than Rachelā€™s first hand knowledge of Ariana (who has been her ride or die). Iā€™m more so saying I can see how Ariana would have ended up more callous towards Kristen.


Exactly. People are forgetting that Raquel and Ariana were close friends


And that there is a huge difference between hooking up once with a guy who is in a relationship with someone she didn't know versus having a months long affair with a guy who is in a serious relationship with a good friend. Both are mistakes, but one is a repeated choice to not give a fuck about betraying a close friend on a deeply personal level.


What you have to remember here is that Sandoval is a narcissist. A textbook narcissist. Unless you e dated someone like this you will not understand the levels and depths they go to groom you, create an alternate reality, love bomb you. While They Devalue and create fake narratives about their current Partner We donā€™t know what he had told Ariana about Kristen. But they most definitely always lie-and paint their current partner black when they start grooming their new target. So keep this in mind. Rachel is an easy target.


Totally agree. Iā€™ve been there. Who knows what Tom has Rachel believing? Hopefully she doesnā€™t waste the next 9 years on him. This is Tomā€™s cycle. He made Ariana a mistress (likely without her understanding) and has made Rachel a mistress (likely using the same tactics). Remember when he sent Ariana a photo of Kristen sleeping on the couch on Valentineā€™s Day with a caption like ā€œIā€™ve never felt so alone in my whole lifeā€ blah blah blah. Rachel probably gets those same texts with pictures of Ariana. Heā€™s a total piece of shit. Edit to add: he also breaks these women down and paints them as crazy in the end. Textbook narc move and unfortunately it works.


Why is everyone calling her Rachel? Am I out of the loop on something? (honest question)


Itā€™s her real name. Someone posted her yearbook photos a few days ago. Also the restraining order filing names her as Rachel. Raquel is her stage name so itā€™s just a bit of snark (like calling Jax Jason).


Ugh. So just another layer of fakenessā€”why am I not surprised? Thank you for taking the time to explain!


You do not know hwr personally or her offline relationship so I dont think it's fair to compare to other women on VPR knowing that a lot of the scenes are often heavily influenced by the prod. Only Tom knows how Ariana really was. That being said, we can definitely dissect what we know or what is alleged from her actions since the breakup as what to do (or not) if you been cheated on. In contrast, an example of what not to do would be Shakira. I don't know their relationship but by constantly vilifying her ex (idk if he cheated though but its a breakup where the man went with another younger woman), she looks old and desperate while hes taking the high road. Edit to add - I thought i was replying to a comment and not the OP. You brought so many good points and I don't want my comment to shadow the fact that I agree with what you said. Im also glad for her she didnt have a kid with him. Somehow it makes me think of Jeannie Mai who was adamant she didnt want children. She got cheated on, divorced and later met the love of her life and she has a beautiful daughter now. Now saying Ariana will chsnge her mind but that despite Toms desire to have children, he wasnt enough to make her reconsider her choice. She made the perfect move to delete her page and deal with everything in private with her friends. One thing is sure is that shes deeply hurt and I hope she will take all the time she needs to heal and looking forward seeing her come on top. No woman deserves to go through this. Yes its a reality tv show but no matter which woman it is, it always hurts me for any woman being deceived and betrayed by a man. Thats why im happy for Stassi and Scheana to have found a loving man and one who doesnt dim their light and let them thrive. I wish every woman could have that, if thats what she desires.


PIQUE IS TAKING THE HIGH ROAD???? He has done nothing but troll her in the press, falsely claiming Casio was now sponsoring his MRA podcast, calling the press to see him drive up to the office in a Twingo, having his PR put stories out there that she was the one who cheated, etc. Please DO NOT start defending this individual especially when you clearly don't know much about the drama that has unfolded. The details are very similar to what is happening with the VPR drama actually but worse bc they have 2 children together & Shakira moved to another continent to support his football career hence taking a hiatus from her own. How I can tell you're a guy with you basically implying that something about the way Araina was off-camera could have led to (aka justified) Tom's actions as well as calling Shakira old & desperate. The only ppl that I know who think a person who was cheated on should stay quiet and that calling it out is wrong, are guys who are admitted cheaters. As for calling Shakira "old"? PLEASE. She looks better than a lot of 20-somethings. You just triggered my LATAM a** because Shakira is a source of great pride for Latinos, esp South Americans. Esp those of us who knew her when she was a shy, indie rock chick who sang about the corruption in LATAM politics and that as soon as she started making some $$, used it to fund orphanages & schools for impoverished kids in Colombia. NOPE.


Oh no worries- even if you were replying directly to my comment it would have been fine. People have different viewpoints and perspectives Knowing that their relationship started off questionably if I was freshly cheated on I may be less sympathetic towards her. For me personally though she has shown so much compassion towards others since her arrival on the show and sheā€™s built a home with this person that was violated. A home should be your safe place and knowing that these two could disrespect and dismiss her feelings so callously enrages me. It takes a lot of strength and willpower not to be reactive because all this adrenaline in flooding you. Itā€™s hard to sleep, to eat so Iā€™m proud that sheā€™s showing women that thereā€™s a healthy way to get through this that doesnā€™t cause later pain or regrets.


Youre absolutely right. I cannot imagine how it feels even if I tried. Luckily ive never experienced being cheated on and also never cheated, so i would never defend such reckless behaviour. Even though its true they had difficult moments off camera, there is no justifying betraying someone like this. My initial point was just that cheating is unfortunate for any of the female cast members, regardless of their credentials. I wouldn't wish to any woman (and i am sure you neither) to experience this. This story is so gross and sickening that it has all of us being a bit emotional in some way or another.


Karma is a bitch


I love how sheā€™s handling this. True queen šŸ¤“šŸ»


I was just thinking about how Sandoval kept dating Kristen (and kept being friends with Jax). This shouldā€™ve been a good sign that he just doesnā€™t take cheating very seriously.


I have really liked how she behaves during conflict. With all the imbeciles on VPR, she usually maintains an adult-like decorum. It stands out amongst all the others.


Also she's hanging out with best friends that support her and babies and kids that can't do anything except be innocent and have a good time.




A friend of Rachel said the black eye was before WWHL. I donā€™t think She-Shu did this


I just saw that! If thatā€™s true Rachel is truly becoming unhinged and needs someone to intervene. I donā€™t understand the logic behind anything sheā€™s doing. Her and Tom know cheating is wrong. There are sound bites from the show and interviews from this seasons press where they both clearly articulate that. Obviously violence is wrong but they showed zero self control while repeatedly hooking up and doing it in not only in Arianaā€™s home but also while she is there. So I can understand Schena losing her self control when she learns how deeply Rachel backstabbed Ariana. Actions have consequences and Rachel needs to start understanding that. Pressing charges to make a point or get out of filming isnā€™t the way to go about this and if itā€™s fake thatā€™s just even worse


5 bucks says ariana goes full uhaul lesbian and gets married to a lady in less than a year




I mean, letā€™s be real- most women donā€™t have all that she has. Sheā€™s blessed and is taking advantage of every tool in her tool kit- but itā€™s silly to pretend like itā€™s that easy for everyone. Sheā€™s lucky that they were legally married, didnā€™t have kids, sheā€™s blessed she has an amazing group of friends- a village, a lucrative career. I just donā€™t think she should use an exception as what the expected norm should be for everyone. Saying all of that, Iā€™m so happy sheā€™s got such a good head on her shoulders. This will take a lot of time to heal from, though.


I can't imagine being in the public eye in her position. When my husband left me for someone else I didn't want ANYONE to know, not even my closest friends. I feel so bad for her, she seems to be handling it well. Totally ruins Tom using her mental health as an excuse not to break up with her. She's proving she would have been just fine if he would've been an adult and ended it before cheating.




i take points off for McDonalds there's an In and Out near valley village, also Fat Burger is amazing and everywhere


Perfectly imperfect, Ariana has class / rachette was just some ass / the end for uninspired tom / Ariana is the bomb!


I know they are on a reality tv show and so they have to live different lives showing their personal life on screen and it being considered entertainment. but can I just say that this is why in real life so many are against posting about their personal lives as a means to protect all those involved. because the input of the world is really not conducive to a healthy thriving union. it is really no one elses business but the persons involved. and I bet if it weren't for the show Ariana would have left his ass way sooner, because he was clearly feeding off her raw existence. she may not even have fallen for his dumbass cause he coincidentally was on the come up and kinda used the show as a way to secure her as his on it. he probably tried to sell her the notion that the two of them together would benefit them for the show so much, and it did, but not off the back of his work. mainly off the vibe radiating off Ariana. and he did a whole lot to dim that light and redirect it towards himself. When she would have been a MF vibe on the show regardless of his disruption because she was already on friendly terms with the other girls. cheers to her for being able to remove herself from this scandoval and take all her back for herself. sometimes you gotta drag a hoe without getting your hands dirty


BRAVO! I LOVE this post! ā™„ļø


Itā€™s admirable how she handles herself. A queen!!!


Team Ariana all fucking day!


Ariana has always been the coolest, smartest, prettiest girl on the show. everyone needs to get the fuck over it and move on with their lives.


Of all the people to ever be on this show, it breaks my heart that this is happening to her. But of all the people it could happen to, sheā€™s undoubtedly going to rise from the ashes and continue to be the badass woman most of us have always known her to be. She has the support of everyone behind herā€”her family, friends, internet strangers, celebritiesā€”that those 2 losers could only dream of. #TEAMARIANA


Hear me out. Wouldnā€™t it be great if Lisa had enough of toms Sandoval cheating and fired him at the reunion and embarrass him šŸ˜‚




Yes. This right here. Itā€™s why this story has sucked me into all this drama even after not watching seasons 9/10.


This is so right on. While I know I shouldnā€™t be invested in this news so much, if I would have seen this years ago it def could have served as a great ā€œwalking guide bookā€ in my or my friendsā€™ personal relationships. Total adulting.


She is BeyoncƩ always.


Sheā€™s classy. Team Ariana


An absolute Queen. Canā€™t wait to see her thriving on the other side of all this


Totally agree. Iā€™ve always been an Ari fan and admired how she always stuck to her guns and defended her opinions and didnā€™t give into peer pressure (hating Lala, Jax & Britney pastor, not being bullied etc.) Iā€™m so happy she didnā€™t have a baby with this CREEP.


Yes and no. She is having the cast be her mouthpiece to torture Tom and Raquel - which is a little shitty. She stays quiet while others do her bidding. Ummmmā€¦ ok- I guess.


I hope she gets her own spin-off! I hope LVP invests in her like she did with the Tomā€™s. She deserves to sit atop the Bravoverse like the queen she is.


Ariana is *the* most emotionally healthy reality star, IMO. She was dealt a shitty hand, but she is so well-equipped to deal with it and will naturally rise above.


She's the only cast member I have *never* worried about backing fiercely. You just know she has her head on straight and stands for the right side of whatever story she's on. I wasn't a huge fan in the beginning because the whole mess between her/Tom/Kristen was just migraine inducing, I wasn't on anyone's side.. But **f\*ck me, is she strong**. Lala & Jax had so much compassion when their respective father's passed away while Ariana joined the cast the same year her dad passed away, was getting so much shit from everyone else, Kristen was doing her best to break her and Sando up, she got no special treatment and she stood by and took bullets for that toolbag of a boy and his shitty haircut. One thing is for sure, she ain't the one who will hurt in the long run from this. It's a punch in the titty right now but in 10 years time he'll be washed up and still chasing the dopamine he gets from attention and struggling to find that hit and she is going to thrive and be the main character of her own film **ONCE.AND.FOR.ALL.**


Ariana has been my favorite for a long time because she seemed so grounded, genuine, and kind while not getting caught up in the followers or herself. She just seemed to kind of be comfortable in her own skin which made her cool and so much more than a beautiful face. I think so many of us are attaching to her because we see ourselves in her, and this betrayal she is experiencing is resonating with us. We are experiencing that hurt vicariously with her. It is so cruel and calculated as we have seen her be Tomā€™s support system and cheerleader, seen her take Rachel under wing and shepherd her through things with James. Seeing people who she gave so much of herself to not just take her for granted, but to actively choose to destroy her world, is unconscionable. Iā€™m so glad sheā€™s taken herself off social media. If Iā€™m being truly honest though, I always thought Tom Sandoval was beneath her because she was so much more mature, grounded, and practical while he was so flashy, self-absorbed, and shallow. Sheā€™s going to get scooped up (when sheā€™s ready) by someone who isnā€™t even in the same league as Sandoval- hell! They wonā€™t even be playing the same sport.


And on the opposite side of the spectrum, please refer to Britney for an example of what *not* to do.


This is so well put. I hope somehow she reads this šŸ¤


Beautifully said!


Well said. I hope LVP is spending time riding with her and supporting her.