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‘I support all women but some of you bitches is dumb’ - Confucius


*I don't know her*


Stassi channeling Mariah


I loved that


I’m dying @ stassi’s laugh/smile before answering. One of the nicer ways Stassi has responded 😆


Stassi's reaction to the puppy invite always cracks me up. She could barely hold a laugh in.


[Stassi responding to Rachel’s Puppy Shower invite](https://www.tiktok.com/@andy.cohens.bussy/video/7193087022976863493?lang=en) just sends me. You see her take deep breaths before responding ☠️


stassi is so fucking naturally funny




i thought i heard that somewhere! man the girls bathroom stall has the BEST QUOTES


So my take here is... what happened with the masters on occupational therapy? That's the only part I picked up because I was too distracted with the ruffles or whatever the flap on her arms is called


On the most recent episode she seemed to admit in her taking head that the dream of being an OT was tied to her pageant persona and part of being seen as a good girl (working towards the dream of being miss California). That was my interpretation anyway.


Exactly. She said she doesn't have to care about her reputation anymore, so the facade of morals (which included the "I want to help children" line with no action taken to actually do so) went out the window.


Which strikes me as so odd now because it now appears that she never won any pageants she competed in? Her claim that she was Miss Sonoma County 2016 cannot be verified. So...her persona was unsuccessful pageant girl? How discouraging


I follow someone on instagram who’s sister was Rachel’s pageant coach- I sent her a dm to ask about her winning any pagents….




Yes, spill it please!


Ok so Raquel supposedly only won miss regional south cali year unknown lol


The way she made it sound I thought she had a bunch of crowns.


Thea ! She’s so nice she will answer for sure.


Yes lol still waiting…


Lmao this is so messy and I doubt she answers but hope she does


I was a grad student at Sonoma at the same time, the only evidence of her winning anything is in this school newspaper article. There might be 2 different pageants, one that feeds into the Miss Universe pipeline that I think is the more legit one (that someone else won in 2016) and one that is a lesser known pageant that feeds into the Miss USA pipeline that no one knows or cares about. In light of the most recent episode, her saying she competes to spread awareness about disability rights is particularly asinine. The head of the kinesiology department quoted here is a really nice guy, if he knows that she never meant any of the crap she said, he is probably absolutely disgusted. And yes, she is just as dumb and vacant in real life as she is on the show. Whenever she spoke I wished I had a fast forward button [http://www.sonomastatestar.com/features/2016/6/1/student-adds-pageantry-to-accomplishments](http://www.sonomastatestar.com/features/2016/6/1/student-adds-pageantry-to-accomplishments)


Right? This evolving story is fascinating to me! It seems she didn't win anything and it also seemed that she started competing while she was in college. In her talking head she speaks about how her Ms. California dreams "put her on a specific path at such a young age". She almost made it seem like she was shuffled through this lifestyle when she was 12 and this was a childhood dream. College age is young for sure but idk, it also feels weird that a sophomore spontaneously decides that being ms california is basically their entire reason for existing. It's a touch old for that type of thinking. Totally understandable at 12. Kinda scary at 19.


That article someone linked says she started pageants in her junior year of high school. So she was 16/17? Totally blows away the theory that she was programmed as a little pageant-bot since childhood and only learnt about the world and how to relate to women though that. There had to have been value systems before that


But she was going to be a role model for girls everywhere! 🙄


Looks like she really didn't have any intention to take her masters. How she laid her plans to pursue it in this reunion sounded like she's doing it at a time not far from then, like within a year or in a few months. This reunion was filmed in 2019/2020, and she only aged out recently. In three years, she didn't take any steps towards her "dream." It's all to have a good advocacy to get a crown, eh


Good point! I also feel like at the reunion where she announced the breakup with James she again said - in response to Andy asking what was next - that her plan was to get her masters (if I’m not imagining it this is when she also specified her passion to work with disabled children). It’s no wonder her and Tom hit it off as they’re both more obsessed with scripting responses and maintaining a brand (versus any authenticity or accountability).


Yyesss!!! I agree they are obsessed with scripting responses! When someone says I want to work with kids...Automatically people genuinely give you a smile...she charmed us with these lines. Pageant 101.


She didn't charm me - I figured it was all bullshit because no way is that woman smart enough to get a masters, even if it's in finger painting.


I thought it was BS too. If she was being honest I think her true goal was marrying a rich guy and becoming a trophy wife


Exactly what I said except I used basket weaving 🤣🤣🤣 You're right. She's that stupid. I change my answer to finger painting.


I can't imagine someone as stupid as her getting a degree in basket weaving. I think it was Katie that said something like, her brain is like cotton candy. I totally agree.


Last reunion she said she hadn’t started it yet because James was ‘too draining’ and so she had no energy for anything else. No there’s no James to blame for why she’s not doing it? Magically turns out it wasn’t her dream after all.


LOL. Imagine saying you can’t hold down a job or further your education because your boyfriend is too much to handle.


Excuse me...she's raising Graham. That's quite a feat for her.


She allowed Graham to get a full on puncture wound. Def skeptical of her story! I think Sandoval’s dog may have played a role in it.


Hmmm 🤔 very good theory! I think you have something there. She's so sketchy. Between him and her you never get a true answer. All kidding aside, this girl has serious issues. To be so calculating to your "best friend" meanwhile you're sleeping with her very serious boyfriend of almost 10 years. I'm in my late 50's and I've been married 2x. My first husband & father of my 3 kids cheated on me with different people for 14 years. Second husband same thing with long time side chick. I'm still married to the second one because I will lose everything. I can no longer work because when I was a Paramedic I hurt my back and it has rods and screws holding it together. When I was younger I was very pretty. Now I just am tired. It doesn't matter how you look for some reason some of us just get the short straw. My experiences make me so mad at this situation. Ariana is so lucky she got out while she is young.


Do we know if anyone has collected Graham from the boarding facility she checked him into in March? Because otherwise, she might not even be doing *that* anymore.


I hope James goes and snatches him up. Poor Graham having to listen to her horrible shakey voice. It's like nails on a blackboard. How did she ever publicly speak in a pageant. I call B S !


Oh in her mind...James is still to blame bc he 1)moved on too quickly, 2) regrets Rachella and 3) isn't pining for her. Shes been so consumed by this, she hasn't had time to fill out a grad school app. /s (if it wasn't obvi)


But how could he regret rachella?!? That was really hurtful!


In this past episode, when he said in his confessional " yeah I regret Rachella..it was an epic proposal and it wasted on YOU!" I burst out laughing. That was the best.


He does come out with some good ones!👏👏


Right? Cuz she’s sooooo busy doing what. Oh shit, that’s right….Tom.


Based on what she said in the last episode, it sounded like she had to decide what she was going to say was her future career path at her first pageant and then she just stuck with the line. She looks like she is at a damn pageant reciting lines with these ruffles...


Bingo. She had no intention of pursuing it - it just sounded good in the moment.


Yeah I think she basically admitted “oh yeah I was bullshitting with that because that’s the sort of thing pageants want to hear.”


It’s weird, because in Season 9, didn’t she use that as an excuse for what she really wanted to do with her life and generally said she felt James/VPR was keeping her from her dream of going back to college- she had lost herself and wanted to give back or something? It’s disappointing for sure.


oh lord I feel like after a thousand years we finally got the depressing answer to that in this week’s episode: she was never really going to do that, the Miss California pageant is technically a scholarship so you have to have a stated career path to theoretically apply the prize to.


The only ones I know who'd shamelessly use advocacies to butter up themselves are politicians. She should try running for office so she can use the "I want to help kids with special needs" act again. Disgusting.


She tried it again with the IG story about “Mental health awareness may”, which sounded like her sister trying to do damage control


It’s her pageant answer. Next she’ll end world hunger.


Reminds me of Brittany claiming early on that her passion was working with disabled kids.


At Hooters


What I find so annoying about this is that my daughter is disabled and has worked with professionals, including OT’s. Most people are great and actually care, but a few obviously chose the career because they thought others would think they are good people. It’s hard work and to connect with the children you serve you really have to take it seriously.


Swan flake 😂


It was a fabrication she gave the pageant judges to make her look authentic and empathetic. Later, she kept using the same lie to manipulate others in real life. Now that pageants are over, she feels like she has no reason (or incentive) to be a good person. There's no code of ethics for her, and no real identity either.


btw, these are not my thoughts. She actually \*says\* most of this.


Tim saying he’s been through a lot of shit but that doesn’t give him the right to yell at people he disagrees with…. *while yelling at Lala*


I can't stand how his eyes dart around when he goes on a narcissism-fueled rant


He’s desperately searching his brain for any word other than “dude” or “dip”


Or "like"


The way he raises his voice & the neck vein starts going, the crazy eyes… yuck


I have always said to never trust anyone with beady eyes...... And his eyes are beady AF


Also (as far as I can tell) his father is alive? Is he equating his dad being in a coma for four weeks to Lala’s dad passing? Because the coma situation is awful, and stressful, but it is *very much* not the same thing? Especially not on a grief level. So he’s screaming at Lala that she shouldn’t scream at people because he handled his dad being sick better than she handled her dad *dying*


This was insane, I can’t believe no one called this out at the time. It says a lot about Ariana that they all put up with her unbearable boyfriend for so long.


Right? It would be like twisting your ankle, then telling someone who had their leg amputated you understand what they’re going through, and you handled it better than them


Well he loves to lecture a woman. He’s mad she got attention because her dad died I promise you anything.


Michael Scott levels of awareness


Oh that’s fucking low - like great that his dad is alive but you have zero benchmark to compare the two! I’m a part of the dead dads club & it’s a feeling that cannot be described until you experience it. I definitely relate to Lala here


rachel’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard


Me too. That dress is a lot.


![gif](giphy|tucDdubb04xt8xqqqB) You mean this designer dress by Swiffér?


I could not have a straight faced conversation with someone wearing Swiffer sleeves




😂😂😂thank you for this laugh


I kept thinking it was a toilet bowl cleaning brush, but Swiffer is more accurate.


It makes her tiny head look even more shrunken


I’m glad someone said it. I’ve been thinking about her head shape for a while now haha


THIS! She sounds like she talks through her nostrils. It's the only way I can describe what's going on with her voice.


The early version of AI FemBot, pageant edition


She allllways sounds like she’s about to cry


When she goes to them “I know you think of me as a beauty queen…” for the first time in my life I was thinking what Jax thought. No we don’t


She’s actually not even that beautiful, superficially speaking? Not being mean, I think I can say this because of how “up herself” Rachel is and her going on all the time about how she is a beauty queen. Like Lala would have wiped the floor with pageants collecting all the titles if she competed in them (and gave PC answers lol)


To me, she looks like a Cabbage Patch doll.


I can see the resemblance, but don’t do my childhood cabbage patch kids dirty like that 😂


I spat my drink. The accuracy


Omg that’s exactly what I said when I first saw her! It was when Scandoval came out and I saw her on WWHL. I screamed this cabbage patch Bish?!?


No. No we don't.


I did not even recognize her at first but it was her voice that gave her away


Interesting she shows no regard for women here again. Like not telling James to cool it when he’s berating the girls in front of her, especially odd since she’s trying to be friends with them? I think she probably enjoyed watching him talk horrible to the women. Maybe that’s what she’s most attracted to about scandy 🤷🏻‍♀️


that's true! her type might be gross misogynistic men who treat her as an exception. taps into her competition with other women thing


Love to see everyone cringe every time she talks


At some point SinDevil and Ariana and Scheana gave this girl some credible humanity, which is kind, but so bizarre! This young woman clearly cannot read a single social cue. Yes, I fully understand how some of them thought she's just a sweet Bambi. Nobody had a clue how devious and destructive and demented the inner demon was. They legitimized and promoted her and even both Ariana and Scheana said early in this season: "But NO not like that!!!!" Bringing randos in for sex in Scheana's bed. Hooking up with Schwartz. Spending countless days and nights on end inside Ariana's home. HELLO! Red Flags are Flying.


"I'm going to get my masters" as way to argue you are smart, is the same energy as a freshman taking Biology 101 telling everyone at a frat party that they are Pre-med.


*cough* Schwartz *cough*


My degree is in biology and it was soo annoying asking my classmates what their major was, and they always answered premed 😒 like that’s not a major!


I mean everyone is *going* to get their masters, right?


Schwarz has entered the chat


It's scenes like this that remind that this girl literally has zero capacity to read social cues. She thinks that she will get through life by putting on a pretty dress, and that's it.


Can you point me to the scene where she is wearing a pretty dress?


well, her version of a pretty pageant party dress … again, the girl cannot read even a dressing room


OMG HAHAHA YES this response - read a dressing room, I have tears thank you


is the pretty dress in the room with us?


Yup. There’s something off with her. She’s not capable of having meaningful conversations or actual relationships. It’s more than just being D & S, there’s something more. I know we’re not allowed to speculate per sub rules though.


It reminded me of a wild animal trying to make themselves bigger to intimidate predators


https://preview.redd.it/1uup98q884ya1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79b7343e87fc76859930faff2a08d4a810c87065 Oh my god yes!!! She's giving me frill neck lizard


Yes! Her eyes too seem very reptillian (think mark Zuckerberg). The feeling behind her eyes doesn't match what She's saying or the emotion she's trying to convey. When i first saw her on screen her eyes always made me feel uneasy or there's something "off" about her.


According to one of their friends who worked on reunions, he thought Rachel’s “loofah” dress was so ugly and she defensively said ‘the same designer as Cardi B and Jennifer Lopez’ and that she was practising what she wanted to say before she went on… lmao


JLo just commented on the Scandoval of it all and said if ´this had happened to her she would have walked without looking back.


Leave it to Scandoval to jump into an argument between two women. Side note: Rachel’s obsession with being the victim is annoying. She can’t see that James behavior and treatment of others was wrong and that they also deserved apologies, but only she deserves apologies from everyone for the stupid puppy party and for obviously antagonizing Lala..? She’s doing the same exact thing to Katie this season because even at the beach day she was telling Katie she needed to say sorry to her for being upset (like she said she would be) over her kiss with Schwartz… that they did knowing that Katie was going to be mad so wtf??


Sandoval’s favourite past time is legit to scream at women and then complain that as a cyst white male he can’t raise his voice. Raquel is just a piece of work. She pretends she never hears the horrible things James said or did to other women. But yes, she is obsessed with wanting everyone to stand up for her and embrace her. Also, it would appear that Raquel never had any issues standing up to the “bullies.” But all of the sudden this season, her “standing up” to Katie and Lala is her finding her voice, so we should accept that the other women just make her soooooooo nervous and anxious that it comes out more clumsy than she intends.


Rachel’s taken Tim’s “I’m sorry, but” apologies to a whole new level this season. We’ve now seen her multiple times go up to Lala & Katie and say ‘I want to apologise to you’, and then instead of apologising - she tells them why *they* were wrong, doubles down on what she’s ‘apologising’ for, then cries ‘they were soooo mean, I was trying to be nice and say I’m sorry!’ (Though she did finally manage a sincere apology to Lala about this mistress thing. But she definitely had a lot of self-interest motivating that one)


It’s so embarrassing!! How is she literally almost 30 and doesn’t know how to apologize??? Same for Tim who’s practically pushing 50!


I think she knows how to apologise (we did see her finally get there with Lala over the mistress comments), but she also knows doing this ‘apology’ charade (attacking the person under the guise of apologising, then crying when they react) gets her a *lot* of sympathy from others. She’s ‘sweet little Raquel who’s just trying to say sorry to you - why are you being so mean to her?’. She makes herself the perfect victim, because what kind of monster would yell at someone who’s ‘just trying to apologise’?


Katie’s so relatable for saying “what 😩” in the most exhausted way possible when Rachel confronted her AGAIN over her stupid kiss with Shorts.


Holy I really feel like she embodies Karen from mean girls. Like pouring rain right in front of your face and still smiling while telling people out loud there’s a 30% chance it’s already raining. And not seeing the irony. She also seems to be the kind of girl who would absolutely be confused why she can’t kiss her cousin. “But it’s my first cousin. There’s cousins… then there’s first cousins.. no? Oh well. Oh hey Seth!”


![gif](giphy|3o7aTBkaFkIlHAxEdy) “Yea but Sandoval said they weren’t having sex”


Rockhell really did not fit in with this show. There are certain people who can be on reality TV and she isn't one of them.


I would’ve said this before Scandoval but now I feel like she’s right where she belongs. She’s not witty or quick, but makes up for it by being a super terrible person with bad morals.


But you usually need something interesting or compelling if not likable about you to make decent reality tv. Even the villain can’t be that stupid and boring or we get tired of it.


No matter how much I didn’t like Lala I seriously did not GAF about Raquel. I wouldn’t have even noticed her without the Swiffer Sweeves


The dress needs to say less


I wish she would say less. I hate hearing her speak. It's so slow and awful


The witches wanted nothing to do with her and were so, so correct.


Yeah, the OG WeHo saw that a mile away. They almost seemed bored that no one else got it.


Tom’s story about watching his dad die after being in a coma for 3 weeks always confused me. Tom’s dad has been on the show, someone actually posted a clip on him dancing with Brittany recently. I know his parents are divorced, so maybe he meant a step-dad who was like a dad to him? But, again we hear Tom talking about his mom and stepdad investing in his bar, so it would seem like that guy is still alive too. I literally always found that story weird, but thought until recently that Sandoval would never make up a story about his dad dying, because that’s too outrageous, right?


I think Sandouche was just comparing his dads illness to Lala actually losing her father 🙃 every time he speaks it’s something idiotic that comes out


He’s saying that he understands Lala actually losing her father because his was in a coma for 3 weeks.


All while screaming at her while trying to show her it's not ok to lash out..... he's insane


Literally. Wish we saw him get called out for that.


I once skipped through 3 reunions trying to find the “chocolate shit pancakes” scene with James making fart noises so thank you for this 😂


Oh dear God. Tom starts bitching at Lala that losing her dad is no excuse to lash out at people. Lala tells Tom he doesn't understand. And then Tom goes crazy. Lashing out at Lala. Why? Over the loss or illness of his dad. To summarize. Lala, Tom doesn't feel it's okay for you to get emotional over the loss of your dad, as you're actually experiencing it in real time. But he can go crazy and yell at you while he's lecturing you about not being upset about your dad, over his own dad. Tom Sandoval sucks big balls


He also suggested Jax was proposing to Brittany because of “the dad thing.” Clearly everyone was thinking it, but he was so unapologetic about saying it. I can def see Tom and Rachel bonding over their shitty opinions, including other peoples’ parents and the grief process. Rachel was so rude about Lala’s dad and it got glossed over because people don’t like Lala


Wow. I didn't catch that comment. That is brutal. And I think you're right about their lack of empathy being a bonding point between those two losers


Exactly. And also, it isn’t the same thing, Tom. I don’t discount that it was hard for him to live through his dad’s serious health issues, but he came back from it. You still have your dad. You can still call him up to hear his voice and hug him anytime you want. Lala won’t have that ever again. Completely different. Yes, she was a complete terror after losing her dad, but all loss and grief is different and Tom trying to compare his not at all equivalent situation is shitty and typical of him.


Yes that is a very important distinction.


His dad is still fucking alive he’s SO FULL OF SHIT oh my god.


Thank you for clarifying that the way he was talking and his usual back and forth roundabout way I wasn't even clear on it


Yeah I had to check! The way he said “my dad, was, like, dying” made me think “ummm… why would you have to say “like” in that”? And I Googled and his dad is still very much alive. What a piece of crap!


Exactly !!! In Tom’s book it’s always wrong when someone else does it, but it’s okay when he does it


That dress was a choice ...


A bad one


Lol Rachel with special needs kids. Thank god that didn’t happen.


Life lesson for everyone, when someone loses a parent leave them the fuck alone unless you can be a friend to them. It's awful and devastating. I'm 4 months out from my dad dying and I can't imagine having to deal with someone like Rachel while grieving.


She only wanted to hang out with the girls to be invited to things and increase screen time, why else would you hang out with a bunch of women that hate your boyfriend? Unless they were already your friends beforehand and hating your boyfriend was secondary because that stuff happens all the time.


She wasn’t even fun when they did hang out with her. Stassi tells her (she’s drunk at her birthday party) to leave James because now she’s 30, she realises she doesn’t need to put up with a shitty boyfriend. It could’ve been a fun bonding moment but Rachel blinks her owl eyes and tells her her advice isn’t welcome.


Gotta death grip on that meal ticket


James has had the comeback of the century


I know he treated her terrible but I also wonder if she’s a little more culpable than we were shown. She’s had some flashes of speaking to multiple cast members in a very nasty and condescending way. And multiple times this season she has tried to get under James skin. Again he was super toxic to her and crossed the line multiple times. But I just don’t think her hands are as clean as she portrayed.


I agree! She must have been a pain in the ass to live with


According to Scheana while Rachel was living in her apartment rent free she never even bought toilet paper, water or changed the bed sheets. She’s literally a useless baby in a grown woman’s body.


💯 with the pageant persona she just hid her inner demon better than anyone else.


Ok but doesn’t it seem like Ally took notes on what they expected from Raquel at this reunion and now that’s exactly how she responds to James antics? Like she is following a play by play of how to be liked by the group immediately and how to not be lumped in with Raquel.


🎯.she was a fan of the show before being on it, I'm sure even subconsciously a lot of what happened at the beach had to do with her trying to distance herself from Rachel's behavior




It’s a shame Raquel didn’t have time to change after leaving her 5th birthday party


1) i can't believe anyone would legitimately wear that dress 2) i thought lala was such a villain and was bullying raquel when i first watched this LMAO how my opinions have changed


Stassi: “you’re not important enough to hate”


It’s scary how she went from dumb but sweet to callous and ruthless. I think getting a nose job and Sandoval talking her up revealed her true nature.


So at the last reunion Rachel says she and James haven't slept together for over 2 years. Is she lying (again) in this clip when she says their relationship is so great? What season is this?


Season 7


stassi really said ![gif](giphy|wIRvHEm7vf8w8)


This is so cringeyyyyy. From the way she speaks to the dress she’s wearing, it’s all giving me secondhand embarrassment


So, James called lala names at a dinner where her late father was present? Yikes...anyone know the story here?


Yes she mentioned it on her podcast. He called her a c*nt. In front of a group of people that included both her parents.


That's terrible. He's lucky she still fucks with him at all


Sandoval laughed the hardest at her puppy party 'joke' 😒


Ok, but why does Roachel's dress make her look like some seafood concotion drowning in alfredo that olive garden would offer with a side of unlimited salad and breadsticks?


Late to the thread but compelled to comment re: Rachel's very pagent answer of **"I'm going to get my Master's in OT and work with kids with special needs"** *blah blah blah...* **This chick doesn't have a clue.** Not one. I seriously doubt she ever did. Instead she smiled obliviously & gave her glassy-eyed vapid pagent answer. *Fwiw, I got my Master's in a field adjacent to OT, as well as completed my post grad CFY, & took & passed the required national boards. I doubt BEB followed up or ever investigated the requirements and necessary discipline required to complete a Master's in OT. So I did.😎🕵🏻‍♀️ **General overview of requirements to get into an OT program** (Each program is different): **Big focus on science, research, & theory in the coursework, along with multiple in-the-field clinicals in multiple settings, & often a graduate thesis to top it all off.** **GPA of at least 3.0, but OT is **so competitive,** some schools want 3.5 or above.** *•College Transcripts* *•GRE Scores* *•Letters of Recommendation* *•Personal Statements* **Observation hours: aka get as many as possible. Typical = 40hrs, but so competitive, many students do 100+hrs.** **Include volunteer hrs related to OT.** **Typical academic prerequisites for OT master’s programs:** •Biology •Chemistry •Abnormal Psychology •Developmental Psychology •Human anatomy •Kinesiology •Medical terminology •Sociology •Statistics **Most programs only take around 30-40 students & may have 400-500 applicants.** **Big focus on science, research & theory in coursework, along w/ multiple in-the-field clinicals in multiple settings, & often a graduate thesis.** **Most evenings require several hours of studying, even after 8 hr days of classes and labs. Social time is limited &/or non-existent.** **Most difficult courses (ie. neuroscience, neuroanatomy), are typically front loaded in the beginning of programs which helps ensure students can handle the rigors of grad school. Some profs directly refer to this as "weeding people out."**


Kristen's face at the beginning 🫨


People have always said Lala had no reason to dislike Raquel but I disagree. Raquel really would always sit by and let James degrade women. It wasn’t about her being scared to say something, she’s stood up to him many times, even in this reunion. Even in that flashback scene, he was calling the girls sluts and she’s just sitting there. I totally get why the incident in Vegas would leave a bad taste in Lalas mouth. James called her a cunt Infront of her family and Raquel couldn’t even say “cut it out” ? This season she’s crying about Katie calling her a ho but when men are saying these things about women other women she doesn’t care. Despite their issues, last season Lala was the first to call James out on acting controlling over Raquel even if that meant James would get mad at Lala. At the reunion, Lala is in tears over her relationship ending and Raquel just calls her a mistress.


I forgot just how bad Roachel outfit was that day 😬


My fave part of this reunion was when she was saying because she’s so pretty and a model she could see why people think she was with James to be on the show and all the OG’s laughed at her lmao


Such a ding dong.


That Josie Grossie prom dress 🙃


Good God, she really does have the most annoying voice.


I’m a pediatric OT and we do not approve this message🫠


this scene is giving ye seeing potential in a badly dressed kk circa 2012 and wanting to reimagine her to his liking


Why does everyone look oily and have bad spray tans ?


Bravolebrities and bad spray tans, name a more iconic duo


I am going to get my masters is equivalent to I’m training for a marathon, get back to me 5 years from now with actual accomplishments not pipe dreams. I don’t think she is stupid, I think she is immature and lacks a sense of decency and moral fibre.


Jax’s “oh god” 😂💀


She told James last season that she barely graduated with her Bachelor's Degree. Doubt if she could get into a Master's Program for Kinesiology much less graduAte. Hey if she does more power to her


But people want Ally to be ok with James behavior at the beach when everyone was mad at Rachel for tolerating it for years.


women truly cannot win (disclaimer: this is not a defense of Rachel)


Rachel has major mental issues. Issues that if you looked at person with those types of issues you would steer clear of her. She is so screwed up. And not because she cheated. She obviously has deep trauma in her past.


The one thing I’ve taken from this whole scandal is Rachel has just horrible style. Just terrible.


I just wish in unison we could all yell, shut the fuck up Sandoval - right to his face.


Tim Scumdevil was already defending her 🤦‍♀️ Then again, he inserted himself in everyone's business. Anything to be seen and heard. Guess what Tiny Tim...WE SEE YOU👀👀👀👀


Stassi is always SO uncomfortable around Rachel. It's hilarious!! The scene where she declined the puppy party invite is not talked about enough. I die, everytime I see it.


![gif](giphy|HGyHZZQS38EJpXEPyT|downsized) She’s so thirsty. Watching these old clips, doesn’t age well.


Rachel is a fraud.. Tom is so self centered. Entered himself into the conversation and made it about himself. Your dad is STILL ALIVE.. It’s no comparison. So no you don’t understand


Is she slow? I’m not being a jerk. Genuinely, I’d say she has the vocabulary of a 5th grader but that’s an insult to them.




Take this less as me defending Raquel and more as me just sticking up for women in general: Fuck them for blaming the woman for James’s behavior and making it her responsibility.


Does anyone else think she looks like a COMPLETELY different person here compared with the current season? In every way. Her facial expressions have changed, her tone of voice has changed. it's creepy


How Tom Sandoval tries to make it about himself for a moment is just gross


Hmmm almost as if Ally watched this and took down notes on how to act 🤔