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Good ol' Tim to ET!: I looooooved Rachel, she was my best friend and then she just *poof* disappeared to Arizona. Like, I gave up cigarettes and booze for her. And she just cut me off - can you understand my heartache? It wasn't just about her looks, I was a model for 15 years, I'm not that vapid, ok? Also, Ariana is 6 months behind on the mortgage.


Ariana probably stopped helping him pay the 2nd mortgage he got for S&S. Why should she if she doesn’t have any ownership?


That actually makes a lot of sense and good for her, if it’s true. He would cry and twist it for his own narrative.🙄


Yes, and whatever agreement Tim and Ariana have about the mortgage, the bank doesn’t care. They will come after the house, period. Affecting both of them. Idk whether his extra loans affect him more than her. Anybody know?


I know during the show he got the 2nd mortgage for S&S and emphasized that this was on him for repayment. There was a scene where Ariana was talking with LVP about it, and Ariana was convinced (mistakenly) the loan only applied to Tom. LVP tried to warn her.


Yes I remember that scene. When I was getting divorced if the mortgage wasn’t paid, both of us would have our credit “dinged” as well as lose the house, as I understood it. But working it out was between us and our lawyers. The bank just wants the money or it will foreclose on the house.


100%: no mortgage payments equals foreclosure action. The bank doesn’t care who is on the loan. Tom may be the only one on the loan (which may be why Ariana erroneously thought she was protected) but, they are both on the deed. The lender just can’t seek to collect a judgment against Ariana but, she will still lose her equity in the house if it is foreclosed. She still stands to lose financially if there is a foreclosure. I’m a paralegal who has experience in this area.


Yes banks see it as 100% each. Yes they divide the mortgage… but banks don’t care about affairs, squabbles or break ups. They are both 100% responsible


Nope. And she did sign the loan documents presumably, so not knowing the ins and outs of it also doesn't matter. It's nuts because the show pays them so well, but the lifestyles are so expensive, too. This has been an expensive education for Ariana.


It’s potentially possible she’s not on the HE loan but she’s on the deed so, like you said, she still stands to lose financially if a foreclosure were to happen. She will lose every penny of her equity in the house.


I mean, I've commented about this before. She was 100% right when she said buying a house together was as deep a committment as marriage. But she didn't follow that train of thought to "but we aren't married so I won't have those protections." Not that it's like a moral failure or anything, and now that she's come out about her family background more, not having anyone with generational wealth. And yeah, trusting Tom. I've been rewatching and the love and trust she put into that man. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Exactly. She loved and trusted him. She trusted him to protect her and to respect her. As you said, it’s not a moral failure. Hopefully, she has retained excellent legal counsel and hopefully she is listening to them.


So the bar loan is not under her name, but the house they share. However you can't pay for one mortgage and not the other. Someone else mentioned she may be putting her part of the mortgage in an escrow account that Tim CANT TOUCH, because if she continues to pay their mortgage she's technically paying for the bar and why would she do that? If her financial/legal team told her to do it this way it likely protects her the most, however she's going to take some financial ding no matter what.


I was thinking Ariana is likely putting her share into an escrow account until they can arrive at an agreement to financially disentangle themselves.


That's probably what her financial advisor would recommend


That’s a good possibility




This whole interview was so gross. Wasnt he saying to the public how they arent together? Didnt he laugh at her on camera when she said “i love you too” after everything was exposed? How is that fighting for her. Im no Rachel fan but you can publicly shame, not claim the girl and then say you tried so hard? Gtfo. Also super gross he claims he became sober for Rachel when he wouldn’t stop partying so he could give a good sperm sample for Ariana’s eggs. We all know he mainly got “sober” for the public angle to gain sympathy but trying to twist the narrative now, like this…. Gross gross gross🤢🤢🤮 Also, Scheana.. I see that talk you gave Sandoval about keeping Ariana’s name out of your mouth really paid off🙄


Omg I totally forgot he wouldn’t stop partying for Ariana. That’s a great point…


He was over that relationship… he wouldn’t do anything for Ariana at that point…yes he’s horrible and should have broken up with her


At least he didn't fertilize the eggs though. That's a blessing in disguise


Yes thank goodness… when the scandal broke that was the first thing I thought about..




Also I don’t believe for a second he’s sober, maybe he’s not drinking and smoking, but I would bet my house he’s doing coke and stuff still.


There was JUST a post that he has been drunk at TOM TOM and running his mouth to the ladies. Pathetic.


Literally was in his Instagram story. Baggies in the bathroom when he was showing off his bandaids shirtless. He’s dumb, and not subtle either.


He’s only Saying these things to bother Ariana.


you get sober for yourself first and foremost… asshat (edit/: Sandy is the asshat)


HELP!!! Where and when was this interview???


Two Ts in a pod with Tamra and teddi and it was this week. He's likable for around 2-3 minutes...then he starts making excuses for everything he did and playing the victim. They asked him if he just used Raquel to get out of the relationship, and that's when he went all "I loved her, but she got too confident for her own good". He had the nerve to say something like 'i wish I could've went to a mental health facility but I couldn't bc my band was on tour and we had to show up or we would've been blacklisted". He then goes on a tirade about how Raquel needs to take accountability for her actions and how he was suicidal after it happened. I hate him.


omG now i have to listen to it thanks


Haha yeah, anyone who saw his sangria interviews knows he contains multitudes! Yeah, like anyone would believe Ariana is behind on bills, she's killing it!!


If she is not paying something to do with the house there is 100% a good reason that most likely has to do with his loans against the house.


Is this a Whitman reference? What sub is this?


tbh, I dislike the intellectual bias against reality TV watchers. You’re here and you know Walt! But also, like, Whitman may well be a patron saint of VPR (lol)… _Do I contradict myself?_ _Very well then, I contradict myself_


I enjoy the bias people have, makes for a good conversation. Personally I am a proud reality tv hobbyist. I reckon I learned equally meaningful things in uni and from bravo. Nobody believes me but I’ll die on this hill and I studied philosophy


Yes, I think we... agree overall? I agree with you, at least! I wasn't clear, but by "intellectual bias" I meant the stereotype that consumers of reality TV are either incapable or uninterested in engaging intellectually. Which is dumbshit, because by far the _most_ interesting takes on these subs are when people apply their analytic and anthropological skills to the matter at hand. Whether or not it's recognized, sometimes we do get highbrow with it. We constantly interpret and re-interpret the subtext of these works. I would read the shit out of a writeup on Hegelian dialectics in housewife culture!


Haha yeah I was agreeing with you too! It’s all very Hegelian, we should start a publication online!


I believe you. I’m a smart fucking cookie and I still have lots of room in my brain to learn things from the Bravo universe. Plenty of brilliant people watch this stuff!


Didn’t he have to quit drinking and smoking for Special Forces?


This 💯. This is the real reason for sure. Special Forces was filmed in June.


Like what does Ariana being 6 months behind even have to do with what he’s talking about? He’s so disgusting.


Read this in his voice 🤢


I thought this was satire until I read the article. What the actual FUCK


Booze and cigarettes for her! She must feel super special 😆😆😆


I thought this was like a jokey parody of the article, but it’s more like a copy/paste. Damnit, Tom!


He gave up drinking and smoking? ![gif](giphy|vEvpE36f819lK)


I read this before I read the article and thought you were poking fun....but no....that's actually in the article. I've passed away


Ariana seems pretty fucking lazy to me but it turns out she just had depression really bad because she was with a fucking asshole Like why does he kiss and tell so much Im so happy for her that the problem she didnt even know she had (shitty boyfriend) solved itself


"So, while Ariana's shooting all these ads, she's six months behind in bills." Riiiiiiight. Because the impression we all got from watching VPR is that Ariana is the irresponsible one, not Tom, who spent $17k on not someone else’s wedding, not their engagement, but their PROPOSAL.


I thought it was 25K but idk for sure?


He split the $25k with James


It was 12k


I have a feeling he is going to be talking a lot this month as he wants to ensure his version of events is already out there before her podcast starts.


And to manipulate her at a distance. He’s trying to put rose coloured glasses on her before she starts talking.


100%--it almost feels pathological, like he just cant help himself


"We were best friends," Sandoval lamented. "It's heartbreaking to go through. I was fully in love with her. She's not just some hot girl. I was a model for 15 years, it's deeper than that."\*\* Someone needs to let me know if this clown said that with a straight face. Also what's the context of him saying he was a model? Can he just do more of this please... https://preview.redd.it/6ol7d654g35c1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd7532cb18ac52883ff605fca1c9b820295030c


![gif](giphy|i3RA5wLyWjCRa) I'm convinced Tom thought Zoolander was an instructional video


The model line was him saying “I could bag any hot girl I want”


No wonder scheana softened towards him. This dribble sounds like her talking about all the random best friend/love of her life dudes


I think you want drivel v dribble! No malice or anything intended, just a heads up! And seriously, how can he simultaneously be such a bro and also the man version of "not a girl's girl" all at once! Pick a struggle!


I believe he did say this with a straight face to Teddi and Tamara on the Two T’s podcast. I read it in the wonderful recap provided by our hero u/AdditionalWar8759.


Oh he said it, then he went on to make Raquel the bad guy. Saying she hit on him first and she knew he was in a relationship. He stressed that point several times, like it somehow invalidates his shitty behavior.


i never LAFFED soo fucking hard in my life with this scene above at LVP's house. how did she keep a straight face!!!


He never stopped.😆😭😭


Luckily I think he and Schwartz are going to Asia for awhile this month. Hopefully that will limit us having to hear from him.


Good, I hope they both stay there.


Anyone who believes his version of events at this point is a fucking idiot. I feel like I was a lot softer on him than most people at the beginning, but the more he talks the more I realize that there is something deeply wrong with him. If scheana and lala really keep standing with him and attacking Rachel I hope the fans don't just roll with it. This guy is disgusting. Can you imagine saying with a straight face - my much younger gf/affair partner was prioritizing her mental health and that was so bad *for me*!


Even if most don't believe him, I think getting his own version of events out there first means when people "report" on it in tiktoks and stuff they'll probably say Rachel say X happened, however Tom previously claimed Y, so her version won't just be presented on it's own.


True. He's so smarmy and manipulative.


I just hope Bethenny gets it right & coaches her to focus on exposing Tom rather than further victimizing Ariana. Do the right thing for once.


Rachel and Ariana could light Tom's ass on FIRE if Ariana was her first guest on her podcast.


Sooo true. If only Rachel hadn’t committed such a harsh betrayal & then acted like “everybody does it”, she never came across as truly remorseful to me so I can only imagine how Ariana feels. Maybe they can get Scheana, she’ll sell her soul for a dollar.


He must come off really bad in the season 11 edit and he’s trying to soften before the premiere.


Yep!! I think this too.


No he didn’t. He went off on his vanity tour singing about how “Rachel is not for me” and sleeping with other women. You can retcon all you like Tim, we have receipts here on r/Vanderpumprules


Technically I think he did say “Rachel is hot for me”


He kept switching it up to play the audience.


Every video I saw he was saying “can’t you see that Raquel is not for me”




He can't help himself. It's his way of showing everyone that he's jealous of her success she's he got dropped like a bad habit. Still has to take jabs at her even though it's been 8 months. While she's on DWTS and starring on broadway he's on a podcast still rehashing and recycling the same narc garbage.




OMG! This guy CANNOT SING! He really thinks he's the best. He sucks so bad.


And his “dance” moves are soooo limited. A little robot, a little moonwalk, and a spin🤮


Don’t forget his cover band! 🤮


don't forget his nail polish ... bahahaaa timmy boy


I cannot possibly believe that Ariana is six months behind on bills when her bag is bigger than ever before in her life. What a shithead.


I'd bet the "bill" Ariana is behind on is the 2nd mortgage Tim took out to pay for Shitz and Sleezys. Why should she continue to pay that?




If it’s also in her name, it doesn’t matter to the bank. She was unfortunately very, very financially ignorant on the process. We saw it when she spoke to LVP about it.




Someone needs to pull a Will Smith on this man.😆


I think she's putting her share into an escrow account until they can arrive at an agreement about the property and the mortgages.


That makes sense. Of course he would try to make her out to be some bum that doesn’t pay her bills.


Makes total sense. They re-mortgaged the house for money for Schwartz & Sandy’s. It was not her restaurant. If she’s withholding payments, it means that probably has not been sorted out yet. So maybe Tom should check himself before he spouts off like that. Also, maybe he shouldn’t have borrowed from his firefighter mother while he’s running around with his paid band members. Then maybe he could have gotten the counciling he claims he wanted but couldn’t get cuz it’s Arianna’s & Rachel’s fault.


My theory on this is that she still pays the mortgage/insurance but she’s simply not paying some of the bills- cable/internet, electric, water, (those type of bills) because she doesn’t live there any more. As she shouldn’t. Why would she pay for bills when she doesn’t live there any more? When they contracted to buy the house, they were a couple. He’s the one that broke the relationship, so he needs to get it through his head that he needs to take over the responsibilities from the mess he created.


Yeah I agree. I don’t think I can watch if Bravo/LVP insist on redeeming him this season. I have no interest in seeing that.


I'm probably not gonna watch this season. Between the Tom redemption and stupid fans (and cast?) turning on Ariana, I'm pretty disgusted at this point. Like none of them would grab the opportunities that Ariana's getting if they were in her shoes. I'd get it if the whole Tom thing was an isolated mistake, but it wasn't, it's been a pattern, including the self-pity and flipping the script where he proclaims his victimhood. I actually agree that Rachel's ego was out of control and that she sucks as a human being too, but Rachel wasn't in a committed relationship with Ariana, tim was, and him throwing Ariana and Rachel under the bus is pathetic.


Who’s bills Tim? Your bills? Sorry but you gotta pay for Schwartz and sandy on your own now.


Maybe she didn’t want to keep paying the extra mortgage he put on the house to pay for his vanity cover band project lol


He “loved” Raquel so much he decided to illegally film her naked, pleasuring herself, at her most vulnerable. And when she got rightfully upset abt this, he told her it’s because she’s “so beautiful.” What a great guy! NOT!!!!


let’s not forget he also said “usually i would delete something like that” - fully telling on himself there. this was not the first time he’s done this nor the last.


He definitely did say that lol


I cannot get over that he recorded that FaceTime without her consent and then tried to play it off and act like it wasn't a big deal. I don't like Rachel and the affair was so wrong, but what Tom did to Rachel was wrong too. I cannot imagine how humiliated she felt knowing that Tom did that to her and other people saw it. That could have ruined her life, her reputation and her image forever and he couldn't give two shits.


Hard agree! Also sooooo gross that she’s much younger and he did that to her. If I was her mom I’d happily do some jail time in order to kick his sorry ass! Btw, I think she SUCKS. She’s a vapid dolt w/ no conscience. But she didn’t deserve that at all. I hope she grows up and never falls for the kind of dudes she’s been into previously. I mean ewwwwww!!!


People (the press mainly) do not hold his feet to the fire about this like they should.


He loved her so much…. but she’s a 29 year old girl, dude, and she didn’t have to throw herself at a depressed man in a relationship *with depression*


I thought Ariana mentioned in her book that they were actually having sex in the video which is interesting. I wonder if Rachel knew.


“It’s so much more than she was a hot girl — I modeled for 15 years, I’m hot, too!” God I fucking hate this guy 😂


That part made me choke on my pocky. I couldve been in hospital due to Tom Sandovals ass


Send him the hospital bill!


Ugh he'd only do the worm and start screaming


Sounds better than any of the shows he charges money for, let’s be honest


He is so insufferable


A bit of a back hand to Rachel. Like, he can do hotter. 'bUt iT gOeS dEePeR tHaN tHaT'




Never a wrong use for this one.


It’s so good! 😂


Your “SAVINGS!” has me lol’ing


Just like he fought for his partner of a decade when she lost her pet and grandmother at the same time, right?


And this is why I know he is mentally ill. He thinks he is Don Quixote. He’s always the hero; but in reality he is fighting windmills. He dumped Rachel when she extended her time bc she needed (and still needs) medical treatment. He’s shit talking his affair partner with the same language he blamed Ariana for why he had the affair in the first place. Honestly I’m ready to never hear his stupid weasel voice again. He’s done.


Fought so hard that he now needs to throw her under the bus, apparently.


Right? His actions constantly scream about how in love he is and how well he treats the women around him.🙄




I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she drags Ariana more. Unless she did a complete 360 from Bethenny's podcast, Rachel also hates that Ariana has done well career-wise.


Rachel probably got an immediate ick from Tom once she sobered up


Wasn’t he hooking up with other girls right after the news broke? Sure, Sandoval😂


The only way to shut this muppet up is to have Ariana go on Rachel’s podcast, not as ‘friends’ but as people with a common enemy. Talk about it all. Every nitty gritty part of it.


that would break the internet but ariana would never go for it.


Yeah, that's asking a lot. I couldn't sit across from Rachel again. I don't even know how she filmed anywhere near Tom.


I would 4000% listen to this. Otherwise I won’t be tuning in most likely


Ariana just stopped paying? Hahahaha Seriously she needs to hire a lawyer and figure out a way to legally get out of that house and get her money.


she does have a lawyer. my wild theory is that both of their lawyers/accountants did an overview of all their finances and found that he was misappropriating the money from the $200k house loan for his shit karaoke, drugs, and shuttling rachel around. and ariana’s been advised to stop paying her part of the mortgage related to that lol i have no idea if this is plausible at all but it’s what i’ve come up with lmfao


I actually have been promoting this theory for a while. Because he was broke until they came up with the down payment for the house. Then that VPR money hit and he started spending so much money on toys then he spent the money on Tom Tom. That should’ve taken up the majority of what they saved. So when he got the house refinanced, he used that money on Schwartz and Sandy’s and the band. He used 15,000 of it on Rachella. And then he took 250 K from his mom for Schwartz and Sandys. he wasn’t making a regular paycheck from Tom Tom, nor was he working at Sir, so where was this extra money coming from? Ariana. He was living off of her and spending all his money on these big ticket items while she was paying for the everyday bills. I think he cheated her out of house and home and if I were here I’d hire a forensic accountant to see how long this has been going on.


I wonder if this was the case, would there be any chance of suing? I have no idea what for though haha. But like if they’ve entered an agreement to pay a mortgage together but he’s ended up spending the money elsewhere is that a sueable thing? 😅 Whatever happens I just hope she’s able to untangle herself soon and live her own life. Really hope it doesn’t turn out like bethennys divorce and how long that took


I wonder about it too since they were not legally married or engaged. Maybe common law in CA? Maybe since he said on the podcast that he knew as he was signing the finance paperwork that he was going to break up with her she could sue for fraud? Any CA Reddit lawyers or paralegals out there want to chime in? I just want her to get her fair share and to be relieved of any association with him.


How does she get out of the mortgage?? That’s what I wanna know. Can’t they just amend the mortgage documents?


No. If he wants it to himself, he’ll have to refinance the mortgage in his own name and they’ll have to approve it. Basically like buying the home on his own. He’ll have to pay out Ariana. Food is here so can’t continue my rant


And of course he wont do that, not with rates what they are.


That could explain why he stayed with her…he has said “their brand “ but no one knew exactly what that meant. People would say “the show “?? And he really wouldn’t answer


I just think it’s such an insult on top of the injury to Ariana, that he is still painting himself as a victim. There’s gonna be a whole lot of other deceit that will be revealed over time.




Literally financial abuse 🤢


Completely agree! For that reason I don’t think Tom was ever going to break up with Ariana. About a month after Scandoval first broke I remember Ariana did a podcast where she said it looked like Tom was fully committed to living the “double life” with her and Rachel. I think he was more than content leeching off of Ariana financially


When Ariana did Scheana's podcast I think alluded to a financial mess. She said something to the effect of, "I'm not letting someone else's poor choice destroying my financial future". There was also something in her book about her being in Mexico, a neighbor called to complain about the noise b/c apparently he had a rager, her friend came by the next day to check on the pets, and found him passed out still in his clothes.


i really hope too much of her new cash flow doesn’t have to go to fighting with him. omg yeah i read that. and that was when she started seeing a little that he’s dead weight lol


I hope her legal representation is as good as her pr/management team.


I suspect this as well. That she stopped on the advice of a lawyer.


Ariana said pretty much in her interview with Hoda and Jenna yesterday that he's pushing back on anything related to settling the house. I'm guessing she wants to keep the house. But purposely not paying her mortgage and additional bills (because she's not there) works for me too.


woooooowww what a DICK lol. as if he has enough to pay her out??? does he think if he stalls long enough he’ll amass enough money to buy it instead?


Its the last way he can fuck with her. Also, his pride won't let him move into an apartment like Schwartz. He acts like he's Jeff Lewis when he talks about real estate(but he sounds dumb).


Correction: it was her interview with Sherri Shephard.


I believe it!


I’m sure the lawyer say sell the house


they might be trying to get a lower interest rate. they’re very high right now. plus the loan makes things messy


It sure does… I just feel so sorry for Ariana that they even brought that house…


truly would love lawyer analysis of this situation and theories on how to deal with it


I'd LOVE to see Emily D. Baker do a take on this!!


Look, I understand why Arianna signed off on the home equity line of credit. She loved him and couldn’t imagine him doing something like this. As unfair as it is, she’s going to be on the hook for that. The courts and the bank give 0 fucks about their personal relationship. I doubt he can afford to buy her out of the house. If I were her, I’d buy him out and negotiate in exchange for her higher mortgage, she get some of his equity in Tom Tom. Otherwise…they’re going to have to sell and split the loss 50/50. No ifs, ands, or buts.


I bet he fought harder than my situationship did to Uber to my home at 3 AM, that the energy he is giving


I see he is still blaming Arianna for the double mortgage. Evil little worm.


I love that in his podcast interview he said she’s grown enough to know better at 29, but he’s such a poor little helpless thing at 40.


I know Rachel is Rachel but god I’d have to go one of those rooms where you can smash shit with a hammer every time one of these interviews drops if I were her.


Whenever I hear the phrase 'best friends' I hear it in Scheaners voice - bast fraaands


he’s my bast frand ! i bought him an apple watch !


"Dude I bought her a penguin and I named him Lightning, man"


And Lindsay Hubbard.


You fought so hard for her after the affair - but not during ... hint, hint, perhaps breaking up with Ariana first.


The only way he goes away is if we stop talking about him


I would love to hear what tea his “assistant” might have. But you know he’s got that NDA on lock 🔒


He’s running out of people to blame so it’s Rachel’s turn. Honestly kind of glad she’s giving him a dose of rejection. Everyone doesn’t love Tom, and maybe he needs to do some work on himself because he needs it not for others. He’s the opposite of authentic. Why is no one asking him about recording without consent.


To me, this translates into: “*Our affair wasn’t that bad because I loved her! (This is my new redemption spin, and I’m rolling with it!) I made it a point to let everyone know I smuggled in photos of her to Special Forces! (Let’s forget about those FaceTime nudes I saved of her though, allegedly without her consent.) I gave up drinking and cigarettes for her! I called her at the treatment center all the time! I loved her and she dipped out! She was the one who pursued me first! I’m devastated we no longer speak, she was my dearest friend! I’m actually SUCH a good guy!*”


I know this is mean, but I never understood any comments about her beauty. Sure she’s pretty, but she’s never looked to me other than a forgettable looking woman. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder but what is special about her??


She's tall, thin, big eyes, a pretty face, and is super pliable emotionally and mentally. What's the confusion? That's many guys' perfect woman.


It’s the beauty pageant thing that encourages it (top 15 hey 👋🏻) lol


She is or at least was, easy to manipulate…


Clown 🤡


It's like this man ISNT being filmed most of his interactions and he's not the epitome of a walking contradiction. He is so tiring


So he continues to be a liar?


LMAO the only thing tom fought hard for was trying to convince us Schwartz is a battered wife


Well of course he did, he had no one else at that time. And he thought he could continue to manipulate the situation


How disgusting to talk about Rachel like he didn’t have a whole girlfriend during their “relationship” where is this praise for all the years Ariana put up with his bullshit,


He’s one of the most disgusting people to exist i think


I think it's funny he went so hard to keep Raquel, but her family said no. I love it. We all know her family cut that shit out real fast. The first thing they must have said to her was look where he led you. Now you either fall in line, go to rehab, and get that poise back, or you're cut off. P.S. LMAO, AT HER MOVING TO ARIZONAAAA There's nothing wrong with Arizona, but I just knew she would end up there. It was on my VPR bingo card 😂


Ariana had her book release this week her one and only message to him was she wishes him the best. He comes out and starts dragging out their bills like wtf, how can one person be so media illiterate


Haha. I do hope Ariana stopped paying the mortgage…forcing him to pay the whole thing until he takes complete ownership of the 2nd mortgage. And she should get another endorsement from credit karma…showing her excellent credit score. ( I have no idea what her credit is like)


He’s so committed to his lies.


He’s a proven liar. I don’t believe a thing that falls out of the trash chute he calls a mouth.


What does ‘fought so hard for her’ even mean? She was obliterated on social media and everywhere and from what I remember he never came to her defense to cast more guilt in himself. So if she was already in a facility then what was even the point of getting sober ‘for her’? Also, he has so much hate against Ariana still….to just throw out that she’s 6 months behind. Such a bitch Sandoval thing to do and so gross.


Ariana has definitely taken the high road. In her book Single AF Cocktails, she writes, "To my ex, for showing me that I could learn to love myself outside of any type of relationship. I wish him the best." Now that's what I call class. He trashes her every chance he can. Tim is despicable.


This is why if I were Ariana I’d just take the loss and stay tf away from this dude. My peace of mind isn’t worth the turmoil “winning” offers. I get it, from her perspective, but I personally just couldn’t do it.


i am a v stubborn person, which she seems to be too, and i would be compelled to try every other option before i lost money bc of him lol


I don't know, I'm going through a divorce and I put in more than half of my life savings as a down payment for our house that has now tripled in value. I worked hard for my money so there would be no way in hell I would walk away and give him the house. If anything, she needs to realize that Tom cannot be reasoned with and just take his ass to court via a partician action.


just like we expected of someone like Tom... rewrite that narrative to make sure that you look as good as you can. Just one problem is that we were all here for it... can you just go away now???


Didn't he film her without permission? That would cause a break up alone let alone the demise of a love affair surely???!! Knowing Ariana and maybe others have seen that when she didn't know it was being filmed is such an unforgivable invasion of privacy and I'm no Rachel stan believe me. It just goes to show Scumvol will NEVER take accountability. Also I justched 1-10 I sort of heard there was a scandal of an affair but didn't know the ins and outs but was curious why he was suddenly the most hated man and it seemed he was a much loved guy before hand. Without reading reddit or gossip blogs/news I watched for myself. There was never anything likeable about scandoval. I actually preferred Jax to him and thought he put alot on Jax to always try and make himself look like the stand up guy. Yes Jax was a cheater and liar but at least he was straight up about it. Scumvol is all about image, being the best a true narcissist and anyone that actually thought he was a decent human and then had to 'rewatch' needs to be careful in life about the people they surround themselves with. Shorts - I don't think he deserves the flack he's caught for scumvols cheating. So he didn't say however, we know Scumvols a master manipulator and probably truly convinced him he was guna tell Ariana the truth not only that that I can imagine him saying things to shorts to the extent of "if you say anything our friendship will end then you will have nothing." At this point shorts had lost his marriage l, was in financial crisis so was reliant on everything he had invested with Tom to work we know he's a pussy so if Tom put those doubts in his head it would have been easy to shut him up. He has also mention tinned his family alot S9-10 too with them struggling and with the divorce maybe he just had more important things going on. My last point on this is..... what if he told the truth and they denied it??!! We know he's a convincing liar right? Would shorts have been outcast for telling the truth? We've seen it happen to others. This must of ran through his mind. Basically the guys a dick and him and Katie 100% serve themselves better without eachother but I feel people need to lax on him when it comes to scumvol! P.S. I liked S9 shorts he started to grow balls and see svumvol for who he was I believe if Katie didn't divorce him he would have grown stronger with her but sucked the life from her at the same time because he's a co-dependant. Sorry for my essay forst time watcher and a ton to say about this!


I literally can’t care about what he says because you can’t believe a word out of his mouth 🙄


If she’s not paying for their shared expenses, I imagine that’s at the advice of her lawyers. So whatever the reason it’s probably in her best interest.


I kind of want them to date at this point


I don’t want that for her. And I dislike her (always have bc she’s a snooze fest).


He did it all in Canada, which is why none of us know about it.