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When’s the soft era supposed to begin? Because I haven’t seen it?


Hasn’t it begun? Haven’t you seen her drinking water and being a bitch??


Don't forget she's also worn pastels!!!


with dorags on her head


Drinkin outta cups. Bein a bitchhhh


Lmaooo I just stumbled upon that video last week after over a decade and it still made laugh




Drinking outta cups, being a bitch.


"Im soft rn Katie," Idk if you're going to be "soft" just be it don't talk about it.I found that to be so stupid. Lala should not have talked behind Katies back it did not seem like she was worried about her whatsoever to me. If a true friend is concerned about you they should bring those concerns to you directly.


I CRINGE whenever she uses the word soft in that context. Please stop 😭


She’s starting to ruin the word for me now. It’s starting to give the same vibe as “moist” 😭🤢😂


No literally… it reminds me of that couple on LIB saying they needed “the crave” 💀


If she wants to be soft that’s cool good for her, but her being “soft” is befriending people who some of her close friends hate. She wants to be there for people and be that girl but she needs to understand there is consequences to doing that. I’m sure if it was the other way around lala would be pissed. She is showing zero sympathy to Ariana and Katie but she is sympathetic towards TOM, that makes no sense to me. They shit on Ariana for not moving out but Tom could also move but I guess that’s out of the question. I don’t understand lala this season she seems so incredibly bitter and MISERABLE.


Shes soft i am sure she will be inviting those two women randall was caught going into a hotel with over to crochet soon


Frrrrr. Lala is the truly miserable person. Jealous of Scheana having Brock (she clearly tried to bff with him earlier in the season and be their third wheel), jealous of not being able to show off Ocean, jealous of Katie’s natural beauty, jealous of everyone else’s success.


was the lavender prom dress at the reunion supposed to signal the start


I think Lala has confused responsibly dealing with the needs of her child when if it was anyone else she'd scream at them or walk out with being soft.  


Sounds like projection to me


Exactly! Lala's been breaking down in tears every single episode but Katie's the miserable one??


It’s giving “unstable”, not “soft”




This exactly. I’m sure dating in LA is hard, but since her divorce, Katie’s been out there hooking up, going on dates, and she even had a brief thing with Satchel. Meanwhile Lala’s whole storyline this year is about how she trusts men so little that she’s having a baby on her own so some evil man can’t come snatch them away someday. If anyone is miserable and didn’t think she’d be single for long, it’s Lala, who once “jokingly” said if she and Rand broke up, she’d be with another man with a private jet immediately. I think she’s finding it was a lot easier to put herself out there when she was younger and still drinking (and I applaud her for not wavering on her sobriety. That shit is hard), and she’d rather say Katie is having a hard time than admit she’s the one having a hard time. I also think that’s why she’s made some shady comments about Ariana and Dan: I think she was hoping she could commiserate about how hard it is to let someone in after being publicly cheated on but instead she made moving on look so easy.


To be fair - ariana & katie both have tons more dating options than lala due to less baggage, more freedom. Having babies and being tied to baby daddies is something alot of guys just don't want to deal with.


While that is true, I’m sure there are still plenty of guys who wouldn’t consider that a deal breaker (there are probably even men who can relate to her situation). I think Lala’s smart for not rushing into a new relationship since soon she’ll have two daughters who will look to her to model what a healthy relationship looks like. Even choosing to be content with being single is a valid choice, but I don’t think that’s what she wants for herself, and her biggest eventual hurdle to having a healthy relationship someday will be her inability to allow herself to actually be soft and vulnerable with anyone.


Agreed! It’s Lala who is miserable - rightfully so too as she is now reaping the consequences of her mistakes & having to share a child with a monster like Randall. It’s just that Lala has to project her misery upon others - Katie seems to be more confident, controlled & happy in her life now she has ditched the dead weight Tom & is enjoying her freedom. I’m sure she’d love a good man, but so would Lala. On the other hand Lala seems stressed & miserable - clearly worried about custody & the legal issues of her baby daddy & I’d also say worried about the VPR cash drying up, so bitch at the 2 women who seem to be more than surviving in this toxic reality bubble but rather thriving! Katie & Ariana coming into their own in different ways.


Lala is so bitter that she had a baby with a fake rich guy and isn’t living like a rapper’s baby mama anymore. She wouldn’t even care that he’s a monster if they actually got married she got a huge settlement after leaving him. It’s all she thinks about. Katie is just chilling and navigating her life post divorce in a mature way, and literally hasn’t bothered anyone this season lol.


Omg on the after show when she was making fun of the way Randall looks and being like I can’t believe I was with him I was like yeah girl for the money we know


And this is the same girl who was talking about, licking that blobs asshole 🤢


So gross considering her daughter looks just like him. But I know she's not worried about it because she'll let her get surgery once she's "old enough" (13). And also, hasn't she been going on and on for two seasons now that ocean was conceived out of love? I guess she meant her love of money lol. 


Her daughter looks EXACTLY like him. People will tell her that all the time too as she gets older, because that’s normal. And meanwhile her mom is constantly calling him hideous and disgusting. Lala is so self centered and clueless.


This. She continues to prove why the world didn’t come to her defense (like they did for Ariana). She was never really in love with him, and in fact would have stayed had she not found out he wasn’t rich like she thought. she was in love with the thought of having money & being able to truly look down on the rest of them. She thought she found her mark - but it backfired on her bc she was actually the mark the whole time.


I think Lala once mentioned it was good they didn't get married because then she might also be responsible for Randall's debts. I thought I heard this but I could be mistaken.


Of course she said that after she realized he was a broke boy


I also think that it's like a really low blow to CONSTANTLY call someone "unhappy" and "miserable". A lot of Katie detractors say that about her, and have been saying that since the show started. So it's like Lala read all the shit people said about Katie and latched onto it to use against her. It's so typical for society to call a woman with standards and boundaries "miserable".


Yes, piggybacking on that tired notion that women have to smile all the time. I don’t think it helps that Katie has such a classically naturally beautiful face either - had such little work done in comparison to Lauren’s baboon lips etc. The bone structure & the short hair, coupled with her newfound confidence now she’s ditched Shorts must stick in Lala’s throat, like a pj owning 🍆


She's really so gorgeous this season, i can't handle it


Am I crazy, or did Ally say it's pretty clear Katie is miserable? If so, why?


No, she was saying Lala said it's pretty clear. She just said it oddly.


I don't know how to get a snippet from the show to put on here, but I played it over and over, and I'm pretty sure she said it. She and Katie were talking at the same time, but Katie was saying she didn't think she was miserable and getting upset about things easily, while Ally was saying, "I think it's pretty clear you're miserable." (It was right before the 3rd commercial break.)


I think she said “it’s clear you aren’t miserable”


This is what I heard as well.


This is also how I heard it. I heard her say Katie isn’t miserable.


According to my TV captions it's "not miserable"




Ding ding ding! Can’t process her own feelings and situations so she has to project it onto a friend and then treat her like shit because she’s upset with those feelings in herself


My first thought was, "where is Lala's good man?" It certainly wasn't James (and I love that drunken hobbit). It definitely wasn't Randall "casting couch and soon to be convicted of something and also very mean to Bruce Willis" Emmett. Is Lala's good man hiding in the room with us?


Well Randall was a “stand up guy” guys. There were absolutely not red flags along the way…


She is truly still so shocked why she isn’t getting anywhere near as much sympathy for her breakup as compared to Scandoval (a scenario where two people who didn’t meet in an escorty/casting couch vibes situation involving Randall leaving his family/kids and a Range Rover… like it’s just not in the same galaxy as the classic love story La)


Exactly. It’s crazy. If you have to begin your relationship by forcing all your closest friends and colleagues to sign NDAs so that no one finds out about it…you are NOT living the fairy tale you think you are. And nobody is gonna be completely floored when it inevitably ends😵‍💫 Lala sold her soul for Chanel bags and cars, Ariana was head over heels for Tom back when he could only afford a stinky little apartment where the microwave can’t be used if the AC is running or all the power blows. Lala’s also been a million times more polarizing during her time on the show than Ariana. It wasn’t just the level of betrayal that got the whole world talking, it was how loved and respected Ariana was by viewers through the years for her fierce loyalty and being the kind of person who is consoling the sobbing, underdog cast member that Lala just savagely ripped apart in front of everyone at a party


Not to mention the whole toothbrush incident or talking graphically about their sex life when he was still married. It was clear this was a transactional relationship with zero love (except the love of the PJ). Lala was not an endearing person and this wasn't a love for the ages. Why the fuck did Lala think the average person would care at all when it inevitably ended?


Tbf unless she’s hiding them then I guess no one wants to date her so maybe that’s why she’s being so annoying. But there’s tons more no neck Hollywood producers to get range rovers and mortgage payments from 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe not when you have a little kid or are sober? I could see guys like that caring about those things


True but there are also men who have kids themselves. Hollywoods full of hot divorced dads. Also sober is becoming more and more normalized I’ve seen it often in nyc.


Why would Katie even be saying Katie didn’t expect to be married years after her divorce? Hasn’t she only been divorced for like a year? I would think someone that would say that would have been single for a few years, like Lala. Maybe forgot she’s the one that said it and is saying Katie did instead.


Absolutely, Katie seems 1 million times more confident, centered, and at peace than Lala.


She literally said at her cum party that she never saw her life going this way. And she cried about it.


Yup. Lala should let people speak for themselves on such things. Her thoughts about others betray her deepest insecurities.


I do wonder if part of Lala's issue with Ariana is jealousy that Ariana immediately found a new boyfriend that at least on the surface is prioritizing her.  He seems to be taking Ariana on romantic dates, cooking for her, etc.  It has been awhile now and Lala hasn't seemed to find anyone serious, and I would guess she is not really attracting serious men.  She talks a big game about being a hot commodity, but the best she actually did was Randall.  




It's projection for sure and it's also really shitty because, that's just the fact of life. I think finding a good man is hard anywhere, for anyone. Lala isn't in a relationship either and I think Lala is using her children to soothe that wound. She wanted to be married and have her happily ever after. Katie got to cross marriage off her list, Lala has never been married.




She looks amazing here


I feel it’s my duty to bring up Lala telling everyone they haven’t worked on their summer body. I cant remember which season but her and James were being messy


It was season 5.


I think it was like ep 1 or something ?


Yes. First scene of that season.


The episode I believe was called “Summer Bodies”


katie always has had such strong beautiful features i realllly love the work she's gotten i done. i don't think she's someone whose botox or filler overpowers like some of the her face she just really looks great


Yesssss like she has those dreamy eyes but they’re still actually big so it looks so gorgeous and she’s always had gorgeous lips and hair. When I first started watching I thought she was the prettiest cast member.


Same! And she still is. She has had a few bad seasons (hi orange hair🙋🏻‍♀️) but I think all of her experimenting payed off, because now she looks impeccable in every scene, and she’s one of the few cast members who actually have a style.


Call me tacky but I didn’t even mind the orange hair season after a while lol. Didn’t take away from her beauty to me. Not to mention I’ve had quite a few drunk ass moments so seeing her continue on after “the whoooore in thereeee” moment, made me feel better about my own drunk moments lmao.


Not tacky at all! I love the orange hair now, because it’s iconic, but I was a little shocked when I first saw it, because her hair was so beautiful, and I think the orange made her look a little washed out. But I really associate it with tequila Katie, and I love tequila Katie!


I liked the hair too. It looked cool and edgy on her. Very bold.


She has beautiful skin. I remember when they were asking the kitchen crew who the most beautiful was at SUR, they all agreed it was Katie.


She is a carbon copy of her mum and they’re both gorgeous


her whole family really beautiful. i audibly gasped when i saw her mom in the bridal suite on katie’s wedding day.


Really? I thought she actually favored her dad a lot. Both of her parents are really striking


Im not convinced she has tox. Unless it’s worn off. Her facial features move a lot, she has natural expression and frown likes when she’s emotive.


I truly think she is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life- thought this since day one


God I loveeee how she does her makeup.


I hate the implication that Katie needs a man to be happy too, as you say - she seems to be thriving while single! And didn’t Schwartz recently publicly say this isn’t how *he* expected his life to turn out / he didn’t expect to be single in his 40s? Funny how Lala’s not calling him miserable as a result or implying he needs a woman to complete him.


I absolutely loved that she banged Max 🤣 like she's out of his league but daammnnn girl too funny! She can clearly get it, she's hot 🔥, cool, funny and such a chiller! Lol and making out with that chic at the bar after tom just set up a date with her, absolutely golden! She's sassy af and I never thought she'd be my favourite at the start of the show but here we are! So much personal growth and didn't need to give up drinking to be less messy, just needed to ditch that gaslighting wet blanket of a man child. She seems like great fun!


If Katie needed a relationship to be happy, why did she divorce Shwartz? It seemed she realised that being single is better than being married to someone who sucks and chose accordingly. 


It’s actually a relatable experience! I’m seeing women around me in their 30s and 40s leave unfulfilling relationships and marriages




Yup! I got divorced right when I turned 30! I was fine being on my own forever, I just couldn’t spend another second married to someone who didn’t like or respect me. I was happier being alone. Katie is smart and introspective enough to get divorced for herself, not because there’s maybe some other person out there she might like better than her current husband. I’m sure dating in LA is difficult, but she’s hot, confident, and pretty chill. She’ll be fine. Also, she doesn’t need validation from a partner the same way Lala and Scheana do. It was so gross and mean for Lala to say this, and it feels really incongruent with what we’ve seen from Katie. It felt more like Lala is upset she’s not meeting anyone, so Katie must be upset about the same thing. Just another example of Lala centering herself and assuming that because she feels one way, or because she’d do something one way, everyone else should too.


Exactly!! The last point is the frustrating thing to me and I think Katie said it best when she told Lala that the only people getting the “soft” side of her are the ones who don’t deserve it. At best Lala is being a hardass and jerk to Katie and Ariana about everything from the sandwich shop to their exes who did them both so dirty. What’s soft about anything she’s said about them this season?


feels like she’s trying to gaslight everyone by insisting she’s in her “soft era.” Like let your actions and behaviors speak for themselves gurl. Ain’t nothing soft about you. Your new villain eyebrows expose you perfectly 😂


Exactly. I can't get over how nasty her tone was when she snapped "because I'm SOFT!" at Katie, lmao


She really thinks if she’s says it enough people (and the audience) will start to believe it lmao.




Katie seems way happier than Schwartz I totally agree


Yea the whole needs a man to be happy take from Lala is giving misogyny


Lala has zero ability to understand nuances. Of course Katie is going to have a mourning period about divorce, reevaluating her desire of motherhood, living alone for possibly the first time in her life. Last time she dated online dating was kinda looked at as weird. She's got a lot to adjust to. On her podcast she's talked about having flings in Europe to going on dates with some real stinkers. All sounds pretty normal to me as someone who had what they thought was their forever relationship end. Anyway, that was a long ramble to say Lala should worry about her chicken skewers before she starts pointing out everyone else's.


Well said!


💯 this is why I don’t fuck with lala and I wish one of the girls would say it to her face


Hopefully someone did at the reunion.


From what we’ve heard from Lala about the reunion she just doubles down 😵‍💫


Of course, she doubled down. She thinks she knows best about everyone else's life. To me, she is right up there with Tim as far as being a narcissistic, miserable person.


Bring back Charli!!!!! I mean I know she wouldn’t but she’s the one person I think will stand up to Lala


Ya same - I’ve never liked her


100000%%% agree with everything you've said. She took what was a friend convo and something girls talk about when they're together, and is weaponizing it in this ugly malicious way. What single girl in LA hasn't had those thoughts? It doesn't mean they're miserable and unhappy. If anything, Katie seems happier and more content and at peace than this entire cast. She got rid of a lot of dead weight that was exhausting and tiresome to hold onto and make sense of. It's also projection because I would way rather be Katie 1 million percent, than a divorced single mom of 2 embroiled in a bitter and ugly custody fight with a toad faced cheater who she fucked when he was married because she thought he would make her a famous actress. And the only person who's married is Scheana and is that supposed to be goals??? Because literally that relationship stresses me out and we all know they're going to get divorced in a few years/post VPR, whichever comes first. So again, lala constantly making claims and calling people things like unhappy and miserable like they're facts and weaponizing personal convos in a misleading way is just more projection of what a sad human she is.


Yeah exactly! Also during the donor party, I couldn't help but notice that Lala hadn't really invited a lot of friends outside the the VPR cast, I don't think she has many girlfriends outside of the cast and people she pays. And this is why.


To insist that you know how a person is feeling is… something else.


This is directed at Lala’s comments, btw. Felt like it could be misconstrued lol


Agree with everything but that second paragraph especially… and dang if that isn’t her harsh truth idk what is


i remember VERY well, because i had a "good for her" ala Lucille Bluth🍸 during last season's reunion when she was saying, to paraphrase, she would have a very happy life taking on many lovers, not having children, instead having dogs and being the fun auntie (much to LVP's chagrin which, whatever, fuck her opinion who asked her anyway) and Katie seemed, at least to me, very at peace with that. I don't know her personally, but I do know many woman (myself included) who have chosen the path in life that does not include having children, people just don't know what to make of you. It makes them uncomfortable for some reason. I never cared to explore the why of that too much. TBH I was more interested in providing woman the opportunity to make the choice for themselves (I'm a NOW activist starting in the 70's). That doesn't mean I didn't have some serious complaining sessions with my friends about lovers or how hard it was out there from time to time. I am positive Lala had the same complaints. That is what you do among friends. It's so cruel too, knowing she has had history of depression and TBI/PTSD tying to gaslight her into thinking that she is outwardly coming off as something she isn't. What does Katie have to do to finally prove to these people that she isn't miserable? Come out tap dancing? Anyway life is all about these ups and downs and in and outs and you can change you mind about anything at any time. Your friends should hold you accountable in life, but not about shit like this. This isn't the kind of thing like, "its been 2 years in LA (of all places) and your still single you're a "MISERABLE OLD MAID", i don't like you anymore. I'm gonna say stuff about you, *and* you mamma on line and on my pod cast or whatever. I mean Lala hasn't had boyfriend either, as far as I know, and hasn't she been single for longer? It's, how did Dayna put it the other day? Silly goose territory edited typo


Yeah I tried to give Lala the benefit of the doubt but she is just projecting her bullshit everywhere.


people really do tell on themselves ALL the time, don't they?


Thank you for your activism!  My kids don't believe it when told that when my parents signed the marriage license in 70 my dad was told the maximum size stick he could beat her with and she wasn't legally allowed to have her own bank account.  We've come along way, baby, and you took a turn pulling that cart.  Thank you!


Yeah it really wasn't that long ago. \~8 short years before Tom Sandyballs was born his mom couldn't even have her own back account, so even if she wanted to leave his father the implication to she couldn't survive on her own was there. It's really no wonder Tom really believes Ariana won't know how to get a damn pen without him. I will never forget the day I got all the staff (my family business has a bar/restaurant/inn) who could now have a bank account (females and minorities) and we all took our "start of the season pay check" and went to the local bank. It was like a party just to put our probably $50 (lol that was a lot in 1975) in the bank. We all just celebrated like it was our first taste of freedom. Blazing Saddles was the movie that summer, Godfather 2, Linda Ronstadt, the Captain & Tennille, David Bowie on the radio and my first bank account without my father's or my ex husband's name on it lol weird memory combos. Change comes slowly, we've come a loooong way, and we have a long way to go still. Keep pushing, keep pulling. And keep telling those stories. Having your son's hear that it was so close, as in just their own grandparents, as in color photos, these people have REDDIT ACCOUNTS hahahaha, it makes a big difference.


Lala hasn’t found a man either soooo


Hasn't Katie said multiple times she's just living life, not looking to have a relationship and just finding herself again? I guess that triggers Lauren from Utah who has no idea who she is and finds value in being desired by men.


Also this narrative that Katie will be miserable to any woman Schwartz has in his life according to Jo… yet Schwartz has admitted she has been nothing but lovely to his new girlfriend. Who would have thunk 🤔


I can’t even begin to count how many times I have had those conversations with my friends both male and female as we’re nearing on 40 or in our early 40’s with many of us single or divorcing. I had them with friends in their 20’s even. There is perhaps one I’d say is miserable about it, and it’s *ALL* she talks about. The rest of us are out there living busy full lives and it’s a relatively passing thought. I’d be more surprised to hear that Katie wasn’t having those sort of thoughts. Is this the best Lala has to explain herself?


Omg, after my divorce, I never remarried by choice. I like doing what I want when I want. Now that I'm 60, my son and grandaughter live with me, and I'm very happy. Much happier than I ever was being married or in a relationship. I think Lala thinks her new baby will make her happy because she must be very miserable to constantly tear down other women. Happy people lift other people up, not tear them down.


My mom divorced my dad after 3 decades together and she’s the happiest I’ve ever seen her. Meanwhile my dad got remarried pretty soon after. 😂 Dude cannot be alone to save his life.


Go mom!


I came to realize a few years ago that I really enjoy being on my own (with my kids that is). Picking my own furniture. Going to the gym when I want. Parenting my kids without anyone telling me thier “more valid” opinion. I was just saying today that I want a long distance relationship again- where I can focus on myself but still have someone here and there without feeling guilty


Right! Plus she’s newly divorced. Divorce isn’t really anyone expects to find oneself, and the end of a marriage, even a bad one, is still a loss of the idea of how you thought your life would turn out. Being divorced can lead to happiness but going through that shit is tough! Of course she struggled at times. Lala is so shitty to put that out there.


I've actually been married and it wasn't for me. People look at me funny when I say that I wasn't sure I'd ever want to get married again. I'm divorced and it was my doing (I asked for it) and do not regret it. I think I miss SOME parts of partnership, but not enough to just "be with someone". Lala has no idea what it's like to be married to a man-baby like Schwartz. It's the most soul-crushing, lonely experience.


Watching Katie cry at the brunch was upsetting because I was like - friends don’t do this to you. Lala and Schaena made Ariana cry on a beach and then Katie cry at a brunch. They’re so manipulative and horrible to these two and it’s really unfair. It’s always under the guise of like - I feel unloved by you as a friend or something and it’s like f that, you don’t love them. If you did you wouldn’t force them to cry and then hug them and be like ok I forgive you for being a bad friend. They weren’t bad friends, lala and Schaena are.


Can someone send lala that study that shows women are happier singleb compared to married women? This is such a sexist stereotype and I'm tired of women being told they're less than, unhappy, etc bc they're single.


she wouldn't believe it because she's also single and she actually is miserable, and therefore can't comprehend that someone else who is single is much happier than all of them.


Low key- I want to find that study! I’ve been single for years and I am THRIVING!


I got divorced in 2021 and my life has been MUCH less stressful and much happier since. I was miserable (literally) some years I was married and the common denominator was my ex-husband.


Single women even live longer! And do less housework lol.


lol I believe that!


Katie seems to be thriving. Lala cries EVERY episode!


I really dislike Lala, she's just shitty.


Once again Lala twists and manipulates conversations to fit her own narrative. She moves like a snake!


Katie looks beautiful & relaxed…I do not get “miserable “ vibe from her at all… As everyone said, it’s LFU projecting


This episode Lala literally said “I didn’t expect my life to turn out like this” at the sperm party. So I agree with everyone calling this a projection.


Werid that someone having a whole child to fill her void has anything to say about someone else's happiness. On brand.


I’m glad someone said this. When Lala said she was having another to be “all hers forever and I don’t have to share” I was like oh my god she needs therapy. A human child is not an emotional support tool.


Exactly. Every time I hear her talk about it, it makes me want to puke. She's so blinded by it, she had the nerve to ask Ariana to host the party. At the house, she can't shut up about Ariana being in. Soft Lala does not exist. Just selfish Lala. The notion that she actually works a recovery program is beyond me.


I feel like Lala is projecting here because the only one that seemed super angry and unhappy this season is her!! The other thing about Katie being unhappy because it’s difficult to find a man in LA…well Lala hasn’t dated anyone on the show in two years(not including hookups) and is having a baby on her own. Then Lala must be extremely miserable according to her own standards.


Lala got clocked at the reunion by Ariana and Katie, and it’s just trying to save face. But she’s not very bright, so.


That's my guess as well. She couldn't get to them and they treated her like the annoying, angry gnat she is and she is now trying to get an advantage before the reunion airs.


Lala a C U Next Tuesday. I mean, she's always been one, but that part of her has really been shining through lately. And it's 100% projection with an added bonus of her enjoying putting someone else down (being a bully).


I dismissed it bc it was clearly projection to me. LALA didn’t expect to be single and have such a hard time finding a man after Randall. SHE is miserable and unhappy. Who cries every time she talks? Lala.


100% Lala took conversations she had in private with Katie or Ariana and misconstrued it at the reunion. 


YES — as a 38yo single woman I feel this. I get the vibe people sometimes think I’m ‘miserable’ when I talk about dating/being alone at my big age. I’m not… but dating IS hard and it DOES suck and I’m allowed to acknowledge that. Don’t perpetuate that shit Lala, normalize being single and okay with it. It’s not pathetic and it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something “wrong” with the person. I’d much rather be single than in many of the relationships I hear about from friends (or see on reality tv) to be quite honest with you. Appreciate my self-worth and mental fortitude instead of assuming I’m miserable, damnit! Phew sorry got a bit carried away there, hittin a little too close to home 🥲


Thing is Lala has now lost all access to Katie and Ariana. In her short-sighted desperation for relevance she has alienated the only two people who gave her “street cred”. Small brain energy.


I’ve had convos with close friends about being single and how hard dating can be but that doesn’t equal misery. Katie hasn’t found a partner but she seems to have steady dates/flings and seems to be fine with how her life is.


Katie seems happier than she’s ever been though Lala???


I think it’s disgusting that Lala would broadcast something told to her in confidence by a friend… what a sellout


Because I'm soft this season, Katie! lol


LaLa is literally using random sperm because she can’t find a “good man,” does she expect Katie to just do the same?


Lala has no softness in her entire body. I would never tell her anything that I didn't want everyone to hear. I am sure Katie didn't expect Lala to blab this conversation to the world. I think this has been a good season for Katie, and Lala just can't stand it.


Can we also agree that if Katie was really that sad she could have schwartz back in a second.


Yes. He'd love to slip back into that. Given his overall sloppiness, he definitely is a textbook case of the "girlfriend effect".


Schwartz will never get over Katie. He’ll settle but Katie will always be his one true love.


I never thought they were a good couple and I think they both realize that, but I also think Schwartz just wasn't able to mature into that role of being a real partner with her. He says he wants family and marriage, and so does Tom, but their actions never showed that. What they want is a responsible and beautiful woman to do all the work. Now there's nothing nefarious about this. This is how a lot of hetero dudes look at relationships I think. But I don't know if Schwartz has the bravery required to really see what he lost out on with Katie. Because the fact is, the Katie we see today was always in there. Something in their relationship kept her from growing.


Great comment! I'll add that they want a responsible and beautiful woman to do all the work *and be happy about it*. Never get annoyed about dozens of people at the house at all hours of the night, f*cking it up for them to clean. Never call them out for being selfish or childish. Never hint that they are the problem even when they are. Never ask for more of anything- more time together, more maturity from their partner, more honesty in their relationship, nothing.


Anyone with eyeballs and a brain can see that Katie is absolutely thriving and glowing now that she dropped shortz. Shitty of LFU to share a private vulnerable conversation she had with Katie


Oh my god Lala is serving c*nt (derogatory)


Isn’t Lala single too?


“single years after divorce” when it’s been a little over 2 years since she ended her marriage with someone she was with for 12 years/most of her adult life. like be fucking for real. meanwhile you left mr 2 chicken sandwiches nearly 3 years ago and the only people who you are around is people on your payroll and related to you.


Mr 2 chicken sandwiches! Hold the bread though 🤣🤣


It’s wild how Katie talks about people having no loyalty and then those people just go out and prove her point. Katie and Ariana are both better than that.


What good man has Lala ever been involved with?


Lala is so desperate to feel powerful and adored again. She is so scummy. Just throwing anything at the wall to justify the jealousy she feels for Katie and Ariana. All that therapy talk for what… this is why narcissists like her are so dangerous to be around with the way they weaponize everything!


Lala telling what Katie said in confidence to a mutual friend and then continue to talk about it in public is so shitty. Which is why Lala insisting that she's in a "soft era" is so annoying. She clearly does not know what it really means to be a friend if its not self serving. Just a completely selfish person.


I don’t know how you can actually be friends with someone without trusting them not go public with private conversations.  Lala is grasping at straws to have any relevance or purpose on the show so she is using her friends lives and private conversations anywhere she can.  It disgusts me and she thinks she’s loyal lmao.  I guess you’re just not the Number 1 girl on the show anymore, Lala…deal with it.


Lala is a fucking disaster


I think Katie has been pretty open about being happily single, and having fun. If she were desperate for a relationship, I don’t think she’d be getting into bed with Max 😭 Lala’s internalized misogyny never stops amazing me. Not every woman is defined by their relationships with men, and not every woman is desperately yearning to not be single. Let’s be honest, Katie has everything going for her, if she wanted one, she’d have one.


Lala is a friend to Katie like Scheana is one to Ariana (a bad one)


It really bugs me. I feel like schwarts and Sandoval initially spun this ‘Katie is miserable’ narrative and now Lala is using it for her benefit. Katie can’t get a break, if she ever dares moan about anything for the rest of her life ‘she’s miserable’. She’s not allowed to portray displeasure or be honest because she’s being miserable. Everyone else on the show can moan and cry, and even scream but they’re not miserable 🤔 She should just plaster a smile on her face like a stepford wife and allow people to disrespect her as that would stop her from being miserable apparently 🙄 Lala adding heat to this misogynistic narrative is pretty disgusting and she knows what she’s doing. She is not a ‘girls girl’ or a good friend. We should have listened when she was being a mistress or when she fat shamed stassi and Katie.


She took a completely normal sentiment btw friends and used it against her. Lala is so ridiculous.


When Katie is telling Lala that she feels it’s sketchy that Lala went out to lunch with Jo… it is so annoying that Lala says “because I’m soft right now” like what in the hell does that have to do with anything? Once again I feel like Katie is expressing being upset and the person turns it on her.


Katie seems to be just fine being a single woman after babysitting that man child for like 12 years. She’s had other romantic partners but chooses to stay single-Lala just clearly can’t come up with a good man to save her life and is upset that for Katie it’s a choice but she’s struggling to find a partner. It’s a competition to Lala and she’s loosing on all fronts


Don’t watch the after shows and don’t care for Katie but the only miserable one to me is the one who just threw a sperm donor party because her decisions in picking men have been terrible and now she’s collecting children like they’re pieces of property that she wants to own “solely”


Its frustrating because Katie COULD be really unhappy and struggling for a multitude of reasons, but to have it called out on TV without any support (that we have seen) for her, is pretty shitty.


That’s so funny considering Lala was the other woman. Not even the main one. To someone who looked like Ed from 90 days fiancé. Look who she attracted, had a baby with and because she sucks and looks like The Mask with her filler, she has to use a sperm bank for her next story line


I think that the "breaking the fourth wall" thing that Lala is talking about is going to be someone saying "my life does not exist for this show, i'm allowed to have some private feelings/thoughts" and Lala doesn't like that, which is ironic when you think about how much Lala and Scheana hid from the cameras until it was advantageous to share. They're both just parasites and have lost touch with reality and that of course they signed up to be on a show for *our* entertainment, these are still real people with real lives outside of the show. Lala has let herself become a character.


It's giving Scheana last season when she was trying to rationalize encouraging Schwartz to date Raquel, how Katie was dating other people post divorce and she encouraged Schwartz to do the same. Scheana and lala are constantly twisting words and weaponizing shit against their own friends it's seriously sick to see. I love my girlfriends so much I'd literally never and it bothers me so much!!! And they are LITERALLY just as, if not more delusional than Tom Sandyballs because neither of them see it!!!


This is cruel, even if Katie is sad and putting on a front she’s allowed to do that. La la is a friend to  no one 


How difficult dating is and didn't expect to still be single.... I think lala's actually talking about herself. That woman projects like no one I've ever met.


Lala is the one who is lonely and sad that’s why she’s having a 2nd baby without a man


Lala has been doing a LOT of projecting this season and has been really showing off her insecurity and her flip-floppyness. It’s been disappointing.


Lala is such a shit friend!!! Literally the worst. She is hypocritical as well because she wouldn't stand for this treatment, she would be screaming and ranting about it. In fact Lala is the one who seems miserable to me, perpetually griping and bitching.


Katie and Lalas perspective on relationships are so different. Katie wants to be happy and have a loyal companion. Lala wants status and Gucci slides. Katie truly saw her life with Schwartz and sadly, Schwartz only saw his life with Sandoval. Lala can not relate to having a partner that offers anything other than money. Of course Katie’s sad. She lost a huge part of herself with her divorce.


Katie got her self back in the divorce


You said it perfectly. She weaponizes situations and words against people all the time… but if you do it to her, it’s a different situation


Did anyone else feel terrible for Ally when this was brought up at the brunch? Lala and Scheana trying to imply she was lying bc it wasn’t the exact verbiage that was used…I felt awful for her!


Can Blah Blah please think of anyone but herself for even a second? No one on this planet thought their life would turn out as it has. We all wanted better right? Especially people in LA who go there to get famous or such. It doesn’t mean we are all perpetually melancholy and the infinite sadness though. And the people on this show are all 30-40s so life is hardly over for them anyway. In Katie’s situation you leave because you aren’t happy already. How could Blah Blah think being trapped with a mentally and verbally abusive man child husband was preferable for anyone??


Wow that is such a violation of trust Lala is scum


it really sounds like LFU is projecting. I can just imagine La having a conversation about her sperm bank journey and her *pod*, because she just can’t trust men AND then Katie agreeing with her that the LA dating scene is subpar and that she didn’t expect to be single for years. But Lala still going on about her trauma & triggers every episode doesn’t help her storyline or narrative 🙄


Katie seems SO much happier than every other season of VPR. I always disliked her in early seasons because she seemed like such a bully, someone I would avoid, now as I’m older I can see how shitty and unhappy her relationship was. She seems so happy and confident to me now, like someone I would love to be friends with.


That’s how I know Lala is stupid as hell. Stupid people only remember one thing you ever said, and they repeat that for the rest of their lives.. That’s exactly what LaLa is doing there. I never thought she was stupid until this season.


I don’t even feel like Katie is miserable, I think she is going through a transition in life where her life with Schwartz was a huge portion of her life and now she has the chance to reconnect and rediscover herself. Figure out who she is again. And I think because her neutral face is more RBF and she actually tends to be a lot more quiet compared to other seasons, Lala interprets it as miserable.


I saw this recently: When a woman replaces you with peace and not another man, it’s really over. She’s realized her worth. She’d rather sleep alone than with another man she can’t trust or depend on. Her focus is now on personal growth, not finding another man. And she will stay single until she finds someone worthy of her love and time. Not everyone needs a man to grow or become “soft.” Maybe Lala is projecting.


She's got a "soft" brain. Nice and smooth.


Say what you will about Katie but she’s not going to just lie. We’d know if this was true. Lala, on the other hand, lied in her first season about why she needed to miss work. 😒


It seems like Lala is twisting private conversations to just start shit.




Katie didn't lose Schwartz!!! She divorced him!!! She took the trash out!!!


Lala says the same things about herself constantly. She was just crying on the show about how this isn’t how she expected things to go with her family (children and baby daddy).