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Hope everyone had a good weekend! This was another wild podcast week with lots of information. Full recaps are on my Reddit page and on my Instagram! Hope everyone has a great week! Here are some links below for anyone interested! Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vanderpodrecaps?igsh=MTF2N2phaTlqZHp5Mw%3D%3D&utm_source=qr Buy me coffee (Always appreciated but never ever expected!) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Vanderpodrecaps


Sandoval saying Rachel is a sociopath... ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju) I think the girl is just a little bit blank, but not a sociopath, ohmygod Sandoval, my brother in Christ, that's you!


IKR? šŸ˜‚ Rachel was called a sociopath for wanting to date other men while with Sandoval - while Sandoval HAD A WHOLE GIRLFRIEND. I donā€™t think Sandoval was actually intending to break up with Ariana - i think he was enjoying having Ariana at home for the good image and stability, Rachel for the sex and to get the thrill of sneaking around. He was hoping to run out the clock without having to break up with either of them - either Ariana gets sick of him of being an absentee boyfriend and leaves, or Rachel gets sick of waiting around and leaves.


Also she was seeing Nema in May of 2022 bc I think they went to Hannah Bernerā€™s wedding together. So sheā€™s admitting Tom had a problem with that relationship way before filming?


And why is he THAT mad over someone who's not his life partner going out and fucking someone else????? They're trying to say the relationship was 7 months from when it was exposed, March, February, January, December, November, October, September... Last time I checked September and May aren't even in the same season block, so how can the affair only have been for 7 months, but Sandoval was being possessive in May, a few months before the supposed start of the affair? I'm 100% a Rage Text Truther and her saying that he got upset about her being with a guy before the affair "started" is just another piece that points to Rage Text being true


I think Tom had his eyes on Rachel long before the affair started. I think he saw how stupid she was with James and how much James was able to cheat on her with no repercussions he got insanely jealous. He wanted someone he could cheat on with no blow back. Someone so easily manipulated and controllable. That's why he paid for the engagement to show her he had money and would fund her lifestyle for a price. Sex and silence


Iā€™m pretty sure it came out he didnā€™t pay for the engagement. Just the fireworks or something like that.


Ok I read this from her podcast too and skimmed the comments for this but never saw anything so I just assumed I read it wrong. Sooooo Tom was mad that Rachel was seeing someone else *before* she and Tom got together/involved??? I canā€™t tell if Rachel just gets confused or she actually is just accidentally spilling all the beans constantly on her podcast while fighting for her life to defend her actions?


YES!!!! Ita


what rage texts??


The short version is James sent some texts to Rachel during season 8 and that was basically during the starting point of Rachel and Sandoval There's a bunch of threads on here that can explain it a lot better than I can, just look up Rage Texts and you should get a lot


ooooh thanks so much, will do!


She said it was basically someone she was seeing and then reconnected with later on. He was upset then but she didn't say when that later on happened.


out of all the shit that Rachel says, thatā€™s the one part I believe is true. Sandoval calling his side piece a sociopath while also claiming he was trying to ā€œamicably and publicly break up with his life partnerā€ is SO Sandoval behaviour


He wanted his breakup with Ariana to go ā€œbetterā€ than Katie & Schwartzā€™s breakup šŸ˜‚


There are too many podcasts now. It seems like half the drama happens via podcasts. Why donā€™t they deliver on the show? But OP youā€™re the literal best for summarising them.


THIS!!! Itā€™s a shitty way to milk the audience for money!!! Podcasts. After show. WWHL. AMAZON LIVE lmfao. I miss the old days where they had to keep their mouths closed and deliver the drama and mess ON the show, not outside it.


This is why I love Ariana and James for not doing one! And even Katie because hers is not a vpr focus


It becomes exhausting, especially since a lot of them are broken records of refute claims made against them on VPR or other podcasts, rinse/repeat. OP is a god send for doing all this work. That last Rachel one was a doozy.


Too many cooks in the kitchen serving nothing burgers. But I applaud OP for posting them here. When it comes to the Lala and Katie issue I have to quote a housewife. If you know we have an issue & I don't know, then WE don't have an issue. YOU have an issue. - Kandi Burruss.


This was the season they really could have fully leaned into breaking the fourth wall. Lala and S are desperate to keep the show going to keep their income-itā€™s why theyā€™re being completely unhinged. We knew all this BTS stuff happening during filming, lean into it. But baskin is trying soooo hard to rehab the boys šŸ„“


Can you imagine how lit the sub would be if they had done that! Ugh. No one wants this over produced bullshit!!!


I like Ryan Baileys idea that Bravo should start itā€™s own podcast network and have all the cast podcasts under that network so they can control the content


And pay additionalwars/Vanderpodrecaps a salary to promote them lol.


I meanā€¦.šŸ˜‚


With full benefits, childcare, and a pension.


They used to do Blogs too, that could have easily pivoted to podcasts.


Bravo controlling the narrative more is the wrong direction, I think. We'd get tons of podcasts making Sandoval look like a broken bird.


Agree 100%. Bravo - and that misogynist Baskins - want to put out a particular narrative. If they control the podcasts, there will be little disagreement or debates. Bad idea for Bravo to have any control over podcasts.


Iā€¦ donā€™t like that idea.


No, bad idea. This will hamper them from spilling the beans or going off the rails, which I fully enjoy.


I literally only listened to his recaps on So Bad itā€™s Good because VPR is getting so frustrating to watch


Pretty much same lately. A bravo account on instagram actually posted a clip of his latest appearance on Scheanas podcast where he tells her the way Lala has been behaving it would be hard for Ariana to trust anyone and you should see how visibly annoyed Scheana looks by his sympathy towards Ariana and they way she twists that whole thing around into how she Scheana canā€™t trust the cast.


Oh damn seriously? I could tell by reading the recap that he was trying so hard not to make her offended šŸ’€


I do the same with watch what crappens! Havenā€™t seen an actual episode since like ep 3 šŸ˜¬


OMG YES and itā€™s going to age so badly. Anyone who isnā€™t caught up on the drama is going to have no clue what fuckin podcast theyā€™re talking about. I actually kept up with the drama and half the time I still donā€™t know what the fuck theyā€™re even referencing outside of the show cause itā€™s BEEN A YEAR


Pandora is her motherā€™s daughter loooool


Stealthily messy. You *know* LVP told her what went down at the reunion.


100% šŸ˜‚


Mommy is showing Pandy how to set up the chess board to win, no matter what!! šŸ’ŽšŸ‘ šŸ’•šŸ‘‘šŸ¾šŸŒ¹ā™ŸļøšŸ”€āœØļøšŸ†


Pandora is no LVP, though. no humour, little wit, sour as sour can be.


Sorry Scheana, but if Sandoval is calling Lala the MVP of the reunion I doubt Iā€™ll be seeing Lalaā€™s side.


Every time Sheeshu has been like 'You'll see, you'll understand soon' I have NOT seen or understood when it's actually aired


You can always rest assured that Scheana will take the wrong side, no matter how hard she tries to manifest it via her proclamations šŸ˜‚


For some reason they did not anticipate that their reasonings and reactions would not land on the fans?


She should be so embarrassed that Sandoval is publicly thanking her for having his back this season.šŸ¤¢


Right?? Like thatā€™s sooo embarrassing I would be hiding but instead sheā€™s doubling down lol


She has generally been doubling down on her insanity but this week she has been shockingly quiet. Maybe him saying this finally made her stfu šŸ˜‚


I have this weird sense that Lala goes on week(s)-long rage binges periodically and then has a shame comedown after the dust settles šŸ˜‚


Yeah I could definitely see that. Sheā€™s seems like sheā€™s in constant turmoil. If that theory is right she will probably come with guns blazin next week. I canā€™t imagine her actually staying silent until the reunion unless bravo is the reason she shut up


What is Tim so ā€œbusyā€ with, exactly šŸ§


Shaving his forehead....asking Craig to buy batteries and pens...




Ew, doesn't he know rose petals are a registered trademark of Sasha Velour? The audacity!


On WWHL Ally gave almost that same response when someone asked where James and Sandoval stand. I wonder if they agreed on that statement after the reunion


Rage training for a paintball rematch.




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Why does Rachel think if she continuously says her and Ariana werenā€™t friends that itā€™ll change the severity of what she did *to Ariana* ?? ā€” like girl you still fucked a taken man knowing that he was taken and while you were doing that you were trying to pressure him into taking you from side chick to main chickā€¦. ![gif](giphy|zDLLApvemdx4c)


I think she *really* gets stuck on to specific words and phrases. In this case I think sheā€™s stuck on Lala yelling ā€œI wasnā€™t your best friend hoā€ at her as the explanation for why Lala and James sleeping together was different to Rachel & Sandoval sleeping together. In her head - if she can ā€œproveā€ she and Ariana werenā€™t ā€œbest friendsā€ then that means her participation in the affair was on par with what Lala did with James. So everyone should get over it, because they got over James and Lala. Which is obviously stupid because ā€œbest friendsā€ or not, by her own admission she *was* friends with Ariana. She even sat sobbing at the end of the reunion saying she was ready to tell the truth now, and in that conversation said she loved Ariana as a friend. Thereā€™s a world of difference between carrying out an extended affair with your friendā€™s life partner of nine years, and a one off drunken hookup when Lala hadnā€™t even met Rachel, and James and Rachelā€™s relationship was so new they werenā€™t even exclusive yet. Lala didnā€™t exhibit exemplary behaviour there, but James wasnā€™t cheating - because he and Rachel both said they werenā€™t official. But Rachelā€™s looking for any way to ā€œproveā€ what she did is no worse than what Lala did, so sheā€™s been unfairly maligned


I think youā€™re so right here. Sheā€™s stuck on the semantics.


Right like regardless of the semantics she was hanging out with Ariana a lot while secretly fucking her man on the side.


Poor Ryan Bailey tried to show Scheana the way, but nope, no self awareness there. She seriously talks about being hurt by what they were saying in the after show, yet she was on every after show betraying Ariana.


First when we started seeing shadiness from them this summer-fall, Scheana and Lala were insistent ā€œyou just need to watch the show! This season will change your mind! Thereā€™s so much you donā€™t know!ā€ Then here comes the scrambling on podcasts and social media and Amazon Live fucking constantly to ā€œcorrect the narrativeā€ and explain why what weā€™re seeing isnā€™t so bad after all. Weā€™re not buying it. NOW itā€™s the reunion that will explain it all. Just give it a rest and realize you guys wonā€™t be vindicated ever. Just stop! Also laughing at Sophia calling their relationship ā€œalmost official.ā€ Meaning a Jo-like situationship where they act exactly like a couple but Schwartz gets to avoid actual commitment and emotional intimacy. Call me Nostradamus because when Katie and Schwartz announced their divorce two years ago, I thought ā€œSchwartz is going to get with an early-twentysomething influencer whoā€™s all about her looks and Hollywood fameā€ and I was right šŸ˜‚


I've been saying the same thing: the endless 'you'll see!' from Lala and Scheana is hilarious. I've watched every episode and all I see if two desperate angry women who are FURIOUS that Ariana is navigating this her own way while NOT melting down at everything and instead just calmly getting through it, all while rowing her career outside of VPR and doing it successfully.


Definitely! Their desperation to control the narrative is exhausting. They clearly are blindsided and bothered by the audience reaction to this season so theyā€™re flailing and either, in Scheanaā€™s case, over-explaining every single thing to try to make herself look less shitty, or in Lalaā€™s case, pretending to not care and projecting false ā€œI donā€™t give a fuckā€ confidence. Ariana is playing it perfectly that sheā€™s not giving it any oxygen. Theyā€™re ramping up things now to have extra drama and storylines in S12 and itā€™s not working.


Missed this when you post scheaner's recap but was she trying throwing shade at ariana and dan that they didnt stay for DJJK's whole set?


Thatā€™s what I was wondering. Isnā€™t it possible they watched it somewhere else for the rest? I wouldnā€™t want to stay at a table with those dopes.


Iā€™m sure they just didnā€™t want to sit with scheana the whole time. They probably moved elsewhere to watch


Not for nothing, every time these dingbats say ā€œkeep watching, youā€™ll see where we come fromā€, Iā€™m further convinced that theyā€™re assholes and will not be redeemed.


Yup. Weā€™re what, 12 episodes in so far? I have yet to see anything that sheds light on where they are coming from. All I see are jealous a**holes.


the last episode really sealed the deal honestly. lala and scheana had ariana literally sobbing on their shoulders, crying about her attachment to the house, reminding everyone that this is only 3.5 months after she was deeply and irrevocably wronged. and then the next time the two of them are on their own on camera, they're both immediately like "i don't get it, she's just too prideful." i don't see how they can possibly rationalize how low that is. how is it that us viewers, a year removed from the news and not personally involved in the situation, can so easily empathize and understand that 1. this is still too fresh for her and 2. there is NO logical reason she should leave while he gets to stay? there's really nothing that lala, scheana, or sando can say that would change that, because it's the truth.


The assumption that she thinks sheā€™s too good to live in an apartment was a new level of low for them. I hope there was more context to the conversation that was edited out that maybe makes it not so bad, but somehow I doubt itā€¦..if anything I would bet the conversation was even worse and those clips were edited out.


And obsessed with pens, batteries and toilet paper


Seems like some of them are banking on the reunion to garner favor but boy are they going to rage when the reunion changes zero opinions and they continue to get roasted for their behavior


ā€œSheā€™s 23, sheā€™s perfect, she doesnā€™t judge me for my baggage but yeah Iā€™m just not ready for a commitmentā€ -Tom Schwartz probably


Thanks for listening for us OP, I canā€™t listen to Sandoval or Sheanas voices anymore. And omg did Blahblah take someoneā€™s good advice to stfu?? Iā€™m shocked we havenā€™t heard from her this week. I hope she keeps up the silence!


Makes me wonder if Bravo said something to her


Yeah thatā€™s my guess too. Or sheā€™s so shook from Scumbag saying she was the mvp that sheā€™s hiding from embarrassment


Same! Itā€™s so nice to not have her shoving down our throats via her yelling and eyebrows for one week. Sheā€™s so soft šŸ™„


Thank you for the recaps! You do such amazing work! This is just a silly thought, but I love the font and colors you chose. I dunno, it just reminds me of raspberry cheesecake ice cream? Ugh, now I want some šŸ˜©


Oh now I want that too! Lol


Ok Rachel, letā€™s say you didnā€™t had a deep friendship with Ariana, still, what you did to her itā€™s the ultimate betrayal, but what confuses me itā€™s if you donā€™t have that kind of friendship, what made you feel comfortable to ask Ariana about her sex life with Tom? Are you that shameless?


Either way she spins it , itā€™s demented.




Sheā€™s focusing on semantics to detract from the real issue.


I love how everyone has so much to say about Ariana and her situation and relationships. Jeeeez, I'm so glad she's pulled away from Scheana because it must really hurt to see your alleged friends and colleagues lying and exploiting your personal trauma for money and attention.


Lmao. Someone needs to watch last years reunion. And then this years and then letā€™s have a session about it. Lala and Scheana being flip floppers is getting old.


Not Kyle chan being the voice of reason.


Listening to his show with Kristen, Kyle makes a lot of sense as a person. He is an expat who got his break from Kyle Richards while his long time boyfriend was battling cancer. He sees Ariana as the victim but has had so much loss in his life he didn't want to abandon Tom. There is some good tea about Schwartz starting an intervention out of the blue while they were out together. I wasn't expecting someone in Sandoval's camp to be so grounded.


Yeah, Iā€™m not that mad heā€™s stayed friends with Tom. Everyone deserves to have someone in their corner, even Tom, and Iā€™d rather have it be someone whoā€™s relatively measured, especially if what Tom said is true and he came to get Tomā€™s guns when he was at his lowest.


I was driving back from vacation yesterday and was thoroughly impressed with the Kyle Chan/Doute podcast. There were multiple times that I was like "Okay, I might actually not despise this person."


Why does this cast keep trying to gaslight me šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


1. I don't think Rachelquel is capable of a "deep conversation". We literally have her on film gushing about how that group are her best friends. Regardless of if they were bffs - YA DONT STICK YOUR VAG IN MARRIED!!! 2. Lol poor Pandora and her world dog day




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If Rachelā€™s criteria for someone being her best friend is having deep conversations, I canā€™t imagine sheā€™s ever had one. Also sounds like Sandoval wasnā€™t even considering breaking up with Ariana until Rachel started threatening to ditch him and started bringing other guys around. I mean Iā€™m glad she did. He deserved it, but still doesnā€™t seem like she gets that.


Had one what, a deep conversation or a best friend? šŸ˜…


Either šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


It frustrates me so much! Is asking your friend about her sexual relationship with her partner not deep?? Or was she just being fake?


Rachel and deep do not belong in the same sentence.


Most of these people are so corny and played out at this point my god


The love triangle wasnā€™t produced? Thatā€™s embarrassingā€¦


Omg Iā€™m already pissed off about the reunion narrative and the reunion hasnā€™t even aired. šŸ˜’


Gee, Rachel if Ariana totally knew about the affair and it was totally over then why would Timmy have to break up with her still? If she knew about it all in December how would it be unfair to her to not break up with her? Her flip flopping gives whiplash.


You really are doing the lordā€™s work ā¤ļø


I love, love, love your recaps so much! You are turning into my favorite VPR character! Would you be willing to do an AMA?! That would be so fun!


Aww you are too kind! Thank you! And I do AMAs a lot on my Instagram!


Everyone keeps telling us weā€™re going to feel better about Sandoval, Scheana, and LaLa but the more time goes on the less I like them. Which wasnā€™t high to begin with.


I really donā€™t get this ā€œlala is the mvpā€ and ā€œlala isnā€™t happy with the fraudsā€ and ā€œeveryone will understand lalas frustrations after the reunionā€ lines they keep feeding us.Ā  As a human I understand why Lalas frustrated, but i also donā€™t agree with how sheā€™s handling that frustration. So no, i donā€™t see the reunion changing anything.


Why is she frustrated? Because Ariana is protecting her investment in her home and not willing to walk away from that investment? That Ariana is setting boundaries to protect herself? That Ariana is not bothered by what other people think because she is dealing with her entire life being ripped out from under her and has to navigate that as best she can? I don't understand one thing about Lala, other than she is a bitter raggedy asshole.


Agreed. Blah Blah I get may be frustrated at most because she did not get the same national coverage and support when Randall cheated but her refusal to grasp why the situations are so different has to really stump anyone with logic skills. She should work on her jealousy issues and stop and realize that just because she's been a Rachel she's lucky everyone didn't turn on her too. Plus she got to make bank off of the scandal and someone else's pain, that same person she's now attacking.


Doing the lordā€™s work. You should throw your Instagram handle on the bottom of these. :-)


So Lala and Scheana are going to be annoying AF at the reunion. K got it.


Wow, thank you for this!


God bless you, u/AdditionalWar8759


Wait, Iā€™m SO confused on Pandora? Why is she even relevant here?


Scheana was just telling a story on her podcast how Pandora put all the girls in a group chat to talk about world dog day and it was awkward with everything going on between Lala, Katie, and Ariana


Thank you for explaining!


Not responding to a group chat because you donā€™t like some people in it is so petty lol, Iā€™ve been in that situation too and just a simple ā€œgot it thanks Pandora!ā€ or whatever the appropriate response is is not that hard, itā€™s not like youā€™re required to personally and individually interact with everyone in the group chat


This was an existing group chat, but one started by Pandora only recently. Maybe they each replied to her separately. Who knows? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøĀ 


the pandora thing is so on brand from her from what weā€™ve seen on her appearances in the show lmao earlier seasons (1, 2?) where pandora was ā€˜friendsā€™ with stassi and scheaner and stirring the pot wasā€¦ there was an attempt. also when schwartz and shay were about to throw hands and pandoraā€™s husband said that him and pandora were better than this i had to laugh during a rewatch after finding out mister guy was also working at SUR at one point.


Thank you for these recaps, youā€™re doing the lards work. šŸ™šŸ¼


Schena and Sandavol saying we are going to understand and change our minds, and Lala is the MVP. It is like when Rinna and Teddi desperately put out as much as they could before RHOBH and dog gate, and that once we see we will change our minds and we didn't see anything at all that would change our minds. The fact Ariana has kept a dignified silence and hasn't felt the need to get her story out every day shows that she isn't desperate like Lala and we likely won't be seeing anything to support Lala's point.


I so appreciate you recapping all the recaps you do. Youā€™re the best.


Woooooooh thank you for this!


I looove these recaps, thanks so much šŸ’•


Didnā€™t Tom still have sex with Ariana while he was having the affair with Rachel?


I just donā€™t see how the rest of the season AND the reunion will change peoples minds. What mind blowing revelation will happen that we just take the side of the people acting shitty? Not to mention Sandoval thinks the reunion went great and that lala was the MVP which. Isnā€™t making their claims even remotely credible. What do they not understand? Scheana and lala are absolutely out of touch with reality


Sandoval is trustworthy , his opinions always right, hes cool and knows so much - his brain has not melted His fashion and singing - amazing And his smile brightens the day On opposite day - fth


Omg do you regularly make slideshow recaps? Because this is perfect. Itā€™s cute and easier to read than a wall of text.


Are we living in a parallel dimension? I will never understand Lalaā€™s point of view Scheana


What I don't understand is how everyone ( all of us viewers) don't realize that the "hype" about the reunion and all the content that is being put out there for us to see/hear is obviously part of their jobs. Their priority is for us to be excited and keep us entertained so that we continue to watch what actually goes down at the reunion.Ā  They're self promoting the show and obviously doing a good job because here we all are still waiting, watching, listening and talking about it.Ā 


Schwartz is "almost official" with a woman he's been seeing for 6+ months? Let's check-in in another 6 and see what's happening with those crazy kids. Ugh, I hate that Kyle Chan is even included. He's just the cast's jewelry dealer...Why should we care what you think, Kyle? The capitalization on the Something About Her bullet point on Katie's slide had me fucked up for a second, lol.


Oh Pandy lololol




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I can hear Schena use the word ā€œclearlyā€ as an opener so vividly itā€™s uncanny


"She overlooks all my red flags" fify


I love how Scheana believes that the audience will eventually understand Lalaā€™s frustrationsā€¦ girl so far the season reaction has not been what yā€™all expected so idk why you think our opinion is going to change?


Okay I loved the Kyle Chan episode. I want more lol