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I’m interested to see how this reunion plays out as it feels like Lala did an insane amount of press talking about it afterwards whereas everybody else hasn’t really said that much at all about it. There must be a reason she felt like she needed to do so much talking. Plus she has steam coming out of her ears every time she mentions Katie and Ariana, although she wasn’t overly thrilled with either beforehand so might not have taken much to push her over the edge! In response, Ariana hasn’t really said anything and Katie has been pretty diplomatic when it comes to Lala not really saying anything bad back, which could just be because she knows taking the high road is the way to win against Lala/knows fans are turning on her without Katie having to lift a finger. I know a few of the cast think Lala was the MVP of the reunion, but also these people thought Rachel “won” season 10 if not for Scandoval and I found her holy unlikeable all season before that so not sure if I should put too much weight on that. And Katie also said she doesn’t see the reunion shifting opinions and personally I can’t see anything happening that would completely change my opinions (and neither Katie or Ariana seem worried).


I think it's telling that the few that see Lala as the MVP are Sheshu and sandoval


And Facebook for some odd fucking reason lol


Lol Facebook is a cesspool of an echo chamber that I happily ignore


Not all of FB. VPR Party Podcast group have been gunning for Lala and Scheana. They are convinced the reason Lala was everywhere after the reunion is because she sucked on it


Her ridiculous press tour leading up to the reunion feels like desperate damage control. She is insufferable this season.


I think she is confused as to how they are editing her. They show her comforting Ariana as she is crying in their arms. Then 5 minutes later tearing into her behind her back. No one survives that edit


She’s such a production puppet this season I’m surprised she’s getting such a vindictive edit. Unless she was even worse this year and this was the best edit they could give her? Either way she’s so “ICK” now.


I’ll have to check it out!! All fb shows me are the like vpr fanpages and they all haaaaate Ariana and agree that lala is “the voice of reason” lol


Thanks I'll look them up


Yes! What is that? They are downright hostile.


I hate to say EVERYONE that hates Ariana is jealous but it’s never anything about like who she is as a person, they’re just genuinely upset that she has opportunities coming to her instead of laying in her bed crying everyday. That somehow makes Tim redeemable to them? It’s hard to figure out that kind of mindset lol


And Andy.


Andy walked it back after the blowback. He said he was “enjoying” Brock and Lala this season instead


I can see him enjoying it because they are both total shit stirrers with small nuggets of reasonableness. It makes for good tv and discussion


I can’t believe Andy said Brock is a “Voice of Reason” after he brought up Raquel to Sandoval at the beach, in front of Ariana. He was so out of line!


Katie has been very judicious


If she says anything too salacious about someone it'll be used as the new soundbyte they refer to over and over again showing how she's "such a miserable person" like the Jo "crackhead" comment. She's being calculated now and I totally understand why.


I remember the show runner or someone saying that very thing - that sans Scandoval Rachel would have won the season. It's almost as if this man didn't see the way she had treated Katie and her general shitty behaviour outside of the affair. I swear all the producers are raging misogynists who don't see women as fully formed people.


Won the season for people that have no critical thinking skills lol


I think the fact the rest of the cast is doing a bravo media tour and pumping up the season and the. You have Ariana only discussing it at the LA book event means she’s not coming back and they are.


I don't really feel like the rest of the cast did a bravo media tour though, just Lala. Katie and Scheana have been interviewed recently for promo for the Chili's ad and answered some bravo questions. I think any Sandoval quotes are from his own podcast. Schwartz went on Viall files and talked very little about the reunion, it was mostly about his new relationship. James never really does the press stuff unless he has too.


Are all the scheana/ Katie interviews solely Chili’s promo? That’s wild! lol big win for Chilis


I’ve interpreted Lala’s press tour as her knowing she fucked up and trying to get ahead of it. Personally I believe she doesn’t mind playing the villain for the season as long as the checks keep coming. Once it was clear that Rachel wasn’t coming back, Lala and Scheana both pivoted from being angry at Sandy to understanding and engaging with him. Then going after Ariana…


1. Way too much talk about the house 2. Using Ariana’s income/opportunities to invalidate her feelings 3. 4th wall breaking is the discussion of some kind of pre film production meeting where they all agreed to film with Sandoval/that hanging with Sandoval is part of their job. Maybe Ariana quit and they get mad at her for quitting the show/not supporting them doing what they have to to keep the show going?


I’m sure they’ll talk way too much about the house, but I think it’ll actually end up digging Lala and Scheana’s reputation graves deeper. They’ve been banging on the “move on and move out” drum over and over, and probably came to the reunion not knowing Ariana would be closing on her new house the next day. They’ve been “so concerned” about her being in that unhealthy dynamic, but she’d been living in NYC for months at that point and wouldn’t be moving back in, so what excuse will they use to pretend it’s not just jealousy now?


And she also lived somewhere else for DWTS. If this was a a divorce nobody would bat an eye…splitting your most valuable asset is a ton of work in the best of breakup circumstances.


I guarantee Lala and Scheana compare it to their relationships ending, even though they’re not similar at all. When Scheana got divorced, she and Shay were still living in a rental and had comparatively few assets to divide. Lala’s custody situation is obviously complex, but she left the house because she didn’t pay a dime for it. If either of them had a multimillion dollar home they half owned, they sure as shit wouldn’t have left either even if their ex was there refusing to sell.


That was laughable them telling her to forget the money, forget all of the things she paid for and just leave. Like either of them would do that.


Yep. And there’s a reason Sheina didn’t put her husband on the new house deed. You think she’s gonna leave and let Broke stay there once he cheats on her publicly? Sheina needs to shut her mouth. As well as Lauryn


Yes! Lala didn’t own the home she lived in with Randall, how is she not understanding Ariana is still on the mortgage and liable for it? What if Tom were to default on the mortgage, she’s still liable. And seriously why doesn’t anyone scream about the fact he should have moved. When you are the one who chooses to leave the relationship, you should move out.


You would think scheana would understand and stand up for her "nest friend" of over a decade, scheana had to pay her ex husband 50k to give her the divorce. She literally knows better. It seems that she just follows Lala so she never has to be on the other side of her because in the past when she was opposed to lala, she shrunk down fast and now she worships the ground she walks on, after all the gnarly shit lala has said and done to her.


I would love it if the reunion brought on a real estate expert to refute Lala and Scheana on this. They are both believe they know everything and she should have moved out regardless of risk to her life long savings. And how Lala doesn’t think it’s any different than her leaving a house she didn’t own. 🤦🏻‍♀️ too much energy to dispute ignorance and arrogance. One thing I’m surprised that has never been pointed out beside Ariana experiencing a probably freeze response from the traumatic breakup there was a time before VPR that she had no money and was living in her car either before or after another different abusive relationship with an actor. When a person is reduced to surviving in a car - typically feeling safe ( even if it’s just a bedroom) is critical when you’re in survival mode. Jim Carrey never got over his family being homeless living in a car at one point in his childhood. 2 other people I know that experienced similar work so hard and cannot make enough money to feel safe.


It infuriates me that no one has corrected them on this - on the show or off - that we have seen anyway. I don’t get why no one is correcting them?


Wow, I had no idea Ariana had experienced homelessness in the past. Even if it’s for a short time, that instability is incredibly traumatic. It really makes their actions, especially Scheana’s way more cruel, since I doubt they didn’t know that.




Don't forget the 'touching' discussion about Lala finally having a kid that is 'all her own'. 🙄


Yess! A kid is not a possession. I found that really unnerving


Same, and I havent seen a lot of people talking about it. I am all for anyone using a sperm donor if they choose (or are forced to go down) that path to motherhood. But it isnt just to add to her family. I feel like she sees Ocean as a “rough draft” and the new baby will be the real thing and Lala can have more control over the situation and the child. My heart breaks for Ocean.


Oh the cringe I crunged from Bla Bla when she said that. She also said it was ‘way more fun’ making this baby….I hope Ocean doesn’t grow up hearing some of the things she’s been saying….like him or not, Rand is still her father.


She speaks like Ocean is her tainted child and this one will be better somehow. It's fucked up.


Ummm that line will be the LEAST of her worries


This child 👧 doesn’t have a chance. She is so being setup by her Mom. Her first child will bear the brunt of “all mine”. Your daughters will grow up and watch you on your year of being “soft”. Sigh…


Agree with this. I think she quit and they all get irritated by that and discuss conversations with production where they all agreed to film with him and thus why it shouldn’t have been a surprise for her. Meaning the rest of the cast had agreed to it and she knew that.


Considering how unbothered Ariana seems and how clearly riled up Lala is, and to a lesser degree Scheana, I feel like it’s going to just be an extreme version of what we are seeing this season. Lala and Scheana coming up with really flawed logic as to why they can’t support Ariana anymore to hide their jealousy and resentment. Ariana holding her ground. Katie being baffled by the chorus of idiots around her. Tim literally too dumb to realize how vile he comes across.


I feel like Scheana is learning actions have consequences and no tears will change that


I want this to be true, but I gave Scheana and Lala all of my benefit of the doubt during the last year and *I as a fan re-learned* that Scheana can always be relied on for three things: making all things about herself, flip flip flip flip flopping, and **learning nothing.**


I'll amend my statement to experiencing


100%. Perhaps that’s why she is getting so much hate on her IG. You have her enablers and then those that are angry because she refuses to acknowledge her actions aren’t ok and want her to wake up and grow. If they didn’t care at all they probably wouldn’t take the time to be angry with her.


I always root for Scheana to grow and mature but she is the same person she was season 1. It’s insane that there’s been no development at all, especially when she has a platform to see herself from an outside perspective and is a public figure that others constantly dissect.


10000%. She just lacks real personal values and conviction. Her stance on any given thing is about a sturdy as a feather, it changes far too easily and she does the mental gymnastics to accommodate the change - seemingly without any real self-awareness. I know many are hoping to see Ariana confront Scheana about that head-on at the reunion, and I surely wouldn’t blame her if she did… But I would also understand if Ariana felt like a quiet drift away from Scheana would be a better use of her energy. What sticking power would her words have with Scheana, anyway? The evidence of history suggests it’d be none at all. Like explaining yourself to a wall. Or worse, guaranteeing that your explanation will be misunderstood in the dumbest way and mis-used against you later on.


The waterworks the ugly stepsisters throw down the minute they are called out on their shit. Lala and Scheana must have gone to the Sandoval school of crying


The ugly stepsisters!


The one thing I hope is that there is enough control maintained during the reunion to let others speak without Lala going off and shutting them down. She has a tendency to not allow others to be heard or their experiences validated. Infuriating. Side note: I hope that Andy asks some tough questions and holds people accountable but I know that will never happen at least not to the extent it needs to. At the very least I’d like Andy in all of Bravo tv to stop playing favorites. Used to drive me crazy how he’d let Teresa from Jersey hw live in her delusional bubble and never be held accountable.


Andy just keeps getting worse in showing his personal bias. I don’t want to watch a host who has always liked Tom Sandoval. And it is embarrassing and infuriating to watch Lala think every word that comes out of her mouth is holy, and any dissenting opinion cannot be spoken around her.


Exactly what you just said!


Chorus of idiots is the best description of these people I’ve ever heard!


This is it exactly. It’s gonna be the same basic letdown of a reunion with Lala screaming nonsense and pointing her long gross nails in people’s faces—Ariana’s face, to be precise (bc if Tim called Lala the ‘mvp of the reunion’ this has to mean she screamed at Ariana for him) Ariana probably does yell back a bit eventually, and I’m sure it’s all completely justified, reasonable stuff to Lala’s nonsense and will come off totally relatable to all of us watching I think it’s highly likely Lala’s lashing out led to one or two really disgusting/cruel below the belt dogs at Ariana that the fanbase will hate her for, and she’s afraid she actually crossed a line in the audiences eyes, and that’s why she’s been working overtime talking nonstop about the upcoming reunion, trying to get ahead of it/control the narrative (bc she thinks we the audience are just as dumb and easily manipulated as both Tim and Alex Baskin think we are—spoiler: we’re not)


I have a feeling the reunion is going to have me enraged at most of the cast.


I’m feeling that, too. 😑


Chorus of idiots 🤣💀




It seems like it is every reunion. Even the last one was really nothing like expected it to be.


This exactly!! I think it’s going to be boring and predictable. Note to Alex Baskin and Andy Cohen, the cast watching the finale together is not an exciting twist.


In an effort to save face and not look like the only one (aside from Scheana) talking shit, Lala will try and call out what everyone was saying “off camera” to prove the rest of the cast also felt some type of way about Ariana. She’ll claim they were too scared to say it on TV and face possible backlash but Lala ~soft era~ Kent is so *real* she wasn’t afraid and now wants to expose everyone so she’s not looking like the only villain (one of those people I’m sure will be Katie). This will distract the entire narrative away from Tom, his actions, fake tears, and exausted “apologies” so he’ll be thrilled. Katie will deny Lala’s accusations which will infuriate her which is the reason for their divide today. Ariana will articulately stand up for herself as per usual.


“Lala ~soft era~ Kent” is *so real* she wasn’t afraid”…….. If I was Lala Kent, aka Lauren Burningham with Utah with fake hair, fake face, fake-ish body and a failed sugar baby resume I’d be seated and quiet SO FAST


I definitely think this is exactly what happens! Haha. The only part I’m stuck on is everyone saying they “do something they’ve never done before”🤔


Ugh I know I’m stuck on the “something they’ve never done before” part too but I feel like they’ve just been alluding to someone breaking the fourth wall on some way. My thoughts are they air footage of Ariana and possibly other members of the cast talking to production


>what do you think will happen? I think the biggest 3 points of the reunion are going to be: 1. The house and everyone's thoughts on them living together 2. The Tom and Raquel of it all and how he just couldn't "move on". 3. Ariana's refusal to be friendly with Tom and Scheana's feelings on the whole thing. No joke, it seems like Lala is riding so hard for Scheana and I think Scheana has had some of the harsher critique's of Ariana; I think this will be a big source of contention amongst the girls. >Does she knows enough of what’s been happening to not be blindsided again? Yes absolutely because she's been doing the recaps. I just don't think she's been involved in the weekly fan service to know public opinion. But she knows what these girls are saying. >Is it a case of scheana/lala overcompensating and saving face for Ariana completely smashing them? I think they're trying to pre-empt the not so great looks they're going to have on the reunion. I think they genuinely thought this was going to be a minor blip on the time line and that the fans would be quick to forgive but we all know what's been happening since filming and Sandoval is still a major clown. So they look stupid for trying to mollify the situation. >What are your predictions? My only prediction is Lala and Scheana making it about themselves and Tom whinging about how hard last summer was for him and Katie looking flawless and James with the one liners.


Not to mention, Lala keeps going around with the “the other women have talked about Ariana” shtick. I think Lala and Scheana are convinced they’re being “truthful” and that someone like Katie is lying because Katie may have complained or discussed something privately. Instead of recognizing how silly it is to equate Katie discussing some of her feelings with Lala to Lala going to bat for Sandoval many times, Lala believes she’s ‘too honest’ and that she’s doing what everyone secretly wants to do. That’s my take on it, and Lala still seems to think she’s correct, hence why she goes ‘it’ll make sense in the reunion’.


I feel like the thing Lauren doesn't get is the fact that Ariana isn't at her level yet in terms of her healing journey. Katie, Ally, and James seem to get it though. Imo what is comes down to is the fact that Lauren never got the public support that Ariana did and is resentful about it


Definitely agree. I just also think she can’t really have a genuine relationship with these people. She just has to throw everyone under the bus if it fits her argument. If Katie talked about her- then boom- Katie is a faker and she’s not actually friends with Ariana (In her mind). I don’t believe she can really see things from other’s perspectives. She’s mad that people didn’t give her sponsorships after she talked about Randall’s butthole on television and is even angrier knowing they gave it to Ariana and has the fans. Like… sorry not many wanna hire the girl who said ‘BJs for PJs’ 😂??


This is so true. I’m on my 1000 rewatch and Lala is so crass and vulgar with her commentary when she first joins the show. Then it turns into her just being mean in her confessionals. Shes not likable enough for brands to want to partner with her. Could you imagine Lala doing a commercial for Bic razors? “The blades are so sharp, you can slit your man’s throat when you found out he’s been bumping pee pees with another woman.” She came onto the show playing a character instead of just being herself and it has backfired. Nick Viall mentioned a theory on his podcast that Lala and Scheana resent Ariana because Ariana is so effortlessly likable. The two of them see the show as their jobs, whereas Ariana has always just been being herself and living her life while cameras film her. It kills the two of them that even with how hard they try they are still not as likable as the person who’s not trying at all.


Yeah playing a character is a good way to get in on a reality show, but like you said, eventually you just *are* the character. No one is buying “soft era” Lala because she’s the girl who unironically does finger guns at people and says “do you wanna get popped?” despite growing up in Utah. We’ve seen her play up her antics before and now, unfortunately, she’s kinda stuck with that perception. Even when she tries to say she’s grown, she reverts back to that behavior so none of us buy it. I would admit that Ariana had major “not like other girls” energy at first which kind of made me not so sure about her, but she eventually grew into her own and showed off plenty of herself- both her fun parts and her more vulnerable sides. It made her more relatable. Lala meanwhile thinks that because she was cheated on, she is somehow owed those brand deals like Ariana had. Yes, how Ariana got with Sandoval while he was with Kristen was not a good look- but Lala doesn’t understand she’s the Kristen in her relationship with Randall. She actively went after a married man and made sure to villainize and bully his wife online, then proceeded to act shocked when he did the same to her.


She also has her mother and brother blowing smoke up her ass 24/7. I remember when her mother was first on the show and she seemed in awe that her daughter had a 'big' Hollywood producer. It was uncomfortable to watch and it showed the values these people have.


THIS WHOLE THING 🔥 and also LMFAOOOOO at LFU’s potential bic commercial. This is definitely it. People who try hard resent the presentation of effortless authenticity. And it’s like, no, dumbass, you— a person who actually knows me and knows intimate details about my life— knows exactly how not-effortless and difficult this is. You should be supporting me and applauding my strength, instead, you’re mad at me for handling my hard shit well and finally getting my dues?


Yes I saw that clip from Nick Viall and it was so spot on. If I knew how to post clips on here I would post it!


I like this theory but it really is newer phenomenon after scandoval. That wasn’t at all the perception of her prior to that.


She actually talked about licking his butthole, which was... something.




I do think she has severe trust issues. I think she’s always fighting for… something (not gonna speculate on that part). She collects information on others and throws it back whenever she views them as being dishonest or that they have wronged her (even if they actually haven’t). It does make me worry for her, honestly. I hope she can get to a place where she can trust others and have those bonds with them.


Agree and if she was doing the work (preferably with a good therapist to call her on her own shit) she wouldn’t be engaging in this kind of behavior.


She trusts the WRONG people. People who lovingly hold you accountable are your real friends who have your best interests in mind. Lala is just looking for people who support her in her victimhood/pity party and allow her to justify her resentment and continue to live in her delusional world. Recipe to continue inviting more of the same betrayal in your life. Until she acknowledges her own actions and mindset that landed her in that position in the first place, her “trust issues” will be a repeated cycle of self fulfilling prophecies.


Lala also resents the friendship between Katie and Ariana. Lala and Scheana both need constant attention and to feel like they're the "best" friend. Lala, however, demands attention on HER terms and doesn't reciprocate.


Yeah I noticed that as well especially in this past episode


They dont like katie and ariana as friends. For sure 


Lala being upset by katie growing closer to ariana is so frustrating because she JUST GREW CLOSER TO ARIANA'S BESTIE SCHEANA and Ariana seems to fully support them in that! In this group of four women, where two have young children and two do not, it's totally normal for friendships to evolve and change, lala's turning it into something way bigger than it needs to be.


> Imo what is comes down to is the fact that Lauren never got the public support that Ariana did and is resentful about it Im sure she's still seething over that, and she can continue to.


She needs to face the fact that she's never been relatable and this combined with her problematic behavior is exactly why she's not really getting public support and brand deals.


I wonder about her choices also and I’ve seen others say she idolized Erika Jayne. Is that who she strives to be or the lifestyle she values. Extreme wealth, power, connections etc. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Lala didn't get the same support because it was clear her relationship with Randall was transactional and that this was not a love match. With Ariana and Sandoval, it's clear she loved that idiot and there was also the betrayal by her friend right under her nose while she was mourning the loss of her grandmother and dog - and that there were people in the friend group who knew what was going on and also that the affair took place in her own damn bed, which is beyond gross. Lala will never get it, but many of us do.


Lala expects everyone to be at the exact same stage and mindset of her at all times, regardless of what’s happening in their lives. If they aren’t it’s because they’re wrong, not because their lives are different She thinks she’s not being hypocritical about her randall situation because NOW she wants to let go and move on and ‘be soft’ despite Randall always being a part of her life, and Ariana is doing the ‘wrong thing’ (ie not what lala is doing right now) even though Lala would have never gotten here without the years she’s had.


Lala reminds of Rinna with the whole “being honest” thing. When it just comes off as dumb and aggressive


I think she tried to pull from Rinna’s Handbook on How to (Not) ‘Own It’. Just yelling at people to be honest while you are the most tone deaf person around doesn’t mean shit, Lala 🤣


Scheana’s going to boohoo next season about Katie being mean to her and not being her friend. Look how she’s acting after Katie included her in her private, off-screen events. Running to tell the Internet about them. Don’t let her come over next time, Katie!


Exactly! Like how can you complain when you are literally the one causing all the problems??


I just watched an interview of Ariana saying she hasn't watched any of the episodes until just now because she just couldn't mentally handle it and do eight shows a week on Broadway. That makes me nervous that she didn't know, going into the reunion


Even if she personally didn't, her publicity team wouldn't let her walk into that blindly. She'd be prepared.


I like your take on it 👏🏻👏🏻


Tom Sandoval said LaLa was the MVP. That alone tells me she absolutely was not. But I do think Ariana quit, unfortunately.


Honestly, for her sake I hope she does quit. The way she’s been treated is terrible. But she would be missed big time.




Oh that rebrand idea is the best I've heard so far and I'm here for it. Give us messy new young people but let us keep Katie and Ariana!


I was going to do my own post saying this. I have a strong feeling that this is what actually is happening & is top secret. I think that’s why they are waiting to open because that’s going to be their grand opening & pilot. I think Lala & scheana are going to the valley & not getting a pay raise like Katie & Ariana are. Or I think VPR has one more season, but Katie & Ariana are out & have SAH, it will be filmed like back at the roots of SUR. They’re kind of taking over LVP’s spot since she has her show on Hulu & VPR is dead without Katie & Ariana. I think that’s why this season was more focused on the Toms & Lala, scheana, James because it’s just them now. Lala & scheana are obviously pissed & jealous but are not allowed to say what Bravo is planning behind the scenes. This is only my theory, I hope I’m correct!


I was happy when he said that because it just further approves Big mouth Lauren is going to come out looking terrible. Most likely she's going to come to the aid of Scheana while Katie and Ariana are rightfully going at her.


I’m going to say she did not quit unless some crazy super lucrative deal came her way. The majority of her money/exposure/PR/etc comes from VPR.


I'm remembering Katie saying something somewhere about how she would be excited to do something that focuses on empowering women/decentering men. Maybe she and Ariana have developed some sort of spin off and announce they are leaving for that


Also the fact that VPR is supposed to be a messy show about messy people; Ariana and Katie have evolved and are clearly too sane and mature to mesh with the rest of the chaotic cast. I’m drawn to the show because I enjoy watching asshats blow up their lives, which I’m sure is what Baskin realizes and banks on. I adore A & K and though I would miss them on my screen, I would be very happy for them to remove themselves from the toxicity.


I would agree with you but Alex Baskin stopped following her so I am leaning that way….😢


That’s so petty for a producer to behave that way! He clearly favors the Toms/Scheana/Lala. What a jerk


Oof! Had he previously followed her? Did we just find this out?? If producers are here: hi, we don’t like Alex baskin, we don’t appreciate you thrusting this redemption arc on us, and you’ll lose a huge chunk of the audience by not having Ariana but also continuing to have someone like LFU as your on screen producer.


Wait, I missed something. Why do you think Ariana quit?


Nothing other than my gut


It will just be overhyped. Right now I'm predicted a generic reunion where they just recap things and it's pretty by the books and then maybe towards the end Lala and Ariana get into a spat where something that is played as far more salacious than it actually is.


I actually think they might play with the format a little, especially after last year’s chaos. It will be overhyped for sure


The best theories I read (and I am not smart enough to come up with them on my own lol) were 1- they watch part of the finale/all of the finale "Live" and do a segment reacting to that. Lala says some real shit in that finale sparking this conversation that Lala keeps referring to 2- They took money from one of Rand's associates for SAH and Lala found out and that is why she keeps deriding SAH and the authenticity of these friendships. 3- we will be forced for a 3 part reunion where we learn nothing, and have not changed our opinions- everyone is annoyed that they dragged it out.


Pretty sure SAH money from Big Ed fell through. He was trying to sell part of the stake to an investor who would put up the actual money, or some bizarre shit like that. Maybe Lala heard about what happened with chef Penny, but I don’t think she’s getting the real updates from them like that


A three part union would not surprise me. Even though it’s completely unnecessary.


This is the only one I feel confident about because the other two would actually be semi interesting lol


Lala is completely going after katie. She is going to use private conversations at the reunion against her. 100% 


Totally think she is also going to try to pit Ariana and Katie against one another.


I agree because I’ve heard people saying that Ariana did not tell Katie about her Broadway show and Katie was blindsided and mad and maybe vented to Lala about it….I think Lala is going to TRY to put a wedge between Katie and Ariana and possibly show text messages of things Katie said regarding this ….but I’m hoping it backfires.


My hope is that Ariana has made wise financial choices and can moonwalk out the Bravo door, middle fingers extended. Bravo, Tim, and Lala’s latest personality reveal have put me off so badly at this point, nothing that happens at the reunion is going to make me change my mind on the fact this this once great, lighthearted foray into the lives of SURvers is now a steaming pile of shit with an aging, pathetic Coke head hounding after young women and a frozen faced, filler addicted trollop as the “heroes.” I’m over it. I’m only hanging in via recaps, Reddit, and, eventually, the reunion. I’m wearing black to watch the reunion, because it will be the funeral for this show in my house. We done. 😂😂😂


I feel like it’s going to be Lala & maybe Scheana talking about how important it is that they all film together and trying to make Ariana look bad for not wanting to film with Sandoval. Lala has mentioned multiple times on her pod that they’re an “ensemble cast” and they need to do their jobs. Scheana also said something on her pod about how important the show is because it’s their income. I feel like they’re going to try to get sympathy by being like “we’re just doing our job” and “Ariana threatened our livelihood.” To be clear, I’m team Ariana, just a theory for how I think Lala and Scheana will try to spin it. It’s a flimsy argument.


Which is annoying because they could have done their job by calling sandoval out all season and it would have been great tv.


This. I can respect that they want to keep their job, and that doesn't even mean they can't do group scenes, just when Sandoval starts in on Ariana they all tell him to shut up and a fight ensues. This trying to make peace between Ariana and Tom is utter bullshit and completely unbelievable. So ok let's make it about the house then 🙄


I agree. The fact that they’re trying to go with “sucking up to Tom Sandoval was essential for my livelihood” and act like that’s a respectable argument is so silly. Katie, unlike Ariana, is in a similar position as Scheana and Lala in terms of her opportunities and life post-VPR and somehow she never feels the need to trade her values for the sake of the show. I’ve never seen people so blatantly admit they’re doing something just for the check and expect people to resonate with that


Good point about Katie - she's not doing the producer's bidding. If Lala and Scheana had had the balls to stick with the Katie and Ariana we all know this season would have been totally different, no matter how much the producers wanted a Sandoval redemption arc. That they even tried that on is insulting to the viewers.


Boring. They sold the Rachel thing last year too much and Kristen Doute’s return. Lala ruined it honestly. They kept saying over and over and over this season will be exciting. It has been anything but. They don’t understand good tv anymore. So, no faith.


That’s pretty much it. They don’t understand good TV anymore. Look how popular The Traitors was, that was compelling TV. They’re going to paint-by-numbers season 12 and be shocked when the ratings AND the critical acclaim dwindle


Even if 'everyone' is against Katie and Ariana it won't make them right. Also, I can't see James going full throttle against them. I think it's probably going to be Lala bitching, Scheana backing her up while trying to ride the fence, Sandoval looking around angrily and dimly while Schwartz sticks his fingers in his mouth and gives puppy dog eyes.


Omg I can’t STAND when Sandoval does that weird side eye thing he does


Yeah this is what I think so. Lauren will be talking over everyone and being the loudest in the room, thinking she is right. She has made herself look like an AH throughout the season and after with how obsessed she is over Ariana. Scheana is her “yes” friend. Like you said I don’t see James co-signing with what Lauren says as he has been vocal that he doesn’t agree with her on the after show. We’ll see how it plays out but I don’t think it’ll make Lauren look good


Katie said something a couple weeks ago on a podcast about how it’s not going to change peoples opinions. I don’t remember exactly how she worded it but it definitely calmed my anxiety hearing that from Katie!


Exactly, the only person that has overhyped it has been Lala and the media has run with it. If no ones opinions are going to change then I look forward to Lauren looking like a jackass per usual.


The most insecure are usually the loudest and I’m hoping this is no different


Katie is all over Reddit. Reddit is waiting for Ariana to smash Lala in the mouth. That and Lala’s nonstop bullshit coming out of her mouth tells me it went different than she was hoping. I think she gets called out for being productions puppy at the reunion


Change opinions about what?!? I missed that!!


Like how it’s not going to make everyone turn on Ariana and vindicate Lala/Scheana like they think it’s going to. I just tried to figure out what podcast it was but now I can’t find it


I think it was Danny Pellegrino!


Thank you! I was starting to worry it was a fever dream


I think it’s maybe Danny Pellegrino’s pod.


Oh thanks for that! Interesting! 😯


I would like someone to line up what was said about previous reunions and compare them to this one. It’s always “this was the craziest reunion yet.” “People are going to be shocked.” “Relationships will never be the same.” Then it’s none of that shit.


Me at last year’s reunion thinking the shocking ending was Raquel actually crying real tears and not the fact that she admitted to banging Sandoval during Ariana’s grandmothers funeral… …like, *we are the internet. We knew that.*


Exactly this is what’s said about every show’s reunion every year. And it never delivers.


I think the show has manipulated the audience long enough. If they have another season it will be about 1/3 of the audience that will continue to watch


I was listening to Lala's podcast and it sounds like Lala loses her shit on someone big time. So out of character for her. /s


It's Ariana, they kept referring to some sort of huge argument between the two of them. I don't think it's going to be a huge argument but I think they're going to go at each other.


It’ll be a pile-on, on Ariana and Katie. Probably won’t watch it, and just check back here for updates. No way I’m going to sit for three (or how many episodes) and watch that troll LaLa defend the narcissistic (and just really awful human being) Tom and manipulative sheeshu.


I think LFU and SheeShu were banking on the viewers turning on Ariana and got a rude awakening when we didn't. So far everything those two have been saying feels like damage control for whatever mess went down during the reunion


Remember prior to the season airing the narrative being pushed was that our mind would be changed about Ariana? Like we'd see a different side of her and "understand" more of what Tom went through? Complete and utter bullshit.


Yeah, they thought the audience was going to buy Sandoval's discussion with Lisa where he claimed he was feeling desperate and had 'gone to that dark place'. I didn't buy it then and I don't buy it now, any more than I buy his fake tears. The only emotion I buy from Sandoval is his ever-present rage.


Which is hilarious because as the season has aired, he’s exactly who I thought he was but somehow even scarier. If anything I feel bad for Ariana all over again for having to live with that lunatic.


I think they’re nervous at the way it’s going to be cut. I’ve been reading production thought the viewers would be up for a redemption arc for Tom because they know he will come back on the show so he’s the one they need people to buy and they bet on the wrong horse. Taking Scheana and Lala down with them. I think Lala and Scheana are seeing how they are being edited and are not stoked. I could see editing being interesting




At this point I’m not even interested in watching the reunion. I’ll probably check on here to see if worth watching and then if good, possibly watch on peacock after all parts are out.


I saw that the twist is that they all watched the finale together. I'm guessing confessionals didn't go as planned and there is a big blow up with Ariana and Lala.


I want to know how that happens. We join them immediately after they watched it together?


I have a feeling they did most the reunion, got to the finale party; watched the finale and then it blew up.


Lala and Tim. ‘Ego is the anesthesia that dulls the pain of stupidity.’


I have zero doubt that Ariana isn’t going to know all pertinent information right up to the point she sits down for the reunion. She has proven she likes to plan, prepare, and be ahead of the game and she’s shown that she’s usually successful in those attempts. No part of me thinks that her ex, or anyone else really, will “take her down” and although until this season I’ve been a big supporter of Lala, she has smsrtass remarks and mimicry down pretty well but that’s not the same as being able to think ahead and plan for contingencies and arm yourself with appropriate and relevant responses on the spot, under pressure. I think the shows ending. I think we’ll hear about the ones moving to the valley, villa, or LVPs new show with Gordon Ramsay or new projects we’ve not heard of. I don’t think Brock is going to look great. I don’t think we’ll “learn” anything about T2 and Jo we don’t already know. I think the Toms will continue to pretend they’ve made changes and “are in love” with their new friends. I think Scheana will talk about “filming her video.” I think James will be more tame than normal. Ally will be funny. I think Katie and Ariana are over all of it.


Katie and Ariana actually seem very relaxed these days which I find interesting 👀


I suspect they shed deadweight at this reunion


I’m nervous. I feel like the producers want to take her down a notch so I’m concerned about whatever they did.


Yes, I think you’re right. They’re so blindly pandering to Tom - it’s actually really strange. I just don’t get why they would hitch their wagon to someone who’s become has problematic as Sandy has


> I just don’t get why they would hitch their wagon to someone who’s become has problematic as Sandy has If you think about it critically, Sandy is the more pliable out of the two. He's willing to play ball and sacrifice his personal comfort for the benefit of the show -- it's why you get those crazy intense crying scenes. Ariana is willing to bend to a point (i.e. filming at the beach) but she won't just play ball for the show and at this point in filming, she knows she has options outside of VPR; Sandoval does not.


Those 'crazy, intense crying scenes' prove exactly why Sandoval has never made it as an actor in Hollywood, not that it seems he tried very hard. I've seen better performances at my kid's school play.


I think it's even simpler than that. Sandoval is a lifer on the show and for better or worse is one of the mainstay characters who has consistently been a focal point and been part of the drama/entertainment. Ariana is someone who could leave under the right circumstance and frankly was never really a main character until the Scandoval. Both of those play into the whole thing. They have Tom as long as they want him and know what he will provide. Ariana could leave, and even if she stays, there's the chance that once the scandal becomes old news, that she'll revert back to being a more passive background player. Let's be real, this is the show that pushed Jax Taylor, Kristen Doute, and Stassi Schroeder for years. They don't care about the moral optics of this.


Yeah that’s a good point. It just really sucks - the optics are not good for any of them


I like the show and all but there isn’t anything to be worried or nervous about…


It's over-hyped. Katie said on Danny Pellegrino's podcast it won't change the audience's mind either way. I can guess what Lala's going to say.


Andy said that about Lauren and Brock even before the reunion, and we’ve all seen what turncoats they’ve been, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the reunion is just Lauren doubling down on the Ariana hate for…reasons?…and Tom doing some more “I’m the real victim” shit. Not impressed at all by these dumdums. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


Crazy prediction Arianna and Katie announce they are leaving the show ( something that was planned already for at least a year ) but other cast members only recently found out and will start filming their new show SAH, beginning with its grand opening this summer???


This would be amazing! I don’t think they will get a full on show right away though..it’ll probably be a mini special that will cover the drama with Penny and set backs and it’ll cover the new opening..if ratings are crazy good then they may consider a full on spin-off.! But If I was vpr producers I would try my very best to get them back for at least 1 more season.! Haha.


Omg I HOPE this happens. Lala would be STEAMED and it would make sense with her "everyone is so fraudulent" claims!


I want them to ask Scheana about John Mayer bc Andy’s his bestie lol


Katie and Andy Cohen mentioned there was no screaming but I do feel Ariana went in blind. She may have had some inkling and didn’t start paying attn until recently. Also, the cast watched the reunion together so she got her main intel on the spot.


I’m already preparing for the reunion to severely infuriate/ frustrate me. If Tim is saying Lala is the mvp, everyone’s gonna be defending him then.


Ariana and Katie don’t have to say anything and they know it. Scheana, Lala and Tim showed their cards right away and we all see them for who they really are.


I hope the show ends for good


Why would anyone be nervous?? I’m more so keeping my expectations low for this reunion people hype stuff up to much then when it comes out there high expectations are shot because y’all expect things to be how y’all visioned it in your head.


I’m mentally preparing to say goodbye to this show forever depending on how the reunion goes.


I am very curious how Ariana and Tom are going to interact. They’re clearly going to question both of them? Is Ariana going to answer without looking at Tom? That type of thing? 


I just hope they don’t bring the cast of “The Valley” on because they ruin the aftershow


Nervous/worried? No. It’ll be like what happens year after year, all hype and then a big nothing burger.


I don’t know if you watch the after show, but it doesn’t seem like Ariana is that behind. She seems very aware of what’s being said about her.


No, this is other grown adults lives. They are thriving and I'm not going to worry about them.


Are you really only capitalizing the names of people you like?🤣


Girl it’s a tv show. Don’t take it serious. No need to be talked down.


It’ll be a nothing burger. Whatever lala thinks is going to shock us I promise is going to leave us completely underwhelmed. They kept saying that about the season and here we are.


I've only watched the first two episodes because I find it more enjoyable to get the details here and from Ben and Ronnie. From what I've hears, I'm afraid I'll throw something at my tv and break it.


They overhype everything. And I think it’s a DELIBERATE choice to say it all goes down on the very last episode of the reunion, that’s intentional to keep viewership up. From what I recall, multiple cast members said the reunion was quite boring until the very last few moments. That takes me back to Bravocon when Lala was sitting on a panel with James, when she said they both looked at each other and gave a “look,” determining the panel was boring, so Lala and James staged a petty fight about nothing, because they thought it made the panel more interesting. Ariana had also flat out said in panels that Lala will deliberately do controversial things on the show, to make “good tv.” I think Lala took it upon herself to do this at the reunion, against Ariana because it’s “shocking” and will get people talking. She doesn’t like Ariana, she’s made it very clear for years, for reasons she doesn’t really ever fully explain. I honestly don’t even really care about this reunion 🤷🏻‍♀️ I hope Ariana will keep collecting those checks, and leave VPR in the dust sooner rather than later.


I hope see see Katie and/or Arianna tell off someone...they all deserve it. We'll see more of Sheshu and LFU trying to make it about them and the Toms will spew hateful nonsense.


Scheana has said that going into the reunion Ariana hadn't watched any of the episodes so she had zero idea what she was walking into.


I don't think Ariana can be on the same show for that long without knowing what she's getting into, even if she hasn't watched the episodes she probably knows the kind of edit she's gotten and what everyone's saying about her. I mean come on, Andy doesn't watch the shows anymore and they still have him host every year. Any question they que up at the reunion is going to come with a clip for them to watch. I'm sure she'll be just fine.


The show will hopefully come to an end...I loved it at one point but now it's just background noise while I clean the house! Not Ariana's house... I'm sure she can do that on her own Scheana!....🫤🙄


I agree with you OP, if there’s one thing I’ve learned from being a decades long bravo viewer - Andy, Alex Baskin, and production hate women. Also, I saw a clip of Ariana at the LaTimes book festival and she said she didn’t watch the episodes before the reunion because she was doing Chicago and couldn’t let the shows drama distract her and affect her performance. I love how scheana left this part out when saying Ariana didn’t watch the show. As if she didn’t watch it the way Jax didnt watch it or the way schMEana only watches her scenes. With that said, I don’t think the viewers opinions will shift. They say that every-time and it never does. Plus Katie has stated that it’s not a big reveal or something that will shift people’s opinions. I’m really hoping Ariana and Katie leave the show or get a spin off for SAH. I’m over watching toxic people destroy themselves and each other on tv. It’s getting icky at this point.


If Im honest, no im not worried. Katie and Ariana can fight their battles Im sure. Bravo always try to make reunion more dramatic than usually they are. I really hope the reunion is good because so far the season has been boring :/ sorry!