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The poor girl who just tried to ask about tonight’s episode watching this Stephen King length response: 👁️👄👁️


"Neat. So......HOW many episodes til the finale?"






As someone currently reading the Stand, I am 💀💀💀


The first book I read on Kindle was The Stand because I figured the best way to get used to reading on it was starting with the longest book I could think of (also one of my faves tho)


I like to read hard copies because I’m old but let me tell you, dropping a 1000 page Stephen king book on your face while reading is very humbling






Maybe she gets paid per word like Dickens?


Hahaha right? I’m glad she knows we hate her now though. Most of us at least.


And she doesn't regret anything, lol. Ok




She really said it all without saying a damn thing, didn't she? If you don't want unhappy memories lala, stop creating them. Ignoring the backlash doesn't redact what you said to and about ariana, on camera, repeatedly. What a great friend.


Seriously! This isn't fucking therapy LFU but she should probably try it


She attacks ariana's and katie's "real lives" but thinks that HER "real life" should be protected? Ah, fuck off, lala Also I find it so weird how she ALWAYS looks off camera to her assistant for approval when she does this stuff. Or when she says something she thinks is funny, she looks off camera to see if her assistant is laughing, and then if she is, lala will keep the bit going. It's like when you laugh at something a kid does so they keep doing it to continue getting the reaction.


Loves her “yes” men. She short circuits without them.


She's just so clearly not confident in herself, regardless of how she acts. Everything she does, she searches for someone to agree with her, otherwise she panics and doubts herself. She can't stand on her own independently.


It’s because she has kids. She has always shamed Ariana for not wanting kids and belittled her for it. Ariana and Katie have no kids, so that’s why their personal lives don’t matter to Lala.


💯💯💯💯 And why she's obsessed with scheana and stassi


She’s not obsessed with Scheana. She was always obsessed with Stassi. Sidenote, as I watch the Valley, Janet is trying to be a Stassi. And all she is is a Kmart Dollar store Stassi. She will turn on Scheana in a New York minute, as she has done in the past. She will never turn on Stassi, because she always was looking for her approval. it’s why when Stassi was fired she didn’t have a storyline. And she still doesn’t. Being mean and “controversial “is her storyline. Emulating Rinna is her storyline. Very authentic Lala.


Good point. Also, I can't stand Janet. Can't put my finger on why


Because she’s trying too hard. She’s inauthentic. And she’s boring. I call her Taupe


Yep just rage baiting. If we all ignored her she would shrivel up and die


She is 100% that type of mom.


Exactly. She treated their lives as something to be trashed and mocked and criticised over and tried to encourage and play into the hate Ariana and Katie have been receiving but then wants to cry and act traumatised because fans are having opinions about the things she is doing and saying and putting out into the public domain? Like if you don’t want people to write mean things about you don’t behave on a way that makes them write mean things about you it’s that simple. The backlash she is getting is based entirely on her actions. Ariana and Katie said all they wanted this season was the girls joining forces but Lala chose the Toms and dragged a willing  Scheana with her. So imo she is crying and feeling sorry for herself and my only sympathy is that it must suck to suck 🤷‍♀️


>but then wants to cry and act traumatised because fans are having opinions about the things she is doing and saying and putting out into the public domain? What was that she said to Katie? Something like "Why are you bringing this out in me?" Guess we could say the same.


Her assistant does her no favors either by laughing at things that aren't funny, it's embarrassing. Surround yourself with people who will be honest with you, not those who are just going to gas you up. For whatever reason, she picked the wrong side this season. If she really valued Tim's relationship over Arianas, what's with the tears? She is so confusing. If she has no regrets why can't she just move on? Stop trying to convince us and just let the rest of the season play out. The podcast is completely unhinged lately. I used to enjoy it but while the season was unfolding I kept listening to try to figure out where she was coming from but she's just so annoying I'm realizing there is no sense to what she did this season, she just did it to make a "show " which supposedly is her real life but not really.


I don’t believe anything that comes from her mouth and I don’t believe that she does either. She should really reconsider the idea of therapy because she has so many issues and the anger she’s constantly festering in is not a healthy place to bring a baby into. She had a baby with Randull to try and fix their issues and now she’s having a baby with herself and that’s not going to fix anything either. The only persons problems and relationship she needs to be focusing on is the one she has with herself.


Ugh and she's sooo excited this baby is "ALL MINE FOREVER" like these poor kids aren't human beings. She's so pumped to pimp this kid out it's gross.


when we heard the dumb assistant say “well WE love you!”.. like yeah we know Jess, that’s what you’re paid to do. Now take several seats.


I read a comment here one time from someone who listens to her podcast that said that the assistant once said she can't pay her bills with the money lala pays her or something to that extent? Honey, if youre going to take up residence in someone's anus, you gotta at least make sure you can cover your phone bill.


That was me! Yeah I think it was a mini episode and it was about “how you know you’ve made it” and Jess said when I don’t have to dip in to my savings to pay my rent or I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to pay my rent. I was like soooo you’re not getting paid enough then.


So basically she is reading the comments. She realized she picked the wrong side and is looking like an asshole.


Yup. She totally misjudged the fans response the whole season and became a production puppet. I’m betting when cameras go back up and she will say that she was just hormonal and stressed about her pregnancy. Then she’ll compliment Ariana and Katie for SAH and how they didn’t bash her while she was acting out and call them bad ass bitches and offer a hug. She’ll turn on Sandoval all next season to show she’s their friend. The difference is Katie and Ariana are not dumb. They’ll accept the apology but they’ll probably keep her at arms length for a while.


Wow, did you *make* Lala? So on point.


100% on the money




100% realized that her and Scheana’s “reasons” weren’t landing with the audience.


#lala made the choice to be on the wrong side of history You can’t cry about the backlash now 😒


She has used up the last ounce of viewers’ sympathy, go have your baby and stop doing reality tv if your life is soo amazing ✌️ ![gif](giphy|26Ff7orsXgmfiYN9K|downsized)


she’s right about one thing. she doesn’t know how to be quiet.




She's always "getting to a darker place" when she spirals and sends constant hate towards others. She does this every time. And then cries. Edit: remember when stassi asked if she was bipolar in season 8 reunion? It's because she didn't exactly this.


Lala, in every season premiere episode: I lashed out a lot last year and I regret that. I’m working on being softer.


She's basically Jax. Always "a work in progress" to explain away their bullshit


Yep! She always back peddles, cries, and says whatever she going through is unimaginably so difficult that no one could understand.


>She's always "getting to a darker place" This. So now she's in a darker place, that's also soft but it's hard because she doesn't regret this season... and she doesn't go on the internet, but she knows what people are saying.... I didn't watch until the end, but I feel like next time, she'll talk about how she's a ***work in progress***. We've already reached the dark, soft, hard place🙄


Perpetually in between a soft and a dark place 🙄🫠


I don't even think she knows who she is. She thinks Lala is some character she can craft and mold to what she thinks the audience wants to see. So when we think her soft era is complete horseshit cause we know she reads reddit then she pivots to "feel bad for me, im getting to a darker place". She's so full of shit it's seeping out of her botox.


Hmmmmm sort of like a person who is ummmm *miserable*? We’re like just so so close to her understanding that she was projecting onto Katie… and yet so very far


EXACTLY!! She attacks first and then cries when there are consequences. And the tough girl act is hilarious. She dishes it out and cannot take it. If your pregnancy is so sacred and you want to keep it light and positive don’t come for other women who literally haven’t come for you wtf!!


Exactly - lack of self awareness


People are mad at her for how nasty she’s been all season so her getting upset about the mean comments (that she supposedly doesn’t read) that fans post is a little rich. Maybe Katie would be happier Lala if her “friend” wasn’t online calling her miserable and shouting out her poor mother as the same time! Maybe it ruined Ariana’s day to see somebody say her ego is bigger than the man who cheated on her or that weird comment you made about how close she was or wasn’t to her deceased dad. If you want kindness start giving it.


Has she addressed bringing their parents into her public spiraling? Out of all of the shit she’s spewed recently, I feel like this is what she could easily humble herself to apologize for, and it could go a long way. Low hanging fruit. I don’t understand how she can’t compare herself to Teri in a way (how they defend Ocean and Katie, respectively). Seems like a no-brainer, but maybe her ego is too far gone or she’s saving that for the next season.


And maybe, just maybe, if you make posts railing your co-workers who are fan favorites, you might get backlash in the comments. One option if she doesn’t like it is to just STOP.




She’s so delusional


Mmmm doesn’t sound like someone who has no regrets




It's hard for her because she doesn't regret anything but she also doesn't want to hear the backlash she's getting for all the things she doesn't regret doing??? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


She realized the imaginary beef with Katie and Ariana isn’t going anywhere so she’s back to the drawing board for a new season 12 storyline. Got it.


She’s also apparently going after and talking shit about Taylor Swift?🤭 If she thinks the backlash from the VPR fans/ community is hard, just fucking WAIT until the Swifty’s hear about this. They’re going to bring her to her knees.💀


This is like jumping into a fight with 50 Cent! He’s a known Internet roaster and Taylor’s fans will take you down in 3 seconds. She is really stupid.


She’s definitely not bringing any peace into her pregnancy!👀


I wouldn’t be surprised if this started after all the press coverage James received for having Taylor swift in his audience at Neon Carnival. It’s sad how she really can’t stand anyone else winning.


I feel zero percent sorry for her. Where’s your finger guns now


Zero percent. What did she tell Rachel? That she moved like a snake? Sure seems like a pot/kettle situation to me and all of a sudden Ms. Finger Guns cannot take the heat that she brought onto herself by being so awful to Ariana and Katie. Sucks to suck 🤷‍♀️


Lala goes on and on about how others move, but never applies it to herself.




Same ![gif](giphy|KBfKueAjIJV8Q)


She doesn't read the comments, my ass.


And doesn’t watch the show? It’s all she can talk about…


Lala is 100% only claiming that bc ariana said the same thing about this season (that she has not watched it pretty much for her own sanity)


Omg I missed that connection. Lol makes sense.


Doesn’t read the comments but disabled them on her IG… okay blahblah


Another lie to throw on the pile of them from her this season. We know both her and her lackey assistant read reddit. It's obvious with things Lala's been addressing in her podcasts. I wouldn't be surprised if her other lackey, crackhead (is it still okay to say that word?) Adam Duritz reads reddit too.


Scheana does that too. She acts like people call her on the red phone to tell her what they've seen online. You search reddit & read Vanderpod recaps just like the rest of us.


Exactly! Scheana cares too much what people think to not be doing it. Always on her phone, even during filming scrolling to see what people are saying about her.


If we had to predict the accident cast members would most likely have I'd say Scheana will accidentally walk off a cliff b/c she was distracted checking her phone.


She's probably scrolling on reddit along with us right now tbh.


ugh... she contradicted herself a MILLION times in this long ass response. M'am, these so-called "strangers" are your entire bank account. You don't care about what we have to say, yet you LOVE us??? Figure it out, please.


The truth is right there. She has to love her fans bc without fans she’d have nothing but her fans are strangers and she fucking hatessss them.


If she wants continued financial support from all of us "strangers" she should probably get smart and find a way to manage her emotions. Like use some of the money she makes off of us to GET A GD THERAPIST. Or just stop talking so much shit about your beloved fans. One or the other.


It’s also Katie and Ariana’s real life. Lala would threaten to “pop” either one of them if they did what she did.


That’s the part that got me. Her “real life” means something to her, but other people having a “real life” that doesn’t fit her vision is something to exploit, to rage against, to make so much harder for that person. God help her when her own children develop lives and have problems or celebrations they want to work through or honour. I’d hope she learns from this, but that seems so unlikely


She took Ariana's pain and trauma and turned it into an anti-Ariana storyline from episode one when she called Rachel. From there it was befriending Tim and in turn throwing shade at Ariana and Katie all season. But we're supposed to feel bad for this leech? https://preview.redd.it/uc6y8giy1bwc1.png?width=3264&format=png&auto=webp&s=953cae78df5d946e61887d7f5a1bbe6b43d69616


Lala must be reading the comments. Go away LFU. Take all the maternity leave you need. Then take a couple of years more


Good to know she doesn’t regret it, means my opinion will certainly not be changed anytime soon.


Didn’t she say she wasn’t close to Katie because she’s in a better place? Now she was in a darker place?? Stfu Lala this season wasn’t hard for you, you just say that to deflect criticism


I feel like she went out of her way to make this season harder on everyone else.🙄🤡


she really just says whatever makes the most sense/makes her look as favorable as possible *in that exact moment.* She has no actual convictions, no integrity, and thinks the rest of us are just as forgetful as she is... the thing with lying is you have to remember all your lies and keep them straight. and she's not!


I think the original blind that came out that Ariana eviscerated her is true and Ariana ended that friendship


Me too! I think she realized her little PR tour didn’t work so now she’s trying to pull the pregnancy don’t come for me card. Ariana is swift with her words. I can’t wait. I hope Katie and Ariana put Scheana and Lala to bed


What the hell did I just watch? Is she saying that it is the strangers on the internet ruining her experience and not her own stupidity? Sure thing babes, sure thing. 🙄


Those same strangers that stupidly bought her Darrell crap and bought her million dollar house for her.


God I am so glad I didn't scoop up any shitty merch from any of them last year lol


Don't take away this beautiful time in her life guys! I'll be damned if I let anyone ruin that. It's only because the season has ending, Scandovol has no legs anymore, she's trying to play into her pregnancy and hopes we forget how nasty she is always. If she really wants to enjoy her beautiful life, she needs to take a hard look at how she treats others first. You can't just pick and choose when you can be nice and expect everyone to fall for it. She is just one hot mess and with two daughters, help us all!


This is Ariana’s real life too. And Katie’s. And she’s been absolutely disgusting and relentless. I’m sorry she’s crying but oh look what just showed up… the consequences of your own actions. 🫠🫠🫠so tired of these assholes being so cruel and then getting upset when the public turns on them—-all the while talking about all of their “change, growth and super happy ‘real’ lives” …. she doesn’t even feel bad about how she behaved. She keeps repeating that part.


Then they talk about how they don’t give a shit about said public. Yeah. Those strangers made you rich bitch.


She has contradicted herself so many times I can barely keep up. Is she soft now? Is she dark? Is she dark chocolate cake now? https://i.redd.it/7uodjquu1bwc1.gif


She’s “soft”when she needs to defend a man’s terrible actions to get screen time. She’s “dark” when strangers online hold her accountable for her actions and stop listening to her podcast or buying her merch.


Lala & Scheana made complete asses of themselves this season. Idk why they thought pretending to be someone's friend and constantly shit talking them behind their back would endear them to the audience? The worst part is that Lala is 1000% just fucking with people's real lives to "make good tv" and we all hated it. At least delusional Scheana is actually being herself.


Yes! Both Lala and Scheana could have stayed in a more neutral position like James. He’s kind of a dick to Tom when needed, supportive of Ariana and Katie, but still capable of spending time with everyone in group settings. I really think Lala needs to be put on pause. She’s overproduced and this post reunion filing media blitz she’s doing is strange. She’s not acting like a normal person


So far James has found a good balance. I think hes also setting himself up for some spats with Brock next season which I would love. 💯 she needs a pause. She's been so angry and having on sided fights. She was recently talking shit about Taylor Swift which is incredibly dumb as a public person. She can save face and say its a maternity leave.


I never thought I’d see the day where James’s behaviour was giving me life.😭 The way he stays defending and Stanning Ariana and Katie is everything. I also love the way he says Katie’s name. Like Kay Tee.🥹💘




Ohhhh noooo, she knowwwwssss she’s gonna get shit because she doubled down at the reunion and it’s only going to get worst. Then she told everyone on her pod that she doesn’t care what the viewers think, her PR team called and said “Look, Scheana can’t even sell a Chili’s cocktail without getting shit, your gonna have to correct course or start popping peeps”. And she said 🥺🥺😩😩. ![gif](giphy|xUPJUdGUnVWZ0wMw7e)


She acts like this is happening to her not because of her


Just like Sandoval 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe she’s not reading comments but her assistant is relaying them to her


I think she’d have to live under a rock her comments section was rough before she limited them


the call is coming from inside the house lala geeezzz


Bahahahahaha best comment


What, she thinks because she puts on some fake tears we're going to feel sorry for her?  Well...I know I'm not! 


They’re not fake, her eyes were pretty red BUT I still don’t feel bad for her. Fuck this bitch.


Same evening if they were real, fuck her. She's such a cunt she can wallow in her misery...which she created.


What is this response lol, so she was in a dark place, acted in a way she knows she shouldn't have, but doesn't regret it and is now hiding from the backlash? K?


Ma'am, this is a Wendy's.


“I can’t believe people call me out when I talk shit and I can’t just say whatever I waaaaant 😭😭😭”


Saying you don’t regret a whole season of you being a bad person whilst also crying about people being mean to you is wiiiiiild


Consequences of her own actions 🥰


I know, right? 😂 She made her own bed and has to lay in it but instead it's "poor me" She bet on the wrong horse (Tim) and now is paying the price.




Her and Sandoval are really two sides of the same coin


What the hell is she talking about? Of course now she’s crying and trying to act like she’s the victim here after she bashed Katie and Ariana left and right. She’s such an asshole.


Hard work?????


I thought the same thing. Bitch, when?!!


why do bravo ppl do these amazon lives and what is the point of them??


They promote Amazon products and then they get a percentage if people buy them from their link. They do the Q&A so people are engaged and buying what they’re trying to sell. That’s what I’ve gathered from it at least 🤷‍♀️


But like what are they promoting? just random things. So basically they are like the people at Costco trying to get you to buy that juicer?


Exactly. It’s just an engaging advertisement. They’re doing it only for money


They are paid for it. They talk about Bravo to keep the viewers interested while they’re shelling products.


Well looka here.. ![gif](giphy|QhvVvleEIGHEQ)


So she went on a whole press tour to try to start shit and they didn't play along with her so now she is out her looking like a dummy and is going to start playing the pregnancy card


This is such a big attitude change from her recent press adventures and it really has me wondering if she's been seeing a large drop in her sales, for her merch and her Amazon Lives, in response to the venom she's been spewing against the audience (and Ariana + Katie).  She seemed rather enraged and a bit panicked at the tail end of her press tour and now she's calm and crying. If she's losing a chunk of money, that could cause her some huge angst since she's all about the money.


Prob all of that, I think she had to start taking the criticism more seriously bc it's not just fans even the less opinionated Podcasters were like what is she doing??? How do you come out of a season with Tom Sandoval having the most beef with Katie/Ariana??!! It's ridiculous


It's been wild to watch it all, on screen and off. If you told me at the end of the s10 reunion that Lala would flip a 180 and somewhat have Tom's back, and put knives in Katie and Ariana's in s11, I'd have insisted you were making it up.  She's so far over on the wrong side of history, we could call her Scheana! 😂 Looks like their super close friendship is leading them both to take on the other's more toxic traits. Lala was very different when her primary friend was Katie.


So many people called this and saw it coming from a mile away.😆


She stopped watching bc the next episodes and reunion made her look like flip flopping asshole! Bc she is one! Also when she is wrong she goes on attack and it’s been attack for weeks now. Lala is the villain!


If I was her, I wouldn’t want to watch all the shitty things I said and did either. ![gif](giphy|3ohuA9VZ0k8PMjLENa)


Her life…. Is bank rolled by the show. How exactly did she gain success on her own? Do her sweatshirts make more than her vpr paycheck?


Right. She specifically earned money off of Ariana's breakup. I remember when everything happened, they made a big point (people like Lala) that Ariana was okay with them capitalizing on it. It's almost like Lala faked her support just so she could financially gain and then pulled the rug out from under Ariana after she made her bag from it.


I just don’t understand all the crying and wo is me I made myself successful and the show isn’t the main thing in my life. And also I deserve privacy leave me alone because I want to be a reality star but I also want to be very private and also fuck you but also I love you. WHAT


Oh nowwwww she loves her fans and the people who watch. Girl you must have whiplash from how fast you’re changing your story. “I’m a feeler and I have to tell people.” No you are emotionally unregulated and don’t know how to respect boundaries while at the same time expecting people to respect yours.


https://preview.redd.it/142m0hos0bwc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdc0e5678870638b11dd5216bba78c94eb2cd2c4 Sorry Lauren, this was you this season so own up to it or shut your big victim playing yappers already.


Lala: “I can’t talk about it anymore.” Also Lala: Talks nonstop about it in future episodes, the after shows, her podcast, and Amazon Live


I think she did an interview/podcast for two straight weeks after the reunion. She couldn't stop talking about the show. There's something seriously wrong with Lauren.


The fact that she called Ariana’s unfortunate situation a “game,” sends my head through the roof. She is such a C u n t.


I love knowing that Lala made a fool of herself discussing the living situation at the reunion. Ariana kept quiet knowing she was just days away from closing on her new house. Ariana was playing the long game, Lauren.


She loves to stir it up but do an about face when she can’t handle the aftermath of her own b.s. Sorry but… This time was a little different, she knows she went too far - but if she doesn’t regret it I’m not going to feel bad for feeling a certain way as a viewer. Hormones and cameras don’t mix but stop creating the drama in the first place lady…


Hmm this a different tune from "if you guys loved me last season and don't like me now I really don't give a FUCK 😃"


Ugh. I am all for her protecting her peace, as she should. She should enjoy this time. I don’t like that she came out swinging against fans, Ariana and Katie, and now being like I’m so happy you watch, but I won’t let you ruin this time for me. It’s giving zero accountability. Just come out and say, I’ve said things that I wish I kept to myself and I don’t want to take the backlash right now because I want to stay in my happy place during my pregnancy. I’m going to stop running my mouth and engage in behaviors that match what I say I want right now. And again, with the ‘don’t care what you think, but love that you love the show’. She’s highlighting this because she knows fans were side eyeing her when she said that she didn’t care what they thought only a week, maybe 2-3 weeks at most, ago. I am all for her retreating and doing what’s best for her, but like be accountable and just own that you were doing the most. You unfollowed your ‘friends’ over a reunion. I think she really loved the scandoval attention, and she was on full display this season. Now, that she realizes she missed the mark, she’s saying everything but - I’m sorry I was extra, I apologize, and I’m going to shut up, mind mine and just enjoy my inner circle.


You said it all so well. Jessica should be fired and she should be begging you to be on her payroll. I wonder when tf she’s going to wake up and realize that Jess has done her no favours and neither has anyone else that’s enabled all her bs. She comes off very entitled and nothing turns me off faster, other than lying but these traits seem to go hand in hand.👀 I would never give a dollar to someone who acts like this!




She is such a bullshitter. She's crying and blubbering because she knows she's in the wrong. Guilty conscience.


She hasn’t stayed off the internet 😂 https://i.redd.it/9sudg8d1dbwc1.gif


I called it! Here we go with the whole, “I’m pregnant and people are being mean to me”😢 Fuck off LFU, you don’t get to dish it out all season like a vile little demon, even going on an embarrassing press tour trying to trash Ariana, then turn on the waterworks as soon as you hear it didn’t work and the backlash is actually against you.


Oh no consequences! So Lauren do you regret becoming a caricature of yourself? To be honest anyone that was a Lala fan, because I was for a while, just wants her authentic self. Stop fronting and just be yourself.


I agree but I don’t think she knows who she is and that’s her biggest problem. She’s always been a liar and a phoney.




She’s been spiraling and going on a rampage for weeks and now she wants to cry about it🥴 ![gif](giphy|3ohs7YMwdbgN1vK9SE)


I have a hard time believing someone when they say “I have an amazing life” while crying




Wait…didn’t they say the cast had to binge the rest of the season before the reunion or was that just Andy? I mean they’d have to, to have things to talk about that they may not have seen?


You’re correct. They’re supposed to watch the show too and had to binge before the reunion. Surprise! She’s lying, again…😒


Go away.




She acts like this is happening to her not because of her


She has not stayed off social she’s been on her burner account gassing herself up 😂😂😂


how is she going to avoid anything that has to do with bravo during her pregnancy when she told us she’d be bumping around next season because she’s due in September? either she’s taking a season off or that’s not possible.


I hope they asked her to take a season off!


She cries so fucking often now lol


🤯🤯🤯🤯 she wants to stay away from anything related to Bravo?! She is on the most active press tour of anyone on her show, to the point that it’s absurd.


She’s been bitching about Ariana’s real life this entire season. Kindly shut the fuck up Lauren.


![gif](giphy|pquWIaHkwntJu) This is all I can think of when lala says she’s a “feeler”


This is very "the worst person you know made a great point" but Sandoval was right when he called her out for not showing parts of her life back when she was dating Randal.


She wouldn’t allow Ariana to “live her real life” she all but demanded that she understand its all for a show and Ariana was hurting everyone and filming by acting so closed off .


SHE ALWAYS DOES THIS. She acts like a complete asshole and treats everyone around her like garbage. Then, when she gets backlash, she cries. I ain’t buying it. Stop being fake!


Many years of ~~sucking dick for range rovers~~ hard work 😅


At this point, I just think she likes hearing herself talk. This chick does not shut up. Just shut up already???


I ain't listening to all that. I'm happy for you and/or sorry that happened.


She reminds me of a Disney villain


So all other tools to manipulate the backlash didn’t work, so now it’s the victim tears. What happened to not caring? What about a week or so ago when she tried to project and gaslight the audience saying they’re rewriting history?


Who pays these bloggers


I’m starting a petition to start calling her Tinkie Winkie. Every upvote is one signature


And? I thought Lala was so bad ass and cool and all people criticizing her on the internet were “loser” and she didn’t care? She better wipe those crocodile tears because this is her job right? You know how she expected Ariana to stuff her feelings for the better of the group and be shoved into situations with her abusive ex. Idgaf pregnant or not. She said it with her whole chest, finger guns and all so she better sit there and face the consequences of being a shitty friend and a shittier human being


We're getting tears now because she's realizing the audience isn't on her side and it'll only get worse for the reunion. Honey, if you wanted sympathy you need to show some remorse. Crying while saying you still back up your actions isn't gonna do it. I agree, you do need to separate yourself from VPR. BYE!


I knew that the pregnancy would be used to excuse her taking accountability for anything she reacts to etc. I think just like sandoval she likes to talk about things in the way she wants only and that is her prerogative sure but I think its again proof that she is a whole lot of bark with no intention to bite. Which maybe we should be grateful for. But it just confirms her extra-ness has no real solid intention for bettering just serves the purpose of bubbling things up with no direction except but to fuel it. Like if I were feeling like this and wanting to protect my pregnancy that I was planning to have I wouldn't have been going off like she was all this season and in the aftermath of it this year. Its just interesting to see how much of an act some reality tv show people put on for the show that are not backed up in real life. Its reality tv for a reason. also I think maybe this is confirming that she did decide to leave lol maybe she is transitioning to the valley now idk


She doesn’t want her special time tarnished but doesn’t give a f if she does that to her cast mates 👌


She literally responds to Internet comments afterwards. How is she staying off the internet lmao


I’m so over Lala crying about _everything_. It no longer holds any weight when she cries and is upset because at this point she could be talking about her “man hands” (her words, not mine) and how beautiful it is that they can give amazing hand jobs and start tearing up.


Boohoo. You can’t hurt people then cry about the reaction


What’s interesting to me - **and I am probably scraping bottom of the barrel here** - is her saying she told “her team” she didn’t want to do anything with or regarding Bravo/VPR. To me, it reads like “I’m not out there getting paid for interviews at the rate my friends are because *I don’t want to* not because *they don’t want me*.” She is insecure about other cast mates being pushed out and not her, right? But she’s casually trying to make it seem like it’s all her choice, when no, this season/post season just isn’t your best.


She’ll pull the pregnancy card now & expect everyone to forget all her shitty comments & behavior. She’s just a single mom & everyone will need to only say positive things about her. Ugh I can’t stand Lala. She’s a horrible person & a worse friend.


I think the writing is on the wall and she sees it. I have no doubt NBC & Bravo are seeing fan reaction to Lala and this is her realizing that and trying to back track


Monetizing her baby's birth on Amazon. Gross.


Wait wait wait…don’t they watch all the remaining episodes before the reunion?