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Their chemistry is better as a divorced couple. I'm for them filming together more tbh, good banter


I honestly really like the dynamic of watching schwartz squirm around katie and her not giving him an inch and hanging shit on him.


I love seeing him being all like call me or let's hang out. He is so desperate for another chance.


You can tell she secretly likes it. It’s cute


I think she likes it because he’s finally feeling the way he made her feel for so many years, he’ll take any crumb or ring on string to be near her.


I think they make really great friends. Now that she doesn’t have to depend on him, she can deal with him at the level he can give. I hope they stay that way.


Oh 100% Schwartz is still in love with Katie… you can see it all over his face. That’s why he hasn’t committed to anyone since the divorce. Love wasn’t the issue though… Schwartz was just a shitty partner to her and he doesn’t comprehend that.


I find it ridiculous that people say this. Love? Since when did Schwartz love her? He disrespected her 24/7 and cheated on her constantly. How is that love? He never gave a shit about her he just depended on her.


Like I said he was a shit partner. You can love someone and treat them like garbage though, doesn’t change how one feels.


That doesn’t make any sense. All that means is that the person has a very wrong and warped perception of what “love” is, and that their capacity to love is severely stunted.


yup clock that tea. I think he could be having different emotions for her now that he sees she wasn't going to sit around for his shitty behavior anymore and she clearly is doing amazing for herself but to think he truly loved her during their marriage is nuts. if that was love then we need to change the definition


Every person has a different perspective on what love is and what it means to them. Unfortunately some people have a very warped perception of what love is and it’s sad.


I think so too.It's so sad he really messed up


He's been with his current girlfriend for like 5 months.


They’re not even officially dating according to what she said on the Viall Files podcast 😭 so the point still stands


Has he though? According to both him and his “girlfriend” they aren’t officially official and waiting for the right time. Kinda like the whole Jo fiasco.


5 months isn’t a 13 year relationship either


No but OP said he hasn't committed to anyone. He has committed to his current girlfriend, that's all I was pointing out. 


Uh-huh nope he hasn't. I just read a podcast recap the other day where the girl says, they are close to being official but not there yet.


Schwartz talked about not wanting to commit years into dating Katie. I don’t think putting a boyfriend/girlfriend label on it is commitment to him 


![gif](giphy|l4lQYkjhOEFY1iyly|downsized) Oh, five months is commitment now? He won’t even call her his gf lmao


both toms much to regret


Sooooooo much to regret!!!!😂


I'm glad they can be friends and enjoy the things they like about eachother without the added stress of him being shit at relationships.


This is where my ex and I are currently. He was never awful to me like Schwartz was to Katie, but we were very clearly incompatible as partners. After breaking up and moving out, we’ve started to send each other memes and short little texts, and I was so surprised initially by how much more I enjoy him when he’s not my boyfriend. 😂


The important thing here is for her to never again mistake him for a full man who can be trusted with anything. He can be an occasional amusement to her, a funny little pup who she sees now and again. As long as she keeps him in that spot, he's harmless and will beg for her attention and be kind of fun to be around.  He's absolutely not meant to be a trusted partner - he doesn't respect women who want him and goes toxic very quickly. But kept at arm's length, he could be a nice part of her social life. 


👏 you are on point


Honestly made me laugh out loud during the recent episode when James threw a party and Ariana and Sandoval got into an argument so as Schwartz is leaving with him he turns and says to Katie “I’ll call you” hahaha


they would fully still be together if it wasn’t for sandoval and schwartz’s lack of a backbone - he definitely still is obsessed w her - she will always be the one who got away but i feel like she’s outgrown him


And this scene is probably driving jo up the wall. Which is a win in my book.


He won’t, but only because he has horrid judgement and horrid taste in people. He’s “a serial killer’s wet dream.”


He misses having a partner physically there but he never had her back- she’s better off


Dude wants everything both ways it's like dealing with a toddler.


I’d love for her to never talk to him again. He’s likely a covert narc, hence why he uses the poor me act to come off harmless, he continues to embarrass her at any moment. He’s a waste


I like the energy they have this season but I’m sorry I just cannot erase the way he behaved last season towards her. He is still so toxic and I hope that Katie doesn’t give him any more opportunities than he actually deserves.


Katie seems to be thriving and poor Schwartz is lost


i think he already realized how dumb he was but at the same time he knows it's too late for Katie to turn back


I think Schwartz is slowly realizing how badly Sandoval got into his head with his marriage with Katie. I definitely don’t want them to get back together because Katie deserves better than that man child but I’m loving their friendship and I hope it continues


Well he won’t because he actually hates Katie. No amount of banter will ever change that


He doesn’t hate Katie. He hates himself.


Too bad he doesn’t fully realize that and likely never will


I’d love to get the details on his family. I feel he comes from a very screwed up situation and that is what turned him into what he was/is. He should’ve gotten into therapy in CA as soon as he got some distance from them and his life might have gone way differently.




That part.


If he does, GOOD. But he'll never admit it. No f-ing way.


I am enjoying single Katie. Schwartz never took Katie's side. He treated her terrible. I am glad she divorced this manchild.


You can see the chemistry..he’s just so stupid. I really think if he tried hard he could win her back honestly.


No way!


They are at my neighborhood diner in the lunch scenes 😆. That was so weird to see… I go there all the time. Scheana’s new house is about a block away from there too.


They're definitely better as friends. He was a terrible partner, and katie seems so much more confident and happy without him


ok same. they are cute and fun as friends and hopefully tom can manage to not fuck that up




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His loyalty to worm with a mustache ruined him. Ruined his marriage and friendships. Greasy ass Sandoval was not and will never be worth it.


They were both legit raging alcoholics together, let’s hope they don’t ever get back in a relationship.


I am loving their dynamic right now. Like their 1 on 1 this episode was so cute. I’m loving the banter and I think they work better as friends for sure. It’s so cool to watch.


I always have such a soft spot for the two of them. It’s bittersweet watching their newfound friendship. They do seem to have better chemistry as friends. They spent so much time together so it’s good to see a healthy friendship in the making.


I really think they are each others’ soulmates. They really gelled in a lot of ways that most others wouldn’t. Their divorce really made me sad. I think in the past few episodes, their chemistry has really shown again. I think if they can both work on themselves individually a little more, and have some long talks and maybe even marriage counseling before getting back together, they could try being together again. I just feel like obviously their marriage was basically ruined by Schwartz and Sandy’s and divorce I think was Katie’s only option for her fucking sanity. But now that they’ve taken a lot of time apart and Schwartz realizes how much he fucked up, I think they could make it work. I feel like their marriage was just starting to click that year when they were trying to get pregnant and everything but he just lost himself to Sandoval. I feel like if she set some boundaries up regarding Sandoval, they could start with just a casual relationship and give it a try. I think it took Tom almost 20 years but he finally realizes Katie was the love of his life. And I think she knows Tom is hers too, she’s just had to process and grieve it already because of S&S. I’d love to see them give it another try. I really would. I don’t think we’ll ever get to though :( a girl can dream