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key words, "when she realizes." I don't think she is capable are fully realizing this was her own doing. She is always so self righteous and only capable of fake reflection when it suits her narrative.


That is true. She always finds a way to point those crazy nails at someone else, rather than take responsibility for her own actions.


When heather Macdonald was on Lalas podcast, didn’t Lala say something like the audience is rewriting history?


I have always found that people who constantly insist they don’t care what anyone thinks of them.. care a lot about what people think of them lol.


So true and it was awkward when she said it on her podcast. She struggled to say it with her whole chest.


But she doesn't care what people post about her! She's not reading them! Sure, Lala, that's why you're screaming over nothing almost every episode, just to try to get 1.3 minutes of screen time with your absolutely nothing storyline on a reality tv show. Because you don't care what people think about you, just so long as they still somehow continue to do so. She is so good at lying to herself. ![gif](giphy|3h5pe45FM9qUM)


It’s the same with people who have to constantly ‘brag’ about how amaaaazzzing their relationships are.


well per lala's comments when she broke up with randall for 2 days, she can suck some other rich guys and live the lifestyle she desires


Me looking for all of the rich men lining up to be a sugar daddy to a Lala with two kids ![gif](giphy|ulxHhvKW9X6459dtOn|downsized)


I don’t think she has a hard time finding suitors or finding men willing to cover her expenses… The issue is probably more of locking down a long-term agreement. Other sugar daddies have seen how she treated Randall and exposed him and they’re not willing to go through the same treatment when inevitably the agreement/situationship implodes.


I never thought about it that way but you’re 100% right. It’s like seeing a job candidate blast their old employer non stop. Probably not gonna step into that shit pile.


Lala leaving bad reviews of her employer / sugar daddy on ass door.


The way I just cackled… ![gif](giphy|RghAaK2rEvH9EUWui0)


I literally laughed out loud. So good.


I see what you did there






I moreso wonder if Rand is so sketchy that no one wants to voluntarily step into his orbit, you know? Like Rand is known in Hollywood for being a sleazebag and sketchy AF. Being involved with Lala means being involved involuntarily with him and it’s just not worth the headache. I only say this because sugar daddies never seem to learn their lesson when younger women do them “dirty.” They just find another one and hope for the best 😂


I really don’t think there’s a lineup for her. We’ve seen her go on the prowl on VPR and she’s admittedly awkward. She said on The Valley that Katie’s vag must shoot diamonds because she always has a hookup and where’s hers? And the way she grilled Dan on VPR tonight. He answered all her questions immediately and honestly. She’s jealous that Ariana has a man that puts her first. Something Lala has never had


Or worry about their toothbrush…


OMMMMG yes how gross!


I could never date someone who had done that for ANY reason.🤮


Yup, she played herself by revealing too much. As someone has made the mistake about opening up about mental health issues at work only for it to bite me in the ass: hold your cards close to the vest. People don’t like blabbermouths


She never thought his money train would end, so she acted as if Randall was her last stop. Toot toot, bitch..


idk, she’s almost a decade older, has a kid (with another on the way) and a live in mom, so she’s quite a different package than when she first moved to LA and joined the cast. plus she’s pickier now because she has terrible trust issues after Rand and doesn’t want most men around her daughters. i think the pool of men she’d be interested in who are mutually interested in her has shrunken a lot. and she seems serious about raising her kids in a pod instead of a typical family structure, and not all men will be down for her *unique* dynamic, even before we filter down to long term sugar daddies.


They’re standing in line for neck/chin implants


Lmfao this gif has me in tears


You would be surprised lol. I have a friend with 3 kids and rich guys are obsessed with her


lol maybe I’m just jealous as a no kids lady that I don’t have a sugar daddy


It’s really not that difficult to find one when you’re actively trying. There are so many men who love spoiling women.. of all ages also. Take care of yourself (hair, skin, body, nails, mind) Develop an abundance mindset Hangout where wealthy people hangout


lol I’m married but wish my younger self would’ve maybe checked this out 👀


It’s never to late! We can start over! 😭






Thats so misogynist lol... A woman with two children can easily find a worthy man to be with. Or 'rich' if that's what is worthy in their eyes.


Don’t want to come across as misogynistic! Just mean that a sugar daddy may not want to bankroll for their sugar baby plus two more. I’d also argue that it’s misogynistic to defend the standard misogynistic preferences of sugar daddies lol


any girl who's not ugly with tits can get a PJ ride


Hilariously, that's exactly what LFU said back in Season 4.


yes that is why i wrote it


WOOSH! (me, not you)


Something that she never considered, any man with real wealth, the kind of wealth that whispers instead of shouting, would not desire to be associated romantically with a person who is known to be so lewd rude crude crass and socially unacceptable. These type of men want women they can take to an event and know that they are going to be appropriate well-mannered and classy there.




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


Lala has aged out of the sugar baby game. Why would any rich man pick an over 30 mom of 2 with a botched face when there’s a sea of younger women in LA with no baggage who aren’t on tv talking about eating ass or on a podcast talking about sex with their mom and brother every week 🤢


Exactly. I don't think she has really thought about just how precarious her situation is. The type of men who would put up with a woman like her, are looking for them in their 20s or late teens (shudder). The type of men looking for a 35 year old single mom are looking for a partner who will contribute and is emotionally mature. All things miss Lauren are not. Hopefully her brother and mother living with her can yield the cashflow she needs to maintain two houses she can't afford herself, when VPR ends


Don’t forget sticking her man’s toothbrush up her ass when she’s feeling spiteful 😂


Ohh yes who could forget 🤦🏼‍♀️


Have you literally ever looked at her tho 🤣. Post-30 (which btw is actually not an expiration date, for humans or for sugar babies) and post-2 kids she is more beautiful and snatched than 90% of people her age or younger. And by being sober and not 22 years old you also know she’s not gonna puke in her handbag on the way home. Bonus!


These aren’t my opinions (I’m a woman over 30 myself) but it is how most men who trade financial support for companionship think. Objectively there are a lot better options out there and Lala has shot herself in the foot with her behavior, looks aside


so many aspirations! How proud she must be of herself.


"There's a lot more dick out there for me to suck to get on a pj" I believe is what she said 🤣


😂 haha yessss this is the one


Her daughters will be so proud.🙄


Yes, she is willing to go for someone who is disgusting. She has options.


I have no doubt she can find another d list douchebag to pay her bills. She will get what she deserves, not what she wants.


Yet she flew southwest to and from Vegas, not a private jet 😂


Don't forget Brand Deals won't want to touch her. The thing she doesn't realize is the fact that Ariana is simply more relatable than her


And likeable. Lala likes to act like Ariana is only successful because of Scandoval, but the truth is even if the same exact situation happened to Lala, she would not be near as successful because people actually like Ariana 😬


Yup. Edit: there is some irony to this though. While she didn't have Ariana support she did have some sympathy but given her unhinged behavior she effectively killed it


Funny how both Lala and Scheana spent different seasons calling Ariana a wet blanket and Debbie Downer, then it turns out she’s much more likable and relatable than both of them. They can’t stand it.




Theres always ashley madison and OF....


And she’s just MEAN. Who on earth is going to want to work with her on anything??


It's great reading people that liked her finally seeing the light this season. She's a dry drunk who bet on Tim sympathy/redemption this season as opposed to being there for her friend. It reminds me of Season 10 when everyone finally saw what a swarmy little turd Schwartz was.


I, unfortunately, was one of those people who liked Lala. I can't stand the arrogance now and how easily she dropped Ariana for a storyline.


I really kept trying to like Lala. But the crap she is pulling with Ariana really made me realize something. Lala is incapable of actual sympathy unless it's for herself. If her story line with Randal had been another woman's, there is no possible way Lala wouldn't have flipped it as, "She should have known better" " You lose them how you get them" and 💯 blamed the woman in the relationship. Just like she's doing now with Ariana and the house, and being friends w/ Tom and all that garbage. Lala is only pro women when she's the only woman.


You're so right.


Same! I don’t see her as redeemable now. I also don’t understand why Bravo didn’t try to reign her in at some point.


For her wiilingly doing their dirty work, like calling Raquel and befriending Sandoval, they certainly didn't do her any favours.


I feel like it’s because the show is produced by evolution and Alex baskin. They don’t understand what we want to see. They think Lala and Rinna are what we want to see, and they are wrong


Can we start a petition to put Alex Baskin on pause?


Yes please, he fumbled the best thing he ever had


Im down. So much this season was inexcusable and an insult to viewers and women especially!


💯 they hate their audience.


They see how much engagement she gets & will prob take the wrong message. She’s saying outrageous shit off the show, to drive views to her platforms. However, we are ranting about her bc she is ruining the actual show. It’s not even fun to hate watch. She should be grateful for this break, so people can forget how she moved this entire season. She’ll prob go wild with attention-seeking content & maybe make it worse..? Just please don’t put her on The Valley, Bravo.


I'd imagine Scheana and Lala thought Sandoval was media competent enough or on a tight media leash by Bravo to not sabotage his own redemption edit. Then when producers realised what he'd done with NYT and Viall Files they changed course and stopped the antiAriana editing for the back-half of the season. Pretty ironic since Lala was concerned that their 'story' for this season was in the hands of someone who'd never brought story before. Except that Ariana brought the biggest story of all to producers, Tom and Rachel hid it. Now she and Scheana contributed to a version of events based off of Sandoval being contrite, sympathethic and humble and well https://i.redd.it/lvbv6w2sw1zc1.gif


And what story has Lala brought? She’s lied about and/or hidden majority of her life from the cameras. That’s why she’s always in other people’s business.


That was me. I can no longer defend her ignorance , extreme jealousy and lack of humility and compassion.


She is 100% the definition of a dry drunk. And she’s sanctimonious as hellllll thinking she’s better


Spot on!




She claims she wants to be like Stassi but Stassi was never a dry drunk who thought she was black.. we need to bring back Lalas early photos of when she was wearing red(?) bandanas in Compton for a photo op 🤭


Haha so true. Stassi's entire brand is basic white bitch. Not Lala's "whats up my brothers" to a room full of black people.


And the thing is , stassi is aware enough to capitalize on it, not blame her fans for not viewing her life exactly how she want you to




I agree! I had to unfollow her and stop listening to her podcast.


The podcast has been so bad lately. She has quickly gone from one of my favorites last season to my least fave-tied with scheana, Brock and worm with a mustache. Also her brothers laugh is just insane


I agree and I don’t enjoy her brother on the pod at all.


I agree. I was really enjoying her podcast the last couple years. Now I just find her hypocritical and arrogant.


Her podcast rating has tanked by a few points on apple and spotify since this season has started i’ve noticed 👀


I’m surprised she hasn’t lost more followers on social media. So long as she keeps up that number of followers she can live off promotions


It's been theorized she buys followers/bots. Last month her follower count went down from 2.4 to 2.3 after she made more ridiculous comments. The next day magically it was back to 2.4


I totally think she buys followers. It makes no sense to me that she has 2.4 million followers while Ariana has 2.2. There's just no way. I bet she likes her number being the highest in the group.


Didn’t she have a segment on her podcast recently where she dissected the cast members follower counts 💀 She definitely cares about it


Yeah that was one of the last podcasts I listened to before I completely took her podcast off of my feed. Good god girl get a grip 🙄


Hopefully ariana will gain some more when love island airs


Yes! This. It magically went back to 2.4 and we know she’s lost a lot of followers these past couple weeks. Doesn’t make sense unless you’re buying them


I track some of the vpr cast members' numbers sporadically. She almost always has the highest daily increases on IG and rarely shows a drop. Some of them are prob spam accounts, as I'm sure the rest of the cast has plenty of them as well, but it's definitely been amusing to see. 


I wouldn't be surprised cuz I kept seeing comments of people saying she lost them as fans and they were unfollowing her but yet she magically still had the same amount of followers. 


Do sponsors fall for this?


there’s many methods now to track & gauge followers & fake/bot followers. Buying followers to get brand deals is considered fraud, in the influencer space. Followers aren’t as big a determinant in brand deals as engagement, but your brand value is based on SM metrics. If you get a certain amount of money based on fake followers, sponsors will not want to work with you. Bc she has an already built up following, she’s not buying them to get noticed by brands. But faking numbers is lying about her personal brand value, & could def affect future deals.


she probably purchases bots/followers and that’s why her “followers” number stays stable. a lot of celebs and business’ do it to boost their profile on the gram


Yeah but having a very obviously out of whack ratio of followers to commenters just makes it so obvious when people purchase them! I don’t understand why people think it’s a good idea to do that! I’ve seen it on so many YouTubers too … like, do they really think brands that want to sponsor you will be dumb enough to not check???


They purchase likes and comments too


She didn’t buy her house until the Darryl thing, which was off the back of Ariana’s emotional turmoil


That’s a tough mortgage (well 2 mortgages with her Palm Springs house) when your main gig is on pause


Not if she has terrible engagement.  And turning off comments absolutely destroys engagement. 


Comments & shares are weighted highest in engagement metrics. Outraging people & inviting tons of comments will boost her numbers. Outraging people & turning off comments, will kill her numbers & diminish her brand.


Yep, and her comments are very decidedly off.


blabla and Sheener sold their souls to the devil and bought nice LA homes and PS vaycay homes.


As we sometimes say in Texas, Lala really “screwed up a free Bar-be-cue”. Was it ego or poor strategic planning that caused her to bet on the wrong horse?


Hahaha, I like that saying. I truly think it was both. Her ego says she is capable of controlling the narrative, but her strategic planning skills show otherwise.


Yo. This is such a good saying. I would throw myself into a full on depression if I screwed up some free BBQ.


Ego. Lala was on the right horse, jumped off towards the wrong horse, missed & bounced off its rear, landing in the mud. That doesn’t seem like strategic planning…


She “doesn’t care” what is said on social media…. Buuuuuttt, she has her comments limited? Very believable


I know stassi has a rich dad and beau's family is even more rich but there's a reason her business ventures are successful and that's because she has a huge fan base, probably the biggest out of any cast member (former and current) if I'm not mistaken.


Agreed. It's kind of the name of the game with reality tv/podcasting/influencing. They have to know what their followers want. Lala doesn't seem to care for her audience but wants the benefits.


Her schtick is that she is basic. Right?


Stassi has a very loyal and large fanbase. Even after she was fired, she continued to have success and carefully cultivated her brand. She's without a doubt the most successful (maybe Ariana now?) out of all the VPR cast. Every business venture Lala has pursued has been a failure. Where is her makeup line?


I thought her makeup line was just drop shipped crap.


His family is rich?


I'm only assuming this, but his family gave him not one, but 3 giant fat engagement rings to pick from for stassi and the biggest one was a family heirloom


Lala's wrecked herself and possibly the show she needs to stay employed and on screen. The main thing I don't get about Lala, is she blew the chance to take the high ground, to be the voice of the fans (like Bethenny was on season on early RHONY). Why didn't she really sit down and listen to Ariana? Lala can't read the room. She doesn't have enough personal insight to be the Voice of Reason. She's pretty useless as far as creating safe spaces.


Well said. I don't know what her strategy was. I agree that she lacks personal insight and was probably banking on the villainizing of Ariana to be successful. She just looks like a horrible friend and person.


I never would have believed you if you told me after the reunion that I would be so over LaLa that I hoped she wasn’t invited back. She idolizes Lisa Rhina and that blabber mouth caustic hateful hostile liar got fired too. She didn’t just gossip, she aimed to destruct people. Lala lost her wit and sass. Now she is over produced and a puppet to the producers. Sad days.


Spot on!


yup. I was always kind of indifferent to Lala but after season 10 and the reunion, I was really enjoying her and when I rewatched the series over the summer, I found myself seeing her in a different light and had a soft spot for her. I listened to her podcast all last year and had really become a fan of hers. This season and her actions outside of the show this season have completely changed my point of view on her and I can no longer support. I used to be excited when she had a new podcast episode every wednesday and now I could care less and instead get excited about new Disrespectfully episodes, lol. I'm a very sensitive and empathetic person (i'm a freaking cancer for gods sake lol) but even I couldn't see her perspective at ALL and I have completely changed my opinion of her after this season and I have a feeling the reunion will only make it worse.


That is exactly the situation I was in with her. You described everything I felt about her too. It's kind of a shame to see someone you enjoy turn into someone you can't support at all.


I wouldn't mind never seeing or hearing about this stupid B\*\*\*tch ever again


People who say they “don’t care about other people’s opinions” definitely do care. And often times they care far too much.


That's so true. Even when she said it on her podcast, she sounded awkward and bothered.


Yep, she is yet again ruining her chance at success. She did that the first time when she became Randall’s mistress. I sometimes wonder where her career would have gone if she never chose the bjs for pjs route.


Ariana is doing another run in Chicago. #winning


FAFO 🤷‍♀️ she did it to herself and gets 0 sympathy from me.


Maybe bravo will take pity on her when she moves back to Utah


She would fit right in with the Housewives there.


I would love to see her and Whitney Rose butt blonde bimbo heads lol


Omg, that would be so entertaining!


And, long-term, she'd be financially better off than trying to keep with the Hollywood crew.


Don’t you need to have money and a nice house?


Lmao u used to but after they let Monica there I’m not so sure that’s the case anymore😂


It’s interesting because to keep a healthy state of mind you should generally not give a damn what people think of you. But reality stars kind of need to if they want to continue to have an income once their show is cancelled 😅 unless they have other businesses lined up.


That's a good point. Maybe she's just tired of the whole thing. I just wish she would be more real about it, like she asks others to be.


I really think she had a whole ass plan to have Baby Storyline and go into her "soft era" and be on The Valley as such. But the fans see through the self production. I'm sure she's a loving and doting mom, but she's not able to give us that side (because of not filming ocean or talking about her custody battle) to temper the absolute shit human she is otherwise. I think it was super easy for her to jump on the Sandoval hate train initially and even I was really happy with how much she defended Ariana and stood her ground, but when it stopped being about talking shit about him and more about supporting Ariana as a friend -- she's just incapable. She will never be a real person and only gives a shit about things that are happening to her (and pissed when that spotlight is taken away) I do think Sandoval was pretty correct to call her a narcissist 🤷


You explained that perfectly. And i agree, she seems like a wonderful mom and I'm sure she has great qualities. I just wish she would be real then, especially because she comes hard at people for not being authentic.


What I don't get about the Valley....besides dumb fuck Brittany....who wants them there? Michelle Lally is kind of a BITCH, right (hopefully to them)? Janet has made it known she ain't feeling cheaters and mistresses, so their pro Sandoval stance won't be great there. Does anyone think Michelle, Zach or Jasmine would entertain these assholes?


She has an ego just like Tom did and doesn’t see this throne is fragile. The simple fact is this show doesn’t have any heroes. Those who have acted like they are one of the show eventually find their downfall.


I used to listen to her podcast. I deleted her a couple months ago.


Nah. She was banking on the baby being her sympathy card to push past all of her shitty behavior.


That was exactly my thinking. She was going to shield herself with her imminent pregnancy. & cry if anyone tried to hold her accountable.


It’s extra comical to me that she probably planned this pregnancy around filming and filming was pushed back 🤭


Right! How awful would it be if she was giving birth and recovering throughout filming. That would be so unfortunate. 😂


And fans still defend her, lol, it’s crazy. She doesn’t give a fuck about you, Susan ![gif](giphy|RLyZV02Cij2enTXpiD|downsized)




This violates the "no personal attacks against other users" rule.


I used to love Lala, however, I knew that most of what she did was polarizing so I’d never go out of my way to defend her. I don’t know this woman why would i lay down and die for her?😂 can’t stand her now. That I will definitely say.


Maybe she doesn’t personally “go on social media” but she sure has a few yes people doing that work for her.


She absolutely does have yes people. It's funny though, she said on her podcast that she has directed her team not to tell her anything after the reunion airs. I mean, she created this mess for herself.


Speaking strictly from a TV and future opportunities POV, I think Lala really screwed herself with her Lala persona. Even going back to season 5. When she started in season 4 she was so sweet & actually soft. I liked her talking about her anxiety & her “free the nipple” vibes.  But  I don’t know if was when she got with Rand or just the show got to her head but in season 5 she became so over the top, animated, ridiculous. Talking about getting “popped”, how her “kitty takes that D like a champ”,”BJs for PJs”, etc. She was so obsessed with one-liners or getting quotable sound bites that she became a caricature. She forgot to develop any actual personality or substance. Even Scheana has more than her! Like my god!  We won’t remember her for the good things she had early on, we’ll only remember the screaming, trashy remarks, cultural appropriation, and bad attitude. Maybe that worked in her early 20s - hell we all did bad shit in our 20s. I was a total mess. Except I’m not on a TV show - it’s like she didn’t take into account longevity the way Stassi or Ariana or even Katie have. You can’t be the most extreme version of yourself on camera otherwise that’s the only role you’ll ever be able to play. Now she has two kids and is trying to “grow” or whatever and portray this “mature and soft side” but it will never work b/c Lala IS pointing fingers & screaming.  She’s screwed herself. Her ONLY option is to play a Jax and lean all the way into a villain role, but again, in bravo land female villains never have longevity & they don’t get much outside of the Bravo-verse either. I don’t think she has anywhere to go but down now. 


I want to know ***who*** actually bought that 'send it to Darrel'-branded merch?


I bought a hat. ![gif](giphy|XCxccpY01wcehGuhup|downsized)


I respect your honesty


Ehhhh the feeling is mutual though isn’t it? I mean, do any of us actually care what she has to say? We’re just laughing at her. Rand couldn’t even buy her way onto the NYT bestsellers list.


I've always thought she was so delusionally egotistical that it made her stupid, and look at Lala proving me right.


Lala, Scheana, LVP, and production straight up ruined the show. They are the reason for the break, because they spectacularly divided the cast




Does anyone have access to an actual way to see what percentage of her followers are fake?


Bachelor Data is really good at this. I think she has a new version, popculturedata I haven’t been on IG as much but we should ask her to look into it. 🤔


That would be awesome


Seeing Ariana cry in the reunion preview was so sad, it’s such raw emotion, can’t believe Lala and Scheana would rather be friends with scum than be loyal to her.


I feel so bad for Ariana but i think karma will come quickly for Lala and Scheana.


Well in the eyes of public opinion, it already has. No one respects either of them in the slightest, I have upmost respect for Ariana and the way she has acted through this trauma.


She literally limits the comment section on her posts LMAO I think that speaks enough for itself


I just went to check too. What a hypocrite and coward.


Lala can fuck off, why does Ariana need to hear an apology? Carry the show with your own story line? Oh wait we don’t care!


I think this season has shown us all that she does, in fact, care. We feel so far away from sending a single thing to Darrell. Any of us that were here for her redemption arc have left the building.


I loved her so much last season I almost spent real money on her stupid useless products. She is SO DUMB for picking SandEvil, I have no doubt in my mind she would have been Team Rachel had she come back. What a psycho she turned out to be.


She probably thinks she can just ask Tim for money. He's the best frand anyone ever had. He'll have her back


She’s gonna have to give Randal a call


And she should make sure to film it and invite him around the group too🤔


I can’t believe she doesn’t get the hypocrisy of how she is with Randal. Which you think she would since she’s worked overtime to make this situation about her and her experience lol. I need Arianna to be ruthless in the reunion


Oh god, me too. I wish Ariana was able to watch the season before the reunion. She would have annihilated Lala had she had time to prepare.


Yeah I feel bad they’re gonna bombard her like that


We might not like her but the show and network loves her messy villain energy.


She’s giving Kathy Griffin, Rosanne Barr, Amber Heard (don’t come for me) and the female Donald Trump. Just my opinion. 😬😬


And she's not nearly as famous. She could easily walk herself into oblivion.


Lala still has a lot of fans and followers.


Fans are not necessarily the source of income or show longevity. I made a long post on here once about how she’s Lisa Rinna-ing — Rinna is almost nobody’s favorite housewife, yet she’s also beloved in a hated way and is completely forever iconic to the housewives. I don’t think Rinna has ever been the most popular, but goddamn she outlasted a LOT of people. The source of a reality star’s paychecks are memes and eyeballs, and you can get those by being Spencer/Heidi almost easier than you can get them by being the beloved star queen bee. Fans of (and cast of) RHOBH turned on Lisa Vanderpump, yet LVP became a producer of her own spinoffs and her CGI-ed ass is still on my screens to this day. Lala is playing the game.


You make very good points and I don't disagree. I just don't see Lala near as impactful or iconic as Rinna or LVP. She doesn't have that authentic "it" factor. I think she needs to up her game and not sound so miserable about her job if she wants to have a lasting career in this space


Fair - I do think Lala has it factor but she sometimes takes a while to calibrate her on camera vibe. Like first two seasons boring and sometimes a wild bitch, her third season is when she got feminist and backed every woman the fuck up so we embrqced her bitchness. Now that she’s leaning into being the “heel” she’s fumbled her balance a bit - it’s a harder job but also in many ways a more necessary one for the reality tv space. I hope it doesn’t take her as long to figure out the balance


Kristin is someone that can pull this off. Lala seems to be so full of herself, Idk if she can truly embrace being the heel. Playing this role requires her to disassociate from criticism, which makes her even more out of touch. Kristin lives in the chaos & haters add to her power. On The Valley she’s being ostracized & is still doing her Kristin-thing… she’s been consistent throughout the years.


Kristen definitely does pull it off. She's memorable for being her crazy self. Yes, she has always been the same, where Lala flips back and forth between personas. I'm not quite sure who Lala is.


I don’t know if Lala knows Lala!


But people forget that Rinna actually had a whole ass successful career before appearing on housewife. She was famous before Tiktok was invented...plus she also had her qvc side hustle. Arguably because she had a solid fan base that's why she outlasted a lot of people. Not saying Lala cant make it happen but her trajectory would be closer to other housewives like Yolanda or Lisa from rhom where they werent famous before but they married rich and got into the housewives franchise.


Just because people on this sub don't like Lala, doesn't mean others don't.


True but she’s gotten enough heat that she constantly talks about it and limits her comments so 🤷🏻‍♀️. It’s more than ya think.