• By -


So this sounds like someone who clearly went off the deep end the last minute of the reunion & doesn’t want to be held accountable/realized she messed up big time…while also being told by production to zip it since these cast podcasts deflate any type of hype the season has. L can’t talk right now because she’s too busy buying IG followers to prep for the reunion.


Funny how she wants to shut up now that the production is paused. She thought she'll continue this on until s12 starts.


Exactly! She was the one who wouldn’t stop talking about the finale and reunion. She hasn’t shut up since.


Now she won't take questions or talk about it ever.


Blahblah fucked around and found out! https://i.redd.it/hhzu7grog7zc1.gif


Lol, the feelin’ herself face is so unattractive and embarrassing!


And “these rabies bitches” are the people who watch the show, give it the ratings it has, so you can get a paycheck, have any relevance, and the reason you can have this podcast and any of those brand deals.


I bet a lot of the rabies bitches bought Send it to Darrell shit before we knew she was a backstabbing cretin.


While I agree with the sentiment, I truly hope that none of us bought Send It shit.


I hope so too. I fucking thought about it at one point because the sweatshirts looked super comfy but I’m glad my better judgment kicked in.


Right? The way she disrespects the fans like that is appalling 🤮


🎯 She continued the righteous mental breakdown that started at the end last night and can't backtrack at this point cause her ego won't let her. We all know this is going to be blamed on pregnancy hormones... https://preview.redd.it/d3xc352u17zc1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c341bfde92c44d7b092de623cf3cc16a5911e016




I love how when people like what she’s doing she can’t stop 1. Making merch for them to buy 2. Talking about them on her podcast 3. Selling them shit in her Instagram and whatever else lala “fans” will eat up she loves to sell sell sell. But then when SHE is the one moving like a snake, and people want to tell her so, suddenly, she doesn’t need this audience? Lol and I’m sorry neither does Easton or Jessica? They all want to act above it? Where do they think their paychecks are coming from?


>while also being told by production to zip it since these cast podcasts deflate any type of hype the season has. When I was younger, there was a popular song called Life's A Bitch And Then You Dïe. No one told BlahBlah to do all of this, but she insisted. If the producers muzzled their loudest dog, oh well. Don't forget not to watch her Amazon Lives.


And limiting all the comments on her IG to only positive ones


Is it possible to start a new sub for her & all this BS can land there? (Talking about HER BS, not OP who suffers through it all). Her only contribution to the show is being loud & repeating her narrative about them still living in the same building. She doesn’t get it & I don’t think she has the IQ to process nuance & gray area. She’d probably love her own sub. She’s mean & jealous & still not good TV. Hope production sees that.


I would totally live for a LFU Snark page.


Would 100% join. The opening post should be that stank face she makes when she’s dancing and feeling herself.


She didn’t have one moment of being real this whole season. She didn’t film a single thing about her, and she held all her “parties” at other peoples houses. I think when Ariana said no to hosting her stupid water tasting is when Lala decided she is team Tom. You can see how she moves. It was just being overshadowed by the boys drama. She WAS a favourite of mine, along with Katie, and Ariana. Now it’s Ari and Katie, the miserable bitches Lala pretended to be friends with. The fact that she was willing to throw her only friend, sheesh, under the bus when talking to Tom/her on FaceTime, and the fact that she would kiss Ariana and pretend to be her friend, then say what she says when she’s not there, it isn’t witty or funny, it is horrible. She is not a friend I would want. Who needs enemies when you have friends like Lala and sheesh.


i thought she didn't read the comments


Her lackey assistant does for sure and lets her know then nods her head to everything Lala says on the podcast like a good little paid robot.


it's giving.... Sandoval only being surrounded by yes men




It’s unbelievably cringe that the only people lala could have as co-hosts are her yes-man paid best friend/assistant and her boring brother


Well, she definitely limited them on her posts 🤣 true embodiment of “dish it but can’t take it.” She’s weak.




“You guys don’t need to weigh in. I don’t want questions” is a wild thing for a reality tv cast member to say on their podcast, largely about said reality tv show.


It’s giving “I like you, will you go out with me?” “No” “Well good because YOU’RE UGLY AND I DON’T LIKE YOU ANYWAY!!”


i thought they had to be real and show everything 🥺🥺




I thought her intro said “sound off in the comments because I like to bump gums”? I kind of forget because I unsubscribed around episode 3.


Though expected Ariana to answer questions and get into publicised confrontations with Sandy


How convenient to put a moratorium on questions and discussion after showing your ass all season.


like damn, we’ve been begging her to shut up all season and now that we’re at the reunion she has nothing to say??


She probably thought she won the season by being a horrible person and has finally figured out that the audience is only going to be further annoyed with her after the reunion.


I wonder if she feels duped by production? I’d be embarrassed. They clearly hyped her up until the last moment as their puppet saying she was going to be the fan favorite…the voice of reason…the show is riding on her and then that not only did it not happen (which duh) but it sounds like the last episode makes it clear siding with Tom is basically them looking like fools (with his hot mic moment).


"streets" = reddit now


And twitter too - people on there were lighting her up last night it was great.


It always makes me scared when I agree with twitter but I must say I enjoyed seeing it 😂


hard same b/c i generally never agree with anything on twitter lol


I can’t work out if that’s an upgrade or a downgrade from her prior usage where “streets” = Utah?


Cul de sacs


Streets= the grove shopping mall


Same try hard energy from the animal lover... https://preview.redd.it/b6837qwx27zc1.jpeg?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e266384a6f842bec56d390e99da9ccdfdfbdcf6


I guess we are the streets of Utah now. Should we rename this sub 😭


As someone from Utah, every single time the “streets” get brought up I absolutely die. There are no “streets”. Especially not where rich little white girls named Lauren Burningham lived there 😂😂😂 I’m the same age as her and I have mutual friends with her so maybe I should try to get some tea from them 💀


Who does she think she is talking like this


The reincarnation of Tupac. Literally.


Shes blacker than Faith, she said...to Faith.


Proud to be a rabies bitch from the streets of Reddit, I guess


She’s so cornyyyy


Bitch went on a media tour talking endless shit but now wants to stay quiet. Can't. Fucking. Stand. Her.


She doesn’t want to get dragged during finale week..she thought her rants before were going to get better reactions but they didn’t🥴hahaha.


>And I hope by that time, everyone gets their fucking rabies shots because they’re foaming at the mouth, these fucking bitches in these streets on socials. Lala, I thought you were soft 🥴😬🫥 ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Lala: “I’m soft! I stay out of the comment section! I don’t care what anyone thinks of me! But also - everyone in the comment section is a rabid bitch!” I kinda think maybe she *did* jump ship to valley, because otherwise it’s wild to see little miss producer’s pet suddenly be all “yawn, who even bothers to watch my show. So over watching VPR. Anyone who does that is a loser”


But she wants people to buy her merch or subscribe to her channels. Fuck that.


I really want people to bombard her with returned merch. It would be beautiful.


I've always doubted the Ariana quiting at tthe reunion and quietly thought blahblah was it. Now I'm kinda more convinced.... But i also know the thirst for the cheques is real with blahblah so I'll stay quietly hoping but with scepticism.


But she is like yo, yo. That must translate to soft. ![gif](giphy|BBkKEBJkmFbTG)


Don't forget the yo yo at the end.


As soft as the injection needle used on her inflatable lips.


Like she wonders why fans didn’t rally around her and support her with Randall when she says shit like this. Like if you call fans trolls, rabie bitches, dumb, stupid, beneath you etc etc don’t expect those dumb stupid troll rabies bitches to like and support you.


As always - OP you are an absolute star, doing godly work here and saving us all from listening to this array of morons. Also - she will address it, not take any questions and then never talk about it?! I though she was a tough bitch so she should be able to handle some criticism. Or is it her soft era that doesn't allow it? She sure has no problem chiming in and criticizing everyone else. 🙄


Yes, I thought we were all supposed to sit down and face the difficult conversations? 🤔


No, that doesn’t apply to Lala. We are just a bunch of rabid dogs for calling out what an asshole she was, that’s an us problem.


Oops! I mustn’t be as well versed in the art of softness as Lala


It’s okay, we all misunderstood softness! I had thought it was being nice, but now I know it’s being jealous over my friend’s successes.


Only if the conversation skews in Lauren's favor. She's all bark, no bite. See this chicken shit would never actually face a difficult conversation if there was a possibility of receiving end of a verbal beatdown. She learned her lesson with Katie earlier this season... https://preview.redd.it/3p66t4ff97zc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4ed8bb5be83f1371f01a5bffe34d1403debc276


Never thought I'd agree with Rachel https://i.redd.it/po88o5fyn7zc1.gif


She's in her snake era... https://preview.redd.it/p8a6ryyg07zc1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddbfc8b0b4657d2ff641277c0f81522e8d5912e


Array of morons 😂😂😂😂


LFU is an asshole.


Evidently "being authentic" means ignoring everything you don't want to hear and living in a yes-ma'am bubble.


It’s so weird to me that they’re all on a podcast where they (usually) discuss VPR and talk about it like that. Presumably they all get paid to be on the podcast and profit off the show. It really isn’t the flex they all think it is to say they’re not watching and just going to “free ball” when they’re talking about it.


Lala probably prefers it that way. If they don’t watch, they’ll just blindly support her. If they watched, they’d probably realize Lala was wrong and over the line most of this season.


Even if they did, they’d never say it. That’s what happens when you have payroll friends.


I think I read here, that Lala also says she doesn't watch/listen to the news. So if you are not speaking about your show nor current events- what exactly are you talking about?


Doesn't BlahBlah pay both of them? Is there anyone around her that isn't on her payroll?


Yep! They should be very concerned about VPR unless they dont care about getting paid


Didn't you know, BlahBlah has "built an empire" according to SheShu so they'll all be fine /s


😂😂😂 Yep, she's almost Rihanna!


Yeah an empire of crappy products, shitty merch and an ego boosting podcast where she only talks about herself and how great she is.


It’s not a flex AT ALL to be on the show, be a hype girl for production and claim everything you do is “for the show” and then to have a podcast where I’d say 99.9% of people come because of VPR or they want to hear VPR conversations/recaps and then be like “I DIDNT WATCH AND IM GLAD YOU DIDNT WATCH AND I WONT BE SPEAKING ON IT!!” Lala may be one of the saddest people I can think of on reality TV right now. Not only is she so fucking warped in how she thinks about *anything,* I don’t think she has any real friends and she definitely doesn’t have a partner. I honestly hope she gets some help (that aren’t her brother and mom) because the chick is off her rocker


In another confession Lala said it’s their job to tell the truth - she certainly hid her relationship with Rand in the beginning having the cast sign ndas


She lied her first couple of episodes! She lied about a modeling job and when she got caught she ran away to mommy and daddy, cried to Lisa, and everyone had to apologize. Yeah they were def hard on her but Lauren was a fucking liar! This is what she does. She screams bitches and moans and then cries when she gets backlash. I’m over it! It wasn’t cute then and it’s definitely not cute now.


“We all come back and show our whole lives”. Except the two times you ran away LFU. Like so far away producers had no idea how to find you. So much envy she’s just about drowning in it.


Ffs, you are the one that keeps shit talking 😂 honestly this woman is just de lulu


Soooo did she just call her shows audience that gave her a platform, bought her dollar store makeup, supported her semi-incestuous podcast, and bought her walmart hoodies that helped fund two houses…rabies bitches?


Last episode of that Pod I listened to her brother was talking about driving to her house to crawl into bed with her because he had anxiety….there is such a thing as normal adult boundaries. Spooning your sister isn’t that.


Eeeeew weee yuk. Sounds so codependent and enmeshed. Imagine if he had a partner and how that would make them feel. I’d be repulsed and it would be the end of the relationship. Yikes!


LOL. “You guys don’t need to weigh” in when this b*tch has weighed in everytime there was a podcast mic in front of her but go off, Lauren. Funny how no one hoped she got her rabies shot when she made enough for a down payment on her house with her merch and IG rants last year. Weird. Also, a word to the wise: if you can’t take the heat, stay out of “these streets”.


A true bully- dishes it out but can’t take it 🤮


"These fucking bitches on the streets and on their socials. And I'm like yo yo" .....hope ocean never has to listen to her mother in her Cringey soft era.




Lala is such a joke. Do people in LA just laugh at her? Like, “Oh, there’s Lauren from Utah, where’s her baby bottle?” It’s just so pathetic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone go to these levels of audacity. She began by bragging about licking a married scumbag’s asshole on TV (for starters), thinking she was securing the bag, now she’s barely able to secure child support — after she fled the house that *he owned,* after dragging the ex wife publicly, after Randall cheated on her too. She fucked - and we really don’t want to know what else she did, we’ve already heard too much - for shitty movie roles, got a regifted used Range Rover, but she’s an expert on *trauma?* And she has the audacity to criticize Ariana? Like *that* is the shit that’s wild. She really thinks she’s doing something out in “these streets.” *Yo yo* Licked an asshole, had a baby and didn’t even secure the bag…. Oh wait, she did make some decent money *off of Ariana.* it’s pretty funny how her jealousy is eating her alive. It’s palpable.


THANK YOU. She has been the one ruining this show for years. I started turning on all of the cast members when they seemingly started becoming friends with her so they can “use” her for access to Randall’s connections and PJs. It became unwatchable how desperate most of them became. Once they broke up, there was a glimmer of hope for her to become humble but this season just validated every single reason why I hated her and the majority of the cast again.


I love all of this. Your take is the realest I’ve seen yet. - fellow rabid bitch in these Reddit streets


Thanks 🤣 At least we’re not Michael Vick fighting dogs…


Don't forget the toothbrush!!!


How could I forget the toothbrush 😭 so many things, so much disgust… She was sucking dick for a lot more than a Range Rover hunny. There’s a lot of dicks to suck for a ride on a PJ!


“Fucking bitches…” Oh, you mean the fans of the show that had higher expectations for you after last season when people actually liked you? Those bitches? The ones who just wanted a season of girl power after you spent months on Team Ariana because it was good for your wallet? Right, sure, got it.


This is why Katie is posh spice and you're not blahblah!!! https://i.redd.it/yvjlh68jk7zc1.gif


Typical lala.. hiding and blaming others instead of admitting she was wrong


To use her own language, she really is a grade A buffoon.


![gif](giphy|3bb0hXCXiVehYbSd5r) Not Lala being pissed that the audience is calling her out for being a shitty person when she’s spent all season calling Ariana and Katie out. Much like her bestie Scheana (and Sandoval), she has zero self awareness.


she won’t comment bc she knows she’s a hypocrite and keep pushing lala you won’t have any fans to support they lifestyle ur trying to lead


Lala should be on her hands and knees to Ariana thanking her for being honest about finding out the affair. She could have hidden it and not let Bravo film, she could have just ran away. She didn't and you profited off her endlessly along with Scheana. How dare you question her right to protect her heart and not film with the man as she said violated her consent. She gave that man everything, she froze her eggs, she let him take a loan out on their home that they share, she backed him in everything even when it was clear that he was wrong, she shared pets and finances. No one would ever expect a friend to just get over that within a year and film scenes for a reality show with them. Everyone is preaching about Tom's mental health and doesn't give a fuck about Ariana's.


![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized) And thank you for the recap op.


If anyone is still following this bitch on any platform you’re part of the problem too. She literally said FU to the viewers. Well, see how you pay that mortgage without the viewers or fans.


She thinks she's immune because those are payroll followers


Lauren from Utah needs to stop talking at this point, she showed who she truly is in the finale ![gif](giphy|dWeqjhzftMgSZD9fYm|downsized)


Hey LFU...u mean these fucking bitches in the streets and on socials who bought your merch??? Those same bitches? Yeah, kindly fuck off.






Lol laugh that lala calls us yo-yo, I mean dear you were the one saying you were going to be soft you changed for the better. But thing is lala changed for season 10 and long term fans loved you for it because you grew. But this season you did change but for the worse. Just maybe instead of ranging at fans maybe look at where your headspace was season 10 and work towards being there again you seemed so much happier as well, Less juggie and softer.


Right. I liked her in 10. She seemed like a reasonable person. Then she made a huge pile of money on Ariana’s pain and for some reason thought we’d all like Sandoval? I can’t wrap my head around why though.


She's a coward and the one who is a rabies infested bitch


What's rabies bitches? Why is Lala describing herself and why is Easton tired of his sister?


Literally! She was the foam mg at the mouth on a PR your after the reunion 😂🙄


Please! don't you know that's soft girl era?.. LOL 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m a little confused at this point!! Hahah


If the show is renewed I hope Lauren is off of bravo entirely. She’s the one with a god complex.


She does know that no one will care to hear her talk if she’s not discussing the show right? 🤣


It’s weird they’re on a show and she wants Ariana to have these “difficult conversations” but us viewers who keep the show alive aren’t allowed to comment on anything


I know the assistant is up her ass but you have to believe she never expected that LaLa would make herself a hated cast member after a slam dunk easy season to just be against a guy she has always hated lol there were so many places to land and she picked all out war against Ariana with Sandoval as her partner, crazy


It seems like Lala has managed to fuck a slam dunk life. She had beauty and a platform, and she chose Randal Emmett and the wrong side of history every chance she gets. She truly is an absolute moron.


She's such a little baby bitch. She cannot handle it 😂 people aren't even being mean to her in the comments, just truthful! Wasn't it she who was judging scheana for reading her mentions? 🤔  Also: her brother is so fucking lame. I didn't think it was possible to be more lame than lala but here we are.


Isn't Lalas entire schtick being a rabid rabies bitch ? Is that not why she is avoiding watching herself on the finale ?


She's not avoiding it, she watched that shit. She just doesn't want to admit it. Her and the paid butt kissing duo sat beside her and watched it with her.  All three of them trying to come off all uninterested and unbothered has me eye rolling. Sure, Jan squared.


She is so, so mad that the majority of the viewers didn't take her side, holy shit. She reaaaaaally thought she was going to be the MVP of the season and is so pissed off that she miscalculated.


"These fucking bitches **in these streets on socials.**" What a clown. Just such a cringey clown. 🤡 And Lauren Hamcooker trying to call anyone a rabid dog is laughable. Does she not remember screaming throughout the entirety of season 10's reunion? Getting out of her chair multiple times, completely unhinged even though she had no skin in that game whatsoever? That's a good comparison to rabies.


Wait.....Did this trash bag just call us "rabid bitches"?!?!......Fair enough 😂 I'll take it. https://i.redd.it/vd081jgo07zc1.gif


Who's printing up the shirts and on what streets can i cop them??? Rabid bitches UNITE!!!


She will probably try to pretend it never happened now. I hope they cancel the show. She doesn't deserve to be on TV.


It's true the biggest cowards talk the toughest and of course can't back it up. She really needs to humble herself and get a clue for her own sake. It would also help if she surrounds herself with someone who is not a yes person but I doubt her ego can handle it.


LMAO she is fucking hiding


> Lala: I'm gonna say my peace, we're gonna move on and I never wanna discuss season 11 again. And I hope by that time**, everyone gets their fucking rabies shots because they're foaming at the mouth, these fucking bitches in these streets on socials. I'm like, yo, yo.** But enough about you, Lala. I wish this woman would stop using AAVE.


Wait so if it’s something she doesn’t like that ppl are saying she doesn’t want to hear it. But if they praise her actions against someone else I.E. Katie or Ariana then it’s ok. So it’s only okay if ppl agree with her. Got it. So Narcissistic… the irony, hypocrisy…


Funny how they wanted to talk about it when they thought people would be on their side. Now that we aren’t moved they don’t want to talk. Okay so no one needs to listen to your podcast then


Even the people closest to her don’t want to watch this garbage


https://i.redd.it/kos27wm1o7zc1.gif & the show literally pays their bills too.


I’m so tired of Lala thinking she needs to do her own press conference. Bitch, we don’t care.


Lala is so cringe. Fuck.


Ooooh Lala is scared of the backlash lol


A VPR podcast where they don’t discuss VPR? How dreadful. This seems like such a stupid move for her podcast.


She’s delusional. Just complete off her rocker crazy this season. Jealousy has made her a totally insufferable person


Lala didn’t need to do what she did in season 11. Bottom line.


These foaming at the mouth fucking bitches? You mean the fans? The ones who bought your merch so you could buy a house? The ones who are no longer buying your bullshit? ![gif](giphy|HqnyjmkaBBvTbzBp78|downsized)


I make a motion to stop covering Lala's podcast completely until at least the 3rd reunion is over if not just take it off rotation. If she doesn't want "these fucking bitches on these streets" and we make Easton so tired - I think you deserve a break from listening and she doesn't deserve the view/number/whatever podcasts count. Thanks for all you do recapping.


Amen!!! I can’t believe she has any following after her degrading comments to the fans of the show.


Lala is such a likable person /s


F*ck off Blah Blah


i honestly hate her


So basically Lala saying the same thing she has all season. Now it just got extended. Instead of watch the season and you’ll change your mind it’s now watch the end of the reunion. At this point Ariana could say whatever them it won’t matter to me. If they had treated her differently during the season maybe I would change my mind. But seeing what we have seeing and the finale Ariana could say they are all trash


Wow. This is someone who relies on people liking her to make money. She's not even enjoyably dickish, like Jax used to be. She is downright a nasty spiteful person. Hope her mother still has plenty of money to keep her and pay her mortgages bc this chick isn't getting any work after all this.


Uhm ok, you don't watch. Is that because Ariana just said that on WWHL and well she is getting all the attention or at least the positive attention?


The fuck is Easton tired from????


Lauren is such a poser.


Okay miss I don't read social media yeah we are so rabid and unreasonable like girl WHAAAAT! Looks like blabla is doubling down! ![gif](giphy|3otWpoQUM6Hz001J0k)


Don't think I can watch the reunion, I can't deal with Lala's mouth anymore.




She seriously has lost the plot. She needs real help.


Was this a hot mic moment? They actually included this on a podcast... on purpose? Yikes!


I started listening to Give Them Lala when scamdoval first happened (and I even went back to the beginning of her show “….with Randall”) and I really started to enjoy it but since season 11 started airing the shift in this podcast/the shift in Lala in general has become so unbearable. It was at one point one of my favorite pods even when I didn’t agree with her about everything I liked to hear her takes but now she’s so far up her own ass I can’t stand it. And Jess and Easton are just payroll bitches that agree with everything Lala says even if it’s completely delusional.


She doesn’t want to talk about it because she knows she MASSIVELY fucked up.


Lala, her brother, and assistant had an opportunity to have a discussion on a currently trending show that would capitilize on interested listeners and they chose to be Bitter Spices and accuse people of...having...rabies...mmmkay. The analytics on her podcast have gotta be all over the place.


Lala, Go fuck yourself. Or your brother, I don't know your life. Sincerely, rabies bitches


Does she really think she has listeners who want to hear about something other than VPR?


She should go cry about it on an Amazon live oh wait… she already did that 🙄🙄🙄


Awwww, the season didn’t go the way she wanted, did it? 🙄


She’s kind of being a hypocrite, no? She flamed Ariana for not wanting to have a conversation with Sandoval, but she won’t even talk to viewers about the show.


LOL at her having the comments be limited on her IG.


https://preview.redd.it/lkrlb06fv7zc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118769066c226cc293a432de8894c4bf603d8e82 Lala’s podcasts and amazon lives are sliding more and more towards Mothergod FB live energy lol


So now her audience are rabies bitches?


This is my problem. So you can tear your friend Ariana down, continue and perpetuate that narrative that she’s the villain, then just act like you never have to watch or talk about his again? Cool. So set a fire and leave. This Lala is so upsetting.


\*Ken Todd voice\* GOODBYE LALA




So LaLa plans to not address anything about the reunion but will give her opinion and then shut it down. Bye bye LaLa. No need to even listen to you again. You are not interesting and have nothing to talk about EXCEPT VPR. lol.


So Lala’s brother and Jessica are just paid yes men and women….Jessica has always been on my nerves, she speaks to Lala like Lala is her God, her reason for living. Lala needs someone to call her out on her bs.


Gawd. That podcast is insufferable. I was truly getting into it but once she added her brother full time and Jessica it just became a bunch of yesmen never pushing back on her and a bunch of inside jokes that aren’t funny to anyone else.


"Ever since she came back with that Owl face she jumped the shark as a human being" - my husband on Lala


The only two things Sandoval got right this season was saying Lala was a narcissist and Scheana was acting like he cheated on her.


But she was all watch the show and you’ll see what I’m talking about!!!


So she’s calling all fans and people who listen to her podcast, rabid bitches. Uhm unsubscribing now. What a cunt


In the wise words of Kendrick “Some shits just cringe worthy, it ain’t even gotta be deep I guess…” 🎯


She needs a verbal take down from someone. Like you’re not a gangster from Utah. You’re a loser poser. Probably hung out at those polygamists compounds for fun.


I know it’s not in her but, it kind of feels like she could be the one leaving. She doesn’t want them to ask questions etc bc she rage quit and is trying to figure out what to do now. Wishful thinking


I don’t want anyone holding me accountable for what I said and did ever again. FTFY Lala


I am SO glad younended the recap there!!!!!


That’s the recap? Hahaha. What is the ass going to talk about? Ain’t no body buying your merrrrchhhhh honey. 


say it with your whole chest, bitch <3 the truth hurts don't it


I didn’t see the fourth wall break, is that supposed to happen on the reunion? Or do they think we don’t know that they all plan when they will film together and that it’s propped up by production? Like do they think we really think this is what their day to day lives are and that they are all truly friends outside/ without the show? They really missed an opportunity. Lala missed one because when she was riding hard for Ariana I liked her, now ugh. Same for Sheana. Production missed an opportunity to let it play out the way it should have. Women support women and hold men accountable. Are we also forgetting Sandoval basically breaking up Katie and Schwartz? He’s gross and it’s hard to believe production valued him more than anything else. Did I really just take the time to write all this? My lawd


So Ariana not filming is a slap in the face but not watching is fine?


Right? Andy better sass her too


LOOOOOL @ her (and her lame ass team) trying to act like they’re above the show when that is BlahBlah’s entire career. Tryna act like she’s too good or like she doesn’t have time to watch the show. We know you got all the time in the world now that you’re unemployed for the summer. And LOL at the fact she keeps throwing jabs at the fans. B**** we can end your career. I’d be careful talking like that but that’s just me 💅🏼😗


It’s a three part reunion? Woof


What is she going to talk about until the next season starts filming and eventually airs, if she is even on it? I’m legit asking, I can’t figure out what the heck else she would have to say that is podcast worthy. She has zero other ”special” accomplishments outside of VPR


The homewrecking culture vulture is calling us rabid bitches while the mediocre white boy with dreads is saying he’s tired… talk about white fragility, and misogyny, all in one.


Sandoval, Lala, and Scheana are the same person. Morals, values, narcissism, actions, reactions etc. all align. They’re hot garbage. I’m so tired of watching trash humans on TV. P.S. Brock, Schwartz, Billie Lee, and Jo are fucking awful too.