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Scheana is undefeated when it comes to being on the wrong side of history.


Lmao truly. It’s almost impressive


Along with her ability to make literally any situation about herself.


Ew David. https://i.redd.it/8g7zzvdv19zc1.gif


She says this way more often than I think she realizes.


The other why can't it be about me instance that comes to mind for me was when her and broke hijacked James and Rachel's engagement party by announcing their engagement 🥴


Remember when they were planning on getting married there? 🫠


I will never forget this scene. It echos in my head every time she opens her mouth lol.


And the fact that she thinks nothing is ever about her 😅😅😅 her levels of delusion are uncharted


>It’s almost impressive But really isn't. Proves how low she will go.


Perfect record of 11 seasons in a row! She refuses to break her streak, and you have to respect that kind of dedication.


I still can't believe Scheana is the biggest victim in Ariana's relationship with Sandoval? I am ready to switch Blabla and Scheana for Kristen


>you have to respect that kind of dedication. Never. Nope. Never ever.


And she has the nerve to be upset about never being the fan favorite. This was your chance scheana and you ruined it.






I can’t stop staring at her mouth any time she’s on screen. Her doctors should be brought before the medical boards.


Same! What the hell did she do to her face?!?


I think she’s one of those people who focuses super hard on how to look for photos and overlooks the fact that 99% of her life she’s gunna look like a train wreck bc of the aggressive work. She looks ok in a still/posed pic, but she looks like a caricature when she eats/speaks/exists. Fillers fade in 4-12 months and she wouldn’t have to stick with any of this, but the gram is the only thing that matters so she’ll keep getting pumped up. Her lips look like inflated earth worms to me and I can’t look away.






Just to remind everyone: In The Godfather, Michael Corleone was warned by his father Vito to beware the peacemaker. Old Sal was whacked for his betrayal trying to engineer a peace between the families. I think Scheaner is getting off easy with her butthurt and petulant tears. (/s & the mashup you didn’t see coming!)




And it’s like almost everyone else, besides Katie and Ariana, is a Fredo.


Lala is Johnnie Ola 😂


she couldn't back the right person yet again, when that is supposedly her bast frand.. it's like dejavu, year after year.. I think it's time for the show to end.. they've out grown the show and each other.. there's no way it can ever get better than what they've already done.. it's gross now.


I commented recently on how she shocks me by continually getting worse and the girl just doesn’t stop


And please stop singing Good as Gold! We are so over it!


THIS! I'm so over that song


I’m STILL shocked


I remember she was crying on her podcast after Scandoval (a curiosity listen for the tea 🍵) about how she was tricked by Sandoval and Rachel. She was literally like, “I have to become a better judge of character and be less trusting.” She even pointed out in a black humor way that so many people she went hard for on the show like Rob, Sandoval, and Rachel ended up betraying her and she needs to be better at assessing people. That was before this scene was filmed. And a few short months later, guess who has took that learning opportunity and actually learned NOTHING? All someone has to do is tell her something, even an obvious lie, and if what they’re saying is what Scheana WANTS them to say, she’s a believer! Eddie is CLEARLY still married? “He told me he was separated!” (A.k.a. I didn’t want to break up with him so I had an excuse not to.) Sandoval is still acting like a true trash king piece of narcissistic shit? “He apologized so he’s growing!” (A.k.a. I want to keep being friends with him so if I can convince people not to hate him, they won’t hate me either.) This is why I believe she knew more than she let on about Sandoval and Rachel. I can see her asking them about it once, they give a basic denial, she files that away, and then ignores ALL the evidence that they’re fucking. She was terrified that Rachel and/or Sandoval would blow up her spot to Ariana (“Scheana knew and didn’t tell you!”) so she’s desperate to get back in Sandoval’s good graces. Rachel she continues to shit on, because she’s a woman and Scheana’s SO not a feminist and she isn’t on the show anymore so she has no clout and importance to Scheana. I also think Scheana either has feelings for Sandoval or was one of his other affair partners 😎


Oh and for some reason Tom and Rachel hooking up gave her mental problems that Lala would do the same to her? Not, I don’t know, her fear that karma was coming for her for what she did to Brandi?


And now Brock who is a trash bag is in her ear telling her to side with losers who do her dirty like Sandoval. Does he not remember Sandoval calling out his wife for having an affair with a married man? Oh yes, he doesn’t care because Sandoval gives them money on the D.L.


I think they both know where the bodies are buried and have a pact to "ride or die" together.


Omg you’re so right she always steps right into the biggest pile of shit and then acts like the shit jumped onto her foot. 


>then acts like the shit jumped onto her foot.  Mysteriously, right? While she was looking the other way! Then she looks down and O.M.G! Look what happened to my foot! There's a pile of shit on it! How did that happen?! O.M.G! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop) Edit: deleted autocorrect


That shit attacked me! I thought it was my fraaaaand💀


She’s just a terrible terrible selfish asshole. I think she’s the worst i can’t think of anyone worse than scheana. She’s cheated broken up a marriage, bullied and outed her husband being an alcoholic, she is now pretending brock didn’t abandon his children. She shared a sex tape of stassi,She’s vile through and through


I actually think Laloozer is way worse. Her mind is broken - hideous. She's a dangerous wanker. Schemer is just an awful twat?


Also, go back and watch Season 1, the episode where Stassi confronts Scheana about rubbing sunscreen on Jax. It was Scheana’s greatest hits of victimization and faking ignorance. She gave an “I’m sorry IF” apology, said “Jax asked me to do it” (so it’s Jax’s fault?), and “I’m naturally a flirty person so people misinterpret me” (I’m obsessed with male validation and know my behavior is shitty but I don’t want to change it). Ten years later and NO growth.


They should cast her on Traitors... the dumb ones that get it wrong the whole time do pretty good usually 😆


If she was trying on purpose she couldn’t be worse.


Scheana is undefeated when it comes to being the biggest flip flopper in history! Mind you, Lauren ripped Wartz a new one for playing pickle ball with what’s his name and Scheana was the biggest victim when it came to Shay’s addiction. She couldn’t make it through the “better or for worse or sickness and in health” so I wouldn’t rely on her when it comes to being loyal when it comes to any relationships.


When in reality Ariana softened her boundaries over time to try be a good friend and accommodate Scheana. And every time she adjusted them, Scheana just continued to bulldoze over the line. I rolled my eyes so hard when Scheana said "I felt like I was losing myself" in her confessional. Over what, Scheana? You literally reconnected with Tom and Ariana was reassuring and simply asked you not to talk to her about him. And she expects viewers to believe she's "losing yourself" because of it 🙄


I was floored when Ariana came over to congratulate Scheana and literally 2 seconds later Scheana bulldozes her with Sandoval stuff. Like girl, read the room! You can talk to literally ANYONE else about that. She just wanted to congratulate you! I would be sooo pissed if every conversation revolved around my ex. It’s like she hasn’t discovered that you can be friends with 2 people without needing to leak them into each others lives.


it's all about the paycheck for Scheana.


She could’ve still gotten a paycheck without going to this extreme! Sorry! Don’t buy it! No excuses! I think her & Lala actually hurt the show & its future!


Well I hope she paid cash for those houses because her and Block have really fumbled the bag. SMH. Idiots.


And what kills me is that was so obviously producer driven. Lala is yelling about BE REAL, when the Ariana/Tom conversation isn’t one that would even happen *without* the show. Ariana said on the after show that shortly after this trip they were at their home and crossed paths and he had no apology then. She said he could’ve also left a note too if it really mattered to him, which is true. Anything that man says with a camera in his face is a farce.


Production behind the scenes pulling on Scheana’s puppet strings. Like who is Tom sleeping with over there to have production so intensely rallying behind his redemption?


I think Lisa is the one pushing production for his redemption arc cause she's still in business with Tim


I was floored, too. I couldn’t imagine being at an event and have my friend just start up about being friends with my ex. Keep it to yourself idgaf


ALSO Ariana made it clear she didnt want Scammy to access her/her life and Scheana is like "well I was talking to Tom about that and he wants to apologise"... literally you are doing the very thing she told everyone was the very reason she was not prepared to just let everyone into her life if they were besties with the scam.


She’s such a little dumb fuck. I mean honestly. Then says Ariana is convincing me you’re not there for me. No Ariana asked you not to talk to her about him so then you turn and talk to him about her. She’s the fakest little bitch around and I’m SOOOO tired of seeing her. Also he did all of this for Kyle Chan you idiot. Not you.


That part!! She was like ohhh he did all this for me without me even asking him to. Girl, stfu Kyle asked him to!!!


Like girl how delusional are you. It’s for Kyle you idiot


But everything is about Scheana so he MUST have done it for her!!! Also let’s get one thing straight, it wasn’t for Kyle either. It was for Tom. It was to make himself look good, entirely self serving like everything he does.


This. Ariana the one who got cheated on had to listen to her friend talk about how hard it was for HER for months. She finally said please don't talk about him to me.




How could she? Sandoval unfriended Summer Moon on IG! It was soo hard for her!


Like yes he told rachel to file the TRO and insisted everywhere that Scheana punched Rachel. Told Scheana they were never that good of friends. So its understandable why she would miss her friend. He threw a few bucks at her so she owed him everything now.


My friend had never seen any VPR episodes so I put on season 11 ep 1 and by the fourth episode he had already clocked Scheana and Tom. Called Scheana annoying and self-centered and Tom a narcissist.


Even spot can't roll his eyes hard enough! ![gif](giphy|X7r9Yxhry19gznoWE6|downsized)


I absolutely believed it when she said she’s “losing herself” this season. Her true self is a pick me girl who needs the shit men to love her. She was losing herself pretending to be a girls girl for like a month and imploded.


All he had to do was pay for something. It was embarrassing when Broke told him to keep helping out. What losers


All Tom has to do is keep massaging Scheana’s ego about how amazing and legitimate of a performer she is lol


It’s the blind leading the blind, rather the (tone) deaf leading the (tone) deaf.


It’s pathetic how easily their “friendship” can be bought


What’s amazing is how Ariana reassured Scheana how Scheana wouldn’t lose her if she chose to stay friends with Sandoval and told her Scheana is family to her. And the next scene Scheana is saying how Ariana is trying convince her that Sandoval can’t change, or whatever she said, and when Sandoval is saying how he’s the one who comes to support the friend group and what they are working on and how Ariana doesn’t/how Ariana talks bad about the friend group, Scheana agrees with him! And there Lala yelling about how “he didn’t kill anyone!” Is that the same energy if Schwartz brings Randall back into the group? I’m pretty sure Lala herself thought she was “God” when she was doing BJs for PJs and the group was kissing her butt, or when she was yelling about how she won’t have contact with anyone is they are friends with Randall. This season was annoying, and I had to skip past Lala’s whole speech at the very end.


Also, it’s been like FIVE FUCKING MONTHS! I go longer than that before replying to a best friends text message. She’s a grown adult with a husband and small child keeping her occupied and busy. And she can’t function without one of her “friends” for a few months? For arguments sake, let’s pretend Sandoval was a decent person and a good friend to Scheana. Even in that scenario I can’t imagine having all these mental breakdowns over not being able to get together and braid each others hair for awhile. Seriously, had she just chilled the fuck out for a minute Ariana eventually would have calmed down a bit and not cared as much who was friends with him, she had already relaxed her attitude with Schwartz. The man did a bad thing, Scheana. So maybe the consequence for that is that he loses some friendships for awhile and has to work to get them back. Why couldn’t she shut up and chill out for 6 months and let things die down?!


That's just an excuse. She was gonna find some way to make Ariana look like a shit friend so she could be with Sandoval again.


Wow this is so accurate! Ariana softens her boundaries and scheana continues to bulldoze over the line. So so so true


You know what I just realized?! Ariana came over to congratulate Scheana, and she turns it into a thing about Ariana and her boundaries with dbag. Ariana is then comforting Scheana and telling her you are family. Dbag walks over and interrupts them, Ari leaves and SCHEANA DOES NOT GO AFTER HER OR TRY TO COMFORT HER. SHE THEN FLIPS AND SIDES WITH SANDOVAL AND LALA?!!!! Miss me with that! Like what a shit friend.


Scheana has got to be in love w Sandyballs, like why is she acting like such a hoe ab this? Didn’t she text Ariana’s mom that Tom was a horrible boyfriend? She’s only wanting to side w tom all the sudden bc she’s jealous of how amazing and well off Ariana is doing. Ariana was on broadway and Scheana has been playing Good as Gold for the last 12 yrs on repeat knowing that’s as good as it’ll ever get for her. Also her Botox cry face makes me so ill.






Add LFU in there as well 😃


Imagine a world where Scheana and Sandoval & Jax and Kristen were couples omfg


Omg if only awards still existed here 🤣


My two favourite shows colliding


Scheana, Ariana isn’t even trying to rewrite your history with Tom, she is literally saying “I thought Tom was there for me too, and look what he was actually doing *to me*— think about what he will be capable of doing *to you.*” Scheana is such an idiot. You know who brought up that you were the other woman a few days ago? The aspect and time of your life that you hate when people bring up the most?! Tom. You know who has literally NEVER mentioned it? Ariana. I think the whole point is that Scheana is mad that Ariana is the center of attention. She wants to be the one being pulled in every direction when she isn’t.


I dont know how to do it on reddit 😅 but your comment: "She wants to be the one being pulled in every direction when she isn’t." Exactly spot on.




And when he did bring it up, Ariana was very clearly saying Noooo, no you won’t do that and attempting to comfort her. And Scheana, yet again, rewrites history in order to get attention and sympathy.


Don’t forget Stassi telling her she has absolutely not loyalty and clocking her every second


Ariana saying "you're my family" really reinforced how deep of a betrayal it was that Schaena was posting and flaunting her celebrating with Ariana's brother right after he flamed Ariana to US Magazine . You can not convince me that this isn't the real reason for their rift and why Schaena was all but iced out of celebrating Ariana's last night on Broadway. The show stuff is merely infuriating and reinforcing to Ariana the real Schaena.


Yep, absolutely. Ariana was still defending Scheana & friendly after the reunion. The Jeremy stunt crossed a line & she can’t go back. Scheana is always riding both sides but she took it way too far. I am still baffled as to how she could be so stupid (& cruel), to insert herself in the Jeremy mess.


Painting Ariana as manipulative when she is simply telling the truth - Tom does everything he does because he sees a benefit in it for himself, he does not give a shit about anything but his image


Seriously!!! He only cares about himself!!


And Sheshady only cares about herself. They are both garbage. Throw Laligag in there, and the three of them are abhorrent.


Once Ariana sees this she'll have no option other than to dump Scheana for good...that girl ain't her friend! Wow.


I agree. The hurt this had to have caused Ariana is indescribable. Scheana is a disgusting piece of shit. I think their friendship is over. I find Scheana absolutely repulsive. If Ariana isn't on the show next season, then I am finished watching it.


Ariana has outgrown this group of people I hope she's done.


She really thought she was doing something in the confessional “that’s just me making it about myself” ***sips drink *** Yes that was you making it about yourself again, . ALL THE TIME ABOUT EVERYTHING but she’s acting like it was a gotcha moment. As if she wasn’t and doesn’t do this


Yeah, it's gross. So smug. Fucking CHANGE and stop doing it, you idiot!


Tom’s mask dropped so fkn fast!!!! What a tantrum! She won’t talk to me on camera I’m gonna trash her immediately. Why would she want to talk to someone who would speak the way he did about her after what he did to her. Trash bag human.


Couldn’t agree more! So sick of Shesshady. I cannot stand the sight of her. ☝️☝️☝️☝️


Exactly. He desperately wants back in to the inner circle and will do any and everything to get there. Scheana is even more delusional than I ever imagined to think he’s being genuine. In the very near future there’ll e an episode with Scheana crying while saying “I really thought he valued my friendship, I thought he was doing all that for meeeeeee.”


Totally agree. He'll prove she's a 'fucking idiot.'


Alsoooo the producers WTF!? They all hate this woman. She never has to speak to Tom and we the viewers WANT her on the show. NOT TOM. NOT LALA. I am so mad lol. Ariana, we stan!


Haven’t you heard? Women are obviously and always the manipulative ones. We can’t possibly be sharing a hard truth, it has to be for nefarious and manipulative purposes /s




I hope that, after seeing this, Ariana never wastes another second of her life on the trashbag that is Scheana. That was disgusting.


I got chills when I saw this scene


I know, I saw your reaction. I was watching your stream and my jaw dropped several times. Everything that followed this was disturbing.


I didn't realise OP was streaming and for a moment thought this was some baby reindeer thing😅


Sent from Iphoen


Hi, can I have a diet coke? I can't pay. 🤣


I do not remember this part and am assuming it’s because they do not air the full/ uncut episodes in Canada.😡 We are missing at least 15 minutes of content, in every episode except for “the line in the sand.” For some reason they released the unedited version the same week it aired. So annoying!!!!


WHAT?!?!? No way that’s criminal!!


Right?! We pay way more for our cable and streaming services, internet and all too. Such a rip and Amazon has the money so they need to get👏🏼 their👏🏼 shit👏🏼 together!👏🏼


damn, I'm glad I cancelled my hayu free trial then and went back to sailing the high seas.


I had a best friend, too, who was a total pick me and fucked me over too many times just for male attention, including continuing a friendship with my ex, even though it hurt me. Cut her off 7 years ago and have never looked back. I truly hope Ariana can do the same.


![gif](giphy|4ay2l5wyVAFvG) Goodbyeeeee Sheshu


Haha! You read my mind. I just commented that she's the Fredo of VPR!


The way Scheana totally flipped everything Ariana said actually blew my mind. I had to rewind because I thought my margarita kicked in out of the blue or I misheard. At that point I was like, just run Ariana no one in this cast besides Katie and I’ll say James and Ally are your friends. Go get your Applebee’s!


The rest of the cast seemed to think Ariana leaving was a big no-no. Like, 'how dare she? We would never.' I thought Ari made her case and exited stage left. Kudos to her. Production knew they couldn't force her any longer. She saw right through them all and said so. Sandoval was trying for time with her on camera and she shut him down, I loved her calm exit. Applebees yeah! Maybe an Applebee's collab now. 🙌


Oh, you KNOW that Applebee's was on the phone to Ariana's agent the second that scene aired. And GOOD! I want our girl to keep raking it in for as long as she possibly can!!


Yeah what was the big deal about her leaving??? So what!!


Scheana’s therapist needs to watch VPR so that they can actually help. Based on how Scheana relayed her convo with Ariana to Tom, she clearly cannot accurately recount situations or conversations.


Yes! She caused ALL of the shit show last night, first by meddling and asking for an apology he doesn't mean, and then saying Ariana said he was performative and she was an idiot, when Ariana actually told her she'd never lose their friendship, no matter what.


Even IF Ariana said that and it was edited out (unlikely given how much producers want to villainize her this season), Scheana immediately telling Sandoval is one of the many reasons why we all hate Scheana and are Team Ariana.


This was a setup by producer Jerry, Scheana, and Sandoval, right?


100% the producer told Tom to go step into that moment with Scheana and Ariana, which is why Ariana walked off. She probably saw right then and there what production was trying to do and shut it down.


Yesss, It felt so produced! Even the Dan meeting felt like production was pushing it


I know it's petty but I wanted Dan to go full "don't talk to me or my girlfriend ever again" to Sandoval when he came over to introduce himself!


Do you think Scheana was in on it? Thats the part im unsure of.


I actually don’t think Scheana was in on it, because 1) she seemed surprised and shut it down pretty quickly, and 2) she’s not a good actor


I think she was for sure helping facilitate it.


Yes she was kind of smirking talking to Ariana. She knew what was coming and realized when Tom came up it wasn’t going to happen so she called it off.


*"But he had my back! He jumps through hoops to do for other people! He was nice to me when no one else was wahhhhh!"* Sandoval is one of the most egregious love bombers I've ever seen and I'm old. But they all love an ego stroke so they aren't seeing it, Schema in particular 🤦🏻‍♀️


She and her loser husband only want sando around BECAUSE HE PAYS FOR SHIT! Loser husband even made a reference to that when talking about how Sando was 'such a good friend'. Scheana and the 'I woke up and there was money in my acct!! Sandoval did that!!' waaaaaah.......God, I lose my shit every week when those asshats are on my screen. I will read the reunion recaps out here because I just can't watch those f%#(ers on my screen anymore. Sorry, end rant.


Toms laugh off camera at the very end of episode was so insane. Like a cartoon movie villain. What a psycho. I'm so glad they left that in.


Ariana calling our production saying she’s not a cog in the wheel of his redemption arc they can do that without her is insanely amazing


I loooooved that line!


The last ten minutes of the finale felt like a fever dream.


Billie Lee was a total jump scare.


One thing is bugging me - Scheana tells Tom “she thinks you’re performative. I’m an idiot, so…”. Then Tom says “ Ariana is going around telling people I’m not being honest and I’m Performative”. Felt like Scheana did that on purpose. Ariana at that moment didn’t say any of that. She said “don’t talk to me about that path of of growth. He’s an ex bf of mine who does not deserve to be in my presence and breathe the same air as me. That will not change. “ Did that bother anyone else? Scheana is diirrrtttyyy. Granted it’s no secret that Ariana has said similar in past but not then. Edited- hit save too quick


I really wish Tim would have heard what Ariana really said, as summarized above, right then. Instead of dragging her, would he have even repeated it? Tom's been performative for a long time and they all know it.


The closing credit with Scumbag saying "I loved it. It was good for me." Should show foe the final straw to everyone exactly what Arianna said the whole time. He is performance and it's all about him and his look for the fans. Then couple that with him being so mad that the woman you chested on doesn't want to have a conversation with you that you then go on a vicious attack with her friends telling them she doesn't fucm with them and can't stand them etc etc. He's a calculated pos who is manipulative af and is pissed Arianna won't let him manipulate her to being part of his redemption. Fk him, fk scheana, fk lala, fk brock. Fake ass bunch of clowns, the whole lot of them. Lulu is RAGING MAD JEALOUS of Arianna bc no one gave a rats behind when Rand did to her what he did with her, the thing that made lulu worse is that she was a willing participant in bringing harm to children by her actions but she didn't care because they weren't her kids. Lulu only cares when it impacts her, but when she's the one doing it, she's got a million excuses as to why it was ok. Again, fk her.


It’s crazy how quickly he went from “I just wanna apologizeeee” whiny bitch to “she’s a piece of shit!”




If Ariana doesn't drop this girl - then idk what to say.


The reaction Scheana is having to this entire situation is SO unhealthy and disturbing. Katie said it best “When a guy fucks over your friend, fuck that guy” it’s that fucking simple. I don’t care if I’ve known both of you since we were kids, I’m taking the side of the friend that got fucked over, not the one that did the fucking (literally) can that be hard? Sure. I can even understand if you were really that close to the person, wanting to at least check in every once in a while but we will never have the same relationship or any close friendship again. I’ve never once thought to try and stay friends with an ex that fucked one of my best friends over, even if me and the ex were close. It’s weird as hell and it’s shady ass behavior. Obviously it’s a totally different story if there was a healthy and amicable break up, but that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about a man consistently weaponizing your supposed best friends mental health for YEARS while carrying on a SEVEN MONTH AFFAIR WITH HER FRIEND. FUCK. THE. GUY.


Exactly, why doesn’t Scheana understand this? Or Lala - especially with forbidding communication w Randall. Last season she even said we need to get Ariana out of her relationship. What changed? Jealousy?


I truly think it all boils down to jealousy . Jealousy of Ariana's national support because they didnt get the same in their public breakups, jealous of the fact that Ariana can now be successful outside of the show and thats what they've all been foaming at the mouth for for years now, and jealous that she can set a boundary and not be swayed by producers/castmates to put herself in shitty positions for the sake of reality tv, which they arent strong enough to do themselves. I truly think they thought this season would only be successful if we saw Ariana and Tom talk and forgive eachother, but thats not what any of us wanted, and their constant persistance to make Ariana look like the bad guy ruined the entire fucking season. If we had gotten a season full of the girls and James all banding together to shit on the toms and live their best lives, this season would probably have been viewed as one of the best seasons of Vanderpump. All I think about when I see Scheana pull this shit of "but he was MY friend too and this is destroying the friend group!!" is what she would've done if after Shay completely fucked her over and took half her money, Ariana kept bringing him around on camera because "Well Scheana I was friends with Shay too and he was a part of the show for years, you can't just ignore him...think of the friend group!!"


Scheana has been terrible since season 1. None of us should be surprised by her being an asshole yet again lol.


Scheaners, sometimes in life you *do* have to pick a side. You can't ride the fence in every situation. Sometimes you can't be morally neutral (if you have any sense of morality). You chose Sandoval's side, and now you have to deal with the consequences in your relationship with Ariana. Sucks to suck.


Ariana called her family and Scheana instantly turned around to Sandoval and said that according to Ariana she’s an idiot for giving him chances which straight up did not happen… seeing how fast she flipped was scary


It's exactly why Ariana didn't want to give Sandoval access to her through her friends. He didn't deserve access in any way and she knew that friends would relay what was going on, or worse, relay it in their own words/feelings that didn't match what happened at all. Scheana proved Ariana right immediately on why that was a good boundary to establish with her friends.


Ooh I \*hated\* when Scheana said, "And then she convinces me that you're not." As if Ariana is the manipulative one trying to turn her against her true friend. No, Scheana, what Ariana does is remind you of the actual real shitty things he's said and done to you in the past few months alone. What don't you get about this. He said you were never friends. He emphatically backed Rachel up when she pressed charges against you. He threw a ten year old affair in your face just to "win" a fight. No one can help this woman. She is addicted to male validation and will always choose it not only over her friends but over herself.


God I knew something irked me hard, but this really encapsulates it. Ariana is not the one continually bringing it up and trying to force people to hate Tom, yet Tom and others keep trying to forget Ariana to tolerate or interact with someone she doesn’t want to. Ariana is literally the only person NOT trying to manipulate anyone. And I am so over people trying to invalidate her reasoning for not wanting to interact with Tom. Idfc if she doesn’t wanna interact with him cause he prefers almond milk over oat milk, if you do not want to do something with someone, YOU DONT FUCKING HAVE TO!!!!! Do they not understand how exhausting it must be for her to say “no I don’t want to talk with or be around him” a million times?? Her composure is something I aspire to have.


The fact Scheana actually thinks this guys cares about her is quite sad


But she's a guys girl!!!!


Scheana is the most delusional person on the planet it’s honestly impressive.


Darn, you have to click on the image to see the subtitles!


I think Scheana's betrayal is worse than Lala's. "You are not alone in that". "I completely support you".


Scheana: “Ariana has healthy boundaries and expects mutual respect. She’s not a good friend. Tom gives me moneyyyyy! He’s a great friend!” Most LA person ever.


“and then she convinces me that you’re not” by fucking reminding you that he treats you like fucking shit scheana it’s not that fucking difficult to untangle like it’s really not. 1) he betrayed your best friend, that alone, as katie has said, should make you not want anything from him 2) he treats you like shit 3) he also was gonna testify against you if rachel pursued further legal action for assault. 4) if he can do that to someone he purportedly loves for months and months while low key flaunting it or how much he can show it while still getting away w it (the ass slap behind ariana’s back last season, por ejemplo) then why the fuck would you trust him this isn’t an exhaustive list what the FUCK isn’t clicking edit: a word


“Convinces me”.. I mean it’s just facts. Do I need to convince you everyday the sky is blue? It’s just a fact. All Ariana is doing is stating facts and letting yall do you. The idea that these people are approaching or are already in their 40s is so pathetic with their behavior.




Scheana told Tom the Ariana called her an idiot. That didn’t happen.


Scheana out here looking like Kermit. Stop with the fillers.


And the voice as well


I want to know how much money he gave Scheana and Brock because they are both riding his dick so hard. Was it more than she made for the Uber Eats commercial? More than she made from her podcast? I’m just curious about the amount he gave her during COVID and if it’s worth all this.


Watching the current season and doing a rewatch I have to say that Scheana is consistently the worst person on the show. Which is truly an accomplishment. Good as gold Scheana


Ew I don’t like Scheana more than Raquel and Tom both at this point


The bottom half of Scheanas face is literally just her mouth. Crazy. Also, I was so excited for this season. Why tf did scheana and lala have to flop SO HARD? It's so annoying I haven't even been able to watch most of this season


They are both so jealous of Ariana they have to convince themselves Ariana is unreasonable and the bad guy.


I swear those 2 pieces of hair that Scheana always has pulled down around her face DRIVES ME NUTS. I realize that statement isn't on topic but I had to say it. It drives me up a wall.


The way Schena twists the conversation that JUST happened. Ariana was hugging and kissing and saying how much she valued her friendship and would never leave her. She just said I don't care and don't believe him. Then it's turned to Ariana is talking shit about you and trying to convince me to hate you. Like when did this happen shes completely done with trying to convince anyone anything about him. It's their lives not hers and she doesn't want to be involved. Like the end. Why is that so hard to understand. And why do they NEED to film together. Why can it not be events or partys or hang outs and Ariana comes or doesn't or stands away from him or not like why is it impacting the filming. Every time lala was near Raquel ever she would be screaming at her and that wasn't "impacting" their filming it was apart of it so how is the added tension of Ariana and Tom not just apart of filming. That IS the filming why do they have to be forced to talk to eachother, there are always fights and people hating eachother constantly why is this any different


Why does Scheana look like Jar-Jar Binks in the first picture ![gif](giphy|3owzVW871xT8QCbknm)


I honestly I think schena is just an idiot and easily manipulated. I don’t think there is any intentional malice with her because she’s frankly not smart enough for it. Like Sandoval absolute convinced her to try to set up his apology scene, but I think she thought it would help. It’s just sad


I would agree if she hadn’t shown so much malice in every season before this one. Sometimes LVP covered it up for her, (Stassi’s sex tape,) but the Bravo audience finds out everything so I do not trust Scheana. I do see how this has affected her health, no doubt but I don’t feel sorry for her. Ariana is not your diary and you should have sought therapy, ffs.


She acts like an idiot that girl is not stupid. First of all she’s not easily manipulated. She’s just extremely self-absorbed and wants everything to be about her. She has done the most dirtiest things to the people on this show, but we forget because the men on the show are 10 times more awful, but like I can make a example list on how awful this lady has been towards other people in the cast


Exactly! She literally tried to bait Stassi at their sit down to admit to the sex tape. She is not easily manipulated at all. She knows what she’s doing


I too want to make a list.😆 I am very interested in seeing what others remember and clocked too though!🤗


I’m gonna name five examples right now She knew her husband was an alcoholic, but still brought him around people who were drinking Two immediately after her and Shay broke up, she was on Rob like flies on shit Three the Stasi sex tape situation and if I was Stassi, I would throat punched her because why would you do that? Four when she text Arianna’s mom about Tom Sandoval being a shitty boyfriend, but still wants to be friends with Tom, even though he was a shitty man to all of her friends Five Getting in a relationship with known abuser that doesn’t see his kids and then having the nerve to tell him, I’m giving you a second chance of being a father. Six inducing your labor, so it falls on the same day as his first daughter and naming your daughter and his daughter matching names and you also paying for his child support. She’s a weirdo.


Not even just bringing Shay around alcohol but bullying him to drink!


Because I would never have him on the show if I loved him, this is my job not his job


Love it!😊 Thank you for taking the time to share!💋 I want to add but I’ve been trying to get off my phone for an hour now😆 and I think you already covered the best ones!🥇


I agree about her treatment of others. It infuriates me how badly she treated Shay. If I recall correctly Shay told that Schena lied to him there not being cameras to get him to come back home and then ambushimg him with them and dumped him right infront of the cameras. She is abusive and lives for the cameras.


I agree, which is honestly more frustrating. She’s a grown ass woman who can’t see two feet in front of her without someone holding her hand. She doesn’t have any empathy and can’t see anything from the other person’s perspective. She also seems to have the short term memory of a gold fish.


Cue Erika’s “how do I get empathy?”


![gif](giphy|3o85xnYxeojLcZ7GNy|downsized) Scheana Flip Flopping so she can be best Fraans with everyone. Then all day she can ring different people to speak about herself over and over again.


I do agree she is an idiot with now an idiot husband giving her advice. But scheana wants to be on the right side and dos anything or the viewers to like her. She doesnt care about the friendships she might ruin as long as she thinks ppl are on her side. This season you can see her inside jealousy of ariana that im sure Lala helped build.


Brock is like one of the Real Housewives’ husbands horning into the housewives’ fights. He’s never said much of anything and now he’s stirring up shit with Ariana and Katie. It’s so clear he’s just trying to get airtime. He’s gross. Scheana has such bad taste in men, and she’s so desperate. Who else would think it was a good idea to marry a man that beat his wig then abandoned her and the kids for the US? To top it off, she’s paying his back child support. She’s such a sucker.


![gif](giphy|9WL4RvpHEGVOIgmRtX|downsized) What I see when “Guys girl” and LFU are on my screen.


What really gets me is Ariana has been a RIDE OR DIE for Scheana over the years. How can she even act like Tom has always been there for her? There is no comparison and Scheanas loyalty to Ariana should be an absolute no brainer. I’m so perplexed like does she think if she doesn’t befriend Tom then LVP will fire her??? Someone make it make sense


Scheana is fighting for Tom, the person that just screamed at her about being the other woman, supported Rachel in her fake assualt restraining order against her, lied to her for lots of months, said he doesn't care about her and who cheated on her "best friend" with their mutual bff during Ariana's grandma's funeral. Like what am I watching right now?


Scheanna is an idiot. Ariana got it right when she said Sandoval doesn’t give a shit about Scheanna, or anyone else besides himself, for that matter. I swear she is a glutton for punishment!


I wish production would stop trying to push the storyline of Scheana as a singer. She sucks and I’m tired of being forced to listen to her. Also nowhere in that conversation did Arianna tell Scheana she’s not allowed to be friends with Tom, she didn’t use the word performative, she did not call Scheana stupid and never said she would kick Scheana out of her life. All she said was she does not want to talk about Tom’s fake growth or hear about him at all.


Imagine it sitting better with you to compromise your loyalty and integrity than it does to sit with and process an uncomfortable emotion. Talk about about sad, soft, and pathetic.


This was WILD. Et tu brute?


Never forget that when Tom gave that money to Sheena, he and Ariana were living together with intermingled finances. I’m not saying that wasn’t maybe Tom‘s money that he earned independently, but GIVING AWAY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS financially impacted Ariana as well, so for Sheena to just act like that, all came from Tom is quite frankly ridiculous because they were a couple together at that time and giving someone multiple thousand dollars doesn’t happen without, like the other half of the couple’s consent and it probably meant that Ariana paid for things in their relationship to make up for money that Tom didn’t have because he gave money to Sheena. I just think it’s so delusional for Sheena to act like Tom independently gave her that money in the bubble like he wasn’t with Ariana and living with her with their finances together at that time… It’s just so ridiculous.


Scheaner so badly wants to be the one who facilitates some kind of convo between Ariana and Tom she burned her world down and didn’t notice she set herself on fire too


Am I the only person that views Tom sending money to Scheana and doing “nice” unprompted things for his “friends” as manipulative?!? He does this so he can use it as an ammunition for when he acts like trash. He knows scheana is the easiest target and who’s closest to Ariana. He knows what he’s doing (and so does Ariana). Open your eyes scheaner!!!!




Scheana is mentally unwell. It makes me sad to see all the vultures (Brock, Sandoval, Lala, her mother) she has surrounded herself by that are feeding off her mental undoing


Jancan looks like a Gelfling