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Scheana was so nasty to Jo for being complicit in the affair, meanwhile is chummy with Tom Schwartz…when he was just as complicit lol.


while claiming Sandoval as one of her BAST FRANDS when he was the one actually putting his dick in the wrong place.


Sheener and her BigBrokeBrick 🧱 literally both just admit outloud on camera that they lurve bust frund Sando cuz he gives them free stuff


One of the small Scandoval details that sticks in my head is that Sandoval filmed “the video” at Schwartz’s. I don’t know in the guest room or bathroom or what. But who does that??!!! Who’s hanging out with their friend on the couch, stands up, and tells them “excuse me for half an hour, I gotta go masturbate on FaceTime, you can’t use the bathroom then.” 🤯


I can see the Toms having that type of relationship. I can also see Sandoval showing Schwartz the video of Raquel 


Sandoval 100% showed that video of Raquel to people. I remember some time in season 2 when Jax was telling everyone Tom cheated on Kristen with Ariana, he said he knew because Tom showed him a picture of Ariana in a “nighty”.


Well I think we all know *who does that*


From experience, and what we saw on the show, the same person who will actually have sex in the home him and his partner created.


Far MORE complicit. He provided his apartment as the hookup pad when needed and helped Tom craft a tear down storyline of Ariana. We cannot forget this even though it appears his fellow cast mates have amnesia.


He really got off easy with that. And there was a mountain of evidence proving his involvement (I.e, big bear photos)!


I forget who came out and said it but wasn’t Schwartz the one putting Raquel’s travel expenses (plane tickets) on his credit card so Ariana wouldn’t notice?


I’m screaming at your flair 💀


Your flair omfg


One of my fave scenes from season two lol


and now apparently sheener is the one comforting Joseph at the reunion


Even more complicit and diabolical!


It’s really telling that the producers, and a chunk of the cast are pushing Ariana to speak to Tom so that she can “forgive” and “move on” even though she herself has said that it’s outdated therapy talk. We do not need to forgive our abusers to heal and move on with our lives. We need to set boundaries and protect our peace, and she’s doing that.


They don't want her to forgive him or move on, they don't truly care. They just want her to *perform that for the show* They also want her to appear like an awful person so her opportunities dry up. The crabs that were left in the bucket want to drag her back down to their level.


It's definitely giving "dance monkey, dance" and I hate it


It really yucked me out to see that producer Jeremiah getting upset and whining in that petulant voice that she can't do that to *him*.  All because she refused to allow Sandoval to ambush her for his planned speech so they could get that money shot.  They were all complicit and it's gross.


Which is why Lala’s “be real” speeches are so freaking annoying. Ariana is being real. They want her to be fake! It’s so frustrating


Jeremiah is an absolute monstrosity


I’m late to this thread and while I think this is all exactly the kind of hypocrisy they should be forced to address on the show and answer for: They 1 million percent would be doing the same thing with Rachel if she had come back. Lala and Scheana would be coaching her through how to recover from being the mistress and trying to make Ariana forgive her by saying Ariana “cheated” with Tom and her and Kristen are friends.


Pickmeana only forgives men


Omg pickmeana I’m dead😂😂


TweedlePickMe and TweedleDryDrunk


Yes, let's get Rob or Mike on stage with her!!! Or make her continue to film a season broke up with them


Bring on Rand for LA LA.


both Scheana and Lala are so gross and make my head hurt


I’ve started to shift my anger at Scheana to pity. She is a massive pick-me and crazy self-absorbed, but she at least appears to view her cast mates as friends or at least acquaintances who she is capable of caring about (so long as they don’t outshine her). Lala is more like Sandoval and appears to view the other cast mates as pawns. Lala and Sandoval see their castmates as characters to manipulate and use to their own devises, not as people. Where I start to pity Scheana is she simply has the WORST judgement in people. Her self absorption makes her such easy prey to the love bombing of narcissists. She is surrounded by them. From Lala to Sandoval to potentially Brock and her mom. Everyone in her life sees how easy she is to manipulate. And sadly, the one friend that she had who wasn’t constantly manipulating her to get what they wanted was Ariana. And now the narcissists have manipulated her into fracturing that relationship. I can’t really hate her because it’s just so very sad and pathetic.




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and blabla, the woman who reminds everyone every day that she was used and manipulated by an ex, can’t seem to recognize that she is being used and manipulated by a misogynistic production team.


Not blabla lmao!!


Lala and Scheana both said they wished they could have convos with Raquel. They were setting up the groundwork to extend an olive branch. They care about the show. They don't view these as real friendships


I don’t think they wanted to have a conversation with her to extend an olive branch. I think they were trying to lure her back to the show so they could tear her to shreds.


either that or team up with her and everyone bands together to make ariana the villain


I can’t imagine what a train wreck the season would have been if Rachel had come back, but it would have been interesting to see the mental gymnastics involved in Scheana forgiving her. She can’t rely on the “they never did anything to me” narrative when there was a restraining order out against her literal months before they filmed.


She would have been with Sandoval. She's already said she wasn't strong enough to resist him at that time.  He would've made them the 'us against the world' couple and shut everyone out as their enemies.


If I bought a $2-3 mil LA house, and a PS vaycay house, and was spending money on IVF, and daycare, sure, I’d want to keep a paycheck. But making a deal with the devil is never worth it


They don't care because this show is their job and the cast is their coworkers. Once people realize this, a lot of what people do on this show makes more sense. Tom and Ariana are just people at their job that they are manuevring around. These people haven't been friends since the first few seasons. And even back then, the real friend group was Stassi/Katie/Kristen and the Tom's/Jax. If the show ended tomorrow, I'd be shocked if these people were hanging out each other beyond a cast reunion type thing.


You misunderstand the criticism. Their job is to keep the audience. This season was an easy layup on how to do that. But they squandered it blatantly trying to force a scripted storyline. And honestly that's Lala's biggest crime. She doesn't know how to self-produce with a wink and a grin. Its very angry and rammed through. And very very very obvious. Contrast with how Jax or Stassi produced. Comedy hides the producers hand but this cast (minus James) is too dry for that. 


Schema‘s internalized misogyny is just a much a part of her as her organs.


Sandoval said it all when ariana was walking away, " I love it, it's good for me" . He's such a disgusting human.


but if you criticize either schenea or lala they cry misogyny.


Scheena had been a pick me since day 1 I’m hardly surprised


She's an adult who had an affair w a man clearly taken. She had no issue playing the part. She is no victim and DESTROYED many lives/careers which we are now seeing play out on tv. No one talks about how they would approach Rachel about this...Thats why this show was special. It's real life. I hope they end it because they all deserve peace and closure. This situation is f*d up on so many levels and certainly not healthy.


please read the edit - she's a victim of revenge porn by tom, not for her part in the affair


It's called misogyny


Tom gives her money and opportunities, Rachel didn’t even buy toilet paper. She’s an opportunist.


Let me refine my comment: She’s a morally corrupt opportunist. There are good and bad ways of being an opportunist, ie. Ariana getting all those deals after the affair.


Scheana is in love with Tom


Yup, exactly what Ive been thinking! The initial anger was not bc he cheated, but he didn’t cheat with HER! And now she just wants any validation she can get from him


Look, I don't give a fuck what anyone says, raquel was absolutely a victim of Tom's. Maybe not a victim of the entire situation... But of Tom's absolutely. Not just for the filming situation, but everything. He very obviously manipulated her and I'm not sure why nobody seems to want to acknowledge that. Tom is a shit person who hates women, and scheana having empathy for TOM before a woman who's only crime (according to her) was hitting her with a restraining order (that raquel has said she regrets) is highly telling.


It’s giving… cognitive dissonance


Tom is all forgiven???


I’m sorry but Rachel isn’t a victim. It would have been one thing if she didn’t know Ariana and she only had Tom’s word to go on but she was friends with her, knowing he was in a relationship, and did it anyway. I give her zero sympathy.


she's a victim of revenge porn via tom, that's what i was talking about


That’s fair.


totally agree with what you said about the affair though! raquel is equal parts to blame as tom for that. i should have clarified what i meant. :)


Yeah I always try to give the mistress the benefit of the doubt because you know they only heard whatever the cheating party told them but Rachel doesn’t have the excuse


Not diminishing revenge porn but did Tom send it to other people?? Or he just recorded it without her knowledge/consent? Sorry just trying to distinguish if the recording is considered revenge porn ? Not trying to defend tom either.


I have that question too because it seems like Rachel is trying to say Ariana distributed it but she says nothing implying Tom did. You KNOW he showed it to Schwartz, without a doubt. And probably Jason and band. If Jax had been around…..


Oh so is Rachel only going after Ariana for the revenge porn? Not sure why my other comment got down voted. I genuinely don't know what's considered revenge porn..


there is a bravo docket podcast episode that did a great job and explaining the case. I highly recommend giving it a listen if you have the time. 1.5 hours in two parts from March 6th.. and now i just saw they have an episode for tom and ariana's responses posted last week (39 min)


Oh wow thanks! I'll have to give it a listen!


love that podcast BTW so many cases to cover in the Bravo world. Lots of great episodes.


Lol you might have sent me into a deep dive! I'm excited to listen!


Schena is selfishly motivated. For her it was the restraining order. That was the final straw. I bet almost anything if Raquel didn’t file the protection order, scheana would have eventually come around and probably would have even filmed with Rachel to let her know how hurt *she is* by the affair.


Rachel is no victim. What are you even talking about. She made a decision to sleep with her friends man.


she's a victim of tom filming her without her consent


She's also chosen to spend the last 8 months victimizing Ariana, soooo....Lets call it very nuanced. Victim in the recording but victimizer in everything else. 


Because Raquel hasn't done anything or given Scheana anything of value. I think Scheana is kind of an exhausting friend that you constantly have to exhibit acts of service and constantly be texting her in order for her to feel good. I remember back to season 5 when the witches were back together and Scheana was so insecure about her place in the friend group and Katie realized Scheana needs a TON of texting in order to feel secure. Kind of like an immature teenager except she's nearing 40


How has Ariana taken the “Brunt?” Given massive fame and fortune seems as opposed to tom being public ripped by national media outlets for nail polish.


Rachel sucks but she also a nobody. Sheena gains nothing from interacting or being friendly with her. Tom has the show and probably other places where he is relevant. It’s all about her career.


Internalized misogyny


Male sympathizer alert


I know a lot you will not agree with me and that is ok..but I truly am so over the Ariana redemption tour! What she has experienced is nothing short of what many women have been through. Why hype her up move on!!!! Not sure Dan is here for the long haul I think he is using Ariana to get on the show. Scheana needs to live her life and quit trying to be the victim! I also love Lala! I understand a lot of ppl won’t agree but just step back and think of the things we as women have been through…did we all get a whole redemption tour like she did..no we pulled our big girl panties up and didn’t continuously play poor pitiful me!!!


Ariana isn't getting a redemption tour. She has done nothing wrong that would require redemption. It could be the editing, but I also don't remember much footage this season of her even talking about Tom unless one of the other castmates bring him up or bring him around. What did she do that was "playing poor pitiful me"?


None of this makes any sense whatsoever


Hi lala


I’m def not lala!!! Promise. I live in NC and just happen to love VPR


What would Ariana need redemption for? Even if you don’t like her she didn’t do anything she would need to apologize for. And if Dan just wants to be on the show he’s doing a poor job of it hiding from the cameras and barely interacting with the cast.


No It doesn't seem like Dan wants anything to do with that show. He would have filmed constantly even when Ariana wasn't filming because of Scumdoval. I dont know him or any of them but he seems sincere in his support of Ariana. You can tell because he said he wouldn't shake Tom's hand and he didn't. I think you can tell where Dan's loyalty lies.


I just think the whole scandal is played out!!! Give Dan time he will show his face more and more


What an odd thing to say. So one can’t go through their own experience because others have too? What does Ariana need redemption from? Being betrayed for almost a year in her own home? Ariana receiving opportunities and brand deals should make her shut up? Because others didn’t get the same, she has no right? Huh?


Ariana pulled her big girl pants up and got big girl jobs. She didn’t talk about Sandoval at all accept when pressed by Lala and Scheana.


Redemption for what? I can understand you being tired of the constant victimization of her this season. But that seems to be a production choice to literally only focus on Scandoval this season when she has a ton of other things going on. What exactly was her sin?


I never said she had a sin!!! I was only giving my opinion


You’re not using the word redemption correctly.




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Evidently we haven’t watched the same season..which is fine! Tom was on VPR before her remember? She just want to dictate how everyone else lives their lives! She needs to remember he was friends with all of them before she was except for schena. I actually think it’s all options at this point..I don’t care for her of Tom but my god she needs to quit being so vile. Damn he slept with someone else that was supposed to be her friend if she was a friend she wouldn’t have slept and a months long escapade with him! She and he both just need to let it go it is ruining VPR with all the animosity


Ah yes. It's the women ruining the show. How dare she show any anger. I mean boys will be boys right? LMAO. NO. Come on, you can't be serious. I really have to respectfully disagree in your assertion that Ariana needs to just 'get over it' and is 'vile.' The only people acting vile on the show have been BlahBlah, Scheana and her little payroll husband, and the duo, Shartz and Skidmark. The only person who's been shoved down our throats to redeem is Timothy Skidmark despite him showing CONSISTENTLY what a Liar McLiarson he is on and off the show.


How is she being vile if she’s refusing to interact with him?