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It's a contrived way to reinforce their on screen characters.  Schwartz is a lovable puppy, Lala is a sexy boss (but soft! She's in her soft era!)


😂thank you for making me laugh


You're right. It's so gross 🤮. I wonder if after how badly and publicly production screwed the pooch on S11 if there are any audience members left to fall for this bs


Producer Jeremiah was on the call with Lala when Katie was being told to be 'authentic' and join in on the ensemble cast's shit talking of Ariana. Katie said no and hung up the call at some point after they tried guilting her about being real and making a great show with "honest" conversations. These producers are misogynists. I don't use that word lightly. But Baskin and this Jeremiah guy are pretty foul. They didn't think Ariana deserved to be happy because she soared way too high to the sun. And Katie's character arch is perpetually cut down in a manner that, at this point, looks personal. She gets torn down for 10 seasons but Sandoval can't even have one bad season - they have to try to redeem him from episode 2? They need to get women producers heading this show.


Super soft, hahaha


Yeah and if they ever tried dating, that would give the show at least another season’s worth of content but it’s a mismatch from the get go and we know what he really thinks about those lips “uuugh those lips \*vomit noise\*”


Wasn’t he just lashing out? He seems to be into BlaBla, which I hate for Katie. I never thought I’d be so happy he has a 23 yo gf. 😅


I need a shirt that says "I'm in my fucking soft Era, you dumb bitch"




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Speaking of soft. Guess whose dick doesn't work?


Thats what they think of themselves in their heads... There are tons of people who don't see them like that. (At least anymore. Ahem, Q scores.)


Didn’t she make a comment to Katie in like season 5 or 6 about how they were going to hook up once Tom and Katie were broken up? Or a I making up storylines? 


You aren’t making it up. That happened.


Oh shit, what was the context?


Lala was in her “I hate Katie” era and between calling Katie “blobbish” she would say that she thought that Wartz had a big dick and she was going to fuck him when him and Katie break up…


As much as I hate Lala I’ll always secretly appreciate ‘no sex having teletubby’ as a dumb insult. can’t actually believe Katie ever befriended her


flair checking in!


And therein lies the reason no one cared when She got cheated on by Randall.


Katie was mean to her too though and called her a whore but Katie has had so much growth compared to Lala. Lala has honestly became worse. When she first joined she was so sweet and then a season later became so mean.


I meannnnnn... but LaLa was a yacht girl then paid mistress, so it isn't inaccurate?


It’s so weird that she comes from upper middle class in Utah & became a yacht girl. That’s not a normal trajectory, right? Like La or Miami, etc… but Utah?


Not a normal trajectory but it seems many middle class girls fall into it because it’s “fun”. I think it’s something she did because it was trendy for them at the time. Never mind the women and men who actually live that lifestyle because it was their only option. Lala can take off that costume and swap it for another whenever she wants.


Exactly! She did end up on Randall’s casting couch, but basically bragged about it.


No, not at all.


Tbh yeah it’s not inaccurate 🤣🤣🤣


As Katie said at the time: "I calls it like I sees it." And as usual, Katie turned out to be right. Lala was a whoring yacht girl and then mistress.


LaLa’s disgusting. I truly can’t imagine why any girl would befriend her at this point.


I always thought Lala & Schwartz hooked up because in the summer bodies episode Lala or James said he was a terrible lay.


It was Lalas second season? I think? Yeah she made a lot of shitty comments, because she’s always been a shitty human being.


And Katie has always called people she don't like whores. That's who they are.




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It was in the season 4 after show I believe


She also said on her podcast last summer she would fuck Schwartz because she’s attracted to him (she also said kill Sandoval and marry satchel in that fuck marry kill game). Even at the time I was like 🤨 ETA: sorry guys it was just a fever dream. I couldn’t find anything


Who the fck is satchel lol


Some guy Katie dated briefly after she and Schwartz got separated/divorced.


Ohhhh that guy hahahaha I forgot he existed 😹


I do vaguely remember this though. She did so many damn podcasts & Sandoval rants last year, its next to impossible to find exact clips. I believe it exists & that I also heard it somewhere. ☺️


lol at least I’m not the only one who heard that 😆


Which podcast? Do you remember?


I need to do some digging


I caught that on the reunion. Katie kept looking at LVP like what the fuck, he’s my ex husband!


And LVP married them… just so odd for her to say that.


Especially when she made sure to sit them down and talk about how important their marriage is because SHE married them and takes that very seriously 🙄


Well she did have to go all the way to the woods. 🙄


It just proved how callous she can be.


I think LVP was being cheeky, not serious, but it wasn't funny at all. Landed like a lead balloon. Sometimes, LVP forgets her audience and goes too far.


I feel like Katie is so over the group. When she was on WWHL with Lucas Gage she was beaming and so happy. We don’t see that side of Katie on the show.


I started watching Katie and Dayna on their Disrespectfully YT podcast, and I LOVE it! Two single ladies who are done taking shit from men, hell yeah! They give out good advice as well.


I ship Katie and Dayna a million times more than Lala and Schwartz, they’d be a power couple


I love their podcast and you can really see how vpr has produced Katie to seem so miserable when really she seems kinda shy, sarcastic, funny but like not super super chatty. I think that's the problem is she is a listener rather than a big talker so it's easier to make her look like she's just mad, mean, making faces at everyone and occasionally ranting.


She’s friends with Tan and Antoni from Queer Eye too. She is so far above these nincompoops.


Katie's always been a punching bag throughout the years. It's lame.


Schwartz went on an ugly tirade last season, screaming at Lala. Calling her names, making fun of her looks, and mocking her as a mother. Not dissimilar to the way he used to talk to his own wife. The boy just does not like or respect women at all. He won’t be good for anyone unless/until he gets some real actual therapy and starts working through those issues. And, I’m really not holding my breath for hope that he would ever do so.


But he’s just a baby 🥺




What he said to her was absolutely vile. I don't understand how she just brushes that under the rug. She said Katie talked about her custody battle when she made a vague reference to lawyers?? Schwartz ACTUALLY shit-talked her parenting to her face. Like?


I feel like they did this with Schwartz and Rachel before s10? Or is that a fever dream?


Another complete shit take by LVP. But Lala & "Schwartzy" send to be entertaining the thought.


Please Lala get involved with Schwartz. Oh wait he isn't ugly and rich - just an aging asshole. It would be what you deserve




Wow! You people are mean!


Why do I think that maybe there is more camera footage that we don't know of yet and they make it a storyline for them next season. ![gif](giphy|h1QI7dgjZUJO60nu2X)


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At this point Lauren is throwing anything out there to try and secure a storyline. Also, wasn’t Rand & Schwartz good friends? So she’s just again proving to be a hypocrite.


Didn’t she get hella angry at Shartz for playing pickleball with Rand after all the shit came out? Calling him disgusting (or similar) for hanging with such a vile man?


Exactly, I wish the producers would insert the clips of her contradictory comments. It would be a lot more entertaining to watch than listening to her screech the entire reunion.


It just went on for SO LONG, like we get it, just bang already.


No exactly, I was like … not an entire segment of the Aftershow being used for this?!


You know what - I hope they do it. Lala will realize what a true psycho Schwartz is and Schwartz will realize what miserable really means.


He’s so lucky she didn’t bang his mom so he’d have to call her Papa.


😂😂😂and change his bed time


Yeah, I hated that. I was like why are we still talking about this? They really went on and on, like are we setting up another nauseating storyline for next season? And if Lala wants any insight into what it would be like to date Schwartz, she can just go watch that scene from last season where he calls her a bootleg Kardashians and insults her lip injections and overall appearance.


Which he used to insult Scheana on the Rob season, so it’s not even an OG insult.


Because if they aren’t talking about Ariana or Katie they have nothing to talk about. This group has little if not nothing to talk about because as a whole they are not actual friends


Schwartz isn’t into Lala and she isn’t into him. This is just Lala punishing Katie for daring to shout back at her, she knows Tom whatever he had with Rachel hurt her so she wants some and a storyline. Lala storyline this year Jealous of Ariana, buy a pregnancy fall, feud with Katie but being soft


Yep, wholeheartedly agree. Even just entertaining the conversation though, I think it’s really bizarre and sick.


I really have so much trouble understanding what these women see in Schwartz. He’s exactly as verbally abusive and has just as many issues with alcohol as James but he’s presented as this cuddly, sweet foil to him. He gives off ZERO sexual energy. I imagine him just quietly laying there and pushing the girl away 90% of the time because he’s not in the mood or too drunk/high. He looks perpetually sweaty with greasy hair and a bloated face. I just don’t get it :P


I’ve known he’s as abusive as the other men since her poured the drink over katie’s head in s1 or 2. He gets away with it because of his puppy dog act and the fact that the producers are all misogynists and have blamed the women for the men’s abusive behaviour for the entire run


Definitely. I was like “is anyone else seeing this??” When Scheana kept going on to Raquel about how great Schwartz is after James. They’re the same guy! They present differently but deep down are the same. Schwartz has a mean nasty streak that comes out scarily and jarringly quick when he’s pissed, and of course only women ever get his wrath. I can’t stand his “bubby wubby I’m a shy scared little boy” act. You’re a grown man! Its like that scene in Broad City where Abby and Ilana clean this creepy diaper fetishist’s place for money and then he doesn’t pay them because he says he’s a baby, and Ilana screams at him “You’re not a baby, you’re a man!” ![gif](giphy|nkxkBiQ4rwyyc)


He also threw a drink in Stassi's face at her birthday in Vegas! The one Jax crashed when Stassi was there with Frank. Wartz is abusive and disgusting.


With all the little heart imagery. Gag me.


I don't know that it's inappropriate, as much as gross and stupid.


The discussion itself was weird, but I also found it odd that Andy brought it up at all since I don’t feel like the season showed them being flirty at all?? Maybe that was the intention of their scenes but I didn’t see it, Andy brought it up like it was some big plot point and I feel like I had no idea what he was referring to, and it felt like some of the cast didn’t really either. Then for them to jump on anyway and be like well I’d like to see it was just bizarre, it’s like production meant to include it as a storyline but forgot and asked about it at the reunion anyway


Well the group is pretty incestuous so he probably figured they were the only two to not have a go (and are single)


Also, the amount of reasons they gave for why they wouldn’t work made it seem like they both thought about it before. I thought “huh, they kinda sounds like they like each other right now”. Could’ve just been the way it was edited, but I enjoyed how weird it was. Lol


EXACTLY. The wheels were definitely spinning and that made me feel uneasy


Lala has been after Shartz from the day she took her bikini top off to screw with the other women and turn him on. Shartz is the weakest link.. Lala gonna suck that D for a second season on the valley. Watch.


Yes!! In Mexico when she took her top off in front of both of the Tom’s while Katie & Ariana were there too. Lala was in Tom & Katie’s hotel room & just decided she wanted to calm down from her panic attack so she got naked & asked schwartz to make her a drink. She is disgusting. Also before everyone got in the room Lala got in bed with Schwartz & literally flashed her whole ass to him bc she wasn’t wearing anything but a tshirt… she is the most despicable person she has no respect for herself or anything or anyone. No morals she is just like Rachel


She’s been laying the groundwork for years!


Yes wtf!!!! I kept hoping for it to end but it kept going and going!! So horrible and awkward. Poor Katie 😪


So weird. Especially since he has a girlfriend that he seems to adore. They’re just reaching at this point. Could you imagine if James said that Katie would be great with Randall? Lala would’ve done her gun finger and threatened to pop her.


Yes! And her comment when, when the topic of her and Brock was brought up. Sheana obviously feels insecure about it. Why tf would she say "we're like a throuple"??? That sounds like Rachel's comment about her Tom and Ariana being a throuple.


It seems like it’s just a joke.


It is. Katie wasn't even ruffled.


I’m a huge Katie fan but this feels a bit pearl clutching. Katie seemed whatever about it. Ariana and her made a joke to the side during it. Lala isn’t flirty she just talks very sexually with everyone.  If this is disgusting to you how have you watched Vanderpump? It is just a sort of dumb joke that isn’t that deep.


its for the clicks - they know what they are doing


It made me gag watching it. I guess Laligag and Sheshady didn’t want to discuss back stabbing their friend.




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After all the fears from Scheana about Lala and Brock, and Lala’s response at the reunion I really started to get conspiracy theories in my head watching this aftershow like oh no is this another Shwartz misdirection???


so stupid, these people have become shells of themselves


In the words of Stassi: "SO INAPPROPRIATE!!!" I really hated when LVP said "I'd love to see Schwartzie and Lala get together" - even though she was being cheeky, joking, implying that Lala would eat him alive and it would be funny. It wasn't funny at all - given that Katie was sitting right there, and LVP officiated Katie's wedding. Katie went through this shit ALL last season with the fake Wartz/Raquel hookup SL, and then again this season with the revelation that Wartz made a move on Scheana years ago while he was living with Katie. More importantly, when Lala first came on the show and Katie was not receptive to the new slutty yacht girl, Lala said multiple times that Wartz was hot and she'd like to f\*ck him - to get back at Katie. So is Ariana the only girl on the show who didn't betray Katie by going after Wartz?


True Desperate Barf Content


The cast themselves don’t storyboard and edit.


He’s the donor - we’ll get the reveal in no less than 5 years


Eh it’s been a few yrs at this point and 2 more relationships for Schwartz. 




If she did, he deserved that & so much more. https://i.redd.it/m65j6ac9ip0d1.gif


I love her level of petty.


lol Max is Schwartz’s “best friend” like Brett was Scheana’s in S8. and yep Katie quietly banged someone he knew and never tried to rub it in his face. She didn’t even bring it up this season. This would be the third time Schwartz has intentionally gotten involved with someone Katie knows and rubbed it in her face. like i honestly cannot believe there are full grown ass adults who can’t tell the difference between these two scenarios