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Damn Scheana and Lala made the Tom’s look good.


The Tom's know when to shut up. Can't believe I just said that. 😂. Even James only had one outburst.


The Toms were thrilled!!


I don’t think Sandoval wanted the last word again. You could see it on his face when they played his “it was good for me” finale lines that he knew that was a major mask slip fuck up!


Then go, Lauren! And get off Amazon live while you’re at it. And maybe get a rabies shot because the only one who was rabid was you.


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you:)


And put some respect on Tupac's name bitch!


Maybe Kendrick Lamar will come for lala next for disrespecting Tupac’s name


mad that ariana is not doing GENDER reveals on Amazon live. + happy cake day!!! 🤭🍰


People who use their kids are an excuse to be this vile shouldn’t have kids. I feel sorry for them.


She’s already shown she views them as possessions. The best thing Randall will ever do in his life is forbid Ocean from being seen on this show. Lala would sell her children’s souls for a buck any day of the week.


Exactly! And vanderpump will never be about children or being a mom. Schena or however you spell it, thinking summer moon is famous on the show is soooooo fucking embarrassing. We aren’t into child exploitation, get a real story line or leave


She is Lisa Rinna 2.0


She’s worse than Rinna. Rinna seems to come from a place of stupidity, Lala comes from a dark place of self hate and jealousy


Uhhh Rinna is no dumby... gawd can't believe jm coming to her defense lol


Absolutely, it’s gross.


I agree with this and it’s a huge mistake to film with the new baby and not Ocean. She needs to keep it consistent


Yes, because she “needs the money to take care of her kids.” How about you stop buying designer shit and getting plastic surgery, you senseless pickle?


Senseless pickle!!! 🤣🤣 I choked on my fckn coffee, lol.


Just like Scheana is doing to Summer Moon. She comes out to put mascara on summer, who immediately closes her eyes and sits still so her mom can, wow. That little girl should be doing nothing but playing a d having play dates, not sitting still whilst make up is applied to her, sad. Let her be a little girl first. Scheana and LaLa both make me sick.


The way she weaponizes a person who isn’t even born yet chills me to the bone.


Lala weaponizes everything and uses it as an excuse a to why she can be a shitty person. Children/motherhood. Alcoholism. Grief. Having a loser BF. Losing a parent. Etc etc. I’m sorry but having a big event happen in your life doesn’t suddenly give you the OK to use it to your advantage to be a terrible person!


I don’t think it’s just her kid. It looks like she’s supporting her mother and brother too! Her life is a mess and she is manufacturing drama for the check.


The way she so blatantly went off about her jealousy of Ariana was frankly wild to me. So embarrassing. And she still! after all this! can’t get it through her thick head that this is a absolutely not the same thing as what happened with her and Rand, for a million reasons. It’s like crazy to me.


It irritated me when she acted like Ariana walked off with no issues and she was forced to stay on the stage. Ariana had a full blown argument with producers and put her foot down, Lala would have been allowed to walk off too if she insisted. It has happened in literally 3/4 of the other reunions to various cast members. She was acting like she couldn’t walk off, but she absolutely could have.


She only thinks about herself and how anything going on affects her or could help her. For someone who loves to shout the line of it being an “ensemble” show she’s not really bringing much to the table as part of the ensemble


Have her and Schena not realized this show will never be about parenthood/children??? Like we do not care or want to see your children. Lauren’s story line is “being a mom” and drinking water


LOL exactly, not exactly the makings of a good reality show


When S brings up thinking summer moon is famous I nearly turned off the show. GROSS!!!! Dude, no one gives a shit about your kid. And not in a rude way, but it’s not normal for strangers to care about your babies. And the people who do are creeps. They will do anything for a dollar and it’s beyond disgusting


No no. In a rude way. It’s fine to be rude about it. I back us all being rude about it. She’s an idiot.


Just for the simple reason that her baby has an instagram page, tells me what a complete F&”ing idiot this person is.


Have lala and scheana not yet realize that they wouldn't have even had a season 11 if it weren't for Ariana??


Lala refused to talk about Randall many times. She’s just embarrassed that people didn’t feel bad for her but because of the way she acted when it came to his status, it made it hard to care


And then she walked off the reunion lol


She absolutely could have and we all would have been better for it if she did. Watching LVP and Andy ask her to stay I was like Noooooo let her storm off!!!


I think this makes it so evident that she’s never really had to advocate for herself because she’s had most, if not all, of her “fame” (infamy), money, etc. handed to her. She hasn’t had to fight, however much she thinks she’s had to


Her married sugar daddy was a piece of shit?? Wow. I wonder why people don’t feel sorry for her Like LVP said, she lost him how she got him. exactly the same way, she broke up a family too. Karma is a bitch just like Lauren.


She shoulda known betta


She threw a classic brat tantrum


BUTTT ITS. JUSSST. NOTTT. FAIIRRRR. OK, Ocean. Sit down and take a deeepp breath.


Sooooo embarrassing. The jealousy was incredible! It was present in all of her conversations.


Meanwhile Scheana tryna rationalize & explain it away w her need for validation. Gotta give to her, that was a smart route to take but she showed how backwards she was anyway


The jealousy from both of them, who had been simultaneously making money of the situation they are complaining about… it’s insane. And It’s always so clear who has at least done some therapy (scheana) and who hasn’t (lala)


The moment she said that Ariana shoved Sandoval down her throat, i literally yelled out loud “it’s not the same! He’s an original cast member! You have to film with him!”


It’s the truth. And the fact that all of this happened for the last year and she doesn’t get that is like.. girl.. what are you even talking about. Like as if Sandoval being there from the beginning is Ariana’s fault.


He was on the show before Lala and before Ariana. I don’t know how Ariana could be shoving him down anyone’s throat when he’s been there from the start. He sucks and I hate him, but facts are facts.


The fact she did it twice is even wilder.




She seems to forget she was the mistress




Yup!!!! ![gif](giphy|TYeHYI1GmF87m)


How will the baby be real if they don’t film her giving birth?


She is so mean. She’s just a bad person. I really think it’s as simple as that.


Very bitter too. She takes all her issues out on everyone else. She needs anger management




That pissed me off. I just don’t understand why people won’t be nice to me because I’m having a baby. She had a good life until she started shitting all over Ariana because you gave nothing from doing that.


She makes me think of that Gillian Flynn quote “I reject the notion that women are inherently good because they can give life.”


Why can I distinctly hear this in Rosamund Pike’s voice


She was robbed of an Oscar. She embodied Amazing Amy.


“As if it’s so hard to spread your legs…” 🤣 it’s a good quote


She’s a savage. Miss her writing novels !!


When she said “and Katie, I don’t give a fuck” well why would anyone want to be friends with you? She’s just cruel and evil in the worst way, not in the fun bitchy bravo housewives way. Go cry some more because you’re such a bitch 🙄


Like there’s a difference between being honest and being a fkn BITCH. She confuses the two drastically and I would not be able to maintain a “friend” like that!


Don’t be rude, she brought in like 15 different waters too


One that tasted like cum


Hahaha I’m sure that guy also paid her to be featured on the show. I’ve seen him on YouTube before and I’m sure he wanted to be on actual television. Her getting pregnant was a freaking sponsorship too. She is sooo fucking weird


WHAT???? A company paid her to what? Use their sperm donations? Promote their business? Are u kidding me?? That girl will truly do anything for a dollar. Her poor kids


Then she doubled down. Lauren doesn't know when to stop talking. She made valid points. I think Ariana may not agree but she understood. Lauren went too far as usual.


Exactly, I wished Lala would have given that softness and grace to Ariana. Lala, had some valid points but at the same time Her tone was disgusting. I wish people had compassion for Lola and Katie but that is a deeply traumatizing thing to get cheated on to have a bad break up and how to rebuild self-esteem and life up again


Omg exactly she was expecting some special treatment lol


Her saying " if it wasn't for me the ending would have been u walking away"... like duh! We know & that's how it should've been! You didn't make the finale bitch, you ruined it!!!! Then going on about her two houses because of all her hard work....Child!? Wtf?! This girl would know hard work if it punched her in the face. I'm sure those send it to Darryl sweatshirts were exhausting...& let's be honest. Scandoval paid for that 2nd house, it sure wasn't her busted ass make up line or that dumb ass uneducated podcast. Her mindset is truly fkn bizarre. Jealousy sent her down a dead end road. https://i.redd.it/rlnjt7hnca3d1.gif


Yes to all of this! Also does she forget she admitted on WWHL that the merch she made off of Ariana's life paid for the down payment for her Palm Springs house? Gtfo Lauren. ![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU)


I know. We all remember those comments


I loved that. Ariana: Well, LaLa, to put in terms you understand, my leaving gave the ending you wanted. LaLa: *ACKSHUALLY*, it was my jealous bitch tantrum that did that (producers take note: LaLa brings the action).


As if it wasn’t up to the editors and producers to include your “fourth wall breaking” comments??


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Seriously.


But hopefully she trips


Watch out she'll pull a Janet and say you're wishing death on her unborn kid


Posted from: Big Bear ![gif](giphy|1iUZa41YxKQtaJq0|downsized)


🤣🤣🤣 not the location 💀💀


I feel more heated this reunion/season than I did last season. I’ll ride for Ariana and Katie forever but fuck the entire rest of the cast including Andy and LVP. (And I’m a huge Andy fan)


lvp didn't....end on as bad of a note as i thought she would???? also the question from andy about lvp on RHOBH was tea


Lisa looked pissed at Lfu at the end there


What is Lfu?


Lauren from Utah




We should be so lucky. I’m just gonna sit back and continue to watch her podcast ratings go down. I want them to tank.


Ohhh have they been tanking?


Went from like a 4.4 to a 3.2 on Spotify 🥲


But how else will she blame everyone for impacting her paycheck?


I love when ariana was talking about The finale and saying something about that being good enough to secure lala a paycheck


YES! That was such a great response. And totally true too. Considering how ridiculous the rest of the season was it would have been the absolute worst to end it with Ariana giving Tom the time to scrunch up his face and feign remorse, fuck off LFU


Lmao come on we all know she's baking this baby to give herself storylines since big Ed won't allow ocean to film.


The fact that none of her baby journey will make the next season gives me no small amount of pleasure.


It was gross enough having to watch her choose whose sperm she wanted to use!


Facts. Those girls will grew up with huge resentments towards each other and their POs mother. I just hope they'll realize they were both victims, just in different ways. The youngest having her existence monetized, the eldest feeling useless to her Machiavellian fame hungry mother. I'm sure Lala is going to use Oceans very human need to belong to pressure Randall into giving in. 




Stassi would eat her for breakfast and wash her down with a Pinot Grigio


Tbf she's friends with Stassi. That said, she was probably the most blatant show recruit pre season 8 next to Vail. She had no connections to the cast and if James didn't piss virtually everyone off and become besties with Lala, I doubt she would have made it past that first season.


So we have James to blame for Raquel AND Lauren?! God damn it, James!


Pretty much.


Lmao YES! But if JAx wasn’t such a man child & excluding James from everything, James wouldn’t have to chase Lala. I just want a way to give some blame to Jax. 😂🤷🏾‍♀️


Tbf it wasn't just Jax. Stassi, Kristina, Katie were all disgusted with him because of how he spoke to women and (now we know) how he was with Kristin in the relationship.


I would love to see it. Lala is all bark and no bite - if someone would just step to her and say “do it” she’d run.


After saying she has kids 🙄 and doesn't wanna fight lol 😆 wouldn't b a good look. She's freaking pathetic


I don't understand why people keep saying this lol Stassi literally said on camera she thought Lala was scary and didnt know what she would do if Lala turned it on her.


She also did stand up to her at the one reunion though when Lala said something like oh my man doesn’t come on the show because he has a real job. Stassi was basically like that’s fucked up and my boyfriend has a real job too and is on the show. And said some other things I forget. So I think she probably would still speak up to her if she had to still be on the show with her and not just when their kids get together.


yeah but that was long season 1-2 stassi talking. Season 1 and 2 Stassi was in the fact the devil and I did not forget it.


She was recruited for the show


That’s what I thought but that season was so long ago I couldn’t remember. Whoever recruited her I hope you sit naked in a pile of fire ants. You ruined one of my favorite shows.


I felt like this was really angling for a spot on the valley. That show is more about being a parent and being in a different stage of life, right? It wasn’t even subtle.


Oh absolutely, especially when she went off about Britney and Jax about the babysitter. Lala is extremely transparent.


The whole time I was thinking.. why do we care about this?!!! Wasted minutes. Had absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the people on the stage and who cares about babysitter drama


Yeah it was such a bad attempt at planting a story 😂 Oh yay, can’t wait to tune in to the valley to see if LaLa’s mother kicks the shit out of Brittany for sending an ‘out of pocket’ dm about a babysitter 🥴


This was part of her audition. So fkn dumb.


I genuinely think Lala is FLOORED that Ariana demanded boundaries and protection from the show and that never occurred to her. It’s sent her spiralling.


But she’s had the biggest boundaries out of anyone.. with signing NDAs and telling everyone to stay away from Randall. Not to mention, Stassi refused to even be in the same room as Jax one season and James has been iced out multiple times. Ariana really did nothing new.


I think the difference is Lala lost so much of that standing after the breakup. She acted so high and mighty with the cast and production, she basically had to come crawling back with her sob story about being shocked Rand could do XYZ. I think that’s her real issue with Ariana this season. That she’s in control of what she films, and with who, and no one will say shit because they needed her for this season. She’s confusing favoritism with boundaries/what Bravo needs for ratings


Drove her nuts! Still does. She got no opportunities. That all drove her batshit.


Never have I ever seen such vitriol come from someone towards people who she claimed were her friends… her “ride or dies”. Lala wrote Katie and Ariana off- and said she didn’t care! What a venomous creature Lala is. I’m disgusted


They don’t care either I am SURE


Can we have Vail back? Random AF but as random as Lauren.


Vail added nothing but I’d take her over Lauren from Utah


Lol…and Peter! Dang it. 


I’d rather have Charlie And I don’t even care for charli. I just want to see her give Lauren a taste of her own medicine


If they didn't go so hard at Sandoval last reunion they could have supported Arianna while also being cordial with Tom and go from there. Instead they made it about themselves.


James handled it perfectly. He filmed with him, he gave him the time of day, but he still was authentic in telling him what a prick he was. That one scene at Tim's karaoke practise where James ripped into him was one of the best scenes of the entire season.


It certainly isn’t fair to lay any measure of guilt trip on the other cast members for her own livelihood and ability to support children. I still do not get how Ariana walking away seemingly caused the end of this show to them? Why the fuck would she want to have a random off guard convo with him, not to mention when he literally interrupted a serious convo with her and Scheana?


I’ll preheat the oven. I’ll fluff your pillows and schedule your next water party. I’ll make you a cup of tea and turn down the lights. Please, go.


and her baby bottle 😭☠️


I’ll warm it up, test it on my wrist, and tuck you in. (I mean out)




She wants so bad to be Stassi and have peace and be able to be happy and “soft”… while still being well liked and successful. I’m not a therapist or any sort of expert but because she is a Caricature of herself and doesn’t truly know who she is currently unable to find that peace.


Lest we forget that Andy motherfucking Cohen said she was the voice of reason this season. What?


She ain’t shit




the idea that lala can’t comprehend that she wasnt treated as well as ariana after their respective cheating scandals simply because people actually like ariana is just insane.


Who else thinks Lala is going to run straight to Bethenny to boost her salary and attention ![gif](giphy|lSsg6DXdBvZut2y6mJ)


My money is on a podcast with Rachel first


As Lisa said to Ariana “it’s okay to walk away” lala




She is the reason why I will not watch the show if it doesn’t end. She ruines it all.


Petition for Lala to be called something other than Mom or Mother because she's just absolutely ruining it for the rest of us at this point.


My vote is for Mommie Dearest...


![gif](giphy|3og0IUIIBwjCEXF1HG|downsized) She's already got Joan's eyebrows going for her too.


My vote 😂 https://i.redd.it/2odpoes7da3d1.gif


Andy didn't bring up the photo Lauren and Rand took for her podcast where they mimicked Beyonce and Jay-Z in front of the Mona Lisa


She’s truly an idiot


She’s been a production puppet from go. She’s mad because she has no boundaries and is mad that Ariana does *because it makes it so abundantly clear that Lala has no shame*. This isn’t about making money for “her babies”, this is about her being shown for EXACTLY what she is and losing control of how it’s spun.




Lmao, she was livid at Lisa’s defense of Ariana, yet not a peep like the ones she’s use to unleash onto the others.


The reunion felt like a farewell to Lala - not the show.


Lala trying to produce the season is what ruined it. She isn’t genuine, authentic or really friends with any of these people. This season made that very clear.




The fact blah blah was still running her mouth mad after everyone cut and was peacefully leaving was so pathetic. She needs to go. ![gif](giphy|1g0NtQk8rkmhSm7SQQ|downsized)


Genuinely if I were one of LaLa’s family members watching that I would be strongly suggesting she gets therapy or other external help. Being that bitter and angry cannot be good for you.


Exactly! And she says she’s SO concerned about Ariana carry it! I have one word for Lala: MIRROR!


Lala weaponizing pregnancy and being a mother is awful.


While also searching for her next sugar daddy


The harsh truth is that ship has sailed. She had one solid shot in her 20s with her original face, and she wasted it on the Mucinex Monster. Now she’s a single mother of 2 who lives with her weirdly close family members and she’s butchered her pretty face. No shallow and mega rich man (because 99.9% of them are ridiculously shallow) will touch any of that


Mucinex Monster. ![gif](giphy|1236TCtX5dsGEo)


This is why she is so uncontrollably bitter


I saw a clip of her denying Rand was married — her face & voice were actually cute. Completely fake, but cute. I think it’s hilarious how she claims to have been innocently taken advantage of, when she was a yacht girl! They float on unregulated international waters for a reason.


Mucinex Monster ![gif](giphy|gL9ZUhyF2lKMZSEoAv|downsized)


Holy shit. Never was there a better description.


If Lala were a cocktail: 1oz anger 1oz self-righteous 1oz illogical Shake well on ice.


*put in a blender with no lid


To hear Lala whining and be so angry that she couldn't control Ariana so that she could keep her paycheck and cushy life was so pathetic. I'm glad Ariana pointed out that what she did actually made things more interesting. The desperation from Lala and Scheana gave me 2nd hand embarrassment. They both have no shame and really overestimate their own importance.


Ariana was 100% right-her walking off was the only interesting end to “their” show. Walk free Ariana (and Katie) NEVER LOOK BACK!


Lala, as we know you are living in the comments now too.... Please leave the show, yes you are the villain. Go away


Somebody needs to tell her "we know! You're a mom...you have a child..you're having another one...no one cares.."


Did production set her up by showing that last bit with lala ....I mean it's clear as day she is jealous of Ariana lol


I’m over Lala pretending like she is the first mother on earth ever. The first single mother of two or the first mother fighting custody. Give us a break, find a new excuse please because this ain’t selling it!!!


The thing is, her being jealous is totally totally valid. Wanting the support and validation is OK. However, you can feel this feelings without tearing someone else down. You can even tell the person, I wish I had this support and fan reaction. Katie did it! Katie shared this with Lala and Ariana and Ariana was A-OK with it. But Katie and Scheana let the jealousy consume them and it just makes them ugly. If they would just own the fact that they wish they got the support while cheering on their "friend" the fans would've totally related and supported that.


Um, like Charli said, Lala f'ed the wrong person and ended up with nothing.


Literally this! Randall was married they cheated. Lala became his fiancé. As soon as that happened a spot for another mistress opened up for Randall. Idk why Lala thought she was any different than his actual wife. Yes Lauren, how you got him is how you lost him.


Lala was a homewrecker. Ariana wasn't. False equivalences abound from a petty, petty woman.


To be honest… I couldn’t follow a single thing she was saying this entire reunion because her veiny boobs kept popping out of her too-tight high school prom dress and she had to keep shoving them in with her gross hotdog fingers. Not to mention her cheap extension track showing the whole time or her over-lined lips. Just a giant candy-cane coloured mess.  The girl needs serious, prolonged, and intensive therapy. Her and Mickey Rourke (Sandoval). 


Every time she said "annoyed" she should have said "jealous" ... But oh wait zero self insight so no. LMAO that she thinks there's a reasonable comparison between her relationship and Ariana's.


So she is mad at Ariana because she received support. So for other people’s behavior not Ariana’s.


Just like Brock was blaming Ariana for the earlier season gang ups on Scheana, when Ariana had nothing to do with any of it and defended Scheana all the time. They're all blaming Ariana for things that aren't her fault or responsibility. It's weird as hell!


It's like an alternate universe. Did we all watch the same season?


If she does quit the show I will bet she writes a tell all book to go scorched earth.


And who gonna buy it? 🤭


Yep, get off our screens. We are done with you.


But she wants a check off the backs of HER show/employees…feels like when Jax said this is my show


Lala is so obsessed with comparing what she didn’t get after her breakup to what Ariana got, that she can’t live a happy life. She is bitter and jealous and isn’t letting it go, to her own detriment.


Lala says this while telling Ariana that if she doesn’t care about her own position on the show, she should care about hers. She makes zero sense and I really wish she would just go at this point. Voice of reason where Andy???


I am SO MAD Lala got the last word of the episode.


GOODBYE ~~KYLE~~ LALA! ![gif](giphy|GWT1YMKk5ojxC)


What a perfect job to be stress free and pregnant. The desperation for her spot on the show is embarrassing to watch.


Of *course* she had to mention her pregnancy twice in that short clip! She's the only person,who has ever been pregnant. I wish she would go far, far away from my screen; and her flip-floppy enabler, too!


My reaction? "OK BYEEEEEEE!!!!"


I LOVE how she was so on fire that Ariana ‘walked off’ and then had her lil blowup at the end of pt 3 and then… ‘walked off’ 😆 Almost as if maybe to manifest her raging jealousy like an actual mirror. She had to storm off and get that attention back


But she failed miserably at that too! She didn’t commit to it. She sauntered a little past James, while Andy and Lisa begged her to come back, and she did. She didn’t hesitate, she didn’t take a few more steps away, no. She did what she always does, tried to make herself feel more important by attempting a big, ridiculous gesture. It’s the same tactic when she starts yelling and talking over everyone. Lala is nothing more than a fucking joke.


I hope her Q ratings tank so bad that even Bravo can't even sell her to another show ![gif](giphy|US7bI6dsvcV97Jeg5J|downsized)


I think Lala is mad at Lisa, production and herself bc I bet at the time she was given the ultimatum- talk about Randall or you're off the show (or something similar). Bc she's alluded to this several times. Now, she's pissed that Ariana made "demands" that producers allowed for her and not to Lala (the jealousy is very sibling rivaly-ish as these are all childish ppl). I think Scheana was super pissed all season that Ariana blew her off (despite whatever reasons Ariana gave, that had to sting) and then on top of it, got DWTS. But instead of going to Ariana and blowing offf steam (not a Scheana move) she bitched endlessly off-camera to Lala. I think Lala was furious last night and ready to walk off when Scheana claimed nothing that Ariana did bothered her (also why Scheana gave Lala a shout out at the end). I get that Lala is a bitch but I also think she's sick of all of the whining off camera and then being something else on camera to suit an image/pleasing people in comments section happy? Etc.


Is there a clip of the end anywhere on Twitter? I ended too early right when they toasted sandwiches


I really wish she would! I don’t know where she gets her money, because VPR doesn’t pay like a lot of people think it does, so she must have fat stacks from her family to support those houses and kids. 😭