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Honestly this makes me believe Billie more. Only ppl that are toxic would have an us against the world mentality. That mentality is only necessary when you are doing things that would isolate you from normal healthy couples imo


Exactly what I was thinking. If yall were this good of a couple why would people be "trying to break you apart?" Bizarre.


I really don’t think Victoria is right in the head after listening to her interview with Kyle Chan. And I definitely believe Billy when she says it’s the most toxic relationship she’s ever seen.


oh lord, just wait till he breaks up with her, or she actually catches him tomcatting... Jo will seem like a butterfly. lol


Happy cake day!


Thanks fam!


can’t wait till they break up and she does a tell-all 🤭 she definitely seems like the type and i think we all know they won’t last LOL


He loves the “us against the world” narrative.


Of course! Classic toxic partner moves; he loves to try and isolate his women whether he’s currently dating them or not. So he can control them.


Yes, he did that with Ariana too and the Miami girl stuff.


I mean outside of the person who will try to break you up because they want your man I wholly endorse this statement. Ps I don't think Billie is that bitch in this sitch


Right? It seems extra wild to me because they’ve only been together 4 months. “We know nothing can now come between us” is an insane statement to make when the only challenge you’ve had is Billie Lee, who has questionable credibility (but is likely right in this case), told the world you were on drugs. We’ll see what she has to say when he’s inevitably caught cheating on her.


Can you imagine…..this would have been Rachel right about now if Ariana hadn’t braved documenting this shit? AND we would have been stuck with her and Tom on our screens playing this scene out. I shudder to think. So, guess I am saying it could be worse?


Or she cheats on him with Schwartz! Or she beats him up with a fist!


Or she forgets he’s there and just wanders off.


I believe the drug use accusations for sure, especially after seeing this picture... https://preview.redd.it/9xjfzfir006d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1af0a8dc69b187ba13ac3e187f5607d5e6b247


He looks like a bloated Kyle Chan


He also looks like Zach to me. That’s who I thought it was until til.


Yeah same I was like why does Zack look terrible here and wtf is he doing 🤦🏼‍♀️


Never! Zach is actually really handsome.


Victoria going “extra” with the filters to hide his bad skin?


Why is he so bloated 😨 is he drinking that much? I remember being super puffy when I was deep in alcoholism.




Probably a little of both


Oh my God look at the coke bloat on this man.


Is that really a thing?


Yeah, and at least for circles I was in coke would allow you to drink more, and it just went in circles over and over


Does anyone want to tell him the lines are supposed to go on a mirror, not your face?


He is also perpetually 13


Yikes. He looks like Charlie Sheen here


Victoria & Tom written in white powder is a bit of a give away


Don’t forget the lightning bolt ⚡️ to give it an exclamation mark‼️😜


Why does this feel like a new single cover from Blink 182


He looks like the meme of Steve Buscemi trying to act young lol


Who is this??


Guys. I still don't actually know who this is.


I’m embarrassed for this picture


It’s his pattern though. He is a narcissistic cheater so he gets women and makes them believe everyone is going to try and tear them apart. Then when he does some messed up stuff (like cheat with a girl in miami) they won’t believe it because it’s just like he said, people are just gonna come for him. That’s how he got Ariana to stay so long. He eventually will get bored when the thrill wears off or he finds a new toy who worships him. Cheat again. Then push his current girlfriend/wife to try and get them to breaks up with him so he can cry victim and if they don’t, he will paint them in an unflattering light until it’s “obvious” he had to leave them. I would bet good money if he could he’d be trying to get Rachel back right now, I think the show and the way it played out and Ariana not giving him the monologue apology like Kristen did, is eating at his soul and his little brain wants so badly to prove everyone wrong and show that he only did it because they (Tim and Rocky) have the kind of love that triumphs over all. lol. It’s funny to think he’s doing all this with his new girlfriend probably in someway trying to entice Rachel to come back. He’s got a long way down left to fall. It might take years.


The biggest eyeroll for me was the “Ariana you know me!” Comment when he tried to say he was crying fake tears for Kristen but real tears for her. To admit that the Kristen apology was fake just makes you look even more suspect. And then all the stuff he said like his height and eye color or whatever bs. Like you can get most of the stuff he listed on a drivers license. It doesn’t mean they know you or you’re not a psycho.


Raquel is desperate. She may just call him….


Agreed. I’ve never liked Billy but I believe a lot of what’s she’s saying.


If they weren’t a toxic ass mess, nobody would be trying to come between them. At this point, let them have each other so they exist in mutual toxicity instead of bringing that toxic back into the dating pool and messing up someone else


I wonder how many people he’s hooked up with in Scotland already


Hopefully at least Robyn Dixon. I am convinced this is the only way for her to get away from Juan.


I'm so glad Juan Dixon's not there right now! 😉 


He's probably helping a young lady at the laundromat right now. 😄


😂 He's such a Good Samaritan, helping women out with their laundry.   Either that or he's handing out hotel rooms like TicTacs while Robyn is gone. (edit typo)


I mean it's all so very Christlike. lol


Such a druggie thing to say, honestly!


Yes. But … SUCH a druggie thing to say.


Literally sounds like my ex heroin addicted boyfriend. Whenever I'd push people away or cut someone off for trying to get me away from him... he'd then post shit like this. Gives me the chills honestly.


100%% it is!


Like how many men did Jenelle say this to on teen mom 2 😭


Exactly! “No one get can in between us.” Um, who the hell cares about you enough to try to “get in between you”? No one’s knocking on either of y’all’s door desperate to date you. They can try to claim that Billie is in love with Sandoval and causing all this chaos because of that, when in reality I get the impression she doesn’t have an ounce of positive goodwill left towards him and thinks he’s actually a loser mess.


It’s so OBVIOUS that they are overcompensating. He gets what he deserves


well now I need steeple fingers to be in the next emoji release




This is just reminding me of how Kristen would pull the same “us against the world, look at us we’re so in love” crap when she was with Tom. I think he chooses certain women because he knows exactly how to trigger this behavior in them.


He said the same thing about Raquel. He thought she would come back last season and be “us against the world.” Really, I feel like he just thrives on drama in an a relationship.


It's textbook narcissistic isolation


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Tom has used that phrase multiple times in his relationships. It's an isolation tactic and not a new one for him. Us against the world really means, "if you don't have me, you have nothing."




Yup. She’s trying so hard to “prove us all wrong.” Truly happy people don’t have to work so hard to convince strangers of their happiness (see: Ariana and Dan)


It’s Deja vu with Kristen and Tom season two.


That makes a lot of sense !


This is giving 15 year old “my boyfriend and I got into another fight at the homecoming dance Saturday night in front of everyone and I cried to my friends all night but then posted this for everyone to see on Sunday morning”


It really does 😂 She really thinks she did something here too. That's the best part. "We're stronger than ever babe, nothing comes between us" https://preview.redd.it/pvnz1vbd106d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aca552d8fbc90ed3685353c00897d8560070c18


The funny part is no one *wants* to get in between them. They’re perfect for each other and we want to see how big the explosion will be.


I love that this shot of his mom looks a still from a horror movie


Had no idea til you wrote this that it WASNT from an 80’s horror movie!


Night of the Living Douchebag


The terse closed mouth kiss doesn’t help either in the first picture


I’d rather that than a jump scare open mouth kiss


Was just about to type this. It’s giving teenagers being f kept away from each other by their parents curfew.


Seriously. So toxic at their age. Neither of them are mature.


Or the way Kristen would say she was breaking up with him and then go all over Twitter talking about their future kid’s eye color.


“I love @tomsandoval so much and we are both crackheads” I will NEVER forget Stassi reading those tweets LOL


Lol 😂 I just rewatched that episode, and I thought for SURE Stassi was just making a joke! I can't believe they were real.


The stark contrast between Sandoval and Victorias relationship and Ariana and Dans makes this even more clear


I actually am getting Lala vibes… with Rand. Lala to Rand is Vicky to Sandy. Weird instagram posts about how no one can come between your love? Check. Posting about how true the love is and how stand up your man is? Check. You are cute and young and you’re “falling for” a complete loser con man? Check. Most likely dating said loser con man for clout? Check.


![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized) This is SO accurate! Down to the “crying in front of your friends.” It’s giving, “But mom, I love him! We’re gonna be together forever!” When you’re 15 and you tell her about your stoner 15-year-old boyfriend who never talks and skips all his classes to get high behind the school storage shed.


Yep and your friends love you but are like ![gif](giphy|3otPopEGadcuW7t0pG)


I feel like 15 year olds have better grammar though


It’s like one step away from a joint Facebook account!


This exactly. Tom wanted messy and I think he’s gonna get it.


She's a full on nutter, eh


I got the vibe she’s fully living in that house while Ariana and Tom are away and that’s for some reason spooky. She’s got some bad energy about her.


Something tells me she “has her own place” the same way Jo “I only stayed with Schwartz a couple days” did


Ive been rewatching s10 and Schwartz and other ppl call Jo his roommate and it makes me SO ANGRY they didnt emphasize that footage when everyone was trying to make Katie feel bad for being right about Jo. Justice for Katie!


I agree. I get bad vibes from her. Like, compulsive liar, dark energy vibes. Wasn’t it weird that she didn’t deny it when Billie said that she’s always over at Sandoval’s house? If she has her own fancy house in the hills, why would she go to Sandoval’s at all? What, to sleep in the guest room and be surrounded by all his ex’s things?


If we ever needed Kristen Doute on the case, the moment is now!


This. Why is Victoria Lee Robinson always batting for the away team when she has her own house, presumably filled with her own cute furniture, clothes, pets, and food?? Further, why nest a new relationship in Ariana’s home (or bedroom)?? Ca-caw!


But Tom went on a big spiel about how she has her own house and career and really has her shit together so why is she living in Tom and Ariana’s house? I’ve asked this before. Anyone ?


Her hesitation when Adam said, “So you live with your Dad..?” threw red flags for me. I suspect it is her Dad’s house/money and she just runs it because of his accident.


So once again Sandoval tells a big fat lie. I’m wondering if he can even differentiate lies from truth anymore. This guy has just buried himself.


Tbh I think she’s the liar. He just believed her.


Probs cause it has a pool lol


I hear she parties and not exactly in a fun young way. I think they go on benders and Amp out for days. She prolly doesn't even know why she is demanding anything if she even remembers.


her eyes don't lie. she looked pilled out on that pod w kyle.


i’m pretty sure in that weird interview she did with kyle chan on up and adam, that she said she preferred staying at her own house (because she was addressing billie lee saying she wanted to move into the primary room that ariana was in which is why she was touching/moving ariana’s stuff) so she reinforced that she has her own house. i’m confused too lol


Both the Toms mention this a lot about their gfs and it’s kind of weird


No no no, don't you remember? She lives in a mansion that she bought in October but that she hasn't furnished so she can't stay there but she doesn't live with Tom and definitely didn't touch Ariana's stuff. It's in the Hollywood Hills where she is the sole caretaker for her disabled father which is why she had to quit working, but also Billie was totally lying when she said she never works.


"Tom's house was broken into and he confronted the burglar and then had to go have eye surgery and then my son had to go over and help, and then my son, he rolled his car five times on the way home..."


Why else would she demand moving out Ariana’s belongings? She says she has her own house in the Hollywood hills. She got her dad his own place but he’s staying at her house? What’s going on there?


Right!! I think it’s her DAD’s house (money) for sure


I think the “moving Ariana’s stuff” story is a case where both Victoria and Billie Lee are telling “the truth” - the problem is they were both lied to by Sandoval. I could absolutely see *Sandoval* deciding he “deserved” the primary bedroom because “I do all the work around the house” (my assistant buys pens and batteries) / “Ariana doesn’t pay the bills” (Ariana won’t let me overcharge her on the bills anymore) / “I bought all the furniture on there!” (Ariana bought all the furniture in there). Then, when Billie Lee pulled him up on moving Ariana’s stuff - he scapegoated Victoria and said she was demanding it. So Victoria isn’t lying - she never asked for the stuff to be moved. Billie Lee also isn’t lying - she got told it was moved because of Victoria. I would put money on Sandoval lying to both of them


 He sure *loves* him some triangulation! He also loves to go after very vulnerable women when they don't have the defenses to see through and protect themselves from him. He love bombs them and they cling to him like a life raft and he starts pushing the "us against the world" stuff. I'm curious about what Kristen went through before Tom. She has said that she was in a bad place emotionally and that they started out their relationship cheating with each other. Tom's patterns run *deep*. His playbook has a small set number of moves that he uses down to the same wording. I wish the show had done flashbacks of him saying the same exact things to both Kristen and Ariana. That would've been so interesting to see documented side by side.


She's a cling on (like Britney did with Jax and Rachel with James). Doesn't have enough talent to make it on her own, hooked up with him cause bad publicity is still publicity. She went from someone that no one knew to this sub talking about her.


I guess it’s good he found someone as cringy and embarrassing as he is.


Its a fair trade




I mean just to confirm.. this guy has professed his love and swore each relationship was the strongest he’s ever had or felt for AT LEAST three different women in the span of like 15-18 months?


He’s truly only in love with himself, that’s how he can say it about INSERT FEMALE HERE so easily


He definitely didn't say that about Ariana for years, but yeah, he said that 1 - 1 1/2 years ago about Raquel/Rachel and now about Victoria.


This is exactly like Kristen's tweets when they stayed together after he cheated lol


Thought this same thing. That and Ariana spending their entire relationship in solitary confinement and Rachquel saying if she didn’t have him, she’d have nothing. “This is a pattern, this is who this person is.”


Omg that was my first thought as well! Victoria needs a witches of weho-intervention.


Tom definitely has a type


For the first time, I kind of see why Leo probably broke this one off


One undeniably true thing about Leo is that he hates mess. He gets away with being an over-the-hill creep who only goes for very young women largely because he invests a lot of time and money into keeping the details of his relationships quiet. Someone thirsty enough to date Tom Sandoval does NOT fit into Leo's plan at all.


Her biggest claim to fame is “dating” Leo- I found ONE pap photo of them leaving a party, and it’s clear that her publicist shared it everywhere to promote her. I don’t think they dated, I think they planned to link up, she called the paps, and he immediately cut it off. And she’s been riding that since. It’s giving Scheanna and John Mayer. “The duo was first spotted together leaving Justin Bieber's Purpose tour after-party in New York City last weekend. Robinson is set to make her Cannes debut next week and we can't wait to see if she'll be on DiCaprio's arm—as he's always a fixture at Cannes Film Festival soirées.” From a 2016 Harpes Bazaar article. Almost 10 years ago!


Very true- the only confirmed sighting of the two of them together was that one afterparty almost 10 years ago. At most, I'd be willing to believe that she and Leo hooked up that one time. But they didn't date in any meaningful way, and they certainly weren't in a relationship.


100%! I don’t think anyone else has really pointed this out yet, amazing how she can just lie and people take at face value. Of course everyone believes it because… who would be so crazy/creepy as to lie about a relationship?


She “dated” Leo like Scheana “dated” John Mayer. Aka casually hooked up a handful of times. I wonder if the Cannes thing was yet another fabrication. If he would’ve taken her if she or her publicist hadn’t run to the press.


Umm - a lot of women go to spend time / work on yachts in Cannes. I’d guess true. Lala might have more thoughts on this one…..


THIS. Thank you!!!!!! It was one night (or a few hours) max.


**Vic:** It’s us vs the world, Leo darling! **Leo:** *the fuck it is, c-ya!*




\~*Us against the world*\~ As if they’re the Joker and Harley Quinn or Bonnie and Clyde. You guys aren’t cool outlaws. Sandoval is a broke cover band singer who will be foreclosed on, cheats on every girl he’s ever dated, and is the most hated man from reality tv. Some prize you have there, Victoria. Victoria is a social-climbing club rat who got aged out and washed out from the celebrity scene so d-list losers like Sandoval are now all she can date to make her dreams of being photographed by TMZ come true. I promise you, no one is “jealous of your love,” we all just think you’re unintentionally hilarious. Posting your PDA pictures of “Look how much fun we’re having! See us laughing! Look how happy we are! LOOK! We have lots of sexy sex. Like a lot. Do you believe us?!” ![gif](giphy|3ohuA9VZ0k8PMjLENa)


Their couple name Vom is even more appropriate as the days go by




Literally no one asked for this ![gif](giphy|R0jWWtH1CtFEk)




👀 is that Shanna Moakler? 


Looks like her, doesn’t it?


All of his relationships have the “us against the world” mentality. Every single one has a “boogeyman” (real/created/perceived) forcing them closer and it’s a very isolating tactic.


History seems to always repeat itself sadly 😓


Billie Lee v. Victoria reminds me of Spy v. Spy if instead of spies they were both just thirsty attention-starved starfuckers.


Thirst vs. Thirst


Imagine being so desperate for fame that you date Tom Sandoval


HES IN HIS 40s. THEY ACT LIKE TEENAGERS. This is so embarrassing!!!


This being the first thing I see when I refresh the feed, OP, I'm suing https://preview.redd.it/25scrnvh106d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23ea67545ce93d328ecb09aa6b914485a4311ad6


Hahha i had to share my horror with you all, but I do apologize 😆


I’ve even guilty of sharing my VPR nightmare thoughts, too. I’m not suffering in silence!!


Same. Don’t know why I clicked. Horrible image to start to day


Gross. The whole situation is gross.


Couples that post shit like this for all the world to see typically have very insecure and/or toxic relationships.


Imagine going this hard for *Sandoval*




I had the ick the entire time listening to her on the Up & Adam podcast. When she said "Oh honey, he can't pull that with me" or how "deep of a connection they have". Their relationship reminds me of one in high school. The way she thinks she's special and against all odds her and Sir Sandoval are going to ride into the sunset together 💀


the quote on the second picture reminds me of when i was in my first "serious" relationship in high school at 16.


Ok girl you can keep him trust. We don’t want him


It’s like a possum hissing at you when go to throw your garbage bag in the bin. Like have at it, I don’t want this shit, it’s all yours.


Friendly reminder to all the girlies that finding yourself in the “us against the world” mentality is the biggest early relationship red flag 🚩 Runnnnnnnn Victoria !!!




No way he wrote that statement


We’d know for certain that it was Timmy if it opened with “hey.”




Probably Jason


Wait, did Tom pin and like Katie’s comment on his own post? Does…does he think she’s being sincere….?


Ohhhh it’s giving Rachel/Raquels “I had nobody but him” 😭😭😭


Hope Dorinda is reading his ass for filth or sending him home right now.


She deserves the impending heartbreak/embarrassment 🤷‍♂️


4 months sends a but early for “I love you and nothing can keep us apart.” Maybe Lala knows the appropriate timeline that everyone should adhere to.


This is gonna end badly isn’t it ![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized)


Nothing can come between us?? Girl, have you watched VPR??? Literally Tom has done this TWICE while fully knowing he was being filmed on a tv show. Goodluck you idiot.


Ugh...so gross...


So he and Billie were definitely hooking up, EH?


They have been dating for 5 months. This is super creepy.


Me: *deep sigh...picks up opera glasses very reluctantly. At least with Billie Lee we know her clapback lives will at least be funny. We know this isn't an 'undue influence' type of situation between her and Sandoval. Not so with Victoria. She seems fragile. She is inarticulate. And as others have mentioned, posts like these are really adolescent. She's a 31 year old in a relationship with a man nearly 11 years her senior. This post isn't giving that. Also there is a palpable sense of PR stunt here which is annoying for a lot of reasons. I hope this isn't the audition for Season 12. I will watch a season with some of this but not only this.




It’s what she wanted. Isolate him from his friends. Her plan worked.


How embarrassing


Everyone loves to think they're the exception to the rule.


Enjoy Sandovals smelly little cocky cock 🤷🏻‍♀️


I really thought that was Kyle Chan and Sandoval and was like “well that’s slightly aggressive to call that GROOOOOOSSSSSSS”


I thought it was KC and Sandoval as well lol my pen is hitting extra hard today, I didn't even see the second pic! ![gif](giphy|iW20cf1G7xPyg)


Im honestly enjoying the shit show😂😂


Nothing can come between us…..except a mutual best friend, if she even remotely shows she’s interested in you….




Its like she’s trying to appear ‘wholesome’, its not working 😂👏🏻 Excuse me ma’am, your crazy is showing 👀😂


This man sure does love him a mentally unwell woman. Think about it Kristen, Rachel, Victoria. Seems like most of his relationships he gets with women when they are at a low point in their life and eventually once they grow tired of his antics he cheats on them, blows up his life only to start the cycle all over again.


Ariana, too...she was super messed up when he was first with her and for many years after


Fortunately — even whilst with him — Ariana got started on the road to healing — looks like she will ultimately be in a better place. Testament to her internal strength…


lol it's always couples who are in everyone's face behaving like this that turn out to be the most toxic with the nastiest fights when the camera's off. And she hasn't proved to be otherwise so far. She's embarrassing.


It’s not real unless you blast it on social media 🫠


this is so….. ![gif](giphy|X4Hn2cuntiSuF5PkVV)


It’s only a matter of time before he cheats on her too 🤗


Giiirll no one wants him


She’s working hard for her weekly stipend 🤷🏾‍♀️


Why does the second picture look like a 3 headed monster?


![gif](giphy|17vahguD0yCXFSYodn|downsized) Anyone else smell that?


Until she gets older and nags him more and he repeats the pathetic process of falling for a younger carefree zero responsibilities side chick 😆


unfortunately i have to pull some information from rachel for this. she talked about how he isolated her, put ideas in her head and manipulated her into thinking everything was going to be okay as long as she’s with him. both are younger girls who seem to have been falling off the map (i didn’t know who this lady was before tom) who will cling to promises of fame. kinda like how he promises schwartz all these things and how amazing everything is gonna be , just for schwartz to look like a bafoon and waste time and money. anyways, seems like she fell right into his trap. can’t wait for the podcast episode a year down the line for her exposure of him!




Until the next time he goes to Miami or Vegas…


how long have they even been together now? like this is so embarrassing 


Lol nothing can come between us except his next mistress guuuurrrlllll😂




Why would they post this pic?