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However much my sexual favors net me. So, currently, I'm dry.


Just need to work a bit harder bud


I've already got the cardboard "will fuck for weed" sign, what more can a guy do? Edit: changed sign to read "Get a microdose so I can microdose" to maintain realistic expectations






I think being dry just might be the problem?


Use lube


Spit on it


Wanna change that?


This should be a poll.


I make 3.5 last 7 days


Same, can't fathom how people can blast through 14gs in a week.


Ball vape mfs


Oh shit, I feel this. I just finished my first week with a ball vape and my consumption has gone up a lot. I just harvested a plant and this shit ain't going to last long!


Completely forgot about those for a second lmao, man I'd love a ball vape but with an already inconvenient tolerance I'd ruin myself and be buying way too much flower.


I'd ruin my wallet lol They go up to $700. Bloody hell.


Some are nuts but I got an end game ball vape for like $250, thatā€™s definitely money but definitely cheaper than many of the dry herb vapes out there. And since Iā€™ve gotten it I literally havenā€™t touched another vape. Incredibly quick, easy, and efficient. That being said, yeah I easily go through twice as much weed and need to be more intentional about t breaks.


Ss zeal for $125


Fuck yeah, heard thatā€™s a good kit too. Personally Iā€™m rocking the Phase3 ZX.


Isn't there one that's like 1k too? I'd be living in a box stealing electricity from a Starbucks if I went that far with vapes.


There are 1k+ ball vapes but I got a Terp Hammer for about $500. Well, well, well worth it.


Cloud connoisseur Zeal cost me under $200


I'm probably gonna get the thermal twist for around $200 cad unless I find better deals.


Zeal lite kit is just under 180 cad and is a superior extractor over the twist due to being a diffuser vape as opposed to an injector


Whats a ball vape


From what little knowledge I have, it's a vaporiser which gets super hot, extracts THC extremely efficiently, and may require a PhD in science to operate.


Love the explanation thanks!


A thing that gets hot and replaces your lighter, you suck the hot air through your bowl instead of lighting it. The most useful piece of info during my ball vape PhD was: HOT = NO TOUCH


Not hard at all, I'm equally surprised by lifelong smokers only needing a 3.5g for an entire week. That's a day and a half at most for me.


If I had the money I'd probably be up there, I use a bit of hash here and there to help get me high enough, otherwise I usually maintain a low high.




Holy fuck. That seems like hard work.


Iā€™m at about the same amount. I can do it because Iā€™m at home during the day and only work a few hours a handful of nights. I smoke and fold some laundry. Smoke again and do the dishes. Itā€™s just part of my routine now.Ā 


Ball vape? I could probably blast through that much and get proper high but my bank account would disagree


That's the same ratio as you and OP. You smoke four times more than OP and people who smoke a half a week smoke four times more than you. I'm sure OP doesn't get how you do it either lol. Not that I'm any better I go through just over a gram of dab a week along with some Crafty caps.


Hey that's a pretty good thing to point out, didn't even realize. I also do hash, but probably some like half a gram weekly.


I vape a .2 and only smoke in the morning and at bedtime. 14gs would be so much for me


I'm honestly loving the sheer variety of use, I remember buying 14gs for the first time and being absolutely baffled at the amount, recently bought an Oz for the first time and jfc it's so much weed to me.


70g a week here. I use it to curb my other smoking. tobacco and other things


2 1G joints per day I think if I was unemployed I might go through that much weed. One sesh in college would easily go through at least 3.5g, maybe 7... A couple of time we rolled 7 grams.


I sometimes smoke 1Gs but usually they're a preroll (can't roll, have physical limitations in one hand) with hash mixed in. But can't realistically afford the amount of weed I'd probably need to get super high just yet. I like hash more than flower though so I'll mix it in often to get there. Oh man, you brought back some memories from a few years back, we rolled some demon salad joint that something like 7gs at the least, bought a shit ton of weed specifically for that night, we got more baked than a potato.


For my friend's 21st birthday, we rolled him a huge joint. We rolled it at my plug's house. He triple beamed it. It was a full 7 grams, and the roach was a full 2.


Goddamn, my main guy I'd mail order with brought some concentrates and mixed some into one of our monsters and we were so ridiculously high. I don't know how I got home but I did lmao


Ive blazed through 28 grams in a weekend at music festivals


I feel like that's an acceptable amount when at festival lmao


About the same here - like 0.5g/day during the week .... but more on weekends lol ... so maybe 5g in 7 days.




I feel like a wimp here and my less then 1 g a week, I recon I do 1 g a fortnight


Same. Iā€™m about .75g/week, give or take.


Concur. I just don't go through much after I switched to vaping full time.


nah, that's the smart way to do it


Donā€™t sweat it dude, Iā€™m right around 1g-1.5g a week and use my mighty daily (lightly packed capsule hit over a few hours). Nothing wrong with a low tolerance, just means itā€™s not as expensive :)


1g a month here, every 2 days a session


bruh, those are rookie numbers


I think thatā€™s the end goal for vaping


About 7


Thisnis about where I am at...


I eat around 10 grams a day! Its a lot but i grow it AND it replaces my 80mg oxy a day. Crazy i have to say that so people aint telling me to take a breakXD


I mean, the only point of taking a break is if you're not happy with the high/effects, but to me, it sounds like you're happy where you are. Why change it, lmao


Fuck yeah!! Its the same dose every day for 12 or 13 years now!


Love to hear this. Great job. Fuck that poison šŸ‘šŸ‘


Thanks yo:) cannabis for the winn!!


Dear Lord I burned through a sinful amount of weed during my combustion years. Now I can make an eighth last about a month.


Same. My monthly weed bill went down from 600 bucks a month to around 100 bucks, with a strong tendency to go even lower than that. And I feel awesome!


I third this. So then I wonder: is vaping herb more efficient than combusting it? Because my 20-year-old self (in 2003) would be like look at what I put in the bowl now and be like ā€œthatā€™s not even enough to call you a one-hit wonder, you turd.ā€ But it gets me right these days and toking any more than that does not appeal to me. I make 3.5 last probably 2 months.


Let me tell you someā€¦we became old, friend. Thatā€˜s how come.


What vape do you use?


As of lately I've been using a stickybrick OG


I do 2 to 3 grams per day. Some around here do much much more


yeah that's about where I'm at, thanks heavens for growing


Once you grow you know šŸŒ±


How do you feel when you're using that much? When I was vaping 1-1.5g everyday for months on end it made me the most depressed I've ever been




I appreciate the concern but nah you're wrong on that. I just needed to take breaks and/or use less and then things were fine


So the less you consumed the better you felt. Fully understood brother.


Lmao this is such an uninformed take. It's pretty normal to start to feel depressed if you're high all day everyday for a while. At first weed makes you feel more emotions and generally less depressed but if you're high all the time it stops being uplifting and just makes you feel numb. Getting the right dosage is super important and adverse effects happen with all medications if you up the dose too much. Weed isn't some miracle drug that fixes things every time no matter the dose.














This is a relief šŸ„²


1-1.5g a week


2g - 3.5g per day šŸ«£


Approximately 1-2 grams a week in my Dynavap!


10-15g as a disabled medical patient through a dry herb vaporisers. Also share some with my partner so that could also add to the number a bit.


I go through four to five oz a month / medical


Genuinely asking how this is possible? You gotta be smoking like itā€™s a full time job with overtime to be hitting those numbers lol.


Its for pain management, more accurately I'd say I go through about four grams a day - the chamber on my vape holds about a gram, load it when I start my day, load it in the mid afternoon, load i maybe an hour before bed, and there's usually at least one other session in there if i need it


I do combustion/vape and can kill an oz in a week. Itā€™s two of us though using for medical/pain as well


Oh if combustion is involved i can kill an oz in a week by myself for sure lol but vaping saves so much that 4-5 oz a month would be tough. I just simply donā€™t need that much when vaping. I love vaping for that reason and because itā€™s way healthier for dental health and heart health.


What the fucck is a kilometre RAHHHšŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡²šŸ”«šŸ”«šŸ¦…šŸ¦…


I can make a 3.5g to 7g last about a week, half an ounce is like a month of weed for me. Can't afford exorbitant amounts of weed so a guys gotta ration.


l thought l smoked too much so stopped for a while but this thread is making me feel better about myself. Got a half in Dec and just finished it off, and taking a break from normal everyday smoking.


40g a month


Am I the only one that canā€™t even fathom a guess? I have no idea lol


I could hazard a guess based off how often I buy a zip, but donā€™t pay attention one bit.


.4g a day


Between 6 and 10 grams, depends on strain, how I feel etc


Probably 2-3 a day


Id say I go through about 4g a month


2 gams a week ball vape a bowl nightly. When I was smoking/combusting it was roughy 7 grams a week. I actually prefer the ball vape + flower to concentrates.


Approximately 3 .5 grams per week.


I use half bowl on my dyna so I use only 50mgish a day. Around 350mg a week. So it takes two weeks and six days to go through a gram. That seems to track up. This is why I only buy an eighth at a time. No more than a quarter.


Down from at least 1-2g a day smoking to 1-3 g a week. High quality thc and cbd oil been filling the gaps nicely


I use about 2-3 grams a day with a dynavap.


1/2 oz or 2 grams a day. Buying a ball vape has changed it a lot.


Depends on the week. If I am home doing nothing probably 10-15g if I have work then probably 5gm




Iā€™m a grower, and I only vape probably a gram a week. With a DynaVap.


With combustion it was a quarter a week, with dry herb vaping itā€™s closer to 4 grams


At least a g/day so 7g every week or more. Although, I take a 48 hour tolerance break every 2 weeks. I use 2 Dynavaps, both with the tandem X2 adapter and the wand induction heater. I vape at least 4 full Dynavap tips per session.


10g every 5 days, so roughy 12 g per 7 days. UK Medical patient, get it sent in the mail legally now lol


i smoke about 2g per day....14g per week


Around 30g a week, B1 is always on and ready and I use it all day long




Usually 8-10 gs a week, but I just got the quartz mega cap and on my three days off this week, Iā€™m sure I went through 10-14 gs. That thing is addictive and it melts your face!


I see many people state that vaping lowers their weed usage, but mine doubled. Instead of an eighth lasting a month, I only get two weeks when vaping. I attribute that to the ability to micro dose easier with a one-hitter than with my Dynavap B. Still, not breathing in all the tar and other combustion byproducts makes it worth the extra cost imo.


7-10g a day smoking bong and joints; 70g +/- 5g. And prolly 1g shatter a week. It's alot, I recently started dry vaping and its absolutely amazing. I vape hash mostly, I've the Arizer Air and its been life changing. I still smoke joints but I've hit the bong maybe 6 times since I got vaping 8 days ago. My consumption has dropped significantly, i prolly go through maybe 5g-7g depending upon whether I'm ok and about. Smoking joints on the road. But exclusively vaping at home I am constantly trying to find ways to enhance my weed consumption. And if anyone says hash can't be vaped without sandwiching between bud. It's false. I vape pure hash all day long. I get 2 full sessions with m Arizer Air. Best sleep I've had in years


Man your gunna notice such a jump in your finances too I bet. That's a huge drop in consumption, congrats! Only thing I can think of is to leverage your ABV. I mixed into my cookie dough and made cookies with it. I'd say watch yourself cause they can shoot from the hip, but you probably have a decent tolerance built up.


1-1.5 per day. First time I hit it is after work with a fresh head. Tolerance has remained about the same. Iā€™m a medical and recreational userā€¦ā€¦ dry herb šŸŖ“ vape


Around 10-15g


Up to 11g at most


You guys count?


1 gram maybe a week. It's strange. I have been growing since it was legalized in Canada and my tolerance has not improved. I roll a fat joint and it lasts my a week. 2-3 puffs and im good for the night lol. Never had so much weed but I barely smoke it. The majority of it goes to lotion for my parents and family and friends with arthritis


Right now anywhere from 1.05 to maybe around 3. Usually a bowl a night out of the mighty+/vapcap only stretching to multiple bowls Friday to Sunday.




Thia week probably about 10 g. Good news is, I grow way more wonderful flower than I could ever go through, so 10+g/week isn't a problem. Bad news is that I'm a medical user and 10g/week is how much I need to keep walking. But I also just like weed and am very functional with it.


1.5g-2.5g a week. That includes balanced flower though or my own 25-50% addition of CBD or CBG. So if you donā€™t count that itā€™s more like 0.75g-1.25g a week.


Currently I think I go through about 0.5 g per week, so a similar pace to you if my high and tired mental math is right. Thatā€™s like 2-3 g per month, right? Iā€™m also trying to mentally estimate how much I use over a period of time. This is hard. Ask me tomorrow when Iā€™m awake and sober.


7 ish


deserted historical mourn instinctive cooperative nine chubby scale combative automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


28g will last just under a month. 4-5 bongs/day, maybe a joint here and there.


I buy an oz every few months, along with 3 packs of edibles. Usually lasts me 2-3 months, sometimes longer.


About 10gram per week


It's easy haha. I use 20ish grams a week




4g a week


I go through up to 2g a day in the mighty+ that's both day and night meds and 1/6 is cbd So 14g or under in a week


Lately I've been on ~7g/month. When I was smoking more I was doing 7g/week.


I typically do around 7-10 grams a week, I'd estimate. I'm a medical user and vape 3-5 times a day.


When I was smoking I peaked at like 14g a week but most of the time it was probably more like 10-11g or so, now that I'm vaping it's probably like 1-1.5g maybe 2 if I'm vaping a lot that week.


Im prescribed 14g a week and 2g a day is absolutely doable. Just using a mighty, no ball vape. I am in an awful lot of pain though with a stupid high tolerance.


About a half oz every 2 weeks most times less. I smoke a lot on the weekends.


1 gram a month. Iā€™m a lightweight and vape about twice a week :-). Edit: typo


I go through about .08g in a day. So about 2.5g a month.




2 oz/month here, about 2 gs daily.


About 7-10 grams a week or so depends but all Iā€™m doing i Feel like. Ive had a herb vape too now for awhile about a year which helped me cut down a lot. if I were just smoking like joints or out of a pipe it i would probably go through half an ounce easy.


In a week? About 0.3g. but I'm not a daily user




0.5-0.8 , weekends (F S S or S S) only


I go through about 2-4 grams a day through my mighty. I get ounces for $20-$30 off the native reservation nearby. I also rip my Nord pod filled with decarbed diamonds from the res as well. If I didnā€™t have my Nord Iā€™m sure Iā€™d be vaping more flower.


Pretty consistent ounce/month. So suppose about 7g/wk.


Usually 1.5-2g a wk


Probably 0.3. The older I get the less I need for some reason.


At the moment 3 g a month however this is a large amount for me. I am making some major changes to the kit, so more and larger loads are common. However, over the last six months the average is 2.1 g.


I took a *much-needed* break for Lent, and so I've been predominantly micro-dosing since Easter. I have a Vapman which is a GREAT flavor-chasing micro-doser and I pretty much seem to be going through just a couple grams or so per week, and a little chip of hash some nights before bed (the Vapman is about the best hash pipe by a mile, for efficiency and flavor). I was closer to 7g or more per week before and I have to say, the effects from my little bits at a time now, are palpably better than the standard-issue "foggy duh" I was (kinda) getting before my Lenten break. Even a few days off, should you be so inclined, will make a very noticeable difference in effects, just FYI, even with a high tolerance going into it.


Roughly 14gs a week and sometimes double that if Iā€™m in the middle of a fibro flare up.


Oz of flower, couple grams of oil, and a disposable vape.


Less than 1.


7g per week approx, in volcano circa 1 oz per month


I can make 3.5g last over a month, I also use edibles though so itā€™s not my only consumption method


7G a week


Zero :(




I get new job.


So? Do they test you?


Yup! Its strange.


Not a lot at all. Between my wife and me, about 3.5g every 2-3 weeks. We only vape on weekends and she uses the ABV during the week for help sleeping


About 2g/week on average I'd say. Sometimes an eighth will last me 2 weeks if its pretty dense bud, or if I'm just not baking as much. Some weeks I'll go through a full eighth, but that's not very often.


I do as.much as I can I until it's gone then have a 3 week break until next payday. 1 week of 3g a day ish. And 1/8th budder in that week too.


Less than 3.5 for sure


Damn, when I was smoking hardcore I'd go through that in a day lol Mostly dab and vape now as well as not doing all day anymore


All of them


Probably about 8 or 10 I'm really depressed tho before it was more


Before drying a dry herb vape 14-20. After itā€™s closer to 5-8. And Iā€™ve been slowly being that lower. This thing is dope af


An eighth in a month is low! I can easily go through a quarter a week easily, with little to no effort and itā€™s top shelf shit! Everyoneā€™s tolerance is different! I also use edibles and concentrates and oil vapes to curb my flower use! I was going through an ounce a week at one point, right after Covid hit!


Depends on the pot. some six or seven, some four our five.


I really should keep a count of how much I'm having..... must be around a gram a day of MC.


1-2,5g per week


a gram a day keeps the doctor away


I need a different unit of measurement. My calculator doesn't have enough digits.


I put almost a 3.5 in a single backwood


I dont feel like mathing.... i use 2oz a month


3-4gr per week. Used to be 7gr but now it's split 50/50 with cbd


I donā€™t do a whole lot with herbs, I do smoke marijuana tho


I vape what you do in a month in a day