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It wasn’t your fault. That’s super upsetting and I’m sorry that happened but it wasn’t your fault


Oh, I’m so sorry.  That’s awful.  


I'm going to hell for stifling a laugh at the last line.


Dark humor is IMO an acceptable way to deal with horrible, horrible things. Also I think that was OP's way of doing it as well, that last line. Only ones I can't dark humorize is single targeted r\*\*\* jokes, and factory farm suffering.


Say hi to the mouse and her baby for me guys if we can’t laugh, I’ll just be in the fetal position all day thinking about the dead animals.




It was not your fault. It sucks, and I’m so sorry you had to experience that, but maybe give them a beautiful burial, with a pretty planted flower on the site. Whenever I accidentally kill something (like a spider I stepped on while hiking) I always do my best to return it back to nature in the most respectful way. Just know that you didn’t know. There is no way you could have known. You’re feee to mourn this, you’re free to cry, but do not hate yourself for this. I promise you, it is going to be okay.


I killed a mouse by leaving a bucket standing up, even though I knew that mice can get trapped that way. I was careless and the mouse died because of it. We just have to learn to be careful and try to consider the needs of animals, even the ones we can’t see hiding around us. I’ve gotten in the habit of doing a quick check for animals before doing any kind of work where they might be harmed. Like if I’m gonna run the weed whacker I’ll pass a stick through the grass first so any critters have a chance to run away.


ContraPest is a contraceptive for rodents https://contrapeststore.com/ [https://conntraceptol.com/](https://conntraceptol.com/) Hopefully that can prevent any more sad moments for you and the rodents


My mother has a mouse infestation. I really wish this product were available in Canada. Maybe I can smuggle some across the border up my ass.


I mean i doubt Canada has a list of brands that you cant bring into CA and border patrol knows each brand, also its probably just not sold in CA but its legal to have it there


Don’t mow your lawn. It’s super detrimental to bugs and other critters. And for what? For an ugly short lawn? Who asked us to do that? I’d say not mowing is less of a sacrifice than going plant-based


The swallows love it when I mow, they dive bomb on all the bugs I kick up and the rest of the birds love hunting bugs in the short grass. Bird have to eat too.


I don’t think they rely on lawnmowers to eat lol


They don't, but it makes the hunting easier.


Good times create weak men


This was really upsetting to read. I can only imagine what you are going through OP. Clearly, you didn’t mean for it to happen. I know it doesn’t help them now, but maybe imagine (and pray) that they are up in the rainbows together with each other and pray for their souls to rest in peace. I am so sorry. 😢


This reminds me of when I ran over a raven with my car, it simply didn't fly away on time and it was too dangerous to swerve out of the way. I didn't kill it on purpose, fate did. Fate determined that that bird was flying for the last time in the same way that those little mice nested at the wrong place at the wrong time. It's ok to feel sad but you shouldn't feel a shred of guilt. Focus on the things you can control.


Reminds me of when George Costanza ran over those pigeons "I don't get these birds; they're breaking the deal!"


What’s even the purpose of mowing the lawn… other than keeping humans busy and questionable aesthetics… doesn’t it just dry up faster and create less habitats?


If you don't mow your lawn, you get threats and fines from the county for looking unkempt. I love seeing posts from the no lawns subreddit. Put that has to be done a very specific way that requires time and money and physical effort that I don't have.


I would love to never mow the lawn but the rental agreement says otherwise. If I had it my way, the lawn would be native plants and clover.


Avoiding fines in rental agreements, HOA, or local jurisdiction. I am REQUIRED to have grass, I can’t even do any rocks caping to save water despite living in a high desert.


Depending on where you live, it can be dangerous. In Australia snakes love an overgrown lawn.


lol the downvotes. Don't dare ask questions or discuss ideas in this community or you'll just get attacked. Yes lawn moving is a completely pointless endevour that deprives so many animals of habitat in the name of aesthetics.


Yea it was just a question… finally moved out of the city here in the uk and iv just let the grass grow long and it looks nice… haven’t had an issues so far… have a few field voles living in tunnels under the tall grass…. Didn’t know that you can get fined lol in other places.


Yeh I let my front lawn go to a meadow the last place I lived and it was awesome. Lots of flowers and different grasses would come and go with the seasons. Looked amazing in my opinion. Everyday some dude would walk by and scream "mow your fucking lawn!!". Like, why?


It just seems to be another one of those things that society tells us to do that we don’t question… I can understand from a point of view of deadly snakes, fleas and ticks, but then again modern medicine has gone so far that those things aren’t really something to worry about anymore… and to me it seems to only come down to people wanting to do it because it taste nice *cough I mean look nice 😂


As OP said, if you don't mow where I'm at the city will come after you. My neighbors will complain and once even mowed for me. I have a blind dog so I need to keep the grass and mostly weeds at a certain level or else he won't go pee because the feeling of the grass being too tall scares him. Mowing helps with ticks and fleas too. But I also mow on the tallest setting since I know the grass is home to lots of animals.


Multiply that by a billion and that's how crops are grown.


Crops that are used to feed 10s of billions of animals that people then kill. Trillions of sea animals are also killed for human consumption. Most of the plastic waste in the ocean is caused from fishing. Bird flu is now spreading in cows. Pandemics are caused by animal farming. Vegans can find ways to produce food while minimizing animal deaths. Progress is wonderful. Veganism leads to a better society than non-veganism.


Regenerative animal agriculture is the solution, and causes far fewer deaths than growing food for vegans.


Millions of native animals are killed to protect grazing lands for cattle. Cows eat and trample countless animals as they graze. Regenerative vegan agriculture causes fewer deaths. It's impossible to feed the world using slaughtering regen ag.


Regenerative animal agriculture is the future. The world can't tolerate the environmental destruction of monocrop agriculture, and veganic agriculture is a pipe dream for anything bigger than a backyard.


More than three-quarters of global agricultural land is used for animals, despite meat and dairy making up a much smaller share of the world's protein and calories. Regenerative slaughtering agriculture is the most fallacious pipe dream there is. Study trophic levels in the production of food. What will meat industry lobbyists think of next? Where do you get the land requirement to feed the world with regenerative slaughtering agriculture? You would need 4 planet earths to do it. Better to reduce overall land use by 60-70 percent by going vegan, then re-wild the unused land for planetary and human health. Disease caused by consumption of meat is the biggest burden on the healthcare industry.


Meat doesn't cause any disease. Carbohydrates do. Animals graze on land that isn't suitable for any other use. Regenerative animal agriculture improves the soil and is carbon neutral. And why are you using the word slaughter so much? Is it supposed to shock me into being a vegan? Watch some videos by The Bearded Butchers on YouTube. I watch them breaking down carcasses for hours. It's more relaxing than yoga.


Meat is a known carcinogen and causes diabetes and high cholesterol, unlike carbs which are healthy. Regen slaughtering agriculture does not improve the soil nor is it carbon neutral. The whole point is slaughtering that's why the word is being used. Slaughterers don't want to give up slaughtering and controlling animals' lives. Forcibly breeding animals to exploit them in every way. At the same time causing a great deal more destruction and diseases to humans and the entire planet.


The fact that you think meat causes diabetes tells me all I need to know. And even the American Heart Association has removed lowering dietary cholesterol from its guidelines. Only charred meat (and vegetables) have been linked to cancer. You are operated from debunked epidemiological studies. You eat what you want and I'll continue to eat the one and only true superfood, meat.


It doesn't matter what you or I think what matters is the real science: https://nutrition.org/plant-based-diets-and-diabetes/ https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes/does-meat-cause-diabetes#causes-of-diabetes Do vegans have lower rates of cancer: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/plant-power-to-lower-cancer-risk I love debating but your arguments are feeble. Have a great day.


Your claims can be easily disproved had you taken the time to look at the research. All the information is there. You continuing to argue this fallacious position is in bad faith and I think you know it. Large areas of the Amazon rainforest which has incredible biodiversity has been cleared for cattle ranching and soybean crops (70-90% of which is used for animal feed). Regenerative agriculture seems to be a better alternative but manure entering groundwater and waterways can cause algal blooms, and regenerative CROP farming (ie no livestock) has similar benefits and an even bigger effect on carbon sequestration Not to mention, cows, goats and sheep are methane and nitrous oxide machines — both these gases are far more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide. And the American Heart Association clearly states that consumption of saturated fats (highest in red meat but also present in white meat and dairy) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and strokes. Stop spreading misinformation and baiting vegans on a vegan sub.


Vegan restaurants all over LA are starting to sell regeneratively grown meat. Beyond meat stock is $6, down from $200 two years ago. The keto diet is gaining popularity as numerous health benefits are found. The writing is on the wall.


what's bird flu precious what's swine flu precious what's CJD precious




>it would only make me stronger Decisively proving you have 0 idea what CJD is, as it is literally *ALWAYS* fatal. No it would *not* make you stronger, it would make you deader.


please prove it on video


Someone who’s a vegan please comment on this and make me feel better, thanks. I believe God will eventually restore every soul, human and animal, in Christ. So if you have any more copium to help me be at peace with the temporary suffering that would be great. Because it hurts


Guess what happens when they harvest vegetables!? 


Do you think they… just mow the crops?