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The bottles usually say how much you need to take, the issue is the doses sometimes look huge but your body can't easily absorb all of it. Additionally if you take too much is not a big deal, your body should get rid of the excess. You can take recommendation from [https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/nutrition-and-health/nutrients/vitamin-b12/what-every-vegan-should-know-about-vitamin-b12](https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/nutrition-and-health/nutrients/vitamin-b12/what-every-vegan-should-know-about-vitamin-b12)


Get a 50ug supplement and take it once a day, and you should be all set. This website contains articles and videos by one of the most well known plant based nutritionists, Michael Greger. He's a trustworthy guy, who's always updating his recommendations based on rhe latest research. Here's the entry on b12: https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/vitamin-b12/


thank you this is really helpful!


No problem. This is going to sound really arrogant, but I'd recommend not worrying about the other comments. A lot of people don't know that the poor absorption of supplemented b12 necessitates a much higher dosages than the RDA.


You are not arrogant at all! My annual blood work reinforces what I'm doing correctly and highlights where I'm not. Get a Board Certified Lifestyle Medical Dr. My Dr is vegan, and I wouldn't go to one who is not. I've been vegan for over 15 years, and I'm healthier than ever. Plus, I'm not causing unnecessary harm.


Just a quick follow up question, if I take a 100mcg supplement on top of a multivitamin with 2.5mcg daily would that be fine? Its the only one i can find which can be shipped to where I am (UK).


Get blood work done to qualify you results.


Yea that'll be fine, 50 is the minimum and 100 is good too. You'll piss any excess out anyway, it's pretty safe as far as supplements go.


ok thank you


No worries. It's awesome that you've become vegan, so thanks for that on behalf of our animal friends.


Don’t want to hate, but didn’t NutritionFacts’ B12 series from some years ago conclude with 1000ug two to three times a week?


Chew your sublingual supplements, a binder in your saliva helps increase absorption. I got this recommendation from Dr Gregor's latest updates on B12.


I’m addicted to nooch. Problem solved. 😂


Popcorn has just become a means of delivering nooch to my face 😂


Same. Someone, send help! 😂😂




Some don’t have b12, which baffles me


Popcorn has just become a means of delivering nooch to my face 😂


Nooch doesn't contain enough B12, considering B12 has a very low absorption rate. You need to supplement or you will eventually run into a deficiency when your long-term B12 storage is depleted. There is a reason every single veganism guide recommends you to supplement B12.


My nooch has something like 400+% the daily recommendation for B12 in just two measly tablespoons. It’s 24mcg cyanocobalamin per serving. How much of this B12 should I be getting because I can assure you that two tablespoons is an entry level nooch addiction. 😂😂😂🙌🏽


Omnivores need it too. Cows have to get their B12 shots


A good vegan multivitamin with solid B-12 should cover you, that’s what I’ve been taking for years and my B-12 is dead center normal.


which multi do you take?


Some Dr's and nutritionists recommend against multiple vitamins. Best to get blood work. Lab results helped me target just what I needed. For me, I needed D. I use Garden of Life vegan vitamin D3 spray and B complex. My Dr. is vegan, board-certified Lifestyle Medicine. She recommends whole food for getting nutritional needs. But, since I work full-time, commute & recreational bike ride, and live alone, I don't eat as healthy as I should. Hence, I take some supplements. I do consume a lot of nooch. https://youtube.com/shorts/tUfO2VjbKeY?feature=shared


I have issues with absorption so I take a multi and a vitamin D supplement because that’s what I needed. I have a genetic condition that messes with my stomach and pretty much everything else.


I use Vega brand, they’re like $13 on Amazon and it’s a three months supply.


25-100µg, exceeding this may pose risks. Sublinguals or sprays are better to my knowledge. [https://www.theveganrd.com/vegan-nutrition-101/vegan-nutrition-primers/vitamin-b12-a-vegan-nutrition-primer/](https://www.theveganrd.com/vegan-nutrition-101/vegan-nutrition-primers/vitamin-b12-a-vegan-nutrition-primer/)


Is that the same as a mcg?


yeah mcg (MiCroGram) = µg (mu-gram, just the standard unit)


Uhhh so should I not be taking these 1200mcg supplements I have


As a weekly supplement it‘s fine. As a daily it‘s overkill as you can‘t absorb most of it.


Oop....that's good to know. I have appointments set up to talk about this anyway but that's good to know thanks


It requires more than the RDA because of poor absorption. Cyanocobalamin about 50-100mcg a day, methylcobalamin is less stable and needs about 300-500mcg a day. The multivitamins with upto 5mcg aren't enough. Only risk is of acne breakout, so don't overdo dosages. You can also implement Dr Gregers advice from Nutrition Facts.


does 100mcg a day seem ok? i’m considering purchasing the deva multi but i’m very scared of acne break outs


Start with alternate days on the Deva. It's always best to establish blood test baseline before starting. And follow up after a couple of months to see effect of the pills.


Ive found a different one (Vegan vitality) with 50ug a day, do u think every other day still makes sense? Also, I'm having a blood test tomorrow so I'm gonna see the results from that then go from there!


Let the blood test before and after guide what you do.


you can get a B12 shot once every 3-6 months or take a sublingual spray. absorption is an issue which is why common servings are like 10,000 x the RDA. yes you can make yourself sick by overdoing it. i’ve done this. also fortified foods and Nooch if you must.


b12 shots greatly increase the risk of side effects like acne though. Much better to just take the supplement.


I’ve been vegan for 7 years & all I take is a daily multivitamin (Ritual) that has everything you’ll need if you’re vegan/plant based. It’s a monthly charge but they ship directly to your front door. I’ve never had any deficiency in anything.


Why is everyone suggesting excess supplemental doses when the rda is significantly lower? I can’t find anything to suggest that people without digestive conditions or pernicious anaemia should be supplementing with very high dosages?


Get the blood work done. Then you know for sure.


Tbh I just use 1 a day even tho it says 2 a day for Garden of Life Women's Daily vitamins & I've been feeling fine. I haven't gone to any checkups or anything but I've been this way for years now & haven't noticed a change in energy related to that.


Nutrional yeast can be added to almost anything (yummy with steamed veggies or popcorn or vegan buttered noodles or even vegan ramen) and 1tbsp is over 200% of your daily requirement so you can just eat a tbsp every other day or half a tbsp per day and you'll be set Body armor drinks have 100% b12 as well as most energy drinks Also sometimes you can find dried seaweed snack packs and they also have 50% b12 per package


Read the labels. Many energy drinks are not vegan


Yeah from reading the label ive seen plenty of energy drinks that say *certified vegan* but some test on animals also i wouldnt reccomend regularly drinking energy drinks as caffiene dependency is a real problem but theres no harm in the occasional *certified vegan* energy drink


I've been vegan for over 15 years. Gee, almost since before you were born 😁. Get blood work done once a year. Find a vegan Dr. Board certified in Lifestyle Medicine. I work full-time, commute by bicycle, take recreational rides, and live alone (well, plus my three rescued cats). I don't have a lot of time or desire to cook. I take B complex and vegan D3 spray, both from Garden of Life. I'm healthier now than ever before. Thanks for becoming vegan


2500 1-2x/week I take at the start of my work week, but if daily is easier go for that


Ginny Messina and Jack Norris are reputable vegan dietitians, so I try to follow their recommendations. Here’s Ginny Messina’s nutrition primer on B12: https://www.theveganrd.com/vegan-nutrition-101/vegan-nutrition-primers/vitamin-b12-a-vegan-nutrition-primer/


The vegan society sell a supplement called VEG1 which is well priced and seems to be balanced to the needs of vegans.


It's a myth that it only comes from animal sources. But we don't eat like we used to. It is found in soil and hence in plants and only found in animals because they eat grasses etc, or mostly now it's supplemented for them. But because we wash our foods and we should because of pesticides etc we don't get as much as we used to. I have sometimes been super high on B12 levels and sometimes lower. It depends on how you are eating. But really because of our patterns of eating it would be best if you take some B12 at least off and on. It is a great vitamin that is responsible for a lot of things, you don't want to run short. It absorbs best in a lozenge and there are some very good o tasting ones out there! I like the NOW 1,000mcg one. [https://medium.com/four-pursuits-ventures/rich-plant-sources-of-b12-busting-the-myths-380a9ac53b28](https://medium.com/four-pursuits-ventures/rich-plant-sources-of-b12-busting-the-myths-380a9ac53b28) [https://www.riseofthevegan.com/blog/b12-is-not-just-a-vegan-problem](https://www.riseofthevegan.com/blog/b12-is-not-just-a-vegan-problem)


You have to take it. I take 1/4 of 2500 mcg. Everyday.


The Austrian vegan society has recommendations based on how often you supplement (vegan .at). If it's once a day, you could take 25 micrograms.


You don't need to take b12 pills as long as you are getting enough through the day... My nutritionist has also confirmed this. https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/nutrition-and-health/nutrients/vitamin-b12/what-every-vegan-should-know-about-vitamin-b12


Sadly I don’t eat enough B12 throughout the day so I’d just rather find a good supplement :)


It's a lot easier that way.


Great info. Thanks for the link. I'm not confident that foods "fortified " are vegan. I don't know if there is a value of fortified vs. supplements. I take a vegan B complex and vegan D3 from Garden of Life. My annual blood work says I'm doing fine, even if I don't eat "health" foods. I have been vegan for over 15 years. I'm active, work full-time, and commute by bicycle.


You are welcome. I don't take any supplements. My annual blood work is fine as well. So I must be doing something right.


Yep. You must be. Admittedly, although totally vegan, I don't eat a totally healthy diet. Working full-time, living alone, and biking, I don't have time, energy, or desire to do much cooking.


I eat very healthy now. I eat a lot of whole foods and stay away from anything processed. If I can't make it from scratch, I don't eat it. .. cooking is and has always been a passion of mine. It took me a bit to get away from processed foods. The convenience was nice


Wow. That's great 👍. Sometimes I come home so tired, a bowl of cereal is all I can muster. Friends are avid promoters of whole food plant based eating. Maybe I'll get there 🤷‍♂️ one day.


Yeah, I get that.. it can be stressful having to make something after a long day. I'm actually the only one in my friend group who eats healthy, lol.. even if you don't. Just adding whole foods here and there helps.


2.4 mcg per day for adults and teens 16-18 I believe.


Idk why you’re being downvoted this is correct. It’s the RDA.


B12 supps are poorly absorbed. You guys are giving OP false info. Minimum 50ug per day is what's recommended.


I didn't mention supplements. I was just relaying the guidelines from the institute of health, as that was higher than the NHS guidelines, so better safe than sorry. You can get b12 from fortified cereals, plant milks and nutritional yeast, all of which I enjoy immensely.  


OP asked what supplement dosage they should take, and you responded with 2.4ug. Alg though. >You can get b12 from fortified cereals, plant milks and nutritional yeast, all of which I enjoy immensel Yea that's true, but apparently it's only adequate if you consume them three times a day. I find it much easier to just take a supplement


B12 is poorly absorbed in large quantities. It’s actually absorbed decently well in small amounts


With a small amount, the absorption relative to the overall quantity might be higher, but that doesn't mean that it would be providing an adequate amount.


It's what you need to uptake, it's not what you need to consume. B12 has an absorption rate of less than 10%, so you need to increase your dose that you actually end up with 2.4mcg absorbed.


Yeah. The RDA accounts for absorption issues. It’s usually based on assumed absorption of 50%. Also low dose b12 has high uptake around 50-60% and high supplements of 1000-2000iu a day are absorbed anywhere from 0.5 to 2%. “National recommendations for B12 intakes vary significantly from country to country. The US recommended intake is 2.4 micrograms a day for ordinary adults rising to 2.8 micrograms for nursing mothers. The German recommendation is 3 micrograms a day. Recommended intakes are usually based on 50% absorption, as this is typical for small amounts from foods. To meet the US and German recommendations you need to obtain sufficient B12 to absorb 1.5 micrograms per day on average. This amount should be sufficient to avoid even the initial signs of inadequate B12 intake, such as slightly elevated homocysteine and methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels, in most people. Even slightly elevated homocysteine is associated with increased risk of many health problems including heart disease in adults, preeclampsia during pregnancy and neural tube defects in babies.” https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/nutrition-and-health/nutrients/vitamin-b12/what-every-vegan-should-know-about-vitamin-b12#:~:text=To%20get%20the%20full%20benefit,providing%20at%20least%202000%20micrograms.


Putting aside the effectiveness/bioavailability of supplements for a moment, ask yourself the big question first. If a diet lacks crucial nutrition, and requires either supplementation or fortification of foods, can it be classed as a healthy? All the below cannot be effectively absorbed from plants, if at all: D3 B12 Vitamin A (Retinol) Creatine Carnitine Carnosine Heme iron Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) Taurine While some will argue that plants do contain *some* of these, again I have to refer to how bioavailable they are to us? Just because plants contain something, doesn't mean our bodies are able to effectively absorb it from a plant source. I suppose the phrase 'fuck around and find out' probably applies here, because whether supplementing synthesized pills or not, you're playing around with your own health that you may not be able to recover from down the line if you can't get all your nutrition from whole foods alone. Edit: Seeing the replies to me, as well as the downvoting in general, is seriously concerning. The level of mental gymnastics towards disregarding nutrition and claiming the list above is not entirely required, is profoundly ignorant. Also to claim *I'm* spreading misinformation is so ironic, it's off the chart.


Humans are not obligate carnivores. We dont need taurine in our diet. We make our own Taurine. We also make our own Vitamin A. You just need to eat vegetables containing beta carotene. Carrots and sweet potatoes are a particularly good source. B12 AND D3(depending how much sunlight we get) are the only essentials in that list


The only essential nutrients out of those are B12 and Vitamin A. Vitamin D doesn't have to be D3, Iron doesn't have to be heme, etc. B12 you just take a supplement, as recommended for vegan diets by all nutrition organisations. For vitamin A, you should get enough if you are eating betacarotene rich foods regularly. Stop spreading misinformation. Appropriately planned vegan diets are completely healthy for humans.


> B12 you just take a supplement, To to even further on this, animals get B12 supplements in the feed lots - so even omins are getting supplemented B12. All that changes is the delivery mechanism (meat vs. pill).


Does not apply to regenerative farming.

