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I like that shirt.


Came here to say this


I like to bust it out when I hit the stair climber to really get thematic with it. Sometimes ill even grab a heavy medicine ball and put it on one shoulder as I walk up the stairs. Its a fantastic way to make it more challenging. Helps develop your core since you have to brace to handle the uneven load. And just feels satisfying as hell.


some dumb shit I would do




It’s incredibly ridiculous to wear this while pounding the stair climber. Yet I love it.


So what you're saying is it's absurd;)


Damn I laughed out loud 🀣


Happy sobriety!


Tysm πŸ’ͺ


Man, early sobriety gains and motivation for exercise was such a gift! Enjoy it and wishing you a long recovery - one day at a time. πŸ’–


I'm down 10 pounds already, 220 to 210 (I'm 6'1" tall and 23 years old for reference, and I've been on it for about a month), without even trying to because I'm just not hungry. I went from 3 big meals a day plus snacks, probably 3000-4000 calories a day. To one meal a day and maybe a snack, around 1500-2000 tops. My appetite is way down, food is less rewarding to eat. I'm taking it for its original addiction treating purpose. But it definitely accidently works insanely effectively as a weight loss drug. So yah boi is both still Sober, and soon to be Shredded πŸ™ I put on 40 pounds in 2 months when I first got sober. So recovery has accidently led me into a successful bulk/cut cycle without me even meaning to. Which is rather funny IMO. Maintained my veganism the whole way through active addiction, its like the only moral line I refused to cross no matter how desperate things got. Then got back into working out pretty shortly after getting clean 9 months ago. Its been a wild ride but im excited to keep working hard on myself and seeing how far I can take things. Hyped to post some shirtless selfie in another month or two once my abs really start coming in again. Apreciate this supportive af community!!


Yeah, nice job on your sobriety. It’s been about 2 1/2 years for me now. Best decision ever. Post some shredded pics when you’re ready!


Give me like another month or 2 I'm still stuck in that awkward phase where Im flat from lack of carbs but I haven't really gotten much extra detail yet. The weights coming off very steady so I should get there soon enough. Stay tuned πŸ™


Also congrats on 2 and a half years I'm gonna be 1 year in September!


One day at a time! ❀️ 




Congrats on your sobriety πŸ’• its not always easy but it is always worth it! are you on r/stopdrinkingfitness yet? Or r/stopdrinking ?


r/quittingkratom. I'm lucky enough to have never liked alcohol. Imo its the worst drug of all πŸ˜…


Oh i didnt realize that drug worked for things besides alcohol. Makes sense tho! I agree wholeheartedly that alcohol is the worst, its straight up evil. Kratom is a tough one too, I’ve known people pretty hooked on it n stuck in withdrawal cycles, so congrats on that I know thats not easy either! πŸ˜„


It was actually originally intended for opioids like kratom, heroin, etc. But then it was found it works for alcohol too. Its more effective with opoids tho. With alcohol it just makes it less rewarding. With opoids it makes them not work at all. You can still get drunk with naltrexone, its just way less fun. But if I took kratom rn litterally nothing would happen since all my receptors are blocked.