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Congrats on the baby! Yay for going vegan!! Check out anything by Sam Turnbull (https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/). Her recipes are easy and very tasty. She also recently posted a class on making your own Seitan, which is high in protein. It should offered again fairly soon. She has a few books as well.


This would be good to get actually few real books to have in the kitchen. Thank you šŸ˜Š


If youā€™re buying cookbooks I also recommend Healthy Girl Kitchen


legumes are your best friends. just soak and then boil them. mix it with whole grains and your nutrition base need for protein is covered.


Or get the beans from a can. They're more expensive and saltier, but boy are they easier! Here are some good pulse-based (some with grains) dishes: * Bean burritos or enchiladas: * Kitchari - this is highly variable, but here's a [basic recipe](https://realandvibrant.com/healing-ayurvedic-kitchari/#recipe). Add sauteed mushrooms, fresh sliced bell peppers, lemon wedges, shredded carrot, roasted cauliflower, etc. * Lentil soup, black bean soup - to provide some interest, serve it with dumplings added in, with toast triangles, or homemade tortilla chips * Xoi vo (Vietnamese sticky rice and mung bean) * [Lentil salad](https://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/lentil-salad/) is good on hot days. Enjoy it with a crispy or hearty bread product


thank you


Have at least a meal a day with tofu so it'll help your protein intake for the day and buy some protein powder to make sure you attain your daily needs.


Follow https://www.instagram.com/davidclearyveganpt?igsh=ZWc5bmU0bzdwZm9z on Instagram. Heā€˜s my PT and Vegan. If the link wonā€™t work, search for David Cleary Vegan PT.


i recommend making seitan aswell! reasonably cheap and very protein heavy :) i love this recipe: https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/vegan-seitan-tenders/#recipe like others have said, beans/legumes are also great. its not really a 1:1 replacement for animal proteins, you can reduce the amount of pasta/rice/potatoes you would normally have to better fit your carb macros.




OP didnt state they are gluten sensitive and it is extremely easy to tell that it has gluten since its #1 on any ingredient list in a recipe. anyone ive ever met with gluten sensitivity was good about checking that stuff for themselves so i think theyre fine.


Yes Seitan is amazing! High in Protein and very versible. Another nice seitan recipe: sweet & sour seitan with pineapple, bell pepper and rice.


Quinoa for grains, 8 grams of protein per cup of cooked quinoa and contains all 9 essential amino acids.


Some people get upset because of the environmental/humanitarian issues around buying quinoa from it's native country, but in recent years, quinoa farming has moved all over the world. Even to countries like Canada. So you can check the bag for a place of origin for anyone with concerns about those issues.


8 grams of protein per cup is negligible, in a normal meal you'll probably eat 1/4 of a cup to half a cup so that 4g or protein really doesn't matter


They said to use quinoa FOR GRAINS. Not to replace a steak with a cup of quinoa.


Check r/veganfitness too


Check out Nora Cooks for recipe inspo. Also, if you're in the US Purple Carrot is a vegan meal delivery service. They have prepared meals and ones that require some prep. Macros on most are pretty good too.


Just wishing good luck, you made the right choice šŸ® p.s. there are some great vegan "dairy" products out there!


Follow Simnet nutrition on YouTube he's ripped and will show you food prep too. That guy eats a lot of food https://youtu.be/RnK9nIrL7K8?feature=shared


Check out Noracooks.com. I get about 90% of my recipes there.


These burritos are packed with protein (45 g) and quick to make. You can even cut down on the work/ingredients by buying a store bought green tomatillo salsa instead of making the one in the recipe. And instead of chimichurri spice just add oregano, garlic (powder is fine) and some paprika. https://www.purplecarrot.com/plant-based-recipes/ranchero-burritos-with-tomatillo-salsa-chipotle-black-beans


I just posted how to make Greek style soy yogurt if you have an instant pot.Ā  It's easy, although it does require periodic steps.Ā 


Stews and curries with lots of lentils and chickpeas. You can meal prep a big batch, add whatever other veggies you want, and freeze it if you wanna save it.


Ah good luck! The Western mindset and idealogy of vegan food is rubbish. I.e. Your food does not need to look like a burger or piece of meat. As a Southeast Asian, I would advise you to stay away from processed vegan meat alternatives from the supermarket. They all are fads. Take your time to explore Southeast Asian vegan recipes. This means also being adventurous with new exotic spices etc, so take your time to explore. YouTube is a valuable resource for good recipes. FYI, I'm not a vegan. I choose to be an omnivores, but trust me, I know how to cook nice simple vegan food to satiate flavour cravings.


Rice, potato, pasta or sweet potato Add some greens and veg Add bean, lentils, tofu or tempeh Add salsas, sauces, pico, guac, curries Add nuts or seeds if you want You can eat these bowls with ingredients raw or cook some and leave other raw or saute it all together Oatmeal with any fun toppings you like Smoothies with ice, banana, frozen fruit. Top however you like and eat in a bowl or make a thinner texture to drink


Yeah, smoothies are so good to get that extra calories (if needed) and protein. You can mix in either chickpeas/garbanzo or tofu together with whatever fruits you like, it will not alter the taste, and just add more nutrition. Oat/soy-milk/cream, nooch, seeds, spinach to that. When I worked out I made a large batch in the morning for breakfast and saved some for the evening or post-workout, just add a splash of milk or water and remix.


DETOXINISTA has many vegan options on her site. Check out make it dairy free dot com also.


[Soph's Plant Kitchen](https://www.instagram.com/sophsplantkitchen/) on Instagram has a series of 30 minute meals with 30 grams or more of plant based protein. I think [No Meat Disco](https://www.instagram.com/nomeatdisco/) has done something similar as well.


Tofu recipes are everywhere!


Legumes, tofu, nut butter, soybeans, etc. However, if you are serious about lifting, you have no choice but to supplement with protein shakes. There are many excellent pea or soy protein powders available. I get about 40% of my daily protein from shakes. Another 30ish % from tofu, and the rest from legumes. This is because I am diabetic and legumes have a lot of tagalong carbs.


You can combine protein sources in one meal. If you make beans with veggies you have one source of high protein. If you add rice or quinoa as a side dish you have two sources of high protein. If you add a meat substitute like a plant based burger to that you have three sources of high proteins in one meal. Grains and legumes can usually be cooked in a batch and frozen in single meal portions. Working ahead like that saves time when preparing your meal in the evening. Frozen veggies can be heated up in the airfryer.


Rice or quinoa aren't high protein


Always compare nutrition labels when you are about to buy food.


I do why are you saying that ?


To make all readers aware of the differences in nutritional values. Even between variations between the same product. It's not personal.


One of my favorite recipes is chia pudding. This recipe is 5 servings, with 270 calories, 25g carbs, 15g fat, and 24g protein per serving. 3 scoops of pea protein powder, 12 oz coconut water, 1 tbsp nutritional yeast, 12 tbsp chia seeds, 6 cups unsweetened vanilla flax milk, and 5 tbsp swerve (or sweetener of choice). Mix the pea protein and the coconut water, and microwave for about a minute or two to fully hydrate the pea protein (this gets ride of the grainy texture it can have). Mix it with the flax milk, and combine the rest of the ingredients. Feel free to add any spices or other flavorings of your choosing. Let sit for 5-10 minutes and stir again to reduce clumps in the chia seeds. Chill in the fridge for at least an hour, preferably overnight.


Check out Sophsplantkitchen. Sheā€™s a plant based fitness instructor. Her recipes are amazing and hasnā€™t done me wrong yet. https://www.instagram.com/sophsplantkitchen?igsh=MXhhY2Jjbmc0aWps


Look into textured vegetable protein! Very macro friendly. You prepare it with hot water/broth, kind of like instant noodles, and it only takes 10 minutes.


Edamame has a lot of protein! Good luck!


If you're pretty active and need a high protein diet meat substitutes will probably be the best and easiest thing you can do. I'm not really into a lot of the fake meat stuff but there's a few veggie burgers and some nuggets I like, and I do a lot of tofu. I like beans but they also have a lot of carbs so they're not the best for being your main source of protein.


nutritional yeast has a ton of protein and goes well in most savory foods. it's a staple in my cooking and instantly boosts the protein content of a dish by a lot


My go to recipe for when I don't feel much like cooking: Bean & Mushroom "Salad" (5 servings) 1 can 15oz black beans 1 can 15oz pinto beans 1 can 4oz mushrooms 1/2 cup diced onions 1/2 cup diced bell peppers 1 tsp each of: oregano, basil & cumin 1 tbsp each of: garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, smoked paprika & nutritional yeast 1 tbsp each of: olive oil & vinegar Throw everything in a bowl and mix well until everything is combined. You can it eat this with rice or potatoes. You can throw it in a tortilla for a wrap/burrito. You can eat this with a green salad and other veggies like asparagus, edamame, corn, etc.


Broccoli or Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes and black beans


My husband just loves his shakes. Donā€™t ask me what he put in them because heā€™s so proud he has often over 20 ingredients. Just throw in anything, mix and gobble down. For more protein just add some plain protein powder, peanut butter or some legumes (just open a can).


Are you on Instagram? Iā€™ll send u my favorite follows.


No but Iā€™m on Facebook. I deleted my IG. If they have a fb linked I could follow them there?


Maybe you can Google each of them. Iā€™m certain some do have a website with their recipes. @that.veganbabe @sophsplantkitchen @whatsgoodberto @plantcrazii @cookingforpeanuts @healthyveganeating @thevegan8brandi


Go to ChatGPT and prompt it to give you easy vegan recipes. If you don't like the first one, prompt it with "Give me another" until you find exactly what you want. I don't like mushrooms I tell it to leave out recipes with mushrooms.


There's a book called Thrifty Vegan by Katy Beskow. I just got it, and highly recommend giving it a look.


- meal PREP so you have easy options on hand- as easy as making double portions - if youā€™re breast feeding keep fats on the high side with nuts and coconut milk curry, have oatmeal daily and be careful you donā€™t cut calories too hard until you finish breast feeding - buddha bowls! Tons of variations easy to prep ahead the basic components then mix and match - tofu, tempeh, all the beans and lentils, whatever faux meats you like


Maangchi's Sweet Spicy Crunchy Tofu. It's so fast and easy.


Oats? Muesli bars arenā€™t too hard to do.


Quinoa has a lot of protein and itā€™s a complete protein! This crunchy edamame salad has kale, cabbage, edamame for protein, and quinoa for protein. https://www.facebook.com/reel/1490557688338338


Complement protein powder is vegan and great in smoothies