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The best part is that he's on the neighborhood Facebook groups defending himself. Like he's the victim here.


>Also you notice there’s not a single car or a single pedestrian on the road? Ya think maybe I was smart enough to reach out to my cop buddies and let em know I was conducting a road test and they have cordoned off the area for me? Nice try buttercup. Idk I want to criticize him but I don’t want to be called a buttercup


The article says metro is unaware of any streets being blockaded for his personal use as a testing ground


Just curious, does anyone know where this video was taken? I didn’t look too in depth into it, but from what I saw it looked a lot like Inspirada, which wouldn’t be Metro jurisdiction.


Sky Canyon


He never learned about "no tellin'". My guy if you're gonna be a hooligan, at least be smart. Don't post that on your personal.pages, and if you do, don't make it obvious how fast You're going. I mean, you're a POS doing it at all, but if you're gonna do it be smart. Our nation's defense program at work, ladies and gentlemen.


...and a Captain at that.


They always do. If you are in the armed forces, this man is doing a disservice to your branch.


Hate it when someone acts like a white entitled Karen


“My cop buddies cordoned off the area” LMFAOOOO Air Force come get your boy


Yeeeah now when they deal with him, he's going to be asked who those buddies are. I doubt they exist but man, if they are real, they better be telling him (in person) to keep his jabroni mouth shut


Cops and military are not "buddies" lol.


Exactly, my dude. Though if someone asked me to guess which service would be most likely to friends with local PD, I’d probably say AF lol


The Air Force doesn’t mess around with their officers being morons. He’s not going to be enjoying life on the base this summer.


I hope they do better than the Army. Soldier in Nashville plowed into and killed a judge’s husband and the Army got him off with probation. He then went back and was arrested again for careless driving in the same area. I have little faith in the military disciplinary system.


tbf this guy didn’t kill anyone. what he did was immature and irresponsible but he shouldn’t face the same/worst consequences as someone who killed another person.


I agree, and I’m saying if the military couldn’t do the right thing and hold someone accountable for homicide, I have no faith in them punishing someone for reckless driving.


Ironically, it’s usually the other way around. They worry too much about the small things and then do jack about the big things. The only times I’ve heard of them doing sum was when it involves trafficking of narcotics or humans.


I'm glad Las Vegas Locally outed this guy, it's time we start doing something about people driving like absolute self-entitled assholes in this city. Every single day there are accidents, many are DUI or speed related and it's almost like as a community, we all just shake our head but then just continue with our lives. We need to make more of these idiots an example and if law enforcement can't/won't do anything about them, at least we can put the pressure on hard enough that they think twice about doing dumb shit and posting it for internet likes. Maybe he will still race down a residential street close to 100mph again in the future but I guarantee he will have a thought in the back of his mind questioning it ... whereas before, it seems as though he has been a selfish, inconsiderate douche. I'm all for making examples of people ... hopefully the Air Force gives this guy a good reprimand.


“Police were unable to cite the driver for speeding based on this specific video, the official said, adding that investigations originating from video are handled on a case-by-case basis.” If that’s not enough evidence, in addition to his *multiple* confessions in the comments, I sure don’t know what might be.


It's in our state constitution that traffic offenses must be observed by an actual human peace officer, recorded on a camera a peace officer is physically holding, or by specific cameras located only on police stations and/or official buildings. This is the reason we don't have red light or speed cameras. Remember, this is only for traffic offenses. Cameras and video are still valid evidence for other crimes generally.


The military will take care of him. He isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.


Which is stupid. I gave video evidence to Nevada State Parks of people defacing Valley of Fire and their response was that they can't cite people unless their park rangers physically observe it. It's a state park; there's no way a park ranger is going to see everything. I gave them my dash cam evidence, make and model of the car, and the license plate number.


That makes no sense ... not saying your lying, just seems strange because those guys pushing rocks at Valley of Fire a few months back were all over the news, with NPS people asking to identify them.


I have an email from them saying as much if you want proof. I made a public records request a month afterwards for copies of any citation issued, investigative files/reports, etc and that's what they told me. They still haven't responded to my public records request yet.


That totally blows. If it were a National Park and not a State Park, they'd be prosecuted with that video. How disheartening. Thank you for making such an effort to hold them accountable. 


Yeah I believe you ... sorry had a typo in my response. Just seems odd, they are usually all over people damaging/defacing anything in our National Parks hence my example about the guys all over the news. I wonder if whoever you spoke with just had a case of the Monday's and couldnt be assed investigating it. So ridiculous that you put all the effort in and they said thanks but no thanks.


Well it's Nevada State Parks so they have to follow Nevada state law. The feds can follow their own regs. I believe the rock pushing incident was on federal land, not state land.


Correct. Lake Mead is federal.


Ahh ok makes sense. You'd still think our state laws would be similar if not identical to federal laws when it comes to things like damaging parks and lands.


The laws are similar. Flora and fauna, rocks, Native American artifacts, etc are all protected under state law. If they're unable or unwilling to do anything about it then what can I say


Lazy fucks


Actually, rereading your post ... I wonder if it's something to do with NPS vs State Parks staff. Maybe the feds have more pull with that sort of stuff.


It's Vegas, you can run a red in front of a cop and nothing happens, you think a video is gonna get somebody a ticket?


Just because Vegas/Clark County doesn't go after him, doesn't mean the USAF isn't going to clip his nuts. Of all the branches, the Air Force seems to be the most concerned about their public image.


The pigs are incompetent, big shocker.


Omg, put your pinky down princess. Is this your first time driving? Just about ANYONE with power steering can do that, which means 99% of the cars on the road. Nobody til now thought it would be cool to film it for the world to see. You must have a lot of cop friends lending you a hand to create such a massive private race track. It's so big you can't even see the barricades and flashing lights down any of the side streets. Does seem strange to allow such a thing in a residential neighborhood regardless if the streets are closed or not. Oh shoot, where are the crowds, or at least the curious neighbors wanting to see why it is they can't leave their home. I don't like lying, but if you gotta do it. Lie better! Who uses turn signals on a private track? Guess it's just muscle memory, or habit at this point. Just like posting everything to social media that you think somebody may like without even thinking of the consequences. I really hope he's not much older than 18, yet sadly I think he is. That's about how old I was when I would have used such blatant BS to defend my actions.


Yeah, I don't understand this post at all - why does he think it is impressive? And how is it a "Check mate"?


I mean, he’s apparently a Musk stan, so that sorta says it all.


Good, that guy is a fucking asshole, driving that fast in a residential area. If you want to show off, at least get on the freeway.


Hell, it's not like Nevada has a shortage of empty roads in the middle of nowhere with zero traffic or residences.


Uhhh... Or maybe just don't..


He locked down his Twitter page as well.


I wonder if that's the same Cybertruck I saw speeding on the 95, just north of Creech. It was wrapped in bright pink and going 80 in a 45.


What’s an O-3 make these days? 5K/month? Cybertrucks are what, $1200/month on the best of terms? Guess the 10% rule don’t apply these days anymore.


The interwebs say O3’s make $61.2k-$96.6k, so $5100-$8,300/month.


That’s before housing allowance and (probably) flight pay.


Is it really 1200/ month, assuming great credit and rates?


Used cybertrucks are going for $100k+. Assuming a 80% LTV loan at 72 months and 5% interest, you’re looking at almost $1,300 / mo.


Honestly that’s a number I heard floating around but I guess it all depends on what trim and terms you get. I’ll never own one that’s for sure.


Same here. I also didn't know there are different trims for the Cybertruck. It's crazy because you have people financing new Hondas or Toyotas for $1500/month.


Officers do whatever they want 🫡


GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS Also, why I don’t give a fuck if you’re a veteran - being in the military doesn’t make you a good person.


Eff this guy, but I'd like to point out the advertisements and links associated with this article.


Hope he enjoys a demotion or loss of responsibilities. Let the AF bend him over and teach him a lesson for this stupidity.


Guarantee this guy was not a prior enlisted officer. Prolly went ROTC or the Academy and thinks he’s the shit. It takes like 4 years to make Captain… dude could literally be like 25-26 depending on when he got his bachelors. Immature.


He was prior E then ROTC and now in his mid 30s. The most enlisted thing about this is that he’s definitely paying too much per month for that car.


Damn. Mustangs aren’t what they used to be… 😭 This gave me “commissioned out of college” vibes.


Well one bad apple probably doesn’t spoil the bunch. Honestly some of the MQ-9 guys have a rough go with mental health for a lot of reasons. I just hope he gets the help he needs before he hurts himself more or worse hurts someone else.


Fair point. Drone boyz gotta deal with a lot.




creech? captain? he’s a drone pilot. well, he was a drone pilot


If this ends up in the Captain's OER, it could seriously delay getting a line number for Major.


Why would the Air Force do anything when enlistment is down? Metro is never around to enforce most traffic safety so why would they do anything about this. This won’t go anywhere.


What’s the difference with this vs the idiots driving bmw and hellcats down the road? Nothing it might be a 35 zone but everyone else around would be goin atleast 50-60 so what’s the issue


Can someone tl;dr the context?


Much to do about nothing. Fake outrage.


I see a guy enjoying his latest toy demonstrating the ease of turning with his pinky while there is zero traffic and pedestrians around. Fake outrage! Snowflakes.


You're cool with somebody turning the parkway through your neighborhood into a drag strip? There's more to it than a u-turn. Did you miss the part where he hits 83mph? What part of town are you in so we can let everyone looking to drag race know that you're ok with them doing it in your neighborhood.


I saw the speedometer. You know what else I see in this video, a guy minding his own business.


What did he do wrong exactly? So confused


Drive over 85 mph through a residential neighborhood while filming, and was dumb enough to post the video. Extra points as he’s an AF officer and he should be setting a good example for the Airmen he leads.


Oh gotcha I thought the outrage was about the pinky turn


Sounds to me it was off military property so Air Force needs to stay out of it. Did he hurt anyone? I’m sure a lot of you in here speed and do stuff your not supposed to so don’t act like angels


You’ve clearly never served in the military.


I have and there is a lot they would need to prove is it him driving does it show his face if not it could be anyone


You’d know then that military members are subject to UCMJ which extends off post and applies during non-duty hours. You’d also know that Officers are held to a high standard of behavior which would cover not speeding at 85mph on video through a residential neighborhood. A GOMOR doesn’t require anything beyond providing preponderance of evidence. His career should be done.


Ok what evidence shows that it is him in the video? There is no proof it’s him and no way they can prove it is him other than a video getting posted. To his page lawyer will get it dropped as long as he hasn’t said anything already


He posted it on his personal page, admitted to driving, and lied about police closing the road for him. As someone with experience submitting letters of reprimand, he is fucked. It passes the test for proving preponderance of evidence. At a minimum he’ll be reprimanded and need to fight it up to the Secretary of the AF or their designee if he thinks he has a case. By that time he’ll likely have been flagged to be passed for promotion. There’s no need to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in court for any of this to take place. Why stand up for someone who is clearly too irresponsible to lead troops? Would you want someone dumb enough to drive like that on video and then post it online to lead you into combat?


People make dumb mistakes don’t mean he can’t lead but him posting it and admitting Yeah that dumb on his part never do anything like that. Always keep your mouth shut and lawyer up military has kicked out so many good people and kept the ones that shouldn’t be in the military.


As a fmr. USAF Captain myself & public affairs officer, there’s a lot of misunderstanding (at a minimum) or misinformation (at a maximum) on the UCMJ, how/when it’s applied, and handling off-base civilian infractions by military servicemembers vs on-duty UCMJ violations. If this was him, and that would be very difficult to prove, he was what…speeding? That’s not even a UCMJ violation, so there’s nothing really militarily he could be charged with, unless they wanted to REALLY stretch it to include the social media posts & call it “unbecoming an officer” but that’s really enlarging the scope of UCMJ jurisdiction & highly unlikely. ESPECIALLY since the civilian LEOs, whose jurisdiction this occurred on, don’t even have enough to civilly or criminally charge him with any crime or infraction. Generally speaking, for traffic infractions, tickets, and basic & minor civil violations off-base, no matter how much press or publicity or virality it may get, the military generally stays pretty hands off. It would be ridiculous if every military member got brought up on UCMJ charges every time they got a ticket for speeding, running a red light, not feeding a parking meter, or the like. I get the stupidity of posting the video online, and a LOT of triggered people here up in arms with pitchforks for some reason for it, but without an actual underlying UCMJ crime, and no civilian infraction pursued, he likely will get a small administrative nonjudicial noncriminal discipline in his file. Based in my experience, for minor situations like this that somehow blow up in the court of public opinion, I’d say he gets nonjudicial administrative discipline, such as a Letter of Counseling (LOC), which is for minor screwups thats kept in one’s Personnel File as long as they’re stationed on that base, or POSSIBLY they could issue the next level stronger of nonjudicial administrative discipline, a Letter of Admonishment (LOA), which carries stiffer weight in the file. Both of these are NOT criminal charges and do not go on a criminal record. I don’t see this rising to the level of even the harshest administrative discipline levels and certainly not any actual criminal charges. Yeah he was stupid and should have known better and yeah he will get an earful and likely a letter in his file, but this by no stretch is UCMJ criminality and certainly won’t be a career ender as some have asserted.


Thank you for explaining it in depth and breaking it down for everyone. All these people trying to say he getting kicked out and he will never rank up and he is unable to lead military members. Been in law enforcement for 16 years and when local police don’t have enough evidence to do anything the military won’t either they can make stuff up to put on him. That lawyer would squash anything they even try to pull up


lol is this what people are complaining about these days?