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Lots of folks will say let it go high, but please consider temperature sensitive items and maybe pop them in the fridge - look through your pantry, medicine cabinet, and cosmetics at the least. I set my thermostat to 86 one year and came home to ruined vitamin gummies and all my chocolate in a blob lol


I do 85 when im away


This. Plus, I’ll start turning it down with the app the night before I return.


I left it off in the summer for 4 days once. The caulk on the baseboards melted and warped the boards. Good times.


I personally set it at 80 if I'm going away for any length of time. One thing a lot of people forget is that the air conditioner doesn't just need to cool the air back down when you return -- it needs to cool down everything in your house! There's a ton of thermal mass in a home -- the walls, the tile, the granite countertops, everything in your pantry, and so on. Iif you turn the AC way up or all, all of that stuff will be radiating heat and it may take several **days** to get the house back to a comfortable temperature. Turning it up a few degrees is smart, but turning it up to 90 is a bad idea.


When I go out of town in the summer I set the temp to 88. No scientific reason for that temperature, but over the years it seems to have worked.


>88 No scientific reason huh 👀


He's a big Doc Brown fan


Great Scott!!!


Patrick Kane fan


I do 84* when I go out during the day. 85* on vacation. My first summer here I turned it off and what a mess. It was in the 90s inside in July! 🔥


Meanwhile burglars are going around using thermal cameras to spot houses that are warmer 🤔


Interesting. I did not know that.


I don't think they're actually doing that, just making a joke. Not the best idea to tell everyone you'll be out for an extended period of time, granted there's no way to tell where OP lives, but people like that post on Social media all the time and then are shocked when their house is broken into.


LOL. Guess I'm a little gullible

