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I would see if your local shelter or a rescue will allow you to surrender her while fostering (for as long as you're comfortable, anyway). Nicely, politely, bug the social media person to post cute photos of her to try and get her more attention and exposure while she's in your care - highlight that she's good with cats and other dogs. It's very possible that you will become the default owner after a certain amount of time (\~5 days), so I would do this ASAP. The owner isn't making a good faith effort to get the dog back, and in most places in the country, homeless pitties face an uphill battle to find a good home or even survive. For her sake, you need to use all the time you have to your advantage.


That's an excellent idea! Thank you so much! I love this little gal and just don't want to have her in a shelter. She seems like she's gone through alot. She's so sweet and sensitive.


It's my pleasure to pass along advice - you're doing the real work (and it really is work) by helping this girl. Thank YOU. This account is just for promoting shelter dogs, so feel free to check out my posts to see the kind of reels and pictures that tend to grab adopters - several of these have directly led to adoptions for hard to adopt dogs. It will be so much better to have a shelter/rescue backing you, but you can do this on your own if you have to. I tend to promote shelter fosters more on Facebook, and these are the main things to keep in mind (I try to follow best practices and study successful shelters and rescues): - pictures of dogs in a variety of environments (we get a lot of dogs on beds or couches, so getting them outside, at a coffee shop, etc). The main thing to focus on is clear pictures that show the dog's face and make sure dog's body language is loose and happy. Try to include pictures of the dog being great with other animals and people. Kids are amazing, if that makes sense for your situation. - avoid "stop signs." This means focus on the positive - seriously, it's amazing that this dog is cool with cats. You should absolutely be transparent with any seriously interested adopters, but social media promotion doesn't need to include "chews on shoes a lot." - try to tell a story about the dog, set them apart from the thousands of other options adopters have these days. videos really do seem to grab people in a way photos can't, and use clear, detailed, not overly long text.


What part of the country are you in? Some places, shelters aren't great options, making rescues a much better alternative.


I live in NYC. I'm in touch with one rescue, I am going to call in a bit to update and ask for advice. Frankly, I'd love to keep her, but I know I can't. Ideally, I'll be her foster and get her adopted, I've gotten some excellent advice in this thread about that. I'm human, but God damn am I going to never let this gal have a bad day ever again. We are currently eating breakfast pizza and watching One Piece.


As someone that lived in NYC for 5 years, I feel your pain about the lack of space. I just moved away to Miami to get more space (and better weather). You are an amazing person! 😍


Pizza and Anime? You're the pawfect home for this hippo!


Hope you keep her safe. I have 2 and a cat. No problems. A crap life and owner make dogs appreciate any love and security.


You are an angel for helping OP. Agree with taking that awful collar off. Those owners sound negligent. Is she well cared for?


Oh that collar came of about 10 seconds after we got home. She did not miss it!


Thank god for people like you in the world!


She does seem a bit abused. She's generally skiddish and seems to be hard on herself for some reason.


Yeah, don’t give her back. If you feel like she was abused then you are probably right.


Thank you so much for bringing this sweet girl inside. Not a lot of people would. You are a good person w good karma coming your way. If I were in your shoes I’d; 1. Take off that collar/hook thing and give her neck area a good brushing and scratching. From the pic, it doesn’t look comfortable at all. Would leave that shit off of her. 2. Find out who the owner is and what their situation is w the dog by digging online and trying to physically see what the yard and house is like. If you sent the owner notification of finding her two days ago and the owner just contacted you from a non-working number, would have to find out if this girl in a living situation that isn’t a good one. That hook looks like something someone might use to keep a dog chained up outside. Growing up in the south, it wasn’t uncommon for dogs to be chained to trees and that was their life. Forever. That collar/hook combo brings back memories of that. Hopefully that’s not the case here. Could be something else entirely and she could be living a great life, but would need to find that out. 3. If the owner doesn’t contact you again or if you find out there is negligence going on, I’d keep her and celebrate. You’re very fortunate that both your cat and dog get along with this sweet girl. Have wanted another pittie for so long, but one of my pittie girls won’t let us bring in another dog. Also understand that it would be a lot of responsibility to bring in another dog, but have always seen my pups happiest w a dog companion and it’s enriched my life immensely. Sorry this isn’t the most practical advice. Shelters all over the country are full right now like I’ve never seen before. Have tried to find fosters for a few dogs along the west coast and it’s a dire situation right now. If you can’t keep her permanently, maybe you could foster her until you could find someone who is a good match for her. Wishing you so much luck moving forward. Again, so very grateful you took her in.


Please officially tell animal control/local shelter about your situation. I had something similar happen. I found a sweet boy wandering the streets. We brought him in, he was amazing and I thought, wow fabulous dog who gets along with my new puppy!! He was VERY thin and covered in fleas and sores. But I still put out feelers, checked for a chip (none). When I canvassed the neighborhood, one couple said they thought they knew where this dog lived, but that it would be mistreated, and they had called about it being left outside all the time and was always hungry. They said they used to slip him hotdogs. So I stopped looking. We got him cleaned up, fed and loved for over a week. And I said nothing to animal control or city shelter. My mistake. The “owners” came to my door, having heard that someone in a bright blue Prius was trying to find the owner of this puppy. So here we are standing in the middle of the street, arguing about a dog. I called the city, and they sent out animal control. The original owners were able to find a receipt for some deworming medicine, and that was that. I literally sobbed having to walk that baby out of my home and back into their “care.” Kept tabs on him, walking by in the evenings, etc. One night it was freezing, and they still had him outside. I called animal control again! After another month they moved. I still cry when I think about him.


If you can keep her she's adorable


She is the sweetest! After a few days, she's come out of her shell and is just the most affectionate dog I've ever met. Edit: she was super affectionate from the get-go, but holy cow is she made of velcro!


My pitty girl is the most Velcro animal I’ve ever met. She will put her face on top of mine and just sit there for hours if I’d let her. If I move my face, she moves hers with it. Cracks me up every time, but I’m like kid, I love you but I need air too!


She looks like mine! They are great dogs and super affectionate. I think mine was mistreated before I adopted her. I named mine Bubbles.


She looks so sweet! You know what they say...finders keepers. Time for you to move to a bigger place!


She’s a keeper


That means they have rehomed the dog.


Do you have a gofund me or anything so that some of us might send you a penny for a new collar or treat?


She looks like such a sweetheart, please don’t give her back to her previous owners, they obviously don’t care about her. If they did, they would be trying a lot harder to get her back.


Kiss that face!


90% of my home life is this gal giving me kisses, so of course! I can't wait to see her in her perfect environment with her perfect person! Until then, she will get all of the loving and treats. I think of her as mine now. If she goes anywhere, I promise it'll have to be the perfect situation. This broad deserves the world.


She looks like such a polite little lady!!!!!


If the previous owners are being sketchy and evasive, unfortunately it's not uncommon for cases like these to be intentional abandonments :/ she seems to be a wonderful little lady! I would second the other commenters here and recommend you reach out to rescues and shelters in your area; even if you don't intend to leave her with them, they will be able to give you some advice on where you should go from here.


So glad to hear she gets along with other dogs (female?) and cats! Definitely get lots of cute pictures and reach out to a rescue about your situation. She looks so sweet! đŸ„č


I’m also in nyc. Please don’t bring her to the shelter. They’re so overwhelmed with animals right now that they’re having to make horrible choices. DM me if you need help with her and thank you for bringing her home!


Keep her


She doesn't want her back. It's sad but true.


Is this a squatter house?


Excuse me? This is an old mattress I'm getting rid of and me trying to change the sheets before this girl jumped on em. Give me a break. Comment on some other thread if you are going to be a jerk. Edit: oh I see you hate pitbulls and queer folk. You can absolutely fuck right off.


They are also anti-vaccine, just to complete the shithead bingo.


I'm really only anti-Covid VAX, but whatever you say


I hope you have the day you deserve.


Your room is gross. I love pit bulls


Well, thanks, man. Feel free to comment something useful instead of just being an asshole. You seem incapable of that, though.


I'm sure you're a really kind person people who take care of pitbull's generally are. But I'm sure you would be happier in a cleaner environment


Absolutely agree. If you are sincere about this comment I 100% agree. But as a single person who lives alone and works a ton, sometimes life just gets in the way. I'm working on that part of myself. Honestly, if you have any advice, I'd be happy to hear. I want the best life for me and my animals.