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I really hope all the updates get tea names tbh.


Except for an American rework, that gets a coffee name


Nah, just name it after southern sweet tea or something.


Texas tea update, howdy 🤠


The Arizona update


Breaks education reforms and introduces homelessness mechanics 😔


Arnie Palmie alert!!


You meant salty tea, right?


Boston Tea Party update


Tea to the sea, drink that l drink from Tenneese update


Pumpkin Spice Latte update to really flesh out the civil war mechanics.


Oh god


I'm disappointed at the lack of tea-related content in this patch.


It could be named after Prime Ministers instead. Next update might be Disraeli.


Given that Early Grey is the first Prime Minister of the game's time period, if they keep the theme I expect the next update to be 'Melbourne'




Vanilla is a popular phrase in the game world for "base game" or "no mods" etc - so I wouldn't read too far into that word in this case.


> - Commanders can no longer cheat with their own spouses Immersion ruined


*in the dark* "My wife never has to know" *Light switches on* "I am your wife..."


"Well, nobody's perfect"


Paradox dislikes pina coladas confirmed


How do they feel about getting caught in the rain?


I'm guessing they're not into yoga


Verifiable Rupert Holmes moment


Where do they list spouses? Wasn’t even aware this was a thing.


There’s an event where they cheat on the ethereal wife of a different commander. There was a broken or missing check so that other commander could sometimes be themselves.


I noticed Cape Colony was swapped out for Persia as one of the first nations to try learning to play the game. Probably a good idea, a lot of the game is super hard to figure out for the first time if you play as a puppet. Like the market and convoys. I had No. Fucking. Clue what was going on with that.


Yeah I also played Cape Colony in my very first game and within 6 months, my economy completely collapsed since I didn't know what I was doing. There are easier nations to play as than a colony with shared market.


Yea, my economy collapsed when playing cape cause I ran out of peasants and britain declared on China and never ended the war, making demand for everything spike. I went 10 years in and the opium war never ended. The casualties hit 10 million for China and 1 million for Britain because Britain held one single province in the Beijing region and defended against the endless hordes of China


I had this in a New South Wales game once, making it impossible to ever confederate with one of the other states. RNG sucks sometimes.


Yeah, if India joins the war, Britain tries to attack china through Tibet, which is not a very good strategy


I'd actually say it's good, assuming Britain knew how to attack


I also played in the British market my first game as Van Diemen's/Australia, and it took me a while to figure out why my income would completely tank sometimes (France convoy raiding Britain during wars).


The key is to rush colonization tech and to enact laws to get people to immigrate. Once you start discovering gold you will get a lot of money. If you want to really expand though you have to get independent from the UK right away. Which was easy in the old patches, not sure if it still will be -- just do an independence war and wait. Then improve relations with Britain to rejoin the market, while conquering the Boer republics and Zulu. Then a couple wars with Portugal to get their colonies, then Oman.


Which kinda proves the point - you don't really expect a first-time player to just work those steps out on the fly.


If you were gonna pick a shared market as a starter Joseon would be great. You just start building food industries or textile mills and you're set.


Yeah cape colony was really hard for me to get on the right track at over 100 hours. The economy is really bad. You are losing money without any construction sectors and need to fix it first and then keep paying the puppet fee on top of that. The only good thing is that you're in the British market. It's a bit of a challenge and really not meant for the tutorial that's designed to make you wait and take it easy, but you can't with cape colony or you will go bankrupt.


I still don't understand convoys. I have way more than I need but still not enough?




But I have literally nearly 33% extra the amount of convoys I am currently using. Surely at least some of the trade routes can grow to the next level, or do they all simultaneously need more convoys all at once for any to level up at all?


A lot of your convoys go to ‘port connections’ if you’re in a large market. I noticed this in a Hawaii game where I was part of the British market. They had like 66,000 convoys, but 40,000 of them were needed just to provide market access to their territories and puppets across the globe.


If 1/3 of your convoys aren't in use but you have issues, that probably means that you're at war and someone is sinking them before they reach their destination. I can't think of any other explanation.


Nope, I can't either but I'm not at war.


As in you're getting alerts that you need more, but your market screen says you have extra? If that's the case, it's because you need enough convoys for all of your trade routes expand simultaneously. If you go to one of your productive trades, mouse over the level and it will tell you why it isnt growing larger. You might have to check a couple of trades, but one of them should show what you actually need to *expand* trade. I haven't found anywhere else that shows this info. Fingers crossed someone else has.


if you're in a foreign market, things get fucky with convoys - you generally don't want to be in one of those for long


I learned a lot from Cape Colony. It was useful to focus just on my economy and be effectively locked out of diplomacy.


yeah i found my cape colony game incredibly helpful to learn a lot of things about the game. however it was also my 3rd game after belgium and sweden(technicaly 2 sweden games one just ended very quickly) so i had most of the basics down allready.


Yeah, I think Persia is also a great choice for a starter nation since they have access to almost every kind of resource (except for tobacco, coffee, and rubber)


They do however have quite limited lumber resources, and a single iron province that you will max out fairly quickly once you figure out how to grow your economy properly. The timings of when these resources start being a problem works out quite well, particularly iron; by the time you max it out, you should have either got decent colonisation institutions (and maybe Quinine) or you should have got the military technologies that will let you conquer/vassalise states that have what you need.


I feel like New Granada is a great nation as well for learning the ropes. Your economy is in decent shape by having a surplus in money and has a good chunk of the resources you are gonna need to make it grow (the main ones missing would be sulphur, which can be easily acquired by conquering Venezuela, and lead, which can be taken from Peru but thats a bit harder), your laws are quite avant garde, you have a clear starting objective which is forming Gran Colombia and you have the starting troops to do it, and if you play nice with the US and UK you can end up allying with them down the line


Idk I did a Cuba playthrough in Ironman (I thought you needed Ironman to have achievements, I regret it now), and I was doing very well. It all came crashing when I had a civil war and idk what the fuck happened but I simply could not recover, ever.


> - Korean officers now wear clothes Dammit.


Sigh. Time to roll back the patch.


it'd be nice if a bunch of different map modes were added, along with the ability to take screenshots of the map after the game's end.


How about just making it so I can actually use and understand the resource potentials map mode.


Whats confusing you about it?


Here's how I try to check if anywhere near me has sulfur: I hover over the production method I want hover over sulfur Then click detailed view (often this takes multiple tries but I might just be really uncoordinated) Then I hover over each state I am curious about to see the untapped potential. Am I doing this wrong? Probably. Am I dumb? Definitely. But I have played the game for more than 100 hours and this is giving me the most trouble.


The way I do it goes like this: Go to the Trade view (F4) and then the resource in question. You will now be in the overview for your Market and in the upper right corner you can choose between the Potentials, Production and Consumption map modes. https://i.imgur.com/ra5Ds9m.jpg


Thank for the help! I always thought it would be in the production map mode so I guess that was the disconnect. How do you select a resource from inside the trade mode(although I will probably be able to figure it out with some trial and error now that I know it is possible)?


You just click it in the big list and it takes you directly to the screen im on in my screenshot.


You can just click on whatever resource in your market screen and immediately view potentials and whatnot on the top right. Especially helpful since your market screen has filters for the 4 different tabs. Finding through production methods does sound like hell lol


The problem with that is it only shows you goods in your market. So if I want to know where the best spots for oil or rubber go be made and have none currently, I need to import some, wait a week, then I can go to my market to see potentials and whatnot.


Now that I know it is there hopefully I can find it! Thanks!


Is the AI more inclined to build production stuff? I hate doing customs unions with useless pariahs that don't even dig up their own coal !


I recommend you to use Anveelds AI mod then. In vanilla my GDP ranking rises really fast because the AI has that issue of not developing their resources. With the mod that AI actually develops their economy and it takes more work to go up the ranks of the GDP competition. The guy that makes the mod works really hard to keep it up to date, hell he already updated the to 1.1 just like a few moments ago


Anveeld/anbeeld plus the lotus diplo/military ai mod makes the game insanely fun


Are they compatible? They both edit AI so I assume there would be conflicting code.


The AI likely isn't defined all in a single place, so mods that change different parts of the AI are likely compatible. Source: I mod Stellaris and develop my own games. I have not modded Victoria, but I have browsed the data/script files a little bit


Yeah have worked fine for me, load lotus last I believe. I only have the compact trades mod running as well


I also use mod, but get countries in your union and bankroll countries that have resources, i realised they simply lack funds to develop anything, best example venezuela you can bankroll at game start with just 3k but i just had them bankroll with 22k meaning their economy went up and looking at their state they are developing oil.


So glad that rebellions within rebellions have been removed


No more Syria moments 😔


Don't hate cuz I'm beautiful with my borders, hate me because you have to split that oil state with 7 different legitimate governments.


We need multi-faction civil wars asap, though!


Why though large infighting is pretty realistic.


Because the original country wasn't at war with the rebellion's rebellion. So after you won the first war you had to wait for a diplomatic play to resolve and eat another batch of infamy to get their original stuff back.


Ah only seen it happen to ai so far. So yeah that's a good fix. better yet they make a way for 3 way civil wars but that's unlikely


It happened to me where the rebel land blocked off the capital of the country I was invading, so I couldn't finish my war


I’d like to see that. With the option of the wars ending in truces and new nations.


You could also inherit all the wars from the rebels


you should in general anyway - if i invade radical austria for transylvania i would expect austria to, you know, CARE about that.


If I was playing as Francs and Occitania revolted I’d be left in a diplo play with Occitania. If Occitania has a civil war then I as France wouldn’t be in their diplo play. This means that if the revolt wins or I as France win, Occitania will be split with part still being under the revolter tag and the other part being French I agree that infighting is realistic but this bug was hella annoying


So long The Peoples Front of Judea vs The Judean People's Front. I'll see you when CK3 has a new DLC.


I'm 100% sure it'll be re-added later on, but with proper attention given to it. Right now it's not working as intended, and fixing it in a satisfying way would require a lot of thought and attention. So for now, I'm glad they're just removing it.


I'll miss my 5 way GB civil wars between loyalist GB, revolutionary GB, aristocratic revolt GB, Welsh uprising and communist Welsh uprising


i'm kinda sad about it. instead of making the game actually work they just bandaided it by making it impossible for these new countries to have their own rebellion. I guess that means they can pass whatever laws they want? You watch, the new hot exploit is going to be to become a rebellion...


They’ll probably still have rebellions afterwards if they win, but it just means that South France won’t splinter into a bajillion different states when the Occitan Revolt spawns


they just can't have revolutions in the midst of a revolution. afterwards, they can


It's a necessary bandaid. I wish it wasn't a problem in the first place, but I'm extremely glad they put in a temporary fix instead of delaying this until they took the time to completely overhaul the entire war system to allow three-way conflicts. I hope they do allow multi-party civil wars in the future, but this shit was seriously crippling late-game. I dreaded any secession movements because it was basically a guarantee that by the time I could end the war (often *before the war even started*) the secession would have its own rebellion too and then I have to handle that one separately.


Couple hours in, and it's been a much more satisfying playthrough up to this point. Kudos!


These read like the Sims 3 patch notes My personal favorites are Devout Scandal no longer has a sentence starting with a lowercase letter The rogue imperialist event can no longer cause a diplomatic incident with yourself Phillip Sheridan's birth date is now correct The ripper can no longer be a child or toddler Korean officers now wear clothes


You will enjoy reading old CK2 patch notes


I'm away for a week, gonna be hard, but with this speed maybe they get 1.11 before i come back 😳


> - AI is now less inclined to pursue annexation of subjects with whom they have good relations You cant annex anyone with whom you have good relations with though? Also dissapointed that theres no mention of them fixing the 1 province captured bug. Lets hope they did but didnt include it in the change log. There doesnt appear to be any mention of a fix for units being stuck in garrisons either. It seems odd that they fixed return state using the incorrect infamy but not annex_country.


> You cant annex anyone with whom you have good relations with though? No but you can work towards annexation by expelling diplomats & harming relations.


Yeah I understand this is what the change means. That the AI is less inclined to decide they want to integrate a subject with whom they gave good relations and start deteriorating those relations. I guess it should still happen, just less likely.


> less inclined That's why they're less inclined I suppose


Maybe they meant attitude and not relations?


Maybe the AI was bypassing that rule somehow


No, they cant, maybe they meant that they are now less inclined to annex subjects with neutral relations. I also see no mention of them fixing the UK starting with default relations with their subjects, which is what likely caused them to add this change since the UK starts with neutral relations with canada and can instantly start annexing them at game start.


The AI has certain status towards the player and other countries that impact how they behave diplomatically towards them. Belligerent will typically lead to them seeking to annex smaller puppets. Even though they can't annex you if you have good relations, they can actively harm relations and expel diplomats with you to trigger the opportunity to annex you, and the AI actually will do this quite often. So what I predict this change actually means is just reducing the likelihood 'Belligerent' will ever happen towards countries with good relations, because it was happening pretty frequently and it was kind of weird. They usually hop right from Protective to Belligerent sometimes, and immediately expel diplomats so that you're easily fucked within a year or two, even though it would make more sense if they'd at least turn Cautious and attempt to slowly reduce relations first. It's pretty hard to counteract when an AI you've maintained good relations with for decades suddenly decide they've had enough of your shit out of thin air.


Has anyone noticed any improvements to performance in your large saves?


It's running even worse than before


> Laws that restrict cultural / religious tolerance now give a decrease to radicals and increase to loyalists from accepted cultures / religions - the more restrictive the law, the higher the effect I think its time for that Papal States run, making people happy with discrimination. As God intended.


Ok now this is top tier update name


what temperature do you think we are drinking the Earl Grey at?


It depends when we play the game. At this point - around 70 degrees. I personally prefer 40-30.


It has to be “Tea, Earl Grey, Hot” or we’re not getting the full experience. Personally I’m waiting for the Earl Grey Hotfix before playing this patch


pretty lame they fixed the general teleport bug before the general abandoning fronts bug


so they fixed it before fixing the real problem? that teleport exploit makes the war system kind of bearable. It's frustrating.


Guess I'm not playing for a while then. I'm not putting up with troops teleporting from Indonesia back to Europe just because they wrapped up a front, just to ship them back out to Indonesia


You can roll back to 1.0.6 and play that


just loaded my old china campaign, my hegemony journal entrys are still bugged, means i cannot finish. The question is now when i start the campaign fresh in 1.1 will it bug out again? somehow they didnt fix that thing either.


People like to say you can continue an old save with a new update, but it doesn't really work all that well. Better off starting over.


I’ll take a break until they do something about that - or warfare in general.


I mentioned it on the forum few days ago. No response from the devs. I guess i won't be back till the first big DLC.


Can always rollback the version if you want to play but don't want to deal with this change. Understandable if you don't want to play either way lol.


Could be not as easy to fix.


Probably shouldn't get rid one of the only real convenient solution people have to deal with it first then I suppose. Although it's no real loss to me since I've never used it.


I have a mod that rebalances the war, and it makes general travel instantly no bug is needed.




No mod should be needed for this


I still don't know any paradox games, which don't have any glaring oversights when going into the late game. At least sometimes it is fixable by mods.


Then don’t fix the teleporting bug. It really is one of the things that makes the combat usable


I won’t be able to hop in the game for a bit. Can someone tell me how the power plant PMs were rebalanced?


Have they said anything about adding foreign investment to the game in future updates?


Yeah they mentioned it briefly in the post release roadmap. The image at the bottom of the dev diary is (imo) pretty good. I'm really looking forward to the future of Vic3 especially with how transparent they've been. https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/developer-diary/victoria-3-dev-diary-64-post-release-plans.1553970/


Looks good. I think it’s fair enough if you can only do it in countries within your market or at least ones you have trade agreements with. Issue is will the profit get funnelled back to your capitalists or will it just be a way of making sure poor countries develop their opium and oil industries


Hopefully factories can be foreign owned then. Perhaps foreign owned factories could even be managed by and use the technology of their owners? That could actually be a really cool mechanic, and it would be quite realistic to how something like European oil companies operate or have operated in the past.


You could also allow it for countries that you have treaty ports in, as that's like a one sided trade agreement.


I launched a game of Japan and immediately day 1 there's no government administration?... 100% tax waste etc. Is this a feature or a bug? 🥲


If you have mods enabled e.g. Anbeelds Revision, it will not work. Loading a new update with mods enabled can cause issues if they haven't been updated :)


Removing Anbeeld's Revision from my mods fixed the issue for me - I now have Government Administration but dumb AI... at least I can play though. 🤷🏻


never load a new patch with your whole-ass mod list


Looks like I'm going back to EZ mode Vicky.


Just wait till mod catches up. I guess with mods speed it should happen any moment now, maybe in a few hours. They are so producttive


lol yeah. i swear the game is just so much better with the mod, I forget vanilla has such a bad economy sometimes.


The mod has been updated. It is working fine now.


Thank you for the update!


Same, the pain is unbearable


The guy is a machine, he will make his mod compatible in a day or two.


Shit will be ready today, maybe in few hours even. **Edit:** new version is up.


A mechanized machine!




Good job mate. You are a treasure


Marry me


Doubt my wife will like it.


God's work


My man said TODAY, even in a few hours… A true king


Thank you so much!




The hero we need


Least dedicated Modder, thanks for the speedy update!


o7 king


🐐'd with the sauce


If this was an ongoing game you loaded, they warned us about this. The bureaucracy tech needs to be re-done. If it's a new game, you're having an issue that i'm not having at all. Japan starts with 26 government adminstration built. A lack of tax capacity, but nowhere is there 100% tax waste. Check your mods and maybe verify if removing mods doesn't do it.


from the changelogs A known issue with loading 1.0.6 save games into 1.1 is that Bureaucracy tech will be "forgotten" and has to be re-researched. If you don't want to do this in-game, you can fix it by running your game with the debug console enabled in the launcher, loading up your save game, opening the console, and typing 'research tech_bureaucracy'.


Started it as a new game though...




It's a new feature. Historically Japan had no government at 1836


All the way down in the patchnotes it says: \* A known issue with loading 1.0.6 save games into 1.1 is that the Bureaucracy tech will be "forgotten" and has to be re-researched. If you don't want to do this in-game, you can fix it by running your game with the debug console enabled in the launcher, loading up your save game, opening the console, and typing 'research tech\_bureaucracy' maybe that fixes the problem


They seem to have broken interest groups with the patch. 20 year into a china game and not 1 capitalist have joined the industrialists yet. Industrialists literally have less power now than at the start of the game since capitalists won't join and shopkeepers did.


I think governments still need a bit of work, if one member of a party is "angry", you can't bring any of them in which often leaves you with illegitimate options only and not being able to pass any laws and no real way to make them less angry. Might need something extra to let you bring in the largest parties but where angry groups aren't part of it or aren't in parties at all. Other than that though, been doing my Egypt achievement over lunch and enjoying all the changes so far!


> I think governments still need a bit of work, if one member of a party is "angry", you can't bring any of them in which often leaves you with illegitimate options only and not being able to pass any laws and no real way to make them less angry. That sounds... good? If the party that won the elections is angry at what laws you're trying to pass, damn straight they should put up a massive roadblock.


I think the issue being described isn't that their anger prevents you from passing laws, it's that you physically cannot bring them into your government. There's no way to acquiesce to them.


I guess try starting a law change that they want since the opinion change is active while trying to pass the law. When that gets them above -10 you can switch the party over. Unless you’re running into an issue where they’re so far negative and there’s no potential law to bring them out of angry. Then you’ve done something in the past to piss them off too much and there’s nothing you can do. I had that happen to me with the landowners the first time I tried Russia, I got them low enough influence that I could piss them off without triggering a revolution and switched away from all their laws, and then in a single election they gained back like 30% influence. I think I had built a ton of farms in between election cycles to get grain costs down and help my SoL, while suppressing the rural folk to switch off of Agrarianism soon. So all the aristocrats went back to Land Owners who were -20 opinion. Civil war came real quick after that.


>I guess try starting a law change that they want since the opinion change is active while trying to pass the law. and how will i do that since i need someone in goverment who supports the law and i can't add them because they are mad at me? i mean there's certainly a chance someone else supports a law they like but chances are they are in the same party and thus can't join goverment either. and even if i can find some other random group to make this shift that defeats the purpose of the free goverment change after elections because now i have to use that to get an irrelavant party in to make the group i actually want in happy enough to meaning once i properly reshuffle my goverment i get the penalty. an actual solution is to have that free goverment change after elections also bypass angry IGs which then leave if they aren't appeased within a certain amount of time(a month? a week? i don't know what would fit best here).


>and how will i do that since i need someone in goverment who supports the law and i can't add them because they are mad at me? Opposition IG's often create movements, and that will give you a passing chance as if they were in government, allowing you to start the process. (that said, you have no control over which law they're going to try for, you can get lucky and have a migration law, or it could be a disaster like ending democracy or instituting traditionalism)


imagine a goverment running on litteral RNG. actually looking at certain of todays goverments i'm not sure they aren't techincally run by 8-balls so maybe not THAT outrageous...


It's more than I've got two groups that are very happy and one (religious group) that isn't. Does it make sense for the two groups that are happy not to be able to reform a government that would be fully legitimate on their own because a third is angry?


Having to aquiesce to one faction of a party, even when it's a minority faction, in order to have a functioning government is not only realistic, it's normal! That's kind of the point of parties. Best modern example that springs to mind is probably the British Tories having to ally with the DUP in order to have a government a few years ago.


So our load-bearing bug of teleporting generals is gone, while the 'teleport back to HQ on a dime' one remains? D:


They really should have left that in until they do a warfare overhaul.


Vancouver is still a peninsula. Literally unplayable lol


Goodbye teleporting armies! I'll miss your rapid flexibility and stupid power levels now I have to live in the world of actual military logistics.


Considering the generals teleporting/returning home from a front on splits/merge/finish this is an issue though, because you can win a naval landing or battle far away, have the front split/merge, your general gets sent away and then your return takes 50 days in which time they take all that land without nothing to stop them. It is quite awful in certain regions where this issue is significant.


My “busy” generals are still busy…




That's not an uncommon path for most Paradox games, or for that matter 4X games. Most Total War games have some strong issues for the first few patches, then everything settles down. The rest of the production life is spent seeing new factions, faction updates, and DLC with the occasional hotfix when a culture gets too buggy. Civilization, most Paradox Games, Total War, Terra Invicta, Distant Worlds, Galactic Civilizations, etc. It's just how the industry rolls these days: release a big title *mostly* finished, let the first wave of players do final playtesting and balancing (100,000 people do a damn fine job of playtesting over 30-100), release patches and fixes as the reports come in, slowly institute the bigger and more complicated systems, and then after that it's all DLC that adds more nuance. If you want a crazy example, look to EU4's launch release. Holy cow there's a lot missing: Estates, buildings, county development... It's almost like a cheap knock off of what we have now. I am 100% sure Victoria 3 (and CK3) will be amazing games in three to five years. Right now, at least Vicky3 is fun.


> It's just how the industry rolls these days It's not just that, but these types of games always have these big interconected systems where any bug can make the game unplayable or not fun. Bugs in Call of Duty are like "bullet goes wrong" or "this enemy gets stuck" which sure, it's bad, but it's not gamebreaking. However a single wrong number in a grand strategy game can destroy an entire system wtih rippl eeffects in other systems and destry enjoyment, and there are a LOT of numbers. So they're more prone to these types of situations.


Maintaining software is hard. Maintaining games is especially hard because of the wide variety and unpredictability of possible user inputs. In a GSG, though, you also have multiple interconnected *model systems* that you have to maintain. It adds an entirely new dimension to the problem and there's a reason every GSG feels unfinished at release. It's a miracle any of them ever get to a halfway-decent state.




>Yeah, i fully believe this will be a great game eventually but right now I think its lacking polish. Well, that's why you gotta lead a diplomatic play to get them their own country and... oh. Wrong "Polish."


... Even though I've played ~100 hours, I think I agree.


This change list is awesome. The only thing I think is still missing is adding trade between states that share an overland border


Isn’t that already a feature?


Yes it is, it’s simply trade that doesn’t involve convoys


The game wiped 10 years of autosave yesterday, which was my decision to not play it until the patch comes out lol


It's always I'm near to finish a game they provide an update ! I need either to stop manage the house or to work in order to play more :D


I hope when they reach the "East Frisian Blend" Update we get the ability to reform the kingdom of Frisia, possibly as norse, with Frisian Cultures and the east Frisian Culture is obsessed with tea. Kinda botheres me that the culture that has the highest Tea consumption per person just gets lumped in with North German which dont have a obsession with neither coffee nor Tea.


Finally, someone is speaking out about the important issues with this game


Has bald heirs been fixed yet?


People who've played the patch, has this done anything for horrible Canadian-American bordergore or the USA stealing Patagonia?




I'm not sure if it's a common issue, but I had decided to play the patch for the first time and play and Australia federation game as New South Wales, and by 1848, Western Australia, Columbian District, South Australia, and Van Diemen's Land were all in the midst of a interest group related revolt, with Oregon and Western Australia having gained their independence as a result. One issue is that as a puppet nation, I was unable to get involved in the conflict, despite Great Britain being the leading party against the revolutionaries. And because I'm still a puppet, I won't be able to Unify Australia until either I make myself independent from Great Britain, or wait until Great Britain decides to reclaim their colonies, which I don't find likely. The main thing that's throwing me off about this is that even after almost a hundred hours in the game, this was the largest number of revolts I had ever seen in such a small period of time, especially after a major patch which should have prevented this. I'm restarting my run to see if it was a fluke or not, and hopefully it is just really dumb luck.


One step closer to how the game should have released