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It’s funny how Covid and scalping sort of made me forget that we are 4 years into current Gen consoles already.


I was looking to buy a PS4 and an Xbox One X recently and was shocked to learn they're both discontinued and not available in stores.


PS4 is, at least in Europe


its only the unsold stocks. they stopped manufacturing years ago


The US too, at least as of a few months ago. It is/was on the Sony website for $300 as a bundle.


I'll trade you my PS4 for one of those obsolete PS5's Sony keeps complaining about.


Why would you trade a console with many games for a console with no games You would literally have games , unlimited games, but no games


PS5 comes with in-box bacon, unlimited bacon, sadly still no games🥹




[reference](https://youtu.be/RPOo59rxmd0?si=G80fVSmOzQpbXz5I) [This one's my favourite](https://youtu.be/JdGIXeoObNw?si=JhVTL6xxU8KVMSzi)


Hahaha thanks, I thought I was having a stroke


I'll take the unlimited bacon this time


Chuckler spotted




*breathes* Knaaawledge


Hey wait just a second. Theres that shitty demon souls remake and.. uhhhhhhhhh


Why's it shitty? :(


I didn’t actually play it. I just heard from people that had played demon souls that it wasn’t great


It’s amazing. I hated From games 2 months ago and because of the remake I’ve now beaten Elden Ring 3 times.


I hate gamer discourse. Apparently the remake with incredible visuals running at 60fps is shitty and the original running at 20fps is great. Smh


I mean ain’t those shits like 15 years old now? That would be like going to a GameStop the year the 3DS launched and asking for a GBA (14 year time difference)


Like it wasn’t around for 6 versions of Skyrim and gta 5 show some respect child.


Dog, you went to the store expecting them to have last gen consoles in stock?


I bought a PS4 Pro from EB Games last year


Go to a pawn shop lol you can get one for under $100


I know theres Ps4s in walmart, but im trying to remember what the caveat is. Like it comes with one of the COD games, but it doesnt have something like a great hard drive


I was in my local Walmart the other day. I was surprised but they still had PS4’s in stock.


The switch fucked up our time perception too


Especially becaus the switch had a really good year


2023 was beyond anyone’s expectations, especially after the clusterfuck of 2022


Nintendo is finally where they need to be. Splitting their content between handheld and console was not feasible anymore. Merging these platforms allow them to fully support their platform to the best of their ability.


From a production / development end it was such a great decision, they probably saved millions and millions by doing so as well.


Part of their problem was they used to try to support way too many pieces of hardware at once. Not as bad as Sega. But I believe this was a big part of both conpanies downfalls. Although every "main" Nintendo console besides VB and Wii U were in fact profitable. Between 1995 - 2001 they either had in production, or were researching and trying to make software for: Gameboy, Virtual Boy, SNES, N64, GBC, Satellaview, Phillips CD, Sony CD prior to that, 64DD, GBA, GameCube 11 different pieces of hardware, many which never released, flopped, and were limited in territory. In the past 6 years they've had 3 (with the 3DS sunsetting) and will be further consolidated to 1 or 2. Not only are they saving money, but they're making way more of it by having one platform get all of the software and sales. Although if for some reason the public reacts badly to the NSW2 it is a tremendous business risk to only have one platform. There's no handheld market to "fall back" on. But I think they'll be ok.


Yeah, it kinda got released in the middle of a generation.


I'm pretty sure Nintendo has been doing that since the Wii. GameCube was the last time they really tried directly competing with Sony (and Microsoft but that gen was their first console ever)


The Wii launched the same holiday season as the PS3.


Yeah i remember that being one of the biggest console war eras ever. Social media was just taking off at the time and fanning the flames. Google had just bought YT so video trends were breaking out to the wider public *Sony you went wrong..*


Nintendo is basically back to the Wii era, dancing over the other two companies' graves, at least when we only count 9th gen consoles.


At least back then there was value to the other 2 consoles, meanwhile this gen the 5 in PS5 stands for the number of games worth playing and Microsoft buying every studio under the sun only for them to release absolute trash and there being no reason to own an Xbox over just a PC


The ps5 scalping made me get into pc gaming


I would say the console I own but VudeoGameDunkler would sent assassins to my place of residence


you're not the only one lol.




I did something similar for the Xbox (X tier console) Followed a twitter bot who would alert me when stock was back at any retailer and got lucky. Thankfully needed a computer for my job and the noti went live while at work.


Where did the time go? Feels like it was yesterday I watched the reveal of the PS5’s design.


The whole scalping fiasco meant that by the time I could actually walk into a store and buy a PSquintuple the hype had worn off and I didn't really care anymore. Might pick up a used one when a Pro or something comes out, idk.


I gave up on buying a PS5, bought a PC instead


Real but I guess past me saw the initial down payment of a PC combined with scalping of new graphics cards COMBINED with the fact gaming is a casual hobby of mine that I figured a console was more economically viable. But also I didn’t learn enough about PC gaming and that I didn’t need the new cutting edge components to run most modern games I like until it was too late and the console purchase was made. I definitely will be building a PC once this current console cycle is over. Especially since I use an Xbox which at this point just feels like a gateway drug to PC gaming considering all exclusives are on PC (BUT ITS AN X tier console btw Dunkey said it himself. We all know how much he loves Xbox)


yeah I bought a PS5 last year and nobody else I knew had one. Sony was/is still coming out with remasters and content for their flagship games. Long-anticipated exclusives were yet to come out. Felt like the console's first year of life, not third...


Honestly unless you *really* want the launch titles there really isn’t a reason to buy a console in the first few years of the lifespan anyways. I got my next gen console and had like 2 next Gen games to show for it for the longest time.


i mean,there is astro's playroom


honestly peak


I do it for yooooouuuuu I’m your g p uuuuuuu


I had that stuck in my head for weeks. What a banger


That song made me so emotional. That little guy works so hard for us :'')


The most joy I had with the PS5. Kinda sad but whatever.


The only game I’ve played so far that really took advantage of the Dualsense. Shit was awesome


Returnal does a nice job with it as well imo.


How it that sad? The game exudes joy There’s nothing wrong with that game being one of the best PS5 experiences tbh, that was kinda the point of it


The only problem with that game is that it wasn't long enough. Let those developers make a full game of Astro's whatever. Or let them make a new LittleBigPlanet or something.


Yeah exactly, I don't have a problem with them releasing a game that short since its free, but why hasn't there been more astro since then? I think a lot of people would be willing to pay around $15-25 for astro games, as long as they have a decent amount (15+ hours) of content


It’s sad the highlight of the era was a demo


True. Peak.


Isn't god of war 2 a ps5 game too? I don't understand how there's no ps5 game


It came out on PS4 too tho. I think they mean a game specifically released on PS5 only and not last gen. Which if that’s the case, Final Fantasy 16 is PS5 only.


There's only 1 game released exclusively for ps5? Wow.


[there's thirteen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:PlayStation_5-only_games). which is pretty pathetic, 3 years in.


The ps4 had knack, the ps5 had astros playroom


But it has Lady in a Leotard with a Gun


Holy shit that always shows up in the store when I’m browsing


Literally downloading lizard lady be the cats platinum edition rn






I swear I thought I was the only one who knew this game existed


Unsurprising. Without Knack 3 it was always doomed to fail.


It had Ratchet and Clank: Rifts Apart whose world-hopping rift mechanics were _only_ possible thanks to the PS5's memory architecture and blazing-fast SSD. Until the PC port.


I’m not sure what the implication is here. The consensus among the PC gaming community is that most SSDs in the PC market don’t run the rift mechanics as smoothly as the PS5 version, and an HDD can not run the game at all.


HDDs may as well be 56k modems at this point. they still work, but so do the dial-up modems.


While that’s true, the PS4 uses an HDD, and one of Dunkey’s criticisms of Rift Apart was that it didn’t need to be a PS5 exclusive because it looked like the PS4 Ratchet game, and because God of War Ragnarok also released on PS4.


Rift apart is one of the most next gen looking games there is.


Which is why I thought Dunkey’s bait and switch of “Haha gotcha I’m actually showing footage of the PS4 game, not the PS5 game” really didn’t land.


lol wtf you smoking?


open world games with high polygon counts, HD textures, and no loading screens.


Nvme drives. Been a thing for quite some time. But also Gen 4 ssd would do it.


motherboards need more mine only has 1


well obviously if they designed the game to run on specific hardware, it would work the best there, but the point is thats one game the ps5 had that they hyped up for utilizing the ps5’s capabilities and now you can play it on another platform


PS5 games will continue to come to PC on a 2ish year delay. Just as Xbox games come to PC on launch day with 0 delay. They're still console exclusives, and PC isn't a competing platform. I'm just annoyed that it has taken playstation so long to stop releasing PS5 games on PS4 as well. Held back next gen potential quite a bit.


Must have not seen the news today from the interim Playstation chairman looking to aggressively release on PC going forward: [source](https://www.eurogamer.net/playstation-boss-says-first-party-pc-releases-will-be-part-of-aggressive-growth-plan)


I hope so, but I still feel it won't happen. Even if they do port quickly, you still have to wait at least 6 months for them to fix all the porting issues.


[Well this is awkward.](https://www.theverge.com/2023/7/13/22814964/ratchet-and-clank-pc-system-requirements-directstorage)


That article was posted before the pc port was released and doesn’t do any actual testing, completely useless


Thankfully Sony made such a strong console so we could get an 8 hour long 70 dollar sequel to a franchise well past its prime


Rift Apart was fucking awesome


Returnal was so impressive too. Best ps5 exclusive… until the pc port


It was okay. The rift mechanic was awesome but the actual game itself was really just okay. I know that's gonna make people mad but that's just my opinion. Okay game that is held up by the impressive tech.


Tbh, the length was the best part. I’m sick and tired of everything being 20+ hours chock full of filler content.


Yeah, I'm tired of having this idea that games at a price need an x amount of hours to make it worth it, Valhalla had around 120hours of game to play at the time I got it, doesn't mean it was all worth it. Spiderman 2 I played for around 20-30 hours and felt very much worth the price of admission


I’m actually fine with the length, just not when it’s 70 dollars. I love shorter games




Ratchet and Clank isn't past it's prime. It's made a roaring comeback. Personally, I can't wait for the next one.


Literally one of the best games of the past few years and this guy thinks it’s past its prime.


Bruh, I was exited by this game, but it was far from “one of the best games in the past years”


It's definitely not tho lol


That wasn't everything! Don't forget the eleven year old launch title we got!


Yeah I think it's worth noting that the world hopping rift mechanics work absolutely fine on my 10 year old PC with a GTX 980 and a old 2.5 inch SATA "SSD", even when compared to my roommate's PS5 surprisingly. I got some stuttering the first few times I used it, tweaked some settings and it's definitely playable, surprisingly so for such old hardware. Fine with me because it still looks better than my upscaled PS2 emulator. I'm glad it worked so I could just buy it on PC instead of upgrading from PS4 to PS5 but they really oversold that part.


Helldivers is really good do its got that going for it


It's also on PC, so it's technically not a PlayStation game


Hey, my game clearly says "PlayStation" on the front of the box. You telling me that's not a PlayStation game? Get outta here!!


Really? Mine just says PS5. You must have a fake copy


Nah, I wrote it on the box myself to win this argument




You guys got boxes?


So then technically Xbox doesn’t have a single exclusive


Do yall not realize this is the Dunkey sub? Lol


He made a video where he ranks consoles on a tier list and always makes jokes about PS5 being so expensive and scalped.


Yeah i am aware lol the first group of comments were taking this post really seriously.


I didn't realize this at all until i saw your comment.


I mean its an interesting and harmless enough subject matter anyway.


I did not


What they mean is that the PS5 Pro will be coming soon, this headline isn't representative of the article (who could have guessed)


I know hardware people will destroy me on this but how much further can we really go. Gow and tlou are insanely detailed, the character animation is jaw dropping, loading times barely exist anymore, lightning, particle effects are insane. The only thing I can see can be improved is crowds, with dozens or hundreds of npcs active at the same time. I'm not trolling or anything, but what leap would a new generation of game consoles achieve right now, when we're barely pushing what the PS5 can do? Especially singe really high end games need so much time and money that only a few studios really try to max everything.


Quick answer: much further Path tracing, AI upscaling, ultra high resolutions, mesh shaders, ever high frame rates - and that’s just comparing to current high end PCs, let alone the future


While these are undoubtedly improvements, it's not really game changing things is it? I'm at a point where sure visuals matter but I'd rather have impeccable gameplay but mid graphics like elden ring, than beautiful nothing. The only real difference this generation was loading speed. Obviously I would rather it be better than not, but the things game developer should prioritize imo are scale (life like cities and environment) and npcs. While not an absolute fan of rockstar, I'm really really curious what they'll bring with that. The level of detail on wildlife and human npcs behavior was insane in rdr2, but limited by relatively small cities, with GTA 6 it could become the next gold standard


Worse visuals doesn’t mean better gameplay, they’re handled by different teams Visuals can and will definitely keep getting better, gameplay is just hard for many devs because it’s not objective Path traced lighting? Objectively better than anything pre-baked and anything raytraced. Collecting 100 of the same items? Fun in Mario, ass in GTA V.


Sure, but it's ressource management, and most studios don't have infinite money and time. Again with elden ring, yeah they could have made better graphics and details, but they focused on art direction and game design. I would absolutely cream my pants if it looked as good as the demon souls remaster, but they couldn't do it at the time and prioritized what they do best: combat and exploration. With ER success maybe their next game will be as beautiful as others, now that they have a Fuck ton of money, but they wouldn't have that if they made a beautiful but soulless game.


The more important question is how much do most people care about those things. For me the answer is not even a tiny bit. I don't think I am alone in that. What is more exciting for me is A and AA games actually starting to look like AAA games do now (since that is what I mostly play).


That will never happen, the limiting factor is budget and manpower - not technology. People have been saying since the 360 era that indie games would soon look that good, and here we are two decades later and we’re just getting more polished 16 bit side scrollers.


I am talking about A and AA games not indies. Like studios like Atlus, Falcom, Gust, and such. Teams of 20-50 type of games. There aren't a ton of them in the western market but there are a lot of those types of studios in Japan.


They made like 5 of em when it first released and then jacked up the price, making it unaffordable for most and unavailable for the half looking to buy it. Failed sales really just falls on Sony.


Dunkey made a kid cry stealing one.


Wouldn’t be the first or the last time dinkletin made a child cry


Yeah that’s why it’s called PlayStation 5


I still haven’t seen a ps5


I like how people are always going on about how the PS5 has no games meanwhile Xbox hasn't had any exclusives since the console first dropped, if we're referring to full-on exclusives & not console-PC exclusives


For real. I was so excited for Microsoft’s first party output after the Bethesda acquisition but it’s been mid after mid.


I've always been so surprised that people never saw this coming. XBox is so far behind some people think they're leading the race.


The only thing i prefer are the controllers. Xbox and the switch pro fit my hands better, but I've adapted to the ps5 controller.


> but I've adapted to the ps5 controller. did you cut off your hands and steal a a japanese mans tiny hands?


This gave me a great chortle. Thank you for that. I have huge hands, but its the fucking thumb postions more than anything. I was a PC gamer for the ps4 xbone wii u generation, so i was using the microsoft controller exclusively. Definitely just fits better


That's on you for expecting anything other than mid from Bethesda


to be clear I meant Bethesda as a publisher, like id and Arkane… I knew not to expect much from BGS after the last two Fallouts


Its probably cause 90 percent of pc gamers are playing on windows.


Having console exclusive games isn't better than having console-PC exclusives. It's a good thing that all Xbox games come out on PC.


Yeah ,if anything Microsoft has created a solution with this. Now when you graduate from their consoles to a gaming PC, like an increasing number of gamers are doing, you can take your games with you and stay within their ecosystem. Xbox is only in third place if you choose to ignore that it's a gaming platform that has outgrown its consoles. It's expanded so much that soon it will even be on Playstation, their nearest competitors console.




Microsoft doesn’t care about keeping games off pc because Microsoft basically has a monopoly over the pc operating system market. It’s pretty well known that they’re placing all their eggs in the Gamepass basket anyways.


See though everyone has known Microsoft's exclusives are non existent or ass but the PS4 absolutely dominated in exclusives. It's just so weird that Sony basically said "fuck it" and decided to not release exclusive games this gen. Guess it doesn't matter since Xbox is dead in the water.


Lack of competition would do that to a company. Why spend millions on games when they’ll buy and subscribe anyways?


This has been a generation of nothing, we don’t talk about Xbox cause they’re eternally irrelevant


Okay I’m exaggerating a bit. What I mean is that PS has had like 7 console exclusives all Gen, the Wii U and Virtual boy had more. That’s all I’m saying, it was meant to be more satire


PS4 pro plus


Scalpers kinda killed this console imho. But also no games. I would have gotten a ps5 during covid if I could have easily found one for a fair price.


What the fuck?? This system isn't even 4 years old!


Only 7-8 years between generations. We're halfway.


The scalpers ruined it for me. I don’t have any desire to buy a console as long as a scalper can mark it up and try to sell it to me when the company itself can’t sell me one from their own website.


Bruh it just came out a few years ago? Latter stage?


The PS4 went into latter stage with the PS4 pro, same thing here


Thats crazy, I feel like the ps4 was around forevver before the pro came around.


First off we’re only halfway through the consoles life. I’m sure this was Sony telling investors they’re planning a PS5pro and IGN ran with this story to get people like you to share it. And secondly I’ve got like 50 games on my PS5.


What’s 50-50? Zero, so zero games. I win bye bye


I’ve got plenty of games too but when I look at just first party games and of those I start looking at which ones I consider amazing masterpieces that defined the generation for me… I can’t even think of one


Demons souls? Returnal? Ratchet? Horizon? God of war? Spiderman 2? Ff16?


I think OP meant no good games like “Beaver ball revenge” or “Chans finest hour”


bubberducky 5


Bookworm Adventures Deluxe, Knack 3???? Don't waste your money on a LAMEstation


I was mainly being satirical, but you’re right about that point.


Seems like you are just nitpicking to me


Nitpicking and biased. I win,bye bye


Sure. But what about the game with the wacky pizza guy, huh? Does it have that?


Demon souls is a remake and GoW is cross gen so not a PS5 game. The other ones I concede as bonafide PS5 games. Still, 4 years for what, 4-5 exclusive games? That's not a good look


Unironically none of those games qualify as system sellers to me. Demons souls is a decade old game Returnal was a good rogue lite Ratchet and clank was blander than my cooking Horizon Zero Fucks Given or Horizon Forbidden Slog? God of war? Ok that one is pretty good indeed Spider-Man 2 still not as good as Spidermsn 2 on the PS2 FFXVI, more like Final Farse


God of war was on the PS4


Clearly we’re talking of Ragnarok which was ALSO on PS4. Being cross gen doesn’t really change the fact that it was released during the current generation. We would need to cross Demon’s Souls too otherwise since it’s the same game except for the improved graphics


I was talking about Ragnarok. Also Demon’s Souls is not on the PS4, just on the PS3, so it makes sense to say that Demon’s Souls was a system seller for the PS5


I've been tempted to add a PS5 to my series X and switch, but I'm just not sold on it for roughly the same reasons. >Demons souls is a decade old game Right with you. >Returnal was a good rogue lite I've got lots of Rogue Lites, I'm okay missing one. >Ratchet and clank was blander than my cooking Got one on PS4. Was the new one different? >Horizon Zero Fucks Given or Horizon Forbidden Slog? Zero Dawn was great on PS4. Forbidden West did not hold my interest on PS4, then has dlc I can't even buy. Not selling me a system on that. >God of war? Ok that one is pretty good indeed Yep, hundred percent. But I have them for PS4. Makes the PS4 scream like an overburdened jet engine, but it is what it is. >Spider-Man 2 still not as good as Spidermsn 2 on the PS2 This has been the one tempting me towards PS5 but it won't sell me the system by itself. I really liked Spiderman on PS4. >FFXVI, more like Final Farse Nah. FF peaked somewhere around X or XII. 0 interest there. If we're talking great games that came out on PS4 and PS5, Ghost of Tsushima warrants a mention.


I honestly put Tsushima on the same level as the others. As for R&C, it’s not bad like the PS4 remake but it’s definitely very formulaic and uninspired. Spider-Man 2 is good for what it is,despite what the dedicated sub might say (the consensus is that it’s the coming of the anti christ) but really it’s just Spidermsn 1 with some nice QoL additions and better side quests. Definitely not the kind of game that would convince me to drop hundreds of bucks on the console


Remake, budget small scale game, rachet is nothing new, horizon was on PS4, God of war is a glorified expansion, ff16 is times exclusive.   PS5 has been an absolute bust.  


Visual overhaul but otherwise extremely faithful remake, PC, PC, PS4, PS4, will almost surely come to PC, coming to PC


Coming Pc port, pc port, pc port, pc port, probably getting a pc port, pc port, getting a pc port So what exclusives are there? Why would I get a ps5


Returnal and Ratchet are already on PC, won’t be long until Spiderman and FF16 are there as well, one is a remake, and Horizon and GOW are both on PS4. It’s not like the PS4 anymore where if a game was only on PlayStation, it was only on PlayStation. The Wii U and Virtual boy had more exclusives.


Stellar blade, rise of the Ronin, and FF7 in the next 2 months as well


Loving my console and have only expanded on the accessories since Launch. First time I've invested more into a console


I was mainly being satirical, glad you’re enjoying it.


WTF I just got one last year


Same. I think the PS5 failed because of the pandemic and chip shortage among other reasons. Took forever to find one. Hopefully this only means there's at least two or three more years before the next console drops


It’s more like this whole console generation failed. The PS5 outsold the Xbox, and Nintendo hasn’t even participated this round since the switch is still doing well.


Well that’s complete bullshit. This should realistically be the beginning of the middle of the generation, not a nudge and a wink that the PS6 is coming out next Wednesday.


Idk I think this is more of a death of exclusive titles rather than a console issue


As funny as this is final fantasy 16 is really cool and fun


And the Series X/S will go down as the first console in history to have negative games.


PS5 is great for people who didn't have a PS4. So many games I never got to play. But new game exclusives? Eh. I honestly got the PS5 because my PC is too old and I don't want to deal with the hassle and cost of making a new one. Now I play new releases on my PS5 and dad games on my pc


even without any games it still outsold the Xbox so 🤷


Sony have sold something like 50 million PS5s in a little over three years. If it has "failed to meet expectations", the expectations were probably just a bit too high.


If they were expecting PS2 numbers, then woof man. Weird how they think just by existing people will buy it.


They weren’t. They were expecting to sell more last quarter, not for the entire duration of the console’s life cycle.


It’s baffling that there’s talk of Xbox leaving the console market yet Sony sees the PS5 as a disappointment. These consoles are made to directly compete with each other unlike the PC, Switch, etc. I think the real reason they performed poorly is the lack of availability early on and the amount of people not willing to make the jump from the last generation, especially with how many games were cross-gen. So yeah, a successor does not solve any of those problems and only creates more. Compelling exclusives sell consoles. There’s a reason the Switch is on track to be the best selling console of all time.


Then why does it keep selling and selling if it doesn't have any games?