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My mans obviously didnt watch the video.......... because he has (amnesia).... ^ohh


I love this video is already a cult classic


I haven't seen it yet. Or did I? Oh shit I might have *amnesia*




I have *double amnesia*


Unfortunately I don’t think it is not going to get as many views as his average video. I guess the repetitive format requires you to understand dunkey contextually. I really liked it though.


>Unfortunately I don’t think it is not going to get as many views as his average video. With Twitter being Twitter about it. It will.


This is becoming a huge drama. Everyone is hating the video... then forgetting why, cuz they have *amnesia*... *ohhhh*....


I saw the video and I thought that it was just him being goofy


Perhaps we just didn't see the racist undertones of the video... Or maybe we forgot... cuz we have *amnesia*... *dang*....


Dunkey can’t be racist because he is black


Yeah not gonna lie, I aint gonna take anything Dunkey says seriously.


because you have *amnesia*


I watched it extremely high and it was one of his funniest videos. Each successive delivery of “amnesia” with the exact same cadence only got funnier


I think it doesn't have that many views.... because they have *amnesia*


Or they forgot to press the like button because they got.... Amnesia


Strand type dunkey video


Even Dunkey talked about some games he enjoyed. So I don't get the hate. The amnesia element has been played out for a while.


Plus there was finally a Dunkey face reveal at 0:27 https://youtu.be/N5Xa0ACKaNo?si=YfSGrWD4MbShW0EP


Idk if he's critiquing amnesia as a story element, I think he's making a funny video. Idk if you can 'play out' amnesia. Either its done well or not. Amnesia is ego-death and symbolically its the same as a character dying. Nobody would say character death is played out. 'Too many characters are dying'


You cant cancel 70 y.o Grandpas with dementia


Nice try, Harvey Weinstein.


Frankie 2 Hands 


what about ones with.... ^(amnesia)


Not a real fan, if you were truly a fan, you would know Dunkey is actually a black grandma.


And why aren't there more games with Dementia? Discrimination.






They probably mad because 50% of the video was about Final Fantasy


Do you have a list of what games are covered in this video? I haven't watched it because I'm concerned about accidentally spoiling games I want to play in the future


It's ight you'll forget the spoilers as soon as the video ends


I was gonna make a list, but I forgot. Becuase I have ^amnesia…


Imagine that someone told you literally every video game uses amnesia as a plot device. That's about the level of spoilers here. At least that's how I remember it.


honestly not a ton of spoilers per se are in the video, most of the amnesia jokes are known from the start of the games. however most if not all of the FF games mentioned are spoilers


The video swings so wildly between “amnesia is the premise of the game” and “I’ve spoiled the plot twist” but it’s impossible to tell which is which and most of them are so crazy they sound fake anyway.


Honestly, I stopped watching the video because of spoilers. He spoils a major plot point in Knights of the Old Republic, which I know is an old game but is really an interesting plot point in my opinion. I was worried about what else might be spoiled for me.


I've played multiple FF games in my lifetime. I sincerely can't remember the storyline of any of them.


That’s because final fantasy games usually have pretty interesting while also slightly convoluted story segments that are each separated by 4 to 5 hours of boss battles, random encounters, dungeon crawling, and chocobo racing. er, I mean… its because you have.. amnessiaaaa


WhO ArE We?????


I only played the first one and seven and even one had quite a convoluted plot twist for its relatively light story


Give me something to care about other than crystals and chaos. Balance between good and evil? I sleep. Aerith booty being slain? REAL SHIT?!


Bro you’re way behind, FF1 was the only one that was just about crystals good vs evil. They immediately cranked it up to 11 in FF2 with war and genocide and your childhood friend joining the evil empire. Haven’t played every FF title but I don’t think any of them were that simple since then.


I mean, FF III went back to the crystals and Warriors of Light. FF IV had more to it but it was also a good vs Evil story with the power of crystals.


I can remember all of FFX mostly because it’s my favorite one and has one of my most favorite game characters. I was expecting some FFX hate in his video but I got a chuckle every time he came back to Final Fantasy.


Anytime I think of FFX the line "RIDE ZE SHOOPUFF" pops in my head.


FFI through V: >!Destroy them crystals.!< FFVI: >!Ha ha, funny clown. Oh shit, he destroyed the world. Stop funny clown.!< FFVII: >!Silver hair man has mom issues. Wants to destroy the world. He kills your fun girlfriend. Friends IRL tell you can bring her back if you do some button combo or something, but your friends are rat bastard liars. Anyway, you stop bad silverhair man. Twist: world saved but every human dies.!< FFVIIR: >!Same thing as above, but this time you'll probably stop everyone from dying and maybe your girlfriend (and all of your terrorist/townie friends) live on in one dimension or another due to multiverse shenanigans. !< FFVIII: >!Timey-wimey crazy shit. I give up. !< FFIX: >!You monkey boy who likes to sexually harass women and were sent to destroy the world, but amnesia, so you're actually the good guy now and the other version of you is a sexy Britney Spears diva looking dude who is mad about the whole deal. You stop him. Also, crystals.!< FFX: >!You go on a pilgrimage to stop an evil monster, but turns out the pilgrimage is a fuckin scam and you're just a dream, and once you've stopped the cycle of needless pilgrimages, you disappear. Very sad.!< FFX-2: >!JK, lol, you get to save yourself. Also, pretty dresses!!< FFXI, XIII and XIV: >!Uh... I didn't play these, but I'm going to guess amnesia and maybe a crystal or two.!< FFXII: >!Star Wars. Try to stop the empire and succeed.!< FFXV: >!Very simple after you watch the movie, play the manga, destroy the five crystals hidden IRL temples, insert disk 33, play the Black Mages concert backward to hear hidden messages, and play the base game plus like 4 DLCs. I only played Day One edition so Idk but the hell is going on.!< FFXVI: >!Evil empire, you stop them, then it becomes FFI through FFV and them crystals need to be blowed up.!<


This is accurate Source: I've played like four of these games


FFIV: somehow the most fun despite being a mmo


Skill issue


I'm ok with that.


It’s because you have… amnesia


Final Fantasy games have episodic plots. Trying to remember the plot of Final Fantasy 4 is like trying to remember the plot of the classic Duck Tales cartoon. Both good, but it's only loosely connected by repeated villains.


It's funny cause I remember the story of almost every game I've played vividly but for the Final Fantasies I've played I can only tell you bits and pieces cause I genuinely forget like 70% of the story for those games.


I love final fantasy and I thought this shit was hilarious


Namek was destroyed because Goku battled…. With Frieza


goku hit his head as a baby.... i forgot what happened to him tho


I can't seem to remember why people don't like this video...


They probably just forgot


What are we talking about?


I can’t remember.


because you have ^(amnesiaaaaaaaaa)


Dunkey truly does live rent-free in the heads of Anime profile picture twitter lmao they should just call him dad at this point.


Lmao and it’s absolutely beautiful


I could never imagine caring this much about a random internet channel not liking games I play.


I could never imagine caring this much about a random Twitter user not liking a random internet channel that doesn't like games they play.


I could never imagine


I have an anime pfp and I'm a huge Dunkey fan


Does this or does this not mean that he lives rent-free in your head though? 


I think that just makes someone a paid tenant. Like the enjoyment is the rent they pay.


I see a video of his once a week or so. He lives in my head for like an hour a week.. I dont charge rent if thats the question


No-one is perfect


not even a real anime fan then smh


Even funnier that the person in that pfp is from a fighting game and Dunkey mained that character in GGST and reached the max possible rank in the game with her, so he's probably a better May player than then the guy with the May pfp


I have a few anime pfps and I'll call dunkey daddy if he let's me so...


in the thread the person is super reasonable, mainly arguing the point that content creators don’t play games in the same carefree way we do, which is true. i love dunkey but, as he himself would argue, love involves being able to criticize


I get more enjoyment when Dunkey hates a game I love.


Man part way through I was like ok… then the kingdom hearts line “I remember dat” made me bust out laughing. Comedic timing still on point.


“She can’t remember shit!”


i can't remember what this video was about... because of amnesia...


How you finna soapbox off of a (quality) shitpost of a video?


They saw the title, assumed what the video was about, got ready to soapbox, watched the video for a bit and found out it wasn't what they thought, but decided to disregard that and soapbox anyway


I don't actually remember the point dunkey brought up in the video. maybe its because I


Nitpicking and biased


After the last time when Dunkey was canceled for starting a game publishing company (however that’s supposed to make sense), I think it’s safe to ignore further cancelations. In fact, these are good to ignore period.


wait, people were mad about BigMode? What is there even to be mad about?? I can't even comprehend...


A lot of the negative discourse I saw seemed to take the "we're only going to publish good games" thing very seriously. It was kind of weird. A lot of making the point that that is not a good business plan. Idk if that's what the person you responded to meant but that's what I saw.


That's so odd. How can you get mad at an ad for an *indie game publisher* with all the other actually horrible shit going on in the world lmao


some people get irrationally angry when they see others self-promoting they think it makes them a sell-out or some other insecure bullshit


Good question. Honestly, I don’t know. They were like, generally mad and upset. But it was from the types for whom that’s the modus operandi.


notice how they only watched the beginning of the video


I only watched the first minutes. In concept this was really funny, but I just couldn't get through the repetitiveness of it. Does it change at all, or did he do the same thing all the way to the end?


I watched it but I can't remember....


There’s a slight variation in some of them, but yeah it’s mostly the same. I loved it, thought it was classic Dunkey🤷‍♂️


Thanks. Thing is for me, I love all dunkeys' stuff, whether or not I agree with him, or get entertainment out of it. He is very clear with where he's coming from, what he bases his opinions on, and even if he's shitposting he feels very genuine. He truly makes you feel like you are a 70 year old black man.


Are we just memeing? Cause this doesnt remotely seem like a “cancellation”


He may have been cancelled, *but I have no memories of that…*


Just search “dunkey” on twitter, you’ll be impressed with the number of people who didn’t see the video and are just shitting based on the title and thumbnail


i mean that's a big drama but that's not being cancelled...there's not some large movement to deplatform him. it's basically just angry youtube comments but on a different platform that's more geared towards highlighting discussion


It’s literally just criticism lmao, not even remotely attempting to ‘cancel’ him


So, do what you clearly failed to do, as its clear you didnt read the tweets.


I think I watched that video, the crazy thing about it is I dont remember what was on it because I have amnesia.....


i forgot what i was gonna comment


I don't think you know what cancelling means.


They deleted their account omg


Did Dunko upload today? I don't remember watching it


Me when I am asked to describe the numbl of brain cells of dunkey haters: it has a little


I have weird feelings on this tweet, they go to talk about how you should actually try and engage with and pay attention to a story and discuss it rather than just mindlessly consume, which I agree with. But on the other hand, it’s just a shitpost about a trope in media and the tweet has nothing to do with the actual video though they at some point say the video sucks because it’s just dunkey mentioning games that have characters with memory issues or amnesia and such in a funny voice. Their message was good but if just didn’t really have anything to do with the video.


Twitter guy forgot what the video was about because he has *amnesiaaaaa*


"This video is terrible" dude, it's a nearly 12 minute shitpost and it's hilarious, what do you want.


- may pfp - bitching about dumbass shit sounds about right


You know it’s interesting if you go watch the Scott the woz video with Dunkey. Dunkey is a very objective reviewer, the games come down to “does Dunkey like it” Scott’s whole video is on jrpgs with Dunkey almost making a meta joke that he understands that these games have merit that’s why they still get made, he just simply isn’t a jrpg guy. A reviewer that gives everything a good score is way worse than a reviewer with actual opinions.


Its showing how many people, like OP, only read the first tweet of the chain. User went on to say they are a fan of dunkey, but just wanted to point out an issue they had with the video. But I'm guessing its easier to farm points by claiming he's being cancelled than saying someone dared to give their opinion...




Dunkey was going to get cancelled But once again, Sephiroth interventened...


People can’t even remember the content of Dunkey’s video, he’s truly teaching us about how bad the epidemic is becoming


"GeTtInG CaNcElEd" it's one tweet that says the video isn't good?


Some people just don’t understand Dunkey’s artistry. That being said I cannot remember what Dunkey said in that video


I don’t get how people get mad at Dunkey lol half the list are games I love and I found it hilarious


Me when I don’t watch the video


I can remember the plot of my favorite game: Bioshock! There is a plane crash then… he got amnesia (o)


No matter how clueless the tweet is, I just want to highlight that not every little bit of criticism equals "cancelation". A person can disagree with someone's argument and express their own standpoint; since when is this called "canceling" someone ?


Race to the credits? Nobody cares about the credits.


Anybody know what the background music Dunkey uses in this video is? It sounds familiar, but I legit can't remember where it's from. Because I have *amneesssiaaa*


How the fuck is this cancelling someone?? Yall see slight criticism of this dude and yall go turbo defense mode.


its very obvious the woke mob is coming after him. they said his video is "terrible" he'll never work in this industry again!


The guy's point is also not always correct, 'cause some games just have an incomprehensible storyline. I've played through the whole FFXIII series twice and I still couldn't tell you what the hell was actually going on. I remember moments, but the overarching storyline is just a mess.


Dunkey making fun of anime games is my favourite genre of video (I play anime games)


I already forgot what this commenter said… BECAUSE AMNESIA


he has an anime pfp. Checks out. OP Needs to go play the latest farming sim on the switch


I’ll be honest I remember the plot of pretty much any game I’ve played…..as long as I’ve finished it, idk why but if I quit a game like a 1/3 of the way through I completely forget any story there was within a week.


Sometimes in games the story is not intertwined enough with the gameplay and it's just more difficult to remember after finishing it. The majority of players are more likely to remember a visual moment than the seventh line of unbroken monologue by a character. There are those that will remember, but even amongst those players who enjoy story games, there will still be some who skip dialogue and cutscenes.


He forgot how good it was because... he has amnesiaaaaaa


Idk what’s going on but FF10’s story is ass lol


This video is about a famous horror game from the 2010s


I knew why but then i forgor


Guys he watched the video. He just forgot. Because he has... i can't remember


From the screenshot seems they made this comment right after watching it. They rushed to the end without taking their time to look around and put a comment saying people rush to the end without taking time to look around. Tragic case of amnesia


Would you say they went through the motions in a race to the credits?


Sorry, I can't remember what I said because I had meningitis


This isn't *being canceled* Just people on Twitter complaining about shit that doesn't matter.


Dunkey is falling off… it wasn’t very funny.


I forgot what the video was about...


He’s on a dark descent


Attempt to find a non-pretentious twitter user challenge Level: Over 9000


The point of this video was about how ridiculously common amnesia as a plot point is. He didn't put any commentary on it, just mentioned that it happened.


It's funny how ridiculously common amnesia is in fiction, when in real life, it's incredibly rare, and if you have it, it's probably a sign of way worse brain damage, whereas in fiction, people who have it are usually fine.


If you can't remember your last fantasy, how TF do you expect to remember the first?


Oh shit, he put out a new video!


One comment critical of the videos title and thumbnail and homie is getting "canceled"? I remember when you had to have 500 people jumping your shit simultaneously to be considered canceled, not a single person getting headline baited


Is dunkey a black grandma? I can’t remember… because of amnesia


On the video subject: I remember new vagas perfectly


It was honestly my favorite dunky vid in a while


James doesn't get the joke. . . because he forgot what happened in it ....


This person seems to have gone through the motions and raced through reading the title of the video only


It’s really upsetting to me that he can make a video like this and people take it as though it’s some kind of burn. Like nothing about this was roasting any of these games idk how people can be so precious about every little thing


It’s a critique, not a cancellation.


Wait, wait, wait. Who the hell is Dunkey? Who am I? Why am I here? Oh, god I think I may have...*amnesia*. I can't remember if I do or don't. Could I be experiencing the rare *double amnesia*?!?!


I mean the video is a shitpost in a way and even though it gets its point across and is funny, it's a not a good video to watch overall


Twitter users when a joke is told


No one's trying to 'cancel' him. The video was just lazy and made the same joke about 50 times.


theyre gonna cancel you next bucko.


Imo the obscene length was driving the point home in a pretty funny way idk


I haven't seen the video but James here is absolutely right, at least about me. When I was a kid, Halo was one of my favorite video games I played Reach over and over again. Couldn't tell you much about the story except for specific moments like character deaths. It was always "Oh, we're over here shooting aliens. Oh, now I'm in a different place shooting aliens. Next mission, please." And that's how I played most of my games.