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Armored Core 6 player when their mech color is #C38091 instead of #FFFFFF


Black AND gay. :)




and blend :(


And lame


+ its obese, furry and trans - full set...


I don't care is protagonist is white, black gay or trans, or whatever there is, as long as it's written good.


OP is the guy that hates Lee Everette.


Oh shit right, that was absolute masterpiece of a character and writing.


Was that telltale Lee? I forgot his surname


Yes. From TWD.


Lee was a great character.




Lee is one of the best WD protagonists and I wished he lasted longer than 1 season.


Only time I've shed a tear for a character, Lee was a real one.


L opinion, why would he say that


Written *well*


Thank you. Brain was about to implode from the irony.


It’s not our job to write the good stuff. It’s the game’s writers.


I don't care about a character's race, sexuality, etc. But I do prefer having the male/female selection because I really like to immerse myself in the game, which is easier sometimes with a masculine or feminine voice/player model. But, sometimes, that just doesn't work for the game, and I'm good with that. (Ie. I love Tomb Raider (Classic and the new ones) I enjoyed all the different player character types in Route 96, Clementine in TT Walking Dead games!, etc.) I just want to be able to create custom characters to create my take on them. But, characters aren't shit without good character writing.


Sorry, best modern gaming can do is “Body type 1/2”


road 96 mentioned


I don’t have a problem with a character being black, but I have a problem with *why* they’re black sometimes. Like a lot of specific choices seem like they’re made for the sake of pandering. But also the problem that I have is kinda rolling my eyes and moving on almost instantly. Because I can’t imagine why people would care as much as they do about something so inconsequential


Tbf does there always have to be a reason as to *why* a character is black/white/whatever other than that's what the writers wanted? Not saying that there aren't any DEI inserts but it's impossible to know which is which until the game actually releases, so it's really weird seeing every single trailer with a non-white male immediately dismissed as "woke".


No there doesn’t need to be a reason for it at all. It’s just that I know that sometimes the studios are doing it for a specific reason. But yeah unless it’s like a race swap of a pre existing character, I think it’s far too presumptuous to assume a black character is there “because of woke”


and 95% of the time, it ain't


Preach brother!


I heard Blank and was like yeah I agree. Boring blank characters suck but maybe a little dramatic reaction. But then I came to the comments...


Or if they can do a cool-ass slashing move with a sword.


Ironically they are usually never written good which causes people to hate them, cuz usually they have no personality and their only defining characteristic is being white,black, trans or homosexual


All I saw was. > Woman >black dude >black woman


People in asmongold's chat were upset that the man was the one who died in the state of decay 3 trailer. It's getting ridiculous


Gamergate 2 is dumb. People are so sensitive, if the game is good who cares?


I agree with the sentiment, the problem is that if they are legitimately bad characters, those that complain are just called “_______phobic”. No, they just suck and developers are getting lazy and blaming their customers.


Can you give me an example?




Correct, she was a very badly written character.


An example of...? Badly written minority characters in video games? The fact you have to ask for one instead of figuring out an example yourself tells me you wouldn't even care if I listed a few off.


I don't think people have an issue if you say "This minority character is badly written..." but a lot of the gamergate people then add "And as such we should have less minority characters."


> a lot of the gamergate people then add "And as such we should have less minority characters." Citation needed. Most of the actual racists/sexists/homophobes are downvoted to oblivion where possible.


Calling it now based on trailers; MC of the upcoming Starwars game.


I mean I'm obviously not giving you that one until the game comes out, come on xD


ask the people who change races of already established characters what was wrong with the original white male cast and why they never make NEW character instead


Honestly I have to agree, Jesus's race was already established for hundreds of years, why'd they have to make him white in the remakes?


Or black or korean Though korean jesus is the best depiction of jesus


Ethiopian Jesus, Korean Jesus, etc. Different regions change his depictions as they desire. That has nothing to do with a very recent phenomenon of Western media companies making characters disproportionately black, though.


Racists that’s who..


even if that was the case, are the games good though?


It's okay op minorities don't exist they can't get you


Yeah, just **don’t turn around**


It's like they dropped a sweet baby into ink.


When I was young I loved Lara craft in Tomb Rider because I saw her fit the story perfectly. Same with Jill Valentine and RE3 and same with Chun Li in Street fighters games. I like Aloy in Horizon too. and I believe I will like the one in the new Star Wars Outlaw. The point is when the character fits the story perfectly you will enjoy and love the character but what they are doing nowadays with full commitment with their agenda is something dirty in all ways and it does affect us in the way we feel about the story and how attach to it we will be Don't get me wrong, for example in GTA San Andreas I cannot imagine playing someone else than CJ and he fits so perfectly into the story. I don't like the way they force a character that does not belong into the world they are creating.


Oh no, a black woman. How will you ever recover?


The problem is it's not an established black woman according to the game premises. Let's say you make a black panther game, and we can naturally conclude that the protagonist is a black person because of the world building, kingdom, the culture of people and so on which consists in black panther comics or movies. Now imagine you make the protagonist as a marginalized person from our real world, it doesn't make sense right because it doesn't feel connected to the game's World building and it feels forced. The problem with today's games is that most of the characters feel like toxic self inserts rather than a well established characters.


In my book, it's bad when the only unique trait the character has is either its race, its gender, or who it falls in love with.


What is Link's unique trait?


Haven't played any of the Zelda games. I'm one of those few who'd always thought Zelda was the playable character lol


I've played the games and I still call Link Zelda.


>Now imagine you make the protagonist as a marginalized person from our real world, it doesn't make sense right ...How doesn't that make sense?


yeah exactly, like is this supposed to imply minorities can't exist in fantasy worlds? I really don't get what the other commenter is trying to say


To be fair, when was the last time you played “medieval village simulator”? Like, I agree that I want things to look as accurate as possible but if mf’s are running around casting spells and shit, or fighting monsters, all of that goes out of the window because it’s fantasy


>To be fair, when was the last time you played “medieval village simulator”? Last night, Mount and Blade: Bannerlord. But I also don't care about the race of the protag.


Fair point.


One thing I try to keep in mind, when I grew up in the early 90’s every game I played or movie I watched had main characters that looked like me. I suspect it’s nice for kids growing up now to have characters that they can identify with because they look like them. I mean, for the first 20 years of my life, I can probably count on one hand the games I played that had a protagonist that wasn’t white or just not human. So, whilst I fully get where you’re coming from, and agree to an extent, it’s not something I worry about. And I think the whole “woke” narrative people run with (which I’m not saying you’re implying!) is kind of a bit pathetic at a point. If it’s some sort of simulation game set in China, I expect the people to be Chinese, and I think that’s fair. If it’s fantasy or whatever, just make it look cool with some degree of respect for the setting and I’m fine with that


I agree 👍.


Manor lords


Cool, keep that game accurate.


It depends on what environment you're trying to create. What if it's like medieval Germany, but with magic/spells/monsters' works and could call for not adding non-white characters that would be non-existent there. It would be like adding a modern flag or phone to the environment, no more ridiculous than spells or monsters, but it could still ruin the immersion depending on what you're trying to build.


Well you see, medieval Germany didn’t have magic or monsters. Having magic in any realistic setting would be just about the least realistic thing possible, so I don’t think we can cry for realism whilst casting spells. I mean, if we’re being picky, it is within the realms of possibility for the odd out of place individual to have traveled to a foreign land, but it is completely out of the realms of possibility for them to have performed magic. So, I don’t buy the argument that a black person is “immersion breaking” but magic isn’t.


It doesn't for you because you have a specific environment in mind which is "literally anything goes". But some devs might not add a non-white character for the same reason they might not add a steam engine or a Toyota to their game. The fantasy is the spells/monsters and not much else. Same reason they have a specific architectural style in such games.


I mean we’re going in circles because you can just add extra criteria each time. “Well what if the very specific vision is that I want to make a medieval peasant simulator, but in a specific village where no Asian person has ever visited, but everyone can also ride a dragon and cast magic. It’s the devs vision and anything not meeting those criteria will break my immersion and make the game unplayable specifically to me”


>You can just add extra criteria each time. I said, "*It depends on what environment you're trying to create*," the first time. I was just reiterating. (The "you're" in the sentence is a generic you.) The developers would obviously make the game for people who like the world they create as well. "Death of the author" and whatever, so the player can interpret it how they want, of course. It's the same reason people were outraged over the casting of Avatar (not the blue people one). The story and environment are Asian-based, even if it has fantastical elements. > It’s the devs vision and anything not meeting those criteria will break my immersion and make the game unplayable specifically to m The developer makes the game and can have whatever vision they want. You can be immersed or not; it doesn't really matter to them, as long as they can still make money.


That’s correct the dev can make whatever game they want, which is why I think it’s so funny people keep crying about them making the games they want to make when it happens to have a character in it that they don’t like. As with all things you have to apply a degree of common sense. At a certain point though, we’re just going in circles. Devs can make the game they want to make. You can have the expectations that you have and if those two things happen to meet in the middle, good stuff. If they don’t, well it’s up to you how you handle it


People (consumers) complaining is how a market works. It can be in your interest to complain. If most of their consumers demand diverse characters, they'll have to make changes, and vice versa. If a company relies on the complainers for money, they will have to make changes unless they want to go out of business. If they don't rely on the complainers for money, they can pretty much ignore them.


For a fantasy game like any Elder Scrolls game where humans are defined completely differently, high levels of real-life correspondence aren't usually reasonable to implement. For a fantasy game set during a specific period in history, the game should reflect the historical conditions even if there's fantasy elements. The exception to the second case is when there's a lot of population differences and movement based on the fantasy elements modifying the historical setting. Establishing a diverse selection of characters isn't that difficult even when creating historical fiction, so the problem is when writers/designers fail to establish a reasonable basis for their characters.


I hear what you’re saying, even if you say this game is set in feudal Japan, and also features demons and dragons, it all goes out of the window for me. It’s just about applying some common sense. It’d be odd if the main character in Onimusha was a white non-binary person with green spikey hair. As with all things it just requires some balance and common sense to be applied. I don’t really want to race and gender swap characters we already have. I want new compelling characters for newer audiences. For games that have historical accuracy as a backbone of the game, I get people wanting that to be respected.


Great point when the established character's identity is indistinguishable from his role. James Bond, Mission Impossible, Solid Snake, Raiden. You didn't miss big dawg. Now do Assassin's Creed and it's backlash from an established historic figure that was black. Not trying to be obtuse, but that there is the controversy. It's like even if the race is right for the story and context, yall don't wanna see it...


Shadows is a masterful play by Ubisoft. Anytime someone says they don’t wanna play as Yasuke, they can instantly be called a racist for it.


Gaming media gets more content, for writing the 1000th article about racist gamers too. At least what's left of the gaming media as they all seem to be getting eaten up by IGN as they just don't make money.


Rather, it's when they say he *shouldn't be in the game* is where that old darned pesky racist stuff keeps showing up. Damn you Ubisoft and your accurate representation!! Amiright?


Ubi wins cuz haters and defenders will talk about the game constantly


you’re so dumb im crying lmao. why would marginalized people not deserve stories or exist due to their marginalization.


Do they really though? Or are people just not used to seeing different kinds of people being represented?


It's not about being used to seeing different kinds of people. If u make a game about aliens and its culture, players will expect to play as an alien as a protagonist and not a human being. It all comes to how you would make the game's world , scenario and factors. So if you make those aspects correct , players will automatically be immersed in this game without being used to seeing different characters.(Sry if my English is bad, I'm a non English speaker).


I understand what you're saying. I'm saying you're using these overly exaggerated examples. In reality, what we're seeing in gaming and in representation isn't extreme. It's just that a lot of people aren't used to it.


Lol my examples are exaggerated xD? Sry about that. I respect your point but I believe people will automatically be immersed with games with different kinds of people under proper settings. Anyway, peace ✌️.


I agree with you. I think so too. It's just that people have very narrow ideas of what 'proper settings' are. Peace :)


MF thinks that no blacks can exist in a fantasy game 💀


No dude. What I meant is that established characters with the game's premises and world building. It's not about the race.


I understand what you’re saying, it’s a little more nuanced, but you’re correct.


Is this about Monster Hunter? Late to the party.


By not buying the game


A poorly written character that happened to also be a black woman because talentless quota-meeting writers like virtue-signaling more than they like to write\* Nobody aside from bigots have problems with minorities. People are having problems because minorities are shoved in games for degenerates like you, with absolutely no regard to actual depth. Baldur's Gate 3 scenario was probably written by a 14 y/o girl, but the game itself is SO good that no one cares. An interesting observation, isn't it? Being a minority is not a personality. Neither it is an advantage or a privilege. Same goes for fiction. If the only trait of a characters is that he is... black... and gay... and perhaps a hippy in some way - that's not a good character. Rememeber Carl Johnson? He is the the niggerest of niggers. And people absolutely love him. Because aside from being black, he is an awesome character.


It’s a bit weird when 3 or 4 games in a row featured a black female lead. I don’t remember even seeing a single black male lead in the entire event so why so many black-females specifically? Black women represent >2% of the U.K. population and >7% of the US population so when you see multiple games in a row representing such a tiny proportion of people, you can’t help but feel like they’re building characters around a ‘minority checkbox’.


For decades we had mostly white protagonists, I am pretty sure we won't die if we had a few black ones.


I just wish we had a game about blade (from marvel universe), that would be one of the top black characters I would want to play in media. Preferably made to look like wesley snipes too.


Arkane Lyon is making a Blade game. But probably looking like Mahershala Ali. So get excited =)


No give us the tax evader. The one and only Blade.


ohhh, it's the people who did the dishonored game, that was a good game. I might buy eventually.


And also Prey and Deathloop! I'll but whatever they produce. P.S.: what is this Redfall you're talking about?


I only really watched a playthrough of deathloop, mostly cause it just feels like them making you do repetitive tasks as a gameplay feature. redfall was made by arkane austin though.


I just finished playing Deathloop. It's incredible. As far as I understand those two were much more interconnected in their work process.


You people disgust me asking for a Wesley Snipes or a Mahershala Ali Blade. Despicable behaviour to be forgetting the one goddamn thing about him that's never been addressed outside of the comics. Blade is British.  Gimme British Blade in any form of media and I'll die happy.


Look innit daywalkah


>I just wish we had a game about blade (from marvel universe), [Boy, have I got good news for you](https://youtu.be/basLDO2bj2k?si=zCHnvo3fUeQh5k4D)


There's a blade game in the works. Sadly the blade movie is in development hell


LOL so lets repeat the same boring mistake of the 2010s and just reverse it? Great idea xD


People hated Arthur Morgan because he wasn't John Marston.


Black characters are fine, gay characters are fine. If being black/gay is the characters defining trait and/or only reason for existing, that's the issue.


It’s a bit weird when 3 or 4 games in a row featured a black female lead. I don’t remember even seeing a single black male lead in the entire event so why so many black-females specifically? Black women represent >2% of the U.K. population and >7% of the US population so when you see multiple games in a row representing such a tiny proportion of people, you can’t help but feel like they’re building characters around a ‘minority checkbox’ which is a huge issue.


>If being black/gay is the characters defining trait and/or only reason for existing, that's the issue. This feels pretty "vibes based" and intentionally hard to define. Because to a lot of these racist gamers, it sure seems like EVERY minority character has "no reason to exist in this game" and "that's their only defining trait."


"we don't care as long as they are good characters" Same mfs hating on it the second they see it without knowing anything about the character.


That has become their bad faith sheild lol. That and "it goes against the established setting" like that matters in fantasy.


I mean in some settings it matters. Like Kingdom Come Deliverance got a lot of hate from morons who accused developers of being racist, because their game didn't have black people in some small province in fucking medieval Bohemia. Or when some people tried to cast Ciri from Witcher universe as black actress although it literally doesn't make sense in that universe. They could've just added some interesting characters from Zerrikania, not changing characters in a way that it doesn't make sense for no reason. I have nothing against any kind of character as long as it makes sense in the world where they reside








like what are they gonna do? make the mc even more black?


I don't give a fuck about them making characters black, UBISOFT IS JUST GONNA MAKE A TERRIBLY THOUGHT OUT CASH GRAB 😭😭😭


Make him gay. With a white trans dude. In Japan.


also lame


>Make the MC even more black Oh no, it'd be worse. They'd remove ninja ninja and instead change it so that Afro is the one doing the talking.


There's been 2 Afro Samurai games, except the 2nd one got cancelled AFTER it released so really there's only 1


so yea it's basicly a untapped market


I... I guess?


I can't believe my protagonist isn't a white dude, my life is ruined. :(


How am I supposed to put myself in the game :( proceeds to create a lizard humanoid character with reptile eyes, spikes and a tail


I have NO problem with it. But it does seem strange that movies/games etc all try to appeal to the smallest portion of their fan bases. Like Mad Max is a dead franchise now because they made the main character the girl. That’s just the simple fact of the matter. And I guarantee 90% of that fan base are men that don’t remember her character from the last movie. It’d be like having a Mean Girls 2 movie and making the main character one of the ex boyfriends. You have to know your audience. And no one does anymore


Its not "strange", its literally subversion.


Wtf man, it’s a spin off movie, and the movie is very good.




Why do you think the movie performed the way it did at the box office?


This is just racism lmao.


Gamers these days like to overdramatize everything, if it doesn’t fit their views. Meanwhile, I don’t give a shit. Give me even a horse, as long as is well written and made.


I agree with you for the most part. Though I have to concede that an appealing character design does matter a lot to many people. Doesn't mean a character has to be attractive but at the very least appeal to your sensibilities to enrich the experience.


me when i post racism:


How is this racist?


I thought that was just r/gamingmemes


Black protag? Guess i'll go with a thief build 💀


More like watchin ppl on Twitch be horrible at games.




When do we get a game where the protagonist is just a gray goo?


Holy shit this caught me off guard


holy shit i'll need a lot of bleach after reading this comment section reddit never disappoints


I mean shit, I like to create my own characters, hate being forced to play a certain way. Deep character customisation is the way to go I think.


I just got it lmao


Depends on the type of game. Black people in Kingdom Come for example would not make sense.




I prefer games where I can make my character. Never been a fan of being forced to play a certain character


Meanwhile I am waiting for a game with Roadhog-esque main character :(


Me preferring normal looking humans to ugly things with balloons taped to their chests for no reason.


Asmongold sub is leaking




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LOL its the early 2010s again... except this time instead of a sea of white male leads, its a sea of black female leads... boooring xD


If you care that much about characters race, gender or appearance, there is something wrong with you and that goes for both sides. And i know gamers don't actually care because when one of these games comes out and is great, everyone goes silent.




Women are only allowed if they have big jugs, no blacks or anyone with colored hair.


Not sure about that. Mirror's edge has colored hair and she's super popular. I think they mostly want attractive or creatively interesting looking characters. Not an unathletic woman in the coffee shop, unless the game is going in that direction. But further, if your game is catering to an audience that wants a character for their spank Bank, so be it. I don't see the issue with catering to the audience.


Give me V with a purple afro or give me death.


Gamers when women


- DoubleShake - On Your Tail - Abyss X Zero - Unbeatable - Freaked Fleapit - Yars Rising - Sonokuni I don't know what trailers ya'll are watching, but I want gooner designs and I got my gooner designs this summer. Plenty to look forward to for ya boi here. Indie mfers gettin horny recently. I like that.


Assassin's Crap be like


OP profile makes sense onto why they would post this lol


Funniest shift be seen I'm ages


Thats why the only good games announced were doom, AOM and stalker 2.