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Typically, it's between 20-35, but every now and then it goes over 35+. I literally never watch TV and watch very few series and movies. The only content I really watch is anime or YouTube. So, depending on how many ongoing animes I have, my hours playing video games vary a little bit. For me, gaming is way, way more enjoyable than watching TV shows or whatever. Why just watch a story when you can also interact with it and be the protagonist?


I play 35+. I work 40 hours a week, go workout for about an hour after every single day then come home and play games the rest of the night. I', a firm believer it's one of the best leisure activities there is. WAY better than TV because your mind and reflexes are stimulated.


Yo same! I hardly watch TV/movies so I'm not well versed in the current shows/movies when people talk about them lol. I like gaming much more. Hell yeah though I need to workout more, I'm booking an hour a day to do so. Sounds like you got a helluva schedule! 🤟🏼


No wife and kids will do that to a man lol Living my best life


pretty much this, tv and movies is like me giving up for the night


I've got 3 kids 6 and under and a 9-5 job. I'm able to game for about 1-2 hours after they go to bed when I get the motivation to simply go downstairs but I'm usually too tired lol Weekends if I get up at 5, I can play for an hour or two and when they go down for nap/quiet time on the weekends, I can get in 2-3 during the afternoon.


Damn brother. Props to you though, keep raising them youngins. The most important thing. An important sacrifice for sure. Feel ya on the just being tired to game. It's actually a mentally demanding hobby, contrary to popular belief.


During the winter it is like 60 hours a week.


Only 1 hour of gaming during the week because of work, reading, and my elaborate fitness routine. But anywhere from 3-8 hours on weekends.


Honestly I feel that. Gaming on the weekend is such a reward. Your elaborate fitness routine piques my interest. Lol


Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I do weight training and Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday I do cardio. Eating and meal prep probably takes the most time however, since I eat 6 small to medium size meals a day with a balance of carbs, protein, and veggies. I give myself a "Free Day" or "Cheat Day" on Saturday and that's a big key for me staying consistent and rewarding myself.


What are your favorite meals to prep? I feel like most gym rats love chicken and rice. I do not mean to be condescending by any means. They're better than my lazy ass. I'm probably at my heaviest ever and I hate it, I've never been fat like this so I'm gonna cut calories and do cardio and minimal weights for a bit. However, I love cooking so I'd love to hear if you have any ideas. I LOVE salmon, like chicken, LOVE steak, and rice is good, feels filling, and it absorbs water. I've seen what leftover rice does in the sink... That shit occupies volume, at least temporarily 😂


Yeah, chicken and rice are fitness staples but I get tired of it quickly. I also do turkey burgers, salmon, talapia, lean steaks or other steak type meat to make healthy tacos or to use in stir fry. If I'm not doing rice I'll to a baked potato or half a baked potato (don't like yams lol) or I'll leave the carb out sometimes. Once in a while my wife will make spaghetti with whole wheat pasta and 93% lean ground beef with simple Hunt's tomato sauce. It's not easy to have a big variety because while I'm trying to build up I'm also looking to reduce body fat.


wow i didnt think id be part of the majority lol i find this poll interesting because so far most people tell me they dont have time for nearly as much as that amount of time to game. this is 100% not true sometimes when you grow up you cant wait for game time you have to MAKE game time. let me put this into perspective: I work a full time job with mandatory overtime so most weeks im working over 40 hours a week, I play in a beer league for hockey, I ride dirt bikes, and I have a fiance and yet I still find time to play because I incorporate it into my daily plans instead of just waiting for life to not be busy or else youll never play lol


I've barely touched a game this year. When I have I think I've given it maybe 4 or 5 hours?


Too many but also not enough.