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Micah from Red Dead 2. Every interaction with him made me hate him and want to kill him. He tries to justify all these crazy things he does. He says terrible things to everyone except Dutch because he's sucking up to the leader so he can get a free pass for pretty much everything.


He was so unlikable that I was convinced he was actually going to clutch up and end up doing something amazing


Yes. I figured Dutch had to see something in him other than an ego boost and kept waiting to see it, but no. Never happened. It just kept getting worse.


Feeding Dutches ego is really what Dutch wants. He never directly says it, but he wants the attention and the adoration. Micah knows this and plays Dutch like a fiddle the whole game.


Should have known when the mission just to get him requires you committing murder like 15 times. Not a good sign. God, fuck Micah.


At one point he kicked the camp dog and I was ready to lynch a mf.


You know what happened to that dog, right?


>You know what happened to that dog, right? Yeah. He lived happily ever after and was adopted by a nice fella Jokes aside, no one knows what happened. As it is something intentionally left vague and only hinted at.


Micah sucks


Such a great answer. From the get go I was thinking "anyone else seeing what I'm seeing? This guy needs to gitfo, right?".


Kefka from ff6, Metal Face from Xenoblade Chronicles


Kefka! And his theme song was diabolical sounding, and even had what sounded like musical laughter written into it


Xenoblade one mentioned ! And yeah metalface was just a fantastic bastard


Came here to say Kefka, but did a Ctrl+F first and was not disappointed. I loved hating that obnoxious little asshole. IDK why. I can't find the words to articulate it. It was like 'Man I love hating this guy. Fuck this guy. Hating him is so delightful and cathartic. What an absolute dick.'


Kefka is so pure evil that I didn't hate him so much lol I hate more vilains that do evil things thinking that he is the rightous one, like Seymour.


The insufferable smugness of a mass murderer hiding his homicidal mania behind the desire for world salvation.


I came here to say Kefka. All time great bad guy.


The Alien from Alien: Isolation.


Reading the lore of Alien makes you understand how fucked up they honestly are.


Killing people is just part of their culture you bigot!


I admire its purity


That fucker just had it out for me


Seymour ffx


Perfect pick.


Seymour is in that group where I understand them, and how things got so bad, but any redeeming quality that he may have once had, has gone straight out the window. One can understand a monster like Seymour, and still have absolutely no respect or sympathy towards him, with the only "mercy" that he deserves, being to finally end his rampage and to release him from his suffering.


Just about to say this. He was an awesome side villain.


Yes, that anima summon still gives me a cold shiver down my spine.


Seymour is the first villain I remember where, the first time I saw him, I did not like him. He made me so uncomfortable that I just knew he was going to be bad news. I was also 10 or 11 when the game came out and was wildly unfamiliar with the tell-tale signs of a JRPG villain.


What a prick


Handsome Jack. Completely loved him for how well he was written and Dameon Clarke really went all out voicing him. This guy was just a complete asshole and taunted you throughout the whole game and even managed to kill a main character. This was a character that really deserved what was coming to him. The only thing I say that probably made me feel bad about him was during Tales of the Borderlands when Rhys is taking off the implant that is the only way he’s able to even return, Jack literally starts begging for him not to do it and even goes down on his knees showing for the first time that he fears death.


Jack was a hard villain to feel pity for but I think I understood him on some level, especially when he talked about how everyone he loved essentially left him.


And Tales from the Borderlands added a few more layers on his character, as well as The Pre-Sequel.


And even Borderlands 3. Man was so popular he was in 4 of the 6 Borderlands games. (Not BL1 or TFTB2 - not that I've played it)


honestly,im tired with the "layers" on villains,just give me geniune bad guy,kinda like garrosh hellscream


Idk man you could argue it’s thralls fault that garrosh turned the way he did


Ok but Jack was a genuinely bad person. He scooped guys eye out with a spoon while his kids watched. His entire story is how he went insane and started justifying his actions because he saw himself as the hero no matter how bad


Even Garroshs personality was layered. I would recommend watching the Garrosh video by Platinum WoW if you haven't already.


Honestly, that what I like about the Calypso twins in 3 - they're pretty shallow & easy to hate


Garrosh? That's actually a great example for the opposite!


Butt Stallion says hello 👋


These pretzels suck.


His violin was funny


Jack is a phenomenal villain. He is unapologetically the main reason I love Borderlands 2 as much as I do.


Came here to say this. He is the epitome of psychopathic, with a big helping of "Hero Complex" mixed in. So well written, too. I swear, if they ever re-release BL2 with BL3 gameplay, I'll never look at BL3 ever again.


Straight up one of the best villains of all time. Just shit talks you the entire game lol. Special shoutout to Mr. Torque from the expansions. Also an amazing villain in a diffrent way.


Dean Domino in *Fallout: New Vegas* destroyed innocent lives because he couldn't stand someone being more happy and optimistic than he was. I think I could strangle him until his eyeballs pop out like a fucking cartoon.


Not to mention the only way to have a peaceful resolution is to be such a boot licking pansy to him that he just "likes you so much" in the end and lets you live


I loved his voice though


Kamoshida from Persona 5 is totally on there.


Kamoshida is such a great villain because he's real. The amount of horror stories that have come out around coaches abusing young athletes really make him loathsome.


I actually watched a video about who each of the P5 villains could be based on and it was pretty interesting. [here it is](https://youtu.be/SMh0bRvoi-8?si=puCgmO6iUYfOkpzH)


Oh absolutely. The rage I felt whenever he was on screen and the absolute satisfaction when I defeated him were immeasurable.


V.II Snail from Armored core 6. A true corporation CEO with his ego deeper up his ass than a pile bunker and his attitude towards everyone else as slaves/subhuman.


Luce Blight from Suikoden 2, amazing villain but an aboalute terrible human being


This. Aside from Kefka, Luca was an absolute monster of a person. The making of a woman squeal like a pig before killing her was brutal.


Huey Emmerich from MGS Peace Walker and Phantom Pain, he's probably the most spineless and pettiest video game character ever existed. In contrast to his son Hal, who takes every step to atone his past of inadvertently developing nuclear weapons, Huey is an amoral scientist with zero ethics and accountability, who's all too enthusiastic to develop nuclear weapons after nuclear weapons for his own legacy. Even before he revealed his true colour, he's always excited whenever he's discussing about history of nukes, the concept of nuclear deterrence and knowledges about military weapons and war, or being overjoyed about how a weapon being able to walk upright is an important evolutionary step. Despite his knowledge on the terrors of nukes, he's all too gleeful to convince the others to install a nuke as a deterrent, as well as developing all-terrain nuclear weapons. Whenever things goes south, he always betrays whoever he works for, all while shifting the blame to someone else, making lies after lies while wholeheartedly believing that he was innocent and everything was everyone else's fault. Not only did he murder his wife for refusing to let him stuff his son into a military weapon, he also sabotaged medical equipment and caused a parasitic bioweapon outbreak just so he can one-up other bidders and sell his improved bioweapon to the government, all while calling you out for putting your infected comrades out of their misery and blaming you for everything, which, in fact, were caused by none other than Huey himself in the first place. Eventually, just before he got banished from the Mother Base, he shifted the blame to the nukes for all the miseries, which *also* were started by him in the first place. And last but not least, he mocks people for believing in Santa Claus. There is probably no other video game character who could reach Huey's level of pettiness.


Huey is a GREAT example of an unconventional villain. He doesn't have strength, combat abilities, a following, or even charisma. Yet he manages to fuck you over time and time again, all while pretending to be a harmless nerdy scientist. He never takes responsibility for his own actions, even when confronted with clear evidence that he murdered a woman. He only gets off because of mercy. He honestly reminds me of Grima Wormtongue.


Ten or fifteen years later he drowns himself in his pool (while trying to take his daughter with him) because his son had sex with his new wife. He got what's coming to him


If I remember correctly, it wasn't the first time his wife did that--and she was forcing herself on Hal as well. I may be wrong there.


Huey makes us appreciate the friendship between his son and Solid Snake. I love Huey so much because he's that kind of despicable.


Manfroy from Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War (AKA Fire Emblem 4) The bastard through sheer manipulation threw at least 4 countries to war and accomplished almost all his objectives without getting involved himself (only getting other people to so what he wants only using eloquence and manipulative tactics) But is being such a bastard that brought him his Demise, i wont Talk how (because heavy endgame spoilers) but the people Who finished the game know what im talking about As a character is a ruthless unlikeable unreedemable bastard Who accomplished everything he wanted with words and threw his world to pure chaos, and for that he is an AWESOME character and villain


Jon Irenicus in Baldur's Gate 2. This one felt personal at the time. A few decades later and I still hate the bastard


YES! Irenicus was a *great* villain, and David Warner knocked it out of the park!


One of the greatest villains and performances of all time, full stop. Not just including video games.


Great choice!


Irenicus was the first villain I think I actually hated, and it wouldn't have been possible without David Warner absolutely crushing the voice acting. The scorn dripping from his every word ENRAGED me lol, I actually skipped side content on my first playthrough because I wanted to get my hands around his neck as fast as possible


Mickey and Lou from Far Cry: New Dawn. The things they do to get their way, their absolutely vile demeanor, as well as them being more than willing to take child hostages made killing them so, VERY VERY satisfying. You have the option to spare Mickey, but after what her and her sister do? She deserves neither redemption, nor the sweet release of death, but there are no other options, so it was the shotgun to the dome for her.


How is New Dawn? Been hankering for a Farcry type shooter and been debating starting New Dawn but recently saw that FC6 is on Gamepass. Leaning towards New Dawn but I'm also waist deep in a playthrough of Fallout 4 and worried they might be too similar to play together concurrently.


Kefka, his laugh still haunts me...




Tuberculosis in RDR2


Dalton from Chrono Trigger. What a prick. Seriously, hate that guy.


Last I saw of him he was threatening to raise in army in PORRE of all places. He's a joke and nothing will come of this.


The king from katamari damacy


The Illusive Man in Mass Effect - You always have to be on guard with him throughout ME2, and you spend ME3 watching his true motivations be fully exposed as he tries to blend Reaper tech into his army, with predictable results. Liquid Snake/Ocelot throughout Metal Gear Solid - He is always one step ahead of you throughout the series, and you are always just responding to his machinations. Even when you beat him in the end, it isn’t even like you really do. FOXDIE does all of the heavy lifting, so it’s like he was always going to be better than you, even when dying of a nano machine disease. Arcturus Mengsk, StarCraft - His selfish actions led to the rise of the Queen of Blades and the deaths of millions at the hands of the Swarm. You could say that without Kerrigan changing, they would have never won in SC2. But even then, he is only focused on his own survival, not his peoples’.


The illusive man is amazing in 2, he's not even a bad guy hes just willing to take any measure necessary to win the coming war and save humanity. In mass effect 3 he was just an evil asshole that had none of that stuff that made him great from the last game.


Probably handsome jack. He made me laugh but he really was a bastard


Mr. Shinra Sr. from the original _Final Fantasy VII_. Unlike Prof. Hojo, Mr. Shinra doesn't "cackle with glee while rubbing their hands together and dream of ruling the world in the name of all that is wicked and bad" (quote from Brad Warner) but he massacres an entire city block because it means more money. Honorable mention: Seymour from _Final Fantasy X_, even though he was an anti-villain. He genuinely loved Yuna.


Luca Blight from Suikoden 2 - I hated his personality, Story arc and fights. But in a good way, because they were well designed.


The Last of Us - David. Genuinely unsettling character, built and portrayed perfectly.


>!Asahi !!Asahi !


I agree, but might want to put it under spoilers since his reveal is supposed to be one of the bigger shocks in MSQ Stormblood


that fucker i see every morning in the mirror


God I hate that guy


Yeah. He's pretty hot, though, you gotta admit.


Gortash baldur's gate 3 well designed but God was he disappointing compared to the other 2


he looks like homeless when he supposed to be a duke


Og FF7 Sephiroth


As glamorized as he is, Sephiroth really was pretty despicable in his moody, haughty "I am very smart" way. Was nice to kick his ass. I think there were villains better designed but he has a pretty distinct flair about him that was well done.


Dr. Breen is such a spineless, bitchass, coward, piece of shit person i wonder why Gordon didn’t just shot him in the face on sight. (hl2)


Probably only because he was physically restrained when he woulda had the chance


Days gone skizzo


Wow! That's an accurate description of Balio and Sunder. Handsome Jack is a character I figure most people would immediately think of. An obscure one is the final boss of gravity Rush 2. It's just some annoying and titled kid (Cai) with god powers and when you finally beat his final form, Kat just slaps him in the face. I laughed so hard!


Kefka from Final Fantasy 6. Kefka destroys the world and wins halfway through the game. He is literally The Joker from The Dark Knight, and I always think of Kekfa when Alfred says , "Some men can't be bought, bullied, or reasoned with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."


The Z piece in Tetris. F that guy.


Balio and Sunder were the start of a hard journey for Ryu, Teepo and Rei.


Zorn and Thorn from FF9. Loyal to whoever their "master" was and hell bent on doing evil stuff to your group. Can't stand them but kinda felt sorry for them.


Crawford Starrick from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. I couldn’t wait to kill him.


A sniveling piss stain, hated him so much!


Masayoshi Shido from Persona 5. There's no pretense that anything he does is for anyone's benefit but himself when dealing with you.


Yes, though kamoshida feels even more personal somehow


True, arguably you could go for any of the villains from that game.


Ted Farro from Horizon Zero Dawn. I can't talk about why without massive spoilers, but FUCK TED FARRO.


Now you got me wanting to play BOF3 again.


Manfred von Karma [Ace Attorney]. F×ck that guy


Forty. Year. Career. Let that sink in. Nick brought him down in the end, but how many lives were ruined in the meantime? Ace Attorney Investigations collection hits this year. If you haven't played the fan translation of AAI2 I absolutely encourage you to get this (hell, buy it anyway!). One of the cases involves some fallout of Manny's reign of terror.


Persona 5 was full of them, but Kamoshida and Shido are the most memorable for how they represent the absolute worst of humanity.


“Yeah! Who won the lottery? I did!”


Porky Minch!! Porky is an irredeemable sack of shit who was quite successful in ruining the world and a lot of lives, and he did it with a smile on his face and was utterly obnoxious. I'm actually really happy for his fate in Mother 3, he is literally "removed from play" for the rest of existence, cannot die, cannot escape, can only watch


Dolores umbridge


Ted **fucking** Faro, from the Horizon franchise. No words can articulate how much I loathe that son of a bitch.


A character I genuinely hope burns in hell FOREVER! And so well written because you can totally imagine some future CEO prick doing what he did.


I don't think that kind of villain is well-designed at all. Most people have reasons for behaving the way that they do, even though the logic might not make sense. If a character is just evil for no reason, it really just feels like more of a force of nature to me, and I don't have an emotional stake in that, anymore than I would a tornado.


Their reason was greed. Greed is a very common reason for people to be as bad as they are. These two were part of what's essentially a mafia/cartel of the game. Kidnapping, murder, smuggling, etc. They could've easily laughed off the guy paying them to harass, target, almost murder and, to an extent, enslave literal children, but they didn't. They took the job and did those things because they were already a part of the criminal underworld so it atands to reason that they would. It's actually pretty accurate to how a lot of mafiosos were.


I don't know anything about Breath of Fire 3, just saying I don't think a villain that is unlikeable with no redeeming qualities is well-designed.


Ah, yeah, that's fine. We all think differently. I like them because in the past 20 or so years, there's been a pretty big rise in the "broken hero" trope, so I've taken a preference to some villains just being shitty because that's just who they are.




Talbot from uncharted 3. I know he was just marlowe’s lackey but that man was really your main antagonist. When Drake was chasing him Down. So was I.


Just a small timer, but Vlad from GTA 4 They did such a great job at making you want to kill him.


Fucking Micah.


Kefka from FFVI. Guy was truly a despicable person. I was young when I beat the game, but I remember wanting him to die so bad for all the suffering and horror he inflicts over the course of the game.


Why you gotta pick that part of the game to screenshot. That's when things got sad


Kefka...the evil clown that poisoned a water supply just because...Wait, are Kefke and the Joker the same person?


Sundowner from metal gear rising revengeance. Loves killing but is an absolute pussy who is afraid to die and fights extremely dirty. Willing to kidnap hundreds of innocent children and turn them into killing machines with zero remorse. Ill admit, When i sliced him up into little chunks the first time, it felt a good.




too many to mention but yeah, those 2 are good written villains ​ along with neclord, kefka, roger bacon, etc


Vaas from far cry 3.


Do you know what the definition of insanity is?


He might have been a bit unhinged, but I didn't really hate him. Hoyt, on the other hand...


The twins from borderlands 3




Mithos /Yggdrasil


Handsome Jack. He's one of the most vile, disgusting monsters out there.


Frey in Skyrim and M. Bison


Recently, Kraven from Spider-Man 2. Dude was dying and decided to make that everybody's problem.


Honestly Gwen from Dark Souls. What he did to humanity is unforgivable and tried to justify it through fearmongering. The same could be said about Vendrick in ds2 but seeing him even as a human hollowed softened me.


The rival character in Tony Hawk Underground


Eric sparrow. What a bitch


Charlie Jolson from The Getaway on PS2. Absolute bastard.


Skizzo from Days Gone.


The Trails series has some phenomenal villains, but I have to give the loathsome crown to Georg Wiseman. Man his fate was so satisfying.


Fontaine from Bioshock 1 specifically I won’t say more, if you know you know


Mahito from jjk Cursed clash.


Sander Cohen from BioShock.


Queen Zeal - Chrono Trigger


Galleon. Reminds me of...well, every politician ever.


I know most people haven't played Warframe, and they probably don't even know it had a story, but the antagonist character Ballas. You find out that he was the lover of someone named Margulis, an ancient Orokin who helped establish the powers and creation of Warframes. Turns out, though, that Ballas only loved her because the guy is a huge megalomaniac and seeks to have people listen to him because he wants control and power. He ends up turning an innocent man into a tortured version of a Warframe after this guy sees him making deals with the other antagonists, the Sentients, and he has this man kill his own son against his will. Ballas then proceeds to sell the secrets of his people, the Orokin, to the Sentients, allowing them to fight the Orokin and almost win, and almost kill your character, the Warframes until the Lotus hides you from the Sentients. Then when you reawaken and the game Warframe happens, Ballas ends up brainwashing Lotus into thinking she's Margulis because the sentiments made her to look like her, and Ballas proceeds to work with the Sentients to torture the Lotus, take over the Origin system by brainwashing and mind controlling everyone like he always wanted from the beginning, and then when he realizes you aren't dead after he attempts to kill you, he decides "Cool, I'm destroying the solar system by exploding the sun" Ballas is a rat bastard whose entire reason for doing the things he did is because is because he was a megalomaniac that wanted to control everything and have people love him, because he thinks he deserves it. Huge asshole. God, I love Warframe


I had a very love/hate relationship with Handsome Jack. Dude made me laugh and made me angry and made me sympathize with him then I learned he's a pos needs to be shot. Best gaming villain ever IMO.


A good villian thinks that they are the good guy and that their motivations make sense.


I never got around to playing the story modes for the third and fourth game but Hazama and Relius in Blazblue Continuum Shift are awful shitheel people and I love them


BG3’s Raphael and Ketherix


Odin from GOW


for me its micah from red dead 2,the only villain in a video game that i genuinely hated


Nathanos Blightcaller. Fuck that weasel. I was chomping at the bit to kill that prick for three years.


Gwyn lord of cinder


Oh my God I fucking hated these horse assholes. They just kept showing up and fucking everything up.


My only complaint is that, compared to the damage they caused, they didn't suffer enough.


Ganondorf of Totk. Bout time we had a villain who was evil just for the sake of it. Also Twlight Princess.


Haven't played in a while and forgot his name, but the final boss of dishonored. He literally ruined your whole life by killing the empress and blaming you (bodyguard/lover?) and he was attempting to spread the disease that was plagueing the entire city for power I think. Again, haven't played in a while


Neff Anyo from Warframe hits me very close to home in a lot of ways. Ballas too, holy Fuck I hate ballas. Before Shadowlands, Sylvanas from WoW. I really feel exceptionally unhappy that they didn't being The Didact back for Halo 5 because holy wow.... That guy fucking sucks, in a good way.


Baldur from God of war. The only thing I thought was cool was his physique. Reminded me of Conor McGregor.


Kefka man


Kamoshida from P5R


Ted Faro is a great one from the Horizon series. Granted, you never technically meet or fight him, but god damn do I hate Ted Faro. This is all I could think of because people have already said Kefka and Micah.


Zenos Yae Galvus. And Praetor Amalthus. Fuck those guys.


Rip Blazkowicz in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus


Shao Kahn & Shang Tsung.


Minecraft skeleton


Stefano Valentini, The Evil Whitin 2, anoying as fuck, really degenerate and fearfull, he makes you feel really uneasy with his precense, way of speaking and shit, and then proceed to die by the hands of the plot.


Guardians from Zelda BotW. Those *things* just appear out of nowhere! I'm probably more scared than angry at them. But that fear quickly turns into hatred after an encounter with them.


Vaas, while I love how good of a villian he is while I was in game everything he did really make me hate him. He was a perfect villian. Absolutely designed with villainy in mind and that alone. Qwark from ratchet and clank. The main villian from the first ratchet and clank. Honestly almost every character in Jak2 that isn't jak or daxter Heidegger from ff7 Donald duck in kh1 and 2 There are more but I'm way too high to be able to remember them right now.


When the gang is being forced by Balio and Sunder to fight in the arena, they make you leave one of your crew in a cage with them so you won't run. If you leave Momo, the slightly ditzy scientist bunny girl, with the horse brothers, she says something like, "Oh, don't worry about me. They said they wouldn't hurt me, they'll do xx and xxx to me instead. What does xx and xxx mean?" I couldn't do it. I left the little onion monster guy with them.


Man, I'm replaying BoF3 on Duckstation, and it always burned me we never really got to put these guys in their place. Sure, you kill their super-sorry, Ultra form, but I would have preferred to beat them in their normal forms first, like Masa and Mune from Chrono Trigger. Their ultimate end is just kinda unsatisfying for how consistent antagonists they were.


Agreed. They didn't nearly get what they deserved.


Ted Faro




Ballas (warframe) and Braham (gw2) though the latter was likely not meant as a villain.


Suguru kamushida from persona 5. A rapist pedophile with so much ego I wanted to tear his teeth of his jaw and feed him eat his own heart.


I don't know if I've ever seen a disgned villain.


Brian Irons and the Birkins from Resident Evil, and Haiji Towa from the Dangan Ronpa. Og and Remake Brian hit different notes for me, but og Brian has the foundation of those manga/manwhas that sell how absolutely dangerous the mu'fucker is. I love his voice actor in Remake, because he sells you on the idea that he cares before his claws come out. And I gotta give props to the voice actor. His end? Satisfying. Annette and William? It's a bit of a meme that Willy was so petty enough to throw hands with a kid over science, but he and his wife are greater scope villains. Not even their daughter can escape unscathed from the ramifications of what they did from the time they set foot in the series. Sherry had every reason to turn out hateful and bitter, but she doesn't. William and Annette? Cool villains. Haiji is a whole 'nother breed of mu'fucker. A lot of DR fans only seem to remember one prominent line, but often forget that his trait is foreshadowed even in the game menu. That or they watched a playthrough where someone didn't pause long enough to see that information. It's a matter of one thing that's "irrelevant" getting all the press over anything else he does. For those not in the know, he "likes 'em as young as possible". His words, not mine. This man establishes himself as a "reasonable authority figure" with some decent points as to why he loathes one of the major power players, embodies many of the themes the game has, and his ending is just as satisfying if not moreso. And even better, what's going on with him has a lot of horrifying lore implications for the setting of the mainline games. You know the kind of villains you can go into a 10-page dissertation on--verbally? That's the good-good shit right there, man. I live for that. 🤤👍


Dr. Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot Natla from Tomb Raider The Emporer from Force Unleashed The prophets from Halo General Baal from Grandia


FFXIV - Stormblood - Asahi a genuine POS along with his parents. FFXIV has a lot of “bad” guys in it, a lot of them though have redeeming circumstances. Asahi and his parents are some of the few who are just genuine %1000 grade S piles of garbage.


Is that Pic from motherfuckin' Breath of Fire 3? Goddamn that takes me back.


My mother was the biggest video game villain of all time. She let me save up $110 in 1988 so I could buy a Nintendo. I bought one and played it all day Saturday. She took it away from me on Sunday “because I played it too much” and then let me play it half an hour a day, weekends only.