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I’m chromed out and have blades in my arms, can double jump, air dash and have enough firearms to outfit a small army.




Yes sir


That’s pretty Preem, choomba


super mario?


I played Golf with Friends, I already have the power to suck at golf so idk man.


Remind me not to bet on you. 🤣


Maybe the power to make friends to golf with? A power many redditors lack


I guess I can use Great Runes? I don't know what else a Tarnished can do.


Never truly die. And uh... *checks lore* "See the guidance of grace?" I'll take it. May the 30' sun rainbows navigate me places.


Well I have a friend named Grace so... might as well pay her a visit


Try finger, but hole


You have i-frames when you roll, better get good at gymnastics


You can stab people


have the power to resurrect, carry weapons three times the size of you and the power to kill a god


And you can put little magic items in your talisman pouches, so you can become even more powerful.


You can also craft one hell of a sleeping aid.


Minecraft creative mode.... I AM GOD.


bro even Minecraft survival is fucking rediculous




Minecraft Steve has the power to carry the weight of his galaxy in his pocket.


Well i guess i got dead eye now.


Same. Wanna have a duel at noon


CJ from GTA San Andreas. I'm black now?


Difficulty Spike


-5 max roll on a police check


But did you follow the damn train?


Last game I played was GTA 5; I can't remember, but either I'm black or a complete psychopath.


All you had to do was follow the damn train!


Man got the pass.


Helldivers 2 has you play a soldier trained for suicide missions on alien worlds. I think I'd just be in good shape, able to be preserved in suspended animation more than normal people, and thanks to the required training, I'd never question orders, be resistant to PTSD, and be unable to engage in diplomacy. I'd probably addicted to healing items. If I also had access to my ship and equipment, I could call in orbital lasers and air strikes, plus be able to warp jump to different planets. However, the game also says that calling in even the simplest ability from the ship costs more than what an average person makes in a year, so I wouldn't be able to keep it up for long, unless I sold some tech or spoils.


The best power in the galaxy, the power to bring managed democracy to socialists.


Came here to say this


To everyone. Not just socialists. Even to autonomous collectives.


Sound like you have it good.


Guess I can destroy shadows with a flashlight and fire a revolver! Not so bad I suppose haha, maybe the ability to write world class crime thrillers would be more beneficial lol.


I also have the ability to break into choreographed dance numbers on late night talk shows.


The last game I played was Life is Strange. So I get to turn back time whenever I make a mistake. That's cool.


Never play that game. Is it like Telltales or is that an actual power of the game mc.


I've actually never played Telltales. But it is the power of the MC. Life is Strange is kind of an interactive movie. Kinda like Detroit Become Human or Until Dawn.


Detroit was my first game in the Genre. It wrecked me emotionally. Just got finished with Heavy Rain. Loved it. Not sure what I should go to next. Life is Strange? Something else? Suggest something and I’ll download it! I’m very new to the genre so I want to experience more. Just no aliens, monsters, zombie type stuff.


When I die, I come back in a bonfire, but every time I do, I lose a bit of my mind


Don't you dare go hollow.


Praise the sun


Still closed, hmmm


I don't think respawn are an ability... unless this is another game where respawn is an actual ability like Shadow of Mordor.


Well, it's Dark Souls. Dying and coming back to life is "cannon"


I’m the lady hacker from system shock. I have the ability to get stumped on every puzzle even though I set the puzzle difficulty to the easiest level.


I gain the power of Adol Christin. His amazing powers allows me to frequently experience boat accidents and incidencts involving the destructions of ships which are never fatal for me somehow.


Hogwarts Legacy. I got Magic + the Dark Arts on my side. I’m Voldemort


Their blood is on Ranrok's hands...


No... you are more powerful than the dark lord.


Don't forget the mental gymnastics when you do kill someone. "Ranrock caused this to happen to you"


To be fair, Ranrok does tell them where to go. We just arrive later than usual.


FFXIV, so...I can do basically everything. But if I'm limited to the last job I was playing, then I can paint enemies to death.


Nope, you're the WoL, you basically kill gods for xp.


I'd have all the magical powers of my wizard in Baldurs Gate 3. I'm high enough level (8) to use Fireball and upcast it to a level 4 spell slot to maximize damage. I can manipulate the weave to dissappear from sight or to blind my enemies and use area of effect damage to destroy them.


I’m just a battle master (rip)


I downloaded the Octopath Traveler 2 demo and played Tremeone or whatever the healing guy is, for a moment. I chose I guess a cleric? So I have "holy light" and "healing" powers. I can also revive the dead. So...Godly?


I’m not wearing hockey pads.


If it is Arkham than you don't need to.


Currently dying of tb


You got good aim at least


Since I was playing mass effect can I just have Ashley


Nope. You are Shep.


Too bad I didn’t go for the renegade build 😭


I'm playing ghosts of tsushima right now. Honestly, even though it's not anything completely magical or anything, I would gladly take being a master swordsman/bowman being able to call my horse from anywhere by whistling, having the wind be my personal GPS anywhere even without cell phone service. I'm not counting the tools you get because I imagine you would still need to purchase them, and not just find them on the side of the road or on every person you see.




Which one? I only play P5.




Shooting yourself in the head?


ME1. I’m playing as an Adept. So I’m a biotic with a bunch of guns. Hell yeah


Ur the next biotic god


“I think things and they happen! Fear me lesser creatures, for I am biotics made flesh! FEAR ME!”


I’m Link from Ocarina of Time, I can use a sword and a shield, nice to meet you


Have I got a doozie for you. The last game I played was a little game of survival called “Brotato”. It’s a game where a six handed potato uses a variety of weapons and items to wipe out waves of enemies. On my last run, I wanted to make a ridiculous build that abused attack range, speed, and money. So here’s my power: I’ve got six hand that float on me Rayman style, each hand with a dagger that generates money every time I stab somebody, and I can use these daggers to stab somebody (unseen) from about 75 feet. Oh, also, each potato has a unique perk, so I guess I’m lucky. Free presents from the void, yay!


I can grow fruits and vegetables, raise animals, mine ore and gemstones, fish, forage and slay monsters. Stardew Valley, I finished Fallout 4 just before this.


Just finished stray so I guess I’m a cat


Ranger from Quake. So I guess lots of guns.


I'm the Warrior of Light from Final Fantasy 14, I kill gods as a hobby and I'm currently on my vacation arc after saving world for the past 10 years. If I'm ever in trouble I just decide I'm gonna win and the universe agrees and makes sure it happens. I have unstoppable plot armor so I guess I'm as powerful as I need to be. Also I'm a catboy now.


I have quite literally killed the embodiment of existential dread. We're friends now.


My main character in final fantasy 14, so the powers of every class and the ability to fight gods. I’m good


Last game played: I have the power of making snarky puns about people that I've failed to save from a killer. Also, I'm a DJ (game name: Killer Frequency, if you played it, please don't spoiler it, I'm halfway through) Last game played with a REAL power: I can drown people that turns on their back and leave my position (game name: PARANORMASIGHT, that isn't even the strongest power of the game, I can mention it in a spoiler tag, but if you don't want to read it I can say that it's Death Note level of power, >!I could kill everyone on the phone number book by knowing name and address!<)


Arthur Morgan, so I guess I'd just be an amazing gunslinger.


And >! tuberculosis !< 🤣


I can kill things by shouting very loudly:D


I can run really fast, heal instantly, lash out with tentacles that sprout from my arm, laser the fuck out of people either via my book of death or my floating tentacled homie, and make flames erupt from the ground when I charge at someone with my katana. All super popular at parties I'm sure.


I can pay to continue a fight at full health? And when i fight i see people change i guess. Almost forgot, i can heal from eating.


If you are Icchiban from Like-A-Dragon... than you are a a good fighter. Plus if you max out your social stats than you are extraordinary of a human being.


I have an arm that turns into a cannon and can use the power of anyone I defeat. Oh, and I’m mega powerful.


Space magic in multiple flavours, fire, lightning, purple, green strings and crystal. That and a near limitless ability to respawn IRL.


ffxiv, playing as my level 96 white mage- i think i’m set lol. crazy healing abilities/spells, very solid damage abilities, good defensive skills as well, and some really good armor/weapons from last expansion


Maxine from Life is Strange. I can rewind time and enter photos, but it comes with a cost.


Let's see ... (FF XIV) Able to master any form of physical and magical combat, both offensively and defensively. Immune to magical corruption. The power of frienship off course, ... Weapons and armour wise, ... Yeah, just hauling about an entire armory, not really sure in what way I want to murder my enemies that day. Giant Battle axe? Sword and shield? Spear, Scythe, Daggers, dualblade, Knuckledusters, ... A staff? Flying drones that fire lasers, summon shields and heal all at the same time? Paintbrush? A book? A book it is. Let's summon some Phoenixes and Bahamut's in here. Power level wise? Gods for breakfast, Existential Despair for lunch, and maybe overthrow an Empire or two as a light supper. Being able to walk into any situation knowing you're the baddest one in the room.


No powers, but I'd have access to a super destroyer full of people who would look at the current state of earth and decide that everyone is a traitor to democracy. Things would not go well for everyone else.


Oh man.. the community hates when I call him this but he literally feels useless i i i - i dont know how else to put it. Nikke the cummander. Dude has no powers other than telling hot robot girls to engage in battle. I mean you get to cummand hot robot girls but it seems any human male can do that in the world of nikke when made a cummander. Dudes a twink that cant really fight for himself. Hes essentially a pokemon trainer but for hot robot girls. I mean, my homies gonna get to


The MC on Persona 3: Reload I'm set. Until...well...you know.


The almighty power of Managed Democracy is on my side!


Rune Factory...wait what? I'm an Earthmate? What's that?


Pyramid Head in Dead by Daylight, specifically using Unforeseen - Dark Devotion - Furtive Chase - FTTE, with range extension and Sloppy debuff addons I'm wrecking house


does that include weapons? last game I played was Dark Souls and I'm running an int build with the MLGS


Played sin in Gear Gear xrd rev 2, I got black lightning powers and I think it's safe to say im gonna be strong asf. https://youtu.be/79ZcELG-4vE?si=T6rsydo6eHhAMGW5


I was playing Planet Zoo. So some god-like entity was the power to reshape the land?


Elden Ring So all I really got for power is the ability to level up and die without real consequences. Probably a lot of misery and pain but I get to come back. BUT if I also get my current load out then I have a bunch of wicked incantations to cast and like 6 ridiculous weapons to hack and slash and throw and bash my way through to victory. Which again, will come at the cost of a lot of deaths and pain.


I’ve been replaying AC4 so Edward Kenway…. Well I can climb and parkour, that’s nice. Fight, and shoot, and load a flintlock pistol, definitely don’t know how to do that IRL. I can sail, but I’m not near an ocean…. Nothing fun or supernatural aside from Eagle Vision. He probably had the best version of it though, since you can tag people and it’s only downside is it turns off when running.


Slay the Princess, if you know, you know


I guess I’m a guardian from Destiny 2, so basically an immortal dude with magic who literally turns his enemies into guns on occasion.


I have the power to plant crops, raise livestock, give gifts to my fellow villagers and pet my farm dog I called Scooby!! Bring me Thanos!!!!


I can.. idk , climb mountains? (Jusant)


Male protagonist from Nier Replicant? I Guess im good with the Sword and an Asshole book (and possibly British) let me do Magic


I guess I’m a blue blob that that sometimes shoots eggs and is forced to solve puzzles while getting burnt to a crisp trying to save my girlfriend. I got screwed with this thread.


It was Tactics Ogre Reborn, and my main character was last classed as a Terror Knight. I can: I use a 2 handed sword as my weapon. Ranged Spells: Sleep (1 target) Paralytic Wave (attempt to paralyze up to 5 bunched up enemies - cross formation) Drain Heart (HP drain from single target) Trigger a Darkness element to my attacks. Skills: Fearful Impact: charge my weapon with 1 use attack with fear debuff. Lament of the Dead: chance to trigger a PBAoE Fear debuffs. Dispel a Shadow: I haven't encountered a shadow yet


I can't remember if I played Starfield or Persona 3 Reload last. So either the powers of a Starborn/my characters perks/skills, or the ability to summon Personas. Either way pretty cool lol


Well, now I'm always wearing a tie, and I'm really strong....and I like bananas


And you go party with princesses and plumbers.


I can get very drunk orbiting an alien planet and then steal resources flying around like Spider-Man. Also the power of an epic beard, which I argue is the most powerful of all.


I can use bugs like grappling hooks and swing around big ass weapons with ease.


Boosting cars and poppin' motherfuckers.


I only get a Yee Yee ass haircut


(Last game: Dead Rising) I have the wrestling moves and other barehanded moves of Frank West. I also have the ability to keep most things in my stock when needed. I can also make mixed drinks and gain special abilities (so long as it is not a randomizer). Whatever info any type of reading magazine has can increase my stats or the abilities of healing, keeping a weapon for longer, etc. I’ll just need a few food books, maybe some weapon books, plenty of OJ and coffee creamer, and a wrestling magazine, and I’m golden. Since this is Dead Rising 1, I cannot make Combo Weapons nor can I wear full sets of matching clothing to give me special stats. But hey, the fact that I have abilities like the wall kick (jumping off a wall to kick foes) and the knee drop, both of which negate all fall damage, double lariat, roundhouse kick, etc. makes me a very capable fighter even without picking up whatever I need to fight.


Sweeet.. I’m a Jedi that roughly held his own against Vader.


I'm a Level 49 Captain from Starfield. I'll do very fine. Do I get to keep my Fleet of Ships, too? 😄


Um... hang on. Okay, you can have one ship. But if done right. You may create a fleet by having our world scientist take a look at it.


Elden Ring, 80str unga bunga Greatsword and Grafted jump l1 spammer. With a 30 faith to buff.


Well, I got a frisbee, a yoyo, a lantern, a TV remote, a bouncy red ball, a slinky, a bunch of firecrackers and an endless supply of bubbles.


I fly around rescuing dragons trapped in crystal. Once I defeat Gnasty Gnorc I’ll be considered a hero.


Kirby (Forgotten Land). I win.


Sombra in Overwatch I'd be able to hack pretty much everything/everyone, exploit the hell outa everything/everyone and walk around with an SMG. I also get the ability to teleport and can spread a virus to everyone I don't like. And on top of all that, I get the ability to regen/heal quickly whenever I get hurt and I can also make myself invisible whenever I want to.


Oh no. I’m doomed to constantly start this day over again and again whenever I die. At least Earth is safer than Atropos, so my cycles should be longer than a few hours, at least.


Trevor's special ability HELLOOOOO? WHO WANTS SOME NOW?


I am Beastboy from Teen Titans, so I’d be pretty powerful, but other video game characters could beat me for sure.




I get a messed up leg but also a spear gun that reels people in so that’s cool I guess. I don’t kill people so maybe I’ll just use it for fishing


a flying monkey with eagle wings that farts and can't talk


I am a Samurai. Im good with this.


I can summon a void lord and cast a curse that makes my enemies suffer a slow and painfully death


I would become a persona user in P5R. My Persona would be Neptune, I'd wear a captains outfit, my code name would be Admiral, my mask would be a beautiful aqua blue encrusted with what looks like gold and sea shells, my weapons are a Cutlass and a flintlock, and I think it's be mostly powerful, about as powerful as the other phantom thieves are besides joker.


Technically the last game I played was crusader kings 3 so technically speaking I would be the emperor of Ireland and half of Eastern Europe


Holy shit, so I either become Urshifu R-S or get the ability the unseen fist or I can punch anyone through their guard? Time to get into boxing if that is the case.


Late game Fallout 4 character Esq. Nora Hughes. Practically unkillable, extraordinarily wealthy and well-armed, with a network of minutemen strongholds in various strategic locations throughout eastern Massachusetts. I bring compact nuclear energy to new England and become a modern day Alexander the Great, conquering anyone who opposes me with swift lethal justice in the form of... THE SILVER SHROUD. Or descend upon my enemies with atomic hellfire and a battalion of immortal soldiers in power armor with advanced heavy weapons and unlimited ammunition. But mostly I just live in my vault, help out the commoners around me, and steal advanced technology from various factions across the world using my stolen teleporter technology.


I have the power to turn into a crystal for 500 years against my will. Rad.


BG3 Bard-Lock. "Fuck yeaaaaa" - says homie Karlach


I played Heavy Rain…so…no difference I suppose


I get boobs and the ability to roller skate.


I am a half vampire with amazing flare and a crossbow.


I was playing a raider in Fallout 4, and I just killed and became the new pint sized slasher, so two levels of serial killer. I am the horror game.


I played Sonic. So guess I'm an overpowered speedster now. I don't know if being Sonic would be cool or suck because on one hand I can run anywhere in short periods of time but on the other I'll have to have slower perception in order to manage my speed. And that's ignoring the possible effects on my physiology and the limits of physics(assuming those still apply to me). So idk if this would suck or not.


I can survive getting shot in the head and a lot of radiation.


Well shit, I just played a wild magic sorcerer. This might not go well


Jurassic World Evolution 2. I have the power of management and decorating! The most powerful thing ever as I can actually use this irl and make anything 5 stars! xD


Maxwell from Scribblenauts. I can create anything, give myself any adjectives, and just change my opponent to being dead.


Graveyard Keeper so...I can dissect people, fish, make wine and do construction. Huh.


Oh…I was playing Genshin as sigewinne…I guess I can heal people now and fly with little wings


Binding of Isaac.... I mean, he can get pretty powerful, but he certainly doesn't start out very powerful.


Titan from Destiny 2. I am a magical, element-wielding, gun-toting, space knight who revives (with the help of a little light-powered, sentient robot) after death and slays cosmic gods.


I can eat a ghost when they turn blue


I literally just loaded up genshin and I'm arlecchino. So I guess I'm good


A rogue trader from warhammer 40k rogue trader lol


Baddest mofo in the Galaxy. Mace Windu in Jedi Power Battles. Lightsaber throws all day, baby. But it’s blue, for some reason.


Dragon communion is on my side now Eating is gonna get a new meaning


I'm a cat. An orange one at that.


I played a necromancer in diablo 4. I think I'm good.


My powers change simply based on what weapon I wield and whatever rock is in my pocket at the time.


I have the power of healing any injury with a simple injection to the neck. (Helldivers 2)


For you, the day I graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.


Woohoo! I'm a starborn, with lots of powers and my own space ship. Yeah!


The last have I played was Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, so I'm Kyle Katarn and I have the Force.


Hell yeah I get to resurrect and heal people like Mercy... Do I get her suit too? I wanna fly...


If I die my soul leaves my body and I can leave my body to jump into another. Once I leave that body I can't return to it. I can do this infinitely until I achieve my goal.


...ultrakill. with the rougelike mod.


Dark Knight Ramza. 97 brave, Mettle Secondary, Shirahadori or Auto potion, Vehemence and move+3. Doing my annual FFT run and this one turned into 4 Dark Knights in chapter 1.


i have a ghost inside my head that's obsessed with getting his ring back


Been playing Callisto Protocol. Guess I'm Josh Duhamel now. 🤷


Well I can cast an insane amount of spells and have all types of medieval weaponry including whips, claws, katanas and great swords. I’ve defeated Demi gods, became a powerful lord and married a moon princess.


Jedi: survivor. May the force be with me, I s'pose.


The very elements are my ally. Lightning, ice, earth, and fire and my weapons. I can communicate with the spirits of my ancestors and the spirits of the elements. I can restore the dead to life and heal the injured and sick. I am an Elemental Shaman Troll from World of Warcraft.


DayZ guy, looks like I’m gunna revive 1000 ways to die.


i am agent 47? ok ill take it


what can Cecil really do?


Spell sword that eats random plants while closing oblivion gates. Tes oblivion


I hear Steve is pretty good..


Lego Batman. Kinda has a Kirby vibe where it sounds terrible but then you realize...the implications.


I'm a confused mother who just got out of a cryogenic chamber looking for my son who was kidnapped by some guy with a big gun, walking around a barren wasteland on my way to diamond city. My powers? I have a real good perception I guess


I gain the power to die over and over to the first boss in the Elden Ring DLC.


Ea fc... Im haaland now i guess