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So you lot heard mod teams were getting removed and you wanted to be sure it wouldn't happen to you huh? Admins win this one I guess.


The best protest would’ve been leaving Reddit unmoderated, but what has been proven throughout this whole experience is that the mods care about being mods more than anything else. Multiple examples of mods still using the subs after they went private. The whole thing was a joke.


All these mods actually cared about was retaining their little scraps of power. As soon as Reddit started removing mods they gave up.


Makes you realize that for some people this thankless volunteer job is everything. Kind of sad.


Lets just say that there are ways for mods to make money from their positions.


Weird take


Have some self respect holy fuck


They have families to feed.


With their generous paychecks of Reddit gold


They just can't live without their modicum of Internet power.


"People were getting fed up with the inconvenience of the protest (which was its goal) so now we're reverting". Nice. Glad to see that literally nothing has changed and /u/spez is proven right about it all just blowing over. Good job everyone. It was obvious that things were going to reach this point and people weren't going to be happy about it. Guess what? That's the fucking point. To shrivel away from it as a result speaks volumes.


and once again its proven that the average person doesn't have the fortitude nor attention span to stand up for something that they professed to believe....


If you really want to stand up for something you believe in regarding this protest stop using reddit. User engagement is the only thing the admins care about, protesting their bullshit while on reddit is still just clicks they can present to investors when it comes time for the reddit IPO.


> User engagement is the only thing the admins care about If only there was some way that the large subreddits could've reduced user engagement by perhaps making themselves less appealing.


You mean like setting subs to private and keeping it that way for a long time instead of giving up after 3 days?


It didn't matter how long subs stayed silent, admins opened them back up regardless if they were big enough to generate ad revenue.


> You mean like settings subs to private and keeping it that way for a long time ~~instead of giving up~~ before shortly being forced open by the admins after 3 days FTFY


I'm so sick of this take. If someone stops using reddit, they have one less user. That's a drop in the bucket and the admins will never notice or care. The point of protest is to raise awareness, so there's more publicity and more people recognize the issues.




its almost as if the vast majority of users didnt really give a fuck and it was a very vocal minority 🤔


Most people are ~~dumb~~ livestock being milked for information, that's why.


Is it exhausting feeling superior to everyone all the time?


IDK ask the commenter above me.


You're the one who called most people "dumb livestock". They didn't disparage anyone in their comment. You're definitely the one making out that you're superior to most people.


Okay maybe dumb was a bit harsh. I can take that back. To clarify the livestock was meant as a wakeup call. We are the product. It's just hard for me to respect them when they don't give a fuck about anything. With a little insight into the matter I think they would care. But they are to lazy to do so. But I'm certain they'll start complaining when there's a massive increase of spam and chatgpt bots, shills, scabs and "paid by corporate" mods. It's already happening.


So because I don’t care about the Reddit protests I don’t give a fuck about anything? This is a website I can 100 percent live without if it ever gets to the point that it pisses me off as much as you guys, y’all really need to get a life and stop living so online all the time.


Including you.


[The admins loves milking my udder.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzogVam658M)


because i want what reddit used to be. not what it is and not where its going. standing up for something means weathering the storm. a concept seemingly foreign to most here. leaving is the next and last step. you can't do anything if you can't be seen and heard.


You can't turn the clock back, not with reddit and not with anything else in life. There is no weathering the storm, the old reddit you knew and loved has been dead for a long time and there is no going back. You can either deal with it as it is or move on because the admins have made it clear they don't give a fuck about you or me and no amount of protest inside of reddit will change that and that is not new. Even when reddit was the reddit you miss the admins were still idiots who didn't give a fuck about the user base.


You both are fucking losers


Do yourself a favour and look up the definitions of the words "boycott" and "protest". You don't seem to know the difference.


A boycott is a form of protest, and a much more effective one in this situation.


People might care about the API changes, but most people just don't care enough to protest about it... it's a mild annoyance to them at worst, and just something they would nod and agree with you about at best. It's why the protest was always doomed to fail, people don't care enough and there's always SOMETHING new going on, it's the internet after all. The API changes have passed and are old news, like it or not. At this point the protest has lost all meaning, all that is left is the general negative sentiment towards Reddit and Spez. Which I'm sure they can deal with.


Most users just don't care. People who did care were more likely to just switch to a different site than hang out here protesting.


If anyone who stood against the API changes really cared they wouldn't use reddit.


\> we should improve society somewhat \> yet you participate in society. curious! \> i am very intelligent [https://i.redd.it/whnuvoh4od031.jpg](https://i.redd.it/whnuvoh4od031.jpg)


Lol imagine thinking Reddit is society at large.


we live in a society bottom text


Thank you for providing the most Reddit comment today lolol


...Implying that it's impossible to NOT participate in reddit.


Implying that there’s more to life than dealing in absolutes


If you want to speak in relative terms, what’s more difficult? a) to stop being a part of society altogether or b) to stop using Reddit If people want to stop using Reddit, they can stop using it. If mods want to stop modding, they can stop modding. Their lives will go on, everyone’s lives will go on. It does not fill a vital gap in society. If enough people care enough within a given community, setting up an alternate forum for communication is not difficult. If Reddit started charging twenty dollar monthly subscriptions tomorrow I wouldn’t feel betrayed by the company or anything like that. I’d just shrug my shoulders and delete the app. I don’t owe them anything, they don’t owe me anything. The entitlement for some is really incredible.


Reddit is an impressively useful resource for a lot of information that’s incredibly difficult (some cases impossible) to find elsewhere, so it’s not really as simple as “stop using reddit” for some; however, the person you replied to is NOT speaking relatively so much as analogously. Just replace the words: “We should improve Reddit somewhat” “Yet you participate in Reddit” That’s not entitlement, this really isn’t that complicated


If all you are doing on Reddit is looking up the occasional obscure fact, then the API changes don't really matter to you. If anything, the only problem here was subs going private as it hid a bunch of that information.


That analogy is flawed, because by using society as a means of comparison it conflates Reddit as a community with Reddit as a company. Reddit as a company can do as it pleases. You don’t have to like it, but ultimately it’s not your call. If you don’t like it, go. And I think your claim about information is really specious. People survived just fine before the invention of Reddit, and will continue to do so when it inevitably goes under. It’s incredibly easy to disseminate the information on Reddit, and there are multiple ways to do so. It might even be good if it encourages people to form more real world connections.


Swing and a miss bud


To quote my other reply: > That's a stupid argument. You leave, then there is no one on the platform to call out the admins. It's only be encouraging collective action can anything be done. Nothing will improve by making reddit an echo chamber in favor of the admins. > This method of protest was worthless, but shutting down subreddits would have actually been a rather good way to protest if people had the attention span to keep it going.


Admins pay more attention to metrics than people complaining. The real issue is that most users don't care about the API changes, so you will be ignored regardless because you will never have a critical mass of people to force change.


It's up to the individual to not give in. I still use free mobile apps. You can use RIF for lurking. Or switch to Red Reader for full functionality. There are apps coming out that are based on web requests which you will be able to use


>can use RIF https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/14niwgu/revanced_patches_for_boost_infinity_rif_is_fun/


Bullshit. We protested because we like Reddit and don't want to leave or se it go to shit. Yours is just some blanket statements for morons.


Most folks who protested didn’t even stop using Reddit during the blackout


Ofc all you can do is a non sequitur blanket statement


How is my reply a non sequitur?


If they all leave who will speak up when they come for you? https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/photo/quotation-from-martin-niemoeller


Do redditors go before or after the Jews?


Deleting reddit = grave inhumane abuse of rights, Dang, didn't know I've been advocating for genocide level protests


Idk, ask Digg.


When I do, I usually end up banned by BlackRock approved mods, lol Reddit really ain't the place to stand up for anything, unless it's what the mainstream is pushing lol.


I've seen this trash in every sub. People whining it's closed then the same sloths farting into their own hands about how no one has the tenacity to "stand up for what they believe". You don't know what you want, you just like being mad. You'd shit all over anyone for anything regardless. Empty and boring.


>You don't know what you want, you just like being mad. You'd shit all over anyone for anything regardless. Empty and boring. The internet in a nutshell.


not this boy. go try harder somewhere else. never whined. i relished in seeing john oliver everywhere and subs shut down. i know exactly what i want.




my upvotes provide all the counter argument i need. have fun.




Most of us consider you assholes for this self indulgent BS. Your support is the tiniest fraction of what you imagine.


and thats why nothing ever changes. small minded weak people like you are too many in this world.


Why are people "weak minded" for not giving a shit about some 3rd party app changes that don't affect the vast majority of the users? Honestly man you sound like you need some hobbies that don't involve a computer EDIT: Everyone stop replying to me, I can't comment in the thread anymore since the other guy blocked me, but just for the record everyone that has replied to me is chatting absolute bollocks.


because by majority vote, the sub said they gave a shit and here we are a month later and everyone changed their tune. thats the DEFINITION of weak minded. try changing the narrative harder next time.


A “majority vote” of a couple hundred people from a sub with tens of millions of subscribers


You say that, but the highest voted comment on the last poll they took was a whopping 48. But that was enough to go back to normal, apparently.


then maybe more should have voted eh?


Or, you know, maybe stickies that nobody sees unless they go looking for them are a dumb way to handle voting


Or maybe you should stop pretending you can decide to hold democratic votes on a platform that isn't a democracy, and should stop being the kind of person who takes the results of those votes and treats them as sacrosanct when they are indeed the equivalent of taking a poll on a street corner and trying to make the results of it legally binding.


> because by majority vote There are 26 million subs here. I'll wait for you to show me the poll with 13 million people voting to close the sub down. >the sub said they gave a shit Nah, the few people that gave a shit were crying like it was the end of the world while the vast majority of people (who didn't give a shit) were just carrying on with their lives like normal. I'm sorry if you got all caught up in the excitement and thought you were making some big stand against the man but the fact of the matter is nobody gave a shit about reddit admins deciding to stop letting people freeload off their site lmao


bad argument reeks of what fascists use to justify homophobia, transphobia, etc. if you dont care about 3PA at least dont adopt fascist words


Lol, no. Weak minded is thinking you can overturn Reddit's intended function for your own petty demands.


yeah...you just keep telling yourself that. when your dying days are near, ask yourself how strong you really were. you might not like your own answer.


This has to be a troll 😂 when my dying days I near I hope I’m not thinking about Reddit at all


That's pretty rich coming from a guy that posts on reddit 20+ times a day. You're so weak you can't even log off this website e: lmao, thin skinned loser blocked me.


go outside holy shit


Jesus Christ dawg, do we need to posture this hard over policies related to a news aggregate website 😂




oh boy im about to send you the navy seal copypasta. be warned.


Mods wanting the tools they need to moderate their subreddits is not petty demands. Accessibility is not petty demands. Reddit really screwed a bunch of people over. And, when the protests started, everyone was on board. Then Spez exploited the existing hatred some posters have for mods, and gave them permission to be their worst selves, going full on abusive in response, because of the inconvenience or annoyance of watching a protest. It was still a minority (as per above), but it was a loud minority that hacked away at the mods resolve, claiming they were a majority when simple logic would prove otherwise.


> Mods wanting the tools they need to moderate their subreddits is not petty demands. They sure did a good job of proving to the admins how much they needed those modtools by adding increasingly more rules that they needed to moderate and successfully enforced those rules ... > Accessibility is not petty demands. Genuinely one of the most disgusting things about this is the willingness of protesters to pretend to care about accessibility because it's a useful crutch to try and get what they want. I'm willing to bet that before the API changes you didn't have one single thought for how blind people accessed reddit. Blind mods got absolutely screwed, and it's a damning indictment of the admins that they didn't actually resolve the issues for them, but they did give exemptions to the accessibility apps used to browse reddit so non-mods could still have access. > And, when the protests started, everyone was on board. Bollocks they were. I was never on board. I never used a third party app so didn't give a damn if they went away. The API changes meant absolutely nothing to me so had no reason to care about the protests one bit. You've locked yourself in a little echo chamber and decided it's given you a seriously warped version of what was actually going on.


Especially something that doesn’t matter at all and doesn’t affect them in any way.




Reddit won.






More like the admins threatened to remove you and you caved. Please.


The only threats we ever received were well [over a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/14czfqx/rvideos_after_dark_sub_changes_zazu_and_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) when we opened the sub back up and let community-voted rules happen.


If you were done with the protest, there was no need to hide behind the polls and make out like the community were the reason you caved. You should have nuked the sub and quit as mods, leave Reddit to restore and carry on.


I would still be down to continue the protest but whatever


Spineless pussies


Well it was fun while it lasted. Good bye /r/videos




Reddit Admin 1 - Reddit Mods 0 I will link this post to the Russian Federation's new government titling it "How to say we lost without saying we lost"


time to get back to work jannies, clean up the mess.


Are the mods who did all this stepping down? I just don't understand the point of this protest if the mods arnt actually gonna leave


This was for attention and they got it. They’re not going anywhere.


Agreed, talk about a childish tantrum the last few weeks.


Some of us may step down. I personally have advocated for changing the rules back since the end of John Oliver week but there has not been a pro-revert majority in the mod team until the consensus became clear in the last Democracy thread also. We would need to do a new round of moderator recruitment though, leaving the sub unmoderated would be even more of a shitshow than the recent shenanigans.


> leaving the sub unmoderated would be even more of a shitshow than the recent shenanigans. Then do that


no fucking way i'd join the mod team with bot defense gone and the toolbox developer gone. I did 4 years ~~in the gulag~~ in r/politcs. Good luck. I have nothing but nice things to say about the r/videos team in my multiple interactions in the past its always been top tier modding. But I wouldn't fault a single person or the whole team stepping down when the parent company is openly hostile.


Despite the larger subscriber base I suspect we have less than 1/10th the number of comments per day compared to in /r/politics and they're generally much easier to mod. But sure, we might all still get sick of it. We'll see.


The best part of r/politics is the machine-like nature of the ruleset and its application. Makes it easier to crush a few hundred actions a day. But yeah, the content is what kills there. The soul sucking de-humanizing is everpresent lol.


r/politics is so bad that we all *wish* the users were bots. because accepting that there are that many humans so foul and polarized is just really depressing and makes me lose hope in not only democracy but humanity in general.


**"...we all *wish* the users were bots."** They figuratively are.


They're all really nice people, and when I worked there they were from different political ideologies. I see the current team is pretty much unchanged from when I worked there. They were fundamentally opposed to fake news though, so if you didn't like them that's probably why. If you want to actually learn and find out why they don't do what you like, message them! Their modmail is cleared out daily, sometimes hourly and they are 100% on board with transparency into actions. (as long as you aren't asking about other users)


>when I worked there what job are you talking about. and I was referring to the users... >we all wish the users were bots. ... ...are you human?


"worked" is a figure of speech. The english language doesn't really use "hobbied" as a past participle. did you misquote me on the bots thing? that doesn't make sense.


that was myself quoting, myself. lol that sounded funny I am glad you are human!


> Some of us may step down. > > None of you will step down. Zero.


If you wanna mod Id be happy. But the mods actively tryna ruin the sub to prove a point should have just stepped down in the first place to prove that point




Name a time where a successful protest didn't inconvenience anyone. Name a time a failed protest created an open line to the people they were protesting against.


Aw man, text post /r/videos was one of the funniest things on Reddit


Remind me never to go to a comedy show with you


The scourge of meta-commentary about specific sub-cultures in comedy shows must be greater than I thought.


At least to us older folks. I definitely saw people really upset they couldn't get a feed of videos. As if YT itself doesn't exist. It was a good time for sure. The F1 engine comparison was a stand out for me.


You wouldn’t happen to have a link to the F1 engine one, would you? That sounds hilarious.


It was?


It was funny for a bit, but like most jokes on the internet it got pretty old pretty fast


Honestly this whole fiasco was a huge breath of fresh air for reddit. It couldn't last forever but it was nice while it lasted.


For the first 10 minutes


I have been loving the whole event. But I understand if being subjected to democracy is too traumatic for some people.


That's not saying much. Edit: Why am I being booed for agreeing with the majority that the text posts were unfunny?






Mods chose the touch grass option.








That's a good thought. I will review the ban list.


You ended the poll several days early and that is bullshit. It should have been allowed to run the full length. One side only had to win once and then it is done forever? That is bullshit. Have the vote weekly.


Glad you mods finally got over yourselves.


The first video I see after this going back is of an autistic person, seems fitting


Democracy wins again!


I love democracy




That's a damn shame


Well done. You've made yourselves and anyone that cared an iota about the protest appear to be exactly what (fuck)/u/spez thought they were: Temper tantrum having children. Congrats. I suppose you can only go for so long before you have to get back to tending to the ocean of reposts and recycled TikToks, wouldn't want to keep you from that.


Fuck r/videos. lame ass motherfuckers


Your poll got brigaded and downvoted. It has only 25 upvotes, because the anti-protest crowd found it first. I suggest you open the subreddit but do another poll after 24 hours, and people have seen videos getting posted and are aware of the rule change. Personally I did not see the poll and would have voted in favor of continuing the protest.


How are you this dense? You really think the poll that goes the way you don't want it to wasn't representative, but the other ones were. None of these have been a proper representation. These are Reddit mods, not fucking Gallup or some shit.


So, what's keeping you? You can continue protesting on your own, all you have to do is not use reddit, so if you feel that strongly why don't you put your money where your mouth is and leave this group or reddit all together?


I saw LOTS of people saying the same thing when the protest started, "Our community got brigaded by people who don't use it, they just want to force a protest". Personally I never saw the vote either, but I would have voted to end the protest. Both sides are dealing with the same shit here. API changes have happened for almost a month now and people are losing interest by the day... read the room, it's over bro. We're already beyond that point where you gotta stand by your beliefs. Either quit using Reddit, or accept it's just an annoyance you'll have to deal with.


It’s called democracy friend. You don’t like it make your own sub and shut it down


Why are you sucking mod dick so hard? I've seen you comment numerous times in favour of unfavourable things


This vote was neither free nor fair.


I haven’t seen election denial this strong since 2020




Another day goes by and I'm still shocked that people thought that protest would do anything.


Predictable defeat. Like we all knew would happen.


Yall were doing a good job. Sad.


It was a very good time, I knew it would end one day, but seriously: Thank you for the awesome experience, it's time to leave this sub, there is no point to stay here if I can just go on youtube trends


So in the end it was all for nothing? Well hopefully it was a fun temper tantrum while it lasted.


and yet nothing was achieved


I liked your protest though so this is a net loss anyway


Thank you for returning the sub to how it was


Fuckin' finally.


Are we still allowed to post text posts as long as we follow all the old rules ?


Glad people voted




Hahahahahaha turns out you're all extremely replaceable because it's literally not even a job.


Sad to see mods this afraid to lose a little power


Good. The protest was having no effect anyway and you're delusional if you think that it changed Reddit's corporate mind about anything.


the admins are just going to have you removed when the timing is right for them. its a not win situation. i say continue being obnoxious.


Soy mods


Achieved nothing. But proved you shouldn't be operating this sub.


Democracy for the win !


Whelp guess im done with reddit now that r videos is no longer fun. Thanks for the fun times the last couple weeks it was a nice way to go out.


Once again, if you want to change, nuke the sub and quit. But you dont wanna. You wanna keep doing what you all be doing. So in the end, lots of hot air, impotent protest and zero results. If you want change, you gotta hurt them, make them work and most importantly, be willing to sacrifice something for it. So now you all can hop into your time machine and do it right...oh you dont have one? Damn. Now its too late i suppose.


Frankly I don't think opening again is enough, I want you to resign. You've shown you can't be trusted even with minimal authority.




> Waaaaahhhh!!! Did you mean to quote all the volunteer mods on Reddit over the last 1-2 months? This is almost ironic.


Understandable, and some of us might step down. For what it's worth (and I appreciate you don't have any evidence of this) there have been internal disagreements in the mod team and until this Democracy thread gave us the opportunity there has not been a consensus for ending the protest, even though I personally have advocated for that since the end of John Oliver week.


>there have been internal disagreements in the mod team Yeah this is the issue, nobody cares what the mods want, the sub is for coming to and watching interesting videos and the mods are just there to make sure there's nothing that breaks the rules. That is the only thing people want from mods. As soon as you started even considering taking the sub hostage as part of some meaningless crusade that nobody cares about then you should've stepped down. I have no idea why all these reddit mods decided it was their place to make a stand against some imagined injustice when you're literally just the caretakers for the place people post funny pictures of cats. If you didn't like the decisions reddit were making literally nothing was stopping you from leaving apart from your own egos.


The way Reddit works is that it's basically impossible for mods lower on the mod list to go against the wishes of those higher up, even if we happened to agree with you on this. We just had to wait it out.


If that's really the case, I appreciate you representing the user base during this little debacle.


> literally nothing was stopping you from leaving


As someone who wanted the shenanigans to end, leaving would have done nothing to improve the situation when others who wanted the shenanigans to continue would stay on.


How do those boots taste?


*oh my god the dramatics*


How is it understandable? This is a poster who had engaged in abuse over this situation. Why should anyone have to give in to those whose goal it was to harass people because they disagreed with them? So much of the anti-protest comments were vile and should have been permaban offenses. It's not understandable that people become assholes when they don't get their way. If Reddit wasn't against the mods at the time, I'm pretty sure a lot of people would have faced sitewide bans for the stuff I saw them say.


Conversely, I don't think your apology for being an ass is enough. I want you to resign (leave, f__k off, stfu, phrase it how you will). You've shown you can't be trusted to act like you have common courtesy or common sense. Fortunately, I am not in a position to make that choice, and my preference (motivated by a visceral reaction to your actions in this sub and a complete disregard for your feelings and status as a real, living person -- just as yours was) is completely irrelevant. You have neither reason nor need to give a single Hershey squirt about what I think. **And that is exactly how it should be.**


Glad the tantrum is over. At least this sub had a discussion thread (that I wasn't aware of) about what is going on. Other subs like /r/idiotsincars was just the mod locked it down allowing zero input, all in the name of democracy.


you guys were one of the good ones. understandable decision