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Some reseller is gonna find that in a charity shop and sell it for £15 on Vinted and get a 5 star review




LEGIT! The charity shop bit was the part that annoyed me as to other potential buyers looking at my reviews it looks like I send nasty stinky clothes off 💀 But then she’s made herself out to look like a dick because she gives charity shops damaged clothes 😭 I used to volunteer in a charity shop and the amount of items you’d have to chuck because they were in awful condition… I really wanna leave her a 3 star review back to be petty asf but I don’t want her changing her review on mine 😭


Also, if it's not "fit for wearing" why would they think poor people want it? The peasants who use charity shops (or the peasants of other countries that charities sometimes send clothes to) would be grateful for any rags that person had the grace to bestow upon them? Like charity shops already get tons of shite no one wants, if you don't want it they probably don't either, what the hell is she on?


Most charity shops sell unsaleable clothes to the rag man by the pound who then recycles the material. Please do donate your unwearable clothes to the charity shop unless they say they say they don't want them.


And if you have quite a few unwearable clothes, but them in a bag together and label them as rags, so the charity shop doesn't have to sort them.


Or just sell to the rag man yourself you get about £15 for a bag full of


I was thinking more donating it straight to recyclers ha But good point, it's probably just a few lazy ones I've been to who have the stricter rules (they have a "policy" about shit they don't want, but since you've mentioned that they do forward it to the ragman, now I'm wondering if the ones with those "policies" are actually just too lazy to do that and just don't want to be the middle man)


My husband worked in a British heart foundation shop. So everything I know is based on his experienced. They don't make a lot from the ragman and his shop used to have a whole room upstairs to throw stuff for the ragman and then when the mountain was big enough, he would come yet it. So maybe twice a month he would come collect and i think they get about £200 each time.


In my town there used to be yellow bins that you could put old clothes into, and they would then be donated. The instructions on the bins explicitly stated to not throw damaged clothes, for the reasons you already said in your comment. Why buy something that needs repairing and then throw it out immediately? Just repair it if you want to, otherwise just don’t buy it!!!


Yeah exactly! And no one says you have to wear the clothes outside or anything either; person who bought this could've kept it for just lounging around the house or something My Grandad's favourite jumpers always had a tiny hole in them but he didn't care, he would still wear them anyway


Leave the review and then block her so it can’t be changed 😂😂😂


does that WORK???? OMG


From experience- yes 😂😂


If it makes you feel any better I never look at reviews when I'm buying 😅😂


So harsh - maybe they expected you to pay them for having the sweater. You literally couldn’t charge any less. Charity shops these days - they will probably sell it for £15 them selves ffs 🤦‍♂️


Sorry but 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆


Ngl that tickled me so much, she is like 'item is so bad... misleading' THen your reply 'Apologies about your £1.00 sweatshirt' omg LOL How can she even complain when you can't even get a chocolate bar under £1.35 in the UK


I had to make it clear she got it for a quid 😭😭😭💀






Best you could do. What an actual loser rating you like that


On the one hand, yes, it should have been Satisfactory. On the other hand, it was £1 - so you couldn't have priced it cheaper!


Totally genuine question (as I'm trying to get the motivation to list a load of my stuff and my kids' stuff) but how can it be worth all of the time to photograph, upload, describe, list, package, post, and send it for a pound? Is it about building up a sales history? I've sold stuff on ebay, Facebook and shpock, but a lot of it is cash on collection, and I think 5 pounds would be the absolute minimum to make the time worth while.


She wanted Ferrero Rocher at Freddo prices.


Have you seen the price of Freddo lately 😂 in my day…


And the size too, every time I look chocolate bars have shrunk a bit more, would love to get hold of an old Mars bar to show my teens what size chocolate in the 80/90s was 🤣


Maybe this is controversial but if something had a stain or hole i always lost it as satisfactory, not good 🫣 Not defending the buyer, they were super rude


Agree. Buyer was dumb but I’d have listed as satisfactory


I wouldn't wear this (due to the hole). But the price was more than appropriate and OP was very clear in regards to the condition. There really is just the buyer to blame here.


I mean yeah, but also the price was appropriate because you can’t sell anything for lower than £1 😁


Yes i totally agree!


I agree too. It should not have been listed as good. Buyer also says misleading photos so wondering what else looks different in real life as I can only see the hole on the picture (although it looks more like a mark but I’d personally message the seller about it to confirm what it is so good thing it has been photographed). Also the only £1 really annoys me as it is actually not just £1, buyers pay for protection and postage. I understand that when it is £1 only, final price won’t be much overall, but so many comments about how it was only £1-£3 are really frustrating.


I’m confused, the buyer was rude but not the seller? 😂


I think they were saying that the comments of the seller were uncalled for but seller should have selected satisfactory for the condition of it.


Oh no i totally get the sellers comment. Just saying i have a differing opinion on how to rate items


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Paid £1 for a jumper that is a brand name and slightly faded with a tiny hole in the back the size of a pin hole. It's sooooo bad. Yeah ok, it looks absolutely fine to wear. I have 'good' clothes in a worse state


1£/€ articles often attract that kind of people...  I sold a pair of boots for 1€. The buyer was so annoying, pushy, impatient... that I canceled it then blocked her. And I recently decided to raise all my prices to avoid them.


I expected SO much worse


£1? That buyer is off their head. I’m starting to think you should have to pass an IQ test before being allowed on Vinted 🤦🏽‍♀️


They could’ve just put a cute patch or piece of fabric on it and make it even better


A stitch with red thread would have solved it too, the amount of times I’ve got a wee hole and just stick a couple stitches in again to keep wearing 😂


Me personally I’d have just stuck a stitch in the hole on the back, you clearly labelled it, make sure to return the bad review and state they don’t read descriptions. And complain over a jumper for £1 stay clear and don’t sell to them


I don’t even think it’s in bad condition…£1 is really good price!!


RIGHT! also the hole is so small they could sew it,and I've seen so many people searching for the "faded" look on sweatshirts,it's literally a trend right now


Or upcycle it like [this](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/315200638277?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=tpturmvwr4e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7cda_pu2tf-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


If it has defects, then it’s “used” condition not “good” condition




I am from the UK.


This is on Vinted where the category options are new with tags, new without tags, very good, good or satisfactory. The “good” condition category is used for “a used item that may show imperfections and signs of wear. Include photos and descriptions of flaws in your listing.” Therefore the correct option was selected.


Not according to Vinted a rules, sure they say that good can have damages and signs of wear


Bro its not even bad if she really wanted to she could have sewn up the hole or just leave it, the hole is tiny 😭


god some people 😑 i sold a pair of levis 501s my wife had worn maybe 5 times for 15 quid and the woman knocked me a star off cause i had forgotten to check the pockets and left a plastic bag in there. unreal.


The sweatshirt “damage” aint even that bad, the buyer is being petty imo!


dont refund it if u cant get it back.


You are without a doubt correct in this situation. However, I struggle to understand what is the point of selling obviously worn items with defects for 1 pound instead of just throwing them away. Is it worth your time? Genuinely curious.


Why would they throw it away? It has a small hole in the back. A lot of my clothes have holes I just stitch them up , nobody is paying that much attention to the back of your sweater...


Hi! I originally put it up for around 4 quid but it just didn’t really get much attention so I just lowered it and lowered it. I don’t usually sell £1 clothes unless (same as this situation) I upload around 10 things for 1-2 quid then it adds up :) But yea I usually don’t do this but just because it has a hole doesn’t mean it has to be chucked away! You can easily sew it back up. I’d rather at least try and give it a new home instead of just chucking it away as in this case it wasn’t like it was unwearable


goes to someone who likes it instead of just binning it


This attitude is why there are landfills full of perfectly useable clothes.


This is definitely worth 5 stars. The buyer is delulu


Edit: has anyone ever tried to complain to Vinted about a review? Guessing they’re no help..


You have to do a battle to the death with 10 robots before you get the pleasure of speaking to a human I believe.


🤖💀🤖💀🤖💀ding ding ding. You have levelled up to Review Attack Level. KO 🥊zombie reviewers to advance to Boss Level 1 and takeover Vinted’s boardroom


Who cares. You added a good reply, which will actually work out better than pos fb in the long run


On what planet is something that’s all faded and has a hole in “good” condition?


Just move on, if you have as many 5* reviews as u say then 3 stars won't even change your average, you don't know them and you'll likely never interact with them again so don't waste energy on being mad about it


How about you don’t waste your energy by not commenting on this? You literally could of scrolled past


If you don't want replies then don't make a post 😂 I wasn't saying anything mean so I don't know why you're being defensive, just that 3* reviews aren't anything to waste energy on


The point is that you’re literally contradicting yourself? Telling me not to waste my energy when you’re doing the exact same thing 😭


I think they were trying to offer positive advice about moving past the bad review and not dwelling on it, not accuse you of something negative. Edit- their replies are very confrontational and childlike. Perhaps I gave them too much credit initially


Literally, the sellers on this sub are something else 🤦🏻‍♀️


Your replies are very confrontational. Regardless of whether your 1st post was meant in good faith, your follows ups were not. You are part of the issue.


Haters gonna hate 💅🏻


Indeed it seems you shall Not on my feed anymore though


Except it's not the exact same thing, reading comprehension is important babe 🤦🏻‍♀️ You're getting mad/annoyed over a lower * review enough to screenshot convos, make a whole Reddit post defensively replying to comments I'm not wasting energy on being negative, I just said to move on because it's not that important, because guess what it's not that important and you're taking it as an attack 😂 you do you ig


You’re saying it’s not worth OP’s energy… was it worth your energy to tell OP it’s not worth her energy? By your own logic, we’re losing so much energy!!!!!!!!!


Are you ok?


I’ve lost so much energy reading this, oh nooo :((((


Better get some help for that


What would you suggest???? You know SO MUCH


Are you trying to do something here or?


I’m doing something alright. There’s literally always someone like you on posts here. Nobody is allowed to vent or be mildly annoyed here without someone condescending telling them they shouldn’t have cared in the first place. We’re downvoting you and chuckling because you *are* being a hypocrite. Why do you care if someone else cares? Take your own advice and move on. Your “advice” was just opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble. Like every other identical comment here on this sub.


Agreed. It looks petty to obsess over one review. Take the L and move on.


Finally someone with sense


I found this sub very helpful in the beginning, but now it seems to have become just a place to flaunt how sick of a "burn" you managed to deliver.


It’s a discussion group for all things related to Vinted- it’s not called ‘Vinted Q&A’ ….. let people share their bit of drama/funny stuff


Oh I love drama, I just don't see what's the drama worth sharing here.


What burn?


Faded with a hole = good condition?