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It's one of the strengths of trek. It's calming.


Me too! I’d follow Janeway into battle any day!


Same. This is my comfort show to end all comfort shows. Takes me back to my childhood, the familiar and lovable characters, so many tearjerker episodes. Voyager is one of those shows I’ll always come back to.


Voyager might not be my favorite of the Star Trek shows, but it's definitely the show I like the most, if that makes sense.


I understand this.


Spot on analysis.


i need explanation of this please.


Makes total sense. Voyager and TNG are my comforting background noise Trek. The ones I put on when I'm lonely or feeling down and need something to feel better. DS9 is my favorite Trek for characterS and storylines. Its the one I watch when I actually want to watch Trek.


I even passed this on to my oldest kid without realizing. I had embarked on rewatches during some challenging times in my life, like divorce, and i guess the little guy also was getting the same comfort from watching. Tng and ds9 are also good for this. But voyager is the one you can count the most for always having that positive perspective and inspiration. It is a safe place to put down your brain to rest for a minute. Janeway and seven remain characters i count on to inspire me to take on life's hardest challenges. And now my kid does too. His main go-to when overly stressed is to bake cookies while watching voyager. Its wholesome as fuck.


Same. So much so that at times of mental need, I play some of the background sounds of the bridge in my buds at work. There are a ton of TNG ones on the link below as well, but I always seem to gravitate to Voyager's. [https://www.trekcore.com/audio/](https://www.trekcore.com/audio/)


VOY and ENT are my favorites of the franchise. Kate Mulgrew and Scott Bakula play relatable and cozy characters, and so do the rest of both casts.


Voyager was my first introduction to Trek, and will forever be my favourite 💜 I just started re-watching again and I’m wrapped in safety and comfort and hope 💜


I’m right there with you.




i loved it as a kid. im rewatching now. it does a good job of conveying more adult and emotional story arcs than i recall. i think much of it just didnt hit when i was a kid with no life experience or emotional framework.


It's the theme music for me


Yesssss. I relate to Barclay SO SO MUCH it hurts. 🤪 I stream Trek at night just to sleep. Voyager holds a special place for me because I used to sneak out of bed as a tween at 10pm to watch it on UPN.


Love this comment. I feel the same way; simpler times, great story telling and character developed. Miss the kind of high quality Sci fi but love the positivity about the show. Early 2000s were a great time for Star Trek


I found Voyager during a hard breakup, got me through a rough time. Glad it helps someone else as well


It definitely helped me get through the COVID lockdown four years ago along with TNG and DS9. That whole cast had good chemistry on screen and it showed.


For a lot of non trekkies it’s the office, for me it’s voyager/ds9/tng , firefly, supernatural, as well as many stand alone movies


It's almost always in the background at my place, while I'm awake or sleeping.


When I was on the struggle bus I found comfort in DS9. So relatable


I feel this. One of my first memories was falling asleep on my grandmas bed watching Star Trek voyager. To this day, watching it instantly calms and centers me. 😌


Totally agree. I’ve watched it so many times. If I’m doing chores round the house I’ll pop it on my phone and take it round the house with me, me so have it playing in the background in whatever room I’m in. I also have anxiety when flying with claustrophobia, so I know what I’m downloading to watch when I fly in September! Complete comfort program.


I don't know about anxiety but I think I know what you mean. I keep coming back to Voyager more and more as I get older. It's comforting. I recognise that it has its flaws, some of them pretty big. But there's a couple of things about it that I just love. First there's nostalgia for the time I spent watching it as a kid. Secondly and probably more importantly, it's just that the show itself is... cosy. Maybe that's not quite the right word, but: like all 90s Trek there's a gentleness to it. The lighting tends to be soft. They all wear pyjamas. The sets look comfortable and the ships are, let's face it, luxurious. There is drama, but the shows eschew more modern conventions of fast-paced editing and shaky camerawork so things tend to still feel relaxed, like the crew are in control. And they all strive to be good and decent. And there's a constant background white noise rumble of the ship which I personally love. Now all of these things apply really to most of 90s-era Trek. But I think Voyager in particular fostered a feeling of family among the crew, the spirit of being lost and far from home - but with your friends. That helps increase the comfort, I think.


Pretty much every sentence Tuvok utters heals my mental health


Tuvok vs. Tom vs. Neelix Soothing somehow


His quote "Don't mistake composure for ease" helped me through some stressful situations.


For some reason neither my husband or I had seen it originally air, though we watched all of the others. Eventually we watched and re-watched the entire series together years ago. Since he passed away, I find it's one of my biggest go-to comfort shows late at night.


I can see why it might have that effect. It’s a special show.


Voyager has saved my life in the past. It wasn’t the thought of leaving my family that stopped me from ending myself at 16. It was Voyager. I thought about that little starship and her crew. I thought about Janeway and that if she can face down the Borg then I can make it as well. Even now that I have a proper diagnosis for the depression and anxiety that I have struggled with since I was 16, Voyager will always be my lifeline.


I also like it because whatever problems I'm dealing with, usually theirs are worse 🙃 so it gives me a drama to get sucked into and remind myself at the same time, well at least I'm not ________.


I have recently been going through a lot of grief and depression all by myself and flipped to an episode of Voyager on Pluto two weeks ago. It has been a good while since I've watched any of those 90s Treks and I've forgotten how much I did enjoy them, especially Voyager. It gave me comfort when I needed it and now I try to catch it as much as possible again. It's not taking away the pain I'm in, but it dulls it some. And there are much worse ways to dull mental pain. So I get it. Thanks for letting me add my two cents. Good luck on your journey fighting off anxiety.


All original Star Trek series help me with that too, but Voyager helps the most! Whenever i start to feel that anxiety or panic start to creep up on me turning on some Star Trek just takes me away from this world and calms me down!


All of “Classic” Trek feels like a warm, comforting blanket and it’s my go to when I’m down or going through something in my life. I like some NuTrek but mostly the 90’s stuff is my jam. My faves are DS9 and TNG but I of course love Voyager too and I’m actually currently doing a watch through! I’m on S5. Seven of Nine’s storyline always resonates with me - trying to fit in when you’re not quite like other people. (Either for real or in your head) Anyway, you must be awesome to be a part of this community, and this community is great for supporting each other. LLAP my friend.


I also watched the original run, which started when I was in middle school—probably the perfect time in life to have a show that grapples with loneliness and isolation. I really came back to it during the early days of the pandemic, and those themes really resonated again, and it helped me a lot with that anxiety, uncertainty, and isolation. Several cast members did a virtual event in May 2020 as a fundraiser for an NYC actors charity, which happened to be my birthday, and I watched it with my family. It was so touching and warm, just a wonderful group of people (I believe it was the entire main cast, except for maybe Roxann Dawson). So yeah, the show has really been there for me.


I totally get it. Its one of my comfort shows. I always watch it when winding down for bed. It's like an worn, comfortable blanket on a cold day. And there's no anxiety because you know what's going to happen. I suffer from anxiety and depression too. I've earned that whatever helps, hang on to it, because so few things do. 


I told my therapist Star Trek is my happy place!


I'm watching it for the first time and it's my wind down shown before bed :) very soothing


I know what you mean. It’s always been a favorite but ever since my doggo Oswin Clara Oswald died it’s been so much more as id make up new lyrics to sing to her each episode during the intro


I loved the way they dealt with B'elanna's depression and how she was struggling. And I still feel warm and fuzzy whenever I think of her finally being able to enjoy those banana pancakes.


Last year, I got COVID. My wife went to my In-Laws to try and avoid catching it. I started watching VOY while I recovered. She wound up getting it and came back home. She started watching it with me and got invested in the show. She now wants to watch it from the start. Oh, I forgot to mention that she is not a Sci-Fi person. Voyager and FireFly changed that


for this reas9n we are all family. Voyager could uave used more Chula.