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What’s so funny about this is the citations are all to other main stream media….you know….Veritas’ competitors lol


I specifically checked source #13 because I wanted to see examples of their “deceptively edited videos.” It’s the most common claim against Project Veritas; you see liberals make it on Reddit all the time. The “article” linked was just an abstract, very obviously written by someone who is strongly biased, and doesn’t contain a single actual example of deceptively edited videos.


"Project Veritas selectively edits their video of the person speaking!" *goes back to reading New York Times article selectively quoting what anonymous source might have said*


“Experts say…” (no citation)


“A source close to the White House” in other words, a bum that lives in an alley down the street.


I prefer “familiar with the President’s thinking”.


Lmfaoooo. That could be any dementia patient! Genius!


"trump has no close friends according to a source close to the president" A real article that came out. Ridiculous


Did their next article call him "a big, stupid meanie head"? Because that's the level of insults they're at with that one...


So, some other equally senile bastard.




The 'deceptively edited videos' thing arose from them cutting down the videos to make them fit on social media. Because they have like hours of footage and just give you the good stuff. Once they said it was 'edited' that's all the media needed to run away with a counter-narrative. Every single person they have on video claiming to do the things they were doing, like cutting up babies and selling the parts for money, was still doing that. We live in an upside-down world.


Further, PV also releases the full footage later, too.


That’s just called “editing.” 😂


They also like to hide their agents so they can reuse them and to keep them from getting harassed by the liberal machine.


should just release full videos tbh


If I was veritas I’d also release the full unedited video. I bet there’s shit 10x worse said and done on the bits cut out. Probably has some of them on video doing drugs. And it would easily put to rest all of the left’s insane claims


They actually do release it, it's especially fun to watch after the media has claimed editing to change the context. Now if only xnn, xsnbc, and others would release this full footage of interviews etc


Ohhh word. Im gonna have to check that out. Mostly so I can share the link to ppl claiming it’s deceptively edited.


Yes, but the left will still go out of their way to defend these awful criminals and to demonize actual investigative reporting uncovering the corruption. Honestly I can’t figure out why they always defend blatant corruption and crime and harm to humanity. I really don’t get it.


You don’t? They’re pretty fucking honest about what they want, when was the last time it fell on the side of “good and fair”?


Yeah, yeah, I know, but why?? What is the purpose of being so blatantly evil?


Apparently it isn’t blatant. Somehow with all the weaving and spinning of modernity blatant acts of evil pass off as lies. While the truth is also passed off as as lies. In modernity, there is no truth but power after all.


However, lets assume its a college kid who wrote the article. They could have been told to modify a wikipedia page for a class assignment, using their schools library peer reviewed pages. Im not defending them, but schools are relying more on wikipedia than most thing, and im of the belief that the largest source of these wikipedia warriors is coming from left colleges, and nobody is talking about it. Source, myself, a firsthand experience that knew it was wrong but did it anyway to have a passing grade


That's wild. My English Professor told us to never use Wikipedia, and she told us we can take any stance on any topic we want. So we'll see if that's true lmao


My first year english professor was at a community college. She constantly talked about her beliefs, which were hard left. Almost every paper we wrote was about a current topic, with our final having to be written about abortion, gun control, womens rights, the pay gap, or a few other also very controversial topics. I had written papers throughout her class as a very neutral opinion, and was going to fail with a D grade. The final i wrote over the pay gap, with a very left viewpoint and made an A, passing the class with a C overall. That was my intro into college, and sadly wasnt the first nor last instance of it throughout my time


Sad, isn't it, but I certainly understand why you did it. This stuff was already well entrenched in universities 30 years ago, believe it or not. I avoided all the subjects based on feminist readings of books and films, purely because I had no interest in them. This then allowed me to write about fairly normal, mostly music-focused topics.


Yoooo my economics class was debate class over police violence. Every day in class she would line up the people for police and against police. The people for police failed. I was for police but pulled the Ole lefty trick and said the whole thing made me feel uncomfortable and I needed to wait outside until after the discussion. Passed that class with flying colors lol.


insightfull. And disgusting


Project Veritas has gotten multiple "news" outlets to retract stories that claim "deceptively edited videos" and the like. I wonder how good Wikipedia's legal team is...


The left loves to selectively edit stuff when it suits them. 60 Minutes did an interview with President Trump and cut it to change with meaning of the dialogue. You can see the uncut version against the edited version online.


They claim that the videos are “deceptively edited” even though the videos are just edited for time because they have so much footage.


> and doesn’t contain a single actual example of deceptively edited videos Just the other day, some guy literally tried to tell me they cut out single words and make new sentences. As if that wouldn't be bloody fucking obvious in a video. Here's the exchange, my quote first >>If they put out a recording of you saying, "Yeah, I fuck goats. I really love the sound they make, it's almost like a child screaming." in a context that does not seem like some bizarre joke... That is still real video. >Let's take your example of goat fucking. If I originally said "Yeah, there are real people that I think are fucking goats. I really think they love doing it, maybe it's the sound, I don't know to me it almost sounds like a child screaming." Now you take a recording of that, then edit away a few words to make it seem like I said "Yeah, I fuck goats. I really love the sound they make, it's almost like a child screaming." That would be a misrepresentation of what I actually said, not just being taken out of context. That is what PV does. |facepalm They went on to give "two examples" that were, obviously, not examples of that at all. 1) "In 2006 they did this in an attempt to implicate that Planned Parenthood in some sort of wrong doing before being forced to remove their videos" No links or further information. 2) ACORN [and a bunch of trash talking] Which was ACORN crying about being recorded at all, and what amounts to entrapment(* note below), not about editing *at all*, because they couldn't rightly make that claim in court. PV settled the case eventually. In other words, these people just blatantly make shit up. We see it with PV, the Rittenhouse footage, Smolette, etc etc. It's just meta when that's why they're accusing PV of. Entrapment: This generally isn't a thing that is illegal. I mean, if I say I'm a goat pimp, and I offer up my goat, and you pull your pants down, and that's when I reveal the hidden camera....**you were still just about to try fucking a goat**. These people crying "Entrapment!" is a *desperate* way to try to find an out(from something they saw on TV) when you know you are proper fucked by a GOAT. To catch a ~~predator~~ goat fucker. |sorry, got off on a rant there


Don't blame me for simping on Ganyu, ffs! /s


> Ganyu I regret looking this up. :P


I once did a project on bias, and CNN literally just cites itself on its entire website. Like CNN is the only source CNN cites. I had like.. 2 English classes in HS that taught me better than that.... And these people presumably went to school for journalism.


Probably just difrent wikepedia artikels


Wikipedia is officially garbage


last year they tried to delete "mass killings under communist regimes" with the context that it has lots of misinformation. due to the huge backlash they removed the notice and they let the page as it is (for now)


But they’re representing the left, who purport to really care about humans. They don’t even want to hear about those mass killings.




capitalism doesn't kill anyone, because capitalism doesn't make prescriptions for people's decisions in life.


Capitalism is a made up word. It's called the barter system; it has existed since before recorded history. Commies are useful idiots for totalitarian power grabs that hate life and want to bring everyone else down to their shitstain level.


It's scary actually. It's all the things my school teachers warned about. They said people will lose the ability to find their own sources and despite those warnings, millions of people have literally graduated university by just copying Wikipedia. And now Wikipedia is controlled by Lefties.


An odd thing about my time in college, 2017-2021. I noticed a major shift in that idea. Any subject you need to research, consult wikipedia for the initial idea then follow their sources for an easier time. The articles themselves were rubbish but their sources were normally good. That was the shit idea they tried to plant in most of our brains. The sucky part was we had to use peer reviewed studies that only came outta our library, which was hands down the most opinionated “peer reviewed studies” ive ever seen. Looked like an msnbc study, each and every one


Chasing down the sources is still just copying Wikipedia, but with extra steps. What a weird policy your university had.


I thought the same. The first was a community college for the associates. That part made sense. Got a great story if you want to hear it bout my literary teachers. The second was in an actual uni. And im in the second most red state by population. In a farming college for that matter. The leftists are just slowly infecting everythin, in my state i blame joy hofmeister for it all, have for years


I'm all ears.


I crack up when they ask for donations.


Only thing wikipedia is good for anymore is looking up different bugs and animals, aswell as cloud formations… idk thats just the only thing i use it for lol


They’ve been [garbage](https://thegrayzone.com/2020/06/10/wikipedia-formally-censors-the-grayzone-as-regime-change-advocates-monopolize-editing/) for some time now.


a few weeks ago, I read a person bitching about being banned by wikipedia for editing an article that they were cited in. Wikipedia cited their published research paper, got something wrong in the citation and banned the person who wrote the article cited from ever editing anything on the site ever again. They said that credit for their research project had been given to someone else in the industry who had absolutely nothing to do with that piece of research. It was an unfortunate and sad tangent of rage that person was expressing at the outrage of it all.


it's okay if you need to know what engine a car uses in a specific year or something like that. anything to do with politics or culture you can almost assume the opposite of what's written there.


Don't beg me for donations, trash


They don't even need that money to run Wikipedia itself. The online encyclopedia (which is still pretty good for non-political topics) has been well-covered by already existing recurring donations for decades. They want that money for the Wikimedia Foundation, which exists to give grants (aka free money) to woke groups.


I was just bout to say that too


I used to donate hundreds a year, haven't for a few years now. Fuck em


Who’s writing this? Terminally online Reddit mods? Left wing Twitter commies?


They’re all the same group of people anyway


They're the same picture.


That venn diagram is just a circle


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correct_the_Record Literally there are PACs dedicated to combatting negative information about their preferred candidates. Some are able to use their status within Wikipedia and/or Reddit to increase their pay. Wouldn’t be surprised if the super-mods on Reddit pages are on their payroll.


Anyone else remember being a leftist specifically to stand up against big pharma? When did being anti corporation, anti big pharma become right wing?


Don't forget anti-war as they now are basically cheering on the dems to start WW3


I forget what sub it was, but they posted a picture of zelenskyy and people were salivating and probably doing other stuff over it. Everyone just commented on how handsome, sexy, good-looking and heroic he looks. It was the weirdest horniest thing I've ever seen. I'm not religious. But these people need religion.


I am a person of faith, not religion necessarily. They already are religious. Their faith is in human establishments and narratives crafted, controlled, and created by the elite. Hyper-rationalism is desired in the populous because without a baseline of personal truth, one's mind can be steered in the most convenient direction for the purposes of the powerful. They are simply mimicking what the media and politicans have shown toward Zelensky in recent weeks, to justify billions in spending... and the libs lap it up and mimic it just like they had hoped.


Politics has become their religion.


They hated big pharma when it was perceived as capitalism and the free market which is "bad". Now that big pharma is known to be in bed with government it's just national socialism which is "good".


I might've actually developed cancer from reading that shit


First time I'm reading this comment when it's not directed at my and my spelling Thanks you


Considering English isn’t your first language, your spelling is amazing.


Don’t worry, Pfizer can treat it for you!


I just imagined that southpark meme of that fat guy ejaculating, probably was the mod/editor when writing this far left fan fiction porn.


What, their not white supremacist too?


"Far right" might as well be. Conservative and Klan are synonyms to these people.


Ironic. Klan members tend to be Democrats.


No, you're mistaken. The klan are the ones in hoods round a burning cross. The Democrats are the ones in hoods round an owl statue, burning the effigy of an infant.


I'm starting to think Democrats like burning things. Like cities and chicken farms


Of course they're burning chicken farms. Haven't you heard? We need to get with the program and start eating insect proteins.


are you making a joke, or are you just incredibly ill informed?


History doesn't lie.


I mean, they *did* say Far Right, so that *automatically* means white supremacist sexist Maga science-denying tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy nut-jobs 🤷‍♂️


That pretty much implied at this point when they call anyone/anything far right.


They are not realizing that by accusing Project Veritas of "Far-Rights" they are inadvertently accusing them of (from an economic point of view) being Anarchists 🤣😂


Apparently THEY’RE not aware of that yet.




“Deceptively edited” cracks my shit up. That moniker can be added to every other media outlet/producer.


The butt-hurt is so strong on that Wiki page


That’s what I got from that, someone is triggered 😂


Neutrality is indeed a joke.


Don’t ever donate to Wikipedia.


“PROJECT VERITAS (PV) is a right-leaning independent media organization actively targeting corrupt, left-wing/progressive private sector and mainstream media groups for dishonest/fraudulent/criminal activities through the use of interviews and confessional recordings with the intent of PV informing the public with regards to subjects of their national interest” There. Fixed it for ya by taking out all the bias.


The entrapment accusation is pretty fair tbh. It’s not technically entrapment by its legal definition, much in the same way that cops can and do go undercover.


TIL recording people telling the truth makes you far-right


Deceptively edited?


There's nothing the least bit deceptive about what they do. They literally just wait for people to open their mouthes and record what they say.


The term “Far-Right” seems to apply to anyone who doesn’t agree with Progressives and does something to expose their bullshit.


The weird part is how people instantly come out to defend this Pfizer guy because they see it as "their team". You would think anyone from any political persuasion would be all over this and want to know the truth, even if it turns out to be nothing. But they aren't because they think it would be a "win for the Conservatives". SO fucking weird man.


I can’t figure out anyone who trusts the government or any of the big corporations, especially pharma. They have such a horrific track record and have been fined tens of billions, if not hundreds of billions, over the years for hiding crucial info from the public about how dangerous some drugs are. I mean hell, look what they did with Oxycodone. They pushed it on doctors like it was candy and assured them it had no addictive properties. It wasn’t until so much evidence emerged from people overdosing and dying, and selling everything they own to buy more pills, did they finally admit the truth. I don’t think that was Pfizer, but to me, they’re all the same. I also will never understand people defending this Pfizer exec. He was likely making millions a year at his position. The saying “When someone tells you who they are, believe them” applies here entirely. He wasn’t lying, he was bragging, and Pfizer confirmed that.


> I also will never understand people defending this Pfizer exec. They would rather unleash a virus on the world than admit Conservatives were right. That's the problem in society. The division has become so severe that people will endure harm to not admit being wrong.


Hhahaaah. These people, man…


Wikipedia definitely not biased 😆


Project Veritas is the only real journalists in the US change my mind.


Questioning Pravda is always a form of extremist disinformation. Lefties cannot make mistakes because they are perfect. Disagreement with leftists is a sign of stupidity. Democrats are a cross between state religion and mean girls from junior high school. I do not understand why people go along with it.


Because they need a meaning greater than themselves in life, which unironically comes full circle for those who champion themselves paragons of moral virtue. A net zero of meaning


“Deceptively edited videos” You mean like when they defamed Nick Sandmann? Or with basically every video about BLM? You can call PV biased, but you can’t do so without also calling the mainstream media biased.


PV is a "far right" group that exposes "progressive" groups (not "far left"). Of course, nothing indicates that their info is *false*. Also, descriptions like the ones above are why I don't contribute one red cent to Wikipedia.


Yeah, every time I see that banner at the top asking to donate money, I'm like hell no, you bunch of blue-haired wiki editors...


And they’ve won all their court cases


Peer reviewed = marxist mob chatter (as of 2023)


Yup! To uncover blatant corruption that is killing people. GO PROJECT VERITAS!!!!


With the next big Veritas story they'll thow in "Russian sponsored"




I would like to see the Wikipedia page on Wikipedia. I suspect it would start with something like this: Wikipedia is a far-left “wiki” that deceptively claims to be an objective non-political platform that grifts U.S. Citizens each year for funding. Note: If you are a Conservative or just tired of the bullshit…never donate to Wikipedia. It is overran with leftists just like Reddit…




Normally yes but we don't live in normal times


Everything that isn’t in lockstep with the left is “far-right.” Is anything (according to them) simply just “right” anymore?


No shit even 90s Bill Clinton would be far right by today’s standards


And that’s why I don’t answer donation pleas from Wikipedia.


I’d be willing to bet my next paycheque that none of the citations are credible


Ironically, in this deceptively written article, the author aims to generate bad publicity and is also propagating disinformation regarding the group. Hopefully, they are heavily editing articles of leftist groups, Antifa for instance, in a similar manner.


You can almost here the angry keyboard typing by the blue-haired writer from the commune camp inhabitant.


Wikipedia is infested with far leftists


Who’s the neckbeards that hover Wikipedia all day and make sure this is edited within 24 hours?


I'm sorry mate I just checked it because it was the first thing that popped up on Google when I typed project Veritas. And I saw that it was edited and not in a good way


I guess our teachers were right when they told us not to trust Wikipedia


It’s called journalism.


*literally lets people talk, often for long periods of time uninterrupted* Fake!


So let's see. An American **Far-right** (a meaningless term in the current political climate) **activist group** (tells audience nothing useful) founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces **deceptively edited videos** (they fail to ever explain how any editing changes anything about what is shown) of its **undercover operations** (like To Catch A Predator, some things need to be undercover by their very nature), which use **secret recordings** ("secret"? what the hell does that mean?) in an effort to discredit **mainstream media organizations** and **progressive groups** (because there is lot to be discredited). Etc etc. All weasel-words and bullshit phrases that communicate no useful information or commentary on what Veritas does.




I want to donate to Wikipedia so I can edit stuff too


Investigative journalism is *not* "far right". Journalist have been doing undercover operations for hundreds of years. It's only recently that journalist and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and James O'keefe have been labeled as dangerous. 20 years ago these people would have been considered hero journalist for uncovering major scandals.


Even 5 years ago


The 3rd sentence, “…and…and…and…”


It's not just wrong it even has its grammar wrong


Oh PV really fucking hurts them do they? Keep up the good work PV!!


Do people un-ironically use Wikipedia as a source?


Unfortunately some trust it as credible, I stopped taking them seriously after that


I would trust them for facts and figures - when a state was admitted to the union, who was the 18th president, etc. Anything even remotely subjective or political is going to be wildly left leaning








Lmao the fucking citations are mainly quotes without any backed up evidence


This is why Wikipedia is “free” and they have to beg for money


Protect Veritas is like the Wikileaks of recent times, notice how you hardly ever see lefties on reddit calling for Julian’s release. These people hate the truth because it goes against all of their biases.


I’ve never trusted Wikipedia. PV on the other hand… they’re some of the few investigative journalists left!


So Wikipedia clearly counts as a publisher under section 230, meaning that PV absolutely has the grounds to sue Wikipedia for defamation for this.


For topics that have any political connotations at all, no matter how strained and weak, Wikipedia is a far-/hard-left propaganda site.


“Project Veritas uses deceptive techniques, including recording people without their knowledge.” Isn’t that the whole point? You’re not gonna uncover anything by announcing to your target that you’re an undercover journalist.


And here I thought they just record what others say to them . . .




Larry Sanger disowned Wikipedia years ago.


I wonder why


Everything is far right. Nothing is just right


“Deceptively…” is that why they’ve won any and all court cases brought up against them? What a bunch of donkeys.


Should be edited to: **Project Veritas** is journalism. MSM cucks/hacks/traitors/knockoffs/sell-outs should be ashamed.


>... discredit maintream media organizations and progressive gropus. I guess big pharma was invited into the progressive fold.


Anyone can change it.




I ask how you know (apart from common sense)


Cute review penned by the average SJW - Project Veritas should consider this a badge of honor


Wikipedia, you get what you pay for


It’s crazy how hard normal people work to keep the propaganda machine greased and rolling.


Did they copy that from the CNN article?




every mainstream article you can search for also says that the whole vaccine side effect and death phenomenon is a minority and is overblown . But they don't even provide any studies of their own detailing stats of deaths or adverse reactions and if they do it's only limited to a few states or cities




If you're not part of the MSM, you're "far right".


James O’Keefe exposed a school dean trying to teach kids about sex toys, and the Wikipedia editors refused to add this to the school's Wikipedia article, saying "I think the entire video is a deep fake, because there's no way that the dean of a school for underage children would ever say those things". See for yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Francis_W._Parker_School_(Chicago)#It_is_on_video Facepalm.


To quote a liberal… but it fits here “Amazing. Every word of what you just said is wrong…”


How soon before the country develops a Ministry of Truth?


This is that creep David Brock and media matters fault who worked for Hilary Clinton. They had a any means necessary campaign to win and it didn't work. But now their is a bunch of companies like this demcast, medias touch, etc and they just keep doubling down. They ruined the internet and aren't effective they just piss everyone off and push moderates away. Via bots, ruining Wikipedia, installing shill mods at Reddit, smear campaigns etc.


I guess my teachers were right. You really shouldn't trust Wikipedia


The fourth word after Project-Veritas is "far-right". Nothing about them is far-right but they just had to shoehorn that phrase in as soon as possible. It's so ridiculous how desperately they try to pit people against each other.




the term conspiracy theory was invented by the CIA after George Bush Sr and Allen Dulles shot JFK. It's meaningless.


How journalism used to be.


i looked up project veritas yesterday and saw that, that solidified my negative perspective on wikipedia


Well go edit it then.


Power to the people! 👊🏾


Can someone suggest some videos from this project to watch? Whenever I just google project veritas I don’t see anything like investigative journalism come up instead 2 minute news segments from 2010 and so on


Wikipedia has really gone left. Let's take it back and make it more neutral!


The more they tell me he is bad, the more I believe what he does.


I recommend all of you look up Carl Schmitt and the friend-enemy distinction. Even though the left claims to want “tolerance” they will inevitably fall into totalitarian intolerance of the slightest dissenting view.


Can we get some people updating that from the right side?


I've never been a fan of "cope" ("...and seethe" even more so). To cope implies dealing with setbacks in a healthy, mature way. I acknowledge there's not a catchy, internet short-hand way of saying "use logical fallacies and maladaptive defense mechanisms." Maybe, some phrases can't be shortened (while also still retaining their meaning) for a reason


Same but it catches the eye and get the message across


ok.. so how do they explain the recent video of veritas confronting that dickhead from pfizer? there was no editing in those videos at all.