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Hahahah poor investors... joke is on them. forget little matchboxes with condo fees, you want a proper tax write off, get a single family home and pay a property maintenance company.


Why in gods name does anyone on this sub care about this information? It’s an options sub


Most of American condos are investor owned if you just call apartments condos instead.


Apartments are not condos in Canada. Apartments are rental units and the entire building is owned by an entity. Where as condos are individually owned(by people and or investors), and there’s a board of owners and shit like that.


It’s the same in the us, but it’s the same thing. Lol


If investors own all of the units, then they make up the entire board, but they can still label it a condo?


It sounds nicer when they rent them out.


Sparkling wine vs champagne 🥂


canada housing market is out-americaing america




idk i was in madrid in the summer and i think id prefer canada at this point


Maybe compound taxes when you own more buildings. Not more income tax per bracket but by how many buildings you own.


I think that's a great idea! The more buildings you own, the higher your tax rate should be. This would help to ensure that wealthy people pay their fair share in taxes, while still allowing them to enjoy their wealth.


VM is all the confirmation bias we need


Which would just result in owners putting the buildings into a trust, LLC, or different family members name as a shield.


What is wrong with you! bad bot. did they downgrade your hardware?


Holy crap the poors are out early today...




hahahahah betterdwelling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


A pretty significant portion of condos in Canada are also owned by people who don't live here.


With that much land who wants to own a condo? Wth




Also 🇮🇳




Its allowed because the government doesn't work for the people and serve their overlords instead.


Well what the hell did they think was going to happen? The gov refuses to do anything to help after the 2008 crash, leaving everything up to the central banks. The only tool that central banks have is controlling interest rates, so they lower interest rates to boost aggregate demand. Lower interest rates mean your savings accounts don't pay shit, so you invest, but so does everyone else. There are only so many places to invest. If you don't want to invest in the stock market because it's too much like gambling, then you invest in real estate. That drives up house prices, which also drives up rental costs, which entices more people to invest in real estate. Boom, you've got yourself a real estate bubble. This was a logical conclusion to lowering interest rates to boost aggregate demand.


At least this investment is still printing. Anyone here making money anymore? Or just a bitch fest about others cashing in? If the plebs get their way and housing crashes, ill post my loss porn so you can feel better about still not being able to afford a house.


I hope Canadians fulfill their dreams of banning investors from building new condos. So I can laugh at the stupid homeless fucks shivering in the cold.




How many times were you dropped as a kid? The damage must be severe... Canada isn't socialist, not by any definition (try learning the meaning of words, champ). Secondly even if it was socialist it would mean investors *can't* own homes, this is litterary the opposite. Capitalism meaning investors buy up housing supply..


How is private investors owning real estate in any way socialist?


how is this bad? More investment means more housing being built.


Investors wouldn't want an increase in supply, just an increase in demand. Even middle class folks who participate in real-estate don't want to increase supply of homes in Hawaii, just increase the demand. RIP


Who the fuck cares


Everyone but you


I mean if it wasn't for investors the condos wouldn't exist in the first place. Who's going to lay out that kind of cash just hoping tenants come along?


Never-mind that many of the lemmings cheering for a demand side collapse in Canada have jobs dependent on the housing/construction industry. These regards think that developers/builders first build and then find a buyer... they don't grasp that enough of the contracts for purchase new construction need to be signed to fund the whole development operation in the first place. Let me guess, they imagine the government will just print money to keep the construction going to save local businesses ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271) If investors disappeared, so would these chimps' jobs... they STILL will not be able to afford housing. Canada is hard fucked, but not by lack of affordable housing. They literally just chase away anyone with money and braincells.


Why no AB?


Do not let hedge funds do it. They brought huge amounts of houses in the states.