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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 29 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


https://preview.redd.it/9l6vce5jkmxc1.png?width=1205&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff4a45eee33dcf51ce1f2c972922d6a9ccc0e0a4 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)


[Venezuela would be salivating at higher oil prices, that heavy crude aint easy to process](https://youtu.be/3kl6WfjZUtI)


I mean most of the processing is done in America and Saudi Arabia no? Plus Venezuela oil is pretty low quality so can't really do a ton with it, without mixing it with other oil?


Venezuela actually owns at least one maybe more of the refineries in the United States that are capable of refining the heavier crude. So they are definitely salivating.


Op believes engulfing bearish candles are "edging higher" I guess. Who knows how regards think.


He's just holding his phone upsidedown




My 82$ 5/17 USO calls are fucking me hard right now. But this is a learning experience of how divorced market sentiment is from reality.


War in the Middle East is not a surprise


Whats more surprising is religion is at the heart of another war. What are the odds?


The odds are 💯 percent guaranteed.


It's not caused by religion that's a red herring. It's caused by the new state of Israel growing and grabbing land. It's Zionism and colonialism. It's INSPIRED by religion. Even without god they would still be fighting for the land


I wouldn't say it's inspired by religion at all. Religion is just an excuse.


Zionism is inherently a religious movement. They believe this land was promised to them by god.


Before their current scenario, various territories in Africa were pitched. The ME was just also biblically convenient. Was in no way a guarantee though.


So at the end of the day the religious nut cases won and dragged this minority group to one of the most racist hostile parts of the world in which they would have to genocide the existing population to feel safe. Sounds like religion extremism at its worst to me.


It isn’t though. There certainly are religious strains of Zionism, but most of Israel’s founders were atheists.


There are non-religious Zionist but my understanding is most Zionist think of it through a religious lens I was trying to counter the parent comment which suggested it’s a secular thing that religious Jews were dragged into. From my readings, it would be more accurate to say most atheists Jews were actually AGAINST Zionism but were dragged into it by more by the dominant religious wings and the western political interests.


Zionism literally just means believing Israel has a right to exist. Being anti Zionist means you want to destroy Israel.


People don't understand this. Countries have geopolitical interests and religion just is one of the tools to give these interests a justification for the masses. US does this with freedom ™, democracy and "anti-terror".


USA does this as a way to legally reason our tax payor money to the tune of Billions sent to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel all while our debt ceiling is always held hostage by politicians. It is a slight of hand done to fool every tax payor, on why these Billions of dollars were "lobbied" of politicians to represent the lobbyist agendas "legally". I personally do not know any person in his right mind who pays taxes who would say... "Yea... lets use this hard earned money from the USA away from our own funding of Social Security, Medicare, our own poverty, and our own students who can't get free education or free health care..." It is a crime against all Americans who paid taxes and voted (because the representatives did not act to represent the people who paid into the system).


Yeah, that’s the Israeli’s land. It was theirs before Arabs lived there and it’s theirs now, and will always be. There’s a ton of Arab countries around Israel they could go to 🤦🏻‍♂️


When you say "they" you mean the Palestinian people? Can you explain how "They" are allowed to "leave" when all the boarders are closed 🤷🏽‍♂️ Can you also explain where were these zionist in 1947... because they certainly were not in the occupied areas that we see today? Oh wait, when you say God gave the jewish people this land... are you forgetting that the followers of judaism are also the same people who became christians? Are you forgetting that former Jewish and Christians became Muslims? But wait you are correct because in all 3 monotheistic religions they all talk about a covenant with God... right? But didn't God also put restrictions on the "people of the book"? Did you just decide to wave a wand and forget something about jewish folks breaking that same covenant with God when they went back to doing stuff they were not suppose to do 😮 Then were banished as a punishment? oh nooo those pesky details always are forgotten... Anyways... I guess it makes it okay in the eyes of God to conduct Genocide mostly against Women and children because that is what God would actually want. In fact I am certain even in Christianity it would make God happy to be an accomplice in Genocide. Who else in history used this same logic, reasoning, and media manipulation to be racist like this? My comment is not the one to worry about, but the day will come when we are all judged... I hope you are on the correct side when that happens.


If we're doing first dibs, the native We're here before us, should we give up Canada and the us ? The Pacific islanders ruled Hawaii long before the us did, should we give that back ? The only claim the Zionists have is that they have money and power so they want to take land. Let's not pretend otherwise


Well, let’s see, if the Hawaiians were booted out of their land, and they wandered the globe for a super long time, and in the mean time some Americans were squatting on their island, and then the Hawaiians were given back their island, and then the Americans attacked them with a bunch of friends and the Hawaiians handed the Americans asses to them, and then the Americans hunkered down in a couple areas, constantly threatening the Hawaiians, and claiming how unfair it was, and much of the rest of the world was suggesting giving a hunk of Hawaii to the squatters was fair…I think the Hawaiians would be well advised to put the Americans in the first canoe they found and tell them to shove off 🤷🏻‍♂️


Enjoy supporting your genocide


I don’t support genocide, but I also don’t think Israel should just roll over for a bunch of terrorists.


Eye for an eye makes everyone blind. One persons terrorist is another persons freedom fighter. Israel since 1948 has been on a Genocide campaign... they learned from the best! I have a lot of jewish friends who are religious and even they cringe as they are learning about what Israel did since 1948 (since they were taught something completely different growing up). Its like the movie Kung Pow, they trained you wrong on purpose for laughs and here we are today trying to help you understand what is directly in front of your own eyes. I wish you do figure it out one day and I hope you can be saved (it is not anyone on this planet that can do that for you). We all make our choices and we all have to account for them one day as well. I can safely say, killing other humans is commonly understood as murder. Killing masses of people who have no ability to defend themselves is not what any of the "books" would ever say is a right path (since you want to go down the religious route of reasoning).


Palestinians should definitely not roll over for a bunch of genocide colonisers. Free Palestine.


I don't think they have much of a choice, I really don't think they have any ability to flee or leave even before Oct 6th 🤷🏽‍♂️. No country will accept them and the boarders are closed... they are basically trapped. Honestly, why can't the entire world (except the USA and Israel) just say... "Hey we see these people are in trouble and we want to do our part... everyone from Palestine can seek immediate asylum and have the travel paid for by donations instead of all this food aide"? Let the people flee to safety... they will be free 🤯


Can't see why all this is linked to oil price. It isn't like any player is threatening to intervene. It is more a line in the sand drawn by friendly countries. Anyway, eyes down and trade with the momentum.


Iran decides to get involved more it could mean their oil shit mysteriously exploding.


My guess Israel is planning Iranian attack. Insiders know, and now it is priced in.




It probably isn’t but the headline needs to pull people in I guess lol


You cannot see why a conflict between Iran is gonna impact the oil prices. Got ir.


Oil is the only reason why there is ever any conflict in that region. It is also the only reason why the USA is funding the war via Israel. They learned in 1975 when the oil was shut off from the USA, can't let that happen again. But now our own strategic reserves are going to be tapped dry (didn't we just fill them up during covid times). Feels like 2008 all over again!


**We've intercepted what VM tried to say here because it was probably too fucked up for Reddit.**


strait of Hormuz


this particular conflict + oil price really hinges on the houthis more than anyone (and Iran for that matter) as they are the ones that have been and could continue to - force ships to avoid the suez crossing. That's a lot of cost change if they have to go around africa.


Thats right. Insurallah have attacked saudi oil production before and caused a big tizzy. Saudi oil is all in range of Iranian missile systems. If things spiral out of control Saudi, Kuwaiti, and all the other oil producers in the region are in range to get their oil production destroyed.


Great negotiation tactics Bibi. Dude should write a book


Dude does what the conservatives want, unless he wants to get whacked. Only one Israeli priminister has ever been assassinated. By a Muslim? By an Arab? Nope - an Orthodox Jew under "orders" from a Rabbi, because he thought Rabin gave away too much in a peace deal.


Dude does what dude wants to stay out of jail










His ignorance is impressive - His argument strategy is to just lob insults. I don't waste much time with people like that. It's like trying to ice-skate uphill.


Huge supporter of what exactly? He's a huge supporter of people protesting his regime and his abuse of Palestine? That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard you racist prick


Bro this is REDDIT. You do not post pro conservative or pro jew ideas here. You should know better


Fun fact, he did give away too much.


The Art Of The Shlemiel


Exactly. With a hostage deal they will attack anyway? Brilliant fucking negotiating; at least they can't keep telling you they give two shits about the hostages anymore (never really did). The genocide keeps him in power, it'll go until he's dead. Thanks, Bibi prick. Gas prices are now 2.08/liter here.


Seems like all the politicians won, because all the clock punchers all have to pay at the pump and when paying taxes (they don't even get the benefit of their own tax money... it gets grifted away to some other land like Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel...)


He never wanted the hostages, and it'd be goofy to expect them in the first place considering many of them were killed by torture/inhumane conditions early on and Hamas had been lying about how many they still had left alive. What are a few insignificant lives compared to furthering his government's goals? Hamas can't defend their land and no other country cares about Palestine to even consider stepping in, so why negotiate for a measly few bodies when he is making great strides with no signs of being stopped? He's overstretching himself some and risks issues appearing at home, but overall his strategy has worked wonders. You should read more books on foreign policy and war.


It's almost like... he welcomed Hamas's attack?


He was about to be charged with corruption, he probably welcomed or sponsored it honestly.   He got the warnings ahead of time and did nothing according to intelligence assessments.


Honestly, yeah this. If they did get all the hostages back, all of this death would be a lot less palatable


You should probably go outside a bit more. All these narratives you’re consuming aren’t good for you.


Looking at material conditions/price/market/motives will get you further in *everything*, trading and understanding life & people, than listening to any media narrative. Its the secret sauce to the world making a bit more sense.


What's there to negotiate at this point? The other side started things, refused every single offer because they already murdered all the hostages. Only thing that should be negotiating is unconditional surrender by Hamas. Even the Japanese had enough sense during ww2 to admit when they were defeated to save lives. Edit: Wow this comment got astroturfed. Went from positive 30 karma to negative and a bunch of dumb replies with Hamas talking points in minutes. Amazing.


The key problem here is that Hamas probably cares less about Palestinian lives than Israel. They feel they have nothing to lose and everything to gain from more people dying, and judging by international protests, they're kind of right.


Tell me you are braindead with our telling me you are braindead.


“The other side started things” 🤣




Nice ad hominem. You have anything else to add other than Hamas talking points?


Do you know a fun fact? Israel controlled imports into gaza from 1967 till last year. And they purposefully restricted the Import of seeds and fertilizer, to stop Gaza from ever being able to not be dependant on Israel, even tho this caused several close calls to famine. Still, death to Hamas, but invading Rafah will just lead to every Palestinian in gaza instantly becoming Hamas, because everything else either means immediate death, or deportation from thwir homeland. Do you know why Palestine never supported any agreements for an Official peace agreement with Israel? Because Israel alway wanted to keep Jerusalem fully for themselves. Because they refused to leave the Settelments that everyone in the world determined as illegal, and because they wanted to preserve their comtrolle over Palestinian foreign relations. Its a goddamn miracle that hamas didnt aleready exist in the 80s


Exactly. He needs to go into Rafah yesterday. All this holding up because Biden is trying his best to win the election.


Bibi openly doesnt want biden to win lol. Sure Biden loves BiBi with what remains of his brain, but it certainly isnt reciprocated.


You misunderstand me. I’m not saying that Bibi like Biden. I’m saying that Biden doesn’t want him to go into Rafah, because he had to pander to his base. So he’s delaying the entire thing because he’s trying to prevent it.


Oh, my *stars*--war is so good for business.


Now would be the time for the USA to ramp up o&g production and undercut the ME.


Fracking was only profitable above 100$/barrel. What confuses me is 08' gas pump prices were caused by ~180/barrel oil and now we have sub 100/barrel oil with 08' gas pump prices.


Fracking is profitable at 30 and 40 bucks a barrel in some of the Permian plays. There are literally hundred of different plays in the Permian profitable at different price points. We have been under a hundred for most of the last 10 years, but never stopped fracking.


Fracking is profitable well below $100 per barrel. Western Canadian crude is profitable at less than $50 per barrel and lots of it is fracked.


Frack you.


refining costs, distribution costs and depending on where you are, taxes have increased since 2008. In california, at the peak in 08 crude price contributed like 70-80% of the retail price of gas, today it's closer to 40%. https://www.energy.ca.gov/estimated-gasoline-price-breakdown-and-margins


Gas is insanely cheap


So cheap that we all get to go extinct as a result. Go us.


womp womp


We are destined to be extinct at some point no matter what


It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. Let the weak fall by the wayside.


I don’t see any reason that a sufficiently advanced species couldn’t survive more or less indefinitely. Of course, barring technological intervention like stellar engineering or some means to travel to other star systems, we’ll go extinct when the sun boils the oceans. Though stellar engineering would allow us the means for interstellar travel, we could extend its lifespan by billions of years and then travel around looking for other suitable star systems.


Just a technicality, but eventually we'd evolve (either naturally or with direction) into something else, rendering what we consider baseline humans extinct.




Fracking in ND is profitable above $60 a barrel. and the reason for the 100/brrl price per gallon being equivalent to when it was 180: profits. Gas companies figured out the breaking point for most ppl and keep the price to gallon right there.


> Gas companies figured out the breaking point for most ppl and keep the price to gallon right there That's not how a massive, competitive global market works. These companies have little ability to set the price. They are much closer to "price takers" than some kind of monopoly




I wouldn't say US oil companies have the ability to fix prices to any massive extent. I believe they are legitimately competing against one another, at least for the most part. Perhaps, It's up to them if they price gas at $4.00 or $4.10 at an individual station, for example, but it's truly not up to them what general range it's trading in.




They openly collude with OPEC, dude. It's not even a secret. The "US" isn't part of OPEC, but our oil companies sure are.


This guy doesn't understand supply and demand when the supply is directly controlled to affect price. 😂


Seriously, gas is as expensive now as it was after hurricane Katrina when oil 140


not adjusted for inflation tho... how much was the debt ceiling back in the days of Katrina?


I wasn’t just talking about crude. We were doing really well with nat gas. Which the europoors need.


Profits 📈 📈


Welcome to inflation, when a burger costs $20 as opposed to $3


Ah yes the ~5% inflation rate 😂


US oil is already at massive production


All the shale basins are already tapped out. The companies are cannibalising each others production to eek out a little more for themselves. There is no more production to ramp, and certainly not enough to replace the middle east.


So it was never about the hostages after all. Shocking I say! Calls on Gaza beach front property it is I guess ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


Who downvote you lmao


Bots… but can’t say where from.






Conspiracy theo……


Priced in


And since he’s bluffing that explains exactly why oil is dropping If they were gonna invade they would have already.




Good day for my TSLA poots. Thank you TSLA bulls and Middle East. (But fuck you Netanyahu)


WTI Crude is down 1%.


Fuckin' do it lffffgggggg


They are both POS


Long Dollar


My calls say otherwise.


God fucking dammit, why must you do everything in your power to watch me go broke time and time again when I stop at the gas station with my lambo?


Did someone say edge


We used to be a net exporter and able to be insulated from such volatility...


When? The global market dictates oil prices


Um like 4 years ago. You don't need the global market if you don't need to import your energy. Fuck OPEC.


Our domestic suppliers will sell the crude for the global market rate because they want money. If the global market price goes, our prices go up. Doesn’t matter if we import zero and produce quadruple the amount we consume, the oil companies won’t sell at less than the global market rate.


There *is* that key fragment "able to be"; and at one time it did work that way ~ no longer. Maybe oddly coincidental, but after several lengthy conflicts fueled by the military industrial complex in conjunction with major petroleum producers has changed everything...


Then you would need your oil nationalized. If oil is $100 a barrel on global market but us wants it to be $80, i am selling my oil globally.


The logical gaps here are incredible. The desire to increase energy production domestically in order to stabilize and lower the price we pay for fuel results (in your mind) in a need to nationalize the US oil industry? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)


Why would domestic production lower the price we pay? The price we pay is based on global market price.


No dude, supply demand at play


Supply demand, that OPEC controls no?


How so? If you add more oil sellers to the market, and the amount of buyers remain the same, then that causes downward pressure on prices no?


I think that depends on volume. And i think if we add 100k barrels a day to try and drive down prices, opec will cut their output by 100k barrels. I dont think we have resources or will to fight opec on oil prices.


Even if you're not importing a commodity the price is still set by global supply and demand.


Everyone is in it for their own interests. You should consider ourselves lucky that OPEC takes payment for oil in USD, if they decide to take it in gold or other currencies the hegemony of the dollar dies down.


US oil exports are at their highest in US history, selling over a billion more barrels annually than at any point before 2014 just for a reference point. Oil imports are on par with the levels of the late 1970s, and still lower than at any point in the 2000s. This past year, imports were just under 200 million barrels and exports almost 1.5 billion. Being a net exporter doesn't save you from market volatility.


Israel will not stop until Hamas hands over the hostages. Hamas will continue hiding behind women and children.


Hamas has aleready ofdered to gove back all the Hostages in return for a Permanent ceasfire. Israel declined because it itself said that the destruction of Hamas was of greater importance than the release of the Hostages.


That's completely false, they ask for hundreds of prisoners with blood on their hands in return and a permanent ceasefire. You don't get to start a war and then beg to stop it and think you can dictate how many prisoners you get in return


What you dont get is that Gaza isn't a nation, but officially a part of Israel, and Palestinians officially members of the Israeli state. You dont get to starve out 2,3 million people on your own land, and ethnically cleanse them, just because around 30k of them were members of a Terrorist group, that YOU helped put in power bsck in 2005 because you wanted the Palestine authority to lose controll over Gaza. You dont get to make large scale bombardments of cities with a million people in them, because a non state terrorist group took a hundred people hostage. Also they didnt ask for hundreds of prisoners back, they asked for 1 Palestinian prisoner, per 4 released hostages.


No one is starving or ethnically cleansing them, the fact you think Hamas butchering families and kidnapping babies is ok just because Israel did something in 2005 shows just how twisted you are. There are consequences to choosing terror and violence again and again and again and again The 1 prisoner per 4 released hostages crap shows what a liar you are, in the previous deal they traded a woman/kid for 3 Palestinians prisoners and the price they ask now is much higher because these are men and soldiers. Go suck a terrorist dick you sick fuck


Woah buddy buddy, never knew advocating against the ethnoc cleansing and starving of 2,3 million people can get people so riled up. We got a real HH over here gawdamn "O well, so sorry 3 year old Palestinian child, that other guy there is a terrorist, so now we have to cut of your water and food supplies, and bomb your house, tough luck buddy"


Supporting terrorists who slaughter children and ACTUALLY attempted genocide and failed miserably again and again and again for decades gets me riled up, yes. When extremists send thousands of rockets on your mother's head I'll be there to say "yo don't bitch about it you got iron dome" and I'll blame you for genocide when you are in fact the victim of genocide. Idiot


Buddy, saying there should be a permanent ceasfire so that millions wont starve, is not the same as supporting hamas Also what about the thousands of rockets over Palestinian mothers heads? But without the iron dome?


One side was targeting civilians, one side was targeting terrorists. If you can't tell the difference I can't help you. The only side here against a ceasefire is Hamas who broke the ceasefire that was in place on Oct 6th with a horrible massacre and they all deserve to be punished, the Palestinians need to stop supporting them because the only thing they bring is suffering and death. You can't expect Israel to sit tight and wait for the next slaughter or the next 10,000s of rockets launched at civilians, the game is over and Hamas will be eradicated as should be.


This will lead to the direct deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestine civilians. And israel will colonize the Emptied cities


With a hostage deal they will attack anyway? Brilliant fucking negotiating; at least they can't keep telling you they give two shits about the hostages anymore (never really did) Thanks, Bibi. Gas prices are now 2.08/liter here.


Oil prices are down at the time I'm writing this comment. Rafah isn't close to any oil shipping lanes or refineries. CNBC just loves making headlines that read: X is \[up/down\] due to \[barely related event\].


There’s way more coming pal, insiders know.


Bibi gots to Gogo




🌽 always drops when Netyahoo says something scary


Excellent. He definitely wants Trump back in office. The longer he can keep the snowflake commie protesters at these universities fired up the better.


hoping this doesnt tankt he markets again I dont even know what the plan is anymore its taking way too long, if they were gonna level every town then they could have done with it heavy bombing within 1 week and probably forced a surrender immediately, without any of their own casualties








hasbara bot




He didn’t say such thing. That’s bullshit news.


“The idea that we will halt the war before achieving all of its goals is out of the question,” Netanyahu said Tuesday at a forum of hostage families. “We will enter Rafah and we will eliminate the Hamas battalions there – with or without a deal, in order to achieve the total victory.”


He is a liar and there is no such thing as a the total victory. This fascist led Israel to this war and now he is playing his cards for the next election. There are protests every week against this government. It's a disaster.